
streetwitchI'm on my cell phone because Ubuntu studio failed to install grub.  It has already formatted everything00:23
streetwitchWould anyone help?00:24
streetwitchI'm online now with the USB os00:27
unicornjedistreetwitch: hi I can help00:35
Todd_Hello Im having a bit of a problem, I just installed UStudio and cannot seem to install things?01:45
Todd_for example Chrome01:46
Todd_it shows it installing  but then is no where to be found01:46
Todd_anyone here to help?01:49
Hackhello, Ive got an urgent issue since I ran a regular update ... NetworkManager seems to just hang, and no matter how I start it I can't connect to the internet on the machine in question03:08
Hackmanually removing /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state as well but to no effect03:09
Hackhelp please?03:09
Hackalso got two crash report messages at boot from it, I really need this fixed right away ... help please, anyone?  All I can find online are general instructions on restarting the service and very old bug reports03:11
krytarikHack: Hi.  Try asking in #ubuntu as well.03:14
studio-user847e ai galera16:45
studio-user847alguem online?16:45
Dee_97someone use pure data18:08
rafael_barbieroI need some help with video drivers to SiS 771/67119:07
rafael_barbieroSomeone help me?19:08
LeLapinmaybe, what's your issue19:10
rafael_barbieroI installed the latest system version on my old laptop but the video drivers were not installed. I am a programmer and have some knowledge of linux if you need any technical interference19:16
LeLapinwhich version of ubuntu did you install? 16.04?*19:16
rafael_barbierobut i try with the version 14.0419:17
LeLapinsince 14.04, the driver was not loading and it was needed to be explicitly declared in use-vesa.conf19:19
LeLapinunder /use/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/use-vesa.conf19:19
LeLapinreference: https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/sis_771_67119:19
LeLapinthere you will find what to put in the file19:20
LeLapina section device should be created to tell the system to use the vesa driver19:20
rafael_barbieroAll I need do is follow what sends this link?19:21
rafael_barbieroSorry for my bad english...19:21
LeLapinin theory :)19:21
LeLapinthat's fine, mine is not better anyway19:22
rafael_barbieroi'll  gonna try, thanks so much for your help19:23
LeLapinyou welcome :)19:25
LeLapingood luck and have a good evening19:25
rafael_barbieroTks :)19:27
=== dan_ is now known as Guest44870
MaynardANyone play any games in FB?  I am having hell getting ANY flash to work in 16.04 for backgammon or potfarm.22:30
OvenWerksNot many people here... Have you asked in #ubuntu or xubuntu? (I don't play games much... not sure what FB is)22:34
unicornjedifacebook = FB22:40
unicornjediMaynard: did you download the lastest flash update? You may have to go to their website and download the .deb file22:41
MaynardVersion WHAT THEY OFFER sorry caps and only YUM, tar.gz. , rpm and APT for Ubuntu 10.4+22:47
unicornjediMaynard: DO the apt thing22:55
unicornjediMaynard: what errors do you get?22:55
Maynardone sec22:56
MaynardWTF not able to do screenshots in chat?23:00
MaynardIt is asking to choose an app to open it????23:01
unicornjediyea... choose 'software-center'23:04
unicornjediput it on imgur?23:05
Maynardnot finding software senter here... Software and Software updater.... The choices I am given are Docs pics vids etc.23:09
unicornjediMaynard: try Software updater?23:15
Maynardonly does an update for ubuntu23:20
MaynardOK I need a break from this.  BBL23:24
MaynardFrustrated been looking at this screen for days now.23:24
unicornjediMaynard: send me a pic of whats going on bruv/girl23:27

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