
cubWhat is the alternative to gparted? Is there an alternative?08:25
zequencecub: Gnome has gnome-disks. I'm sure KDE has something similar09:01
zequenceDon't actually remember what we and XFCE has09:01
cubI've only used gparted so no idea09:36
cubbut gparted was dropped by Xubuntu as well? I wonder what they have as an alternative then. If they provide an alternative in the default installation09:38
OvenWerkscub: so far as I can tell xubuntu does not come with any GUI based partition manager. fdisk and cfdisk are of course inherited from the base linux stuff.13:38
OvenWerksI have not found any xfce partition manager. As Gparted does not have any itegration with any DE there is perhaps no need to make such a thing.13:39
OvenWerksIt just seems funny to me that we ship gparted on the ISO but do not install it :P13:40
flocculantOvenWerks: afaik most of the *buntu things have gparted on the live, but not installed13:40
OvenWerksflocculant: right, ubiquity needs it13:40
flocculantyup - so do I often in live :p13:40
OvenWerksIn our case it would seem like a no brainer to just allow it to install as well.13:41
OvenWerksflocculant: I can understand ubuntu valilla or xubuntu not having a partition manager. It can be a support problem if someone messes with partitions. The partitioning options in ubiquity are mostly of the "user doesn't know what they are doing we have to do it for them" type. The do something else is almost hidden and worded in a way to discourage it's use.13:54
autumnaOvenWerks: disk partitioning/formatting is pretty basic work through, and it is hardly the only way a user can mess up their system13:57
autumna(frankly I know I have done more damage installing and uninstalling packages with apt-get than I did with partition even through the risk is there)13:57
OvenWerksautumna: yes. I would include gparted. But there seems to be a notion within ubuntu that it should not be there.13:59
OvenWerksIt is certainly easier to use than fdisk.14:00
autumnathat's like 2 very opposite ends of the spectrum14:00
autumnaI do personally find gnome-disk a bit more intuitive than gparted to be honest14:01
OvenWerksyes but we (and all ubuntu) do ship fdisk14:01
autumna(if gnome-disks is what I think it is)14:01
zequencePeople will at least need to be able to format and partition external drives, so a disk partitioner is always needed in some form14:02
OvenWerksthere is gnome-disk-utility14:02
autumnaI'd much rather have the user know what they are doing with gparted even with the risk, than try to figure out how to use fdisk and risk even more breaking something because they don't understand what they are doing14:02
OvenWerksgparted seems to be the only one that offers partition resizing.14:03
autumnagnome-disks is really nice in that the other disks aren't hidden. but yeah gparted has a bit more options14:04
OvenWerksI didn't think gaprted hid the other disks besides sda. But "Disks" does have them all very visible.14:08
cubI think that if anyone feels they are savvy enough to play with partitions. They are also savvy enough to do apt-get install gparted.14:09
cubProblem solved. :D14:09
OvenWerkscub: anyone doing audio should be savvy enough to know they need jackd and install that too.14:11
autumnaI am with OvenWerks on this one. 14:40
autumnasomebody can be savy but not have time to google everything and be already familiar with linux14:40

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