
=== Sergio is now known as Guest48638
Guest48638Hi everybody. I would like to install Ubuntu Touch on Asus Zenfone 2, could you help me?01:45
danweHallo There - this is my first time here - does somebody have experience with GPS Problems? I have aquaris 4.5 and for the last two days I have no GPS/location service. anyone experience this kind of a bug? many thanks05:26
lotuspsychjedanwe: check our topic for existing bugs05:27
lotuspsychjedanwe: if you cant find similar, we advise a new !bug05:27
SmurphyHmmmm. If I don't get the bluetooth handsfree running in my car and my bike - I guess I'll have to revert my BQ4.5 to android :(08:59
mcphailSmurphy: I wish there was more progress on the Bluetooth issues.10:08
=== Phil is now known as Guest39480
Smurphyyes. Me too...10:16
mcphailAnd bluez is so tersely documented it is hard to help out10:20
aquilesGood morning10:42
aquilesI'm using chatter app on my ubuntu phone10:42
aquilesAnd works good10:42
aquilesI liked to know when we can use unity launcher on bottom ???10:44
=== Undertasker1 is now known as Undertasker
sebsebseb 12:38
brunch875Am I too optimistic to wish for steam + steam games to reach utouch?13:25
brunch875gaben seems like a coolgui. Maybe he pushes it13:25
KanbaHi there, I recently bought a BQ Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition. With this I also bought a CSL Bluetooth Keyboard. I was able to connect it to the tablet. It works. But I have a german keyboard layout. Unfortunately I'm not able to put in the special (for german keyboard layout) charactes like the @ sign. Combination of the ALT key  with the CTRL key doesn't work. Any help?13:36
mcphailbrunch875: would require the games to be recompiled for ARM. Not going to happen13:37
brunch875hnnng but I believe in gabenn13:37
brunch875games like half-life; it's from 199613:38
mcphailsdl isn't magic13:38
* brunch875 's dreams are crushed13:39
mcphailyou'll need to content yourself with baldur's gate, dosbox and (possibly) scummvm for now13:40
brunch875talking about games13:43
brunch875did any rougelikes hit the store?13:44
Acou_Bassmcphail: we have dosbox?/16:01
sebsebsebanyone here?16:33
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: are the converged apps16:40
sebsebsebthe standard Ubuntu programs in normal Desktop Ubuntu?16:40
sebsebsebor arm versions?16:40
Acou_Bassi believe there are x86 versions of the core apps yeah16:41
Acou_Bassi could be wrong16:41
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: yeah that's what I thought16:42
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: apparnatly can run loads of stuff on Android to via someting or the other hmm.  full Debian even or pretty much, just someone saying something another channel16:42
sebsebsebpeople there were also a bit like Ubuntu convergence is a bit pointesls since...16:42
Acou_Bassthere are apps thatll install a full debian ARM image to android and chroot into it to run applications16:43
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: yeah that's probably what he linked to16:43
Acou_Bassbut ubuntu touch runs the apps right on the hardware and turns into a real desktop when plugged in16:43
Acou_Basscompletely different setup hehe16:43
sebsebsebseems can then run graphical progarms on  Andorid via Debian as well16:43
dobeywith basically no security16:43
Acou_Basswell, its chrooted... but thats about it16:44
dobeyand afaik, that project is so far only actually built for nexus 5 on top of CM16:44
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: dobey yeah I got  linked to this:  https://wiki.debian.org/HowtoDebianInAndroid16:44
Acou_Bassthere are lots of projects that are all basically the same thing16:44
Acou_Bassdebian chroot in android16:44
sebsebseb https://wiki.debian.org/HowtoDebianInAndroid16:44
dobeysebsebseb: yeah, it's just a chroot though16:44
Acou_Bassusually either using an android port of Xorg, or a VNC server for display16:44
sebsebsebdobey: seems it can run graphical progarms to though?16:44
dobeynot withou an X server to display them on it can't16:45
sebsebsebful GNOME 3 even?16:45
Acou_Bassthere is an Xorg server for android, but most of the apps just VNC into it16:45
Acou_Bassits a very hacky solution16:45
sebsebsebso  Ubuntu convergence isn't pointless then :d as I thought16:45
dobeyif it's on an external display, i presume it runs an X server on the HDMI connection, and not on the device itself16:46
dobeyit also provides no real interaction between the two systems16:46
Acou_Bassi have no idea about how it works on external display16:46
sebsebsebalso I got the like, why would you want to run desktop programs designed for mouse nad keyboard on a phone or table etc from someone else16:46
Acou_Bassive never tried that16:46
sebsebsebwhy not just use a pc hting16:46
sebsebsebh e h16:46
Acou_Basswell that person doesnt understand ubuntus convergence at all16:46
sebsebsebI think we need to wait for another two or so ota updates going by my chat here the other day16:46
Acou_Bassbecause the apps have two seperate UIs, one for touch one for desktop and it automagically springs between them16:47
sebsebseb,but  once that, I guess people will see the potential of Ubuntu convergence more then16:47
Acou_Bassit really is cool xD16:47
sebsebsebthe apps well via xmir get the two guis the two set ups?16:47
Acou_Bassnah xmir apps arent convergence-ready for the most part, only the actual uTouch apps hehe16:47
dobeyright. running legacy x11 apps is basically orthogonal to the idea of convergence16:47
Acou_Bassbasically just there for exactly that16:48
Acou_BassLEGACY support16:48
Acou_Bassbecause no one will ever want to use ubuntu on desktop if all their faovurite linuxey apps dont work on it16:49
sebsebsebyou mean on phone or tablet??16:49
Acou_Basswell... ubuntu touch is eventually going to be 'normal' ubuntu16:49
sebsebsebbeing able to run lots of standard Desktop Linux programs and properly, I see as a selling point, if it's not going to support say Andorid apps16:49
Acou_Bassso it needs legacy desktop app support16:49
sebsebseb20 years worth ( or for the most part) worth of Desktop Linux progarms16:50
sebsebsebthe native apps are still lacking16:50
sebsebsebthe good ones to16:50
Acou_Bassyaeh ive found that... theres a lot of webapps and not a whole lot of real native apps in the store16:51
sebsebsebexactly which sucks really16:51
sebsebseb,but being able to run lots of Desktop LInux programs will be good :)16:51
Acou_Basswhich would be awesome, if the webapps were as awesome as they used to be back in... 12.10 was it? when they had notification intergration and everything16:51
sebsebsebweb apps are generally seen as eh16:51
sebsebsebneed good naive apps16:51
Acou_BassFWIW, i run a fair few desktop linx programs on my ubuntu touch phone and they work great16:51
Acou_Bassas in, 'legacy' ones hehe16:52
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: yeah the guide way?16:52
Acou_Bassthe what way?16:52
sebsebsebthe purtine hak?16:52
sebsebseboh that's only on tablet16:52
Acou_Basspuritine isnt a hack, but yes16:52
sebsebsebthere's a hack for purtine16:52
sebsebsebto get other stuff running16:52
sebsebsebbut apparantly in about  a week or two it should be easier to install stuff without that16:52
Acou_Bassits not really a hack... you just use the puritine app to install more programs..16:52
sebsebsebok so this debain for android thing16:53
sebsebsebis uhmm16:53
sebsebsebnot so great?16:53
sebsebseb https://wiki.debian.org/HowtoDebianInAndroid16:53
mcphailAcou_Bass: popey has a build of dosbox. Don't think it is store-ready yet16:53
Acou_Bassthats awesome16:53
Acou_Bassi love dosbox16:53
Acou_Bassscummvm even more :D16:53
sebsebsebmcphail: dosbox interesting16:53
sebsebsebmcphail: I was actsaully thining about wine the other day and I guess today a bit to16:53
sebsebsebif could run Wine on the tablet :D16:53
Acou_Bassbroken sword and monkey island on utouch :D16:53
Acou_Basssebsebseb: i dont think wine has an x86 to ARM translator... so probably not16:54
mcphailscummvm is in progress16:54
* sebsebseb hasn't done the purtine hack thing yet, but soon I guess16:54
sebsebseboh actsally16:54
sebsebsebwait no now I Remember what it was16:54
sebsebsebso with the default installed version of Ubuntu touch16:54
Acou_Bassi love me some scummvm16:54
sebsebsebthat came with the hd tablet16:54
sebsebsebthe terminal app well is just white. that's it16:54
sebsebsebdoesn't work16:54
sebsebsebI should probably OTA update and yeah yeah and I will sure, but what I just put16:54
sebsebsebseems they updated it the other day the terminal app and I guess it broke that version of Ubuntu touch maybe?16:55
sebsebsebmcphail: what's scumvm ?16:55
dobeywhat terminal app?16:55
sebsebsebdobey: Ubuntu core developers?16:55
sebsebsebI thought I needed to install a terminal to run the guide :d16:55
dobeyafaik, no retail devices include a terminal app by default16:55
mcphailsebsebseb: open source engine to run old point and click adventures16:56
sebsebsebdobey: exactly so get one from the app store, then do the guide for purtine I was thinking :d16:56
Acou_Bassscummvm is a game engine (or collection of) emulator that runs awesome old-timey point 'n click games16:56
Acou_Bassits epic16:56
sebsebsebhow am I going to be able to run commands without a terminal :d ?16:56
dobeywell, not sure what you are trying to do exactly16:56
sebsebsebdobey: I wanted to follow the guide for purtine so I could try out other programs16:56
sebsebsebso I installed the terminal from the app store and my above issue16:57
Acou_Bassdont you have the libertine scope/app?16:57
dobeyi don't know what guide you're talking about16:57
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: oh maybe I don't know16:57
sebsebsebdobey: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yJepibh68YaQijWO3Z3dWTtTTmzXnMmEE8eswhUXzw4/edit16:58
dobeyAcou_Bass: you can't create new containers or install apps in the current container, on the shipped image, because stuff is installed in the read-only space, and there are symlinks to it16:58
Acou_Bassoh, didnt know that16:58
Acou_Bassim not using the tablet, im using the -pd builds on nexus 416:58
Acou_Bassso the container is in /home16:58
sebsebsebyes with the tablet can use an unoffial guide to hack purtine16:58
dobeysebsebseb: well, the only reason i'd think you might need a terminal is to delete the symlink and copy the one file over, but i think you can do that with the file manager app too (though also not installed by default) :)16:58
sebsebsebso it can have other stuff16:58
dobeyAcou_Bass: right, because that doesn't ship with a pre-built container16:59
sebsebsebdobey: well looks like need to run some commands for the guide16:59
Acou_Bassdobey: makes sense :D i dont know much about the tablet so forgive my ignorance ;D16:59
Acou_Bassso on tablet, the puritine container is in /opt or something?17:00
dobeysebsebseb: well if terminal app is giving you issues at the moment, you could use phablet-shell over usb or ssh in if you've enabled ssh, as a workaround17:00
sebsebsebdobey: well terminal app could be having problems, since I haven't done a ota update I was thining17:00
dobeyAcou_Bass: the retail image has it in /custom/ i think17:00
sebsebseband it seems it's been recently updated as  well teh termianl app17:00
dobeysebsebseb: no idea. i don't have any issues with terminal app on either of my nexus phones17:01
* sebsebseb or I could wait a bit longer and install it in the what's coming way that was being chatted about here the other day, but want to try hack first really :d17:01
sebsebsebdobey: it coulld break depeding on the version of touch installed?17:01
sebsebsebit's not the latest version17:01
sebsebsebwhen I tried it on bq and meizu phones in the past that worekd but  there have been updates17:02
dobeysebsebseb: shouldn't. could be some issue with graphics on that device though perhaps17:02
sebsebsebwith graphics how so?17:02
sebsebsebdobey: it is the tablet of the two with the apparantly not as good resolution or whatever it was tok, but uhmm17:03
sebsebsebseems to have been ok for everything else I done with it so far17:03
dobeysebsebseb: i mean terminal app has some funky graphics features for the funky themes. it could be something in terminal app triggering a rendering issue perhaps. but that's just speculation17:04
dobeysebsebseb: like i said, i have no idea really. i don't have an m10 myself17:04
sebsebseboh ok17:04
Acou_Bassterminal app has themes??17:04
Acou_Bassbeen using this thing for like 2 months andnever once noticed :D17:04
sebsebsebdobey: well I'll do the ota  update later on I guess, and then try the  termianl app again17:04
sebsebsebdobey: however you made it sound like I may not need the terminal app actsaully to follow the earlier linked to guide anyway?17:05
dobeyAcou_Bass: yes17:05
dobeysebsebseb: right, if you have developer mode enabled, you can shell in over usb, or if you also enabled ssh, you can ssh to the device over wifi17:05
Acou_Basshmm, doesnt seem to change it for me, wanted to try the coolr etro term theme ;( XD17:05
sebsebsebdobey: nope no developer mode enabled I think at the moment17:06
sebsebsebdobey: Acou_Bass going back to earlier berifly, what's better then :d or will be and why?  Ubuntu convergence or that Debian for Android thing I linked to?17:07
Acou_Bassi reckon ubuntu by miles... purely because (unlss you run puritine apps) youre not having to faff around with weird crap like chroots and compatability layers17:08
Acou_Bassjust plug your phone into a TV and boom, desktop17:08
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: sure, but I meant for running the Desktop Linux programs :D17:09
dobeya real PC :)17:09
Acou_Bassbut ubuntu touch apps *are* desktop programs :p17:09
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: you know what I ment old stuff xorg17:09
Acou_Basswell eh17:09
Acou_Bassi would still say ubuntu because its still a lot less layering than the android thing17:10
sebsebsebwhat you mean layering?17:10
sebsebsebtakes less to do it?17:10
Acou_Bassandroid is like... debian chroot -> chrooted xorg -> VNC -> android display server -> TV17:10
Acou_Bassi dunno17:10
Acou_Bassmaybe for legacy applications, probably not much different17:11
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: you also put earlier that Ubuntu touch will be Ubuntu eventually what so we should be able to  change to other things  that aren't Unity in the future then other de's etc? :d17:11
Acou_Bassi didnt quite mean that (though i hvae no idea)17:11
Acou_Bassi meant that desktop ubuntu will eventually be running exactly the same stuff as ubuntu phone17:11
Acou_Bassso unity 8 mir 'core apps' etc17:11
sebsebsebyeah :)17:11
Acou_Bassthe only difference will be arm vs. x86 and possibly whether its rootable easily? (and obviously physical size) :D17:12
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: and yeah chroot's uhmm no thanks,  just want the stuff to work, teriminal stuff editing files etc, no thanks, just want the stuff to work,  like is the aim for convergence17:12
Acou_Basswell presumably once unity 8 hits desktop, youll still need the libertine chroot to run legacy apps? unless they give us a way to do it by just apt-getting on the rootfs17:13
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: I think there's going to be a graphcal way even17:13
sebsebseba package manager17:13
sebsebsebI had a chat here the other day17:13
Acou_Bass(or, even better, if they convert all the .debs into .clicks with automagic xmir compatability in the click)17:13
Acou_Bassthere already is a GUI for libertine containers ;D thats how i do it on my nexus 4 hehe17:14
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: that will be default in the next ota update I think or the one after17:14
Acou_Bassi just dont know if libertine will be a thing on desktop, or whether itll just all be doable with clicks17:14
sebsebsebI think the next two ota updates should provide inteesrng things going by my chat here the other day17:15
Acou_Bassi think the most interesting developments will be coming in the next few ubuntu desktop releases17:15
Acou_Bassnow the LTS is out the way, they can start experimenting17:15
Acou_Basswe already have clicks on desktop should you wish to try them... would like to see all the things converted to click packages and unity 8 become default (or at least a usable option without having to jump through PPA's)17:16
dobeythere is no ubuntu touch. there is only ubuntu17:16
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: dobey why t he interest in Ubuntu touch persoanlly for you I wonder :) ?17:16
sebsebsebdobey: well Ubuntu Touch is currently based on standard Ubuntu or something like that17:16
Acou_Bassmostly because i was a hardcore nokia n900 user which was basically debian linux in a phone, and could run xorg apps with zero effort - and since losing that phone ive been pining for a real linux phone again17:17
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: uhmm right but there's the Jolla phone17:17
dobeysebsebseb: i mean, it is jsut ubuntu. it's just device-specific image builds of ubuntu, with a few things that aren't in the archive, and a tiny container to run some android bits on top of the android kernel. it is however for all intents and purposes, just "Ubuntu"17:17
Acou_Basswhich cant run xorg apps at all hehe17:17
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: former Nokia people with yeah SalifshO17:17
dobeythey aren't "Ubuntu Touch Phones"; they are just "Ubuntu Phones"17:17
Acou_BasssailfishOS is even more proprietary than android is17:18
Acou_Bassand, while it is a SERIOUSLY nice phone OS, i cant in good conscience use it for that reason (not to mention that while it is linux underneath, i cant do anything linuxey on it)17:18
Acou_Basswhereas on ubuntut ouch i can use emacs, and libreoffice, and all those goodies17:18
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: right, but can't you also use emacs etc,  on that Debian for Androdi thing  like that guy was basically trying to tell me earlier in another channel hmmn ?17:19
Acou_Bassbut then id have to use android17:19
Acou_Basswhich i, excuse my french, F'ing hate17:19
sebsebsebyes the Ubuntu kernel in Ubuntu touch has soe Android stuff or that stuff right17:20
dobeyit's ok, android hates you too17:20
sebsebsebplus there's someting propritary I belive to even get on moible networks17:20
Acou_Bassgood, i hope it does17:20
Acou_Basswell yeah17:20
sebsebsebthe propritary thing may have come from Android to I don't know for networks17:20
dobeyandroid hates everyone17:20
sebsebsebbut that's side stuff17:20
sebsebsebto what I am about to ask :)17:20
Acou_Basstheres the android drivers/libhybris, and then the proprietary phone baseband blob that all phones have17:20
sebsebsebother topics even not relivent for what I am about to ask Acou_Bass17:20
Acou_Bassgo on? :P17:20
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: Why don't you like Android?17:21
dobeywhat is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?17:21
Acou_Bassurgh where to start17:21
Acou_Bassits bloated as hell, the apps are like 50mb apiece just for some basic crap, its a security hole waiting to happen, its rammed full of spyware17:21
dobeyandroid covertly ignored my privacy for one17:21
sebsebseboh, but loads of people love Android! I mean it's apparently so amazing!17:21
Acou_Bassyou need a £500 phone just to run android without lag, and even then it lags like hell after a few months of use17:22
dobeysebsebseb: i guess you should use windows and android then, since they're so amazing17:22
sebsebsebdobey: he h I being not serious don't you see :D17:22
dobeyand they both have like 85-90% market share17:22
sebsebsebor just saying lilk the main stemae17:22
Acou_Bassnot to mention even if you buy a £500 android phone, itll be dead after 6 months because the manufacturer is too lazy to push updates to it17:22
sebsebsebI have never been keen on Android17:22
Acou_Bassso you either have to manually flash cyannogenmod on it or stick with insecure rubbish17:22
sebsebsebsomething I notced very soon when installin an app or two17:23
sebsebsebwas guess what?17:23
dobeyAcou_Bass: eh? my nexus 5 wasn't that expensive, and it ran android fine, and still works :)17:23
sebsebsebmay not be Android's fault as an OS, but since it's popularity sure17:23
sebsebsebadverts uh!17:23
Acou_Bassnexus's are a really great exception to a lot of my problems with android17:23
sebsebsebyes Nexus is meant to be stock Android17:23
Acou_Bassnexus 4's when they came out were absolute show-stoppers17:23
Acou_Bassbut still17:23
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: spyware laden how?17:24
dobeywell, at least with lollipop i could make the phone respect my privacy17:24
Acou_Bassbecause google basically have a direct line rammed into the back17:24
dobeybut with marshmallow it's impossible17:24
dasjoeSpyware? You mean like Ubuntu's Amazon search? Here, take this: <°(((><17:24
Acou_Bassnot to mention all the apps dont work if you dont enable their horrendously invasive permissions17:24
sebsebsebuh 6.0 I thought apaprnatly had better privacy settings or something?17:24
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: yes I didn't like that, apps wanted access to like nearly everything, most of htem17:25
dobeylol no17:25
Acou_Bassdasjoe: sure, that thing was just as bad spyware, but that was a single click to disable :P17:25
dobey6.0 automatically uploaded all my contacts to google without my consent, as soon as i upgraded, and had no way to disable storing contacts on google17:25
sebsebsebok so we are using UBuntu touch, since for our own personal reasons we don't like Android?17:25
dobeyin 5, i could at least disable the contacts sync and store contacts locally17:25
Acou_Bassno im using ubuntu touch because its awesome :P17:25
Acou_Bassand, right now, is the best phone OS for my needs17:26
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: and you hate Android or strongly dislike17:26
Acou_Bassbefore ubuntu touch i ran firefoxOS17:26
sebsebsebyeah I got a Firefox phone to17:26
sebsebsebnever did calls from it though or texts,17:26
dobeyi'm using ubuntu because it's ubuntu and not android or ios, and hp killed webos, and well, developing it is also my job17:26
sebsebsebdobey: oh you help develop Ubuntu touch?17:26
Acou_Basssebsebseb: difficult to say... android in its consumer-buyable form, i HATE, but the more open forms like CM, i just merely dislike17:26
dobeythere is no ubuntu touch. there is sonly ubuntu. :)17:27
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: the consumer versions tend to come with some junkware sure, and why do you dislike CM?17:27
sebsebsebdobey: that's not qujite true yet  but I do see that in the future #ubuntu will be the like go to place for support with the phone and tablet to17:27
Acou_Bassmostly because its still just the same bloated mess and, a lot of the time needs the same spyware to go with it to install apps on (eg. googz play)17:27
kurrosawesome https://code.launchpad.net/~andreas-pokorny/mir/fix-158077417:27
dobeyit is true. this is mostly a development channel, not a support channel17:28
sebsebsebdobey: for now yes17:28
Acou_Bassis there a seperate support channel?17:28
sebsebsebdobey: and #ubuntu is for the desktop versions that are still in support for now17:28
Acou_Bassive beenasking in here when i need hlep... XD17:28
sebsebsebdobey: but start going on about touch lots there, and they will probably be liek go to #ubuntu-touch at the moment17:29
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: bloaed as in what, spyware? bloated can mean diffenret htings17:30
Acou_Bassas in17:30
Acou_Bassnot spyware... just heavy17:30
Acou_Bassfar too big in size17:30
Acou_Bassapps are gigantic for what they do17:30
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: apps come with adverstg and bad persmisoins to yeah17:30
sebsebseband it's hard to find th decent apps17:30
sebsebsebsince way too many in play really17:30
Acou_Basseven the ones that dont17:31
Acou_Basstheyre still massive17:31
dobeysebsebseb: #ubuntu is for all ubuntu17:31
sebsebsebin a way that's a sort of advantage for Ubuntu touch to some extent17:31
sebsebsebdobey: the topic doens't say touch :d17:31
sebsebsebcan go through the app store in not much for touch and get what is wanted17:31
dobeysebsebseb: like i said. there is no ubuntu touch. only ubuntu :)17:31
sebsebsebbut most of the native apps  stuck for now17:31
Acou_Basslets compare this17:31
Acou_Bassreddit app for sailfishOS17:31
Acou_Bassreddit app for ubuntu... 142kb17:32
sebsebseband the andoid one massive :D ?17:32
dobeywell 100kb is not a particularly comparible difference17:32
Acou_Bassreddit appp for android17:32
sebsebsebalso uappexpolorer is the unoffial thing17:32
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: yeah which isn't that much, but if you put on a lot of apps that are big17:33
sebsebsebthat 16gb or so space17:33
sebsebsebcan go hyeah17:33
dobeywell, ureadit is a qml/js app. not a binary app17:33
Acou_Bassthats just a small example17:33
sebsebseband you are more likely to install lots of android apsp on android since you got play17:33
dobeyreddit app on android is a compiled java app17:33
Acou_Bassive had numerous android apps that are 50-100mb17:33
dobeytext compresses much better than compiled binaries do17:33
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: have you treid Remix OS that's nice :)17:33
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: Remix OS is a edited Android for x8617:34
dobeyand there will be plenty of such apps on ubuntu too17:34
Acou_Bassdobey: the technical reasons dont matter, fact is the android app is gigantic compared to utouch app hehe17:34
Acou_Basspresumably far less though? XD because most of them will be the same QML stuff17:34
dobeyAcou_Bass: https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.docviewer -- 65 MB17:34
Acou_Basspoint takne17:34
dobeyi expect anyone who wants to ship proprietary apps aren't going to ship them as qml17:35
* Acou_Bass looks at how big the android equivelent is17:35
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: Ubuntu touch has taken some stuff fomr Android, what you think of that?17:35
Acou_Bassstuff like what, the drivers/kernel?17:35
dobeynecessary evil17:35
Acou_Bassim indifferent... XD doesnt really bother me either way17:35
Acou_Bassdrivers are drivers17:35
Acou_Bassif they werent android, theyd stil be proprietary blobs17:36
sebsebsebcould have made own drivers :D ? he h17:36
sebsebseband own kernel  that's android enoguh like h eh h17:36
Acou_Bassobviously itd be better if they werent there... bt if they werent, we probably wouldnt have any ubuntu phones17:36
sebsebsebinstad of knicking things from android? h eh17:36
dobeyAcou_Bass: telegramapp is 4.7MB on ubuntu17:36
sebsebsebI mean it's meant to be it's own seperate OS right :) h eh17:36
dobeywhere does play store show app size?17:36
Acou_Basson that app i linked it was in the 'read more' but17:37
Acou_Bassbut weirdly a lot of apps dont show it17:37
dobeysebsebseb: 'nicking things from android' is inaccurate17:37
sebsebsebdobey: I am saying a bit jokingly, but yes knicking/borrowing17:37
dobeysebsebseb: an extremely minor amount of binary bits which are required to make the hardware work17:38
sebsebsebbut yes it's mostly it's own OS completly, except for those few things I guess :D17:38
Acou_BasssailfishOS uses the same bits too17:38
Acou_Bassbut also has its own proprietary layer on top too (the GUI layer if i remember correctly)17:38
sebsebsebactaully I don't know that much about that stuff,  the kernel is open source I guess sure :d17:38
sebsebsebbut the drivers are not?17:39
Acou_Bassi guess depends on the drivers being used... i daresay some phones have some free drivers, but id imagine most have proprietary blobs17:39
sebsebsebpropribably blobs from the manufacture to work with Android?17:39
Acou_Bassthere is a version of android that is 100% free/open source (analogous to the fully-free distros) but it runs on VERY select hardware17:39
sebsebsebyeah there's a FSF one17:40
Acou_Bassyeah, the drivers and stuff17:40
sebsebsebthe hardware is only really17:40
sebsebsebApple or Android17:40
dobeyfairphone i guess17:40
sebsebsebhardware that's made for Apple or Android I mean17:41
dobeyor maybe some intel devices17:41
dobeyor windows17:41
sebsebsebor Windows just about yeah17:41
sebsebsebhardware made for WIndows just about17:41
sebsebsebyep replicant that's the one17:41
sebsebseba bit like how the PC is made for Windows?  or is it really, that's it's own debate17:41
sebsebsebbut yes Linux and WIndows iwll run on same hardwRE17:42
Acou_Bassits not really like that... phone hardware is far more locked-down generally17:42
Acou_Bassfor the most part, you can expect linux to run on any x86 PC17:42
dobeylinux runs on pretty much everything17:42
Acou_Bassbut you cant just plug a thumb drive into a galaxy S3 and expect ubuntu to boot17:42
dobeybut higher level than the kernel stuff starts to get picky :)17:42
sebsebsebhigher level17:43
sebsebsebyou mean more background?17:43
sebsebsebmore working with the hardwARE?17:43
dobeyi mean andorid is still linux, even if you don't get a bash shell or xorg17:43
dobeyyour refrigerator and stereo and all kinds of devices run linux17:43
dobeyeven if you can't do anything with that linux17:43
sebsebsebyes Linux is eveyrwhere17:44
sebsebsebI know17:44
sebsebsebeven in someones toilet maybe17:44
dobeyespecially in san francisco or japan17:45
Acou_Bassi definitely dont want Tux staring up at me when im on the john17:45
Acou_Basssuppose if anything gonna, might as well be something FOSS17:45
dobeywould be nice to get rid of the android container/kernel if possible on some devices, and use the archive kernel. but freedreno doesn't support enough hardware i guess, and i doubt much of the other bits will work without the proprietary bits17:47
sebsebsebdobey: what's freedreno ?17:48
dobeyan open source driver for adreno, the gpu in the snapdragon chips17:48
Acou_Bassi daresay therell one say be a fully-free build of ubuntu touch (trisquel touch) :D17:49
sebsebsebdobey: Acou_Bass and why does Android have the kernel and drivers, since the manufactures released for it years ago ?17:49
Acou_Bassno idea17:49
dobeyAcou_Bass: you can make one today if you want. it just won't run on much hardware :)17:50
Acou_Bassmaybe theyll port it to the same phoned as replicant ;D17:50
dobeysebsebseb: not sure what you mean. "android" doesn't "have" the kernel and drivers17:50
sebsebsebdobey: the thng that is taken from Android to work with Ubuntu touch17:50
dobeysebsebseb: android _is_ the kernel and drivers, as released by the manufacturer17:50
sebsebsebdobey: why was that made for Android?17:50
sebsebsebyeah drivers being for kernel17:51
sebsebsebI know that :d17:51
sebsebsebGoogle have a bit of an edited Linux to aparantl17:51
dobeythe drivers only work with the version of the kernel they were built to work with17:51
sebsebsebyep that makes sense17:52
sebsebsebso touch just uses the Androdi kernel, since  the drivers are made to work with that?17:52
dobeythe device tree which contains the kernel source, the binary drivers, etc… necessary to boot a device and run the hardware is "android"17:52
dobeyand each device has its own separate tree, and kernel config, etc…17:53
sebsebsebyeah still a bit of Android in there to get hardware working, but otherwise a completly seperaet OS Ubuntu touch :)17:54
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: and yes I think SalifishOS again has some of the Anroid17:54
sebsebsebas you put aerleir17:54
Acou_Basssailfish uses libhybris17:54
sebsebsebdobey: what does that mean :D ?17:55
dobeyit means ubuntu is just ubuntu17:55
sebsebsebthought you meant something lilke that, but I am not just saying Ubuntu17:56
sebsebsebso currently anyway17:56
sebsebsebthere are enough differences between the desktop version and the phone tablet version17:56
sebsebsebplus it's called otuch the channel :d17:56
sebsebsebsince currently above17:56
sebsebsebdobey: Ubuntu Touch is a bit like the old Netbook Remix in that sense I guess but even more so as bieng differnet17:57
dobeyand there are differences between the cloud images, the server ISO, the snappy things, but they are all still just Ubuntu17:57
dobeythere are also differences between builds of ubuntu for different phone/tablet devices17:57
sebsebsebyep purtine :D17:58
Acou_Bassdobey: can i ask a dumb question? what is the difference between 'snappy' and 'click'? is it purely a 'click' is the package, and 'snappy' is the OS it runs on top of?17:58
sebsebsebI think click is the old thing17:58
sebsebsebsnappy is the new17:58
dobeyAcou_Bass: no. snap packages will replace click packages on phone too at some point17:58
sebsebsebsnappy to replace click17:58
Acou_Bassso clicks came along, and then snappy came along to replace them?17:59
dobeyAcou_Bass: by snappy things i meant things running snap-based images from Ubuntu Core17:59
sebsebsebdobey: why was Ubuntu for phones and tablets based on 15.04 and not 15.10?18:00
sebsebsebgot a reason the other day18:00
sebsebsebbut didn't really understand18:00
sebsebsebalso really a otherwise end of life versoin of Ubuntu still runs on phones and tabelts basically h  eh18:01
dobeybecause we switched from 14.10 to 15.04, and then didn't switch to 15.10, because there are a lot of hard problems to solve there, and we didn't want to compound them by switching to another interim release of ubuntu as the base18:01
dobeyphones/tablets are special, releases are not on the same schedule as the ISO image releases18:02
sebsebsebdobey: yes I gathered that quite a long time ago that it doens't follow the ISO scheduled18:02
Stskeeps /g lbt18:02
sebsebsebdobey: apparnatly somethin in 15.10  wouold have broken apps, made people have to re do them?18:03
dobeysebsebseb: gcc5 broke binary compatibility in the STL, yes18:03
sebsebsebdobey: what's the STL? what do you mean STL?18:04
dobeyc++ standard template library18:04
sebsebsebdobey: ok I am not a progarmmer, what's that used for really?18:04
dobeyon ubuntu phone images? basically everything18:06
sebsebsebtempaltes for what?18:06
sebsebsebtemplate usually means something that's already made as well18:06
sebsebsebfor use for chaning even a bit18:06
dobeyi'm not going to teach you c++ in here :)18:07
sebsebsebdobey: h a ha I didn't mean like that18:07
sebsebsebdobey: anyway yes  15.10  app breakage, and what other issues?  and since  only normally a shortly supported release,  it got skipped for the Ubuntu for phones and tablets updates?  yeah.18:08
sebsebsebdobey: I guess the next big soonish update will be based on 16.04, and then might base one on 16.10 as well with good enough reason18:11
dobeyswitching to 15.10 would have been a waste of time. images will be switched to 16.04 at some point18:11
dobeyno, there won't be any reason to base images on 16.1018:12
dobeyhopefully after the switch to 16.04 we'll stay on LTS releases only as basis for phone images18:12
sebsebsebdobey: well that's what I put might, it's to 16.04 like for the rest of the stuff I guess yeah,  well for ubuntu for phones and tablets18:12
Acou_Bassis there any reason they went to 15.04 at all, instead of just being LTS-based?18:12
sebsebsebdobey: I was thinking that to, that may only stay on  LTS releses18:12
dobeyAcou_Bass: was already on 14.1018:13
sebsebsebdobey: Ubuntu for phones and tablets ( not calling it touch now h eh h ),  goes back even futher thought to 2013 or so doesn't it? what were those versions based on?18:13
dobeywould have been nice if we'd stayed on 14.04 though18:13
dobeydon't recall why exactly we did 14.1018:13
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: dobey it's interesting stuff though :d18:14
dobey13.04, 13.10, 14.04, 14.10, and then 15.04, iirc18:15
sebsebsebyeah sounds about right18:15
dobeyor maybe not 13.04; so long ago i don't recall18:15
sebsebsebthere wasn't  really a ubuntu for phones and tablets in 201218:15
sebsebsebI think18:15
Acou_Bassi think it was around then that they did that nexus 7 port using the normal unity 718:15
sebsebsebcan update LTS with ppa's or snaps or wahtever yeah18:16
dobeyno, wasn't unity7 i don't think18:16
Acou_Bassthere was an initial nexus 7 port that used unity 7... it wasnt very good and was more of a test i think :P18:16
dobeyso yeah, 13.04 was one, because late 201218:16
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: dobey  I wanted to play with Ubuntu touch before ever since seeing Jono's nexus on  his video stuff :d.  I didn't get a Nexus 4 my self sold out in 2012 hmm or whatever18:16
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: dobey then I bought htat bq :) 4.518:17
sebsebseband Meizu Pro 4 :d18:17
sebsebseband M10 HD18:17
Acou_Bassim just using a nexus 418:17
dobeyAcou_Bass: there were some nexus images of standard ubuntu ISO that could be installed iirc, but that was mostly separate and a test of "how do we boot ubuntu on these things?"18:17
sebsebsebI'll get a FHD at some stage I think as well a Ubuntu18:17
Acou_Bassbut is my primary device aside from my desktop PC18:17
sebsebsebI know will end up with mostly the same thing18:17
sebsebsebon all those devices if keeping them up to to date18:17
Acou_Bassdobey: yeah thats what im thinking of18:17
sebsebseb4.5 I thought I had lost found it early this year, so it's still on the old thing from over a year ago a 14.10 :d18:18
Acou_Bassi run rc -pd builds on my nexus 418:18
dobeymy laptop, workstation, server, and phone all run ubuntu18:18
Acou_Bassis pretty great18:18
sebsebsebmay keep that one on that or for now,  can look back at a old version in the future then h eh18:18
sebsebsebdobey: I moved away from DEsktop Ubuntu in 200918:18
sebsebsebother distros etc18:18
sebsebsebwasn't happy with cerain things18:18
Acou_Bassheh my nexus is my only ubuntu machine... arch on desktop, raspbian on the Pi (ive been meaning to try snappy on that, too lazy to migrate though) and guixSD on the laptop18:18
dobeyyour loss :)18:19
sebsebsebbut I think this Ubuntu for phone and tablet stuff is quite interesting18:19
sebsebsebdobey: Acou_Bass  I been runing on the desttop on this lap top for a bit longer tahn I had intended 15.04 then 15.10 but this one sint' quite set up how I wanted yet18:19
sebsebsebneed to re set up really18:19
Acou_Bassim really looking forward to going back to ubuntu on the desktop when all these goodies come over to the desktop18:19
sebsebsebI'll upgrade that install to 16.04 soon from 15.1018:19
Acou_Bassbut im really not a fan of .debs18:19
sebsebsebgot Windwos to re install on here and such really, but that's tedious18:19
Acou_Bassthey bork too much18:19
sebsebsebgoing to re install all OS's on here, I just haven't yet18:19
sebsebsebon this lap top18:19
dobeystop installing broken debs :)18:20
Acou_Bassbut but18:20
sebsebseband  my net book works or ish still as well sort of18:20
Acou_Bassi want my new softwarez ;(18:20
sebsebsebdobey: I remember GNOME 2 getting messed up18:20
sebsebsebin 2009 and such18:20
sebsebsebthen Unity came later18:20
sebsebsebUnity got a lot of flak from the Linux community18:20
Acou_Bassthe whole reason i jumped ship from ubuntu on desktop was because i wanted up-to-date versions of music production stuff and PPA's were not working out well for me18:20
Acou_Basshopefully snaps will fix that :D18:21
dobeyAcou_Bass: ardour and such?18:21
dobeyAcou_Bass: ppa:dobey/audiotools :)18:21
Acou_Bassardour, hydrogen, lilypond18:21
sebsebsebUnity 7 also got old and boring in the destkop really for many of us :d  on the nromal cmoputer, but Unity 8 on the phone and tablet is interesting :).  when I upgrade to 16.04 this lap top of course I'll try Unity 8 like that to18:21
dobeyhmm, i need to get hydrogen and i guess lilypond in there though18:21
Acou_Bassim fairly sure i tried that and it didnt work very well... or maybe it was the ubuntu studio PPA back when that was a thing18:21
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: you jumped ship to what?18:21
sebsebsebpeople can say what they want, but actsaully18:21
dobeyworks well here ;)18:21
sebsebsebUbuntu is the only one that properly invoates now unless we include SalifishOS or something like that to :d18:22
sebsebsebI mean Ubuntu Touch is an example of inovation18:22
dobeybut there isn't a terribly large amount of stuff in it yet18:22
sebsebsebtargetting phones nad tablets, but that was also so Canonical couold make some money maybe18:22
Acou_Bassi dont use THAT many things - mainly lilypond hehe18:22
sebsebsebalso I think to target the phone and tablet, need to be big enough moneywise18:22
sebsebsebmost distros simpally can't do it, to small18:22
dobeyproblem is finding good open source plug-ins; so many are just abandoned and unmaintained, or just not good18:23
Acou_Bassyeah this is true18:23
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: wh8ich is true?18:23
Acou_Bassi have a huge stack of .sf2's all over the place18:23
Acou_Basssome of them are ancient, some of them are godawful18:23
sebsebsebI have three of the six Ubuntu devices :d18:23
sebsebsebmissing a BQ HD and  Meizu Pro  5 he h18:24
dobeyyeah, and so many soundfonts just aren't redistributable18:24
sebsebseband a Nexus 4 maybe he h18:24
Acou_Bassbut my main thing is printing the sheet music, so soundfonts arent THAT important, because y'know paper doesnt have a built-in MIDI player :P18:24
sebsebsebdobey: why do you not have a commerical Ubuntu device?18:25
Acou_Bassmost of my other stuff is live recorded or just done with basic FS midi stuff18:25
dobeyAcou_Bass: you could hook up a dot-matrix printer to print punch-card style, and route the paper through a player piano :P18:25
Acou_Bassi say this like i even still do music stuff anymore, havent been a pro musician for nearly 10 years now18:25
sebsebsebdobey: and your name reminds me of Harry Potter by the way :d18:25
dobeysebsebseb: because they're too big, too underpowered, and i'm in the US18:26
sebsebsebthere to big?18:26
sebsebsebhow so?18:26
dobeymy nexus 5 is too big even18:26
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: well similar :d18:26
Acou_BassOH this reminds me18:26
sebsebsebapparnatly the MX 4 was quite big and yeah yeah18:26
sebsebseb,but I bought one18:26
sebsebseband it's a good size18:26
Acou_Bassi wanted to see if i could use my raspberry pi as a guitar amp... wonder if its powerful enough18:26
dobeyiphone 4s or 5s is perfect size18:26
sebsebsebbeen using that as my phone for months now :)18:26
Acou_Bassim gonna go out on a limb and say probably not, but ima test it anyway18:27
sebsebsebapaprnatly the Pro 5 is a lot bigger though18:27
sebsebsebthe BQ 4.5 was a good size18:27
dobeyyeah pro 5 is like 5.7 or 6 inches or something ridiculous18:27
sebsebsebdobey: yes you got differnet networks,  so can have issues18:27
dobey4.5 is too big, and underpowered, and low resolution18:27
sebsebseb4.5 fit in my pocket fine18:27
sebsebsebI intend to buy a pro 5 eventually but there's no rush :d  may not use it as my actsual phone though much or at all really, depending on the actsual size yep :d18:28
dobeyi don't like having to take my phone out of my pocket to sit down18:28
Acou_Bassnexus 4's are what... 4.7" screen? plus i have a big keyboard case stuck to the back of it18:28
sebsebsebpro 5 is kind of expensive or over kill for Ubuntu really18:29
dobeyyeah, 4.718:29
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: where are you from?18:30
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: ok same :) where abouts?18:31
Acou_Bassthe northwest hehe18:31
sebsebsebok south west18:31
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: have you got an Ubuntu device?18:31
Acou_Bassyepp my nexus 418:31
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: I meant a commerical one18:32
sebsebsebI guess not then18:32
Acou_Bassahh no then18:32
sebsebsebdobey: #ubuntu doesnt' mention 15.04 in it's topic as one of the supported ones, for the phone and tablet by the way :d18:34
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: which Firefox phone did you have or got?18:35
sebsebseband I guess you have no Jolla18:35
dobeysebsebseb: stop trying to think of the phone releases as being the same as the ISO release versions18:35
Acou_Bassmy fxos phone is a ZTE open C18:35
sebsebsebdobey: I am not, but you did say earlier that #ubuntu is for all Ubuntu's :d18:35
Acou_Bassand nope no jolla, i ran sailfish on both the ZTE and the nexus18:35
dobeysebsebseb: it is for all Ubuntu18:35
sebsebsebdobey: not according to the topic :d18:36
sebsebsebof the channel18:36
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: oh right nice you have ran Salifsh as well18:36
Acou_Bassits a REALLY nice OS18:36
dobeysebsebseb: then the topic is wrong. #ubuntu is the general ubuntu support channel. any supported version of ubuntu is on topic. the phone builds are suported versions of ubuntu.18:36
dobeysebsebseb: just ask the phone builds are supported versions of ubuntu as per the ask ubuntu topic rules.18:37
sebsebsebAcou_Bass: yeah I haevn't upgraded to 2.0 yet not used my Jolla phone much actsually18:37
sebsebsebdobey: well only really early adopters and devs use Ubuntu for phones and tablets now anyway,  so I guess it doens't matter to much the topic :d18:37
dobeyanyway, i should not be sitting here at my computer on such a nice day18:42
Acou_Bassme neither, unfortunately my wheel is out of action so cant go out for a nice summer ride18:44
nhainesI am annoyed that I can't build a libertine container.22:58
bregmanhaines, on a device or on a desktop?22:58
nhainesbregma: on a device.  Nexus 7 running rc-proposed/ubuntu-pd.23:01
nhainesFailure installing matchbox during container creation http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16449457/23:01
bregmanhaines, do you get an error?23:01
nhainesIt worked on Monday, but it stopped working by Friday.23:01
bregmammm, x11-common is having trouble in its postinst script23:03
nhainesSo it seems.  :)23:06
nhainesI was digging around trying to see if I could extract the Puritine demo container from a system image for frieza, but the answer is "no".23:06
embrikIs it possible to ssh into ubuntu phone fro a windows laptop?23:09
bregmaembrik, yes, you have to enable developer mode and then configure the ssh server to run on the phone, after that it's just standard ssh23:10
embrikbregma: OK - thanks - I've tried to enable developer mode on my laptop earlier but it didn't work - will try it once more23:12
nhainesembrik: you need developer mode on the phone and an SSH client on the laptop.23:12
embriknhaines: OK - on the phone :-) I see23:13
bregmaembrik, you enable developer mode on your phone through System Settings > About > Developer Mode23:13
bregmathe you have to have your phone unlocked (using the passcode) to connect23:14
embrikNot able to upgrade or install in command line - var/cache/apt - locked23:14
nhainesThe phone's system image is read-only.  You can never add software using apt.23:15
embriknhaines: Ok - I didn't know23:16
bregmanhaines, looking ath the x11-common.postinst script, it does nothing unusual, are there maybe bad ownership or permissions in your $HOME (or in ~/.cache/libertine*) ?23:16
bregmanhaines, if it was working before and isn't now, my guess is something got changed on your phone because it sure doesn't look like the software changed in the archives23:17
nhainesbregma: I've flashed all daily images from the last 7 days and done random tests on earlier images.23:17
nhainesIt fails at the same point (although for the earlier images it sometimes fails on other random packages earlier on.)23:17
bregmanhaines, did you wipe and reinstall (ie. delete user data) or just flash the system image23:18
nhainesbregma: wipe and reinstall each time.23:20
bregmanhaines, also, are you using the Terminal app to create the container or are you using a remote shell?23:20
nhainesOoh... I have been using the terminal app whereas originally I think I used a remote shell.23:21
nhainesLet me try again with a remote shell.23:21
bregmaI understand there can be permission issues using the terminal app (check your syslog for apparmor messages)23:21
nhainesHmm, now the remote shell is just randomly timing out.23:51
* nhaines sighs.23:51
roma_hi everybody23:56
bregmahi roma_23:57
roma_i'll like to get ubuntu touch on my galaxy s223:57
roma_is someone already did it?23:58
roma_need help23:58
roma_i rooted my phone23:58
roma_try to follow the wiki of ubuntu but fastboot is not supported23:59
roma_ow can i do it ? even with heimdall??23:59

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