
mapreriSo, I have a PPA with "Build debug symbols" and "Publish debug symbols" enabled, though even if -dbsym are in the pool, they are not in Packages.  Is this expected?  If so, is there a way I can get the -dbgsym listed in Packages?13:00
maprerithe ppa being ppa:scribus/ppa13:01
cjwatsonmapreri: they're in a separate section, main/debug13:26
cjwatson$ curl -s http://ppa.launchpad.net/scribus/ppa/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/debug/binary-amd64/Packages.xz | xzcat | grep-dctrl -nsPackage '' | xargs13:27
cjwatsonscribus-dbgsym scribus-trunk-dbgsym scribus-ng-dbgsym13:27
mapreriis the addition of that line to apt's sources.list automated somehow?  like, a flag with add-apt-repository or something like that?13:29
est31so a previous build for my ppa package failed14:08
est31and i now want to retry with an updated build script14:09
est31but it gives me "Could not be uploaded correctly"14:09
est31the log is here https://launchpadlibrarian.net/259659399/upload_1138577_log.txt14:12
est31and the recipe build overview is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdevs/+recipe/minetest-stable-precise14:12
cjwatsonmapreri: not that I know of, which is not to say there isn't14:18
cjwatsonest31: you need to arrange for the new source package to have a different version number; this is usually achieved by putting the revision number of the packaging branch in the version as well as the revision number of the upstream branch14:19
cjwatsonyour version number actually seems to be constant and hardcoded in your recipe right now, which isn't the best way to do it14:20
cjwatsonhttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes has details of the kinds of things you can do14:21
* StevenK collapses into bed after a fun day of travelling from Stuttgart HBF to Düsseldorf HBF22:02

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