=== JanC is now known as Guest71745 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [04:39] good morning to all [04:49] http://news.softpedia.com/news/zfs-for-linux-0-6-5-7-released-with-support-for-linux-kernel-4-6-and-4-5-504053.shtml [06:08] alright [06:08] and here we are [06:09] you can use the channel here for conversations [06:09] Thanks [06:10] I was thinking about getting one of the new ubuntu based tablets [06:10] M10? [06:10] errrr, well I got heaps of emails about it since I signed up for the pre-order for it [06:11] I got destroyed by bills when the pre-order window was open though ;~; [06:11] i would wait until unity8 comes out [06:11] oh, why's that? [06:11] wayland? [06:11] wait [06:11] I haven't kept in the loop for a while, is Ubuntu going with wayland or mir for unity8? [06:11] well then you would be able to install ubuntu-desktop + unity8 on windows based tablets also [06:12] brushdemon: unity8 will come, but canonical will leave the choice to users [06:12] if they prefer unity7 or 8 [06:13] It's so menial but simply giving users the choice to move the bar from the left hand side of the screen to the bottom would probably make unity a little more popular [06:13] that's in my opinion though [06:13] unity is already very popular [06:13] and it's the one complaint I have heard about unity time and time again [06:13] but also all the ubuntu flavors [06:14] yeah, ofc [06:14] brushdemon: http://www.webupd8.org/2016/03/ubuntu-1604-xenial-xerus-gets-option-to.html [06:14] FUCK YES [06:15] My whole past year has been messed up and I've missed out on so much news [06:15] unity-dev team, I salute you [06:15] and also snap packages coming our way [06:15] ive installed telegram with snap yesterday [06:15] on 16.04 [06:15] oh, I remember hearing about discussion of them in 2014 [06:16] they're actually a thing now? [06:16] well [06:16] yep [06:16] you just said you used one :x [06:16] wow, I've lived under a rock for a year [06:16] like.... I don't even know how [06:16] snap find [06:16] in terminal [06:17] lemme upgrade first haha :p [06:17] then sudo snap install your-snap-package [06:17] so the user tool is pretty much like using apt? [06:18] snap packages also showing in ubuntu-software [06:20] very nice [06:20] so what packages are supported by the new format? [06:21] I'm going to guess all of ubuntu-core by now at least [06:21] the ones newly created [06:21] morning all [06:21] hey ducasse [06:21] ah, so it'll be a slow process to move everything over to it? [06:21] heya ducasse [06:21] brushdemon: its not meant to move all things over, classic .debs will continue to exist [06:22] brushdemon: snap brings more possibilities [06:22] and no dependecie nightmares anymore [06:22] YES! [06:22] we had telegram-desktop for ubuntu-desktop aleady [06:23] is there a good article/blog/anything that highlights snap that you'd recommend? [06:23] but inside a package still [06:23] i hope snap gets an option like apt show for more info on a snap, the descriptions are really brief. [06:23] ducasse: snap find from terminal [06:23] ducasse: sudo snap install your-snap [06:24] and shows snap in ubuntu-software also [06:24] lotuspsychje: yes, but those descriptions are very short afaict [06:24] I think adding a longer description would be a trivial thing really [06:24] like manpages? [06:24] oooohh, better manpages too, yes! [06:25] well i also think snap packages are good to run from tablets that will run unity8 etc [06:25] haha, upgrading a vm atm to 16.04 and it's funny once it gets to dovecot and postfix [06:25] so now a user could install the nmap snap package on his tablet [06:25] the number of times it flashes, "Would you like to merge your config files" [06:25] NOPE [06:25] I'm good thankyou apt [06:26] absolutely, snap looks wonderful for tablets etc. [06:26] ^ this [06:27] but also on desktop, for specific stuff [06:27] lotuspsychje: sure, but i still love you, apt;) [06:27] yeah [06:28] im just wondering who checks the new incomming snaps for security? [06:28] can a malicious user suggest a dark snap easy or not? [06:29] hmm. i hope they are vetted. [06:30] telegram/about looks neat [06:31] ahh, now I see what snaps are [06:31] GNU GPL 3 [06:32] brushdemon: its a bit like a ubuntu-touch app sort of [06:32] yuh, it's nicely self-contained [06:32] It makes me think of chroots [06:34] what is the 'x11-apps' snap? [06:34] not sure [06:34] didnt test [06:35] bbl breakfast here [06:35] have a nice one [06:44] well [06:44] that's one vm upgraded [06:45] oh wow, great work with the apt documentation [06:45] this is actually awesome! [06:47] i upgraded a vm all the way from 14.10 to 16.04 the other day, took less than an hour and went perfectly :) [06:55] hehe, I did that a while back [06:55] well from 13.10 up to 15.04 [06:55] no issues either [06:56] well... actually there is always an issue with mysql but you just read the notes on it [06:56] it's not super hard to work out [07:28] haha they released ZFS for linux on Friday, 13th of May? seriously? [07:43] if you're talking about ZoL, it was released May 12th. [11:12] Hiyas all [11:51] Hi everyone [11:54] Hi pauljw, how goes it today ? [11:55] hey BluesKaj, so far so good, still getting the sleep out of my eyes. :) how about you? [11:59] same, allergies I had as a child have sprung up again ...watery itchy eyes etc....drops help tho [12:02] oh, allergies are a bear, good that drops help out. i take claritan(sp?) and that helps me some. seems this part of the country everyone has allergies. always damp, everything grows. :) [12:06] Afternoon all [12:10] hi DJones [12:12] hey DJones [12:18] Hi pauljw BluesKaj [13:21] good afternoon to all [13:23] hey lotuspsychje [13:23] hey pauljw [13:25] Howdy lotuspsychje. [13:25] hi there DArqueBishop [13:46] OerHeks: those 16.04 help wiki's are pretty nice made [13:47] just found them [13:47] i cannot test BT issues, as i am on 15.10 [13:47] and i dont have BT [13:48] i do, apple magic trackpad and a bt keyboard somewhere .. === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [14:26] sup [14:26] EriC^^: you see triple 9 yet mate? [14:26] nope [14:26] gotta see! [14:26] first time i hear about it [14:26] best movie so far [14:27] nice [14:27] bit like HEAT [14:27] watching trailer now [14:27] kate winslet hmm [14:28] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1712261/ [14:29] 120min big suspense :p [14:30] hey EriC^^ [14:31] hi pauljw :) [14:31] lotuspsychje: black guy is the bad guy right [14:31] i cant tell you nothing :p [14:31] hehe [14:32] i can only say its a movie where its hard to say who's good and not [14:40] wb [14:40] thanks [14:41] damn torrents are quick [14:41] almost 1mb d/l [14:41] EriC^^: shhh :p [14:41] EriC^^: your going to the theaters to watch this evening? [14:41] lol [14:41] no [14:41] lol [14:41] i'm d/ling it right now [14:42] http://www.cio.com/article/3070434/linux/linux-cant-keep-you-safe-if-you-dont-update-it.html [14:42] ohhh never new that! [14:42] :p [14:44] sudo apt-get drop updates [14:47] OerHeks: the ammount keeps rising...http://fossforce.com/2016/05/italian-military-goes-libreoffice-hbo-abuses-dmca/ [14:47] OerHeks: did they buy you that building perhaps? [14:48] damn ps4 games are HUGE [14:49] * lotuspsychje sends popcorn & soda to EriC^^ with ubuntuDr0ne [14:49] fallout4 18gb [14:49] oO [14:49] imagine how much work is put into that game O.o [14:49] its crazy, if you think of the detailed graphics and levels [14:49] yeah [14:50] game devs are earning more then you and me togheter [14:50] yeah games are like $60-$80 [14:50] oh i seeded 15x that size by now [14:50] :p [14:51] bluray's even more crazy [14:51] 80-100gig per dvd [14:51] wow [14:52] imagine the time you need to rip one with handbrake lol [14:57] we should make those shirts [14:57] fuck the computer store [14:57] lol [14:57] we'll be richhhhhhh [14:57] :p [14:57] lol [14:57] noo, leave the stores alone.. all i can do now is ordering online, i hate that [14:58] i want to feel the package before buying [14:58] that's what she said [14:58] if the package feels solid, it gains my trust [14:58] xD [14:58] http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61BP42vjKZL._UX385_.jpg [14:58] and if the salesperson smells nice, i will come back [14:58] nice t-shirt :D [14:59] i got one old lenovo with windows that im trying to sell :D [14:59] http://www.icu-it.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/LinuxTshirt3.jpg [14:59] lol [15:00] one to go out @ night [15:00] baizon, "almost free door-stopper: .. " [15:00] damn this shirt is even better [15:01] gasp? [15:01] wth [15:01] !find gasp [15:01] Found: python-gasp, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 12 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gasp&searchon=names&suite=xenial§ion=all [15:02] hmm, no gasp command for me [15:02] http://i.imgur.com/5RAM3Rm.png [15:02] lol [15:02] ok... gasp - a preprocessor for assembly programs [15:04] hi BluesKaj [15:04] they should have used fsck in it [15:04] must have thought it was too inappropriate or something [15:05] stay calm and root boxes [15:05] we should get into the shirt business lotuspsychje [15:06] http://imgur.com/gallery/g2wOPn9 [15:06] BluesKaj: you are the 53's user, you have won this tshirt today: http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1VUEKIpXXXXccXXXXq6xXFXXXJ/2015-Summer-Style-100-Cotton-T-font-b-Shirt-b-font-Man-OZF-UBUNTU-font-b.jpg [15:07] hey lotuspsychje, EriC^^, OerHeks [15:07] OerHeks: lol [15:07] hey lotuspsychje [15:07] i mean [15:07] hey BluesKaj [15:07] :p [15:07] no need to piss on windows, it sucks anyway, no need to bother :D [15:07] lol [15:08] windows will die anyway [15:08] of course not, we have ubuwin now! [15:08] hi BluesKaj [15:08] with such M$ CEOs :) [15:08] baizon: and they stopped free updates on w10 now...sweet! [15:09] its the year of the paying and privacy corrupting desktop :p [15:10] everybody gets a free copy of win10, but not this ol' witch .. should i start a lawsuit? [15:10] OerHeks: you need to buy a prvious one first :p [15:11] hi BluesKaj [15:12] 3 friends of mine had an automatic 7 -> 10 upgrade [15:12] all failed and their system is now broken [15:12] wow [15:12] ok movie time [15:12] EriC^^: enjoy mate :p [15:12] they got a nice "do you want to upgrade to 10?", they all clicked "no, thank you" [15:13] and all got 10 after reboot :D [15:13] lol [15:13] only good news for ubuntu such scenario's [15:14] i personally dont care, havent used windows for a year now. I dont even know how windows 8 and 10 works [15:14] lotuspsychje: too bad about the shirt, ...not exactly slim anymore :-) [15:14] we have seen some users really mentioning this in main, they tired of their techniques [15:14] baizon: xp and 7 were ok...all the rest is a big nightmare [15:15] the best short clip i saw last time with windows 10... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP31lluUDWU [15:15] lets c [15:17] lol [15:17] blue screen of death updates [15:18] heheh [15:20] lotuspsychje apropos telegram, Signal from OpenWhisperSystems has a chrome app which syncs almost in realtime with the android app: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/signal-private-messenger/bikioccmkafdpakkkcpdbppfkghcmihk [15:20] lets c [15:21] de-facto: looks coll, does that work on chromium aswell [15:21] tinoco: welcome [15:22] lotuspsychje yes im using it on chromium-browser from xenial repo [15:22] great [15:23] just does not work if you default to incognito mode (cost me some time figuring that one out) [15:23] ive tested that telegram snap package yesterday from xenial==>bq ubuntu phone [15:23] working like a charm here [15:23] nice, how do they provide that snap? is it a closed binary? [15:24] de-facto: snap find from terminal [15:24] de-facto: its based on snappy core right [15:24] de-facto: works sort of like ubuntu-touch apps [15:25] de-facto: and they show in ubuntu-software aswell [15:25] sudo snap install your-snap-package [15:26] actually that snappy apps will open a lot of possibilities for commercial apps to land on ubuntu, which is pretty nice on one side, but open source ones are even nicer :) [15:26] yep [15:26] de-facto: and also for tablets on unity8 etc [15:27] yup this could be big :P [15:27] the only thing im wondering is , who test this for security [15:28] can a malicious app creator add snaps easy or not? [15:28] thats a very good question [15:28] we dont wanna endup like android store apps [15:30] hmm perhaps ubuntu isolating it already somehow [15:30] after your first install there is a /snap [15:32] dont those run in some kind of lxc/lxd env? [15:33] https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/05/04/security-confinement-in-ubuntu-core/ [15:33] if so i guess the black market prices for such 0days just raised :P [15:35] ooh well and the "good" old X11 :-/ [15:35] :p [15:36] we will also follow all this evolution and see hwo it goes [15:36] so even if mark lets us choose between unity7 and unity8, snap packages can be installed on both worlds [15:37] didnt the fedora guys had some efforts on X11 isolation with selinux? there also is quobes OS which seems to emplay XEN for isolating X apps [15:37] could be, i didnt came across an article on that yet [15:39] Joanna Rutkowska explained some of it on her site http://invisiblethingslab.com/itl/Resources.html [15:39] lemme read [15:39] she and her team are behind quobes os [15:40] great person indeed, she explained the intel flaws to me. [15:40] think snappy team did a great job [15:41] all the devices it can be installed on or developed [15:43] bbl guys souper + movies [15:43] have a nice saturday [15:43] :-) [15:44] i am waiting for my mom, she brings the dogs overhere, as she has difficulties walking now. [15:44] if you google her name and x11 security things like this show up http://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.de/2011/04/linux-security-circus-on-gui-isolation.html [18:17] No, thank you, i already have a Rolls Royce [18:17] oops, wrong car [21:39] heh, if an 64 bit iso can do a 32 bit install, after boot you could end up with 128 bits [21:54] and you still get to keep the parts ? [21:55] Sure, only the floppy says -1