
pavlushkamorning NaSb !03:53
NaSbশুভ সকাল pavlushka03:54
pavlushkaঅনেকেই আসেন নি, বিশেষ করে Ubuntu LoCo থেকে যারা আসবে বলেছিল।03:58
pavlushkaHello Kilos & Saiful !09:59
Kiloshi pavlushka Saiful 09:59
pavlushkaSaiful: have you registered your nick? means irc user name?09:59
Saifulhi bro.........09:59
Kilosyou did a nick change09:59
Saifulno, i'm now windows10:00
Kilospavlushka give him the command to register10:00
Saifulhow to resister with my nick name10:00
pavlushkaSaiful: run here like chatting "/msg nickserv register your_password your_email"10:02
pavlushkaSaiful: but are you sure you want to register this user_name?10:03
pavlushkaor you can change your nick to the desired nick if you wish by typing "/nick nick_name"10:05
pavlushkaanyway, you can register you nick Saiful !10:05
pavlushkaSaiful: have you done it?10:06
Saifulno.......what will nickserv10:07
pavlushkaSaiful: run here like chatting "/msg nickserv register your_password your_email"10:07
pavlushkaKilos: can you brief Saiful about nickserv a little?10:08
pavlushkaI go eat....10:09
Saifulhow to change my real name from realname10:16
Kiloswhere you fill in your info on your irc client you put in your real name10:18
Saifulplz recieved a file kilos10:20
Kilosit doesnt sho accept10:21
Kilospast it on poicpaste10:21
Kilosi cant get to accept file transfers on dcc10:25
Kilosuse picpaste.com10:27
Saifulhow to send a file in irc10:27
Kilosi dont use that function10:27
Kiloswhat file is it10:27
Kilosthats better ill go see it there10:28
Saifulami registered..........see this pic10:28
Saifuli want to change this from real name10:30
Kilosi dont use hexchat, yes you change it where you choose what server and channels you join10:31
Kiloswhere did you enter #ubuntu-bd?10:32
Kilosor did pavel do it10:32
Kilossomewhere before it logs onto the channel is your settings10:33
Kilosmaybe tick on settings or on the hexchat icon at the top and look at options10:33
Kilosyou found it10:43
Saifulsorry, please send again... here electricity problem 10:44
Kiloskill hexchat then whe it starts up again, where you fill in what channels and server to join, somewhere there must be where you put your name in10:46
Kilosi dont know hexchat10:46
Kilospavlushka come on man10:46
Kiloswe need your help10:46
Saifulare you useing polari for irc chat?10:50
pavlushkai am here now.10:58
pavlushkaSaiful: you are using polari?10:58
pavlushkaSaiful: you are registered11:00
Saifulno..i'm using hexchat now.........11:05
pavlushkaSaiful: I told you to use Hexchat, I see no gui option in polari like hexchat to fi in the detais.11:05
=== msa-rakib is now known as msa-rakib_
pavlushka*fil in the detais11:05
Saifulhow to change real name......11:07
pavlushkaSaiful: then go to settings menu, select preference, go to chatting tab, then select advanced, there is the option, real name11:08
pavlushkaSaiful: anything else?11:09
Saifuli want to install my modem GUI mood...... 11:10
pavlushkaSaiful: have you verified your nick as in the email instructed?11:10
pavlushkaSaiful: didn't get any help from FB ubuntu-bd?11:11
Saifulyes........i was registered, no......in ubuntu-bd fb group11:12
pavlushkaSaiful: you see the nerwork logo in the upper right corner of your desktop?11:13
Saifulbro it's done........but show modem isn't connected11:14
Saifuli'm using it via Mobile Broadband11:15
pavlushkaSaiful, I can hep you about it only when I return to Panchagarh, you have to wait till then if you need my help.11:16
pavlushka*help, problem with L key11:16
Saifulhow to send a file via hexchat11:18
pavlushkafor now I am going offline, Saiful , dont try it because it has issues, use pastebin/picpaste like websites and post the link.11:19
pavlushkathen post the link here11:19
pavlushkaGood bye Kilos , & Saiful !11:20
Kiloscheers pavlushka 11:20
Saifulgood bye11:28

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