mappps | hi | 05:13 |
=== mappps is now known as mapps | ||
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:01 |
SuperEngineer | o/ | 09:04 |
brobostigon | morning SuperEngineer | 09:07 |
SuperEngineer | [1st day off in 14 days. glad to see t'internets still exists ;-) ] | 09:08 |
brobostigon | :) | 09:09 |
zmoylan-pi | well sunday is a day of rest so strap on the shinguards and head out to gardening/diy centre... :-)) | 10:01 |
=== brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar | ||
SuperEngineer | ...currently counting down to live F1 | 10:42 |
zmoylan-pi | rooting for particular driver or team? | 10:44 |
* zmoylan-pi imagines SuperEngineer in ferarri pjamas, wrapped in ferarri duvet waving ferarri flag in front of gogglebox... :-P | 10:48 | |
* SuperEngineer imagines SuperEngineer going to British F1 at Silvertone | 10:56 | |
SuperEngineer | ...& smiles... coz SuperEngineer is! [courtesy of wonderful birthday gift from daughter & sister] | 10:57 |
SuperEngineer | vaaa....roooooooooooommmmm | 10:59 |
penguin42 | SuperEngineer: Oh cool | 11:00 |
SuperEngineer | gratefully agreed | 11:00 |
zmoylan-pi | bring ear protection... | 11:01 |
SuperEngineer | ...& beer | 11:01 |
SuperEngineer | [if they allow "imported" | 11:01 |
penguin42 | careful otherwise SuperEngineer will get stuck in a pit lane wondering how to get to working on F1 cars | 11:02 |
zmoylan-pi | aren't they stuck on ancient laptops as it runs propietary hardware? that's a job for me :-D | 11:02 |
SuperEngineer | "honest guv, I can fix that tyre. Honest I can" :-D | 11:03 |
zmoylan-pi | i still know my way around windows 3.1... | 11:03 |
zmoylan-pi | | 11:04 |
zmoylan-pi | ah the mclaren f1... my bad... sorry. | 11:04 |
SuperEngineer | they may be stuck on something in old race control, but there is now a new main race control [with old one acting as fallback - they both communicate ok with each other but I have no idea what software either is running [suspect new one may be different to old] | 11:05 |
SuperEngineer | they may be stuck on something in old race control, but there is now a new main race control [with old one acting as fallback - they both communicate ok with each other but I have no idea what software either is running [suspect new one may be different to old] | 11:05 |
SuperEngineer | [whoops! double post. my a po lo gies | 11:05 |
SuperEngineer | hmm.. I suspect quite a few of the race teams may by now have tried &/or are into 2proper" software [depends on who makes their custom programmes I suspect] | 11:11 |
zmoylan-pi | was it renault team that switched to linux to save a *LOT* of money | 11:12 |
penguin42 | it's odd they need that specific laptop; I'd have thought they might have had a custom PCMCIA card or the like | 11:12 |
penguin42 | so I could see them needing an oldish laptop with PCMCIA | 11:12 |
SuperEngineer | btw F1 coverage now on Ch4 & about to go live, F1 live timing now free on [without subscription] | 11:12 |
* penguin42 admits to finding F1 boring except for the crashes | 11:13 | |
zmoylan-pi | mid 90s had some very weird laptops made as engineers stuffed some weird stuff in... ::glares at ibm and 'software' modems:: | 11:13 |
* SuperEngineer suspects you are not alone penguin42 | 11:13 | |
penguin42 | SuperEngineer: Go and oil the track or something | 11:14 |
SuperEngineer | I#ll see if I can get permission for a "track walk" [a.k.a an oiling] ;-) | 11:14 |
SuperEngineer | ...but I suspect they might guess when I tell them, "I'm doing something 'special' for penguin42 | 11:16 |
zmoylan-pi | and the blindfold? :-P | 11:16 |
SuperEngineer | ...and them ask for some sawdust/cement powder mix to clear it up! | 11:17 |
isse | Hi guys | 11:17 |
isse | Are you aware of any issue with skype on ubuntu ? | 11:17 |
SuperEngineer | issues like "not supported"? | 11:18 |
zmoylan-pi | isn't it abandonware on linux now? | 11:18 |
isse | Not quite | 11:18 |
SuperEngineer | [if one uses U-MATE one can install directly from software & try that? | 11:19 |
isse | it's like it installs and runs fine, except my messages don't get delivered | 11:19 |
isse | on every message i send, a triangle appears next to it saying Not delivered yet. | 11:19 |
SuperEngineer | isse: suggest a quick ask on #ubuntu-mate | 11:19 |
isse | Will do. Thanks for the info ;) | 11:20 |
SuperEngineer | F1 now live - preamble at present | 11:20 |
* penguin42 thinks there are one or two things that skype on linux can't do; in particular group video chats | 11:20 | |
* SuperEngineer thinks there are many things that skype on linux can no longer do | 11:21 | |
SuperEngineer | [...& -who- owns Skype?] | 11:22 |
zmoylan-pi | happy huggy we love linux ms | 11:23 |
SuperEngineer | :) | 11:23 |
SuperEngineer | F1 live race started - bfn | 11:55 |
knightwise | afternoon peeps | 13:00 |
Switches | heya knightwise | 13:00 |
knightwise | hey Switches | 13:02 |
knightwise | how goes you | 13:02 |
Switches | Not to bad mate, you? | 13:03 |
knightwise | doin ok, | 13:06 |
knightwise | writing up an IT plan for one of my customers, need to migrate their arse to office365 | 13:06 |
Switches | ouch, working on a Sunday.. | 13:07 |
knightwise | I'm an entrepreneur so .. | 13:08 |
Switches | No days off for you then | 13:08 |
knightwise | Not really | 13:09 |
knightwise | But it doesnt always feel like work .. i like what I do so , thats a good thing. | 13:10 |
Switches | Best part of any job, if it doesn't feel like work it's always a good thing | 13:11 |
knightwise | true. | 13:11 |
knightwise | I get to give talks, play solution architect, organise IT services .. its nice :) | 13:11 |
Switches | :) | 13:12 |
Switches | Fun part's giving talks and teaching, so rewarding | 13:12 |
knightwise | and I an always sprinkle a litlle bit of philosophy into my designs :) | 13:12 |
knightwise | yeah ) Giving talks is awesome. I love being on stage | 13:12 |
Switches | Ohh cool site | 13:13 |
Switches | Odd to find any "cross platform" sites to do with Linux and Windows, mostly to many evangelists about lol | 13:14 |
knightwise | Which site are you referring to ? | 13:15 |
Switches | Your site | 13:15 |
knightwise | ah :) Lol | 13:15 |
knightwise | thanx :) been at it for a couple of years now | 13:15 |
Switches | looks good, well layed out and easy enough to read (plus no big banner adverts taking the page up) | 13:15 |
knightwise | nope :) never did advertising. always payed for everything out of my own pocket. Being independant is kinda important to me | 13:17 |
knightwise | The website was completely re-done by one of our listeners | 13:17 |
Switches | Best way to be for some projects | 13:17 |
knightwise | true. | 13:17 |
knightwise | so , working on anything geeky ? | 13:19 |
Switches | Na not really, mostly just reading at the mo | 13:19 |
knightwise | what's on your nightstand (readingwise) | 13:20 |
Switches | hmm seems you're the same age as me.. also born in the same month.. rofl | 13:20 |
Switches | Well mainly wiring diagrams for cars >.>, but like to read some tech stuff aswell | 13:20 |
knightwise | Switches: you a scorpio too ? :)$ | 13:21 |
knightwise | I just finished Chernobyl 1:23:58 | 13:21 |
Switches | na Sagittarian | 13:21 |
knightwise | very comprehensive book about the Chernobyl disaster. Written by a geek like us, edited by the guys on reddit Very accessible entertaining book. | 13:22 |
knightwise | aah :) Late november then:) | 13:22 |
Switches | Yep | 13:22 |
* penguin42 is reading the Universal History of Numbers by Georges Ifrah - it kind of starts at marks on clay - or before | 13:23 | |
Switches | Hmm never got much into that kinda book, more sci-fi stuff for me like "The Complete Robot" | 13:23 |
knightwise | penguin42: cool | 13:23 |
knightwise | Switches: I just finished 'ready player one' | 13:24 |
knightwise | and "a thousand suns" (alternative history novel where the nazi's build a nuke) | 13:24 |
knightwise | And i love my scifi too :)(pats large collection of star trek novels) | 13:25 |
Switches | Haven't read that any good? | 13:27 |
knightwise | A thousand suns is not bad. it kinda reads like an action movie .. so its a light read. | 13:28 |
knightwise | Ready player one is not bad. Lots of geek-references both you and I will get ... but the story is a liiiitle flimsy | 13:28 |
knightwise | but still entertaining. | 13:28 |
Switches | Hmm have to look that one up | 13:30 |
knightwise | you read on paper or on an ebook | 13:30 |
Switches | Both tbh | 13:30 |
* knightwise has been reading digitally for over 10 years now | 13:31 | |
Switches | I have a couple of books dotted around and use my tablet (when my daughter hasn't pinched it) | 13:31 |
knightwise | started on my Handspring Visor | 13:31 |
penguin42 | knightwise: Ooh that was a bit small | 13:32 |
Switches | Now thats some classic "tech" lol | 13:32 |
knightwise | penguin42: I read the entire 2001 books from Arthur C clarcke on that one .. while out shopping with my girlfriend. | 13:33 |
penguin42 | knightwise: How did that relationship go? | 13:33 |
knightwise | I have been reading english books for the longest time (im belgian) and these are very hard to come by around here | 13:33 |
knightwise | so i started downloading books from the net and needed something to read them on :) | 13:34 |
Switches | lol best way | 13:34 |
knightwise | that relationship went fine :) She's been my wife for the last 10 years | 13:34 |
penguin42 | oh well | 13:34 |
knightwise | And I still take my kindle with me when we are out shopping :) | 13:34 |
Switches | Last handheld I remember having was a ipaq from just after release >.> that was erm.. 15 years ago probably lol | 13:36 |
knightwise | Switches: was that THAT long ago ? | 13:36 |
knightwise | yep .. you are probably right. | 13:36 |
knightwise | damn ! | 13:36 |
Switches | yeah... makes us old mate :p | 13:36 |
knightwise | hahaha :) it does | 13:36 |
knightwise | penguin42: you a paper-sniffer ? | 13:37 |
knightwise | Switches: sometimes I miss those days. Smartphones are just noisy distracting little fuckers | 13:38 |
Switches | most the time they are... they have a tendency to go off when you find something interesting lol# | 13:38 |
knightwise | I try to keep the number of notifications to an absolute minimum | 13:39 |
Switches | Although saying that most people have learnt not to ring me as my battery is normally dead xD | 13:40 |
Switches | Always end up with google/yahoo/aim/icq messages "Wtf dude your phone is off again" | 13:43 |
knightwise | Lol | 13:43 |
knightwise | I use telegram for my closest friends .. | 13:44 |
knightwise | everybody else can go sit on facebook messenger | 13:44 |
Switches | rofl | 13:44 |
knightwise | and my clients can use whatsapp | 13:44 |
knightwise | So, based on the notification I receive I can decide wether to ignore it :) | 13:44 |
Switches | tbh there are very few people who contact me nowadays (thank god) was a lot worse when I was actually working within IT | 13:45 |
Switches | Being the only Linux/UNIX buy also didn't help matters much lol | 13:48 |
Switches | guy* | 13:48 |
knightwise | Hahah :) I know the feeling | 13:49 |
knightwise | back when I was in tech support and we had a rainy saturday afternoon .. my phone would not stop ringing | 13:49 |
Switches | Weird how many people we tend to find our age that only ever did MCSE and Windows cert... | 13:50 |
knightwise | True. | 13:50 |
Switches | Ahh now thats some memories lol | 13:50 |
knightwise | I refused to get mine | 13:51 |
Switches | Used to just bury my head in paperwork and hope someone else got it | 13:51 |
* knightwise thinks of Moz in the it crowd | 13:51 | |
Switches | I actually ended up doing my MCSE and MCNA but they also gave me the chance to get a few other certs.. not that they do me much good nowadays... | 13:52 |
knightwise | I dont value "company specific/brand specific certs very highly" | 13:55 |
Switches | Neither do I tbh, even back then. But it was one of them "either do it or lose your job" deals lol | 13:56 |
* knightwise knows the feeling | 13:56 | |
knightwise | hmm.. Dell xps13 is behaving quite well with 16.04 | 13:57 |
knightwise | battery life is very good indeed | 13:58 |
Switches | I find 16.04 pretty stable tbh, although from what I been reading a lot are getting crash reports thrown in their faces.. wondering if they forgot to switch apport off in the release builds | 13:59 |
knightwise | I gotta say .. i switched it off | 13:59 |
knightwise | one thing i like is the snap packages | 13:59 |
knightwise | feels nice to install / uninstall apps without having to worry about dependencies and stuff | 14:00 |
Switches | Yeah snap is a great idea | 14:00 |
Switches | I always switch apport off as far as reporting goes.. to many programs miss a tick and it suddenly decides its crashed >.< | 14:01 |
knightwise | true | 14:01 |
knightwise | and I don't mind a crash and sending it to canonical .. but just dont bug me with it every single time | 14:02 |
Switches | I hate it, its like "I'm using the damn program it hasn't crashed!" but apport is still popping up lol | 14:02 |
knightwise | I call it the 'i'll bug you to submit a bug' app | 14:04 |
Switches | lol | 14:04 |
Switches | About fits it yeah | 14:04 |
Switches | The thing is it is actually meant to be on for the dev builds but not for the releases afaik, think someone just forgots to change the flag in a config for ubiqity | 14:05 |
=== Xack is now known as nicememe | ||
knightwise | Switches: it does give first time users a bad impression | 14:07 |
Switches | knightwise: Yeah just a bit | 14:07 |
Switches | Think it puts a lot of personally.. they think its like a BSOD | 14:07 |
Switches | off* | 14:07 |
knightwise | Yep | 14:07 |
knightwise | that is waht it feels like | 14:07 |
Switches | especially when the first thing after the initial boot is it popping up lol | 14:08 |
penguin42 | What's the crash it's actually reporting? Is it a kernel oops? | 14:08 |
Switches | na nothing that serious tbh | 14:09 |
penguin42 | how do you know? | 14:09 |
Switches | most the time its GDM or LightDM or some crap that just stops suddenly | 14:09 |
knightwise | Well.. he's still talking to us ... so i think the system is still up | 14:09 |
penguin42 | you can still get oops/warns without it killing the machine | 14:09 |
Switches | Yeah you can, but its nothing kernel wise, I've checked most the ones I get out. It normally happens when one program hands off to another then quits. Apport sees it as a crash | 14:10 |
penguin42 | hmm that's weird, apport should only see user space crashes or kernel oopses - I don't think it's got that much more smarts for handoffs | 14:11 |
MartijnVdS | I think it may have some python "uncaught exception" hooks | 14:12 |
penguin42 | yeh | 14:12 |
Switches | Well tbh It's probably a mix of stuff, I'd worry more if it was a AppArmor report | 14:13 |
Switches | But it shouldn't be on for release versions anyway. The process still runs in the background just the report shouldn't be enabled by default | 14:14 |
penguin42 | Switches: Not sure; in the end a few million users find a lot more weird corner cases than your testers | 14:15 |
Switches | It's an easy fix, just "sudo <text editor of choice> /etc/default/apport and change the 1 to a 0 | 14:15 |
Switches | Yeah but throwing that at a new user they always take it something far more serious than it is | 14:16 |
=== nicememe is now known as Xack | ||
Switches | penguin42: If us testers do our job right we should be able to find most the problems well before they make a release :p | 14:18 |
knightwise | should be the first post in every 'what to do after installing ..." post | 14:18 |
Switches | rofl yeah | 14:18 |
Switches | It's weird cause even the apport page on Ubuntu still says it should be turnt off for releases I think | 14:19 |
Switches | Apport is really the linux version of the old Dr Watson Windows program.. Irritating as hell when it decides something is wrong | 14:21 |
Switches | Ohhh LLVM are changing their release schedule to help downstream.. theres a first | 14:23 |
knightwise | Darn , forgot to download the latest fcm | 14:24 |
Switches | fcm? | 14:26 |
knightwise | FullCircle Magazine | 14:28 |
Switches | ahh | 14:28 |
knightwise | Ronny does a great job there | 14:28 |
penguin42 | Switches: Oh not really, there's so many different motherboards/ devices/ combinations of what program people actually use | 14:29 |
Switches | knightwise: I thought you were on about that old subversion plugin thing for a while there... | 14:30 |
knightwise | on the podcast ? | 14:32 |
Switches | penguin42: That's true, but even more reason to leave the reporting off for releases. Apport is a debug tool (imo) not something adverage joe user should see when finishing up the nice fresh install of Ubuntu. Let AppArmor and Whoopsie deal with that. | 14:33 |
Switches | knightwise: When you were saying about downloading the latest "fcm" there was an old subversion plugin for admins called fcm. tbh can't even remember what it was for.. | 14:35 |
knightwise | Ah there is a script i found somewhere that does it | 14:35 |
Switches | Ahh | 14:35 |
knightwise | | 14:35 |
Switches | That's a cool little script | 14:37 |
knightwise | yep. | 14:37 |
knightwise | And i pull the downloaded versions into calibre straight away to keep track | 14:38 |
knightwise | that way I can shoot them to my kindle and my ipad | 14:38 |
Switches | Never really bothered reading those, but then I switch between the distros a lot depending on where I am and what system I'm using lol | 14:38 |
Switches | Listen to the ubuntu podcast and a lot of the ubuntu on air stuff, other than that its LAS and reading Phoronix lol | 14:40 |
knightwise | I know the ubuntu podcast , but .. What is ubuntu on air ? | 14:40 |
knightwise | i listen to LAS too (read : i skip the horrible commmercials) | 14:41 |
Switches | It's live dev talks ubuntu do, some of them are pretty interesting | 14:41 |
* knightwise is no dev. | 14:41 | |
knightwise | i work with dev guys but i'm a little bit out of my league there | 14:41 |
Switches | Think last one i watched properly was erm.. one with mhall and popey talking about the ubuntu touch stuff | 14:42 |
knightwise | hmm.. i have a ubuntu phone | 14:42 |
knightwise | kinda like it but .. cant rely on it for business use i'm afraid | 14:42 |
Switches | Well its more a "general" dev talk really, not very much coding stuff or that. Plus they answer a few questions towards the end normally | 14:43 |
knightwise | cool | 14:43 |
Switches | popey is the one talking about the OTA updates to ubuntu phone most the time, I don't have an ubuntu phone (yet) but still interesting to listen to | 14:44 |
Switches | Is it not that reliable yet knightwise ? | 14:45 |
knightwise | Switches: been thinking of getting the tablet .. but i'm afraid its not quite "done" yet | 14:45 |
knightwise | I think i had some issues with battery life | 14:46 |
Switches | Well it's still early for it I guess, they say it's more "dev" and "geek" focused. It does seem to be coming along great though | 14:46 |
knightwise | its still very dev focuesed indeed | 14:47 |
knightwise | Gotta dash , going home (at the coffee shop for the moment) brb | 14:47 |
Switches | ok mate, take it steady | 14:47 |
SuperEngineer | hmmm... old [*very* old] samsung "smart" phone [running Android 2.3.6] no longer allows downloads of apps, won't update, battery won't go above 99%... could it be time to get a replacement I wonder? :-) | 16:23 |
SuperEngineer | [YES] | 16:23 |
* zmoylan-pi takes SuperEngineer's phone out behind the carphonewarehouse and whacks it with my nokia... :-P | 16:23 | |
SuperEngineer | ;-) | 16:24 |
SuperEngineer | ...but the phone has a built in in FM chip... can't find that on others :-( | 16:25 |
zmoylan-pi | don't worry, my nokia won't be harmed in the incident | 16:25 |
daftykins | that thing'd have so many security issues it's unreal | 16:25 |
zmoylan-pi | well it is a samsung so it was delivered with security issues :-) | 16:26 |
zmoylan-pi | i thought most android devices still had fm radio? | 16:26 |
daftykins | pass | 16:27 |
zmoylan-pi | cheap huawei i got in tesco does. positively eats the battery so not very practical | 16:27 |
daftykins | never used it on a phone | 16:27 |
daftykins | radio's going the way of the dodo! | 16:27 |
zmoylan-pi | i love me fm radio. in usa the radio is terrible but in ireland it's excellent | 16:27 |
SuperEngineer | they have streaming apps but not [afaik] a built in FM reciever chip | 16:27 |
zmoylan-pi | radio will be around a long time yet. too useful | 16:27 |
daftykins | can't see it being useful portably though | 16:28 |
SuperEngineer | [please tell me I'm wrong - please] | 16:28 |
zmoylan-pi | and dab while nice is just not portable | 16:28 |
zmoylan-pi | what phones are you looking at then? | 16:28 |
SuperEngineer | I'm looking at my old phone with on board FM chip and radio app ;-) | 16:30 |
SuperEngineer | ...but that is not what I need to be looking at... | 16:30 |
zmoylan-pi | has a radio | 16:32 |
SuperEngineer | Want a Nexus, can't [don't want to] afford a Nexus. Legal, decent, honest & useful are my criteria | 16:33 |
zmoylan-pi | has a a radio 2/2 | 16:34 |
daftykins | what do you mean, the Nexus 5X is cheap... | 16:34 |
zmoylan-pi | no radio 2/3 | 16:34 |
* daftykins would not buy samsung | 16:35 | |
SuperEngineer | zmoylan-pi: I was just typing if a question re Galaxy S5.. that was my firt option! | 16:35 |
SuperEngineer | so if a Galaxy S5x - what should the "x" be? [for on board radio, not rubbish specs, blah, blah...]? Answers on a postcard [or here will do ;-) ] | 16:38 |
daftykins | wat | 16:39 |
zmoylan-pi | but s5 doesn't have radio. well that's a bit silly having such a random element to an important feature... | 16:39 |
SuperEngineer | keep hearing [on podcats] about the OnePlus One... but no radio :-( | 16:40 |
* zmoylan-pi would be with daftykins though in avoiding samsung... have had 2 devices and both were... buggy | 16:40 | |
zmoylan-pi | i did see a little old dear on the bus a few weeks back with a huge smartphone and had her headphone plugged into handheld transistor radio that was same size as the phone :-) | 16:41 |
daftykins | XD | 16:41 |
zmoylan-pi | same model sony radio walkman that i have. mine is 30 years old but i have seen them still for sale | 16:42 |
SuperEngineer | *want* radio - it kept me sane during a recent unexpected hospital "extended stay" ffollowing an op that went slightly iffy | 16:42 |
daftykins | :S | 16:43 |
* zmoylan-pi nods. when i went into hospital in 2008 i had 1gb of music in very compressed files and fm radio on nokia n70. a real life saver | 16:43 | |
SuperEngineer | ...but want *good* phone thatr won't be outdated next year | 16:43 |
daftykins | SuperEngineer: i hope you didn't come out with someones baby | 16:43 |
daftykins | ah well you're out of luck there, they all suck and are designed to implode now | 16:44 |
zmoylan-pi | congratulations... it's a nokia.., | 16:44 |
SuperEngineer | daftykins: s'okay... I found the mother & returned the babs | 16:44 |
* SuperEngineer listens to Woodstock soundtrack & thinks... "congratulations... it's a moonbeam" | 16:45 | |
SuperEngineer | whoop[s... age showing... quick - hide age related incriminations!!!! | 16:46 |
daftykins | >:) | 16:46 |
zmoylan-pi | pffft, some music on my phone was recorded in 1930s... :-) | 16:47 |
SuperEngineer | :-) | 16:47 |
SuperEngineer | zmoylan-pi: hope you didn't record them yourself! if so... well done grandpa | 16:48 |
* zmoylan-pi records SuperEngineer's comments on wax cylinder for later revenge purposes... :-P | 16:50 | |
SuperEngineer | [thinks of Ubuntu podcast theme] - & builds bunker to hide from zmoylan-pi's revenge | 16:51 |
SuperEngineer | oh, my, gawd!... Dear BBC newsfeed headlines: re "A 30-year-old man is shot in the ankles in Londonderry, he is taken to hospital for treatment." We're not idiots! Where else did you think we'd assume he was taken after a gunshoy injurt? BHS???? | 17:01 |
SuperEngineer | *guinshot | 17:01 |
SuperEngineer | hash-tag testes | 17:02 |
penguin42 | SuperEngineer: I guess they've got to do something with BHS | 17:02 |
zmoylan-pi | nah, my favourite was a drug dealer in dublin in 90s who was shot in face with a shotgun after vigialantes got him. his condition was described as 'comfortablee' in hospital. i don't there are enough drugs for anyone to be 'comfortable' after that... | 17:05 |
SuperEngineer | +1 | 17:16 |
diddledan | if ya’ll got netflix. watch iZombie | 17:39 |
diddledan | it’s hilarious | 17:39 |
diddledan | just watching ep2 | 17:39 |
daftykins | i dunno, sounds a lot like Apple products and zombie rolled into one... that's two bad things | 17:50 |
zmoylan-pi | or very very expensive zombies... | 17:51 |
zmoylan-pi | on plus side one whack and they shatter into a 1000 pieces... | 17:53 |
SuperEngineer | but Apple & zombies have a connection [mwa ha harrr] | 17:53 |
SuperEngineer | bitey bitey.. your trapped in their world | 17:54 |
SuperEngineer | @*you're | 17:55 |
* zmoylan-pi is reminded of the great episode of malcolm in the middle were dewie is trying to trick reese into there are aliens invading when malcolm tells him he's overthinking it and simply shouts 'reese! zombie!' for him to appear with bat wearing a helmet... | 17:57 | |
SuperEngineer | why was the bat wearing a helmet? | 18:13 |
zmoylan-pi | because it was deaf of course | 18:13 |
daftykins | but they all are! | 18:14 |
zmoylan-pi | no no they're blind... | 18:14 |
DJones | Was it riding a motorbike? | 18:14 |
zmoylan-pi | we don't allow the blind to ride motorbikes | 18:16 |
SuperEngineer | :Dso it was playing american football? | 18:16 |
SuperEngineer | *so | 18:16 |
diddledan | googley IO this week IIRC | 22:01 |
diddledan | wednesday by the looks | 22:02 |
daftykins | :) | 22:03 |
daftykins | Tuesday is more exciting! nvidia GTX1080 review embargo lifts ;) | 22:03 |
diddledan | you’ve had one to review? :-p | 22:03 |
daftykins | hah if only, i bought Hitman earlier and have enjoyed seeing 14fps on low | 22:04 |
daftykins | i'm waiting to pick a new card | 22:04 |
daftykins | huzzah got a refund from amazon... cheeky swines list their 'digital purchases' as all inclusive of VAT, but on going to the checkout, the £40 game remained £40 | 22:16 |
daftykins | i'm outside the EU so don't pay that... just got £8 back \o/ | 22:16 |
Switches | They tryed to charge you vat outside the uk? | 22:46 |
daftykins | lots of places do | 22:47 |
daftykins | we're second class citizens down here in the Channel Islands | 22:48 |
Switches | lol | 22:48 |
Switches | That's pretty messed up | 22:48 |
daftykins | Google and MS won't even sell to us... | 22:49 |
Switches | wtf | 22:49 |
Switches | They got some rule against the Channel Islands? | 22:49 |
daftykins | yep | 22:55 |
daftykins | they geoip blocked a lot of content on the Google play store to us, too | 22:56 |
Switches | >.< | 22:56 |
daftykins | worked fine to begin with, then someone got in touch to say we want VAT deducted pricing | 22:56 |
daftykins | then they locked us out | 22:56 |
Switches | Now thats messed up | 22:56 |
Switches | You would think google and ms would be able to that.. | 22:57 |
daftykins | oh i'm sure they can, we just don't matter enough | 22:57 |
daftykins | oh Adobe are the other one, too | 22:57 |
daftykins | phone up sales, "VAT ID or we can't do it" | 22:57 |
Switches | Oh how nice of them... | 22:57 |
daftykins | yep so they take the tax and bank it | 22:58 |
Switches | And this from companies who just love to skip paying tax bills.. what a surprise | 22:59 |
daftykins | odd coincidence eh? | 23:00 |
daftykins | it's like they don't want to do the proper UK gov paperwork or something | 23:00 |
Switches | oh yeah.. | 23:00 |
Switches | Man that would get up my nose.. | 23:02 |
Switches | Listening to Knightwise.. didn't know about his podcast, but rarely I search for thing's outside Linux Land (even though his is crossplatform) | 23:03 |
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