
Urungushi. i am having a networking problem, just started after i updated the other day. theres a screenshot here since i couldn't select the text. https://www.kubuntuforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=6568&d=146327165100:23
DarinMillerUrungus:  I have the same error. Did you by chance enable Pre-release update in the Software Sources menu?00:54
neanderslobhi everone, I've been told before but since forgot.  when is it safe to do a do-release-upgrade between lts releases?01:34
Urungusdarinmiller: i have that enabled, yes02:12
Urunguswhen i boot up and log in, my network no longer works. heres a screenshot of the error. any ideas appreciated.02:13
Urungusdarinmiller: i have that enabled, yes (pre release updates)02:14
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DarinMillerUrungus: I have not figured out how to fix this yet.  My desktop uses wireless and I have to manually start my network from the commandline with each awake and reboot.02:19
UrungusDarinMiller: i'm curious how you even do that.. i'm on a live cd right now.02:22
Urungusi tried chroot and updating, and that didnt seem to fix anything..02:23
UrungusDarinMiller: Theres a forum thread going here: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70152-System-no-longer-sees-any-network-connections&p=387898 but no real answers yet02:23
UrungusDarinMiller_: Theres a forum thread going here: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70152-System-no-longer-sees-any-network-connections&p=387898 but no real answers yet.. tried chroot from livecd and updating/upgrading but it had no real effect..02:25
UrungusDarinMiller: maybe if I unselect pre-release updates and then chroot from a livecd and update it will revert back? not sure..02:28
DarinMillerI think we have to do something like this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/59443/how-can-i-revert-back-from-an-upgrade-to-the-proposed-repository02:29
DarinMillerUrungus: For grins, I tried sudo ppa-purge xenial-proposed, but it did not work... still searching....02:39
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goddardSomething keeps getting corrupted on my system and pressing "w" in my browser opens the browser.  Now even in my terminal this happens as well.03:00
goddardI'm on 16.04 and this is a fresh install03:01
goddardit was working fine previously03:01
thedanyesI just upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04. I did a clean install with disk format.03:03
thedanyesI had a heck of a time getting my Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 working on this new version, so I wanted to share the secret.03:04
thedanyesremove and purge fwupd03:04
thedanyesThat's what worked for me.03:04
GeekNerdKuBuntu, the official Linux distro of the Klan!03:31
daxGeekNerd: Don't start, please.03:32
GeekNerddo you know me?03:33
daxGeekNerd: Yes.03:33
GeekNerdthats not good (for me)03:33
GeekNerdi am downloading ubuntu desktop03:33
GeekNerdubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu03:34
GeekNerddax: ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu ubuntu03:36
acer11kubuntuLots o'problems with Kubuntu 16.04. Locks up or crashes about twice a day. Trying to create new swap file to replace missing one by booting off live CD and using KDE Partition Manager, options are grayed out. Takes about 5 solid minutes to boot. Desktop icons repeatedly rearranged and resized when returning from games like NJAM.03:54
acer11kubuntuThis is an Acer Cloudbook 11 that I converted from Windows 10, brand new machine. 32 GB solid state drive, 128 GB external MicroSD, 2 GB internal RAM.03:56
acer11kubuntuSystem crashed the first 4 times I simply tried to access this channel, Plasma 5.5.5. Desktop icons and widgets were locked to no avail. The system is almost literally unusable.03:58
acer11kubuntuAny suggestions?04:00
acer11kubuntu(Would welcome input at acer11kubuntu@gmail.com).04:02
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Urungushi. i am having problems using wifi, just started after i updated the other day. theres a screenshot here since i couldn't select the text. https://www.kubuntuforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=6568&d=146327165104:53
Urungusany input welcome :/04:53
Urungusi must shut down for now but if anyone has any ideas please reply to the post here https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70152-System-no-longer-sees-any-network-connections&p=38789804:55
adymitrukare running on a laptop?06:42
adymitrukUrungus: ^^06:42
dax(they logged out)06:43
KuroTonnoCan I ask for a little help with my laptop and my desktop computer?07:19
parveendoes removing some deafult apps from kde will have an effect on kde plasma or will it make it unstabe07:31
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markcparveen: depends on what you remove but apt remove will provide a list of dependencies it would also affect so unless that list includes plasma itself you are generally safe. I completely remove akonadi most of the time.09:06
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BluesKajHiyas all13:39
altairI wonder if anyone is on..15:18
altairGuess not15:18
altairHi xD15:18
altairOh well..15:19
BluesKajaltair:  just ask your question15:23
altairI was just wondering if my IRC client actually connected.. I didn't see any messages, until now. I guess it works then. :)15:24
BluesKajwhich client ?15:25
altairI'm using Quassel IRC on Ubuntu15:26
BluesKajif you can see your entry in the chat then other entries will show as well15:31
altairI see :) Thanks. I'm still a noob when it comes to IRC15:35
davadhello! my fresh kubuntu instalation is super laggy15:37
davadand slow15:37
davadit takes seconds to move around windows15:38
davadhowever, xorg only consumes 4% cpu15:40
altairYo Davad, hope the distro works out well for you. Did you install using a live disc or a live usb?15:43
davadI used an usb stick15:43
BluesKajdavad, which gpu?15:43
davadprobably I am using the intel 520015:44
davadbut maybe also the nvidia 940m15:44
davador something like that. I have both15:44
altairHmm... davad, perhaps restarting would fix the issue. Sometimes my Ubuntu gets laggy (though, it's not really common). I restart it and it works fine again15:45
davadI already restarted.15:45
BluesKajdavad, also makwsure your packages are updated and upgraded15:45
BluesKajmake sure15:45
davadyes I upgraded.15:46
davadI am dist-upgrading atm15:47
altairI see, it might be fixed once its done15:47
davadnew kernel. I doubt that'll bring much.15:47
BluesKajdavad, so you have a hybrid gpu system , aka Optimus?15:47
davadyes. but it usually doesnt work out-of-the-box15:48
davadnormally, it uses intel graphics15:48
BluesKajdavad, yes, when a heavier graphics are encountered then it switches to the nvidia15:49
davadyes but I dont think bumblebee is installed15:50
davadthe driver manager doesnt stop collecting system information15:51
davad...well let me reboot15:51
BluesKajnvidia-prime should be installed by default, it should run the graphics system afaik \, and bumblebee works in some cases and not on others...dunno why15:52
davadsee ya15:52
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davad_nah didnt help15:56
davad_this is really weird16:00
BluesKajnvidia-prime installed ?16:01
davad_yea I'll try installing the nvidia card16:02
davad_it worked when I booted from the usbstick16:03
DetroitBadBoyHi all16:37
DarinMillerhi DetroitBadBoy16:41
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Xaitecis there deja-dup integration with dolphin?19:05
goddardXaitec: probably not because it is a GTK app.19:05
tatiehello, i need help with the file manager dialog. wherever i clit it doens't register it. once i get the focus on files though the m ouse button is selecting mutiple files on cling (selection box) rather than simply markign the clicked file. i am talking about the windows that opens if oyu want to attach a file, save a file etc.  a setting must be wrong, but i do not knwo which one. i 've checked mouse and keyboard setting sbut all looks good.19:05
goddardXaitec: look at this though - http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Kup+Backup+System?content=14746519:06
Xaitecwill look at it19:08
goddardXaitec: also back in time but i haven't used that19:08
tatielooks like all works well in dolphin itself19:09
Xaitec:goddard i not a fan of that one too much19:09
Xaitecgoddard:  i not a fan of that one too much19:10
tatieit looks like the issue is on gtk apps only.19:13
JensManderhello, since the recent update of the network-manager I get this error https://paste.kde.org/pvaxbllqx19:19
JensManderany clues?19:19
soeeON 16.04 ?19:25
user|81570Hello out there I'm just installing Kubuntu 16.04 and I have a problem with booting, could someone help me please19:28
mtnuser|81570: ask the question, with details19:28
user|81570If I'm booting from the Hard drive I get an error message that GRUB2 has crashed and (initframs) with and flashing cursor but Im not able to press any keys19:30
user|81570Asus Maxmus VII Hero MB with Windows 10 installed before19:31
mtnuser|81570: could you give us the complete error? maybe a pic posted to imgur.com?19:31
user|81570wait a second pls19:31
user|81570Ok im back now, sorry for waisting your time19:38
user|81570Thats my Error Message while boot19:39
krytarikJensMander: If indeed on 16.04 as soee asked, probably LP bug 1581371.19:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581371 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "Plasma Network Manager crashes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158137119:39
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user|81570BusyBox 1.22.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.22.0-15ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash)19:45
user|81570Enter help for a list if built-in commands.19:45
user|81570thats everything19:46
user|81570could someone help me please_19:48
DarinMillerNetwork bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581371 is a dupliate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s...t/+bug/1569674 which ovidiu posted a "fix" in comment #39.19:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581371 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "Plasma Network Manager crashes" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569674 in networkmanager-qt (Ubuntu Xenial) "[Kubuntu] Fail to connect to wifi after a recent update" [High,In progress]19:48
JensManderkrytarik : THX19:52
DarinMilleruser|81570:  I have seen strange issues like you mentioned with boot/grub failure.  Did you disable secure boot before installing?19:54
JensManderDarinMiller : THX . ...tbc...20:21
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serg__how make transparent icons text background?21:32
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user|65129Hello , i need help with my Kubuntu . I installed it today on my New PC , 64 bit , but I cant install steam23:05
lethuuser|65129: do you get any error message?23:05
goddarduser|68280: can you just not find it?23:21
user|68280Had a crash with this page . so the error message when i installiert steam is :cant find data , contact the support Team23:21
lethuuser|68280: where are you installing steam from?23:23
user|68280From the offical Website and i Tried with sudo apt-get install steam steam23:26
user|68280Sudo apt-get install stean *23:27
user|68280Steam *23:28
goddarduser|68280: try or sudo apt install steam *23:28
goddardDon't need apt-get any more23:28
lethuuser|68280: try removing the .steam directory in your home folder then try it again23:28
user|68280Already Trier this23:28
lethuif there is one23:28
user|68280Tried * auto correction is so ennoing23:29
DetroitBadBoysudo apt install is the correct function. I installed steam that way and it works well23:41
pauloBoa noite23:48

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