
fourcolorsis anyoen in this channel?05:14
darkxstfourcolors, !ask06:36
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:36
de-factothere is this very neat snappy windows tiling function in gnome shell, when you move a window to the left or right edge it becomes "halt-maximized" in that screen side: how can i modify that behaviour to use quaters of the screen instead?06:36
de-factowhat i want to achieve is moving a window to the left or right edge will half-tile it, and moving it to to the corners will quater-tile it, moving it to the top will maximize it, moving it to the bottom will minimize it06:36
de-factoare there any settings or extensions which will allow such behavior?06:37
darkxstde-facto, not sure if that would be possible from an extension, but if it is surely there an extension already08:20
de-factoit seems someone had exact the same idea already and wrote it: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GNOME-Mutter-New-Tiling08:24
iiiousvim package without python support?13:28
iiiousvim --version     reports   "-python  -python3"13:29
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notnownubuntu gnome 16.04 audio not working please help if possible14:36
notknownaudio not working 16.04 ubuntu gnome14:37
* JockeTF 'd would love to have GNOME Builder in the staging PPA. :)16:41
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