
zykotick9lerner: bluemax i believe...00:02
Mason963am I correct to assume that some packages in ubuntu are exactly the same as packaged in debian?00:02
lerneroooh yeahhhhhhhhhh!!! zykotick900:03
DarkelfjuggaloOk i have the displays set to Mirror, but  the TV now went black and says 'Unsupported Video Signal'00:07
dbz2kdoes someone know when ubuntu is going to update chromium to v5000:07
aquinnjrhowdy all :)00:08
xibalbaanyone still running 12lts?00:09
naccMason963: yes, they are called "sync"s00:09
aquinnjrsorry, 14.04lts here00:09
=== aquinnjr is now known as thunderkey
Mason963nacc: how do I check if a package, e.g. liballegro4-dev is a "sync" ?00:10
naccMason963: the versioning should tell you, if there is no 'ubuntu' in it, it's probably Debian; you should also be able to tell by the listed maintainer00:11
naccMason963: that one would appear to be a sync00:11
Mason963nacc: from apt-cache xx ?00:11
Bashing-om!info chromium-browser00:11
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 49.0.2623.108-0ubuntu1.1233 (xenial), package size 74927 kB, installed size 279118 kB00:11
naccMason963: yeah, although sync's change the mainatiner, so nm, it's based upon the version string00:12
Mason963nacc: so what command-line do you use to show that?00:12
OerHeks liballegro4-dev https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/allegro4.400:13
OerHeksmaintainer debian games group00:13
naccMason963: `apt-cache show <pkgname>` or showpkg, i think will show you the version number00:14
naccMason963: if you want to look across all versions of ubuntu, use `rmadison`00:14
Mason963OerHeks: isn't launchpad for PPAs?00:14
naccMason963: launchpad is a generic tooling, where all of ubuntu is tracked, tehcnically00:15
naccMason963: it also hosts PPAs, but that's a small part of what launchpad is00:15
Mason963so what's packages.ubuntu.com for?00:15
DarkelfjuggaloNow, for some reason when I connect the HDMI Cable, my Computer Monitor goes blank, and I cannot get a display from my TV.00:16
naccMason963: to search for packages00:16
Mason963nacc: OK so my actual issue is that liballegro4-dev and liballegro5-dev are marked as exclusive (each Conflicts with the other) but in fact, they should co-exist00:17
Mason963I went to the #debian channel, and they basically told me to fuck off00:17
Mason963but it seems this is indeed a debian issue?00:17
OerHeksapt-cache policy <packagename> # if it says universe, it is community/upstream without influence00:18
dbz2kone thing since Chromium is in universe does it keep updated throughout the lts?00:18
dbz2kwill I keep updates to 50,51,21 etc..00:19
OerHekschromium-broswer is a bit behind, i see00:19
Mason963OerHeks: "community/upstream without influence" means "from debian" right?00:20
OerHeksin this case, yes.00:20
naccuniverse packages can have ubuntu deltas00:20
OerHeksso bug bo to them, but asking help in debian is most of the times impossible, if you say you run ubuntu00:21
dbz2kOerHeks, I thought chromium would be supported by canonical on the lts at least00:21
naccMason963: the debian/control file says they conflict00:22
dbz2ksince it a browser and gets security issue more than other program00:22
naccMason963: so the *source* says they are not coinstallable00:22
naccMason963: who told you otherwise?00:22
Mason963nacc: upstream!00:22
naccMason963: well, tbc, the debian source00:22
Mason963nacc: I talked to the allegro devs00:22
Mason963and they said of course you can install both libs00:22
Mason963nacc: what's the name of the control file? how do I send a patch for it?00:23
naccMason963: the libs don't conflict00:24
nacconly the -dev packages do00:24
naccMason963: debian/control in the source package00:25
Mason963nacc: someone in #allegro diffed the two file lists, and they share nothing in common00:25
naccMason963: it's been that way since 201200:25
naccMason963: it's a debian bug, if it is actually a bug, as they decided to package it this way00:25
hehnopehow to verify journald.conf file syntax?00:25
Mason963nacc: maybe no one has cared so far?00:25
hehnopelike `apache2ctl -t` does for apache00:26
Mason963nacc: OK someone from #allegro opened a bug in debian00:26
ubottuDebian bug 824157 in src:allegro4.4 "allegro4.4: liballegro4-dev unnecessarily conflicts with liballegro5-dev" [Normal,Open]00:26
naccMason963: most likely, but it's also expliclty mentioned in the changelog as intentional00:26
Mir_Poweredgewell that is annoying00:27
Mason963nacc: I'm not as fluent as you to have access to all these metadata00:27
Mir_Poweredgei choose "MANUALY SELECT PACKAGES" and the server installer never loads up the page to manualy install packages :(00:27
Mason963https://packages.debian.org/sid/liballegro5-dev  looking for the changelog00:28
Mason963and the control file00:28
naccMason963: ok, once it gets fixed in Debian, it will get fixed in yakkety as they are in sync; and you can file a bug for xenial, if you want, but it will need to satisfy the sru guidelines00:28
naccMason963: you want to start here: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/allegro500:28
naccor the qa site00:28
phelixCould anyone help me figure out why I keep getting The following packages have unmet dependencies: The following packages have unmet dependencies:00:28
naccas you need to be on the source package, not hte binary00:28
Mason963nacc: which changelog for which of the two package mentions intentional, oh will check the tracker00:28
phelixunable to correct problems, you have held broken packages00:28
naccMason963: https://tracker.debian.org/media/packages/a/allegro5/changelog-2%3A5.2.0-100:29
Mason963nacc: thanks for putting up with my slowness00:30
Mason963hehe they write make something canonical, and i thought they were talking about ubuntu00:30
naccMason963: https://tracker.debian.org/media/packages/a/allegro4.4/changelog-2%3A4.4.2-800:30
naccseach for allegro5 in that one00:31
naccMason963: as well, the icons in the new tracker giveyou direct access to the control file, e.g: https://tracker.debian.org/media/packages/a/allegro4.4/control-2%3A4.4.2-800:31
Mason963nacc: the debian tracker even points to ubuntu bug entries:00:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577000 in allegro5 (Ubuntu) "liballegro5-dev still wrongly mutually exclusive with liballegro4-dev" [Undecided,New]00:33
Mason963but I don't see icons pointing to the control file :-(00:34
Mason963now I do, the little box00:34
Mir_Poweredgeseems the server install media ignores the user00:35
Mir_Poweredge****ing **** :(00:35
naccMason963: yes, the debian and ubuntu stuff is linked to some degree00:35
naccMason963: note to get changelogs, you can also use `apt-get changelog` iirc00:35
naccMir_Poweredge: what do you mean?00:36
Mason963nacc: OK I guess the question now is getting ahold of the guys who said that there is a conflict, despite what the upstream devs say00:36
naccphelix: it would be better to pastebin the full command you are running and the full output00:36
naccMason963: nah, you've file the debian bug00:36
naccthat's all you should need to do at this point00:37
naccMason963: i mean that change was made 4 years ago :)00:39
Mason963nacc: the problem is in the bug reporting process, I've seen one user complain on stack overflow in 201400:40
Mason963and this other guy complain in the ubuntu bug tracker00:40
Mason963so I'm not the first to lament the situation00:40
naccMason963: since the package is in universe, it's going to take someone in the community who cares about it to supply a patch, but it seems like ubuntu has been in-sync with debian for some time, so there's probably not much ubuntu involvement (my guess)00:42
naccMason963: so it should have been filed with debian from the get-go00:42
wgwzhow can i get information about my gphx card driver? (terminal)00:42
naccstack overflow is not a bug report :)00:42
naccMason963: if you have the time, you could link the ubuntu bug to the debian bug00:42
naccthey will both get closed when soemone sends a debdiff and it gets fixed00:43
Mason963nacc: do I need an account?00:43
naccMason963: yeah00:43
naccand you might not be able to anyways, depending on the bug permissions00:43
naccbut you should be able to add a comment00:43
Dorfjust installed 16 and my apache PHP went to crap.  is there a fix?00:44
Dorfphp -v returns 5.6, but php files render as text00:44
naccDorf: 16.04 (16 is not a version) has moved to PHP7.0, is that what you mean?)00:44
naccDorf: fresh install or upgrade?00:45
naccDorf: there is no php5 in 16.0400:45
Dorfi realize 16.0400:45
naccDorf: from?00:45
naccDorf: 15.10?00:45
naccDorf: did the upgrade succeed?00:46
Mason963nacc: I'm using trusty, I suppose changes would not flow automatically to that branch?00:46
wgwznot sure if it got buried, but i'm looking for a way to find out some info about my gphx card driver. does anyone know where i can find what drivers my system is using?00:46
naccMason963: anything other than the current development release (yakkety) needs to follow SRU00:46
Mason963that sounds like bike-shedding power 1000:46
naccMason963: ?00:47
Dorfi need 5.600:47
naccDorf: not available in 16.0400:47
naccDorf: at least not officially00:47
Dorfwhy not?00:47
Mason963nacc: I mean it sounds like a complex process, where forms must be filled etc, no ?00:47
naccDorf: you can use ondrej's PPA, if you want, but then you're using a PPA, etc00:47
naccMason963: i mean, you should update an appropriate bug indicating it's required00:47
naccMason963: there is some overhead00:47
naccbut if you care enough, you do it :)00:47
iulianwgwz, http://askubuntu.com/questions/23238/how-can-i-find-what-video-driver-is-in-use-on-my-system00:47
naccDorf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes, search for PHP7.000:48
naccDorf: if you need PHP5, stay on Trusty00:48
naccDorf: or run it in a container/VM00:48
naccDorf: or move to PHP7.0 :)00:49
naccDorf: my guess is, though, that php5 is being held because it was installed in 15.10, so you need to manually install 'php', which will remove php5 (iirc)00:49
Dorfi am a drupal developer and use drupal 7 primarily00:49
naccDorf: has drupal7 finished php7 compat?00:50
Dorfnot as far as i know00:50
naccDorf: i'm waiting on that to get drupal7 back into xenial00:50
Dorfit still seems to be an open issue00:50
naccDorf: ok -- i'm the developer that did the php7.0 migration00:50
naccDorf: yeah, I hadn't seen any updates in some time, but there ight have been some debian activity00:50
Bashing-omwgwz: ' LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo ' for extensive info .00:50
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CC112This is an Open to all questions Ubuntu correct?00:52
naccDorf: actually debian's drupal7 is marked as having php7 support00:52
naccDorf: so i'll update the ubuntu package tmrw00:53
CC112I seen a Ubuntu Newb chatroom but there was only 2 people in there an completely silent00:53
naccCC112: support questions, yes00:53
CC112Well nothing complicated actually - I am curious if there is a site dedicated to host peoples customized images of ubuntu to download?00:54
EldonMcGuinnesscustomized images?00:54
naccCC112: what kind of images?00:55
OerHeksdrupal 8 will have php7 support ?00:55
CC112I’m still pretty new to Linux and I’m looking for an image that someone put together that has a lot of the stuff already loaded into it00:55
naccOerHeks: yes, it already does00:55
naccOerHeks: but not packaged for debian or ubuntu y et00:55
EldonMcGuinnessCC112: Not really sure if that exists, but why not just pull the default image and install what you need?00:56
naccCC112: that's really vague. You mean a specific image someone asked you to use?00:56
CC112for instance - Kali - Previously known as Backtrack5; I found an image of that with a bunch of stuff already loaded primarly for security testing or hacking depending on the user. Anyways that had a lot of user interfaces I liked and thought there must be other images out there that other people customized for others to download00:56
Dorfnacc: according to php -v i still have 5.6 installed00:56
Dorfam i missing something?00:57
OerHeksCC112, pentesting, not supported here, only the official ubuntu iso's00:57
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:57
naccDorf: what does `apt-cache policy php` say, and `apt-cache policy php5` ?00:57
naccDorf: pastebin those00:57
EldonMcGuinnessCC112: That sounds more like a livecd setup no?00:57
Dorfaside from being unable to run php files as php files00:57
CC112I was just using that as an example…I’m not asking about that specifically..00:57
naccCC112: you mean variants of Ubuntu?00:57
naccCC112: those aren't typically called "images"00:57
vicente-2Ccc 12,  you could use a digital ocean droplet 5$/month to host the image. A vps from them comes with a terabyte of transfer00:57
OerHeksoh remastering00:58
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/00:58
CC112but that had a Launcher I think it was that had awsome toolbars and file manager installed that I would like to run on a regular ubuntu setup00:58
OerHeksor !preseed file00:58
wgwzthanks Bashing-om and iulian00:58
naccCC112: that's not really a support question -- i htink you're asking what are the pre-customized versions/variants of Ubuntu and where to get them?00:59
SolarbabyPlease help me.  I am using init.d and I see this now that I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/nzbdrone; bad; vendor preset: enabled)00:59
Solarbabybad; vendor00:59
Dorfhttp://pastie.org/10834936 nacc00:59
CC112well yea I guess…is there a community that shares their own customized versions of linux?00:59
Bashing-omwgwz: happy to help .. good 'nuf ?00:59
Dorfincluded php -v00:59
Solarbabyany idea how I can fix that bad vendor?00:59
naccDorf: ok one sec01:00
bazhangCC112, ##linux01:00
naccCC112: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ has the official variants01:00
CC112Some people like to customize their own version of Ubuntu with interfaces, tools, scripts and so on and then roll it back into an image to share with others01:00
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naccCC112: you're speaking in *really* general generalities01:01
naccCC112: it would be easier to help if you told us what you actually wanted01:01
CC112like Windows Black, or Windows Glass - They’re just Windows XP but with specific themes, apps and gui’s setup01:01
OerHeksCC112, those guys are named mint and such01:01
naccDorf: right, you can see there that technically, you have no php installed :)01:02
naccDorf: this is on of those things you hit due to the jump in releases01:02
Dorfso i have 5.6.11 for CLI, but nothing for apache?01:02
vicente-2CC112 try distrowatch website but your question is better suited for ##linux01:02
tgm4883nacc: flavors, not variants01:02
nacctgm4883: thanks, i forgot the term :)01:02
CC112yea..I know I’m sorry…I’ve been trying to figure out what these GUI are that are installed in this Kali that I have so I can install on my version of ubuntu but still being new it’s not as easy as just finding the interface I like and clicking on an “about” button to find out the name of it01:02
wgwzBashing-om: Not sure, yet. Debugging a different problem. Somehow i screwed up my mint install. I think it was either an upgrade to an arch system on an hd in the same box. OR the fact that i was trying to use some different graphics drivers.01:03
naccDorf: right, you have remnants of 15.10 basically, because 'php5' did exist in 15.10 and doesn't exist (nor was it replaced) in 16.04, so you would need to install the 'php' package01:03
OerHekskali .. gui.. you mean that black terminal?01:04
naccDorf: i think that will remove php5 automatically as php7.0 conflicts with it, i think01:04
CC112Well the toolbar that kali uses and the File Manager it uses… I like both of them01:04
tgm4883CC112: maybe you should ask kali01:05
CC112yea I did.. lol :)01:05
naccDorf: so although the 'upgrade' succeeded, you have held uninstallable packages (this is normal when they are removed from the archive on upgrade, I think). There is a way to sync your installation with the new version, or at least find all deprecated pacakges -- let me see if i can find it01:05
CC112Dolphin is a FIle Manger I can load into Ubuntu correct??01:05
Bashing-omwgwz: Mint is not supported here . If ya want to know what is going on in the X layer (GUI) .. the file to check in 'buntu is /var/log/Xorg.0.log .01:06
OerHekswhat DM > dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /dm$/'01:06
Dorfalright.  so i did `apt install php` and restarted apache01:06
naccDorf: something like: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/29627/how-do-i-find-installed-packages-that-have-no-install-candidate01:06
Dorfis there anything else i need to do?  i'm still not running php scripts01:06
naccDorf: you might also need to install libapache2-mod-php01:07
naccDorf: if you need it to work from apache01:07
Dorfi do01:07
naccDorf: but note, in case it wasn't clear before, you can't currently install drupal7 in 16.04 (at least hte ubuntu packaged version)01:08
naccDorf: that is in the release notes01:08
Abe_I never had this problem before.. :/ my laptop sound doesn't work http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=1851066401:08
Dorfyeah... that's going to be a pain.01:09
Dorfthank you for your help nacc01:09
Abe_does anybody know why it says dummy output now... I unplugged a bluetooth headset thats it.. even after a restart no sound01:10
naccDorf: i'll hopefully get it fixed tmrw or next week (i don't have upload rights so it'll need to get sponsored, but that should be easy as we tagged this one as needing to be fixed post-release)01:10
naccAbe_: try `pulseaudio -k` and see if it comes back01:10
Abe_ok :o01:11
naccAbe_: i've had pulse get into a weird state when sinks disappear 'unexpectedly' (it shouldn't be so sensitive and it's gotten better)01:11
OerHeksor open terminal: alsamixer # and F6 to select audio device01:11
Dorffor the time being i'll do my dev on my work laptop01:11
CC112Anyone have a good suggestion for a good IRC app for Linux? I’m running Colloquy via OSX right now01:11
DorfCC112: i'm using hexchat.  good enough01:11
Dorfnacc: shame on me for not reading the release notes prior to upgrading01:11
Abe_Ok the dummy output is gone01:12
Abe_but still no sound :(01:12
xibalbaany recommendations on a DNS server I can manage from a GUI for a little home lab. I dont feel like editing Bind zone files by hand, and I dont want to run a full windows box for one.01:13
xibalbaAnd webmin is a last resort01:13
flakratAnyone know of a way to find the --configure options used by Canonical to build a specific package (slapd is what I'm looking for to verify it supports Pass-through auth "must be built with the --enable-spasswd configuration option to enable pass-through"01:13
Abe_Analog Stereo Duplex!01:13
flakratwas hoping maybe dpkg could spit out the build configuration, but doesn't look like it :-)01:14
CC112Ok! There is what I am trying to find out - The dock application logo looks like a ying yang but Yellow and Black…anyone know the name?01:14
Abe_ok now I unluplug and plu my usb headset back in, it has to switch01:14
Abe_it doesn't01:15
Dorfnacc: please keep me posted on the d7 backport.  i'm around IRC quite a bit01:16
thomasrossdoes the ubuntu-sdk-team ppa no longer provide qt 5 (not creator) packages?01:17
thomasrossall of a sudden im unable to locate them01:17
thomasrossE: Unable to locate package qtbase5-dev01:17
Dorfnacc: ppa worked.  thanks for the recommendation01:19
xanguathomasross: that would be a question for the repository maintainer01:19
administradordoes anyone has a .deb package of kdesensors?01:28
[7666]I have a powerpc (G5) question for anyone familiar with such things01:29
administradorKsensors, I mean.01:30
[7666]I cannot for the life of me get yaboot to boot any OS after installing 16.04, it just goes to an empty gray screen01:31
[7666]i've tried all sorts of yaboot.conf settings to no avail, rebuilding it with sudo ybin -v each time01:31
MyCuriosityguys, is it normal that when i run "sudo netstat -tupn", I'm getting some network connections that have no PID/Program name ? When i restart my computer should this list be empty ?01:35
MyCuriosityI'm kind of security concerned01:35
naccflakrat: that's not really a generic thing, it's usually somehwere in the rules file01:37
naccDorf: np, will keep you posted01:37
turntableIs it possible to set the Name in a .desktop file to the current user, with something like $USER? ($USER will not work though)01:38
EldonMcGuinnessturntable: Can you give a bit more information?01:41
EldonMcGuinnessAre you generating this file via a script or something?01:41
turntableEldonMcGuinness: No script. Take any .desktop file that is visible and to change the name to the current user.01:42
BustinHi there, I'm new to linux / ubuntu, have installed the latest Ubuntu, but the audio is very "pitchy" it is very poor, and does not have this effect on any other OS (mainly windows). What can I do to fix it?01:43
Bustinto add, I'm on a dell inspiron 755901:43
lunarmageBustin: it's probably because the volume cap in Ubuntu (or Linux in general) is higher than what Windows offers01:44
lunarmagehave you tried playing with the volume?01:44
EldonMcGuinnessturntable: is this to specify the location of the executable in the file?01:46
Bustinlunarmage: Audio works, I've played with the levels, but still to no avail. Audio is working don't get me wrong, but the quality is poor (it's not distorted, it's just all treble, literally no bass) Is there an equalizer or anything I can adjust to try to resolve this?01:46
turntableEldonMcGuinness: No, just to set the Name.01:46
EldonMcGuinnessAhh ok, yea I don't think those files do variables01:46
lunarmageBustin: hmm, this is quite odd01:47
Bustinlunarmage: to add to that as well, I had to in sound preferences, allow volume to go over 100% (to reach levels that I could hear better).01:47
lunarmageBustin: can you provide a more specific model number or the name of the audio card itself?01:49
lunarmageopen a terminal and pastebin the output of this command: lspci | grep -i audio01:49
Bustinlunarmage: http://pastebin.com/VXhK9wha01:51
lunarmageBustin: odd, I have that same chip on my laptop and it works flawlessly01:53
lunarmageit worked as-is OOTB01:53
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R0binh00dlunarmage, & Bustin maybe an apt-get update and upgrade? or upgrade audio firmware via the drivers option?01:54
Guest81994howdy all01:54
lunarmagethat's what I was thinking too R0binh00d01:54
Bustinlunarmage: nothing showing for apt-get update, but a few things for apt-get dist-upgrade01:55
Bustinshould I go ahead with it, and see if it resolves my issue?01:55
lunarmagerun `sudo apt-get upgrade`01:56
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lunarmageyou need sudo for admin rights01:56
OerHeksbustin, install clementine with build in equaliser to boost sound01:56
R0binh00dOerHeks, Can't you do that using Rhythmbox? I mean the equalizer thing?01:58
HackerIIQasMixer and or gnome alsa mixer do well also02:00
OerHeksnot sure there is a plugin for that02:00
OerHeksi find clementine handling large databases well02:00
R0binh00dOerHeks, large music databases, yes I agree with that02:01
[7666]i must have 20 tabs of yaboot stuff open jesus02:01
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a7i3n /q02:03
Fisk22Hi, I have a question. I want to upgrade to 16.04 LTS from 14.04 LTS02:05
Hand_Soloive done it fisk02:05
Fisk22How would I do this? Doing the traditional upgrade command is pointing to 15.04 or w/e02:05
Bashing-om!ltsupgrade | Fisk2202:06
ubottuFisk22: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.02:06
Fisk22Oh, it isn't released02:06
Fisk22Gee XD02:06
Hand_Solosudo update-manager -d02:06
[7666]i guess it's been asked that often to where a bot is needed, lol02:06
[7666]Bashing-om, are you familiar with the powerpc flavor of ubuntu at all?02:07
Fisk22Well I deleted a bunch of unofficial PPAs02:07
Fisk22gotta restore em02:07
Bashing-om[7666]: sotty Not .. no no experience with a Mac .02:09
[7666]damn, lol02:09
[7666]all the ppc specific stuff is kicking my ass, although i have it narrowed down to the bootloader02:09
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Bashing-om[7666]: Not know much .. Mac has a a quirky booting system .02:11
[7666]indeed, yaboot replaces grub, puts itself on sda2 to catch openfirmware, needs to be rebuilt with ybin each time the .conf is changed, etc02:12
[7666]i've been through the ringer the past few days getting this G5 quad to dual boot nicely02:12
[7666]once yaboot is in however, it just isn't doing the handoff to its "second stage bootloader" properly, just a big ol' grey screen on both linux and osx boot options02:13
Hand_Solohey has anyone had any issues with ras pi 3 and bluetooth, i have 16.04. bluez is installed02:14
Hand_Soloive been "googling"02:15
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yosefhHey guys, does anyone know why the process jbd2/sda8 is taking up 99.99% of my io most of the time?02:18
yosefhmy computer completely freezes every 5 minutes02:19
yosefhits pretty close to unusable02:19
Guest51880I have a problem that I'm hoping is just a coincidence: 3 hours ago, I received a call on cell asking about my computer. I told them I don't have a computer and hung up. 2 Hours later, Ubuntu 14.04 froze on one of my PC's. While I could move the mouse around, I couldn't do anything else, as the menus and everything else was blanked out. Naturally, I unplugged my router and went for a run outside. Now that I'm back, I'm02:19
Guest51880wondering what just happened. Does anyone know of any exploits that would make this possible?02:19
Fisk22Also I have another question.02:20
Guest51880In regards to my own, or what?02:20
Fisk22Whenver I shut down my system, it always freezes at the Screen where the bar is loading, then I manually power it off.02:21
Fisk22So why is it doing that?02:21
CarpetMonsterFisk22, it's most likely doing a check on your drive.02:21
Fisk22Well, it freezes, so, yeah02:22
Fisk22It doesn't load, ever.02:22
Fisk22I could leave it on like that for hours and it'd stay that way.02:22
CarpetMonsterGuest51880, I am not aware of any exploits that might allow for that kind of behavior to occur.. do you have SSH installed?02:22
Guest51880To clarify on my particular issue, I haven't really used my phone number much, and I haven't used Ubuntu in anything shady either..02:22
Guest51880I'm not certain Carpet...02:23
CarpetMonsterIf you're not certain, chances are you don't.02:23
Guest51880It's secure shell right?02:23
Guest51880It's not something that automatically installs, but something you have to manually compile/configure? I haven't if that's the case02:23
CarpetMonsterand Fisk22, that is strange. Have you tried booting using the recovery media and checking error logs?02:24
yosefhDoes anyone know why jbd2 takes up 99.99% of my computers disk io?02:24
CarpetMonsterGuest51880, yeah you would have to install using apt, or the SOftware Centre or from a deb package02:24
CarpetMonsterMost likely with your case you haven't installed it since you have no idea what I'm on about :P02:25
theShirbinyyosefh, you don't have to worry about it02:25
CarpetMonsterIt's not installed by default AFAIK02:25
Guest51880Yes, I was going to ask, but I'd wager (based on my limited IT experience) that it would contribute to the issue if someone malicious was indeed after me?02:25
theShirbinyjust make sure you don't have a hardware failure or bad partitions02:25
CarpetMonsterAlso try CTRL-C02:25
yosefhtheShirbiny, my computer is barely usable, it freezes for a minute every 5 or 10 minutes, and applications constantly crash because they can't access the disk02:25
CarpetMonstersee if that helps it skip whatever it's stuck on02:26
Guest51880It's a networking protocol right ?02:26
Fisk22I have, it just says it halted.02:26
Fisk22That's all the logs say.02:26
theShirbinyyosefh, try using an older kernel and see what happens, it might be a kernel bug02:26
squintyFisk22,  Access the grub menu when rebooting your system. Press the e key on getting the GRUB bootloader menu. Using arrow keys navigate to and delete quiet and splash. Press Ctrl and X at the same time, or F10 to continue booting.  You should see a lot of text output and also might be able to see where it is hanging02:26
theShirbinyyosefh, can you print uname -a output?02:27
CarpetMonsterThanks squinty, I was trying to remember how to do that02:27
CarpetMonsterBeen a while.02:27
squintyCarpetMonster, yw02:27
yosefhI'm using bleeding edge kernel : 4.4.0-22-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP02:28
yosefhupdated may 5th02:28
yosefhtheShirbiny, so you think i should roll back to a previous kernel?02:28
yosefhtheShirbiny, or is the problem that i have 216 bad sectors on a 1TB device? because SMART thinks thats OK02:29
theShirbinyyes, also see if there's anything interesting in /var/log/syslog02:29
theShirbinyeliminate that it's a kernel issue and run fsck on that disk02:31
Guest51880I didn't have more than 2 windows running on my Ubuntu 14.04 machine. It has 6 gigs of ram and an i5 3rd gen..02:32
yosefhtheShirbiny, i grepped for errors and found some inane ones like samba failing and zeitgesit error02:32
Guest51880It hasn't frozen before and I've had 14.04 running for awhile.02:32
Guest51880I did ask if it was a coincidence, and that being the case, should I simply continue to monitor it, or is there something else going on?02:33
yosefhtheShirbiny, I ran dmesg looks like 2 applications I was running got segfaults.02:33
CarpetMonsterI vote coincidence.02:33
Guest51880The hardware is fine, based on tests, and I'm not seeing issues with anything in the update logs for the OS...02:34
CarpetMonsterMost scammers attack Windows users since Linux has such a small market share02:34
CarpetMonsterdoubtful anyone was like "Oh man, gotta scam the crap out of Guest51880!!"02:34
yosefhtheShirbiny, this is constantly spammed in dmesg [233766.797359] usb 3-1: 1:1: usb_set_interface failed (-71) which is worrying because Im using an external usb drive02:34
Guest51880I hope so, but.. I'm so confused.. linux never just freezed.. yeah carpet that's what scared me, and though I controlled it, i realized that if someone actually got through, any windows related attacks would work02:34
Guest51880There are some attacks that work on both though.. that made me feel dread02:35
yosefhtheShirbiny, wait nvm i identified that as my sound device02:35
theShirbinyif it's a filesysetm you'll see something like kernel: EXT4-fs error (device dm-2): __ext4_new_inode:1025: comm xauth: failed to insert inode 737691: doubly allocated?02:36
Guest51880Well, thanks Carpet, I appreciate your advice.02:36
theShirbinyor  ext4_lookup:1584: inode #737305: comm ncdu: deleted inode referenced: 74794102:36
CarpetMonsterAnytime, also I am looking into something for you02:36
yosefhtheShirbiny, nothing like that02:36
yosefhtheShirbiny, so i should just rollback my kernel and pray?02:37
Guest51880CarpetMonster, Oh really? I appreciate that, thank you :). I was going to wish a nice rest of your day, and that I'd try to enjoy mine, but I'll stick around02:37
theShirbinyyosefh, yes02:37
CarpetMonsterGuest51880, try this command in the terminal:          cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep "\ install\ "02:37
yosefhtheShirbiny, is there a simple way to do that or should i google it? Also which kernel should i use?02:38
Guest51880I'll go log into it02:38
CarpetMonsterThis will tell you the most recent packages installed. Check for anything that looks like it wasn't something you did and remove it.02:38
theShirbinyjust select an older kernel when you see grub02:38
CarpetMonsterOK. PM me the results, I have to step away for a bit.02:38
yosefhtheShirbiny, i had this issue since I installed ubuntu in one form or another02:39
yosefhtheShirbiny, also kernels are constantly updated02:39
yosefhso i cant access a kernel from last release or something like that02:39
theShirbinyinstall another on02:40
yosefhwhich version is good02:40
yosefhor should i just keep installing old kernels till one works?02:40
theShirbinyi have linux-image-4.2.0-36-generic02:41
HetroErectusmicrosoft are starting to annoy people with ads for office 365 now ... haha02:42
yosefhtheShirbiny, ok. btw what makes you think its a kernel issue02:42
HetroErectusin the OS02:42
HetroErectusi got libreoffice and even google office online so why would i pay for that?02:43
theShirbinyyosefh, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_block_device02:43
HetroErectusif this is the direction win 10 goes i predict glorious days for linux coming02:44
theShirbinyeither a kernel, filesystem or a hardware issue02:45
yosefhtheShirbiny, so if the problem was a failing disk it would be likelier that all processes would be taking up io rather than just jbd? I thought that the fact jbd was taking io was simply because it is used more than any other process in order to access the disk02:45
theShirbinyjdb is not a normal process02:47
yosefhtheShirbiny, my bad i meant jbd02:53
theShirbinyme too xD02:54
yosefhtheShirbiny, :P02:54
theShirbinycjl, o/03:01
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cjlwhy no people talking03:03
somsipcjl: it's a support channel, not a chat channel03:04
Bashing-omcjl: ubuntu support channel, you have an issue ?03:04
cjli see,03:04
=== Guest69548 is now known as ThisIsTheory
yosefhtheShirbiny, is there a history of jbd not working well with new kernel versions?03:05
theShirbinyjbd is the kernel, you can't control it. downgrade the kernel and see if the issue has been resolved03:06
yosefhtheShirbiny, does it makea  diffference that other processes are also using 99.99% io?03:10
yosefhtheShirbiny, its just mainly jbd03:10
iulianyosefh, if you want run ls -lS /var/log/*log | head03:12
theShirbinydon't know, I had this jbd issue with arch and got it fixed by downgrading03:13
iulianand there look for some large files03:13
HackI've got a problem after a recent routine update03:15
Hacknetworkmanager is crashing at startup and I can't connect to the internet at all03:16
Hackmanually restarting it with sudo network-manager start just maked ot hang03:17
Hackand deleting NetworkManager.stare in /var/lib/NetworkManager has no effect either03:18
vinequestionhavevine.co videos do not work in chromium yet they do work in firefox, why might this be03:18
Hackhelp please, I really need an internet connection on this machine and all I can find on this are ancient bug reports and basic troubleshooting instructions (which I just tried)03:19
Hacksince this is update related is there a way to revert to the prior version installed?03:20
Hackand what dpkg files would I need to fetch on another device and move over on a usb for install to do this?03:20
Hackplease ... help please03:21
krytarikHack: What exactly was upgraded anyway?03:23
Bashing-omHack: What results when booting an older kernel from grub boot menu ?03:23
HackI dont get a grub menu ... can't remember03:26
Hackthe kernel was one thing that updated03:27
Hackoh this os Ubuntu studio btw03:27
somsipHack: /var/log/apt/history will tell you03:27
fishcookerhow to restart thunderbird using command line?03:28
Bashing-omHack: to get the grub menu, reboot and as soon as the bios screen clears depress a shift key .03:28
fishcookerlets say i have have pid of thunderbird is 1253903:28
hamsterpowerany good pdf viewer you would recommend? Another one that can also highlight and comment?03:29
Hacktrying the old kernel and checking the logs now03:30
Hackdoes the same thing with the prior kernel03:30
Bashing-omHack: What release ? see what happens when networking is restarted .03:32
Hackaside from the kernel and headers the following were updated (give me a min, have to type this on a cell phone toucj screen)03:33
Hackprior release (which ot worked in before but not now) was 3.13.0-8503:34
Hackssh-askpass-gnome, openssh-client, linux-libc-dev, libnl-genl-3-200, adobe-flashplugin, libnl-3-200, klibc-utils, lsb-base, lsb-release, libklibc, adobe-flash-properties-gtk, libnl-route-3-20003:38
Hackthat's all apart from the kernel stuffs03:38
yosefh_theShirbiny, thanks for trying to help ill see if it works03:40
Hackalso as I said networking just hangs when I restart it ...03:40
yosefh_iulian, what was the command u gave me supposed to do03:40
theShirbinyyosefh, yw03:41
iulianyosefh ls -lS /var/log/*log | head03:41
yosefh_iulian, that one yes it just listed the top log files03:42
yosefh_iulian, i checked the different logs but i didnt see anything suspicious03:42
Hackis there a way I can revert the last updates?03:42
Hackand if so how03:42
HackBashing-om: could you tell me how I might manually revert to the prior versions of the packages updated, without a network connection?03:45
Bashing-omHack: No, there is no reversion - only revert is to RE-install the OS .03:46
Bashing-omHack: Is this a wired or WIFI cinnectiuon, and what release ?03:47
HackBashing-om: couldn't I manually download the packages on another device and use dpkg to install?   it's a wired connection, or it would be if it was working ...03:48
yosefh_anyone know a good way to see what is causing a system to have no io left?03:51
Bashing-omHack:   Sure possible, however, not in my experience range to do so .03:51
Hackoh and the release is trusty03:52
Bashing-omHack: Ya want to see what we can do to fix networking ? What results ' ping -c3 ' ?03:54
insidiousanyone know the command03:55
insidiousto open up a port03:56
insidiousin ubuntu03:56
krytarikHack: LP bug 1539634.03:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1539634 in network-manager (Ubuntu Trusty) "network-manager crashes when using libnl-3-200-3.21.1-1ubuntu1" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153963403:56
Hack and launchpad is now in the middle of an update ... urgh03:57
causativein 14.04 i have had the problem twice now where I get stuck in the workspace switcher when trying to move a window from one workspace to another03:58
causativeboth times I've had to reboot... any other suggestions for if it happens again?03:59
jwcooperhey was on before as Hack, didn't realize that name belonged to someone else04:04
jwcooperBashing-om: that ping request goes thru just fine ... not sure what the prob is...04:05
Bashing-omjwcooper: I looked at krytarik's link . interesting ,, is that link your situation ?04:08
jwcooperBashing-om: can't get it to work for me for some reason04:09
jwcooperthe link that is04:09
Bashing-omjwcooper: The link works for me . try again ? ..04:10
jwcooperBashing-om: already did says launched is not available04:11
jwcooperfinally got it, looks loke thats the issue04:12
=== mridul is now known as Mr_Cyclops
jwcooperBashing-om: so I'm guessing I need to find an old dpkf for the libnl stuff04:13
Mr_Cyclopslotuspsychje, my friend you are back online! I missed you :-) Like this is the first time I haven't seen you around. How have you been?04:14
lotuspsychje!discuss | Mr_Cyclops04:14
ubottuMr_Cyclops: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!04:14
Mr_Cyclops:( lotuspsychje Need expert advise on HDA Jack Retask?04:15
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: ask your issue to the channel mate, so others can try to help also04:16
Mr_CyclopsHP Envy with Beats Audio | Extra woofers/speakers do not work | Googled a lot | Was suggested to retask pin configuration via HDA Jack Retask app since Beats does not make drivers for beats audio and there doesnt seem to be one in the Open Source linux community. But my card detection never matches any of the configuration setting I found on google. (So that I can go ahead and retask those Pins)04:18
BruzeI've got a fun one for you guys. I've got two SSDs, one totally for Windows 10 and one totally for Ubuntu. I've currently got Ubuntu booting first, they booth boot fine if you swap the order, and after some work I got grub to show up, but Windows 10 doesn't show up in grub. I've tried update-grub and boot repair and can't seem to figure it out04:18
krytarikjwcooper: No, you just need to upgrade the NetworkManager stuff somehow - should have been at the same time, but didn't for some reason.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/
jwcooperyeah that would be awesome ... if I could get a network connection!04:18
Bashing-omjwcooper: It is past my bed time now .. as much as I want to see how this plays out; be much faster to re-install and before updates make sure the proposed repo is not eneabled .04:19
lotuspsychjeBruze: uefi settings perhaps, or erased win10 by mistake?04:19
jwcooperit isn't ...04:19
Mr_Cyclopsthanks to whoever can help me with expert mode HDA Jack Retask pin configurations04:20
BruzeWin10 is definitely still there, I can swap the two SSDs in the boot order and get into it just fine. uefi settings are my bet but I don't know enough about them to really do anything04:20
krytarikjwcooper: Well, you could download and install the relevant packages manually - hence the link.04:20
lotuspsychje!uefi | Bruze04:20
ubottuBruze: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:20
BruzeThats a neat trick04:20
agungCan ubuntu run on 512 ram?04:21
lotuspsychjeagung: depends wich flavor04:21
lotuspsychjeagung: xubuntu of lubuntu will run on that04:22
BruzeHmm, when I run update-grub the last thing it says is "Adding boot menu entry for EFI hardware configuration". Is it possible I installed Ubuntu in BIOS and then because W10 is UEFI they don't chit chat?04:22
agungyes,, i'm running xubuntu now....04:22
lotuspsychjeagung: ubuntu-desktop with unity, would be low with 512ram04:23
agungbut , i think is very heavy ....04:23
=== Poke95 is now known as Poke95|away
kunjiHey everyone, what's the current status for Ubuntu 16.04 and ATI graphics, particularly with a 4870.  Right now on 14.04 I need to use and old kernel for the 4k output to function.04:23
Bashing-omjwcooper: krytarik :: Going to bail on yall .. good luck .04:23
lotuspsychjeagung: try lubuntu perhaps04:23
lotuspsychjekunji: ati gets radeon or amdgpu drivers on 16.0404:24
agungwill ubuntu 16.04 running well on 1 gb ram ?04:24
lotuspsychjekunji: its also recommended to wait until 16.04.1 to upgrade from 14.0404:24
kunjilotuspsychje: So 0 chance for use for compute, no?04:25
Mr_Cyclopsagung, Ubuntu 16.04 Mate and Xubuntu will run wel on 1 gig of RAM. Base usage is less than 512 megs04:25
somsipagung: https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/installation-guide/s390x/ch02s03.html04:25
theShirbinyin lxd, how can i push a directory not just a file?04:25
agungwow .... I'll try it :D04:25
IR2170how do i register my name04:25
somsip!register | IR217004:25
ubottuIR2170: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:25
lotuspsychjekunji: try a 16.04 liveusb perhaps, see how the driver reacts on your card04:25
IR2170send me the comand pls04:25
Bruzelotuspsychje: Hmm, when I run update-grub the last thing it says is "Adding boot menu entry for EFI hardware configuration". Is it possible I installed Ubuntu in BIOS and then because W10 is UEFI they don't chit chat?04:26
jwcooperusing synaptic to manually upgrade networkmanager ... now that I got it working worh instructions in the commentes of the bug report04:26
lotuspsychjeBruze: not sure mate, i dont like dualboots myself...but if win10 doesnt show could be uefi related yes04:26
EriC^^Bruze: what's your problem?04:27
BruzeHere I'll copy paste one sec04:27
IR2170tell me a room for android04:27
lotuspsychje!paste | Bruze04:27
ubottuBruze: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:27
BruzeEriC^^: I've got two SSDs, one totally for Windows 10 and one totally for Ubuntu. I've currently got Ubuntu booting first, they booth boot fine if you swap the order, and after some work I got grub to show up, but Windows 10 doesn't show up in grub. I've tried update-grub and boot repair and can't seem to figure it out04:27
IR2170where i dont need to register my name04:27
lotuspsychje!alis | IR217004:27
ubottuIR2170: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http04:27
EriC^^Bruze: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999904:28
kunjilotuspsychje: I can do that, but regardless of how it reacts for desktop, unless something major changed the open source drivers don't have any of the compute support, and the legacy ones.... are also very sparse on it where it exists at all (my current situation, lol).04:28
lotuspsychjekunji: alot have changed in opensource drivers already, i advise you test in a live04:28
Bashing-omjwcooper: You got networking working ?04:29
agungI try compiz on Xubuntu .. but stuck every time .....04:29
jwcooperyeah finally04:29
BruzeI also have a third hard drive that is solely partitioned for bulk storage but I don't think it should affect anything04:29
kunjilotuspsycheje: I know, but as I understood this wasn't being worked on at all, I'll do some research and find out now ^_^04:29
kernelcruncheris brasero not installed by default in 16.0404:29
Bashing-omhwang4: Great .. will also mark it down .04:29
lotuspsychjekernelcruncher: correct04:30
EriC^^Bruze: there's 1tb on one disk and the rest on another for linux04:30
EriC^^is that a separate /home?04:30
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EriC^^Bruze: and yes one is installed in legacy the other in uefi(ubuntu)04:30
lotuspsychjekunji: if it doesnt work out make a new !bug mate04:30
kernelcruncherlotuspsychje, how odd, I don't recall that in 14.0404:30
jwcooperwill have to remember how to manually do that ... seems someone forgot to add networkmanager to the list of recommended updates along with the libraries04:30
BruzeI installed Ubuntu with only the Crucial plugged in, so its all on there04:31
lotuspsychjekernelcruncher: things change in between ubuntu versions, its evolution :p04:31
lotuspsychjekernelcruncher: you can fix with sudo apt install brasero04:31
EriC^^Bruze: nope04:31
EriC^^int he first disk there's 1tb ext404:32
BruzeThe 3Tb drive I plugged in, partitioned, and mounted04:32
EriC^^oh so it's extra space04:32
kernelcruncherlotuspsychje, I was wondering if perhaps they left it out because generally there might be a more favoured option04:32
BruzeYeah otherwise I'd fill up my SSD real quick lol04:33
EriC^^Bruze: oh ok04:33
EriC^^Bruze: you need to install windows and ubuntu both in uefi or legacy mode04:33
lotuspsychjekernelcruncher: i think the reason is because the more popular USB these days, cd/dvd isnt used as much anymore04:33
BruzeEriC^^:  which would be easier?04:33
BruzeUbuntu in legacy or Windows in UEFI04:33
lotuspsychjekernelcruncher: many computers dont even come with cd/dvd by default anymore either04:34
EriC^^Bruze: easier i guess would be legacy, uefi is nice though and new04:34
BruzeEriC^^: Hmm, I'll poke around a bit, if I can install Windows UEFI I'd rather do that for the sake of shiny newness lol04:35
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lotuspsychjekernelcruncher: but hey, its your machine, you choose what packages to install dont mind what ubuntu brings by default or not04:36
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lotuspsychjeBruze: another way: loose windows once and for good and make your life real easy with ubuntu on all your ssd's04:36
Bruzelotuspsychje: lol I'd love to but I need Windows for games and that one poorly designed program I use for work04:38
lotuspsychjeBruze: wine, playonlinux,steam04:38
lotuspsychjeBruze: there's a pretty active #gamingonlinux community also that never heard of windows :p04:38
R0binh00dis wine on ubuntu a valid topic of discussion/queries for this channel ?04:39
R0binh00dCause I have some issues04:40
R0binh00dwith running IE on Wine04:40
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: sure04:40
BruzeOkay I think I know how to put W10 in UEFI, pray for me boys04:40
somsipR0binh00d: use one of the MS VMs instead04:40
R0binh00dI do :-) But I just need IE for a particular site so didnt want to waste MEM on VM, though I have one04:40
R0binh00dIE8 on wine, Ubuntu mate 16.04 crashes within a min :(04:41
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: try chromium-browser on your site perhaps?04:41
R0binh00dits actually for Citrix04:41
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: what happens on firefox on your site?04:41
R0binh00dI installed icaclient but my company's VM from inside Citrix page doesnt open04:42
somsipR0binh00d: perfdect match, so might be worth a try https://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-bugs/2012-June/325601.html04:42
R0binh00dtx somsip I will give that URL a try04:42
somsipR0binh00d: it's old, but might be a simple fix04:42
=== help is now known as Guest64027
R0binh00dyeah, does look like :-) tx04:44
Guest64027my ubuntu 14 freezes frequently04:45
Guest64027my ubuntu 14 freezes frequently04:46
lotuspsychje!details | Guest6402704:47
ubottuGuest64027: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.04:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:49
Guest64027lotuspsychje: it suddenly freezes04:49
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: did you have this with other ubuntu versions?04:50
Guest64027no.. this is first time,,,, everything freezes.. even mouse keyboard .. R0binhh00d04:51
newToUHi. On windows I can be connected to a Wi-Fi network to access the internet and create a separate network the I can connect to with another PC. Is this possible with linux?04:52
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: is your system up to date to latest?04:52
Guest64027yes.. i done update through terminal lotuspsychje04:52
PaulePanterHi. How does Unity handle the laptop screen backlight? Does it use D-Bus?04:53
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and check if there are errors before it freezes04:53
Guest64027lotuspsychje: i'm doing it now04:54
Guest40212do you guys know a good client for twitter?04:55
Guest64027lotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/cy614jEZ04:55
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: ok, keep the tail open, until you get a a freeze, fool around with your system a bit now: open multiple tabs on firefox, open few programs simultaneous04:57
Guest64027ok... after freeze what to do lotuspsychje04:58
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: you observe in the syslog in your tail first, what actually happens, after you need a reboot you can browse into the syslog04:59
Guest64027lotuspsychje: ok.. i'll ping u with log after it freezes...thanks lotuspsychje04:59
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: your graphics card driver is installed correctly also?05:00
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: you can check with sudo lshw -C video or software&source icon/tab additional drivers05:00
Guest64027lotuspsychje: i got no graphic card05:02
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: ? your on ubuntu server?05:02
Guest64027lotuspsychje: im on ubuntu desktop.. not server05:03
kunjilotuspsychje: Yep, I mean.. it says "TODO" but I'm not holding my breath with the huge amount of work they still need to do for even the more modern cards.   https://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/GalliumCompute/    The 4870 is an r700 card.05:03
somsipGuest64027: do you mean you have an onboard video card?05:04
Guest64027somsip: i got no graphic cards like nvidia etc.. no graphic card05:04
lotuspsychjekunji: thats why we need new !bugs to help the community make it better05:04
M4RC3LLUSAnyone know any common issues with booting up Ubuntu? I'm almost certain that whatever process Ubuntu goes through to boot up is screwed. All I get is a blank screen05:04
somsip!nomodeset | M4RC3LLUS05:05
ubottuM4RC3LLUS: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:05
kunjilotuspsychje: Yes, but my bug of "old card doesn't work" wouldn't be very helpful ^_^05:05
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: so if you have integraded graphics, perhaps unity could be too heavy for your system?05:05
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: have you tried a lubuntu or xubuntu yet, to see if you get freezes?05:06
Guest64027lotuspsychje: so how to reduce the load.. any commands05:06
Guest64027lotuspsychje: any commands?05:06
M4RC3LLUSsomsip: Where are these options?05:06
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: well we would have to investigate first, why your system freezes first05:06
lotuspsychjeM4RC3LLUS: read the link mate, its explained05:07
Guest64027lotuspsychje: would u like to take remote conn to my ubuntu05:07
M4RC3LLUSlotuspsychje: I am05:08
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: no sorry, its not recommended to remote takeover from here05:08
Guest64027lotuspsychje: ok05:08
Guest64027lotuspsychje: any commands to lower the graphic usage?05:08
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: keep an eye on your syslog, and try to make your computer sweat to make it freeze05:08
Guest64027lotuspsychje: ok .. from now i'll be on that task.05:09
Guest64027lotuspsychje: bye..thanks a lot man.05:09
Guest64027lotuspsychje: D05:09
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: unity can be tweaked a bit for lower graphics yes, but if your integraded card doesnt like unity..not much we can do05:09
Guest64027lotuspsychje: ok.. i didn't get what u said..but anyways i'll ping you with the lot after it freezes05:10
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: with ccsm and unity-tweak-tool you can tweak unity for lower animations and dash blur etc...05:11
Guest64027lotuspsychje: ohh ok got it brother.. thanks.05:12
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: install lightweight programs like chromium-browser to browse the web,etc install preload05:12
Guest64027lotuspsychje: well i believe its not about the heavy load.. when i use some light weight apps like notepad for around fifteen mins it also freezes05:13
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: ok, then its important to findout why it freezes first05:13
Guest64027lotuspsychje: yes you are right ..05:14
lotuspsychjeGuest64027: did you change anything in your system/bios/hardware recently?05:14
azizLIGHTim trying to install xrectsel using github source, but when i try to do ./bootstrap, it says ./bootstrap: line 1: autoreconf: command not found05:15
azizLIGHTwhen i apt-cache search autoreconf i see that there is a autoconf2.13 - automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)05:16
Guest64027lotuspsychje: there is a small problem here.. when i switch on the computer it automatically goes to win10.. to boot the ubuntu i have to stop the automatic boot and then i have to goto my hdd to fireup the ubuntu boot menu05:16
azizLIGHTis it bad if i install this obsolute vereion05:16
Guest64027lotuspsychje: i think i didn't installed ubuntu correctly05:16
azizLIGHT*obsolete version05:16
soupnanodesukarrunning a pcie-passthrough vm, and I just got the following in my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/16385492/ On the second line, I lost my secondary video card output.05:17
soupnanodesukar*second repeated line05:17
lotuspsychje!uefi | Guest64027 read here also05:17
ubottuGuest64027 read here also: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:17
soupnanodesukari.e. the last line05:17
soupnanodesukarany ideas? It's been this way since 16.0405:18
Guest64027lotuspsychje: ok brother..i'll reinstall ubuntu.. thanks for helping..you rock !!05:18
UbuntuDudeIs it possible to make Ubuntu dekstop icons as neat the ones on windows? in terms of simillar icon and font sizes05:20
soupnanodesukarIf it helps I also have the following on the console http://paste.ubuntu.com/16385512/ which also didn't happen before 16.0405:20
lotuspsychje!themes | UbuntuDude05:20
ubottuUbuntuDude: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:20
HetroErectusmaybe ubuntu mate should have a "get theme" thingy like kde05:22
HetroErectuswhere you just click "install"05:23
HetroErectusumm.. i mixed this up with ubuntu mate chan.. anyway.. maybe ubuntu should then05:23
lotuspsychjeHetroErectus: there is unity-tweak-tool to manage themes easy05:24
HetroErectus<- uses mate .. and mate tweak tool. its good but not exactly what i mean05:24
Hand_Solohowdy, im having trouble getting bluetooth working on ubuntu mate 16.0405:25
Hand_Solocan anyone help me?05:25
soupnanodesukarAlso I now have one cpu stuck at 100% http://paste.ubuntu.com/16385537/ after the video card went awol.05:25
Hand_Soloive made sure the latest bluez is installed05:25
lotuspsychje!bluetooth | Hand_Solo05:26
ubottuHand_Solo: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:26
lotuspsychjeHand_Solo: you can also install blueman perhaps05:26
lapionWhenever I enter safe mode and try to activate the network from the menu I get the a really irritating systemd related problem05:26
lotuspsychjelapion: why do you enter safe mode?05:27
lapionto do maintenance, eg make backups etc etc05:27
lapionbut before doing backups I like to do update all packages05:28
lotuspsychjelapion: does your network work on normal boot?05:28
lapionyes lotuspsychje05:29
lotuspsychjelapion: why not manage your system on regular desktop then?05:29
lapionit's not a network problem because I manually create resolv.conf and use dhclient everything works fine,05:29
lotuspsychjelapion: recoverymode is meant to enter if things are badly, not really to daily system management05:30
lapionit's only with the menu option, or if you start the network manager from safe mode that things don't work05:30
lapionlotuspsychje, making a backup and updating before upgrading is not day to day05:31
phpHey there05:31
phpWhat are some good VNC servers?05:31
lotuspsychjephp: be carefull with vnc, its a security flaw to use05:31
phpI am aware05:31
lotuspsychje!vnc | php05:31
ubottuphp: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:31
lapionlotuspsychje, whenever in recoverymode on tries to start networkmanager either from the menu or from the commandline05:32
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX05:32
lotuspsychjephp: can you do your work in ssh?05:32
phplotuspsychje, giving my friends access to a linux machine05:32
phpright now i have xrdp, since they connect from windows05:33
lotuspsychjephp: for 1 time or serveral times?05:33
phpbut xrdp is a bit old05:33
lotuspsychjephp: better let him learn openssh mate05:33
phphe's not anywhere close to power user05:33
lapionnetworkmanager stumbles over the fact that the directory /run/resolvconf and thereby /run/resolvconf/interface does not exist05:33
lotuspsychjephp: for 1 time use perhaps teamviewer05:33
phpmore than one friend too05:34
phpso tv might not be great05:34
phpshould i continue with xrdp?05:34
phpit's dated but works05:34
fromhy_!test | fromhy05:34
ubottufromhy: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...05:34
lotuspsychjephp: i would not recommend remote viewers for security reasons05:34
phplotuspsychje, it's not a machine with any important stuff05:34
fromhy_!hello | fromhy05:34
phpit's merely a peasant VM05:34
lotuspsychjefromhy_: can we help you?05:35
lapionlotuspsychje, should the network option not simply work ?05:35
lotuspsychjelapion: normally yes05:35
lotuspsychjelapion: wifi or cable?05:35
lotuspsychjephp: if its for pleasure, vino or teamviewer perhaps05:36
lapionlotuspsychje, cable and the network interface is available if manually started up with dhclient and manually created resolv.conf05:36
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lotuspsychjelapion: what kind of error does systemd spit out exactly?05:37
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fromhy_i am newbie05:37
lotuspsychjefromhy_: you joined the ubuntu support channel here, please only ubuntu questions here05:38
tim241hi guys05:38
lapion"/run/resolvconf" either does not exist or is not a directory05:39
lapionand networkmanager then freezes up or loops cannot find /etc/resolv.conf05:40
tim241!pastebin (test)05:40
lapionlotuspsychje,  and yes I have dpkg-reconfigured resolvconf to no avail05:40
lotuspsychjelapion: weird that you can normal boot with network..05:41
lapionlotuspsychje, let me double check05:41
BruzeEriC^^: still here?05:43
lotuspsychjelapion: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/resolvconf/+bug/3336205:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33362 in resolvconf (Ubuntu) "Runtime directory does not exist during /etc/rcS1.d/08loopback setup" [Medium,Fix released]05:43
lotuspsychje!paste | tim24105:43
ubottutim241: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:43
BruzeThank you a ton for your advice, looks like my computer booted the Legacy version of the W10 installer on the flash drive, i went through and redid it with the UEFI version and now everything is working GREAT05:44
tim241why did you do that?05:44
lotuspsychje!cookie | EriC^^05:44
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:44
tim241I only wanted to test if that worked05:44
lapionlotuspsychje, doesn't work in regular mode as well.05:44
lotuspsychjelapion: sounds like something broken then, did you try recoverymode==>fix broken packages yet?05:45
lotuspsychjetim241: dont test here please05:45
BruzePlus now Windows 10 boots at the speed I remember it booting at05:45
tim241lotuspsychje sorry it was not ment to annoy you :-(05:45
EriC^^Bruze: great05:46
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SolarbabyI need to force ubuntu to boot into systemd05:51
lotuspsychjeSolarbaby: wich ubuntu version are you on?05:51
Solarbabyif it loads by it's current default kernel then it crashes the system05:51
Solarbaby16.04 Ubuntu Mate05:51
SolarbabyI think I installed sysv earlier which probably messed things up05:51
lotuspsychjeSolarbaby: did you disable crucial things?05:52
SeveasSolarbaby: then reinstall. No init daemon except systemd is supported in 16.0405:52
SolarbabyI don't know that I disabled anything really..05:52
Solarbabyreinstall the entire system?05:52
Solarbabythe whole OS?05:53
lotuspsychjeSolarbaby: could try the recoverymode/fix broken packages first05:53
Seveasyou've made it so unstable it doesn't boot properly, so safest thing is to reinstall05:53
soupnanodesukarSolarbaby: if init is refusing to run, specify init=/bin/bash on the kernel command line05:54
soupnanodesukaryou will absolutely be on your your however with no running services05:54
soupnanodesukarand you'll have to bring the system up manually05:54
soupnanodesukarjust reinstall05:54
Solarbabyalright .. yuck05:54
Solarbabyyeah maybe a reinstall would be easier.. not faster though.05:55
lotuspsychjeSolarbaby: dont disable systemd stuff you dont know :p05:55
Solarbabywell I didn't think I disabled anything.. I just did something like sudo apt-get install sysv05:55
lotuspsychje!info sysv05:55
ubottuPackage sysv does not exist in xenial05:55
Solarbabyyeah I have to lookup what it actually is that i installed but I believe it sounded like sysv05:56
lotuspsychjeSolarbaby: that package to manage systemd services?05:56
soupnanodesukarSolarbaby: You mean systemd-sysv?05:57
Solarbabysudo apt-get install upstart-sysv05:57
Solarbabyis this reversable?05:57
Solarbabywhatever it did broke something05:58
lotuspsychjeSolarbaby: you can try to purge it05:58
Solarbabysudo apt-get purge upstart-sysv05:58
Solarbabylike that05:58
lotuspsychjeSolarbaby: why did you try to install upstart over systemd?05:59
bqis it possible to infect virus through email?06:00
lotuspsychje!virus | bq06:00
ubottubq: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus06:00
lotuspsychjebq: stay alert for social engineering by email though..06:01
bqlotuspsychje: i got an unknown email sent via mailgun. nothing but a big green button in body. is it safe to click the button? i am curious.06:01
lotuspsychjebq: dont click random buttons you dont know06:02
lotuspsychjebq: if you dont trust==> delete06:02
bqlotuspsychje: what possible consequence if clicking?06:02
lotuspsychjebq: there are many techniques out there that can social engineer your data06:03
Solarbabylotuspsychje: your purge recommendation fixed everything06:03
lotuspsychjebq: lets say you pc bank and click a random banner, attackers could get your info06:04
lotuspsychje!yay | Solarbaby06:04
ubottuSolarbaby: Glad you made it! :-)06:04
bqlotuspsychje: pc bank?06:04
lotuspsychjebq: online banking06:04
soupnanodesukarbq: let06:05
soupnanodesukarbq: let's say you bank at westpac.com, but you get an email from vvestpac.com asking for your password. Like that06:05
lotuspsychjebq: if you wanna test emails, try a virtual machine or something06:06
=== c-c-coffee is now known as coffeedood
tim241is it safe to run he command sudo rm -rf /06:17
somsiptim241: no, but the system will stop you anyway06:17
slaffehmm, when executing apt-get update i receive this message:06:18
slaffeW : An error occurred when verifying the signature. The stock has not been updated and the previous index files will be used . GPG error: http://shell.ninthgate.se wheezy InRelease : The following signatures could not be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0B38CE01521D827506:18
slaffeW : Failed to fetch http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/debian/dists/wheezy/InRelease06:18
slaffeW : Some index files failed to download . They have been ignored , or old ones used instead .06:18
slaffeHow do I solve this?06:18
somsipslaffe: is this something to do with ubuntu?06:19
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slaffeI guess?06:19
slaffeI run ubuntu?06:19
somsipslaffe: you're using a debian wheezy repo06:20
tim241is this safe?06:20
lotuspsychje!debian | slaffe06:20
ubottuslaffe: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!06:20
slaffeI run Ubuntu server 14.04?06:20
tim241dd if=/dev/input/mice of=/dev/sda06:21
lotuspsychjeslaffe: explain why you use a debian repo on your server then?06:21
tim241is thatsafe? ^^06:21
slaffeI do not know, probably added some debian repo by mysstake then06:21
slaffeHow do I know wich repo its causing this?06:22
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest16196
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | slaffe06:22
ubottuslaffe: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:22
somsiptim241: these are not helpful questions06:22
tgm4883tim241: no06:22
azizLIGHTim trying to install xrectsel using github source, but when i try to do ./bootstrap, it says "./bootstrap: line 1: autoreconf: command not found" ## when i apt-cache search autoreconf i see that there is a autoconf2.13 - automatic configure script builder (obsolete version). is it ok to use this obsolete version?06:22
slaffeand that wont fuck up anything when using that ppapurge?06:23
lotuspsychjeslaffe: you should know wich ppa's you added to your system, we dont know that06:23
lotuspsychje!sources | slaffe to see ubuntu repos06:23
ubottuslaffe to see ubuntu repos: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:23
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
slaffeWell, I did not ask you to tell me wich repo it was, More like where do I find the repo list06:24
fourcolorsI'm new to Ubuntu. I haven't used Ubuntu in about 10 years actually haha06:24
somsipslaffe: /etc/apt/sources.list.d06:24
fourcolorsjust started using it again06:24
lotuspsychjefourcolors: welcome back!06:24
fourcolorshaha thanks06:24
slaffethank you.06:25
lotuspsychjefourcolors: you can ask ubuntu support questions here06:25
fourcolorsI'm rocking the gnome3 shell06:25
lotuspsychjefourcolors: for other chat, try #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic06:25
fourcolorslotuspsychje, ok well, lets see. I'm rocking gnome3 like mentioned and I'm having an issue setting my User's account photo. When I click the 'unlock' button and authenticate it seems to work however, when I click on the graph profile photo icon and select an icon I'd like to use as my user's icon or I select a custom photo, it never sticks. it seems like maybe a permission issue?06:26
fourcolorsI'm not sure what to do.06:27
bqlotuspsychje: here is the weird email: http://postimg.org/image/tvb6s8old/71461c15/06:27
lotuspsychjebq: again, dont click things you dont trust06:27
lotuspsychjebq: even on ubuntu social engineering can retrieve some personal info form you..06:28
slaffe[08:29:34]slaffe@scenics:/etc/apt/sources.list.d$ cat * | grep debian06:28
slaffedeb http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/debian wheezy main06:28
slaffedeb http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/debian wheezy main06:28
slaffethere I have it06:28
slaffenice, thanks guys06:28
lotuspsychjefourcolors: perhaps the #ubuntu-gnome channel might know this?06:29
ducassefourcolors: if you save a png as ~/.face, most apps will automatically find it.06:29
fourcolors /join #ubuntu-gnome06:29
slaffeSo, fixed one problem, one to go06:31
slaffewhat is causing this then? W : GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release : The following signatures could not be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119206:31
lotuspsychjeslaffe: did you sudo apt-get update after ppa purge?06:32
slaffeNo, I did not use ppa purge, removed the debian repo instead06:33
slaffefound it, was apparently plex repo for debian06:33
slaffeBut this error remains06:34
lotuspsychjeslaffe: with just ppa removed, packages still remain, so the ppapurge method is advised06:34
slaffeok, i'll give that a try06:34
slaffeso it'll be something like sudo ppa-purge ppa:<ubuntu> ?06:35
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:36
slaffeI dont know wich ppa to remove?06:37
slaffepage gives example how to purge mozilla ppa06:37
slaffeah hm ok06:38
lotuspsychjeslaffe: all the ppa's that are non-official can possibly damage06:38
fourcolorsducasse, that works, I just wonder why the graphical interface doesn't work06:40
slaffeStill dont get it. How to purge when I do not know what PPA to purge?06:40
slaffeCan I purge it all?06:40
lotuspsychjeslaffe: dont purge ubuntu repos right lol06:40
lotuspsychjeslaffe: check the !sources recommended, then compare to your sources06:40
xanguaWhat repository do you want to remove? How did you add it? slaffe06:40
slaffeI do not know what repo to purge, I had some errors occuring now, not added any repos for months06:41
ducassefourcolors: all the gui does is save the image as ~/.face...06:41
slaffeso I removed plex repo wich I guess were causing this06:41
slaffeNow I do not know if it's that repo who is causing this W : GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release : The following signatures could not be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119206:42
xangua!gpgerr | slaffe06:42
ubottuslaffe: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »06:42
fourcolorsducasse, weird, it doesn't seem to do that for me.06:43
fourcolorsducasse, I wonder if it's a permission issue or something06:43
slaffeI've not added any repos for months, wierd i'd get this error now?06:43
xanguaslaffe: unless you share with us the first actual message you got, a guess isn't really helpful06:44
slaffeI already did06:44
slaffehang on06:44
ducassefourcolors: no idea, i've never used gnome, so i'm not familiar with it.06:44
slaffe08:18am] <slaffe> hmm, when executing apt-get update i receive this message:06:44
slaffe[08:18am] <slaffe> W : An error occurred when verifying the signature. The stock has not been updated and the previous index files will be used . GPG error: http://shell.ninthgate.se wheezy InRelease : The following signatures could not be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0B38CE01521D827506:44
slaffe[08:18am] <slaffe> W : Failed to fetch http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/debian/dists/wheezy/InRelease06:44
slaffe[08:18am] <slaffe> W : Some index files failed to download . They have been ignored , or old ones used instead .06:44
lotuspsychjeslaffe: thats still your debian repos not purged correctly06:45
slafferepo says Components: main06:45
slaffeDescription: MoxZ APT Repository06:45
slaffeWarning: Could not find package list for PPA: ppa:moxz ppa:moxz06:46
xanguaSounds like that repository doesn't exists06:47
ducasseslaffe: did you add the subdir to the command line?06:49
slaffeNo, I did not06:49
ducasseslaffe: it should be ppa:repo/subdir06:49
slaffei'll try that06:50
slaffewell, dir is already removed since I removed the application06:52
tgm4883ducasse: ppa:team/repo06:53
slaffeIt wont even find the repo MoxZ anyway06:54
lotuspsychjetgm4883: team is also repo name06:54
tgm4883lotuspsychje: it's "ppa:owner/repo"06:55
tgm4883the name of the repo is after the /06:55
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | tgm488306:55
ubottutgm4883: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html06:55
ducassetgm4883: yes, sorry.06:55
tgm4883lotuspsychje: great, so whoever wrote that also didn't know06:56
tgm4883not that it really matters that much06:56
slaffeI guess I'll ingore that error for now06:57
lotuspsychjeslaffe: error should not be there, ppapurge then sudo apt-get update after06:58
slaffeHow to ppaprge when I cant fidn the ppa name?06:58
slaffeFrom their repo list it says it is MoxZ repo06:59
slaffebut that does not excist on the system06:59
slaffethe repo said: Components: main07:00
slaffeDescription: MoxZ APT Repository07:00
lotuspsychjeslaffe: find the right webpage where you downloaded plexmediaserver or launchpad07:01
slaffethink I uses apt-get install plexserver07:01
slaffeplexmediaserver maybe07:01
slaffefirst error message was pointing to ninthheaven.se07:02
slaffeor ninthgate.se07:02
leagrisHello there07:03
leagrisI try since 10 minutes to subscribe to Ubuntu One07:03
slaffeFound it, the guide I used were pointing to this: I must've been to fast and not reading the repo07:03
slaffewget -O - http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/shell.nintghate.se.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -07:03
slaffeecho "deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org wheezy main non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb-multimedia.list07:03
slaffeecho "deb http://shell.ninthgate.se/packages/debian wheezy main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/plex.list07:03
leagrisBut I can't decode the captchas07:03
leagrisNo audio alternative is proposed07:03
lotuspsychjeleagris: perhaps try another browser?07:04
leagrisIt is in the software center dialog07:04
leagrisI have no control on what browser it is07:04
lotuspsychjeleagris: make a new account from a webbrowser07:05
=== roberto is now known as Guest87086
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leagrislotuspsychje, thank you, it worked07:09
lotuspsychje!yay | leagris07:09
ubottuleagris: Glad you made it! :-)07:09
Guest71632 how can I install kde under ubuntu 16.04 from cli07:09
lotuspsychjeGuest71632: wich ubuntu version are you on now?07:11
slaffecan you make out somethign from what I posed lotuspsychje?07:13
ducasseGuest71632: 'sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop'07:13
lotuspsychjeslaffe: how did you install that plexmediaserver in the first place? manual .deb install?07:13
ducasseGuest71632: but that will install everything, you might be better off installing just the parts you want.07:14
slaffeusing that guide07:14
slaffeas I said rearlier, using sudo apt-get install plexmediaserver -y07:15
slaffeafter adding them repos listed above07:15
lonewolfg++ is not working, cannot find lippicv07:18
lotuspsychjeslaffe: did you try a manual purge plexmediaserver?07:18
somsiplotuspsychje: are you compiling openCV?07:18
lotuspsychjesomsip: ?07:19
somsiplotuspsychje: check the issues pages on github for more information on this07:19
somsiplotuspsychje: meant for lonewolf :)07:19
lonewolfI'll check07:19
lapionlotuspsychje, nvm I am going to recover a previous backup07:20
lotuspsychjeslaffe: check your software&sources also, remove keys & plex ppa there also and sudo apt-get update07:20
lotuspsychjeslaffe: https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/articles/201941078-Uninstall-Plex-Media-Server07:22
N3X15Having some issues getting GCC to find libboost, despite having installed libboost-dev-all.  ldconfig -p: http://pastebin.com/sikvj0WS, build log (non-standard buildsystem): http://ci.nexisonline.net/job/sourcemod-socket/34/console buildscript with flags: https://github.com/N3X15/sm-ext-socket/blob/master/AMBuildScript#L107:22
N3X15actually, wrong channel, meant to go to #debian07:23
brymmorning all07:27
ducassemorning, brym!07:28
lonewolfis it safe to remove opencv and rebuild it07:28
somsip!compiling | lotuspsychje07:28
ubottulotuspsychje: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:28
slaffelotuspsychje where is the keys stored? Nothing in software / source of plex in there07:32
somsiplotuspsychje: sorry - keep being too quick with the tab...07:32
lotuspsychjeslaffe: try the dpkg method from the plex website i posted you07:33
lotuspsychjesomsip: no sweat :p07:33
slaffelotuspsychje did not work07:43
lotuspsychjeslaffe: errors?07:43
slaffei've already removed it earlier07:44
slaffedpkg : warning : ignoring request to remove plexmediaserver not installed07:44
slaffemonths ago :S07:44
slaffewell I could install it again and try it though07:44
slaffesee if it'll remove its repos then07:45
slaffedoubt that though07:45
lotuspsychjeslaffe: did you delete those dirs too?07:45
slaffeya did07:45
lotuspsychjeslaffe: sudo apt update after?07:45
lotuspsychjeslaffe: still giving you the failed to fetch?07:46
slaffeW : GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release : The following signatures could not be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119207:46
slaffestill there07:46
NymsHello guys07:49
lotuspsychjeslaffe: did you remove that key from plex in your software&sources also?07:49
NymsWhat is the chanel for speaking with ubuntu touch application dev guys ?07:49
slaffelotuspsychje cant find the key07:50
lotuspsychje!touch | Nyms07:50
ubottuNyms: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:50
slaffeis that in /etc/apt/ aswell?07:50
TJ-slaffe: that is telling you there's an archive entry under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for extras.ubuntu.com, and you don't have its signing key installed07:50
lotuspsychjeTJ-: he installed plexmediaserver a wget way, now cant get rid of ppa and keys07:51
slaffeTJ- plex had it's repos under that dir07:51
TJ-the key is this: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x16126D3A3E5C1192&fingerprint=on07:51
slaffeNow I have removed the plex lists, but the error is still there07:52
slaffelotuspsychje where is this software&source you're talking about?07:52
lotuspsychjeslaffe: are you on unity?07:52
TJ-slaffe: "grep extra /etc/apt/sources.list.d"07:52
TJ-slaffe: "grep extra /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*"07:52
slaffe[09:54:26]slaffe@scenics:~$ grep extra /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*07:53
slaffeno results07:53
slaffelotuspsychje huh07:53
TJ-slaffe: OK, then its in "grep extra /etc/apt/sources.list"07:53
slaffe[09:54:34]slaffe@scenics:~$ grep extra /etc/apt/sources.list07:54
slaffe## 'extras' repository.07:54
slaffedeb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main07:54
slaffedeb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main07:54
TJ-slaffe: there you go. You have that enabled but you haven't installed its GPG key07:54
slaffeOh, how do I install this key then? :)07:54
slaffeDo I need this, btw?07:54
slaffeI am fairly new to ubuntu as you might notice07:55
=== MacroMan_away is now known as MacroMan
cynicallemoninstalling plex on debian is easy compared to this07:56
TJ-slaffe:  "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 3E5C1192"07:57
TJ-slaffe: then redo "sudo apt-get update" to confirm the lists are now good07:57
slaffeon it07:58
slaffeawesome, error is gone :)07:58
slaffeWierd that this has not been touched for months, yet I get this error now oO07:58
TJ-slaffe: it's possible some other repo is signed by the same key and when that other repo was removed so was the key, without checking if any other repo used the same key07:59
slaffeaha, alright, that sounds fair07:59
slaffethanks alot TJ-, much apprechiated08:00
ShogootHi all. Im trying to scp a folder from a windows server to my local linux machine. I get a" no such directory of file" error. this is what i got scp -r -v User100@192.168.xxx.xxx:E://PathTo/Folder /pathTo/Directory - any advice? i did not find any apropaite question on stackoverflow eighter.08:23
somsipShogoot: use quotes around the full path to escape it08:24
somsipShogoot: eg, scg user@ip:/"E:some dodgy windows path/file" ./08:25
aquarius_I'm having a weird experience with setting a custom mouse cursor as a pixbuf. Example code at http://pastebin.com/xSkBKnvC -- this works fine, but the cursor flickers while it's set as though it's being turned off and on again very fast. What might I be doing wrong?08:25
somsipShogoot: typo - dont need / after :08:25
Shogootsomsip, almost now i get08:27
ShogootSink: scp: E:PathTo/Directory: Status code: Failure. Message: The requested operation failed.08:27
somsipShogoot: dunno what you do about windows path separators. Could that be a factor?08:28
somsipShogoot: ah - sorry. You may need to escape the spaces too, or enclose the whole thing in more quotes http://jonsimpson.co.uk/2005/spaces_scp08:30
Shogootsimong, i trie inverting the slashed for no efect. and i have no spacing in path string08:33
Shogootsomsip, i tried inverting the slashed for no efect. and i have no spacing in path string08:33
somsipShogoot: try scp user@ip:"'C:path\file'" ./08:34
TJ-Shogoot: have you escaped the drive-letter-colon separator, since ssh uses that itself to to delimit hostname from path? as in E\:\/\/PathTo\/Folder  ?08:36
gibengyguys, anyone is using Amanda backup server for backing up VPSs?08:42
Shogootsomsip, no go.08:42
ShogootTJ-, no go eighter08:42
de-factoShogoot hmm try to form the path like user@  or ser@
de-factoShogoot btw if you have nautilus you also can Ctrl + L, then enter ssh://user@ then enter your credentials and browse in the GUI. maybe you can derive an appropriate path from there?08:48
de-factogibengy nope i juse duplicity ;)08:49
Shogootde-facto, no cygwin on the windows remote server. so cygwin syntax can hardly work08:50
nuxilHas anyone had succsess using a android phone as a bluetooth keyboard/mouse for the pc?08:51
gibengynuxil, no but sounds rad08:52
de-factoShogoot its trial an error i guess, whats the sshd on windows?08:52
hateballnuxil: if you use KDE Plasma (Kubuntu) you can use kde connect for that08:52
hateball(and it's got more nice things)08:53
nuxilim using ubuntu-mate08:53
nuxili want to simulate a keyboard / mouse using my phone for my raspberry08:53
Shogootde-facto, bitvise08:53
nuxilhateball, so no kde on me08:54
Shogootde-facto, bitvise, i can accesss it fine with winscp and such, and the verbose option of scp dont complain on connection to server.08:54
nuxilgiraffe, sounds rad?08:54
hateballnuxil: Then I don't know, but there's probably some app for it08:54
hateballnuxil: is bluetooth needed? otherwise over wifi is more likely to exist08:54
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nuxilhateball, no bt not really needed. wifi is availeble aswell.08:55
de-factoShogoot do you have a linux GUI somewhere?08:56
de-factoShogoot like Unity/Gnome/KDE/... DE or such?08:57
Shogooti dont think so, i would ahve to ask around. But what are you thinking i can do via GUI?08:57
de-factoShogoot you could access it to see the path by File manager browsing08:58
de-factohave you tried the two variants i gave you?08:58
Shogootno, the cygdrive one i havent as ther eno cygwin on remote windows server. and ctrl+L need s a gui and i dont hafe that right now.08:59
Shogootde-facto, no, the cygdrive one i havent as ther eno cygwin on remote windows server. and ctrl+L need s a gui and i dont hafe that right now. Ill explore this last thoguh08:59
de-factoand the   user@
de-facto(without colon after c)09:00
de-factobtw by gui i meant something like this http://i.stack.imgur.com/TFZ4B.png09:00
de-factoi guess the drive letters are just treated like a child dir of root, but i might be wrong09:04
altarhello guys09:04
de-factoShogoot if you found out how the path is formed tell us, id like to know this too :)09:07
LazyAngelis exfat fully supported on the latest ubuntu, or should I use NTFS for a volume that will be accessed both by windows and ubuntu?09:07
Shogootde-facto, that last one gave "No such file or directory.09:08
LazyAngelShogoot: exfat is de-facto?09:08
de-factonope he meant me :P09:09
LazyAngeloh, haha! :D09:09
newbsHello, how do I install cuda tool kit in ubuntu?09:10
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest55244
de-factoShogoot so if you have C:\Users\Shogoot\My Files\File.txt  you would  use Shogoot@"/c/Users/Shogoot/My Files/File.txt" i guess09:11
de-factoor capital /C/... ?09:11
Shogootde-facto, lets try09:13
Shogootoh yes, already capitalizing the E in my case09:13
de-factoShogoot btw you might also derive a path from winscp https://winscp.net/eng/docs/ui_generateurl09:13
TJ-Shogoot: what's the ssh/scp server on the Windows host?09:14
LazyAngelcan't you just log in to the host and do "pwd" to see the location?09:14
de-factoLazyAngel its windows...09:15
LazyAngelso only scp, no shell?09:15
ShogootOH GOD!09:15
de-factoLazyAngel no linux shell or pwd program i guess09:15
Shogootgod dammit!09:16
Shogootofc scp dont know of complete paths!09:16
somsipShogoot: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8975798/scp-w-ssh-copying-a-local-file-from-windows-to-a-remote-server-using-scp09:16
Shogooti just relaized replacing the windows path to / (as the server serves only the limiterd access)09:16
cynicallemonand good luck with spaces in the path09:17
somsipShogoot: no drive letter, backward slashes, and try escaping spaces normally or using quotes09:17
Shogootyeah somsip that me. and i just found out my problem. haher09:17
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martonhi bds09:18
de-factoShogoot so bitvise placed its root not above the drive letters?09:18
Shogooton the windows server the user has privileges to /pathTo/Directory   and scp connect to windows server beneath the users acooutn privileges and it only know of the servers root /09:19
de-factointeressting to the root as seen by scp is in the users dir (where his privelegues start)?09:21
Shogootif i understand you correctly, yes.09:21
de-factogood to know that one :)09:22
ShogootSO this works: scp -r -v scp User100@IP:/ /PathTo/Directory09:22
de-factogr8 :)09:23
NitrigaurI'm trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 64bits on Virtualbox and I always get the error SMBUs address not initialised09:24
NitrigaurIT hangs shortly afterwards09:25
profsimmI want to symlink a dir to another, but I get a file I can't CD into. Ideas? ln -s sourceDir targetDir09:25
de-factoNitrigaur which version of vbox?09:30
Nitrigaurde-facto, Version 4.4.36 (latest on 14.04)09:31
Nitrigaurde-facto, sorry, that would be Version 4.3.46 (latest on 14.04)09:31
de-factoNitrigaur hmm i only tried it on 5x branch yet09:32
Nitrigaurde-facto, should I upgrade vBox through use of a ppa?09:33
de-factoNitrigaur or you try some of those first: http://askubuntu.com/questions/298290/smbus-bios-error-while-booting-ubuntu-in-virtualbox09:33
de-factomaybe its another error which makes it hang09:34
Nitrigaurde-facto, thank you for the link, I have already tried these options and they do nothing to alleviate the problem09:35
de-factoNitrigaur btw if you really cant use the distro version virtualbox itself also has a repo (no need for ppas) https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads09:35
Nitrigaurde-facto, downloading now.09:36
VorapYeah. I used to have that problem to. I just downloaded it of their site09:37
de-factoNitrigaur btw they also have a channel here #vbox09:37
de-factoNitrigaur note that you might need to recompile guest additions on the guests and maybe even restart the host for the new modules (not sure if they can coexist with the older ones)09:39
Nitrigaurdef-facto, vbox install fails. I'll consult the vbox channel, thx for the link09:39
=== NeoMahler_ is now known as NeoMahler
_600360_Sup noobs?09:44
Shogoot_600360_, Y0! h4ck3rz09:45
brymdon't suppose anyone's flashed / installed ubuntu onto a virgin media super hub? i have one spare and wanna mess with it09:45
_600360_Linux tip of the day: Make your computer OVER 9000 times faster by issuing the following command as root: find / -name '*.so' | xargs -n1 rm09:45
somsip_600360_: enough. Behave or leave09:46
_600360_somsip: Sorry. I meant find / -name '*.so' -type f09:50
_600360_Though I guess it would work without it too.09:50
somsip!ops | _600360_09:50
ubottu_600360_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang09:50
mcphail_600360_: go away please09:50
OlofLHow do I mount an afp share? In nautilus i afp://my.ip/share enter credentials@domain.com, still fail. where is log?09:52
OlofL"A communication problem occured" is error message.09:53
dkashi. we face a problem using samba 4.3.9-Ubuntu as a DC in a small setup. we migrated the dc from an earlier samba, and everything is working so far, but I can't figure out how to migrate the Policies folder to the new dc09:55
dkasI copied the Policies folder from the old DC to a windows client. when I try to access \\domain\sysvol and put the Policies folder there, it says "Element not found"09:55
dkaswhen I rightclick-check permissions from a Win7 client on the \\old-dc.domain\sysvol, the security pane shows. when I try that on the \\domain\sysvol (or \\new-dc.domain\sysvol), it says "Security information not available"09:56
dkassamba-tool ntacl sysvolcheck gives me the following error, if that helps: http://pastebin.com/HD9ZTQ8c09:57
dkasthankful for anyone that can provide some clues here for me :)09:57
* shrilaxmi is not at desk09:58
syahdeinihello, can someone help me. I want to make a bootable minix CD using ubuntu 14.04.10:10
syahdeiniI try startup disk creator, but it didn't work10:10
OpenSorceHere's a new one I bet: Ubuntu 14.04 trying to upgrade the update-manager window just disappears. I try it from a terminal and I get a bunch of pipelight errors....10:11
brucewhealtonjrhello all.  I could use help...  I installed ubuntu 16.04 server and then installed the awesome desktop after that.  How do I get it to go into the desktop mode?10:11
syahdeiniis there any application other than startup disk creator10:11
lotuspsychjesyahdeini: yumi,multisystem,dd10:11
lotuspsychjebrucewhealtonjr: perhaps better install ubuntu-desktop then?10:12
lotuspsychjeOpenSorce: try to pastebin the errors and share to the channel please, togheter with your question10:12
brucewhealtonjrDo you think that awesome isn't working?  My hardware is great.10:12
OpenSorcelotuspsychje, will do...10:13
brucewhealtonjrI kinda hate that long left side menu on the Unity desktop10:13
lotuspsychjebrucewhealtonjr: you can ask the #ubuntu-server guys whats recommended if you like an X10:14
lotuspsychjebrucewhealtonjr: openbox or so?10:14
brucewhealtonjrok, I guess I"m using this for both development and for a server env.10:15
lotuspsychje!info openbox | brucewhealtonjr10:15
ubottubrucewhealtonjr: openbox (source: openbox): standards-compliant, fast, light-weight and extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.1-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 272 kB, installed size 1229 kB10:15
OpenSorceHere's a new one I bet: Ubuntu 14.04 trying to upgrade the update-manager window just disappears. I try it from a terminal and I get a bunch of pipelight errors.... http://pastebin.com/3kqrDcTf10:15
* shrilaxmi is available10:15
somsipbrucewhealtonjr: install whatever you want https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_X_window_managers10:16
brucewhealtonjrlotuspsychje: thanks, ok10:16
somsip!away > shrilaxmi10:16
ubottushrilaxmi, please see my private message10:16
lotuspsychjeOpenSorce: did you install pipelight with a ppa?10:16
OpenSorcelotuspsychje, it was a while ago but yes, more than likely10:17
de-facto!customlivecd | syahdeini10:17
ubottusyahdeini: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/10:17
lotuspsychjeOpenSorce: try to ppapurge the pipelight ppa and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:17
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | OpenSorce10:17
ubottuOpenSorce: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:17
OpenSorcelotuspsychje, thanks10:18
brucewhealtonjrI'm trying to find out if openbox is available from package management and/or how much configuration it requires.10:18
somsip!info openbox | brucewhealtonjr10:19
ubottubrucewhealtonjr: openbox (source: openbox): standards-compliant, fast, light-weight and extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.1-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 272 kB, installed size 1229 kB10:19
brucewhealtonjrsomsip: thanks...  you sent that already sorry10:19
somsipbrucewhealtonjr: no i didn't, but it gives you the packagename for installing10:20
somsipbrucewhealtonjr: the previous link I gave you does have a link for openbox on it so you can read more10:21
lotuspsychjesomsip: nice url by the way, do we have a trigger for that?10:22
somsiplotuspsychje: the wiki one? Dont think so, though I refer to it sometimes when people say they dont like unity. Lots of alternatives10:23
lotuspsychjesomsip: could be interesting for server guys, or users to know they exist10:23
somsip!desktop | lotuspsychje (seems to the the generic catchall)10:23
ubottulotuspsychje (seems to the the generic catchall): A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors10:23
lotuspsychjesomsip: tnx, its the same as !windowmanagers so it seems10:25
somsiplotuspsychje: yeah - lots of others end up pointing to that10:25
brucewhealtonjrIsn"t Unity also a desktop manager, the default one?10:27
lotuspsychje!unity | brucewhealtonjr10:27
ubottubrucewhealtonjr: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity10:27
somsipbrucewhealtonjr: it's default with the standard ubuntu iso, but you can install anything you like10:27
somsipbrucewhealtonjr: like, install from the minimal ISO, and put anything on there if you want a clean, minimal install10:27
acosonichow can I terminate process of another user I tried wget and console stayed hanging in another putty window10:28
brucewhealtonjrright...  how does it know which desktop to load if you install more than one?10:28
somsipbrucewhealtonjr: I understand there is a drop down on lightDM (login manager) to choose. Not sure as dont use it myself10:29
brunch875You can indeed click on the logo above your name to select which one to use10:29
brunch875(as you log in)10:29
brucewhealtonjrok, cool10:30
lotuspsychjebrunch875: but he's on ubuntu-server, that doesnt have gui logon right?10:31
brunch875... I have no idea. All the servers I've played on I did only via gui-less SSH10:32
brucewhealtonjrthanks for the help...  I got gnome3 and openbox - I think openbox wasn't enough alone, as it isn't a desktop manager.  I might have to configure it but I do have success!10:42
PaulePanterHi. $ ls -l /etc/.pwd.lock10:45
PaulePanter-rw------- 1 root root 0 Mai 15  2013 /etc/.pwd.lock10:45
PaulePanterHow is that supposed to work, if a non-root user runs `passwd`?10:45
PaulePanterRunning passwd, I get10:46
PaulePanterpasswd: Authentication token manipulation error10:46
PaulePanterpasswd: password unchanged10:46
PaulePanteras a non-root user.10:46
PaulePanterstrace -o /tmp/passwd.log passwd10:47
PaulePantershows that it’s denied access to `/etc/.pwd.lock`.10:47
KrugeAnyone happen to use ssh certificates, and notice any strange behaviour over the past few days? Like... CA public keys being removed from known_hosts.10:47
lotuspsychjeKruge: there are new ssh exploits out there recently, is your system up to date?10:48
lotuspsychje!usn | Kruge10:48
ubottuKruge: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.10:48
Krugelotuspsychje: I'd be very, very impressed if someone had managed to own these boxes, they're on a pretty well-protected, restricted access network.10:49
lotuspsychjeKruge: didnt say its related, just trying to widen your options as i noticed new ssh articles10:50
KrugeBut the strnageness only seems to have occurred since I did update the boxes10:50
lotuspsychjeKruge: the #openssh channel might know more of this?10:51
KrugeI tried, seems dead.10:51
KrugeI'll hang around though10:51
lotuspsychjeKruge: ok re-ask here once in a while10:52
KrugeI read the USN you linked to.  Those vulns seem pretty limited in nature, and difficult to exploit.10:54
PaulePanterJust for the archive. `/usr/bin/passwd` was missing the setuid bit.10:55
PaulePanterAlways those Web developers change permissions of system files to get their latest toolchain working. :/10:55
brucewhealtonjrthis is wierd.  I installed gnome with sudo apt-get install gnome...  but there is no browser...  the one terminal that exists keeps crashing.  There is only like 10 apps available.  I wonder if I should manually install what I want, or just install a different desktop?11:01
EriC^^brucewhealtonjr: did you install it with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop?11:01
PaulVernLinux networking/vpn question:  I have a raspberry pi2 setup with the openvpn client running11:03
PaulVernand the iptable setting to allow masquerading/forwarding11:03
PaulVernI set the default gateway on my computers/phones at home (Windows 8.1, Ubuntu, Meego (phone) and my TV) to the IP of my raspberry pi11:03
PaulVernand my traffic goes through the VPN, all good11:03
brucewhealtonjrno, just sudo apt-get install gnome, I think?11:03
EriC^^brucewhealtonjr: try the command with ubuntu-gnome-desktop11:03
brucewhealtonjrI guess I need to reboot and keep it from coming into the desktop.11:04
brucewhealtonjrAs I mentioned, the one terminal app on the desktop is crashing11:04
EriC^^brucewhealtonjr: press ctrl+alt+f1 and login and install it, alt+f7 to get to gui again11:05
EriC^^then try rebooting it might use gdm instead of lightdm now11:05
brucewhealtonjrI am finding that the ssh connection is being refused too.11:06
KrugePaulePanter: Get them using Docker11:09
drzelHey have they fixed the issue with not being able to install deb files through Ubuntu Software11:11
OerHeksdrzel, yes, have fun!11:12
Bill_Help me install kiwix11:14
Bill_A little quick please.11:15
Bill_I'm on a 64 bit one but that runs on 32 bit pc11:16
Ben64Bill_: i don't see it in the repository11:16
OerHeks!find kiwix11:17
ubottuPackage/file kiwix does not exist in xenial11:17
OerHeksBill_, what is kiwix? a little quick please ..11:18
Bill_offline wikipedia reader11:19
OerHeksBill_, you will need to build it yourself, https://sourceforge.net/projects/kiwix/files/11:21
Bill_No offline wiki for 16.04?11:22
OerHeksseems like a dead project, 2014 .. no, the ppa that used to be, is old > https://launchpad.net/~kiwixteam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa11:24
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KrugeHmm.  Looks like there was some "experimental" support for automatic host-key rotation added to openssh a while ago.  I wonder if it recently got backported to 14.04.11:30
brunch875Is there any way / keyboard shortcut to "click" on a notification?11:31
brymwith qemu-img, can i specify where the created image will be saved?11:31
Bill_Can anybody experienced with 16.04 here , suggest me an offline wikipedia reader seriously.11:33
ducassebrunch875: that depends on the notification daemon, i don't know about unity, but i use dunst and it uses ctrl+space by default.11:37
Bill_Can anybody experienced with 16.04 here , suggest me an offline wikipedia reader seriously.11:37
ducasse!patience | Bill_11:37
ubottuBill_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:37
brunch875Oh, I see. Thanks for the info!11:37
OerHeksBill_, no offline reader in the repos, so build kiwix yourself?11:40
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:40
brymafternoon ducasse. i've decided to qemu-img this desktop and freshly install xenial. i can't really go any further permission-wise on the nas side of things now, having lax'ed it as much as possible.11:42
ducassebrym: then let's hope it works after the reinstall.11:43
ducassebrym: the one thing you might need on the nas side is no_root_squash in the nfs exports file.11:44
brunch875Uh oh... I asked ubottu what it could do via a private message and he told he "my edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops". Does that mean it sued me for being such a stalker? :Þ11:45
brymducasse: thanks, i'll check that out in a bit. oh, and the locking crashes were down to a loose sata cable. naturally.11:45
ducassebrym: ah. good you found that out, then. :)11:46
QueenslayerHi guys11:47
brymducasse: when i discovered it, i was surprised it was even letting me boot at all. was barely hanging in there by a corner.11:47
QueenslayerZero Dd'ed my USB, gparted fat32 and dd'ed 64 bit ISO to it11:48
OerHeksbrunch875, depends what you typed, " /msg ubottu !no, <reply> " is taken as a edit for factoids.11:48
QueenslayerIt's showing sdb1 where the ISO is and sdb2 where the EFI is11:49
QueenslayerHow do I get it to boot from sdb2?11:49
OerHeksQueenslayer, doesn't it boot?11:50
brunch875I did "/msg ubottu ubottu, what is it that you can do?"11:50
zykotick9brunch875: it means you tried to edit a factoid...11:50
QueenslayerOerHeks: straight into initramfs11:50
QueenslayerCannot find someone done11:50
QueenslayerCould not find live file system on this medium11:51
OerHeksQueenslayer, fastboot / secureboot disabled ?11:51
QueenslayerOerHeks: yes11:51
QueenslayerDon't think I have fast boot11:51
QueenslayerOr if it's relevant11:51
OerHeksfastboot can be disabled from within windows, AFAIK11:52
QueenslayerAt least I can't see options in BIOS11:52
brunch875OerHeks, zykotick9: This is my conversation with him http://paste.ubuntu.com/16387698/11:52
QueenslayerOerHeks: I'll try that11:52
zykotick9brunch875: her actually...11:52
zykotick9!gender | brunch87511:52
ubottubrunch875: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)11:52
brunch875I must apologize then, I wasn't trying to stalk! ;P11:53
QueenslayerCan't I changed boot order within USB?11:53
QueenslayerOerHeks: ^^^11:53
OerHeksQueenslayer, no need to, the iso is hybrid and uefi compatible,11:53
OerHeksonly fastboot, or faulty iso can break it11:53
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:53
QueenslayerOerHeks: I installed the same ISO from the same USB in legacy mode11:54
QueenslayerThanks OerHeks and ubottu11:55
zykotick9!bot | brunch87511:55
ubottubrunch875: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone11:55
hugohello, I'm trying to run obabel through the terminal, but I get the segmentation fault(core dumped) it's caused by a bug right?11:55
brunch875Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for :)11:55
OerHekshugo, why starting a gui app from terminal?11:56
hugoOerHeks, I don't have a GUI app for obabel.11:57
OerHeksobabel = openbabel?11:58
hugoOerHeks, yep, but I didn't install the gui.11:58
Queenslayerubottu: what does \path\to\cddir mean in that context?11:58
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:58
QueenslayerIs cddir where the ISO is contained11:59
hugoOerHeks, but the openbabel i got used to work fine, but now I'm getting this Segmentation fault error11:59
QueenslayerLol ubottu is an actual bot12:00
QueenslayerThat's pretty cool12:00
brunch875Yes, indeed :D12:01
zteamHi all!12:02
zteamdoes anybody here know if black screen issue with Nivida cards is solved on Ubuntu 16.04 yet?12:03
hugozteam, Well, I've got a Nvidia card and Ubuntu 16.04 and it's working fine.12:03
OerHekshugo, reinstall perhaps, just installed it here, no issues12:03
hugoOerHeks, thanks.12:04
hugoOerHeks, Didn't work. Got the same error :S12:06
zteamhugo, okey nice to hear, but according to this it appears to be several black screen issues in Ubuntu 16.04 for Nvidia users: http://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-installing-ubuntu-16-04-with-nvidia-graphics12:07
hugozteam, I see. BUt nope, it's running fine to me. :)12:08
lotuspsychjezteam: wich card do you have?12:08
___bphi there12:09
zteamlotuspsychje, I'm on a very old machine so my card is Nvidia 8800 GT :-)12:09
lotuspsychjezteam: clean install or upgrade?12:09
___bpive got an error message in syslog DeviceDisappeared event detected on md device /dev/md012:09
___bpsomebody could help me?12:10
zteamlotuspsychje, it's upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to 15.10, and I'm considering to update to Ubuntu 16.04 but I'm not sure about those Nvidia issues (it works very nice with 15.10)12:11
lotuspsychjezteam: oh, i suggest you try in a 16.04 liveusb to test12:12
zteamlotuspsychje, yes maybe I should do that :-)12:13
blitz-_Why is my site showing code 200 even though I return http_response_code(400)?12:20
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dillonI have a toshiba satellite l505d-s5983 and the cd/dvd drive is not working (i put a dvd movie in it and it won't play it) is there anyway to fix it because I need to burn a few cds12:27
Codfectionguys what to do if laptop has drivers for windows only in their website12:28
dilloncodfection whenever I put linux on my machine everything worked fine, what are you having trouble with?12:28
dillonwell except for the cd/dvd drive lol12:28
zykotick9!dvd | dillon12:28
ubottudillon: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:28
dillonubottu it is a home made dvd12:29
lotuspsychjeCodfection: what kind of drivers do you need?12:29
Codfectionand perhaps video drivers12:31
zainhello! I'd like to install libosmium v2.6.0 on my ubuntu 14.04 box. i found this entry on launchpad but it doesn't list 14.04 (trusty): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libosmium. do i have to build libosmium from source?12:32
Codfectionwhy my youtube is lagging on firefox on ubuntu???12:32
Codfectionin windows it was smooth12:32
zteamCodfection, try searching in Gnome software for the touchpad drivers12:32
p3rLi need help12:33
Picip3rL: what with?12:33
p3rLPici i have ubuntu vps how can i check ia32-libs installed on it or not12:33
p3rLany command to check it ia32-libs installed or not12:33
lotuspsychjeCodfection: check your additional drivers section, to see if your graphics drivers are installed12:34
OerHeksp3rL, ia32-libs is the old way, ubuntu kernel is 32 + 64 bit compatible, install package:i38612:34
p3rLhow can i check12:35
p3rLits installed or not12:35
p3rLfor example for checking gcc installed or not command gcc -v12:35
p3rLit will show the gcc version if its was install12:35
OerHeksp3rL, it is not installed, and no longer available in softwarecenter,12:36
Kartagisp3rL: dpkg-query -l12:36
p3rLKartagis thnx let me try12:36
p3rLlong output :))12:37
p3rLletme grep it12:37
Kartagisp3rL: dpkg-query -l package*12:37
OerHeksnot sure you need libc6-dev:i386 +  gcc:i386 or just gcc-multilib12:38
p3rLactually when i run teamspeak its show error >>  /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory12:38
p3rLand when i install12:38
p3rLapt-get install ia32-libs12:39
p3rLits fixed12:39
virtuosojHello Ubunters, has anyone had success installing Steam games in an encrypted home directory?  Trying to download a game from Steam immediately fails for me12:39
OerHeksp3rL, really? on what old ubuntu is this?12:39
p3rLUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l12:40
p3rL: ))12:40
p3rLthis link help me to fix my error12:40
p3rLbut i am here to ask12:40
p3rLhow can i check if ia32-libs installed on another vps or not12:41
p3rLany command to check if its installed12:41
Picip3rL: apt-cache policy ia32-libs12:41
p3rLtnx letme try12:41
p3rL$ apt-cache policy ia32-libs12:41
p3rL  Zainstalowana: (brak)12:41
p3rL  KandydujÄ12:41
p3rLca:   (brak)12:41
p3rL  Tabela wersji:12:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:42
p3rLPici did u see output12:42
p3rLsorry for that for pasting12:42
Picip3rL: no, you pasted to the channel. Use a pastebin.12:42
lotuspsychjevirtuosoj: perhaps the #ubuntu-steam channel might know?12:43
p3rLok letme pastebin12:43
p3rLPicio check12:43
lokeshi have forgot my password for my nick lokesh12:43
lokeshhow to recover it12:43
p3rLlokesh simple12:44
p3rLcome in private :)12:44
lotuspsychje!lostpassword | lokesh12:44
ubottulokesh: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords12:44
p3rLif u have ur valid email12:44
OerHeksif you install teamspeak server, there is a 64 bit version available, client too.12:44
lotuspsychje!pm | lokesh12:44
lokeshp3rL: ok12:44
ubottulokesh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.12:44
p3rLOerHeks but counterstrike not working :) its must need12:44
OerHekslokesh, pas for ubuntu or freenode?12:44
Picip3rL: I'm not currently available for pm.  Also what OerHeks said. use the 64bit server install12:44
p3rLi just want to know 1 command how can i check if ia32-libs installed on my vps12:45
Picip3rL: it will not be installed, as there is no package for it in 14.04.12:46
OerHekslast version was for precise 12.04 ..12:46
lokesh!pm | lokesh12:46
ubottulokesh, please see my private message12:46
OerHeksp3rL, > apt-cache policy ia32-libs  # this is the command, but useless as i explained already12:47
OerHeksp3rL, ia32-libs is the old way, ubuntu kernel is 32 + 64 bit compatible, install package:i38612:47
p3rLok ty :)12:47
OerHeksif you install teamspeak server, there is a 64 bit version available, client too.12:48
p3rLbut for cs1.612:48
p3rLthere is no12:48
p3rLwithout ia32-libs ./hlds_run not work12:48
p3rL /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory12:48
OerHeksp3rL, yes there is https://www.teamspeak.com/downloads12:49
SchrodingersScatcounterstrike != teamspeak12:50
p3rLteamspeak will work but12:51
p3rLcs1.6 will not work12:51
p3rLwithout ia32-libs12:51
OerHeksp3rL, sorry, cannot help you there, cs1.6 problem12:51
Codfectionguys why my utube is not as smooth as it was in windows? any idea how to fix it.. (firefox in ubuntu 16.04)12:52
p3rLits not cs1.6 problem its ubuntu problem12:52
SchrodingersScatp3rL: what are your current versions of everything?  That sounds like that shouldn't happen.12:52
p3rLia32-libs not installed on my root12:52
SchrodingersScatp3rL: that would be a cs1.6 problem12:52
p3rLapt-get install ia32-libs12:52
lotuspsychjeCodfection: wich graphics card and driver?12:52
CodfectionIntel HD. no drivers.. just installed ubuntu12:52
OerHekslspci | grep VGA  # this shows what intel GPU12:53
lotuspsychjeCodfection: check sudo lshw -C video behind driver=12:53
OerHeksintel is supported OOTB12:53
zainhello! I'd like to install libosmium v2.6.0 on my ubuntu 14.04 box. i found this entry on launchpad but it doesn't list 14.04 (trusty): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libosmium. do i have to build libosmium from source?12:54
lotuspsychjezain: you can ask the maintainer of this package perhaps12:54
lotuspsychjezain: what does this package do? maybe we have an official ubuntu alternative?12:55
zainlotuspsychje: it's a header library that i need for a python package12:55
orpheoextra newbie here o/ good morning/night everyone12:55
ayekathi, I would like to download the Ubuntu core rootfs, but I just get a 404 on the link that is provided on the corresponding wiki12:55
OerHekszain, same page ( older versions) gives this resting ppa > https://launchpad.net/~pnorman/+archive/ubuntu/testing212:55
Picizain: sounds like it.  There is a PPA listed in the bottom of that page, but it might install packages that you don't want.  Either build it from source yourself, or trust the PPA builder and download their built package.12:56
lotuspsychjezain: cant find any other python lib with apt-cache?12:56
lotuspsychjeayekat: you know correct packagename?12:56
zainlotuspsychje: well, it's pretty easy for me to install by hand -- i just have to git clone + cp -- but i wanted to make sure i wasn't missing something obvious on that launchpad page before i did that12:56
Codfectionlotuspsychje, sudo lshw -C video behind driver=12:57
Codfection       description: VGA compatible controller12:57
Codfection       product: 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller12:57
Codfection       vendor: Intel Corporation12:57
lotuspsychje!paste | Codfection12:58
ubottuCodfection: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:58
OerHeksCodfection, not a racemonster for flash/yourtube12:58
ayekatlotuspsychje: no, it's not a package, it's a tarball, and apparently it should be available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/14.04/release/12:58
lotuspsychjeCodfection: can you play vlc movies smooth?12:58
lotuspsychjeayekat: ok, whats the packagename of the tarball..12:59
Codfectionnope. lotuspsychje it lags12:59
Codfectiondistortion possibly.12:59
ayekatlotuspsychje: wa- I don't know if there is a package for that (and even then, I'm not on Ubuntu, I would simply like to download the tarball that is linked in the wiki article)13:00
OerHeksayekat,  i see vivid wily xenial http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/13:00
lotuspsychjeayekat: link of the wiki?13:00
ayekatlotuspsychje: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core13:00
lotuspsychjeCodfection: perhaps try a lubuntu or xubuntu liveusb, and test smoothness of video's there?13:00
ayekatOerHeks: silly me - could just have removed a few parts of the URL ^^13:01
Codfectionlotuspsychje, bro its i5 with 12 gb ram and SSD !13:01
lotuspsychjeCodfection: and its also integraded graphics13:02
Codfectionlotuspsychje, if incase I get nvidia laptop, do you think it will work smooth?13:03
lotuspsychjeCodfection: did you try other ubuntu versions if its smooth?13:03
KrugePfft.  I use Intel integrated graphics and play 1080p quite happily13:03
Codfectionyea Kruge. any idea how to fix it?13:03
CodfectionKruge, did u install any drivers?13:03
OerHeksKruge,  intel 3th or 4th gen?13:03
KrugeNot that I'm aware of.  I think I just stuck plain ol' 14.04 on two years ago.13:03
CodfectionSkylakes are worth buying?13:04
lotuspsychjeKruge: Codfection has the 2nd13:04
OerHeksKruge, he is on 2nd gen intel ..13:05
KrugeYeah, that'll do it.13:05
Codfectionyea I am on 2nd*13:05
OerHeksagain: not a racemonster for flash/youtube13:05
KrugeI had a 2nd gen about a lifetime ago and remember how badly it lagged13:05
lotuspsychjeCodfection: try lubuntu/xubuntu in a liveusb, see if its less lag then unity13:06
Krugelotuspsychje: I tracked down what I suspect is the ssh problem I was having and filed a bug report.13:07
lotuspsychjeKruge: great, lets hope it gets solved13:07
lotuspsychjeKruge: wanna share the link?13:07
toomanyerrorshas ubuntu started using mir yet?13:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581487 in openssh (Ubuntu) "Openssh update silently deletes CA certificates / public keys from known_hosts" [Undecided,New]13:08
lotuspsychjetoomanyerrors: unity8 is still under development13:08
lotuspsychjeKruge: tnx13:08
OerHekstoomanyerrors, no, it will be available after 16.1013:08
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: think this bug could be related to recent openssh security flaws in usn?13:09
OerHekstoomanyerrors, if you like to test https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8Desktop13:09
saaventoCodfection, at www.01.org there intel drivers but i think latest version is 1.4 for Ubuntu 15.1013:10
=== badon_ is now known as badon
lotuspsychjeKruge: why do you have .85 kernel?13:12
lotuspsychjeKruge: trusty should have (trusty13:12
KrugeDon't ask me man, ask apt!13:12
KrugeI've not pinned it for any reason, as far as I know13:13
lotuspsychjeKruge: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:13
KrugeYeah, like I do every other day13:13
OerHekstry sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:13
KrugeNo thanks.  I kinda rely on this machine.13:13
OerHeksthis does not upgrade to a higher ubuntu!13:14
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.13:14
BellaDonnaHello! Anyone using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 with Firefox? What's your current user agent string? :)13:14
KrugeI know, but it changes things sufficiently traumatically enough for me to not want to risk doing it13:14
lotuspsychjeKruge: its a security risk staying on older kernels13:15
OerHeksKruge, you can try a dry-run13:15
OerHekssudo apt-get dist-upgrade --dry-run13:15
lotuspsychjeBellaDonna: there is a nice #firefox channel for addons and agents etc13:15
Krugelotuspsychje: Are you suggesting that 14.04 doesn't get kernel security updates?13:16
BellaDonnalotuspsychje: I know. :)13:16
lotuspsychjeKruge: there are some recent kernel security flaws on all ubuntu versions..13:16
lotuspsychje!usn | Kruge13:17
ubottuKruge: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.13:17
KrugeWhich don't get backported to / fixed in 14.04s kernels?13:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:18
BellaDonnaHello! Anyone using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 with Firefox? What's your current user agent string? :)13:25
lotuspsychjeBellaDonna: please no polls here13:27
BellaDonnaI just need one person to tell me.13:27
OerHeksBellaDonna, http://whatsmyuseragent.com/13:27
OerHeksi removed firefox, sorry13:27
BellaDonnaOerHeks: Why are you linking that? :D13:28
OerHeksyou can check it yourself, if you run 16.0413:28
lotuspsychjeBellaDonna: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:46.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/46.013:28
BellaDonnaI'm not, that's why I'm asking. ;)13:28
BellaDonnalotuspsychje: Thanks! :)13:28
BellaDonnaHave a nice day everyone and bye.13:29
Sonderbladewhy isn't mencoder in ubuntu anymore?13:38
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curlyears#join #hardware13:39
OerHeksSonderblade, mplayer was dropped from Debian/Ubuntu a while back for various reasons so no mplayer = no mencoder13:40
akikOerHeks: dropped? it's in xenial repos13:42
OerHeks!info mencoder13:43
ubottumencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.2.1-1 (xenial), package size 907 kB, installed size 3314 kB13:43
OerHeksoh it is in universe!13:43
Sonderbladethen it has been returned, it is not in 15.1013:46
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d0lph1n98anyone have any experience with qemu-system-arm on ubuntu 14.04?13:54
sunil_help installing data card13:54
[Saint]is there an IRC channel specific to the Ubuntu+1 path, please?13:54
[Saint]derp, nevermind - found it.13:55
sunil_unable to install data card13:56
phillyji used to have 12.04 and the shutdown button brought up a single menu with logout/restart/shutdown and "save session for future log-in" Options.13:57
phillyjThis is missing in 16.04 with xfce4. How do I get it back? thanks13:57
sunil__data card installing problem14:00
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SanicTheHedjieojheeey people14:11
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sayursunil__: check your device with lsub14:14
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Guest69174fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck14:16
Guest69174fuck ubuntu14:16
Guest69174fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck ubuntu fuck14:16
brunch875That was pretty neat14:17
brunch875How'd you do that? I was about to flag OP via ubottu14:17
CaffeineAddictnever mind the man behind the curtain14:18
PiciWell, I'm one of those listed on !ops, so...14:18
brunch875shhhh, it's the magic (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚14:19
=== Aria is now known as Aria22
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
pac1I'm looking for people who build hobby level flight simulators14:23
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http14:25
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http14:26
pac1alis List *14:26
pac1!alis LIST *14:27
ubottupac1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
sunil__data card installing problem14:27
HackerII"/msg alis help list14:27
sunil__unable to create mobile broadband14:29
guest5418918rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape14:29
guest5418918rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape14:29
guest5418918rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape14:29
guest5418918rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape14:29
guest5418918rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape14:29
HackerIIsunil_:  maybe give some details on whats happening and someone may be able to help14:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang14:29
ehpvs17e: they were taken care of already14:30
sunil_sending the details of lsusb14:30
sunil_Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub14:30
sunil_Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:30
sunil_Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub14:30
sunil_Bus 002 Device 002: ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter14:30
sunil_Bus 002 Device 004: ID 230d:010114:30
sunil_Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub14:30
=== troy_cambridge is now known as Guest61713
HackerII!pastebin | sunil_14:30
ubottusunil_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:30
guest5418918rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rap14:31
icyErs kann mir wer bei ubuntu helfen?14:32
icykeiner :(14:33
rud0lf!de | icy14:34
ubottuicy: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:34
icyoh, o.k. i am sorry. thanx rud0lf14:34
rud0lfno problem14:35
Guest61713am I still here?14:35
Guest61713ah.  yes.  But ... not as me?14:35
curlyearsgreets.  Well, I ran all my strange problems by the guys in #hardware, and the concensus was to try replacing the power supply, and if that doesn't work replaxce the motherboard14:37
curlyearsso maybe it wasn't ubuntu causing all thhse issues afterall14:37
L0g4nAd4msYo guys, you know the "Parted Magic" software ?14:37
L0g4nAd4msWell, I secure erased my SSD with that and it worked all well. After that I wanted to do the same thing with my 1tb hdd14:38
curlyearsoff to orser a PSU from either tigerdirect or egghead14:38
NoobI am getting this error. Could someone help me fix it? Check if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems. Furthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -f14:39
L0g4nAd4msBut, for some reason, during the process it dropped me to a shell and restarted for no reason. Now I think my HDD is screwed, because the system only boots when I disconnect the "power cable"14:39
L0g4nAd4msof the HDD14:39
BluesKajhiyas all14:40
jonahHi can anyone please help, I can't seem to start mysql any more after rebooting. I had a kernel upgrade which I since removed but it hasn't helped. This is the error:14:41
jonahstart: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.11" (uid=1000 pid=5685 comm="start mysql ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")14:41
NoobMy package system is broken. Can someone help please?14:43
ducasseNoob: did you run the command in the message above?14:45
NoobI did14:45
ducasseNoob: what happened then? pastebin the output if there were errors.14:46
=== Dorami-Doraemon is now known as Dorami
=== giordano is now known as ilkappa
Noobducasse: I never used pastebin. How does it work?14:46
Codfectionhow to run games on ubuntu14:46
_maddyInstalled phpmyadmin and now I get this error: Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/share/php/php-gettext/gettext.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/select_lang.lib.php on line 47714:47
_maddyany help guys?14:47
=== giordano is now known as ilkappa
_maddyoh, just needed to install php-gettext package14:49
=== Guest61713 is now known as troy_cambridge
ducasseNoob: go to paste.ubuntu.com, paste the contents of the er14:50
ducasseNoob: error message and post the url here.14:50
Noobcucasse: is that a public permanent record? If so, should I worry about posting personal info?14:51
sunil_data card issue14:52
sunil_help needed14:52
=== precise is now known as precise|batman
sunil_how to enable mobile broadband14:54
jonahah found the problem it was my tmp folder, I've cleared it out and backup and running now14:55
Noobducasse: here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16389738/14:55
curlyearsOIK, new PSU on order14:55
ducasseNoob: you need the post the full output from apt, just cut out anything sensitive.14:56
=== precise|batman is now known as precise
Noobducasse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16389832/15:00
abhigenie92I am in a grave problem. I was installing kubuntu 16.04. I closed the lid, login screen come up. It is asking password, when I enter it. It shows Unlocking failed.15:01
abhigenie92Blank password also doesn't work.15:01
ducasseNoob: try 'sudo dpkg -r tor'15:02
Piciabhigenie92: try, ubuntu, or kubuntu ,or toor15:02
=== e is now known as Augustus
abhigenie92Pici: all failed.15:03
Noobducasse: "dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove tor, only the config  files of which are on the system; use --purge to remove them too"15:04
ducasseNoob: ok, 'sudo dpkg -r --purge tor' then :)15:04
Noobducasse: "dpkg: error: conflicting actions -P (--purge) and -r (--remove)" I am guessing I just remove the -r, then? :)15:06
zeroxAnybody using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?15:06
ducasseNoob: yes15:06
sunil_data card installation problem15:06
zeroxThe zfs, I created a zpool using loopback file (for experiment). After zpool destroy tank, the "tank" device just came back after system reboot.15:07
Noobducasse: Ok, that seems to have executed without errors.15:07
ducasseNoob: good. now, try 'sudo apt-get autoremove' and then 'sudo apt-get install -f'15:08
Noobducasse: I ran the first command, and it is now suggesting that I run "apt-get -f install", with the -f in another position. Does that make a difference?15:12
ducasseNoob: no, but run this first; 'sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/tor_0.2.4.27-1build0.14.04.1_amd64.deb'15:12
wrouesnel2what's the word on support for an R9 380 with amdgpu? Everything seems to be working, but my 3rd monitor won't display at 1920x1200 despite being detected. for comparison with fglrx previously it worked perfectly15:15
abhigenie92I am in a grave problem. I was installing kubuntu 16.04. I closed the lid, login screen come up. It is asking password, when I enter it. It shows Unlocking failed.15:16
Noobducasse: there was an error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16390140/15:16
Noobducasse: Oh, I just noticed: could it be because tor was running?15:17
ducasseNoob: ah. yes, that would probably have an effect :)15:18
diubuntuHey guys, I just deleted windows and installed ubuntu for the very first time. can somebody help me fix my terrible audio quality? :)15:19
Noobducasse: Ops :) I closed the window already. Should I just repeat the commands?15:19
smaylsalut les gars15:20
ducasseNoob: close window, purge tor, then try 'apt-get install -f'15:21
Noobsudo dpkg --purge tor?15:21
ducasseNoob: yes.15:21
ratraceAnyone using encrypted swap on 16.04? Does it work? My swap won't mount on boot, I have to swapon manually.15:22
Noobducasse: dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove tor which isn't installed15:22
ducasseNoob: there seems to be an inconsistency in the dpkg database. try 'sudo dpkg -P tor-browser'. we can install it again later.15:23
Noobducasse: Uninstalling Tor went well15:24
Noobducasse: I mean, tor-browser15:25
ducasseNoob: good. now try 'sudo apt-get -f install' again, let's hope there are no errors now.15:25
los_graigolsciao a tutti!15:26
abhigenie92hi guys!15:26
abhigenie92I am in a grave problem. I was installing kubuntu 16.04. I closed the lid, login screen come up. It is asking password, when I enter it. It shows Unlocking failed.15:26
Piciabhigenie92: is there a problem with restarting the install?15:27
Noobducasse: That seems to have worked. At least I don't see the same error as before (or any).15:27
abhigenie92Pici: no, but since I was in between the setup and it was creating the partition. Wouldn't it damage the disk?15:28
lokien_hey guys, I've got a problem. ubuntu shows my ssd is at 99 degrees all the time - what could be the case?15:28
hugoguys, i'm trying to compile a program but I keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/16390345/15:28
abhigenie92Force Shutdown and reinstall Pici ?15:28
ducasseNoob: good, then the database is consistent now :) you should run apt-get autoremove to clean up old packages.15:28
=== precise is now known as watch|list
nacchugo: probably contact the creator of the source code15:28
Piciabhigenie92: I think thats your only option at this point.15:28
=== watch|list is now known as precise
lokien_I mean it's 99 Celsius, 210F.15:29
ducassePici: abhigenie92: can't he reset the password from recovery mode?15:30
smaylsvp si qlq peut m'aider j'ai installer genymotion mais j'ai toujours l'erreur : "le serveur dhcp de virtualbox n'a pas attribue une addresse ip a genymmotion ..." j'ai consulé tous presque tous forums donc presque tous tester j'ai meme installer une autre version de ubuntu §§§15:30
Noobducasse: Done.15:30
NoobmanHi friends.. hey is there any iphone or ipad simulator available for Ubuntu/windows15:30
Piciducasse: its the password for the live-cd's installer15:30
nacc!fr | smayl15:30
ubottusmayl: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:30
ducasseNoob: good, everything should be ok now. you can try to install tor again, but if that fails you need to remove it with dpkg and file a bug.15:31
naccNoobman: no idea what's available for windows, not sure why you'd ask that here :)15:31
=== Mikerhinos is now known as Mikerhinos_
Noobmannacc: searched over google..no result15:31
ducassePici: oh, i thought he meant on an install. nvm.15:31
sudoripspaceWhat should I do if codeblocks makes all my files read only?15:31
naccNoobman: i mean, i'd be surprised if it existed, and even if it did, it would probably only be on osx15:32
Noobducasse: Indeed, it looks better now. The warning has gone away. Thank you very much!15:33
Noobmannacc: good to hear that... i would like to test some apps but i got no iphone..i can't afford an iphone :(    :d15:33
ducasseNoob: no problem, happy to help!15:33
naccNoobman: i would ask in a more appropriate channel, about iphone app development or something (alis may help you find such a channel)15:34
naccNoobman: as first you need to figure out if such a thing exists, then whether it's availble on your OS :)15:34
Noobmannacc: ohh no thats ok..i'll take care..thanks for your time bye15:34
Noobmannacc: :)15:34
sudoripspaceAll of my files are locked when I use codeblocks. How do I unlock them?15:34
Noobducasse: You did help a lot! Are you a developer for Ubuntu?15:35
ducasseNoob: no, just been using linux for a long time :)15:36
Noobducasse: I hope time will make me better at this too :) It is very nice to see that this channel is so active, and that people can get real support here. This is extremely valuable.15:37
ducasseNoob: you might want to subscribe to the ubuntu-users mailing list, there are many knowledgeable people there and you can learn a lot.15:38
Noobducasse: What is the difference?15:39
ducasseNoob: it's a mailing list, not irc :)15:39
Noobducasse: Sure :)15:39
ducasseNoob: you can find it on lists.ubuntu.com - the archives are there too.15:40
Noobducasse: I will check that15:41
=== joshuaebby_ is now known as joshuaebbymathew
SpinachCan I switch to Cinnamon, from Ubuntu MATE 16.04?15:42
iNvIsIbLe_τι κανετε;15:42
genii!gr | iNvIsIbLe_15:43
ubottuiNvIsIbLe_: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:43
iNvIsIbLe_thank you very much genii15:43
ducasseSpinach: yes, just install the desktop and choose which one you want when you log in.15:44
SpinachCan you show me an article proving that I can do that?15:45
Noobducasse: My problems arose today after I tried installing torsocks, which I guess was because I had tor already installed. Do you know if there is a way to have the two things without having them conflict?15:45
ducasseNoob: it says they shouldn't conflict, so it should be ok.15:46
Spinachhehe n00b15:46
SpinachWhat article, written for novices like me, shows that it is safe and the instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04?15:47
ducasseSpinach: article, no. why should it be a problem?15:47
AndroitIf I can't find "ImageMagick" or "policy.xml" on an Ubuntu server, how can I know for sure I'm not vulnerable to the latest vulnerabillity?15:48
ducasseSpinach: my laptop has cinnamon, xfce and i3, all work perfectly fine.15:48
Noobducasse: Ok, I will try it again. Is it best to download it from the tor project website, or use ppas? I remember seeing something about one method being better than the other somewhere.15:49
BluesKajSpinach:  not a goos practice to doubt support volunteers, if you have problems with trust then perhaps google is your friend15:49
ducasseNoob: use the repos as much as you can, don't rely on ppas. download from project web sites as a last resort. the repos are all we support here.15:51
AndroitAhhh I guess if the identify command returns an apt-get response suggesting I install ImageMagick, that means I don't have it installed? ... Strange since I could swear some of the WP plugins are using it?15:51
BrAsS_mOnKeYGot a update information alert saying some packages could not be updated.  Please remove, reinstall packages for flashplugin-installer..  while installing I get this error msg:15:52
=== mquin is now known as evilmquin
SchrodingersScatNoob: and since neither project websites or ppas are supported it's up to you, often I prefer the project website if it's simple enough for me to build myself, anyone can make a ppa so it's an extra layer of trust you have to have.15:52
BrAsS_mOnKeY40: too many levels of symbolic link15:53
Noobducasse,SchrodingersScat: How can I find the repos? What is the difference between a repo and a ppa?15:53
=== jarvis is now known as Shirocen
ducasseNoob: it depends on the ppa, some are run by ubuntu employees, those are generally good. repo = packages supported by ubuntu, ppa = personal package archive by third parties.15:54
lokien_can anyone help me with that, please? http://pastebin.com/raw/8pGbXgtE15:54
=== ezra is now known as Guest9578
SchrodingersScatNoob: the repos should already be on your system, you can use the package/software management programs to select them, like update center.  apt-cache search is one cli way, so apt-cache search firefox would search the repos for anything firefox related.15:55
lokien_is it safe to remove udisks2?15:57
tim241yes I think15:59
tim241otherwhise you just install it again15:59
NoobSchrodingersScat, ducasse: I found something in the Ubuntu Software Center, so I am guessing that should be a good place to get it from?15:59
BrAsS_mOnKeYhow can i check if my flashplugin-installer is up to date?15:59
ducasseNoob: yes, that's the safest way.16:00
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: relative to what?16:00
lokien_tim241: eh, nautilus depends on it. too bad it doesn't know how to show my ssd temperature properly16:00
SchrodingersScatNoob: yep, software center reads from your repos (or anything you added)16:00
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: if to the repos, check `apt-cache policy <package>`16:00
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: (presuming you ran `apt-get update` first)16:00
BrAsS_mOnKeYi ran apt install package and remove package16:01
BrAsS_mOnKeYthats what the error msg suggested16:01
BrAsS_mOnKeYGot a update information alert saying some packages could not be updated.  Please remove, reinstall packages for flashplugin-installer..  while installing I get this error msg:16:01
BrAsS_mOnKeY40: too many levels of symbolic link16:01
tim241!rules > tim24116:01
ubottutim241, please see my private message16:01
BrAsS_mOnKeYI did do apt update first16:02
Noobducasse, SchrodingersScat: Thanks guys! I see that there is even torsocks there.16:02
ducasseNoob: there are thousands of packages in the repos, so look there first.16:02
Noobducasse: Will do :)16:03
BrAsS_mOnKeYI ran apt-cache policy package I guess everything looks right :)16:04
SpinachWhat article, written for novices like me, shows that it is safe and the instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04?16:04
BrAsS_mOnKeYjust doesnt seem to have installed correctly16:04
Noobducasse: Although I am guessing I better restart the computer before doing anything else, after changing so many things.16:04
ducasseNoob: shouldn't have to.16:04
Noobducasse: Ok, I am installing it now then16:05
ducasseSpinach: look for that article yourself, google is your friend. i'm telling you it should be fine.16:05
Codfectionhow to run vmware unlocker16:07
Codfectionon ubuntu16:07
Noobducasse: I actually just noticed that tor socks is already installed, and so is Tor! I though we had uninstalled it.. And I did just launch tor. Strange16:08
BrAsS_mOnKeYnacc, under version table, one of the version doesn't match the installed candidate versions16:08
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut the installed and cadidate versions do match16:08
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: pastebin?16:09
Noobducasse: I just got a crash report..16:10
ducasseNoob: crashes happen every now and then, ask in this channel if it happens regularly.16:11
drabhi, if I'm installing ubuntu server it picks up the hostname from dhcp as I expect it to, however if I install ubuntu it does not. any idea why?16:12
elhehello Iḿ currently running ubuntu gnome 14.04 with a 3.19.9-59 kernel and as I started the pc today, I couldn`t connect via wlan. When I go into the network manager it says, that it is not compatible with my current version. Can anybody help me please16:12
drabit seems the problem is ubiquity or something in the graphical installer since the preseed file is the same and the dhcp and even host are the same16:12
elheinterfaces has only auto lo and iface lo inet loopback16:14
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: that's all normal, the first 3 versions are from the updates pocket, security pocket and the installed log, respectively; the 4th one is the "release" version of flashplugin-installer16:14
Codfectionhow to install wine16:15
Codfectionon ubuntu16:15
Noobducasse: The report says it is something about tor, but I can't copy (why can't we copy some fields?!). It says that some tor build failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite usr/bin/tor, which is also in package tor-browser
naccCodfection: `apt-get install wine` or use the software center?16:15
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
SchrodingersScatNoob: it likely installs tor as a daemon.  Restarts are normally only required after kernel updates, some things may require a user to log out then back in.16:16
drabI can even see the correct hostname being read in installer/casper.log16:16
SpinachWhat article, written for novices like me, shows that it is safe and the instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04?16:16
NoobYeah, the updates was saying that I should restart to complete something16:16
BrAsS_mOnKeYok thanks,16:16
NoobSchrodingersScat: Yeah, the updates was saying that I should restart to complete something16:17
curlyearsNoob:  be aware that tor is no longer to be considered safe to use,  It has been reported that obne of their former developers has aligneed himself with the FBI and has been impplicit in hundreds of arestsa16:17
ducasseSpinach: if you aren't going to listen to what we tell you, then why bother asking us in the first place?16:17
Codfectionnacc I typed aptget install wine and it shows a lot of packages to be installed.. afraid it might break the system16:17
BrAsS_mOnKeY500 http://pe.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages16:17
BrAsS_mOnKeY        500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security/multiverse amd64 Packages16:18
BrAsS_mOnKeY        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status16:18
BrAsS_mOnKeY 50016:18
BrAsS_mOnKeY        500 http://pe.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/multiverse amd64 Packages16:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:18
BrAsS_mOnKeYthose are the 4?16:18
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: why would you type those in the channel if you just pastebin'd them?16:18
naccCodfection: wine probably has lots of dependencies16:18
Codfectionnacc, apt-get install wine should install the latest version?16:19
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: but yes, those are the 4, as you can see, and i just said: updates, security, installed (dpkg status), release (which has been superseded)16:19
naccCodfection: yes16:19
Codfectionthanks :)16:19
naccCodfection: the lateset *ubuntu-packaged* version16:19
nacc!latest | Codfection16:19
ubottuCodfection: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:19
Codfectionyea thats what I needed.16:19
Codfectionthanks anyway16:20
Codfectionhow to run .exe file16:20
curlyearscodfection:  caan't run an .exe file uunder ubuntu16:20
tim241install wine16:20
Codfectionwanna use vmware unlocker.exe file to unlock my VMWare16:20
naccCodfection: that's why you installed wine, i assume16:21
Codfectionto run OS X16:21
tim241Codfection> use wine m816:21
curlyearsright, run Windows applications under wine ( I have to be honest, I never had much luck with getting anything to run under wine)16:21
ducasseCodfection: that's for windows vmware binaries, not gonna do you any good.16:21
Codfectionyea I know m8. asking whether it would have compatibility with the VM here in ubuntu or its just for windows VM16:21
Codfectionducasse, oh alright. any idea how to do for ubuntu16:22
ducasseCodfection: none. some people are working on running osx under kvm, though.16:22
Codfectionso I can't run OS X on ubuntu at all? ducasse16:23
Codfectionthats sad thou16:23
elheSorry to bother you again. hello Iḿ currently running ubuntu gnome 14.04 with a 3.19.9-59 kernel and as I started the pc today, I couldn`t connect via wlan. When I go into the network manager it says, that it is not compatible with my current version. Can anybody help me please16:24
SpinachAt least there are ppl here. Half the time I come into this Linux provided chat, it is disappointingly empty.16:24
ducasseCodfection: old versions works/worked at some point, no idea what the status is now.16:24
abhigenie92_hi guys116:24
tim241 I have vb 2008 on linux16:25
SpinachWelcome abhigenie92.116:25
Codfectionducasse, I cant do iOS development on linux right?16:25
ikoniaCodfection: why not ?16:25
abhigenie92_I am in grave problem I was installing kubuntu 16.04 from usb, in between installation I had to restart.16:25
Codfectionikonia, how ?16:26
ikoniaCodfection: what's stopping you ?16:26
abhigenie92_Now I booted again from live image.16:26
abhigenie92_And want to install again.16:26
ikoniaCodfection: so you can't use xcode no,16:26
ikoniaas that is macosx only16:26
Codfectionikonia, so how then?16:26
abhigenie92_I formatted the linux partition as ext4 from fdisk16:26
ikoniaCodfection: depend what you're actually trying to do16:26
Codfectiondevelop iOS apps16:26
ikoniaok - so you want iOS not mac16:27
t3jvi was testing disk quotas and set a disk quota of 1GB for a user. i downloaded some test files and then it eventually said disk quota exceeded. i deleted the test files but it's still saying disk quota exceeded. when does this update? is there anyway i can force it without disrupting services for others?16:27
Codfectionheard u need to buy expensive macbook :(16:27
Codfectionto do that16:27
naccelhe: have you tried going back to the last working kernel?16:27
ikoniaCodfection: there are some objective C development tools that will allow you to do development, where you will struggle is the simulator/test tools xcode provides16:27
elhenacc: yes tried the last 316:27
nacct3jv: how did you delete them?16:27
t3jvnacc: rm 512*16:27
nacct3jv: might need to run `sync` a few times to be sure they are cleared fully16:28
Codfectionikonia, how to overcome that? mate.16:28
nacct3jv: and they can't be open by any other program in order for them to be removed from disk16:28
Codfectionwithout getting broke..16:28
ikoniaCodfection: I think you'll struggle with that to be honest, unless you have an old device to test on natively16:28
ikonia(or just a device, doesn't have to be old)16:28
naccabhigenie92_: i haven't seen the issue yet?16:28
Codfectionikonia, have you done development in which platforms?16:28
ikoniaCodfection: have I dont iOS development ?16:29
drabCodfection: stop "hearing" and start doing your homework. A quick google search even shows how to install OSX on linux under virtualbox on linux16:29
t3jvnacc: i've ran that several times, even rebooted the server16:29
draband as a matter of fact the latest dev lang for ios, swift, is open and apackages are available for linux16:29
Codfectiondrab, bro I wanna use VMWare WorkStation..16:29
ikoniamac OSX is not licensed on non apple hardware16:29
Codfectiondue to its snapshot feature16:29
ikoniaso unless you have a mac - it's a pointless discussion16:29
drabCodfection: that works too, just stop asking for people to hold your hand and do your homework16:30
tgm4883Codfection: are you being intentionally obtuse?16:30
draband virtualbox has snapshotting too16:30
naccelhe: and all of them report the same network manager issue?16:30
rmbhi al, I 've used debain, mint and ubuntu. What distro can I install that will allow me to learn lots about linux and linux software?16:31
ikoniarmb: any of the ones you've used16:31
Codfectiondrab, ok thanks. u dont have to be so rude :)16:31
nacct3jv: so the quota tool is currently reporting, for that user, that it's at 100%?16:31
elhenacc: yes exactly the same and the wlan pci card is shown by lspci and the ath9k is running16:31
rmbhmmm but I ideally need an installation project16:31
ikoniarmb: any of the ones you've used16:32
nacct3jv: can you see if, as that user `du -sh --max-depth=1` in their home directory indicates where the consumption is coming from?16:32
drabCodfection: if asking people to do their part of the job instead of just asking others to do all the work is calling being rude then we're in trouble16:32
naccelhe: unfortunately i'm not sure; do you have any idea what was updated?16:33
SpinachWhat article, written for novices like me, shows that it is safe and the instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04?16:33
ratraceAnyone using encrypted swap on 16.04? Does it work? My swap won't mount on boot, I have to swapon manually.16:33
t3jvnacc: here you go http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16392036/16:33
Codfectiondrab, sorry mate. I am new to ubuntu and have difficulties overcoming the lack of windows applications usage16:34
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nacct3jv: that second output wasn't what i asked16:35
nacct3jv: you pasted the size of a file called test116:35
t3jvnacc: it came up with an error du: warning: summarizing conflicts with --max-depth=116:35
nacct3jv: ah, sorry, try `du -h --max-depth=1`16:35
nacct3jv: but as that user and in their home directory16:35
nacct3jv: not as root16:35
ducasseSpinach: boy, you really do *not* pay attention, do you. 'sudo apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment'16:35
elhenacc: it said that it was a kernel update, but changing the kernel didn`t change anything16:36
t3jvnacc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16392121/16:37
t3jvim going to try to change the disk quota limit and see if that refreshes it16:37
abhigenie92_my I selected manual and is this what my setup looks like. http://imgur.com/TEs1QSZ16:37
nacct3jv: that looks to be running as root; and just to confirm that's test1's directory?16:37
t3jvnacc: i did "su user1" then "cd ~" and then ran the command16:38
BrAsS_mOnKeYnacc, how come the dkpg status has a older version number than the installed, candidate number above the version number16:38
nacct3jv: i guess technically you set the quote on all of /dev/sdb, so it could be any file on that disk16:39
BrAsS_mOnKeYversion table*16:39
naccBrAsS_mOnKeY: it doesn't. dpkg status, updates and security all have the same version ( and release has, which was the one in 16.04 when it released16:40
abhigenie92_nacc: this what setup looks like now http://imgur.com/TEs1QSZ16:40
naccabhigenie92_: you have yet to state a problem that i can see16:40
ducasseratrace: encrypted swap works fine here.16:40
BrAsS_mOnKeYoh ok :)16:41
BrAsS_mOnKeYthanks for explaining :)16:41
t3jvnacc: ah you know what you're right, thanks for pointing that out. the disk is mounted to /home and all user backups are done to /home/backup and chowned to each user16:41
ratraceducasse: is it part of lvm or standalone partition?16:41
nacct3jv: ah :)16:41
midnightdreamhello everyone.  I have lost internet access on ubuntu 14.04. I get the following error when starting nm-applet:  Could not initialize NMClient /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager was not provided by any .service files16:42
ducasseratrace: no lvm.16:42
ratraceducasse: my swap fails when it tries to swapon after mkswap, default systemd swap service, says device busy16:43
ducasseratrace: sorry, never seen that. mine just works™16:45
ratraceducasse: 16.04?16:45
therealtbehi I need to install "cmake" on a machine without internet.   I know I can download with apt-get download cmake.  but how do I get all the other package dependencies in a nice bundle please?16:46
ducasseratrace: yep. no lvm as i said, everything as the installer set it up. although the installer was either vivid or wily, it's been upgraded.16:46
ratraceducasse: yeah mine is too, worked fine in willy, started collapsing in xenial16:47
t3jvnacc: sorry to be a pain but i've just searched the / and the amount of files the user has doesn't exceed the quota. the backups were only 100kb. I just created another test user and did the same thing, after deleting the test files i downloaded using wget, it still says the disk quota is exceeded. reqouta says the user has used the hard limit of the quota. perhaps it just needs to be refreshed?16:47
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust:  :D16:49
lotuspsychjemidnightdream: can you try a sudo service network-manager restart16:49
goddardhow can i mount a drive windows hasn't closed properly?16:49
ducasseratrace: no problems here, is yours on lvm? it's possible the crypto stuff is started first, as most people would use lvm on top of crypto.16:49
BrAsS_mOnKeYSo are there any Ubuntu developers in here?16:50
lotuspsychjeBrAsS_mOnKeY: #ubuntu-devel16:50
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  or maybe #ubuntu-app-devel16:51
t3jvnacc: running quotacheck -u -f /home seems to do the trick but when running without -f it says quotacheck: Quota for users is enabled on mountpoint /home so quotacheck might damage the file.16:53
ratraceducasse: no, my crypto has been set up manually by me before willy, as the installer did not support encryption before willy. it's a plain partition16:53
tim241 hi guys I created a script to run visual basic on linux how can I upload that script to the linux server that if I do sudo apt-get install visual-basic-2008 it will start and download my script16:53
t3jvwhen i apt-get install quota, it added a cronjob to check quota everyday but i always get emails saying quotas are already enabled. i don't understand the logic behind this. why does quotas need to be disabled for it to check the quota?16:54
ducasseratrace: i installed with the vivid or wily image, and set up encryption with the installer.16:54
MonkeyDusttim241  you can't ... make tje script available as a ppa or .deb and hope someone picks it up ... if it is approved by the ubuntu devs, it can be added to the official repos16:55
tim241how do I compile it as a .deb?16:56
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.16:56
curlyearsrmb:  are you still here?16:57
MonkeyDusttim241  start here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91071716:57
tim241thank you so much16:59
argentnemo_Does anyone here use pulseaudio equalizer?16:59
MonkeyDustargentnemo_  thet's a yes/no question ... what brings you here17:00
argentnemo_I'm trying to find a fix for crackling that happens when i use the equalizer17:01
argentnemo_it only happens when i get a notification or when 2 audio sources play17:01
argentnemo_but it's really annoying17:01
ratraceparted reports the USB stick to which the 16.04 desktop ISO has been dd'ed as mac labelled, with Apple + EFI partitions? wth?17:06
ducasseratrace: guessing that is so it will boot on a mac. an uefi pc only looks for an efi partition.17:09
jmaderohi all - what are the default permissions for a home folder? I formatted my machine a couple days ago and need to set permissions right again17:10
MonkeyDustjmadero  drwxr-xr-x17:11
jmaderoMonkeyDust: what's that equivalent to 700?17:11
jmaderofor chmod17:11
ducassejmadero: 75517:11
jmaderothere it is, thanks17:11
jmaderoI set to 700 and my machine freaked out17:12
jmaderobut .ssh folder needs to be 700 correct?17:12
tim241<MonkeyDust> I try to run it but I get this error while installing: http://pastebin.com/SvTH2USE17:12
ducassejmadero: yes.17:12
MonkeyDusttim241  ty in #ubuntu-app-devel17:13
jmaderowait 755 gives permission to access to everyone17:13
buck1does anyone know where version control is for these things? https://partner-images.canonical.com/core/xenial/current/17:13
jmaderoI definitely don't want everyone to have access to my home folder17:13
ducassejmadero: you asked for the default :)17:13
buck1jmadero: traditionally, you want people to be able to ls your homedir17:13
jmaderowhy in the hell would they default to that!?17:13
jmaderolol 750 won't break anything right?17:13
buck1jmadero: note that the write bits are missing...17:14
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ratraceducasse: I see. thanks.17:14
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Inase_Moriyakuis anyone able to help with a laptop question?17:14
jmaderoyeah, seems like a weird default, might 750 it :)17:14
buck1anyone is17:14
jmaderoInase_Moriyaku: just ask17:14
Inase_Moriyakuperfect. I just installed Ubuntu MATE, and everything works, with the exception of my backlight fn keys. I'm not sure how to fix this issue17:15
Inase_Moriyakuwould anyone have any insight?17:15
tonesfrommarsugh, network-manager is down for the count. is anyone else suffering from this after system updates?17:15
lotuspsychjetonesfrommars: try sudo service network-manager restart ?17:16
jmaderoInase_Moriyaku: http://askubuntu.com/questions/547927/backlight-change-with-fn-keys-do-not-work-on-asus17:16
Inase_Moriyakuit's not an ASUS. It's a Compaq. But that's vendor agnostic, I assume?17:16
tim241I tried to build my first .deb program but I get an error while installing: http://pastebin.com/SvTH2USE17:17
jmaderoInase_Moriyaku: no they wouldn't be17:17
tonesfrommarsthanks lotuspsychje , tried that, but no love. Network prefs says "system network services are not compatible with this version"17:19
tonesfrommarsI'm trying to get into recovery mode so I can reinstall from there, but I can't even manage that, haha.17:19
lotuspsychjetonesfrommars: wich ubuntu version is this?17:19
tonesfrommarsShift key on reboot not getting me there, neither escape key.17:19
tonesfrommarsI'm in 14 LTS17:20
tonesfrommarsI'm finding reports that something broke today: http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#77184117:21
asifis there any ubuntu gnome user ??17:21
autotrophcould anyone advise me - when i restart ubuntu i get 'system program problem detected' and no internet connection17:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:22
squintytonesfrommars,  hold down the shift key immediately after computer boot splash screen.  afaik, the escape key has to be repeatably tapped17:22
nacct3jv: sorry, i don't know too much about the quota system myself17:22
t3jvnacc: it's ok, after running quotacheck with -f now it works, i can delete files and the space is immediately available17:23
nacct3jv: ah ok17:23
asifcan i remove the round corner on my desktop below activity panel17:23
GougHi - can you please recommend a light and secure mail server easy to setup on Ubuntu 16.04 Server?17:23
MonkeyDustGoug  squirrel17:24
tonesfrommarsthanks squinty, tapping escape did the trick17:24
GougMonkeyDust, will I be able to use a domain i jsut bought to set up multiple emails@thisdomain.com ?17:25
Inase_MoriyakuJust wanted to pop back and say thanks, guys. It worked. If I have any more issues, I know where to go. :)17:25
MonkeyDustGoug  there's also #ubuntu-server17:25
autotrophanyone have any suggestions - i rebooted ubuntu and now i get 'system program problem detected' and no internet connection17:25
autotrophbut this is not a new install or anything17:26
squintytonesfrommars, yw17:27
squintyautotroph,  someone else experiencing the same problem posted the following :   http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#77184117:28
mt_i need help17:30
mt_network-manager stop working after upgrade17:30
mt_i need to reinstall it from cd17:30
mt_how to do it17:30
mt_pls urgent17:30
mt_any one please help17:31
squintymt_, http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#77184117:31
autotrophis it normal when i do 'service network-manager status' it returns 'network-manager stop/waiting' ?17:31
autotrophinteresting mt i'm having same problem17:32
autotrophmust be related to software update17:32
autotrophthanks squinty17:33
Guido1I'm looking for a way to add a carrecter to the name of several files in a folder. So I want to make from abc.doc, def,doc, efg,doc etc. something like abc T.doc, def T,doc, efg T,doc etc.17:33
naccGuido1: look at `man rename`17:34
tonesfrommarsok, repaired broken packages from recovery mode. Got two warnings at the end "ModemManager: couldn't find support for device at '....': not supported by any plugin17:35
autotrophanyone know how to see the details of system program problem17:35
ducasseGuido1: if you want a gui there is gprename17:35
Guido1ducasse, nacc: thanks.17:37
neo1691Hey guys, I am having trouble with fonts on android-studio and oracle java 8. I have posted all the details here http://askubuntu.com/questions/771931/ugly-font-rendering-with-android-studio-on-java817:37
Guido1I have a problem with a Samba printer as well17:37
G3nka1I update to ubuntu 16 LETS and guess what there is not java, dont know where it went( I had both jre and jdk before)17:37
G3nka1wierd af17:37
neo1691Here is a screen of the fonts http://i.stack.imgur.com/mukbO.png17:37
tonesfrommarsHooray, I'm fixed! Thanks everyone.17:38
OerHeks!java | G3nka117:38
ubottuG3nka1: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:38
akikG3nka1: try openjdk-8-jre-headless. it's installed by default17:38
akik!info openjdk-8-jre-headless17:39
ubottuopenjdk-8-jre-headless (source: openjdk-8): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless). In component main, is optional. Version 8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~16.04.1 (xenial), package size 25908 kB, installed size 94549 kB17:39
akikG3nka1: actually i don't know if it was installed by a dependency17:39
G3nka1no its not akik, when i type java it says it can be found in folowing softwares17:39
OerHekstry 'openjdk'17:39
G3nka1 nope command not found17:40
OerHeksif that new softwarecenter does not show, install synaptic ( detailed softwarecenter)17:40
G3nka1but just before upgrading I had used it17:40
OerHeksi think it shows only gui apps17:40
akikG3nka1: ok install that package and you'll get java 1.8.017:40
OerHekssudo apt install openjdk17:40
dbz2kwhat does mean on on of the bugs I am following "OEM Priority Project"17:40
G3nka1but I want java 7 akik17:40
G3nka1not 817:40
G3nka1i dont know if my project will work on 817:41
OerHeksno 7 on 16.04 AFAIK17:41
G3nka1fuck :/17:41
G3nka1why did I upgrade ;(17:41
Guido1ducasse: I'm just trying gprename, but i don't get to the directory17:41
OerHeks!info openjdk717:41
ubottuPackage openjdk7 does not exist in xenial17:41
OerHeks!info openjdk7 wily17:41
ubottuPackage openjdk7 does not exist in wily17:42
midnightdreamwhen I run sudo service network-manager ewstary I get: stop/waiting17:42
akikG3nka1: you can probably install oracle's java outside of the package manager17:42
Guido1ducasse: got it17:42
midnightdreamstart/running, process 345817:42
G3nka1hmmm will that work ? akik17:42
naccOerHeks: G3nka1: correct, 16.04 has 8 and 9, iirc17:42
midnightdreamstill no internet17:42
OerHeks!info openjdk-8-jre17:42
ubottuopenjdk-8-jre (source: openjdk-8): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is optional. Version 8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~16.04.1 (xenial), package size 69 kB, installed size 251 kB17:42
OerHeks!info openjdk-7-jre17:42
ubottuPackage openjdk-7-jre does not exist in xenial17:42
OerHeks!info openjdk-7-jre wily17:42
ubottuopenjdk-7-jre (source: openjdk-7): OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT. In component main, is optional. Version 7u101-2.6.6-0ubuntu0.15.10.1 (wily), package size 166 kB, installed size 521 kB17:42
G3nka1but will openjdk8 support openjdk7 projects ?17:43
G3nka1in general17:43
hubitwhich are other wonderful commands like wget?17:44
naccG3nka1: not sure, but the reason it's not in 16.04 is probably becuse 7 has been removed from debian unstalbe & testing17:44
autotrophanyone know how to check libnl version and check what cached old versions exist17:44
naccautotroph: `apt-cache policy <pkgname>`17:44
G3nka1and akik will JAVA_HOME be implicitly set when I do sudo apt-get install openjdk8 ?17:44
akikG3nka1: it's not set17:45
autotrophcan i use widcards somehow nacc17:45
naccautotroph: no, but you might be able to tab-complete17:46
naccautotroph: actually, it does support wildcards17:46
naccautotroph: e.g., libnl*17:46
autotrophoh yeah it does lol17:46
G3nka1hey nacc I also seem to have update issues after upgrade, can you look this and say if somethings wrong ? http://sprunge.us/iBFe  akik17:46
mehi am trying to comple iridium browser17:46
OerHekssure, apt-cache policy openjdk*17:47
mehis a privacy-enchaced modification of  chromium17:47
mehbecause iridium does no have a ppa for xenial17:47
naccG3nka1: i can't help you with non-ubuntu repositories (opensuse), the weak digest issues are knownw for google (google them to see what it means)17:48
G3nka1no no I dont want opnsuse I dont even know how it go tadded :/ nacc17:48
mehis for make a deb17:49
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Guest32663alguna de madrid17:49
mehfor ubuntu "an iridium updated ppa"17:49
sriniwasis there any way to change themes without unity tweak tool17:49
mehthe beast strategy would be17:49
mehdownload the chromium's source deb17:49
mehand replace chromium's code  with iridium's code?17:50
mehbecause iridium does not updated the ppa https://downloads.iridiumbrowser.de/ubuntu/dists/17:51
G3nka1woah openjdk8 seems to work fine thanks a lot guys :) nacc akik OerHeks17:51
mehbut the source code is it  "wi it i replace chromium source code"17:51
akikG3n3sis: just for my curiosity, which java app you are running?17:52
sriniwasPlease help me17:53
Jordan_Umeh: That might be a good place to start, but you should really also look at all of the pieces of source packaging and ensure that they still make sense with iridium.17:53
MonkeyDustsriniwas  right click on the desktop, select themes17:54
MWMI am looking for a way to permanently change process priority in lubuntu 15.1017:54
sriniwasMonkeyDust I am running unity17:54
MWMcurrently using gnome-system-monitor, but it must be reset on reboot17:55
bekksMWM: Tell us about your symptoms leading to that question please.17:55
QueenslayerAnd gals17:55
MWMI am simply trying to set a higher priority for a particular process so that it gets more attention from the cpu (video encoding)17:55
ducasseMWM: 'nice'?17:56
MWMducasse:  what ive read of nice is will take some study.  I was hoping there was something simpler :)17:56
akikrenice too17:56
sriniwasis there any way?😩17:57
Noobducasse: I have lost the network after restarting. Could you help me? I am on a tablet now.17:58
MWMaparrently there is a GUI for it "auto nice daemon"  but there is the matter of there being two forms of nice:  0-99 and -20 to 20.  I dont knwo the difference17:58
OerHekssriniwas, systemsettings > appearance, there is a theme selector17:59
autotrophupdate of libnl packages from version 3.2.21-1 to 3.2.21-1ubuntu117:59
autotrophthat is confusing17:59
nacc_autotroph: what is confusing about that?17:59
autotrophwell the naming scheme18:00
autotrophat first i thought okay i am already on the proposed downgraded package18:00
zykotick9autotroph: i'd "guess" they backports something to it... thus it's the same version, but with a "ubuntu1" edit..18:00
akikMWM: what do you consider hard in putting one number as the new priority?18:01
NoobI have no network in ubuntu 14.04. Can someone help?18:01
autotrophwell i have to downgrade18:01
sriniwasI have extracted the theme in the themes directory but it only shows the two default options18:01
autotrophNoob -try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/727127/last-upgrade-crashes-network-manager-no-internet-connection-no-applet/727462#72746218:01
MonkeyDustsriniwas  ight clicking the desktop is the easiest and normal way ... what happens when you try18:02
nacc_autotroph: the naming scheme is totally expected and well documented? it means there is an ubuntu change on top of the debian version18:02
autotrophNoob - others having same problem18:02
autotrophright but i was not expecting it18:03
MWMakik: http://askubuntu.com/questions/337444/how-to-increase-the-priority-for-a-task-permanently-in-linux-machine18:03
autotrophi see now though18:03
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MWMIve gone to /etc/and.priorities ... and then Im lost as to where I am supposed to edit.18:03
sriniwasIt only shows options ambience and radiance18:03
akikMWM: i was just thinking about a simple solution. modify the program shortcut to always run it at the highest priority18:04
dxsweetWhy nobody talks?18:07
MWMback to reading  I only topped in because I thought you guys might have the fast solution :)18:07
therealtbehow can I download cmake and all dependencies to install offline please??18:07
MonkeyDust!offline | therealtbe18:08
ubottutherealtbe: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD18:08
seventh__hi all18:08
seventh__I just baught an ASUS ROG 552VW and I cannot manage to make it shutdown or reboot18:09
seventh__it hangs on shutdown18:09
lotuspsychjeseventh__: what does F1 show as error on shutdown process?18:09
seventh__no error18:09
seventh__that is why i'm here18:09
seventh__it hangs on the last step18:09
lotuspsychjeseventh__: wich ubuntu version?18:09
lotuspsychjeseventh__: and wich sstep would that be?18:10
DJonestherealtbe: Assuming you're using xenial, look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/cmake there's a link at the bottom of the pagen to download cmakeand its dependancies18:10
seventh__[OK ]reached shutdown state18:10
Guest64864alguem do brasil?18:10
DJones!br | Guest6486418:10
ubottuGuest64864: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:10
lotuspsychjeseventh__: does sudo halt -p work?18:10
seventh__thank you so very much18:11
lotuspsychjeseventh__: is your system up to date mate?18:11
seventh__yes i guess so18:12
Noobautotroph: Thanks, I will try that, but it will take me some time to find a way to copy the file. I am on a tablete now18:12
lotuspsychjeseventh__: try sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade18:12
seventh__going to give it a sudo apt update upgrade now18:12
Noobautotroph:anything else I could try in the mean time?18:13
seventh__ok now the reboot and shutdown work18:15
seventh__but i lost my mouse pointer18:15
seventh__any help here18:15
MonkeyDustseventh__  usb mouse? wireless?18:16
seventh__its a trackpad issue... it has already been mentioned in several posts, but i cannot figure out how to make it work18:18
seventh__and it worked just before i did the "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get ugprade"18:19
Term1nalI'm continuing to get notifications about updates being available, however, there are none upon checking the software updater tool.18:19
autotrophNoob - i think you should try that one18:19
autotrophNoob - here is what someone else said in the comments:  have faced this issue which wasn't got fixed for quite some time. What I do is sudo ifdown eth0 when disconnected and sudo ifup eth0 when a new link is connected18:20
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midnightdreamso when I try to restart network manager nithing happpens... any ideas?18:22
Term1nalI should have stuck with 14.04 *sigh*18:23
lotuspsychjemidnightdream: is it possible to test a lower kernel version?18:23
anna__get resolved?18:23
SpinachWhat article, written for novices like me, shows that it is safe and the instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04?18:24
lotuspsychjeSpinach: check omgubuntu.com and softpedia linux18:24
Noobautotroph: This command? "sudo ifdown eth0"18:25
autotrophthat is what it says Noob18:26
autotrophhave not tried it18:26
midnightdreami will try the recovery directions in the link18:27
Noobautotroph: That didn't work: "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured"18:27
midnightdreamhopefully an update is released soon to fix this18:27
seventh__ hey everybody, I have just installed ubuntu 16.06 on my brand new ASUS ROG GL552VW and the mouse pointer of the trackpad doesn't work. although it works with an USB mosue18:27
seventh__any one can help me with this ?18:27
Noobautotroph: you know how to configure it?18:28
magento_rocksi have a tomcat8 issue on Ubuntu 16.04 -- 1st request: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jpostal_parser in java.library.path  -- 2nd+ request: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.mapzen.jpostal.AddressParser18:29
autotrophdid you try the ifup command18:29
magento_rocksthis works fine in ubuntu 15.1018:29
squintyNoob, does the output of  ifconfig  show something similar to the following "enp5s0"  (located on the far left)18:29
=== Dorami is now known as Dorami-Doraemon
autotrophNoob - no not really18:29
OerHeksseventh__, easy find, this topic https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?81702-Linux-installation-in-ASUS-ROG-GL552VW-DH7118:29
magento_rocksim using only default values everything, any idea why it works on 15.10 but not 16.04?18:29
OerHeksseventh__, see #618:30
SpinachThis chat does not have an undo feature. That is a basic feature.18:30
lotuspsychjeSpinach: undo?18:30
magento_rocksirc chats are immutable18:30
SpinachWhat article, written for novices, like me, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?18:30
Noobsquinty: No, just what I posted18:31
autotrophis there a special way i have to download .deb files ?18:31
MonkeyDustautotroph  wget18:31
Codfectionwho codes in C / C ++?18:32
naccCodfection: many people18:32
autotrophMonkeyDust - i mean i downloaded these files and transferred them via a usb stick18:32
CodfectionWanna ask which is the best ide and compiler in ubuntu18:32
autotrophbut when i rn dpkg on them it says they are not debian format archive18:32
ducasselotuspsychje: i'm guessing he's trolling, i already told him how to do what he asked, but he wants 'proof'.18:32
Codfectionnacc, any idea?18:33
squintySpinach,  you have had lots of suggestions on your topic.  There is no hard and fast guarantee that mixing desktops won't barf somewhere along the line (be there done that and don't do it any more).  some users never experience and problems but others do....18:33
naccCodfection: i've never used an ide. Most Ubuntu developers probably use gcc/g++.18:33
Codfectionthats all you use ?18:33
naccCodfection: but asking "best" questions is not a support topic.18:33
squintyNoob: ok thanks just checking because the naming of ethernet and wireless has been changed recently18:33
SpinachI have only had 1 answer to my topic.18:34
OerHeksSpinach, the only guaranteed solution is installing side-by-side18:34
Codfectionnacc, yea my bad..18:34
seventh__OerHeks, thanks but now the computer hangs on the shutdown...18:34
MonkeyDustSpinach  the proof of the pudding is the eating ... try it to find out18:34
seventh__and the mouse still doesn't work..18:34
naccCodfection: gcc and g++ are all you need as far as compilers go, you might need make and other helper tools, depends on what you're doing18:34
OerHeksseventh__, err you type here?? and read the article thos boot options might solve that too.18:34
autotrophoh nevermind18:35
squintySpinach, that is not true18:35
Codfectionfor writing programs.. nacc18:35
MonkeyDustSpinach  it may depend on your hardware, so no one can tell in advance18:35
seventh__OerHeks, yep read them, went throught them, no ERR to mention, it just hangs on [OK] Shut down state reached18:36
seventh__and now after I did the update upgrade no mouse pointer18:36
streulmaNetwork Manager crashing......18:36
seventh__and the solution #6 on the topic does't work18:36
naccCodfection: i use a text editor to write programs18:36
Codfectionnacc, which text editor?18:37
streulmathe wifi thinks he is lan network, pkill -9 wpa_supplicant and restarting NetworkManager helps18:37
Codfectionwhat pdf / epub reader you suggest on ubuntu?18:37
lotuspsychjeCodfection: mupdf18:37
naccCodfection: I use vi(m), but that is sort of irrelevant18:37
OerHeksseventh__, hmm indeed, 2nd page gives more failures, no confirmation...18:37
MonkeyDust!manual | Codfection FWIW18:38
ubottuCodfection FWIW: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:38
naccMonkeyDust: thanks18:38
Codfectionlotuspsychje, thanks.18:38
CodfectionI wanted specific name18:38
lotuspsychjeCodfection: calibre for epubs18:39
seventh__OerHeks... thanks mate. was hoping there was a master guru that had a wicked solution over here <3 :p18:39
lotuspsychjeseventh__: try another kernel for a test18:40
seventh__hmmmm I would do it, but I am preparing this laptop for a lady that has no ubuntu knowledge...18:41
seventh__and btw how do I downgrade a kernel ?18:41
lotuspsychje!mainline | seventh__18:41
ubottuseventh__: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:41
OerHeksseventh__, err only nouveau,modeset 0 ?? http://askubuntu.com/questions/757573/installing-linux-on-rog-gl552vw-beginner18:41
OerHeksseventh__, if that does not work, reply to that post please18:42
autotrophNoob, midnightdream, et al: this solution worked for me, i have networking18:42
Codfectionguys when I install anything using apt-get install, I dont see their icons on launcher until I restart my system.. is this normal?18:42
OerHeksCodfection, for some tools/extentions yes18:43
seventh__thanks guys, giving it a read now18:43
lotuspsychjeautotroph: what fixxed it?18:43
seventh__will be back soon with an output18:43
autotrophlotuspsychje - this solution http://askubuntu.com/questions/727127/last-upgrade-crashes-network-manager-no-internet-connection-no-applet/727462#72746218:43
OerHeksCodfection, depends on what you install, there might be a command to reload their database/restart service18:43
squintyCodfection,  some apts don't appear in dash  just loggin out and logging back in again makes them appear here.18:44
SpinachWhat article, written for novices, like me, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?18:45
Codfectiongot it18:45
MonkeyDustSpinach  you're trolling18:45
squintySpinach,  time to give it a rest please18:45
MonkeyDustSpinach  what you ask does not exist18:46
OerHeksbtw cinnamon 'on top of mate' you still need to change DE when you login18:46
OerHeksso now you are not novice anymore18:46
therealtbeSpinach:   http://bfy.tw/5kcB18:47
tim241 I am banned at #debian reason: (bored)18:47
Codfectionguys why I need to use terminal to copy and paste files from different locations? Why I cant drag and drop18:47
Picitim241: thats not something that we can help you with18:48
baizonCodfection: well you dont have to use the terminal xD18:48
Codfectionhow to simply copy paste files by dragging?18:49
Codfectionprompt pops up saying no privilages.18:49
baizonCodfection: open 2x nautilus (file manager) and drag?18:49
OerHeksCodfection, you can do that in your /home folder, not outside, then you need permissions18:49
baizonCodfection: it depends where you want to copy them18:50
CodfectionOerHeks, how to give it permissions?18:50
baizonCodfection: run as sudo would be one solution18:50
Codfectionthat would be using terminal,. baizon18:50
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:50
OerHekstoo mucht to answer in 1 line18:51
thebishophi, i'm seeing an issue with 16.04 where my laptop's touchscreen digitizer seems to be freaking out.  i get spurious orange move/scale anchors on my windows, and the unity dashboard will randomly open sometimes.  it also makes my cursor jump on occasion.  i don't see these problems on windows, so i kind of ruleout hardware/dust/moisture related explanations18:51
baizonCodfection: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:51
squintyCodfection,  nautilus-admin   install that and an admin option will appear in nautilus18:51
Codfectionbaizon, whats the nautilius thing u mentioned before?18:51
Pappyteepartition table entries are not in disk order ubuntu18:52
SpinachWhat article, written for novices, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?18:52
MonkeyDustSpinach  stop18:52
lotuspsychje!ops | Spinach repeating18:53
ubottuSpinach repeating: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang18:53
OerHeksMonkeyDust, he does not read us anyway18:53
baizonCodfection: its the default file manager for ubuntu18:53
CodfectionOerHeks, the article is full of terminal commands18:54
CodfectionI've asked for GUI based permissions. but thanks anyway18:54
Codfectiongot it... baizon18:54
ioria!info gksu18:54
ubottugksu (source: gksu): graphical front-end to su and sudo. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-9ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 50 kB, installed size 456 kB18:54
Codfection./rm -rf18:55
mlenthuHi, I am a student from India. I am having troubles installing nvidia drivers on ubuntu 14.04. I am here for help18:55
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AntarcticFleaNo one is here? wow18:57
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AntarcticFleaWhat a pointless chat18:57
MonkeyDustAntarcticFlea  type /topic18:57
AntarcticFleaI have my own topic, thank you.18:57
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AntarcticFleaGlad to know someone is here.18:58
mlenthuHey, can anybody help me out with nvidia drivers installation?18:58
MonkeyDustAntarcticFlea  this is the ubuntu supoport channel, what brings you here18:58
ThorI have a local dns server running on my firewall which has a records for other machines on my network, I've installed 16.04 on my pc, but for some reason I can not resolve any hosts on the local domain, I've noticed that dnsmasq is installed as what I guess is a lxc container. I haven't been able to find much information on how it's controlled or configured though, any pointers would be nice.18:58
AntarcticFleaOtherwise this would not be function18:58
AntarcticFleaWhat article, written for novices, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?18:58
squintymlenthu,  first thing to do is check  Additional Drivers to see if anything is offered18:58
Noobautotroph: where shoud I save the .deb files?18:58
mlenthuI have tried to install nvidia driver from additional drivers and from binary fiile provided by Nvidia itself. Both seems to be not working.18:59
MonkeyDustAntarcticFlea  your question is pointless, don't blame the channel18:59
AntarcticFleaNoob, you may save them to the /home/<username>/Desktop18:59
mlenthuWhenever I install I get into login loop issue or black screen issue18:59
Codfectionmlenthu, thats the nvidia drivers problems.19:00
Codfectionregardless of OS.19:00
Codfectionlatest drivers from Nvidia tends to give headaches.19:00
NoobAntarticFlea: But then isn't it bad in the long run, since the system will be using it, what happens if I move  or erase them later?19:00
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mlenthuI have tried stable driver also (352). Same issue19:00
Codfection^ they call it stable19:01
Codfection352 had issues if u google it19:01
RAMIThas anyone had a thing where hacving an encrypted install causes ubuntu to freeze?19:02
mlenthuBut older version like 342 does not supports my card (GeForce GTX 960M)19:02
autotrophNoob - well if you can save the deb files to your computer you must have networking19:02
Codfectionmlenthu, which laptop u using19:02
MonkeyDustCodfection  yes, nvidia and ubuntu are not friends, linus's 'the finger' is a classic19:02
Noobautotroph: I have a pen drive19:02
autotrophwhat i did was save them on a usb stick, then transfer them to the computer without networking19:02
autotrophthen i just made a temp folder on the desktop and ran them from there19:02
CodfectionMonkeyDust, not only on linux, they have issues with windows aswell19:02
autotrophdoesn't really matter19:02
autotrophmaybe you could run them from the pen drive, i dunno19:03
mlenthuI am using ASUS ROG laptop19:03
AntarcticFleaWhat article, written for novices, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?19:03
PiciAntarcticFlea: There is none.19:03
Codfectionmlenthu, ubuntu for gaming?19:03
PiciAntarcticFlea: Please stop repeating, you've been asked multiple times and given instructions.19:03
linuxuserHow r u pici19:04
Codfection^ fine19:04
mlenthu:) no actually not for gaming. I will be using it for CUDA programming19:04
Codfectiongreat.. download cuda drivers19:04
Codfectionnot latest ones19:04
naccautotroph: Noob: fwiw, i think the archive versions will get fixed shortly19:05
mlenthuI have tried bumblebee also. Though it installs the drivers but it hangs on simple commands also.19:06
mlenthuProblem is there are so many solutions suggested by people on web I am totally confused. I am not good with ubuntu internals so I was just trying out all solutions19:06
ikoniabubmlebee is dead19:06
mlenthuAnd now I am totally confused.19:07
Codfection^ its dead19:07
Codfectionmlenthu, best bet would be to install the older drivers by nvidia cuda19:07
Codfectionlatest ones are having all kinds of problems.19:07
pubunt_my drive keeps crashing/rebooting... what are good tests to run?19:07
Codfection^ chkdsk19:07
tankenmatehmmm my body feels like it is about 2 inches to the left of where it should be19:08
Noobautotroph: Thanks, that worked! Can I just delete those files from my desktop?19:08
ikoniaCodfection: that lastest ones are stable19:08
ikoniaCodfection: are they confirmed problems, or problems you are having19:08
mlenthuOkay, thanks. Will try out an older driver.19:08
Codfectionikonia, all around forums19:08
AntarcticFleaWhat article, written for novices, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?19:08
pubunt_Codfection, chkdsk?19:08
ikoniaCodfection: not really interested in forums, interested in confirmed bugs19:09
ikoniaforums are people of all knowledge levels and experience pasting opinions, thats not confirmed bugs19:09
Codfectionpubunt_, open command and write chkdsk19:10
ikoniaCodfection: chkdsk is windows19:10
pubunt_chkdsk:  not found19:11
OptiprismHow come "ls *.png" returns "ls: cannot access '*.png': No such file or directory" instead of listing all .pngs?19:11
compdocchkdsk is windows19:11
Codfectionoh yea its for windows.. can you tell him the alternative.19:11
squintypubunt_,  sudo touch /forcefsck  (forces a fsck on next reboot)19:11
Codfectionthanks squinty19:12
Codfectionwhats the touch command for/19:12
compdocls *.gz  works19:12
ikoniaCodfection: you can't check an "in use" file system19:12
compdocls *.sh     too19:12
ikoniaCodfection: touching that file tells the OS to check it on reboot, before it's mounted and in use19:13
akikOptiprism: it means you don't have files ending with png in there. try *PNG19:13
Optiprismnvm I was in the wrong directory >.>19:13
compdocah ha!19:13
Codfectionalright ikonia19:13
AntarcticFleaWhat article, written for novices, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?19:14
squintytime for him to go on ignore.....19:14
pubunt_I'm confused19:15
pubunt_so will that command check my drive's health?19:15
pubunt_condition whatever?19:15
ikoniapubunt_: you've been told what to do19:15
ikoniapubunt_: do you actually have a problem ?19:15
pubunt_I was given a command that will run fdsk on next reboot?19:16
ikoniapubunt_: yes19:16
squintypubunt_,  it will check your file system. if you want to check the health of your disk then use smartctrl  or the Disks program19:16
pubunt_the HDD rebooting on its own is a problem to me19:16
ikoniapubunt_: "rebooting on it's own"19:16
Noob2Hi can someone help me please? I need help19:16
ikoniapubunt_: is the whole machine rebooting ? or do you have a hard disk problem19:16
MonkeyDustNoob2  start with a question19:17
squinty!ask |Noob219:17
ubottuNoob2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:17
Noob2What article, written for novices, gives instructions for how install Cinnamon on top of Ubuntu MATE 16.04, and proves that it is safe and stable?19:17
OptiprismIs there a default latex distribution in ubuntu that I can use? I'm rather new to it19:18
Codfectionikonia, while streaming videos online on ubuntu. it tends to turn off screen. is there any way to possibly stop it?19:18
ikoniaOptiprism: open the package manager, search for latex and you'll find the package19:18
pubunt_machine reboots in my ubuntu partition...windows will not load / loads with black screen...19:18
ikoniapubunt_: ok - so that may not be a hard disk19:19
pubunt_entire system reboots if I go to my other ubuntu partition... after a while... seems to when I open tabs in firefox19:19
Noobnacc, autohtoph, AntarticFlea: Thank you guys! Have to go19:19
pubunt_then what?19:19
ikoniapubunt_: the machine hard resetting like that, while possibly hardware, doesn't suggest a damaged hard disk/file system normally19:20
OptiprismWhat's the command to open the package manager? I might have lost the sidebar accidently19:20
pubunt_but so far only hardsetting when using that partition19:20
kunjiWould an error about "Missing parameter in configuration file keyword: path19:20
kunjigfxboot.c32: not a COM32R image boot:    be about no ATI card support in 16.04, or would this mean the boot USB has some other issue, this error is given repetitively at boot from the usb, before grub or anything.19:20
Codfectionanyone with a solution to stop screen being turned off during online video streaming?19:21
ikoniapubunt_: thats not correct is it, as you can't boot into your windows partition, so you don' tknow if that would reset19:21
pubunt_I get a msg after reboot... but forget entire msg19:21
ikoniakunji: are you using a different grub install ?19:21
squintyOptiprism, gnome-software   for 16.0419:21
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Term1nalOkay, this is becoming bothersome: http://i.imgur.com/iwhjxqf.png19:21
kunjiikonia: I'm trying out 16.04 as created by the startup disc creator, live USB.19:22
Term1nalI continue to get this notification about updates being available, but as you can see, checking the updates screen shows the opposite.19:22
pubunt_have no idea how to diagnose it then :-/19:22
ikoniapubunt_: first thing to do - is get the facts straight when talking to people19:22
kunjiikonia: last I know of this should be grub2... but is it a quiet boot now and it's going right to the other stuff?19:22
lyzeTerm1nal, sudo apt-get udpate && sudo apt-get upgrade19:22
ikoniapubunt_: your problem is "my machine is hard resettings when I boot to ubuntu, I'm no longer able to boot any other OS on the disk"19:23
lyzeTerm1nal, try that inside the terminal c;19:23
ikoniakunji: fair enough19:23
Term1nalI did19:23
Term1nalthere is nothing available19:23
ikoniapubunt_: I'd get an ubuntu liveCD/media, you'll be needing that19:23
pubunt_I might need a new one19:23
pubunt_I have to use a usb stick, right?19:24
kunjiikonia: I'll try making the liveUSB again, maybe in messed up on the last run.19:24
pubunt_what's the way to create it now?19:24
ikoniakunji: possible, but I doubt it19:24
ikonia!install | pubunt_19:24
ubottupubunt_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:24
Kitty_SecI am new to Ubuntu19:24
Term1nal0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:24
OptiprismHey I had installed 16.04 back when it was a dev build, do I need to reinstall it or is running sudo apt update/upgrade sufficient?19:24
Kitty_SecHow do I install Ubuntu19:25
ikoniaOptiprism: it should upgrade19:25
ikonia!install | kunji19:25
ubottukunji: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:25
kunjiikonia: I've had it happen before, oh so many times, would it really complain about the GPU before even reaching grub? O.o19:25
pubunt_that's installing19:25
ikoniapubunt_: no it's not, it's making the media to install19:26
ikoniapubunt_: that media is the live media19:26
abhishekhi guys!19:27
ChocolateBearHi all.19:27
abhishekhow can I install drivers for nvidia 940m for ubuntu(kubunutu)19:27
Codfectionanyone with a solution to stop screen being turned off during online video streaming?19:27
abhishekNVIDIA GeForce 940M (4 GB DDR3L dedicated)19:27
CodfectionI cant watch videos properly due to screen turning off :(19:28
DF3D2hi, I have a schiit modi usb dac, never had issues with it before. But all the sudden MPD will not play, the device is hw:1,0 and is unmuted in alsamixer.19:28
DF3D2mpd says it cant find the device, but the device is listed in aplay -l19:28
kunjiCodfection: Well, you could disable the screen off setting, that's easiest, but I guess you mean only for when watching video?19:28
abhishekmy graphics transitions are not smooth by default.19:28
ikoniacrazyhorse: isn't it just a power saving option ?19:28
MonkeyDustCodfection  howq is it your system is in that state, what was your initial question19:28
Codfectionkunji, only watching videos online \19:28
Term1nalAnyone? http://i.imgur.com/iwhjxqf.png up updates available via updater or apt cli19:29
Term1nalbut that notification continues to pop up on me19:29
kunjiCodfection: Well that gets more complicated, you'll need to decide how you're going to determine that you are watching a video online to start with.19:29
ikonialast Term1nal19:29
CodfectionMonkeyDust, while streaming online videos. screens turns off as if I am not using computer.19:29
DF3D2speaker-test -D plughw:CARD=Device,DEV=019:29
DF3D2  <------that just played19:29
pubunt_this is not helpful19:30
ikoniapubunt_: what isn't ?19:30
pubunt_anyway, what do I need the live media for?19:30
MonkeyDustCodfection  yes but before that, you're here for some time now19:30
Term1nalbetween this and the other little nagging issues I'm having with 16.04 thus far.... I'm quite displeased with this release.19:30
ikoniapubunt_: to run diags19:30
dbz2kwhat does "OEM Priority Project" mean on bugs19:30
dbz2kthe one bug I am following got moved there19:30
CodfectionMonkeyDust, any help regarding that?19:30
pubunt_that page19:30
pubunt_not useful19:31
ikoniapubunt_: it is19:31
pubunt_I am used to using dd though19:31
Term1nalikonia: what?19:31
ikoniapubunt_: it tells you how to make install media19:31
ikoniaTerm1nal: sorry, it was a typo19:31
ThorI have a local dns server running on my firewall which has a records for other machines on my network, I've installed 16.04 on my pc, but for some reason I can not resolve any hosts on the local domain, I've noticed that dnsmasq is installed as what I guess is a lxc container. I haven't been able to find much information on how it's controlled or configured though, any pointers would be nice.19:31
=== autotroph is now known as chatter
BrAsS_mOnKeYhello artway :D19:31
ikoniaThor: what you said just doesn't make sense19:32
ikoniaThor: you have a dns server - great, you have a 16.04 client, great, what are you on about dnsmasq and guessing its lxc19:33
kunjiCodfections: On phones there is an OS api that the app calls to request the screen remains on, I'm not sure if this exists for Ubuntu (anyone else know?).  Assuming there isn't, if you know which things you want to check for you can set up some bash scripts (or others) to toggle the power saving settings automatically for you.19:33
ikoniaThor: can the 16.04 client connect to the dns servers ip / port19:33
juimei have posted some posts to bug reports19:35
juimehow can i delete them19:35
zykotick9Codfection: you might want to try running "xset -dpms && xset dpms off && xset s noblank" then see if it happens?  <- that's from pretty old notes...  good luck.19:35
Thorikonia: yes, dig a host.domain.local @fw-ip works as expected, but doing eg. host host or host.domain.local does not resolve, despite fw assinging IPs to the client and include the fw-ip as nameserver to be used19:35
ikoniaThor: look at the dns server - are the records in the zone file19:36
ikoniaThor: the other thing to look at is, what is the name server the ubuntu client is pointing at19:36
abhishekany ideas?19:36
ikoniaThor: you've just done dig @ telling it where to look, where is it looking to by default19:36
Caelumwhat's the best way of dealing with "hash sum mismatch" errors from apt-get update19:36
ikoniaCaelum: use a different mirror19:36
CaelumI get them sporadically from perfectly good mirrors19:37
Caelumeven official ones19:37
ikoniaCaelum: then something is causing the files to not match the hash19:37
kunjixset is nice, but I can't remember if that works for video.. like that?  I was thinking some script would need to call some xset stuff.  I always have mine set to never....19:37
ikoniaCaelum: maybe your ISP is using a transparant proxy/caching19:37
Thorikonia: yes, all other hosts on the network can resolve the entire domain.local domain fine, the client's /etc/resolv.conf is pointing at which lead me to look for a local dnsmasq or similar instance, which is present: https://gist.github.com/thorerik/5026afd4eb6946978fc188566866248c19:37
ikoniaThor: ok, so if it's resoling to dnsmasq, what name server is dnsmasq using19:37
Caelumikonia: interesting thanks19:37
Thorikonia: that's what I'm wondering, cause there doesn't seem to be any dnsmasq config files in /etc19:38
ikoniaThor: is it a desktop or a server ?19:38
abhishekshould this work http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/83686/en-us?19:38
juimecan i delete posts in bugs.launchpad?19:38
kunjiThor: is this not in the hosts file anymore?... it's been a while for me, my memory on this is fuzzy.19:38
ikonianothing should be in the host file19:39
Thorikonia: desktop19:39
ikoniaThor: so I'm assuming you're using network manager then19:39
kunjiikonia: Ah, that's right, it's created dynamically these days?19:39
Thorikonia: https://gist.github.com/thorerik/5ba2c0bb6dd38d12000c19fa0ccf7262 these are the only configs I can find related to dnsmasq19:39
ikoniakunji: the hostfile is always a static file19:39
juimecan i delete posts in bugs.launchpad?19:39
ikoniaThor: are you using network manager ?19:39
bbergHey - new to linux and trying to downgrade Bluez from 5.xx to 4.xx. I check synaptic and check apt-cache, but don't see 4.xx there. I have a 4.101.tar file, but not sure how to install. Anyone have any suggestions?19:40
abhishekare there better ways except no using .run file19:40
wadI'm regretting upgrading to 16.04. The loss of the ability to set the title of gnome-terminal tabs is almost fatal. I currently have 12 tabs open, and am putting sticky notes on the top of my monitor to keep track of which ones are doing what. >_<19:40
xanguawad: install another terminal emulator?19:40
Thorikonia: looks like that, it's a mostly stock installlation19:40
juimecan i delete posts in bugs.launchpad?19:40
wadxangua, can you recommend one? I've come to love my gnome-terminal.19:41
ikoniaThor: so if it's using network manager, you should be able to see something like /etc/NetworkManager/config/dnsmasq.d19:41
ikoniaThor: I don't have a box to verify but it's somewhere in there19:41
ikoniaThor: if you do ps -ef | grep dnsmasq you'll see network manager is spawning dnsmasq for you19:41
bindiwhat encryption does the guided lvm + encryption on ubuntu 16.04 use?19:41
tewardjuime: I don't think users can, if it's a bug report that should not have been filed just Invalid it, if it's a comment you want removed you may be able to hide it.  If neither case applies, maybe ask #launchpad for admins to poke it?19:41
zykotick9abhishek: i posted #debian's "why nvidia installer sucks" to http://paste.ubuntu.com/16396871/ it applies to ubuntu as well...  you've been warned.19:42
MonkeyDustwad  MATE has plenty 'old school' features, like setting the terminal tab title and F3 multipane in the file manager19:42
Term1nalwad: I'm regretting it as well.19:42
Thorikonia: there's some config folders for dnsmasq in /etc/NetworkManager, but those are empty19:43
juimeteward: ok thanks19:43
ikoniaThor: if you do "ps -ef | grep dnsmasq" can you pastebin what you see19:43
Term1nalCertificate exceptions won't persist, credentials to network mounted directories won't persist in files manager, ubuntu keeps telling me I have phantom updates via an annoying notification every few minutes despite needing no updates19:43
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MonkeyDustwad  i guess you simply do'nt like unity19:44
kunjiThe goal here is to find which DNS is being used at the moment?  GUI or none?19:44
=== czlowiek_deprech is now known as czlowiekdeprecha
Thorikonia: https://gist.github.com/thorerik/9bd2e2aa792c28deca9f751af06ca3c919:44
dbz2kcan dnsmaq cause delay dns lookup19:44
dbz2kit sometimes take a sec on looking up domain19:44
juimeteward: does deleting the account also deletes the comments?19:44
ikoniaThor: ok, so it's using the files in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d19:44
wadI'm okay with everything else. But why, WHY, did they remove a useful feature in gnome-terminal? *sob*19:44
tewardjuime: #launchpad is your source for Launchpad questions like that19:45
ikoniaThor: I'm curious why you have lxc-dns user on your system, that is not a default ubuntu install19:45
Thorikonia: yep, but that's empty: https://gist.github.com/thorerik/1eec2a02471cea4f436098cbaedc7bce19:45
Term1nalwad: canonical seems to have a fetish for removing features needlessly19:45
xanguawad: that would be a question for gnome developers, not ubuntu19:45
Term1nalwad: My guess, it's burried somewhere in the depths of gconf19:45
xanguaTerm1nal: lol19:45
ikoniaThor: you appear to have two dnsmasq daemons running19:45
Term1nalgnome developers too19:46
Term1nalscrew them19:46
ikoniaThor: the one spawned by network manager (as it should be) and then one being spawned by lxc-dns user19:46
mlenthuHi, I have one silly question related to CUDA. Do I need to install nvidia drivers in order to run CUDA on ubuntu? Or is CUDA self contained?19:47
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Thorikonia: For some reason I guess I've assumed it forked, but thinking back dnsmasq doesn't do that, does it? that'd explain stuff19:48
ikoniamlenthu: nothing silly about that, I thought Cuda was included in the standard supplied modules, but it's worth clarifying19:48
ikoniaThor: is this your physical hardware ?19:48
ikoniaThor: and no it doesn't fork like that19:48
Thorikonia: yes19:48
ikoniaThor: have you installed any lxc container stuff ?19:48
ThorI have, but I'm relatively certain I saw that running previously as well…19:50
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ikoniaThor: so this is not a "default desktop install" as you said19:50
ThorI'll dig a bit on my own, I think you spotted the pebcak ikonia19:50
ikoniainstalling virtualization containers is pretty "non-default"19:50
Thormostly default19:50
ikoniano, it's not19:50
mlenthuSo is it possible to run CUDA without installing nvidia drivers?19:51
ikoniamlenthu: you need to install the nvidia modules yes,19:53
ikoniaI don't think you need the cuda specific ones though any more (I'm not %100) - it's worth reading the info on nvidia.com19:53
mlenthuikonia : thanks, will check.19:54
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Thorikonia: hold on… the lxc-dnsmasq shouldn't interfer anyways since it's listening to and NM's is listening on, which /etc/resolv.conf is pointing to, so the curious part is where's it's configs that define the nameserver resolvers for it?19:55
fachexhey all! good morning, afternoon, evening!19:57
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fachexI hope someone can answer. I just install U-server, LAMP and Wordpress. All is good, except por 80 is ONLY being listened in ipv6.. So I can access the site from the LAN but not from outside.19:58
fachexit's all install by default, I don't know why would it have that kind of configuration19:59
abhishekzykotick9, makes sense. Then what is the ideal way? I am having a hard-time finding the package for my card. (NVIDIA GeForce 940M (4 GB DDR3L dedicated))19:59
OerHeksThor, https://inuits.eu/blog/dns-ubuntu-lxc small help for starting with adding namecerver and set .lxd as the domain name for containers20:00
DF3D2why can I play audio with: speaker-test -c -2 -D plughw:CARD=Device,DEV=0  yet MPD "wont find" the same card20:01
ThorOerHeks: lxc was a red-herring, I'm struggling with local dns resolution handled by my firewall, dnsmasq spawned by NM doesn't seem to forward requests to the firewall, and hence lookups of *.domain.local fails unless I do eg. dig a host.domain.local @firewall20:02
OerHeksThor, what happens when you perform sudo resolvconf -u20:04
abhishekany ideas guys? apt-cache show is much helpful here too.20:04
ThorOerHeks: that fixed it20:05
MonkeyDustOerHeks  +120:05
OerHeksThor, now see what is set wrong ..20:05
tgm4883Thor: so it's all working now?20:06
ThorOerHeks: resolv.conf looks to be the same as it was before20:06
zykotick9abhishek: sorry, i have no real suggestions..  best of luck, i just wanted to point out the danger of using nvidia.com's driver.  good luck!20:07
mraskerhello, i can't connect to the internet wit my other computer. Network manager crashed just after login.20:08
mraskerEverything worked fine in the morning20:08
OerHeksThor, hmm i would trow networkmanager out, as i want working with containers staticly20:08
=== chatter is now known as autotroph
ThorOerHeks: for me it's more of a curiosity, most of my work resides in VMs and docker containers on other machines20:10
squintymrasker: maybe take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/727127/last-upgrade-crashes-network-manager-no-internet-connection-no-applet/727462#727462   there have been several enquiries regarding net-manager issues this fine day.....some reported they fixed the issue by following that page20:11
autotrophmrasker: http://askubuntu.com/questions/727127/last-upgrade-crashes-network-manager-no-internet-connection-no-applet/727462#72746220:11
autotrophsquinty helped me out this morning20:11
mraskerit was after today's update.20:12
mraskernow i can't update without internet. omg. its the end of the word.20:12
autotrophyeah same here but i fixed it20:13
autotrophi think i woke up in the middle of the night and ate some chicken20:14
akikThor: lxc can access your normal dhcp/dns server through your host. i'm using static ip's with lxc20:14
autotrophwhile i was eating i saw a new software update, so i clicked on it20:14
autotrophso many things revolve around chicken20:15
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MonkeyDustchicken ftw20:18
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autotrophit's crazy20:19
mraskerthank you squinty . Your answer worked for me! Thanks a lot20:22
mraskerI love the people here. I love linux20:22
yolooooCan someone tell me why my persistent live usb key works with the casper-rw file but wont boot if i set it with a casper-rw partition?20:23
OerHeksyolooo maybe you have this problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/148985520:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1489855 in casper (Ubuntu) "kubuntu 15.10 beta1 live usb drops to busybox with persistence PARTITION " [Undecided,Confirmed]20:29
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kthunoHi all. Got a bit of a problem with courier package (pop3) after upgrading to Xenial. Its saying "ERR Temporary problem, please try again later". Anyone with experiences?20:38
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autotrophwell it is too bad that ubuntu randomly seems to break20:43
autotrophonce in a while20:43
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autotrophno way could my mom use it20:43
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autotrophfor me i don't really mind20:43
=== ColonelAmbiguity is now known as Magic8ball
jumpkickDoes 16.04 work with Core 2 CPUs?  I have 2 desktop machines and the USB boot gets stuck after selecting “Try Ubuntu without installing” is selected20:44
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B0g4r7_How can I fix my USB?  Only the USB 3.0 ports work for me to connect the kb/mouse to.  All the USB 2 ports produce "failure to enumerate, device not accepting address" in dmesg.20:45
Darkelfjuggalois anyone having trouble installing 3rd Party Software in 16.04 LTS through the Software Center? I've had the Software center freeze trying to install Chrome [I know Chromium is an Option, but it's outdated from what others have said] and Skype... the install icon appears on the unity bar like it is waiting for a password but the prompt never appears to put the password in.20:46
B0g4r7_The USB 2 ports work fine for the keyboard in the bios and in grub.  Just not in linux.20:46
OerHeksyeah, chrome has install issues due to LSB packages no longer exist20:47
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zykotick9jumpkick: how did you create the USB?20:48
Darkelfjuggalowhat about Skype, OerHeks?20:48
dupondjeAnyone knows a good lastpass alternative (preferred free), where you can share passwords between users20:48
OerHeksskype i don't know20:48
DF3D2ugh my sound is broken. ;-|20:48
Darkelfjuggalowhat is the Command line for installing a .deb package20:48
jumpkickzykotick9: Using “Start-up Disk Creator” from a chromebox running 16.04 using the ISO that installed that chromebox20:49
DF3D2Darkelfjuggalo, sudo dpkg -i name.deb20:49
el3ctronel3ctron is online20:49
zykotick9jumpkick: interesting...  sorry, i was just confirming it wasn't unetbootin.  i've got nothin'.  good luck.20:49
tgm4883dupondje: keepass20:49
dupondjetgm4883: well tries keepassx, but there isn't very much a different user thing or so ... :)20:50
akikjumpkick: you could try some boot options when booting up20:50
akikjumpkick: it's not about the cpus20:50
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jumpkickzykotick9, akik:  oh, it just started the desktop…   after 14 minutes!  :\20:51
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DarkelfjuggaloDo i need to use the Multiarch on a 64Bit? the 32-Bit is having Errors and there is no option specifically for 64 Bit20:53
DF3D2Darkelfjuggalo, yes try that20:53
syn-programmer /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER syn-programmer uvfucjdjakfx20:55
xanguasyn-programmer: no numbers/symbols?20:55
syn-programmerOh I cannot put -20:57
DF3D2so I upgraded a 15.10 to 16.04 via do-release-upgrade20:58
DF3D2now on the HDTV I have hooked up it stops "started user manager UID 123"20:58
DF3D2does not start GDM, even tho I can SSH in and see gdm is running20:58
sentionicsHey guys, I'm new to using iptables, and my client's site is getting dos'd by two IP's. I tried adding them to iptables with: /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $SOURCEIP -j DROP20:59
DF3D2[  2644.475] (WW) xf86CloseConsole: KDSETMODE failed: Input/output error20:59
DF3D2[  2644.475] (WW) xf86CloseConsole: VT_GETMODE failed: Input/output error20:59
DF3D2[  2644.475] (WW) xf86CloseConsole: VT_ACTIVATE failed: Input/output error20:59
DF3D2sentionics, add them to /etc/hosts.deny20:59
sentionicsunfortunately, the hits are still coming through despite iptables -L INPUT -v -n listing the drop rule (the only actual rules in place at the moment)21:00
DF3D2what do you mean coming through?21:00
sentionicsthanks DF3D2, I'll give that a try.21:00
sentionicsDF3D2: tcptrack -i eth0 port 8021:01
sentionicsthat command shows them still hitting 80 over and over21:01
DF3D2im no expert but even if the packets are dropped wont you still see it in logs?21:02
DF3D2it just drops it so they can't connect21:02
sentionicsI see.21:02
punkoivantry to use reject for this IP.21:02
DF3D2yeah, reject.21:02
sentionicsoh, so reject instead of drop21:02
punkoivanreject send answer21:02
punkoivanand ok21:03
tgm4883sounds like a case for fail2ban21:03
sentionicslooking at this, looks like the only real differences between reject and drop is that reject just sends back an icmp packet.21:05
punkoivanwhen host receive answer, it usually stop asking.21:06
DF3D2punkoivan, except they are ddosing21:06
DF3D2so that just makes them know they are hitting the target21:07
tgm4883IMO, drop would be better than reject21:08
punkoivanok, so fail2ban is solution?21:09
tgm4883fail2ban is likely the better solution21:09
sentionicsI'll read about fail2ban21:10
sentionicsbut it sounds like it's just going to use iptables anyway.21:11
tgm4883sentionics: yes it does, but it does it automatically for you21:11
tgm4883sentionics: eg. when it detects stuff like this, it just start dropping their packets21:11
sentionicsessentially, beyond using the firewall, it's hard to stop someone from hitting your server with packets.21:11
gebbionehi folks, i cannot get my ethernet started on my desktop. The adapter light is off and trying to run network restart won't work21:11
tgm4883sentionics: well you can either use a firewall or stop listening on those ports21:12
sentionicsat the moment I'm using mod_evasive with apache, but I'm seeing the hits going crazy from those IP's anyway.21:12
synProgrammer /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER syn-programmer uvfucjdjakfx21:12
DF3D2synProgrammer, why do you keep doing that21:13
tgm4883sentionics: just looked at mod_evasive, not sure why someone would want to use that over fail2ban21:13
sentionicsdidn't see it before learning of fail2ban21:13
sentionics*didn't see fail2ban before I tried it21:13
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Bashing-omgebbione: 14.04 release ? and updates broke network-manager ?21:15
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gebbioneBashing-om, yes21:16
gebbionemost likely21:16
juimeDF3D2: cause he is a fail troll21:16
gebbioneBashing-om, running nm-applet does not work. Icon doesn't start21:16
nastiahi, guys! Why I can't create wifi network in networkmanager with wpa2 security. It propose me only wep =\21:18
Bashing-omgebbione: : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1539634 ... maybe an easier fix as related here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#771841 . Please advise us .21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1539634 in network-manager (Ubuntu Trusty) "network-manager crashes when using libnl-3-200-3.21.1-1ubuntu1" [High,Fix released]21:18
nacci think the official fix is going through now, just fyi ...21:18
OerHekstry in terminal: systemctl enable NetworkManager.service21:19
nastiaI want to create adhoc network21:19
SynProgrammer95Am i Here?21:20
SynProgrammer95I don't really know21:20
nastiaSynProgrammer95: yeap21:20
Bashing-omnacc: Lemme check for bug update . thanks .21:20
SynProgrammer95Oh thanks21:20
SynProgrammer95I'm new on IRC21:21
naccBashing-om: might be mentioned in LP: #158153521:22
djobdoes anybody know how to reach to the some serious hackers IRC channels?21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581535 in libnl3 (Ubuntu Trusty) "libnl upgrade breaks Network Manager" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158153521:22
hosifieddjob: what you want?21:22
naccBashing-om: i'm guessing many bugs were filed and lots of dupes are in lp :)21:22
hosifiednot many hackers are going to use public IRC channels.21:23
djobhosified, i really want real informations.. there are some things going on..21:23
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hosifieddjob: nobody is going to respond to you in a public IRC channel21:24
Bashing-omnacc: I bet ^ ! .. currently " This bug was fixed in the package network-manager - " and that package is now in the repo : " sysop@1404mini:~$ apt list network-manager >> network-manager/trusty-updates amd64 " .21:24
tgm4883That's kinda like "If you have to ask the price, it's too expensive"21:24
djobyes, i known that..21:24
djobthat's the catch21:24
tgm4883djob: so you know, yet you are still asking?21:24
hosifiedgo find some forum and post on that through a proxy...stop being stupid21:25
naccBashing-om: yeah, i guess the underlying bug was the two packages had to be upgraded together and libnl got pushed out first :/21:25
hosifiedand i'm not trying to be an ass, just an honest answer21:26
tgm4883nacc: sounds like missing dependencies21:27
Bashing-omnacc: :) .. Pleased you have the accumen to know the cause . And I am glad you said .21:27
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naccBashing-om: just following along in #ubuntu-release :)21:28
nacctgm4883: yeah, it should have been a versioned break in nm, i guess21:28
nacctgm4883: so the new version will have that, so the two packages upgrade together21:28
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neo_can't get my wacom leds switch to reflecte activated mode21:32
padillaalgun español21:33
neo_my config : ubuntu 16.04 fresh install / wacom intuos pro small pth-45121:33
neo_no espanol21:33
tgm4883!es | padilla21:33
ubottupadilla: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:33
QueenslayerHi everybody21:36
neo_any help?21:36
gebbioneBashing-om, i cannot select Enable networking21:36
gebbioneit goes back to the options21:36
juackparrotusr is 3GB var 585.7MB21:40
juackparrotcache is 347.5mb21:40
juackparroti have ubuntu 16.04 and it's not good. I need help I am trying to download repository. And now it showed me that ubuntu disk is full. (im using virtualbox) and i add 8gb21:40
gebbioneBashing-om, i cannot select Enable networking, it was going back to the options but it let the networking work21:42
gebbionedone an update21:42
gebbioneand now nm-applet is back21:42
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juackparrotanyone see this message?21:43
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naccjuackparrot: what do you mean you were "trying to download repository"? Do you mean `apt-get update`?21:44
juackparrot] neo_ [~neo@] requested CTCP DCC from juackparrot: CHAT chat 3232235782 43639 [12:44] <juackparrot> wtf21:44
juackparrotit's very slow!!!!!!! 723 KiB/s21:45
juackparrotwindows is slow21:45
juackparrotgit clone21:45
naccjuackparrot: i don't particularly care about windows, nor is this the right channel for support for windows21:46
juackparrotnacc: but ubuntu is slow21:46
naccjuackparrot: you're not giving very clear information to help, unfortunately21:46
juackparrotyou are complaining to much, you do not let me to explain.21:47
juackparroti submit a report21:47
naccjuackparrot: git-clone's speed is not determined by the OS21:47
juackparrotubuntu said I'm out of space21:47
tgm4883juackparrot: please don't use the enter key as punctuation21:47
juackparrottgm4883: i don't.21:47
tgm4883the last 4 minutes of this channels life begs to differ21:48
naccjuackparrot: ok, so were you out of space? what was using up all your disk?21:48
juackparrotusr 3GB cache 347MB21:48
tgm4883juackparrot: can you pastebin the output of 'df -h'21:48
naccjuackparrot: those are two arbitrary directories (presumably)'s sizes.21:49
juackparrotudev 1.5 GB ... tmpfs 300MB used 4.9MB ... /dev/sda1 Size 4.9GB used 4.2G and many tmpfs used21:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:50
neo_Any help with my wacom tablet leds?21:51
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tgm4883juackparrot: you have a tiny drive21:52
naccjuackparrot: ok, so most of your / partition is in-use, but there's ~400M free still; if the repository you are trying to clone is larger, it won't fit21:52
juackparrothow to check size of repository?21:52
naccjuackparrot: i mean, you're probably going to run out of space in general at this point, eventually21:53
juackparrotbut i didn't do anything21:53
naccjuackparrot: i don't believe there is a way to remotely determine the size of a git repository21:53
tgm4883nacc: if it's github, he could query the API21:54
tgm4883but I think you are right, nothing directly via git21:54
tgm4883juackparrot: what repo?21:55
nacctgm4883: ah didnt know github exported it, makes sense that they would, though21:55
neo_git count-objects -v21:55
tgm4883neo_: for a repo that you haven't cloned yet21:55
naccyeah, i don't think you can 'peek' at the remote like that21:57
Codfectionguys whats the command to search for softwares that are installed21:57
Codfectionlookup bla.etc?21:57
Codfectionlookup doesnt work21:57
tgm4883Codfection: what do you mean? You can search for files with "locate" but that doesn't show you what packages are installed21:58
Bashing-omCodfection: ' dpkg -l <package> ' ?21:58
YankDownUnderCodfection, "sudo apt search <package string>"21:59
naccCodfection: you want to search only over things installed? or over all possible packages?21:59
zykotick9YankDownUnder: fyi, "apt search FOO" doesn't need sudo...22:04
nastiawhy I cant create with WPA2 security wifi network22:06
nastiaonly wep22:06
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_jay1Hey all, having some wireless issues, broke yesterday (Mom's computer, so info isn't the best :) ) Was working, the update yesterday went slowly, not working today. I've tried so far: plug wifi adapter (USB) into different ports, 2 other wifi adapters, booted into 2 previous kernels using grub, many reboots...22:24
nacc_jay1: was it 14.04?22:25
nacc_jay1: there was unfortunately an update that went out in 14.04 that broke nm, if you can get it networked normally (ethernet) then you can fix it by applying the latest updates22:25
naccBashing-om: do you have the workaround link?22:26
_jay1I'm going to have to do it manually by transferring from usb- is there a place to get the fix?22:26
nacc_jay1: i think what's in the archives now, presuming uptodate, is correct22:27
Bashing-omnacc: _jay1 : this may be the easier fix : http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#771841 ,22:27
OerHekshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1539634  http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#77184122:27
naccBashing-om: thanks, i'll bookmrk that as i think it'll be a faq :)22:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1539634 in network-manager (Ubuntu Trusty) "network-manager crashes when using libnl-3-200-3.21.1-1ubuntu1" [High,Fix released]22:27
autotrophthis is the fix that worked for me: http://askubuntu.com/questions/727127/last-upgrade-crashes-network-manager-no-internet-connection-no-applet/727462#72746222:29
Bashing-om_jay1: The package you want if going the manual route : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/
_jay1Nice thanks for all the info it's appreciated22:29
Bashing-om_jay1: NP .. help is what we do .22:30
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Kruser328Hey, during booting I get this error message: lvmetad is not active yet, using direct activation during sysinit22:44
Kruser328Can somebody help me?22:44
marwHello, I am a new ubuntu user. Version 14.04. I just bought a wireless mouse 2.4 GHz but it wont work. Already connected it to various USB ports but nothing. I run the lsusb but I dont understand the results... I would appreciate any help given. Thanks in advance!22:46
PaulVernLinux networking/vpn question:  I have a raspberry pi2 setup with the openvpn client running22:51
PaulVernand the iptable setting to allow masquerading/forwarding22:51
PaulVernI set the default gateway on my computers/phones at home (Windows 8.1, Ubuntu, Meego (phone) and my TV) to the IP of my raspberry pi22:51
PaulVernand my traffic goes through the VPN, all good22:51
PaulVernbut sometimes if the VPN drops out, then reconnects, these devices end up going directly to the internet22:51
PaulVern(through my router)22:52
PaulVernI can fix this by rebooting the devices or restarting the network service22:52
PaulVernhow is this happening (ignoring the default gateway setting), and how can I prevent it?22:52
probohi all22:57
OerHeksPaulVern, so you look for an keep-alive option, not sure where to look for22:57
proboi want be show my new song and simple blender animation22:58
probowhat you see about this music and clip?22:59
probowhat you think22:59
ac1dh0n3ycl0udI think that's totally off topic and also I'm not sure what language it is but it's pretty neat23:01
ac1dh0n3ycl0udNeat my name is Polish23:01
ac1dh0n3ycl0udand the bee needs more hair23:02
proboi dont want lyrics opinion23:02
proboonly music23:02
ac1dh0n3ycl0udI said it was neat...23:03
proboi see now23:03
ac1dh0n3ycl0udI think the music is the best part23:05
_jay1nacc, Bashing-om, OerHeks- mom's wifi is up and running, son saved the day (with some help of course) :D thanks again!23:05
nacc_jay1: great!23:05
proboi know23:05
proboanimation its not special23:05
bazhang!ot | probo ac1dh0n3ycl0ud23:06
ubottuprobo ac1dh0n3ycl0ud: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:06
probobut its only my passion23:06
probook so only talk about ubuntu problems23:07
proboi thinking its open chanel not only support23:08
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic please probo23:08
proboi see now23:08
bambosois there anyone??23:11
badishi ^^23:11
badisim here23:11
bambosowhere are you from??23:11
badisi have a question , may i ?23:12
bambosook,what is??23:12
badiswell let's say i have a big library collection of ebooks videos tutorials operation systems images ... that i downloaded since last few years and now im complitly confused the way i should orginiz it23:14
badisany idea ?23:14
Welkinnetwork manager problems anyone?23:14
naccWelkin: yes, there are updates that fixed a regression in 14.0423:14
Welkinhow did this happen?23:14
badisim talking about some 950 Gb of data23:14
Welkinthere are updates?23:14
Welkinbut I cannot connect to the internet on that machine23:15
naccWelkin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/771627/14-04-network-manager-stopped-working/771841#77184123:15
Welkinyeah, I read that23:15
Welkintoo many different options23:15
squintybadis, for ebooks -> calibre23:15
WelkinI tried some and they didn't work23:15
naccthere is one option23:15
naccthat i just linked to23:15
naccWelkin: and it works already23:15
WelkinI tried that23:16
Welkindoesn't work23:16
WelkinI get to step 3 and then it just gives me a console that I have to force quit23:16
naccWelkin: squinty's link may work, as well23:16
squintythere were several people who solved their problems with the second link23:17
Welkinokay, so I have to download the files, put them on some external storage, then install them23:17
cosminyou can tell me a linux distro better than ubuntu mate?23:17
Welkinwhat a pain in the ass23:17
Bashing-omWelkin: If you are handy, you can manually install the updated network-manager : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/ .23:18
WelkinI'm wondering if I should switch to another distro because of the constant problems with ubuntu23:18
WelkinI used LTS for a reason, but even LTS is not safe23:18
nacc"constant" ... sounds like FUD23:18
cosminwhat linux distro dosn't have problems?23:19
tgm4883Welkin: you're complaints have been noted. Threatening volunteers that you might change distro's changes nothing23:19
daxcosmin: Debian, in my experience.23:19
Welkinsure, there aren't daily problems, but I expect an LTS distro to not break fundamental partso f the system, like the network23:19
daxbut perhaps that's because they do (more?) testing before pushing updates out23:19
bencchow can I make two hdd drives behave as if I have one large drive?23:19
tgm4883Welkin: A mistake was made23:20
cosmindebian better than ubuntu mate?23:20
Bashing-omWelkin: I have been with ubuntu since 6.06 = yeah 6.06 - .. all my problems have been self inflicted .23:20
WelkinI appreciate the work that everyone does for linux/gnu/ubuntu, but it's frustrating when you expect something to work and it doesn't23:21
cosminand on the debian you have so much apps like on ubuntu?23:22
tgm4883Welkin: You've aired your frustration, can we get on to fixing the issue now?23:22
gskerbencc: lvm2?23:22
OerHeksWelkin, just curious, do you have proposed updates enabled ?23:22
WelkinOerHeks: no23:22
OerHeksWelkin, oke, thanks.23:22
marwCan anybody answer my previous question please?...23:22
WelkinI am using xubuntu, to be specific, not that is should matter23:22
gskermarw: repeat it, I guess?23:23
Bashing-omWelkin: Note that the current crises started but yesterday, and the fix is alreay committed .23:23
theShirbinymarw, what question?23:24
badiswell let's say i have a big library collection of ebooks videos tutorials operation systems images ... that i downloaded since last few years and now im complitly confused the way i should orginiz it23:24
badis any idea ?23:24
bazhangbadis, you got told calibre for ebooks23:25
bazhang!info calibre | badis23:25
ubottubadis: calibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.55.0+dfsg-1 (xenial), package size 22344 kB, installed size 49154 kB23:25
br0sephhi guys, im pretty new to ubuntu and im new to this channel. any hearthstone players in here who knows about a fast way to install/play hearthstone on ubuntu? (im currently using ubuntu mate)23:26
marwI use 14,04 ubuntu, i am a new user by the way so please excuse my lack of knowledge. Just bought a wireless mouse 2,4 GHz but it won't work. I replugged it to the different USB ports, run the lsusb where xenta appears but I dont know what to do more.23:26
gskermarw: what do you mean by "xenta"?23:27
badisi do know calibre well , the problem that there is so much directories and there is so much ebooks in archive format zip rar ... that it is painfull to add them all manualy one by one and i dont know any option in calibre that add and extract all archives ebooks from several directories at once23:27
gskermarw: not enough info -- make and model? usb ID?23:28
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marwBus 002 Device 009: ID blah blah Xenta (which i guess is the mouse because when I unplug it it disappears from the lsusb23:28
theShirbinymarw, also unplug it and plug it again and paste the output of dmesg | tail -5023:29
OerHeks!info GCstar23:30
ubottugcstar (source: gcstar): Manage your collections of movies, games, books, music and more. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-1 (xenial), package size 2780 kB, installed size 9702 kB23:30
squintybadis, that would be off topic here but there is the #calibre channel23:30
OerHeksold project, used to be movie only, now all sorts of collections23:30
gskermarw: :-)  It's the blah blah that you skipped that needs to be known.  :-)23:31
badisthank you for your time guys ^^23:32
gskermarw: The ID is the mapping between the USB device and the UDEV driver.23:32
badisit's just so frustrating to have all those files ...23:32
Welkinbadis: your only viable option then is to write a script to unzip/unrar your files23:32
squintybadis,  maybe you should take another look at a recent copy because I am pretty sure there are provisions in newer versions that will do what you want23:33
tgm4883badis: welcome to the world of dealing junk folders23:33
marwBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub23:33
marwBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub23:33
marwBus 002 Device 004: ID 0bda:57b8 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.23:33
marwBus 002 Device 003: ID 04f3:2063 Elan Microelectronics Corp.23:33
marwBus 002 Device 011: ID 04b4:0033 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Mouse23:33
marwBus 002 Device 007: ID 0489:e078 Foxconn / Hon Hai23:33
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tgm4883marw: try that again via pastebin this time23:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:35
marwI am sorry23:35
badisseveral years ago i thought if i had the biggest library of tutorials ebooks software in the world i will be a beter computer scientist .... now that i have it i just cant study anythink because im just afraid of it23:36
badishironic ...23:36
elhackhelp me23:37
theShirbinyelhack, with what?23:37
tgm4883badis: that's not ironic. That's just a poor thought process23:37
Bashing-om!help | elhack23:37
ubottuelhack: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:37
marwthe cypress semiconductor corp mouse is the other mouse i am using right now, not the wireless which doesnt work23:39
badisunfortunatly you'r right ...23:39
tgm4883badis: also, a huge waste of money23:39
br0sephso I want to get to learn how to use the terminal to install/configure stuff etc and overall just learn to be a better linux user, is there a good website/ebook/video that anyone can recommend for something like that?23:40
Welkinmy network manager is back up23:40
Welkinthanks everyone23:40
tgm4883br0seph: ask badis23:40
tgm4883badis: sorry, I couldn't resist23:40
badisdont remember me of money , i spend about the price of a new car to store and download it lol23:40
badisim now admiting it im just an idiot23:41
Welkinbr0seph: http://www.linuxcommand.org/23:41
br0sephWelkin cheers23:41
ac1dh0n3ycl0udbr0seph: Ubuntu Unleashed is a great book23:41
br0sephac1dh0n3ycl0ud like a real book or ebook? thanks tho goonna google that as well23:42
Bashing-omWelkin: great ! Which method did you employ ?23:42
tgm4883badis: so either use the software that was mentioned, delete it and then lookup stuff when you have questions, or go through each one and delete stuff you have no use for23:42
ac1dh0n3ycl0udbr0seph: It's an actual book--they even use it as the textbook for the linux course at my college... get through the whole thing and you'll be a much better linux user23:42
br0sephok thank you so much ac1dh0n3ycl0ud much appreciated23:43
br0sephgod ive missed IRC, thank you guys so much for your help!23:43
tgm4883badis: IMO, the best solution would be to delete it, as most of the stuff you have is probably outdated now23:43
WelkinBashing-om: downloaded the deb packages and installed using dpkg23:43
Bashing-omWelkin: :) no substitute for that command line .23:43
badisi cant , it will hurt my feeling too much23:43
tgm4883badis: ok, now you're just trolling23:44
Codfectionguys why cant I put wine applications on launcher (dock) on ubuntu23:45
Welkinbeing a digital packrat is not a good idea, unless you are a historian/librarian of some kind23:45
WelkinBashing-om: yes, I live on the command line (and in emacs) but rarely do any system admin stuff, so I'm pretty lost when something breaks23:46
Codfectionguys why cant I put wine applications on launcher (dock) on ubuntu23:48
Bashing-omWelkin: I also push a lot . Coming from other distro's I broke my system a bunch . That is the way I learned the CLI .23:48
Codfectionany idea?23:48
OerHeksCodfection, maybe you need to make a desktop starter first , for that wine app23:51
bazhang#winehq Codfection23:51
CodfectionOerHeks, how to make desktop start for that wine app? I already selected create desktop icon during installation23:51
OerHeksand what launcher doc exactly?23:53
OerHeksthat leftside unity panel?23:53
Codfectionthat unity panel23:53
semitones-reinstHello! I would like to reinstall Ubuntu on a current installation of 14.04 (but keep the files in /home). What is the most efficient way to do this? I'd like to avoid burning a cd or mucking about with a USB drive if possible. Thanks!23:53
OerHeksopen that app, and when the icon is visible, lock it23:53
OerHeksright mouse,...23:53
CodfectionI did.. next time I open it doesnt launch23:53
Codfectionand even logo fades away23:54
OerHeksthen the icon is not valid23:54
OerHeks* not a valid path23:54
Codfectionso cant make it?23:54
Codfectionany idea how to get this workout23:54
OerHeksedit the icon path again, this is more a wine question, not sure where23:54
OerHeksbut icon path failure is the reason23:55
mehi am trying to create a ppa   of iron browser23:55
mehbecause its official ppa is vero olsd23:55
mehi am using23:55
Codfectionif path was invalid then it wouldnt work from dash23:56
mehits anciente source deb and the chromium source deb23:56
mehas i undesrtand23:56
mehthe "rules" file23:56
semitones-reinstIs USB the only method to install ubuntu these days? I'm doing research and it seems that it may be the case23:56
mehdownloads and compiles   chromium,  after ir apllies iridium's patches23:56
Bashing-om!install | semitones-reinst23:57
ubottusemitones-reinst: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:57
Codfectionmeh why not install chrome?23:57
mehthe parsechangelog function reads the hangelod file23:57
mehand downloadsthe specified version23:57
mehis because i want create a ppa23:57
mehfor it "lern it"23:57
semitones-reinstBashing-om: I've already read that guide, it only talks about DVD and USB install. Are there other options (i.e. pointing GRUB to an iso)?23:58
naccmeh: do you have a link to the rules file?23:58
Bashing-omsemitones-reinst: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot ,23:59
OerHekssdcard, if your hardware is capable23:59
semitones-reinstI appreciate the link :) -- is netinstall or isoboot easier to do?23:59

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