
lynorianhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/259448768/2016-05-13-172034_1920x1080_scrot.png I should probably show the report of this to lstranger but to get fixed but this is a bit funny and should probably be upstreamed though01:21
lynorianbug 158170801:22
ubot93bug 1581708 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "weather applet does not convert untis for feels like in popup window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158170801:22
lynorianbut there are other weather applet problems like not working where yahoo weather does not01:22
lynorianwxl might get a laugh noticing the feels like and cpu line together01:23
lynorianalthough gtk+ singletons are not well documented on lubuntu wiki for lts stuff01:26
agaidawxl: i just merged the translation changes into the upstream repositories - so you should send a warning to the list(s) - all lxqt packages will be without any translations from now on. One should grab the lxqt-l10n packaging from alioth (debian/experimental) and make it available in the ppa's11:39
wxlagaida: i'd like to cc you on this message but i don't have your email. agaida@debian.org perhaps? :)13:42
agaidaagaida@siduction.org - @debian.org will come later hopefully :)13:43
agaidabtw - it is nothing wrong with the new translation system - but it is a middle clusterfuck packagingwise, especially for ppa's13:44
wxlmy message is more or less:13:45
wxl * you're going to lose your translations13:45
wxl * don't be alarmed, this is normal13:45
agaidaok, i'm fine with13:45
wxl * this is a part of the process of improving translations13:45
wxl * they could use help, so join up13:45
agaidafull ack13:46
wxl * meanwhile i'm sure julien will fix the ppas and/or gettnig the -l10n packages added to the lxqt metapackage13:46
agaidalet this one out - not really needed i think13:47
wxli also assume that each package will want to require the translations. or at least recommend them13:47
agaidathe new structure will be: Package: $foo13:47
agaidaRecommends: $foo-l10n13:48
wxlright right13:48
agaidaso the packages will throw in the new recommends13:48
wxlso ultimately ubuntu should just pick it all up13:48
agaidayes - for the ppas the control files need to be modified, the version of the packages in charge too13:49
agaidaaka 0.10.0~ should become a fictional 0.10.9~13:50
wxlwell i'm sure julien can handle it when he gets there13:50
wxlas he's not really recommending ppa's very much, i don't think we have too much to worry about13:50
agaidabecause the l10n files will break and replaces (<< 0.10.9~)13:50
agaidathe good thing about is: removing the translations especially from the libraries remove the need for this very special ubuntu packaging with the data-packages13:52
wxlshould i just point people at the upstream mailing list if they want to help with translations?13:52
wxlor oh ho i haven't looked at lxqt.org in a while13:52
agaidayou should, but please wait until we have released13:52
wxlall the info is right there13:52
agaidaah, ok13:53
wxlwow whoever did that good job :)13:53
wxlexcept the ubuntu link points at the lubuntu-daily ppa13:53
wxlwhen pointing at the wiki page (wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/LXQt) might be better13:53
agaidafile a bug :P - should be no problem13:54
wxloh yeah the website is likely on github13:54
agaidai don't know who is in charge for these things, i guess palinek or pmattern - ok, i try to remind this, if i talk to them13:55
wxli'll figure it out13:55
wxlno worries13:55
wxlworst case i'll drop a note to the list13:55
wxlyou got bigger fish to fry :)13:55
agaidawxl: yes, the site is on github - so a pull request would work too13:55
wxlso when are these changes expected to be officially put out with an lxqt release?13:56
agaidathe translation things? with the next release in a few days i think13:56
wxlah cool13:57
wxlk it is done13:58
agaidathe new lxqt-l10n package has been uploaded yesterday to new - and i will put the new packages into experimental, if we have a release13:58
agaidaso lxqt-l10n and the new release will be available short after lxqt-l10n is accepted and we have released - depending on whats last longer :D14:00
wxlyeah :)14:00
* agaida has fullfilled his goal to develop FOSS today and for some other days: Be a good boy and delete 1.000 lines of sources daily14:01
agaidathe today commits was round about 100.000 lines :P14:02
wxlhahahah nice14:02
agaidayeah, file moves in repos and packaging are a major PITA14:04
agaidabtw - the regular repos will not be touched14:05
* agaida was reading the list right now14:05
wxlwell feel free to correct me XD14:06
wxli'm off for now. catch you later14:14
wxlmarcoceppi: when you get a chance, please email me wp creds. my gpg is on lp.18:01
marcoceppiwxl: hey, would a PM be okay?18:45
wxlmarcoceppi: anytime20:59

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