
bazhang<bazheng> vinny, canonical non canonical inputs, and so on - dunno kermit00:31
bazhangthas not me00:31
ubottuSonikkuAmerica called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (Yehai same troll from 5 mintues ago)02:43
daxof all the channels to try trolling bazhang in, he picked -ot...03:19
daxIcesword is truly as dumb as a box of rocks.03:19
chuYou're so popular bazhang <303:28
IdleOneA bos of rock can be useful04:11
IdleOnebox also04:11
Unit193...For throwing at people?05:31
FlannelBos-a-rock?  I prefer bos-a-nova05:51
AndChat176409Hello. I've old ban on #ubuntu and want to cancel it09:04
AndChat176409Who can assist me with this?09:07
AndChat176409After last 16.04 there is no internet connection both on wi-fi and wire09:08
AndChat176409And I have to use this banned IP09:12
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
Novice201yHello. Thatks to anyone that assisted me in canceling old ban on #ubuntu16:24
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu ()17:25
=== Augustus is now known as Octavian
bazhang<icevanilla> Ice ice rabies17:55
Myrttilogin first21:22
Myrttithen btlogin21:22

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