
cmaloneylazy morning13:14
rick_h_zzzzz afternoon?19:35
jrwrenyou aren't going to vancouver yet?19:39
cmaloneyJust finished up grocery shopping20:45
cmaloneylazy afternoon20:45
rick_h_jrwren: tomorrow 7am21:29
rick_h_yea car gere at 5am...not sure how i thought this was a good plan22:21
cmaloneyThat does not sound like fun at all22:28
rick_h_oh well I think the other choice was to get in way late22:47
gamerchick02ooof. i'm doing laundry but my apartment doorknob broke so i waited almost an hour for the guy to show up. no phone, no keys, no money. couldn't even go get an ice cream to pass the time.22:55
gamerchick02good luck on your trip to Vancouver, rick_h_22:55
gamerchick02yeah no kidding23:47
gamerchick02and ~now~ the one dryer isn't drying properly so my sheets are STILL not done.23:47

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