
Majora320Hello, world!20:03
knomewould anybody miss the current dropdown boxes for filters in favor or a search that actually simply searched for all text in the row?21:24
knomeeg. when you'd type "simon", you would see all work items assigned for simon, and any that would contain the word "simon" in the description, or those that would have been tagged with "simon" ?21:25
ochosisounds ok to me, although i like the dropdowns21:26
knomealso, "tagged?", you might ask ;)21:26
knomewell, since we aren't pulling from LP specs any more, i've replaced the specs with a tagging system21:28
knomeso you can now actually have one item appear both in dev and artwork, if appropriate21:28
knomeok ok, nothing "appears" anywhere yet... but you can save tags as you like.21:28
ochosithat sounds useful21:28
knomebit more flexible21:29
knomepeople using the sorting much?21:53
ochosiUnit193, bluesabre: btw, i think it'd be good to include all the gtk3 panel plugins in 16.10 (since it's not LTS)22:08
knomewe haven't decided on leadership yet, but my position is "dump as much gtk3 stuff in as soon as possible"22:09
knomewe have 2 years to target a stable system22:11
ochosihopefully at least by then we'll have xfce4.14 :]22:11
flocculantknome: prefer dropdowns - why type when you don't need too22:14
* knome shrugs22:14
knomei always type :P22:14
flocculantwhy bother22:14
flocculantthere are dropdowns22:14
knomewhy bother grabbing the mouse :P22:14
flocculantI really don't want to do more than I currently need to22:15
flocculantnot that it'll make much difference I guess - the tracker's your toy ;)22:15
knomei can keep the dropdowns22:16
knomeactually i already made sure they work in the new one :P22:16
flocculantif I have to - I'll just move back to trello and do all the qa stuff there and not track it 22:16
flocculantto be frank22:16
knomebecause of dropdowns? :P22:16
knomewell anyway you'll have them so..22:17
flocculantbecause of change for change sake22:17
knomeindeed, the grumpy old man22:17
flocculantknome: happy with the pad thing? 22:18
knomeyeah, i need to process that :P22:18
flocculantokey doke22:19
knomeprobably today22:19
knomehave been busy with things lately22:20
flocculantjust wanted to know is all :)22:20
knomeyeah, i looked at the changes already and they looked okay22:20
flocculantk - cool22:21
flocculantback tomorrow - just popped in quickly22:21
flocculantknome: what do you mean by "we aren't pulling from LP specs any more" btw?22:23
knomein the new version, LP blueprints aren't used any more22:23
knomeso you can do all of your work item work in the tracker22:23
knome(no, it's not live yet)22:24
flocculantI'd hope not - no-one in team has had a discussion about it yet 22:24
knomeof course i won't push it there without a discussion22:24
flocculantanyway - night all :)22:25
knomeok, mail sent22:58

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