
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:44
* zmoylan-pi prepares xubuntu 16.04 usb drive to test if hardware on laptop is dying or if it's just the existing distro acting the goat...08:48
MartijnVdSI just put Debian (Testing) on my Eee PC. Didn't install X.. it's 32 bit but blazing fast  xD08:48
aquarius_anyone feeling knowledgeable about printers? My printer, when printing PDFs, doesn't print any of the text. The Ubuntu test page prints correctly, and if I convert the PDF to an image and print the image, that also prints correctly.09:18
aquarius_I have no idea how to even start debugging this...09:19
zmoylan-pii think i had that happen before yonks ago.  it was fonts related...09:19
aquarius_That's my suspicion...09:20
MartijnVdSaquarius_: which model/brand of printer is it?09:22
MartijnVdS(i.e., which protocol does it speak?)09:22
aquarius_it's a Kyocera FS-1010, networked; the Printers dialog correctly finds it, and I've tried adding it again as a second printer over LPR, and that has the same problem.09:22
MartijnVdSPostscript? PCL?09:23
aquarius_Maybe it's a driver problem and I should add it again and use a different driver (i.e., not the one it "recommends")09:23
aquarius_No idea whether it's PS or PCL; happy to tell you if you tell me how to find out :)09:23
zmoylan-piand when you print from a text editor and/or word processor, does it work ok?09:23
aquarius_good question; let me try that09:23
MartijnVdSaquarius_: it's usually in the manual or on the data sheet09:24
aquarius_according to http://usa.kyoceradocumentsolutions.com/americas/jsp/upload/product/5038/0/FS1010.pdf it does: Supported PDL / Emulations: PRESCRIBE, PCL6 (PCL XL, PCL5e), KPDL2 (PS2), Diablo 630, IBM09:25
aquarius_ProPrinter X24, Epson LQ850, Line Printer09:25
MartijnVdSKPDL2 = "Postscript II"09:25
MartijnVdSso that's some options to try09:25
aquarius_OK, text prints fine from a word processor.09:27
MartijnVdSis there anything in the CUPS log files?09:28
aquarius_MartijnVdS, so, I should add the printer again as a new printer but use the "Kyocera FS-1020 Foomatic/Postscript [en]" driver rather than the "recommended" "Kyocera Mta FS-1010 [en]" one?09:28
MartijnVdSaquarius_: yeah I'd try that09:28
zmoylan-pishifts the problem a little from printer driver to the pdf viewer... try a different pdf viewer?09:28
MartijnVdShad similar problems with my Laserjet once, and switching from PCL to PS (or back) helps in those cases09:29
aquarius_zmoylan-pi, I tried printing from xournal as well as evince and that had the same problem09:29
aquarius_MartijnVdS, printing to that PS printer has the same problem09:30
aquarius_maybe xournal uses the same pdf widget as evince. Let me try flpsed, which definitely doesn't, since it dates from about 1995 :)09:32
* zmoylan-pi puts on 90s music to get in the spirit...09:32
aquarius_it prints fine from flpsed09:33
aquarius_so it's some sort of font config problem with modern programs09:33
zmoylan-pinone of this namby pamby handing off print functions to an api.  hard code your own rendering engine... :-)09:33
aquarius_importantly, though, I don't care; I'll just print from flpsed :)09:33
aquarius_which is, I should note, terrible in every way except that (a) it works and (b) it lets me add text annotations, which other stuff doesn't :)09:34
aquarius_this is a bit worrying, though; I'll file a bug.09:38
zmoylan-piisn't that a request to install more bugs? :-)09:45
aquarius_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/1581782 filed, anyway09:59
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1581782 in evince (Ubuntu) "Printed filed are incomplete (missing all text, some images) in evince but not flpsed" [Undecided,New]09:59
locodir-userYo! Ubuntu UK :D How's everyone doing?14:19
daftykinswow 2 whole minutes17:19
zmoylan-pithe time waited by drive by greetings earlier i think17:20
SwitchesImpatient people don't understand "IRC Lurkers" lol17:22
=== Switches_ is now known as Switches
=== Switches is now known as Guest55364
diddledanit’s eurovision time!19:06
penguin42oh god19:06
* zmoylan-pi watches episodes of ds9 to ignore the eurovision19:08
* brobostigon is watching BTTF19:08
penguin42zmoylan-pi: That's pretty desperate19:09
zmoylan-pibest sci fi tv show ever... well that and b5, and maybe firefly... ohh and maybe space 199919:11
diddledanb5 is awesome19:11
popeyis it eurovision tonight?19:11
penguin42zmoylan-pi: I didn't really watch the later series of ds9, never watched b5 or firefly - but I did like space 1999 (when I was about 10 ?) - but it's an odd one out in that list19:12
diddledanreally watch b519:12
diddledanit is epic19:12
Myrttiso is it just me or is the sound on the Eurovision bad? it's like worse than 2.119:12
diddledanit’s a shame it wasn’t recorded on film, so the quality is a bit poor these days19:12
Myrttiand yes, Babylon5 rocks19:13
zmoylan-pib5 is incredible despite they cancelled it and then gave it a season back...19:13
diddledanMyrtti: the bbc sound mixing has been terrible on everything live the past few years19:13
zmoylan-pispace 1999 is epic simply for the design of the eagle space ship.19:13
Myrttididdledan: but surely this should... oh. Graham Norton19:13
zmoylan-pino space ship in any other show looked so... wonderful19:13
MyrttiI suppose they could cock it up19:13
zmoylan-pior clone terry wogan...19:13
diddledanterry ftw19:14
Myrttiwell, it's not about who is doing it19:14
diddledandoes anyone have any wogan DNA?19:14
Myrttiit's about that they need to mix it in BBC to get Norton's voice overs in19:14
penguin42diddledan: Maybe it's on Radio2 round things?19:14
Myrttiso they could indeed be muddling it up, and it's not the SVT end that makes it awful19:14
zmoylan-pifirefly is only 14 episodes but it has so much promise of greatness as well as some epic moments that it should be watched by anyone who thinks they like sci fi19:16
MyrttiI've tried a few episodes.19:16
Myrttijust couldn't get in19:16
diddledanI like this one19:17
zmoylan-piit's worth it19:17
zmoylan-pimal and jayne discussing vera... :-P19:18
diddledanzmoylan-pi: I wonder if netflix could pick up firefly19:18
zmoylan-pitoo late, but mal is free now that castle has been cancelled19:18
penguin42having seen him first in Castle, watching Serenity was a little odd19:19
zmoylan-pihe did manage to get a few firefly references into castle... spacecowboy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q3pdj9p6yI19:20
zmoylan-piand christina hendricks in 2 episodes of firefly is just brilliant19:22
penguin42there's also a Castle episode based around the set of a corny scifi19:23
m0nkey_The advantage of living in North America. Nobody is broadcasting Eurovision.19:52
SwitchesWell that was an interesting 5 mins.. being told that Nick/Channel wasn't available.. damn virginmedia again I expect (had a few cannot connect to host) aswell >.<19:53
penguin42Switches: Not noticed anything from here19:56
zmoylan-piit was in every news item this year that the eurovision is spreading to america so it's only a matter of time19:56
penguin42Switches: The only annoying thing I've had lately is gmaps taking ages to load19:56
SwitchesProb just my end, been having a lot of trouble with the damn "Super Hub" lately, it's def not "Super" imo.19:57
penguin42Switches: Oh I have it in modem mode19:58
SwitchesProb have to ring them again and get a replacement.. Although first have to try and explain to some non-english speaking muppet that I'm not on Windows, only to be told oh we don't support anything else..19:58
daftykinsm0nkey_: i thought they were this year19:59
SwitchesAnd yeah been through it a few times already...19:59
daftykinsor presumably that's US only19:59
zmoylan-piremember shiboleet :-)19:59
Switchespenguin42: I had it in modem mode for ages until the little router I had died and just never got around to replacing it..20:01
SwitchesThats one thing I wish the UK was like the US for... I could buy my own DOCSIS 3 modem and use that on virgin...20:01
daftykinsyou can just be economical with the truth20:08
diddledanyou can’t handle the truth20:09
daftykinswhy fight the OS thing when you can just claim you do use it :D20:09
Myrttigah, can't watch this act at all20:09
diddledanMyrtti: it wouldn’t be bad if the director had not taken a dose of extacy just before they went on-stage20:10
diddledanweird camera-work combined with shonky rapid cuts20:10
zmoylan-pibring back 'my lovely horse' but without the sax solo... of course... :-P20:10
daftykinssounds like the last 10 years of cinema ;)20:11
penguin42Switches: Well as for the modem, as long as it spits packets out and I don't let it do anything else I'm happy20:17
Switchespenguin42: lol about the only thing it can do :D20:18
penguin42Switches: All I ask of a modem20:18
daftykinsif i still lived in England i'd want a basic modem only from VM too, not these horrible attempts at routers they push out20:20
zmoylan-pilast few i got in argos... worked fine so far...20:21
penguin42daftykins: Well they have hyper advanced features - but you can just flip it into modem mode20:21
daftykinsyeah, i understand that... but just getting a basic one would be nice20:22
daftykinsi last had a VM service when it was 10Mb max with that nice and simple little blue modem20:22
penguin42shrug, doesn't cost me anything, as long as it works OK in modem mode I don't mind20:22
daftykinsnever liked the enforced bedtime the VM service always made when the device would desync around the early hours though :D20:23
daftykinsi'd lose connection, pop down to the lounge and see the sync light flashing and know it was time to go to bed, no more internets that day20:24
zmoylan-pithis is where you have a cdrom drive connected to a rasp pi beside it and use the eject mechanism to reboot the router on command... :-)20:25
daftykinsnah none of that was necessary, it was the modem desyncing because the service was down... it'd come back on its' own20:26
penguin42daftykins: I don't think I've seen that20:27
daftykinswas quite a time ago - and in a student area20:27
m0nkey_What's the bet that UK gets zero this year?21:53
m0nkey_Heh, so everybody is voting for their neighbours as usual.21:55
zmoylan-pias long as they haven't been invaded by their neighbours recently... as usual21:56
m0nkey_ok. Belgium21:56
m0nkey_Malta.. well, they usually vote for the UK, but guessing this year they wont be :)21:58
m0nkey_called it21:58
m0nkey_Spain, Portugal or Belgium.21:59
SwitchesYou talking about the Eurovision contest?22:00
SwitchesAhh thought so, UK never gets anywhere in that22:00
m0nkey_Well, I pretty much called Malta giving 12 points to UK.22:01
m0nkey_So what happens if Australia win?22:01
m0nkey_Moldavia, 12 goes to Ukraine.22:03
Switches... since when has Australia been in the eurovision.. and wth are they doing in it anyways22:03
m0nkey_Called it22:03
m0nkey_Heh, yeah that'll be fun. The only non EU country to enter and win.22:04
m0nkey_Cyprus, Spain.22:04
zmoylan-piit's a bit weird but the eurovision is really a tv network sharing thing and they kinda let anyone in22:04
m0nkey_Got that wrong22:04
SwitchesWonder how long it will take someone to use that as a reason to leave the EU lol22:05
m0nkey_UK get to the final regardless.22:05
m0nkey_It's basically paid for22:05
zmoylan-pii can see the film reamke now... passport to birmingham... :-)22:05
m0nkey_Heh, the Aussies are Chinese.22:05
m0nkey_Heh, the presenters. Such awkwardness. It's funny.22:06
m0nkey_lol, that's awesome. An Aussie accent from that face.22:08
m0nkey_lol.. what did Germany do to piss of the EU?22:23
m0nkey_Oh yeah, they tried to bail out the Greek banks.22:24
m0nkey_Heh, 1 point.22:24
SwitchesWith everyone elses money...22:24
SwitchesHmm just saw someone saying about crash reports in 16.04... have they left apport on for the stable releases again?22:25
m0nkey_I wanted Australia to win.22:37

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