
=== thiago_ is now known as Guest76260
drvanonmy mac mini crashes the moment i xorg starts. it blocks the whole computer00:11
drvanontips on what i can do00:11
LtLdrvanon: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:14
LtLdrvanon: and syslog00:15
drvanonhow can i get there00:15
drvanonas in how could i prevent getting blocked out00:15
LtLdrvanon: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log  use spacbar to scroll, 'q' to quit00:16
scragglezHey, I was trying to use pip to install a package but I'm getting a problem that I need to install libpython2.7-dev but I'm getting this error: http://pastebin.com/2HDYJy0900:17
scraggleznot sure how to fix the broken dependancies00:17
drvanoni can not even get in to the login console because xorg restarts00:18
LtLdrvanon: try ctrl-alt 1 to get a tty00:18
LtLctrl-alt 7 to return00:19
drvanonwhen i do this, it restarts before i can login00:19
drvanonwhat does ctrlalt7 do exacltly00:19
LtLputs you back in X00:20
Bashing-omscragglez: Something is holding " libpython2.7-dev " to the lower version. What returns ' apt-cache policy libpython2.7-dev ' .00:20
drvanoni have a livecd, how can i get from there in to the root system00:20
LtLdrvanon: i never used a live cd sorry00:21
drvanondont worry00:21
drvanonis there anyway to stop the boot process00:21
scragglezBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/JGTY3CVc00:22
LtLdrvanon: im from debian, cant say in ubuntu00:22
drvanonhow would i do it with debian00:23
akikdrvanon: can you stop it at grub stage? press shift when the machine is booting00:23
scragglezBashing-om: looks like the same versions00:23
drvanonakik: i am running yaboot]00:24
LtLdrvanon: my mistake that was ctrl-alt f1 etc00:24
drvanonLtL: the problem is that x takes over within seconds00:25
drvanonso i cannot stop it00:25
akikdrvanon: do you want to try the live session?00:25
drvanonthat would be goos00:25
Bashing-omscragglez: Unexpected . what about ' apt list libpython2.7-stdlib ; apt-cache policy libpython2.7-stdlib ' ?00:25
drvanonakik: but how could i mount the filesystem of the harddrive00:26
akikdrvanon: you can list the devices with "sudo parted -l"00:26
drvanoni cant get to linux00:27
drvanoni am stuck in yaboot00:27
akikdrvanon: in the live session00:27
drvanonlet me try that00:27
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drvanoni will be back in a few minutes00:27
Bashing-omdrvanon: I no not Mac, but in other PCs one can boot to the grub boot menu, and from there boot to terminal without starting X . What release do you have installed ?00:27
scragglezBashing-om: still the 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.200:29
akikBashing-om: i think he said he doesn't have grub but yaboot00:29
akikit's a powerpc system00:29
scragglezMaybe I have somehow installed two different versions of python?00:30
Bashing-omscragglez: scragglez Not making a lot of sense then, as we have " 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2 is to be installed " . I think python versions can co-exist .00:32
scragglezBashing-om: yeah, I'm pretty lost.00:33
l2uthl355who this dudeis00:33
l2uthl355that dude ghostinnnnnn00:33
cfhowlettl2uthl355, leave now and take your silly idiocy with you00:33
l2uthl355fa realls00:33
l2uthl355fuck u nigga00:33
l2uthl355suck my cock00:33
Bashing-omscragglez: Pasetbin the ' apt list libpython2.7-stdlib ; apt-cache policy libpython2.7-stdlib ' . See if we have a source to look at .00:34
l2uthl355faggot linux wannabeds00:34
LtL!ops l2uthl355 obscene trolling00:34
ubottuLtL: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:34
scragglezBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/v4d0evyv00:34
cfhowlett!ops | l2uthl355 trolling, profanity00:34
ubottul2uthl355 trolling, profanity: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:34
l2uthl355bash my nuttsack00:34
l2uthl355like it rough bb00:34
Bashing-omscragglez: look'n .00:34
l2uthl355slick lick my dong00:34
LtL!ops  obscene trolling l2uthl35500:34
ubottuLtL: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:34
l2uthl355u momma00:34
l2uthl355like it deep00:34
scragglezBashing-om: thinking I messed up that second command00:34
LtLthx dax00:34
daxno problem00:35
cfhowlettdax, quiet only?  no ban?00:35
cfhowlettjust sayin ...00:35
daxthe problem was their speaking. they are now prevented from speaking.00:35
tgm4883dax: you remind me of agent smith from the matrix when he seals Neo's mouth closed00:36
Bashing-omscragglez: .. well something that 'you' installed -> " libpython2.7-stdlib/now 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2 amd64 [installed,local] ' The local says so . My result -> libpython2.7-stdlib/trusty-updates,trusty-security,now 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2 amd64 [installed,automatic] . So we ned to find out how it got installed .00:37
scragglezBashing-om: ah, I do see that00:38
scragglezBashing-om: should I remove it?00:39
Bashing-omscragglez: Not at all to sure of what is not going on . 'apt-cache rdepends libpython2.7-stdlib ' says "python2.7" is involved here .00:41
scragglezBashing-om: yeah, I'm getting a lot of python2.7 libraries aswell00:44
Bashing-omscragglez: I have ii  python         2.7.5-5ubunt , ii  python2.7      2.7.6-8ubunt amd64  , ii  python3        3.4.0-0ubunt amd64 , ii  python3.4-mini 3.4.3-1ubunt amd64  // all installed and co-existing .00:46
scragglezBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/utGY8Xhf00:48
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Bashing-omscragglez: Look'n . and for think'n purposes ' apt-cache show libpython2.7-dev' >> Source: python2.7 >> Version: 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2 !00:51
scragglezBashing-om: ah, my verision is this: 2.7.6-800:53
scraggleznot 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.200:54
Bashing-omscragglez: Yeh . and also is there a conflict ? what returns ' dpkg -l python2.7:i386 ' ?00:54
scragglezBashing-om: no packages found00:55
Bashing-omscragglez: Right off hand .. I would say the thing to do is remove python2.7 and re-install . with the hope that the current version gets installed .00:56
sveinseIs it possible to boot linux image named vmlinuz-*.efi.signed from non-efi grub?00:57
mcmillhjis there a way to search for which package provides a binary? i.e I need binary 'x', how can I find what package provides 'x'?00:57
tgm4883mcmillhj: you can search on http://packages.ubuntu.com/00:58
Queenslayerhi guy00:58
Queenslayerand gal00:58
QueenslayerProblem with uefi on Acer00:58
Queenslayer16.04 LTS amd6400:59
scragglezBashing-om: man, all those packages listed to be uninstalled are scary00:59
QueenslayerTried dd, lili, grub2, win32disk, startup disk00:59
QueenslayerNothing seems to work, same result on initramfs01:00
QueenslayerTried different usb slots, 3.0, 2.0, etc01:00
mcmillhjtgm4883: thanks01:00
QueenslayerSecure boot off too01:00
QueenslayerAny help on making a live linux distro work on uefi would be appreciated01:00
Bashing-ommcmillhj: Maybe dpkg -L <packagename> is good to see the full list of files a package installs too.01:01
zykotick9mcmillhj: my suggestion would be to install apt-file01:02
Bashing-omscragglez: Yeah .. anytime I go messing with system files .. it scares the daylight into me . O did look at the dependencies, did not look real bad .01:02
scragglezit'll remove gnome, compiz, gtk01:03
scragglezBashing-om: and the desktop and terminal :/01:04
QueenslayerAny help on making a live linux distro work on uefi would be appreciated01:04
Bashing-omscragglez: apt-cache rdepends ! .. ouch a whole bunch is there .01:04
QueenslayerBashing-om, am I being seen?01:05
br0sephHi. I'm new to Ubuntu Mate (15.10), and I really like to make everything dark on the computers that I use. Like on my windows computers I have a dark background, dark bars etc. I do like the ubuntu mate theme, but when I open up settings/folders etc its just so bright with the white bg. So, is there any good dark themes or tweaks that can fix this for me?01:05
Bashing-omscragglez: Yave you said yes yet ? there may be a safer way to do this .01:05
Queenslayerbr0seph, hi01:05
scragglezBashing-om: definitely didn't say yes01:05
scragglezno way in hell lol01:05
br0sephQueenslayer hi :)01:05
Queenslayeroh cool01:05
QueenslayerI thought I was invisible01:05
scragglezI'd rather not use python than not have a workint laptop01:05
Bashing-omscragglez: Maybe we best wait sager advise . but we do know where the bottle neck is .01:06
Queenslayerbr0seph, it's pretty hard to get anything answered in here it seems01:06
cfhowlett!patience | Queenslayer,01:06
ubottuQueenslayer,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:06
tgm4883Bashing-om, scragglez what's the issue with python?01:06
br0sephQueenslayer i really? I got really good replies yesterday in here01:06
Queenslayerbr0seph, I've been here three times01:07
QueenslayerSame silence01:07
scragglezBashing-om: good call01:07
tgm4883Queenslayer: silence? Do you not see all the chat flying by?01:07
scragglezBashing-om: bottleneck being I have something installed locally and something else installed elsewhere?01:07
Queenslayertgm4883, I meant for me01:07
br0sephI even got a DM with a solution yesterday :P satisfied customer here lol01:07
tgm4883Queenslayer: maybe nobody knows the answer to your question? Or maybe you're salty and nobody wants to help you?01:08
QueenslayerIt's not as quick as a response as I've seen on other channels01:08
Queenslayertgm4883, probably01:08
QueenslayerBut I'd like to think I've not done anything wrong to make it appear that way01:08
tgm4883Queenslayer: really? Just looking back at your chat for the last 10 minutes makes me not want to help you01:09
Queenslayertgm4883, why?01:09
QueenslayerI honestly did not mean any offence01:09
tgm4883Queenslayer: because you are very chatty and apparently use enter for punctionation01:09
QueenslayerI confess that I do01:10
QueenslayerI genuinely thought I wasn't being 'seen'01:10
tgm4883Queenslayer: It took you 12 messages in the span of 5 minutes before you event stated your question01:10
Queenslayertgm4883, was just giving the backdrop01:11
QueenslayerIt's been an arduous journey thus far01:11
br0sephAlso have another question if theres any hexchat users in here? I'd love to find a nice dark theme for hexchat as well, something that looks like the good ole nonamescript or something01:11
QueenslayerVery frustrated with it01:11
tgm4883Queenslayer: which can be done on a single line01:11
tgm4883Queenslayer: this might help you out01:11
tgm4883!help | Queenslayer01:11
ubottuQueenslayer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:11
cfhowlettbr0seph, you can use the xchat themes for that01:11
tgm4883!patience | Queenslayer01:11
ubottuQueenslayer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:11
Queenslayertgm4883, yes. That has already been stated01:12
br0sephcfhowlett can I find that in hexchat? like in options? sorry for being a total noob, but im new to linux01:12
Bashing-omscragglez: Yeah .. somethin like that .. I have to wonder why python2.7 says installed local !01:13
cfhowlettno worries, wait 1br0seph01:13
br0sephnp :)01:13
scragglezthat's unfortunate01:13
tgm4883Queenslayer: oh so you admit that you know the rules/guidelines and yet you choose to ignore them. Gee, what could you possibly be doing to annoy people01:13
Queenslayercfhowlett pasted it01:13
cfhowlettbr0seph, here are your choices01:13
Queenslayertgm4883, you're actually getting kind of annoying now01:14
goddardHISTCONTROL=ignoreboth isn't working in my term01:14
br0sephcfhowlett cheers bro, thank you so much!01:14
QueenslayerI didn't do anything insincere in my approach01:14
goddardhow can i disable history saving messages?01:14
cfhowlettbr0seph, hapy2help!01:14
Queenslayertgm4883, do you not think there might be a possibility that newcomers might actually be able to help and repeating the question could help raising their awareness?01:17
Bashing-omscragglez: Hang loose, see what we ( other responders ) can come up with .01:17
cfhowlettQueenslayer, enough.01:17
Queenslayercfhowlett, enough of what?01:17
fallencl0udokay so I have a slightly interesting problem, Software Updater is telling me 15.10 is available and offers to upgrade but says nothing of 16.0401:18
QueenslayerI've been targeted because I am meant to have done something01:18
cfhowlettQueenslayer, we saw your question.  if no one knows, no one will answer.  best practice is to wait ... patiently and silently.  restate the question at 15 minute intervals.01:18
QueenslayerAh cheers cfhowlett01:18
Bashing-om!ltsupgrade | fallencl0ud01:18
ubottufallencl0ud: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.01:18
fallencl0udahh. any way I can force it?01:19
cfhowlettfallencl0ud, download the .iso and clean install or wait until July.01:19
Bashing-omfallencl0ud: Yeah .. IF you insist .01:19
scragglezBashing-om: will do, just annoying. I need to reinstall/format anyways. It's been a while and I've got a bunch of unnecessary things installed01:20
michaaafallencl0ud: did you try something like this? http://www.ostechnix.com/upgrade-ubuntu-16-04-lts-ubuntu-15-10-2/01:20
fallencl0udmichaaa, does that work for 14.04 as well?01:20
Bashing-omscragglez: Breking the OS is a good opportunity to climb up that learning curve .01:21
michaaai pretty sure, that i had 14.04 LTS before i upgraded, so i would assume yes01:21
fallencl0udmy laptop upgraded just fine but not my desktop *shrug*01:21
scragglezBashing-om: I've already done that plenty of times01:24
QueenslayerBashing-om, I agree01:24
QueenslayerExcept I've broken the part before the OS :P01:25
fallencl0udokay so this is amusing... it's offering to upgrade me to 14.10...?01:26
Ben64fallencl0ud: you need to re-set the prompt to lts01:26
cfhowlettfallencl0ud, sounds like your source.list is confused.  did you edit it?01:26
Bashing-omscragglez: One of the reasons I have learned what litle I know .. break, pick up the pieces, and put it back together . We can do that !01:26
fallencl0udBen64, just reset it to lts-only and it's offering 16.04 finally01:27
Queenslayer16.04 looks awesome, when you can actually run it properly01:27
fallencl0udrelease notes still claim to be a development version?01:27
scragglezBashing-om: That's probably what I'll do, I just really really don't want to have to do that right now01:28
Bashing-omscragglez: Wait .. some more .. we are discussing .01:29
Queenslayerfallencl0ud, are you using it on the laptop/01:29
fallencl0udQueenslayer, I run it on my laptop but I'm currently using my desktop01:30
fallencl0udI'm hoping to find an older Powerbook G4 and it'll run Ubuntu MATE too when I'm done with it01:31
Queenslayerfallencl0ud, when you finally get it on the laptop, can you please check your battery consumption/01:31
QueenslayerI have dual boot and 16.04 gives me half the time that Windows 10 does01:31
QueenslayerBoth on minimal brightness01:32
fallencl0udI'm at 48% battery and it claims I have 34 minutes left01:32
QueenslayerBut on the plus side video playback seems to be smoother on default01:32
Queenslayerfallencl0ud, 14.0?01:32
fallencl0udmy battery apparently has 44% capacity though so idk. 16.0401:32
fallencl0udMATE, if it matters01:33
QueenslayerYeah, I think it could be a problem01:33
QueenslayerI might switch to an older version to check01:33
QueenslayerHow was it on the previous versions?01:33
fallencl0ud14.04 was about the same iirc01:34
mathieuIs there a reason why the latest server LTS release ships with a version of PowerDNS that is not stable and a version of HHVM that was never supported by HHVM itself?01:34
Queenslayerfallencl0ud, seems to be a low level issue01:35
fallencl0udit's a pretty shitty laptop and a year or two old so I don't pay it much mind01:36
=== ShaRose_ is now known as ShaRose
Bashing-omscragglez: Backup and regroup a bit .. what returns ' apt-cache policy python2.7 ' ?01:36
tgm4883mathieu: not sure. HHVM should have been pulled from debian, but I don't see that version there. I'm guessing it was and has since been updated by debian01:37
br0sephI really like to make everything dark on the computers that I use. Like on my windows computers I have a dark background, dark bars etc. I do like the ubuntu mate theme, but when I open up settings/folders etc its just so bright with the white bg. So my question is: is there any good dark themes or tweaks that can fix this for me?01:38
tgm4883mathieu: powerdns is the same version that is in debian01:38
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mathieuit's 4.0 alpha ...01:38
mathieutotal broke my dns01:38
QueenslayerThink I've figured it out01:38
tgm4883mathieu: what's the package name of it?01:39
mathieupdns-server is already the newest version (4.0.0~alpha2-3build1).01:39
tgm4883mathieu, yep, that was pulled from debian01:40
mathieuis there a way I can downgrade it?01:41
tgm4883mathieu: in 16.04? probably not. You'd have to find old packages for it and install them, then pin the version01:42
tgm4883mathieu: That's if you can even find 16.04 packages of an older version01:42
=== CyberJacob is now known as Guest16410
userHi , I'm looking for software can does this thing , is limit speed computers which on wifi but not computers which connected wired.01:43
fallencl0uduser: ...why?01:43
mathieuthat a router you need not a software01:44
mathieuit's QOS you're looking for01:44
fallencl0udI was about to say, that sounds like something at the router not the computer01:44
scragglezBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/xZPrLUsz01:50
scragglezthat's the apt-cache policy01:50
scragglezI also noticed when I do apt-cache show python2.7 I get two different entries01:51
userI want software can limit speed some computers on Lan01:53
kelaGet an L2 switch :p01:53
Bashing-omscragglez: Look'n .01:54
userthere are some software like this on Windows01:54
Bashing-omscragglez: Strange to me . The correct version of python2.7 IS installed. but from where ? my output for comparison : http://paste.ubuntu.com/16429155/ .01:59
scragglezso weird01:59
OerHeksmaybe pip update?02:00
glasswhats your guys recommended apps from the software store02:00
cfhowlettglass, question makes no sense.02:00
OerHeksthis is no polling channel, glass02:00
cfhowlettglass, there are thousands of users with different needs.  install what YOU need for YOUR uses.02:00
glassits ubuntu specific the ubuntu software store is what im asking about02:01
scragglezOerHeks: I did install a new pip earlier02:01
glassim jsut trying to figure out the go to apps so i can become familiar with them myself02:01
cfhowlettglass, how would you expect us to know what you need?  we don't.  so, install what you need, test for yourself.02:01
fallencl0udglass: that's kinda like going to a grocery store and asking what the customers recommend02:02
glasscfhowlett: im not asking that im asking what is yours02:02
OerHekstons of ~things to do after install 16.0402:02
cfhowlettglass, please stop.02:02
glasscfhowlett: cystic fibrosis?02:02
cfhowlettglass, I am very certain that my needs differ from yours.  my original recommendation stands.02:03
glassbut i find the use of linux to be interesting how you use your linux is interesting to me02:03
bazhangglass there are some websites with must have for ubuntu, please go search for them02:03
bazhangglass this channel is not for polling02:04
cfhowlettglass, ask your question in #ubuntu-offtopic02:04
glassyou guys are funny with your very specific rules your like apple fan boys or pcmasterrace02:04
bazhangglass thats enough please02:04
cfhowlettglass your question was asked and answered.  move on.  don't be rude.02:05
fallencl0udcfhowlett, they left02:05
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Bashing-omscragglez: I do not know what to safely do about this situation .02:12
nimb3rlyjoin #haskell02:24
michaaamaybe the question is strange, but is there a simple way to start an application with root privileges (like 'sudo foo') WITHOUT going into the terminal? In windows it is so fast & easy (rightclick, start with admin rights) :(02:26
Ben64normally you don't need to run anything as root02:26
michaaaso i assume that is a 'no'? like do you open the terminal every single time if you copy a downloaded program into /opt or something like that?02:28
scragglezBashing-om: ah02:28
scragglezBashing-om: are you using 14.04? I'm thinking I can add that link to my sources list and be able to update and install02:29
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Bashing-omscragglez: My wall of ignornace, as I do not know how to determine where python2.7 came from and what we can do about getting the depencencies in-line .02:32
scragglezjk that did nothing02:32
scragglezI'm not sure how it got there either, I think I'm going to backup and reinstall02:33
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naccmichaaa: you could look at setuid and such, but in any normal appliction, the real question is why do you think you need to run as root?02:56
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snapfractalpopI have no signal on 16.04 when I login (radeon card connected to LG TV via HDMI). The odd thing is, I do have signals on the ttys and on the login screen. I lose signal when I login. Any thoughts?03:01
kernelcruncherIn 16.04 has anyone noticed the wireless icon becomes a wired icon after suspend03:02
nacckernelcruncher: no, that doesn't happen, at least, in my 16.0403:04
cynicallemonkernelcruncher, i noticed that precise thing before i went back to a debian desktop03:04
kernelcruncher*umm, so it doesn't appear I'm alone but it's not happening to everyone03:05
kernelcrunchernacc, are you on Unity03:06
cynicallemonkernelcruncher, usually had to restart the networking but sometimes even that failed03:06
snapfractalpopCould anyone think nof a reason why my LG monitor would lose signal from my computer after I log in?03:07
Bashing-omWeb  browser has crashed on me .. gonna reboot . be back (soonest ? ).03:07
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, did you try not using hdmi03:07
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: that's all I have actually..03:08
snapfractalpopoddly, the first time I boot it works, but when I turn the screen off and back on, it only works in login screens or ttys03:08
kernelcrunchercynicallemon, my network works, no resart needed, though after suspend I see the disconnected notification but no connected notification03:09
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, i can't really say as I don't use hdmi, but when I have tested it before now, it doesn't behave typically03:10
cynicallemonkernelcruncher, it varied for me, sometimes had wireless but networking icon vanished etc03:11
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: I noticed that recently, when I restarted network-manager, the disconnect noticiation appeared, but no connected notification03:11
snapfractalpopyet, I was reconnected03:11
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: the odd thing about this HDMI issue is that I'm currently using it right now, but on a tty03:12
snapfractalpopif I do ctrl-alt-F7, I lose signal03:12
snapfractalpop(unless I'm in the lockscreen or logged out)03:13
kernelcruncher*ah well, it's not really a problem, just odd behaviour03:13
snapfractalpopin which case I can see things just fine, but as soon as I type my password, I lose the signal to the monitor (TV)03:13
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, is this hdmi set as default in the desktop settings03:14
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: yes, the network notifications aren't a problem for me, but I wanted to confirm what you observed for sanity's sake03:14
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: I don't know.. but I can get back to it if I restart03:15
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snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: there are no other wires connected, so it always "just worked" before03:16
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, so if you turn the screen off you losse it03:16
snapfractalpopyeah. when I turn it back on, I don't have a signal, unless I'm in the lock screen03:17
snapfractalpopI had this weirdness a little bit with 14.04, but I could always powercycle my TV and it would fix it03:17
snapfractalpopnow that is not working anymore.. it's really strange behavior03:17
snapfractalpopI suspect it has something to do with EDID data or something, but I don't know enough about that03:18
snapfractalpopI wish I knew who to ask03:18
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, if you press the source button on the screen, make sure ?03:18
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: I'm typing on this screen right now, so the source on the TV must be correct03:18
snapfractalpop(I'm in a tty)03:18
cynicallemonsnapfractalpop, do you have more than one hdmi outlet?03:19
snapfractalpopcynicallemon: no03:20
snapfractalpopcynicallemon: I assume you mean in the computer03:20
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, I was wondering if somehow the source was dropping out and might need resetting03:20
snapfractalpopnot the TV03:20
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: what do you mean by that?03:20
snapfractalpopwhen it "logs in"?03:20
snapfractalpopI will try to login from the lock screen and then power cycle my monitor again..03:21
django_Bah I changed something in boot settings and the dual boot doesn't come up03:21
django_Goes straight to Windows03:21
R13oseChrome disappeared when I try to alt+tab to switch apps.  What do I do in Ubuntu 16.04?03:21
snapfractalpopno dice03:22
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, just that maybe the monitor is confused if it has a number of hdmi out's connected03:23
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: there are no other HDMIs currently connected to the monitor, though there are other ports03:24
ajg4M3l5If I were going to purchase a Dell laptop to run Ubuntu or Kali, what would be the preferred choice?03:24
snapfractalpopit is very frustrating because I can actually see my old background screen on the lockscreen.. then typing my password gets me a "no signal cube" floating around03:25
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, so when you are faced with a black screen and it should be your ubuntu desktop, what happens if you toggle the source from the screen03:25
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: just tried that.. I switched from the no signal to TV, back to the HDMI slot that my computer is connected to03:27
snapfractalpopit still says no signal03:27
snapfractalpopbut it knows that it's connected, because all the other slots are dimmed out, and the slot that my computer is connected to is not03:28
fallencl0udit's a bit strange how after the upgrade it decided to completely reset my resolution and display arrangement03:28
fallencl0udbut it seems to have upgraded successfully03:28
snapfractalpopI read that fglrx was no longer part of 16.04, but I think I was using the free drivers in 14.04 anyway03:29
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, like I say though, hdmi is something I know little about, I was just guessing03:29
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: thanks for your ideas.. it helps just to bounce ideas around03:29
kernelcrunchersnapfractalpop, are you tied to only that GPU03:29
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: I will probably get a new one soon.. I have a 4k TV, but this gpu only puts out 108003:30
snapfractalpopI can probably just resart the computer now, and it will probably work, but that's not ideal, obviously, going forwaqrd03:31
kernelcruncher*have to bug off now03:31
snapfractalpopkernelcruncher: well, thanks for your help03:31
R13oseany thoughts on my question?03:44
[Saint]'Welcome to Ubuntu 16.10' - and nothing fell over.03:57
[Saint]Miracles do happen.03:57
yufwnautilus autohides its icon in the launcher, anyone experiencing the same problem?03:57
yufwi think it is a bug03:58
thedanyesAnyone know how to increase scroll wheel distance with xinput?04:16
thedanyesThe only relevant property I can seem to find is "Evdev Scrolling Distance (289):1, 1, 1"04:17
thedanyesbut increasing it slows my scroll distance/speed.04:17
thedanyesand it doesn't seem to accept 0.5 as an option...04:17
JKPQRHow much for the ubuntu slot Not including the VMware what have you.04:18
liu_beintugood day! can i ask something about my newly upgrade lubuntu 16.04 ?04:32
lotuspsychje!details | liu_beintu04:33
ubottuliu_beintu: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.04:33
liu_beintu!pastebin i just upgraded my two old laptop to lubuntu 16.04. i noticed that every time my screen sleeps and i'll open it again my mouse pointer will not appear. is anyone also experienced this problem? how to solve it? thanks!04:36
ubottuliu_beintu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:36
lotuspsychjeliu_beintu: upgraded from wich version?04:38
liu_beintuthe previous one lotuspsychje. 15.1004:39
lotuspsychjeliu_beintu: try if a 16.04 liveusb has the same issue perhaps04:39
jackcomrm -ri vs rm -rf, which is correct to delete folder?04:40
lotuspsychjeliu_beintu: we also had users able to fix acpi issue, upgrading to a higher kernel like 4.604:40
krytarikliu_beintu: LP bug 1568604.04:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568604 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Mouse cursor lost when unlocking with Intel graphics" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156860404:40
liu_beintuok thanks lotuspsychje and krytarik i'll try it.04:41
liu_beintuthanks a lot!04:42
idevwhat is a ubuntu commandline to convert pdf to a list of pngs ?04:42
daxjackcom: -r is required for recursively deleting things inside the folder. -f forces deletion (e.g. if file permissions get in the way). -i prompts for everything in the folder whether to delete it04:42
daxjackcom: which is correct depends on what behavior you want04:42
jackcomoh dax thanks :) 8)04:43
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
apattersHow have people's experiences been so far installing 16.04, am I safe to do an upgrade from 14.04 without anything blowing up?04:55
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | apatters04:55
ubottuapatters: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.04:55
apattersYeah, but the versions of a lot of the apps I use in the 14.04 repository are old, so I'm pondering whether I should upgrade early04:57
lotuspsychjeapatters: you can, its your system04:58
lotuspsychjeapatters: sudo do-release-upgrade -d04:58
lotuspsychjeapatters: just keep in mind the risks right04:58
apattersAre there any preparatory steps you would recommend other than backing up?04:59
noobineerI put 16.04 on my laptop, couldn't get an openvpn config to import automatically and gave up without splitting the keys out of the .opvn file manually, I also couldn't get it to recognize a theme I installed from a ppa, and the google chrome and earth repos won't update because ubuntu is blocking sha1 repos now04:59
lotuspsychjeapatters: yes, if you have ati card, switch to radeon driver first, also disable external ppa's04:59
apattersMy understanding was that the upgrade process will disable external ppa's anyway?05:00
lotuspsychjeapatters: correct, but still would be safe to upgrade on 'clean' official system05:00
apattersInteresting thanks05:00
haribanshIs it working?05:01
lotuspsychjeapatters: you can also test 16.04 in a liveusb first, if you wanna make sure everything works05:01
apattersWhat's the best method for creating a 16.04 liveusb?05:02
lotuspsychje!usb | apatters or if you like GUI05:02
ubottuapatters or if you like GUI: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:02
idevwhat's the fastest virtualization strategy on linuix?05:22
hadleighhello all05:22
hadleighhow is everyone05:22
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hadleighhello hello05:45
hadleighanyone home05:46
kallo82I have this problem that started to happen when i installed ubuntu 16.04 , there's an audio and graphic glitch at login screen05:46
hadleighno sound at all?05:46
kallo82No sound just a glitch, have you ever had that05:47
kallo82sounds like every other ones are sleeping05:47
hadleighi had nound sound when i installed this version and went to sound setting and turned the alert volume up05:48
nicomachuskallo82: what do you mean by a glitch?05:48
kallo82nicomachus: like it cuts out , screen disappears and then show up again with that sounds like something is wrong05:50
nicomachusdoes it enable you to login at all after that?05:51
kallo82yes it enables me ! but this is frustrating , it seems like speakers are about to blow away05:51
kallo82you know that sound when you deliver high voltage to speakers05:52
kallo82its almost identical to that05:52
kallo82never happened with me before05:52
nicomachuskallo82: without hearing the sound... no idea what it could be. you can check some logs for clues05:52
kallo82nicomachus: what logs should i see ?05:52
kallo82syslog ?05:52
nicomachusor dmesg?05:53
nicomachusnot really sure05:53
kallo82what log can describe login activity ?05:55
kallo82i mean where ubuntu logs in such cases ?05:56
baizonkallo82: /var/log/auth.log05:57
kallo82what does this mean in the log (dbus[639]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.bluez': timed out) ?05:59
kallo82that voice happens when instead of the drum sound06:02
kallo82cause i never hear that drum voice06:02
KeyzQUESTION: Will Ubuntu 16.10 and Unity 8 have Mycroft Integration ?06:14
spigotanyone seen behavior where a machine just keeps going back to sleep immediately after being woken up from sleep the first time, no matter what, until rebooted?06:19
baizonKeyz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utQjDBM6rF006:19
spigotoh nm its some systemd nonsense. don't care to investigate06:20
=== Dorami|Ausente is now known as Dorami-Doraemon
thekrynn_trying to setup a usb ethernet dongle for an extra iface, but not showing up at all.. any ideas?06:26
alibI have written a program that requires enormous amount of time to run. If i disable suspension but lock my account i.e. with Super+L will the cpu keep running my job, or will it somehow pause it 'till i unlock my account?06:37
daxalib: screen locking will not pause running processes06:43
_f_ooI've got an encrypted system, and I've got an external USB hard drive. How can I encrypt my external drive in such a way that it will auto decrypt and mount on boot?06:49
cheesenbiscuitsHi Everybody... Has anybody run into trouble trying to setup a USBTV007 EasyCAP under ubuntu? I can't get mine to show up as a capture device in tvheadend.06:50
baizonfoo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage06:51
alibthanks, dax06:52
len__how do I audit my system for suspicious activity?06:53
lotuspsychjelen__: intrusion detection?06:53
lotuspsychjelen__: snort can help06:54
lotuspsychjelen__: but perhaps you looking for specific services also? what ubuntu version and services are you running?06:54
lotuspsychjelen__: fail2ban for openssh for example06:55
lyntoo logs are the keys of tracking everything like auth.log whatever06:55
len__where is the list of autostarted programs?06:57
lyntooyou can view realtime change with 'watch' command  watch logfile.log06:57
lotuspsychjelyntoo: interesting, what does watch do more then tail?06:58
lotuspsychjelen__: startup items06:59
lyntoolotuspsychje: printscreen in realtime06:59
lotuspsychjelyntoo: thats nice! tnx for the jint mate07:00
stevendaleHow do I reinstall BIOS grub07:01
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | stevendale07:04
ubottustevendale: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub07:04
stevendaleMake a mistake in my install07:05
stevendaleHow do I resize my hard drive and make a 1 MB BIOS boot partition07:05
Ben64stevendale: you're installing on gpt?07:06
gartralhow do i make an android phone come up and allow a file transfer TO the phone from 15.10?07:06
Ben64stevendale: you can use the livecd/usb and gparted07:06
reisiogartral: via usb you mean?07:07
stevendaleOk thx07:07
gartralreisio: yes, the device comes up, i can tranfer pictures and files OFF of the devices, but any operation onto the devices hang07:08
stevendaleHow do I chroot into my HD install while booted off LiveCD07:09
auronandacegartral: i tend to use airdroid to transfer stuff to and from my android, it uses the wifi connection rather than usb07:10
gartralauronandace: that's not an option, I NEED USB07:10
Seveasgartral: you could try adb07:12
gartrali got it07:13
Mike1hi folks! Has anyone solved the Bluetooth A2DP Problem in Ubuntu 16.04 where you have to connect twice to get a successful connection?07:16
auronandaceMike1: you can search launchpad to see if anyone filed a bug on it and what status that bug report is at07:17
k00l3th4nMike1: Iv'e been searching for a fix but no luck.07:18
k00l3th4nI can't get my A2DP to work @ all. No worky!07:19
lyntoogartral: does you'r phone are in usb debug?07:20
Mike1k00l3th4n: http://askubuntu.com/questions/763539/bluetooth-speaker-no-sound-in-ubuntu-16-04 this is the workaround i’m currently using07:20
Mike1connect, switch to HSP/HFP, turn off bluetooth, turn off the headset, turn both on again, switch to A2DP (twice) and it usually works07:21
Mike1auronandace: this one might fit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1577197/comments/407:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577197 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio bluez5-util.c: TryAcquire() failed - Operation Not Authorized" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:21
k00l3th4nMike1: Yeah, tried that method & still nothing.07:22
k00l3th4nMike1: For a split second It worked and then nothing... Null07:22
JohnHannibalSmitHow do i put a pass on a nick?07:23
auronandaceJohnHannibalSmit: /join #freenode07:23
k00l3th4nJohnHannibalSmit: Register the nick.07:24
Mike1k00l3th4n: in the first few seconds of playing music I have some bad stuttering and sometimes a disconnect07:24
Mike1it’s really very annoying07:24
JohnHannibalSmitWhats the command?07:24
dax!register | JohnHannibalSmit07:24
ubottuJohnHannibalSmit: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:24
k00l3th4nMike1: Yes, very annoying. I will just wait for a fix. Good old fashion wires never fail. :)07:26
Mike1k00l3th4n: … unless you fall over them ;)07:26
k00l3th4nMike1: True! lol07:27
Mike1But come ooooon, it can’t be that audio over bluetooth is almost completly broken in 16.04 for everyone?!07:28
MaynardOK so trick question for a noobie.... I have a 4G FD  (flashdrive) another 32 (which will be run and ubuntu installed to, as my HD) and a tiny 2G FD.  The 4G is letting me into the try ubuntu.  But I need the 4 G (corrupt install on amd64 16.04) to create a NEW bootable FD.  To then install onto the 32G.  Make sense?  Before you ask my storage controller is not reading my SATAs IN the machine.... only if I hook them up externally....07:28
EriC^^Maynard: so use the 4G to get a new iso checksum it and dd it to the 2G07:30
ubotturoby59: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:30
MaynardOK........so I need lil kid noob step by step.  what is dd it? and how?  I don't understand checksum instructions in ubuntu help.  I get what it does not how to go about actuallly checking it.07:32
MaynardEriC^^_ And thanks07:32
=== soul is now known as Guest90537
Mike1wasn’t there a graphical boot disk creator in Ubuntu?07:33
auronandaceMaynard: dd is a direct copy, sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdb (make sure sdb is the device you want to dd the iso to)07:33
Maynardand checking that is what? lsblk ?07:35
auronandaceMaynard: you could plug them in and check with gparted07:35
Maynardso from sudo.....sdb is what I would copy to terminal exactly?07:36
MaynardProblem is I am working the whole machine on the 4G atm.07:36
auronandaceMaynard: like EriC^^ says, use the 4G to get the new iso and checksum it, then you can plug in the 2G (while you are still on the 4G) and dd the iso to the 2G07:37
EriC^^Maynard: type sudo parted -l and get the name of the 2G (/dev/sdb /dev/sdc ..)07:38
MaynardCan anyone gimme an easy checksum perhaps a one liner ?07:39
EriC^^Maynard: for the checksum type md5sum /path/to/iso and check the hash with the one from releases.ubuntu.com in the hashes file07:39
EriC^^Maynard: then sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync07:39
k00l3th4nMaynard: Run the command (df -h) and identify the drive. Then "sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/path/to/storage"07:39
MaynardSo I want it to go tto sdb107:40
auronandaceMaynard: no, sdb1 would be the 1st patition on the drive, you want it to have the whole drive: sdb07:41
MaynardPS still waiting 12 minutes ish for iso to complete DL.07:41
auronandaceMaynard: again make sure sdb is the one you want, you certainly don't want to sudo dd to the wrong device07:41
Maynarddbl checked and yes sdb is the 2g07:42
auronandaceMaynard: you can also tab complete nicks in most irc clients, saves typing them out in whole, try aur[press Tab]07:43
MaynardI think I can do it with all that info... then I have to turn the ISO into a bootable and wipe that 4G in the process.  Possible?07:44
auronandaceMaynard: the iso is a hybrid iso, dd'ing it to the 2G stick is all that is needed, you can then boot from the 2G stick07:45
MaynardHmmm...won't work then cause the last time I did the bootable it was 2.8G07:45
MaynardI'm actually doing a Ubuntu Studio 16.0407:46
auronandaceMaynard: what iso are you using? last i checked the ubuntu 16.04 is under 2G (about 1.4 or something)07:46
Maynardlook up07:47
auronandaceMaynard: in that case if the iso is bigger than the device you want to dd to then it won't work07:47
Maynardoh what the hell man?! it was 12 minutes 5 minnutes ago and now it says almost 3 hours07:48
Maynard@ 79%07:49
auronandaceMaynard: you can download the mini iso and then dd that to the 2G, boot from the 2G and dd the ubuntu studio iso to the 4G07:49
EriC^^torrent stuff07:49
EriC^^it's way faster and it checksums for you07:50
Maynarddoing a torrent now07:50
k00l3th4nMaynard: You can try the Ubuntu/Gnome 16.04. It's 1.2G.07:50
EriC^^auronandace: mini iso doesn't have a shell does it?07:50
auronandaceEriC^^: oh, i haven't used it in years, i'm not sure, i assumed it did07:51
MaynardSO torrent there is no need for checksum507:51
EriC^^and it's faster07:51
MaynardCool.... I thought torrents were easy ways to get viruses.... but only in windows will that matter?  Or do I have it all wrong?07:52
auronandaceMaynard: torrents are great as long as you can trust the source of the torrent07:53
Maynardit's right from UBuntustudio.org07:53
Maynardso I hope so lol07:53
SpookanMaynard: You can get viruses all the time, but Windows is the major os for it.07:54
MaynardSO I hear 2 schools of thought on anti-virus and no anti-virus for ubuntu.... which is right?07:55
SwedeMikeMaynard: there is plenty of malware for Linux as well.07:55
SwedeMikeMaynard: I don't run anti-virus for ubuntu (or OSX either), but I am cautious about what software I install and where I download it from.07:55
auronandaceMaynard: anti-virus is largly unneccessary on linux unless you are passing a lot of files to windows machines07:55
=== JohnHannibalSmit is now known as squirel
k00l3th4nClamav is good for scanning files, etc.07:55
MaynardSo do you treat it the same then and have a simple background antivirus.... saaaaaaaay Bitdefender or something?07:56
* Xark notes if your machine is Internet facing then you may want something like fail2ban etc. (but not really "virus" - just good security for the "doorknob jigglers" you will see in logs).07:56
CalpicoI'd follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security07:57
MaynardOK enough on the security then ..... that will all be after I get things installed properlly07:58
Maynardherro squirel07:58
meghgi have problem on terminal using , when paste non-latin characters like this "سلام" nothing appear, but when connect to my server through SSH its work, anyone can help me ?07:59
SpookanMaynard: I mainly use OS X and i use AV, mostly because i have alot of Windows friends that i share files with. And as SwedeMike says allways check what and where you download from.08:00
MaynardI will be doing nothing but ubuntu with this setup till I can find (hopefully) a simple driver fix so I can put my HDD back in the laptop.08:01
meghgUP: i have problem on terminal using , when paste non-latin characters like this "سلام" nothing appear, but when connect to my server through SSH its work, anyone can help me ?08:04
geirhameghg: Which terminal emulator does it fail in?08:05
meghggeirha: no diffrence , all of terminals goes wrong08:05
meghgterminator, mlterm, konsole, gnome-terminal-emulator, xfce4-terminal, xterm ....08:06
akikmeghg: works in konsole is kde08:06
akikmeghg: maybe you have some terminal settings from a previous installation?08:07
meghgin another distro yes works but i dont know why not works now08:07
meghgakik: nope,08:08
auronandacemeghg: are you simply missing a language pack?08:08
meghgno ,langauge packs installed,08:09
geirhadoes any non-ascii work at all?08:09
meghggeirha: yes, all non-ascii chars not appear08:09
akikmeghg: what's your locale setting? /etc/default/locale08:10
geirhathat's ascii, so no wonder non-ascii does not work ...08:11
akikmeghg: that could be the problem08:11
strkafter an "apt-get ugprade" my firefox browser do not react to events (click on menu icons)08:12
strkthe icons are "responsive" in that they change aspect when hovering with the mouse08:12
akikmeghg: you can get the list of installed locales with "locale -a"08:12
strkand the pop-up tip also shows08:12
strkbut _clicking_ on them doesn't open any menu08:12
strkideas ? it is Mozilla Firefox 46.008:12
strkfrom http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/main amd64 Packages08:12
meghgakik: its show correct and, fa_IR.utf8 and en_US.utf8 installed08:13
strkwait! chromium responds to clicks but still does weird things ?08:13
bat21there is somebody08:13
k00l3th4nbat21: Hello08:14
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest11357
yellabs-r2hello there , i installed 16.04 , now i noticed that the up and down on firefox side is an orange block instead of botton08:17
yellabs-r2if i boot life cd version its okey08:17
yellabs-r2the installed version is missing user interface botton items08:18
meghgakik: there is no way to back and im no have time anymore to fix that , try to reinstall ubuntu . bye08:19
akikmeghg: you can reset the file08:19
yellabs-r2in other words the ambiance theme is incomplete after install08:19
meghgakik: tnx08:20
akikok bye08:20
ubottuCookies are delicious delicacies.08:21
pOYhey all, anyone tris 16.04 on a xps 13?08:21
pOYif so how did it go?08:22
akikpOY: bad success stories. i would wait until dell supports it08:23
akikpOY: you can of course install 16.04 on a usb stick or similar08:24
pOYokay thanks man, do you know any of the issues that sprung up from doing so? thinking of getting dev edition08:27
akikpOY: somebody just said that it didn't go right. the 14.04 installation has dell installed custom packages08:27
MaynardOK so I have my .iso.torent now what?  I have transmission opened as well08:27
yellabs-r2ambiance theme is broken after install ( 16.04 )08:29
pOYfair play thanks for the heads up08:29
yellabs-r2tested on 4 different machines, same thing, so reproducable08:29
yellabs-r2any tips are welcome as to correct this error08:30
pOYMaynard: right click on the .torrent and open with transmission08:31
MaynardpOY_ it is in transmission.08:32
KeyzWine breaks Xrandr on Nvidia prime ..X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)   Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)08:32
exaltMorning, the "systemctl list-units --all" command displays like about 50 loaded TTY's. Is this normal ?08:33
SpookanMaynard: Then just wait for it to download.08:34
KeyzAll games on wine fail to work in full screen on Ubuntu 16.04 crashing with X error and nvidia prime08:34
exaltwhoa! alot more! dev-ttya0.device to dev-ttyzf.device are all loaded.08:34
pOYMaynard: putting the os on a usb?08:34
stevendale15 minutes remaining08:34
MaynardNo it's in transmission 2.75 G complete.... now how do I get it to iso to the other flash as a bootable08:35
Keyzunetbootin or use inbuilt startup disk creator08:35
pOYMaynard: it should be in the downloads folder?08:35
MaynardYes putting it all on usb.  Storage controller not reading SATA.08:35
stevendale"Move /dev/sda1 to the right and shrink it from 149.05 GiB to 149.05 GiB08:35
Keyzis nvidia prime officially supported by ubuntu08:36
JiremiI'm trying to install a graphics driver on an old Poulsbo netbook running 16.04.  The EGMD driver appears to last support 15.10.  If I install it anyways will it still work?08:36
MaynardI can see it in transmission and in downloads .....keeps saying cannot duplicate torrent?08:37
KeyzNvidia also has launched wayland drivers.. except that they work on streams not on gbl when will MIR get support from nvidia ? cant use Unity8 session with nvidia prime atm08:38
pOYMaynard: download unetbootin and when open pick your os to install and choose your usb08:39
JiremiOops I accidentally closed the chat window08:40
=== paresh is now known as ludkiller
=== Dorami-Doraemon is now known as Dorami|Away
[Saint]pOY: anecdotal, but, don't they recommend Rufus now due to unetbootin being largely...well, shit?08:47
pOYdon't really know as I don’t use unetbootin it's just what a lot of people recommend to use and seems popular?08:50
[Saint]Official page says Rufus, so, yeah...dunno.08:52
[Saint]I can definitely recall a time when unetbootin /was/ recommended.08:53
[Saint]But apparently that time has passed?08:53
akik[Saint]: you can also use win32 disk imager. the only weird thing with that is that you have to have a fat partition on the stick first08:54
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:57
Welastevildoes someone using "terminology" terminal emulator?09:00
avenger_s there someway to print webpage to rtf or someother format other than pdf?09:06
avenger_Libredraw ruin pdf format any solution? need to edit pdf09:09
yellabs-r2cant figure it out , ambiance theme on fresh install 16.04 is not working correct09:16
yellabs-r2any one who has 16.04 installed around ?09:16
Ben64yellabs-r2: it's best to describe the problem in detail and maybe screenshots in your case. asking stuff like "does anyone....?"  pretty much never works09:19
yellabs-r2its simple, the side slider is not showing as it should09:20
yellabs-r2but thanks any way09:20
linuxnubHello I need help if anyone is available before I change adduser.conf09:21
linuxnubI want to know if I change say "group home directory" setting, what happens to previously created user09:22
linuxnubty ;) I thought so but I hate corrupting my os :)09:22
linuxnuband, Im a linux nub :P Have a great night ty09:23
complete_nubHello from a complete nub, finally managed to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows09:24
complete_nubI'm really liking things so far, using the terminal for everything is really nice09:25
hdhHi all, any help with wacom tablet, leds don't switch to reflect the active mode09:26
nbusronehi anyone know how to set a disable screensaver option for certain application running on background ? I was running VM at background leaving it but ubuntu OS screen saver was set 1 hours turn off monitor.There is no option for Virtualbox to set disable screensaver09:26
Welastevilwhen I close weechat from the terminal and try to return to it, it says that weechat is yet running and I should to close it...09:27
Welastevilhow do I do it?09:27
Welastevilit is running without any sign///09:27
HootchHi, how can I increase the scrolling speed inside chrome on a ubuntu system?09:31
nbusronehi anyone know how to set a disable screensaver option for certain application running on background ? I was running VM at background leaving it but ubuntu OS screen saver was set 1 hours turn off monitor.There is no option for Virtualbox to set disable screensaver09:33
Hootchnbusrone: turn off in the energy option.09:35
nbusroneHootch : I mean to set manually which application running that disable screensaver. Like VLC or Mplayer.There is an option build in to disable on screensaver but not on Vbox.So I  have to manually set the application to disable under ubuntu command but how do I do that ?09:37
Hootchnbusrone: i don't use vbox like this09:39
Hootchnbusrone: sorry :)09:39
farawayI had a problem that when i updated my nvidia driver to nvidia-361 that the installation failed and the system crash.ed I now got it back working, and I’m sure the problem was because I set the default compilers to clang for both c and c++, so it is generally a bad idead to use „update-alternatives —configure“  to change c++ and cc ?09:40
nbusroneHootch : Iis ok , i'll ask again at vbox channel09:40
chrmhoffmanni have somehow broken my unity desktop by installing and resolving some conflict with ubuntu gnome09:40
chrmhoffmannthe Settings application now only shows a subset of items (e.g. no Appearance)09:40
chrmhoffmannand the Display settings are saying:09:40
chrmhoffmann"Could not get screen information"09:41
chrmhoffmannif i run the settings applicaiton manually: unity-control-center it seems all right.09:41
chrmhoffmannis the launcher just starting the wrong app?09:42
joellaneaquinohello all10:02
proudbyteI how can i reset iptables and ufw on a vps under rescue mode I've mounted the partition and chroot it10:12
proudbyteand I can see config files in /etc/ufw but there are a few files there...10:12
proudbyteis there any config file where i can disable ufw and iptables?10:20
ducasseproudbyte: on my system they're in /etc/iptables.up.rules10:23
akikproudbyte: did you run "ufw disable" in the chroot?10:24
akikproudbyte: "sudo ufw disable"10:24
proudbytethat should result in a live running system I'm in rescue mode10:25
proudbyteI have mounted the partition10:25
akikproudbyte: did you go into chroot?10:25
proudbyteand chroot10:25
akikproudbyte: ok so did you run ufw disable?10:25
torpetIs it possible to install Thunderbird 45 on Ubutnu 14.04 without compiling yourself? Are there PPAs?10:25
proudbyteand I've access to file system now10:25
proudbyteyes not working10:26
akikproudbyte: what's the error?10:26
proudbyteERROR: problem running ufw-init10:26
proudbyteiptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)10:26
akikproudbyte: did you mount /proc /dev /sys etc before the chroot?10:26
baizontorpet: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/thunderbird-next10:27
proudbyteI've mounted the system partition10:27
torpetbaizon: That's beta versions though.10:27
torpetAnd they are outdated10:28
akikproudbyte: after mounting the root fs but before chroot "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done" root fs should be in /mnt10:28
proudbyteand chroot the partition it self10:28
mementomoriI've a problem  with 16.04 . Sometimes (2 out of 5) after I login the screen crashes and the deskotop doesnt load. It seems like the login interface is loaded but it's hard to tell. I can only switch to tty1 and stop/start the pc.10:28
proudbyteakik let me check it out10:28
mementomoriI've an old nvidia card and two monitors. I'm using nouveau driver.10:29
baizontorpet: https://askubuntu.com/questions/50931/how-do-i-install-the-latest-stable-version-of-thunderbird10:29
mementomorinow, for example, I'm using 16.04 w/o any problem. But had to reboot the machine twice.10:30
mementomoriany idea?10:30
akikproudbyte: not sure if you need to use sudo in the chroot so take it out from the command if needed10:30
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proudbyteno it's not needed when I log into the system I'm logging as root10:30
proudbyteakik is there a way of revert chroot without reboot the server?10:31
akikproudbyte: i don't know what you mean, just exit(?)10:32
proudbyteakik yes it is exist thank you10:33
warsoftalguien habla español?10:37
baizon!es | warsoft10:38
ubottuwarsoft: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:38
warsoft /join #ubuntu-es10:39
proudbyteakik I've created the mount points in /mnt and runned the for loop, mounted the system partition under /mnt as well and chroot the /mnt10:41
aquilesGood morning10:41
proudbyteakik iptables -F returns iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.10:41
akikproudbyte: the for loop should be run after the root fs mount10:42
aquilesWhen can we put the unity 8 launcher on bottom??10:46
proudbyteakik results in https://gist.github.com/anonymous/1bedeef7c2944f2d619d9eee3e30bdd410:47
akikproudbyte: does "modprobe ip_tables" fix that?10:49
proudbyteakik ufw reset now works10:49
akikok good10:50
proudbyteakik modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:556 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/modules.dep.bin'10:50
proudbyteakik once ufw it is a wrapper for iptables so it should work right, I mean ufw has a lot of rule files I don't know if it affects iptables rules...10:51
akikproudbyte: ufw is the default system in ubuntu to manage iptables10:51
Welastevilcould someone please help me with this installing?10:52
WelastevilI tryed following the instructions...but could not get it((((10:53
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akikproudbyte: if you haven't configured iptables any other way, the ufw is it10:56
SeveasWelastevil: you'll need to install a few more tools. sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf10:56
Seveasoh, and libtool10:56
proudbyteI haven't only did iptables -F for stupidity and suddenly server got locked :(10:57
proudbyteforgot of ufw10:57
HyruleHey there. How can I upgrade gcc to 6.x? I have a gcc-6-base package installed, so is it already present?10:57
WelastevilThanks Seveas!10:57
proudbyteakik I haven't only did iptables -F for stupidity and suddenly server got locked :(10:57
Welastevilany more tools to install?10:57
akikproudbyte: iptables -F removes the iptables definitions from the active tables10:58
SeveasWelastevil: with just those I was able to do the autogen/configure/make install dance and have a running cava now.10:58
Welastevilill try the autogen now...but..sorry, Im a nubie... how to autoge ite??10:59
proudbyteakik I know that but once I didi it I got locked all my service ports down10:59
Welastevilif you dont mind explaining it10:59
akikproudbyte: did you try booting now that you disabled ufw?10:59
proudbyteakik it takes a while but I've rebooted, now praying :)11:00
proudbyteakik it takes about 3 minutes11:01
proudbyteakik I'm in11:03
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Welastevilmy OS has freezed11:06
snow_then just restart11:07
Welastevilalready restarted11:07
Welasteviland here am I11:08
snow_then that just might be some data corruption, just check carefully all st.11:08
proudbyteakik thank you very much if wan't for you I wouldn't be online so sooooon! Big thank you11:09
akikproudbyte: you're welcome11:09
proudbyteakik have a worderful day11:09
Welastevilor some idea to install some program similar to cava?11:11
Welastevilhow to specify a target to make install?11:14
akikWelastevil: you specify it with configure --prefix11:14
akikWelastevil: or edit the Makefile11:14
FManTropyxsomeone complained yesterday that the Ubuntu Studio ISO download is slow, but I just transferred the 64-bit ISO to my host in 66 seconds (47.4 MB/s)11:21
egsomeHi, On Ubuntu 16.04, When I try to install the system updates through Ubuntu Software ( gnome-software ), It doesn't ask me for the password or root access, and I get the install button small progress bar complete, without anything more !, no progress details are available or anything. Is that normal ?11:32
egsomeScreenshot: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2016-05-15_13-32-54-R6QQ17Uk.png11:33
proudbytehi again server ports 443 and 80 are open apache is running websites are enabled but website is down for everyone! tail -f logs show nothing when attempt to access website... and telnet shows that ports are indeed open11:35
egsomeproudbyte, How everyone is accessing the server ? Through public IP ?11:36
egsomeproudbyte, And, What do You mean by down ? Error code ?11:36
proudbyteegsome there are services online to check availability and is down for the world...11:40
proudbyteThe server is not responding... any ideia what might be?11:42
egsomeproudbyte, So there are not errors or error codes, just not accessible at all ? Do You have any iptables rules set ?11:44
proudbytenothing at all11:44
proudbyteegsome wait I can access via ssh and http ports are open11:45
ducasseproudbyte: when you connect with telnet, do you see that in the logs?11:45
egsomeproudbyte, sudo iptables -L shows nothing ?11:45
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proudbyteconnection with success at ports open11:45
proudbyteI'm using ufw11:45
proudbyteanyways I can see iptables rules11:46
ducasseproudbyte: check that clients are connecting to the correct address.11:46
proudbyteyes address is correct11:47
egsomeproudbyte, What iptables /or/ ufw rules are there ?11:47
egsomeproudbyte, You can use `sudo ufw show added` for ufw.11:48
proudbyteegsome I'm working on it now :)11:48
egsomeproudbyte, Take Your time :)11:48
r4huldevadm info -a -p /sys/block/sda11:50
proudbyteegsome ufw allow 22 ufw allow 443 ufw allow 8011:50
r4hulsorry wrong channel11:50
proudbyteegsome https://gist.github.com/anonymous/82a862b896586f7c8ffd6f290f3ea5e611:52
proudbyteegsome any idea?11:53
proudbytechain ufw input has the right rules...11:55
egsomeproudbyte, Sorry, been away, I think it is about `ufw-user-limit`, limit seems to be exceeded for users who try to access the site. Can You check the ufw log for [UFW LIMIT BLOCK] ?12:03
egsome"Select Best Server" for the Software Sources Settings. How it works ?12:08
loki_hello peepz!12:09
bazhangegsome, it tries to find the fastest relative to you source12:10
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WelastevilI  have istalled thi12:22
Welastevileverything was ok during the instalation12:22
Welastevilbut the command "vis" is not displaying the app12:23
Welastevilany ideas?12:23
sebsebseb 12:41
OerHeks 12:43
OerHekslong time no see seb12:43
sebsebsebOerHeks: dont know who you are12:43
kltrgducasse, Hello. Do you remember my VNC issue? I upgraded my server and I now get to the lightdm login prompt. Good news. But when I type in my password, the background stays the same but no desktop environment loads. No matter which desktop environment I choose.12:48
WulfGood Morning12:50
WulfI couldn't find any sudo specific channel, so I hope it's fine to ask here.12:50
WulfI want a user to be able to run a python script as root, using sudo. How can I make sure that sudo changes to a specific directory before running the python script? I fear that if the directory is not changed, the user may easily run arbitrary code as root12:51
sebsebsebWulf: if your on ubun12:51
sebsebsebtu here is fine12:52
Wulfsebsebseb: 16.0412:52
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sebsebsebWulf: i dont thnk you can as such12:52
WulfGuest73814: fail.12:53
sebsebsebWulf: just got to make sure cd ed in right directory12:53
sebsebsebWulf: and nothing should run as root direcr12:53
sebsebsebtly exept things that realy need to12:54
Wulfsebsebseb: which is the case here... need to work on a file that's only readable by root12:54
sebsebsebWulf: what kind of file#12:56
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kltrgMaybe someone else can help. I’m trying to work on a server using vnc4server. I am stuck at the lightdm login prompt. I enter my password, but no desktop environment is loaded. Neither GNOME, nor Unity.13:00
FManTropyxI set this up in Germany: http://c128.z80.guru/mirrors/Ubuntu%20Studio/13:00
Wulfkltrg: server and lightdm?13:00
Wulfsebsebseb: kerberos keytab13:01
kltrgWulf, lightdm is installed on the server, yes.13:01
Wulfsebsebseb: anyway, I hope the reason for my question was wrong. python doesn't seem to include files from current dir, if the script is elsewhere13:02
Wulfkltrg: why? it's a server.13:02
kltrgWulf, As I wrote, I want to work graphically on this server using VNC.13:02
Wulfkltrg: can you login with ssh? and on the console?13:02
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kltrgWulf, yes.13:02
Wulfkltrg: both?13:02
Wulfkltrg: instead of showing the desktop, what happens?13:03
kltrgWulf, what does on the console mean? I use ssh and it works.13:03
Wulfkltrg: did you check the logs?13:03
Wulfkltrg: console as in switch to console 1 (ctrl-alt-f1)13:03
Wulfkltrg: or stop lightdm13:03
kltrgWulf, I access the server remotely so I can’t press ctrl-alt-f1.13:04
kltrgWulf, The lightdm background is still there, the mouse pointer also, but no panels or files appear.13:04
Wulfyou could, but I guess vnc wouldn't work anymore :)13:04
kltrgWulf, I found this in the lightdm log: Error activating login1 session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Operation not supported13:05
nazar01What does it mean : Hash sum mismatch when i'm trying  "apt-get update" ?13:06
sebsebsebnazar01: probably that for some reason it hasn't downloaded the packages properly13:07
sebsebsebnazar01: or possibly13:07
nazar01how can I find out this reason?13:07
sebsebsebnazar01: can you pastebin your terminal output actsually13:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:07
sebsebseblandon1: hi13:08
nazar011 minute13:08
kltrgWulf, Here are some more lines from the lightdm.log13:10
kltrgWulf, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16437423/13:10
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OerHeksWulf, when you install and set your virtualenv, you can do what you want > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20585218/install-python-package-without-root-access13:12
nazar01sebsebseb, I relogged into computer and error disappeared13:16
WulfOerHeks: what?13:19
WulfOerHeks: I need root privileges to read files only readable by root.13:19
nazar01sebsebseb: I got error again: "W: Failed to fetch https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/trusty/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch"13:20
nazar01I followed https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/README13:20
Wulfkltrg: https://askubuntu.com/questions/571263/vnc-over-lightdm-results-in-blank-screen  is this related?13:21
Wulfkltrg: check "dmesg"13:21
nazar01Can somebody explain what does it mean: "W: Failed to fetch https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/trusty/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch"13:23
Wulfnazar01: ask the maintainers of the "r project"13:23
Wulfnazar01: they probably made a mistake13:23
Wulfnazar01: what is your sources.list entry?13:24
kltrgWulf, Sounds like my issue. What should I look for im dmesg?13:25
Wulfkltrg: apparmor13:25
Wulfnazar01: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/trusty/ you see that Packages is newer than InRelease?13:25
WulfAce0: call 11213:25
Ace0can i install whatsapp on ubuntu?13:26
nazar01Wulf: yes13:26
kltrgWulf, There is a lot of apparmor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16437782/13:26
nazar01Wulf: is this a mistake?13:26
Wulfnazar01: I believe so13:26
Wulfnazar01: anyway, ask them, not us13:26
Wulfkltrg: "profile_load" is not important13:27
nazar01Wulf: ok, I will :) thanks for help13:27
Ace0can i install whatsapp and tango on ubuntu?13:27
WulfAce0: did you try it?13:28
Ace0i tried the app on android13:28
Ace0but dont know how to install it here13:28
jairhello, what does that mean (linux-image low latency? version?13:28
WulfAce0: https://github.com/Aluxian/Whatsie13:29
ThePendulumFor ages now I've been trying to get alt characters to work in Ubuntu (15.10 atm), but ctrl + alt + u just doesn't do anything. I'm wondering if maybe today someone knows the answer13:29
kltrgWulf, There’s only profile_load and profile_replace in my dmesg. So apparmor is not what’s causing the problem?13:30
Wulfkltrg: maybe not13:30
Ace0Wulf: Thanks13:30
jairwill be back rebooting after installing the nightly ubuntu kernel13:30
Wulfkltrg: you could try to disable it, try to login, re-enable it13:31
kltrgWulf, Same result.13:32
ShadowcritHow can I check if I have SSH installed?13:32
WulfShadowcrit: dpkg -l ssh13:33
zykotick9Shadowcrit: "apt-cache policy openssh-server" is another option13:33
WulfShadowcrit: or simply: ssh localhost13:34
nazar01If somebody interested, I found a workaround, I used "https://launchpad.net/~marutter/+archive/ubuntu/rrutter" ppa13:34
ShadowcritWulf, that worked thank you. zykotick9, thanks for that option.13:34
dsantosHey everybody! I am Daniel and I just installed my Ubuntu, but my headset is not detected by the Blueman bluetooth software. Would someone help me with my bluetooth headset please? I tried to solve it by myself using google and I ended up lose my root privileges... =(13:34
Wulfhuh? :)13:35
Wulfhow did that happen?13:35
Wulfdsantos: usually usb headsets just work, really.13:35
dsantosI don't know. I followed some ubuntu forums, used root a lot13:35
Shadowcritdsantos, you didn't even state the problems you got. Or anything for anyone to help you with.13:35
WonderscriptOne problem was randomly copying commands off an random post13:36
Wulfdsantos: pastebin the output of "aplay -l"13:36
dsantosI solved my root problem in Ubuntu-mate channel, but not the headset13:36
dsantoswell, I tried to solve my problem. I am totally brand new in Ubuntu, trying to avoid Windows13:37
Wulfdsantos: and output of "id"13:37
WonderscriptI've had bad experiences with the blueman bluetooth stuff13:37
dsantosHi Wulf, may I past the results here?13:37
Wulfdsantos: no.13:38
WonderscriptDo you know what bluetooth adapter you have?13:38
Wulfdsantos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/13:38
Wulfdsantos: also the output of "lsusb"13:38
Wulfdsantos: and the output of "ls -l /dev/snd/"13:39
dsantosWhat is this ubuntu pastebin Wulf? Can I paste the results there? Will you see it?13:39
Wulfdsantos: paste it there, you get a link, paste the link here13:39
dsantosOk thanks! A moment, please13:39
BluesKajHiyas all13:40
UnnamedUserHello. Would anyone mind helping me figure out why my PC skips Grub at launch and even if I reach it Ubuntu is not listed?13:40
WulfUnnamedUser: very short timeout13:40
WulfUnnamedUser: hammer on your keyboard during boot13:40
UnnamedUserWulf: Literally any key?13:41
WulfUnnamedUser: yes, the any key.13:41
Wonderscriptthats my favorite key13:41
UnnamedUserWhere's the any k-.. No, but the problem remains that Ubuntu still is not listed in grub13:42
WulfUnnamedUser: actually I use modifier keys like shift etc.13:42
FikiGuys my desktop GUI freezes often, how could I solve it?13:42
WulfFiki: fix your graphics driver13:42
WonderscriptUnnamedUser did this happen after you updated?13:42
dsantosHey Wulf and Wonderscript. Here you can see the results http://paste.ubuntu.com/16438141/13:42
UnnamedUserI can see the Ubuntu partition if I run Ubuntu from the USB stick and run gparted.13:42
FikiWulf HOW13:43
FikiWulf, I have a switchable graphics, but I don't need the dedicated graphics really, I just want to turn it off13:43
UnnamedUserWonderscript: I recently bought a win8 laptop which I updated to Win10, and then installed Ubuntu for the first time (on this pc) via USB.13:43
WonderscriptUnnamedUser: So you cant boot into Ubuntu is what im gathering13:43
bob123456Fiki: does this occur while you do something special? did something happen before? like an update or a change you made?13:43
Wulfdsantos: did you plugin your usb headset?13:43
Fikibob123456, The only thing I could think of may be chrome?13:44
WulfFiki: intel + nvidia? Using the nouvou driver?13:44
dsantosHi Wulf. My headset is 100% wireless via bluetooth13:44
UnnamedUserEverything worked fine after Ubuntu installation. I was downloading updates but then the system requested a reboot and afterwards I havent been able to boot in to Ubuntu again.13:44
FikiWulf, intel + radeon, using xorg13:44
UnnamedUserWonderscript: Exactly13:44
dsantosthe cable is just to charge it13:44
Wulfdsantos: oh.. bluetooth, not usb?13:44
Wulfdsantos: sorry!13:44
dsantosyes, the problem is in bluetooth. Sorry for the misunderstanding13:45
WonderscriptUnnamedUser: You could try booting some form of live cd and rebuilding your grub config13:45
UnnamedUserI followed a suggestion from Ubuntu Forums about running Ubuntu from the USB (demo), running gparted and setting the Ubuntu partition bootflag, but it did not help.13:45
UnnamedUserWonderscript: How would I do that? I'm a new Linux user.13:45
WonderscriptOkay then.13:46
UnnamedUserDo you have any clue? :(13:49
dsantosany idea Wulf?13:50
WonderscriptUnnamedUser: I do, but its way too involved for me to explain here13:50
Ace0i sent an image by mistake sorry13:50
Wulfdsantos: not really13:51
UnnamedUserWonderscript: Hmm, like to much text? Would pastebin suffice?13:51
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Wulfdsantos: did you try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothHeadset ?13:51
WonderscriptUnnamedUser: Basically what you need to do is boot your livecd, and mount your ubuntu partitions and rebuild grub with grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg (i think im not an ubuntu user anymore)13:52
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Wonderscriptthat command probably needs to be tweaked based on the process your doing though13:53
lernermy encrypted hdd can be unmounted by right clicking on the unit, but the icon remains there. How can I make it go?13:53
UnnamedUserHmm, this irc client doesnt support private messaging, it seems..13:54
dsantosWell Wulf, I tried to use the Blueman assistant. It does pair and connect my HTC smartphone, but it can't even find my headset during the search for devices13:54
UnnamedUserBut, your theory implies that this command is what I need to run in livecd's terminal?13:54
WonderscriptI think what happened is you had an update that went wrong13:54
dsantosI didnt try this stream2ip. Maybe it is the problem?13:55
UnnamedUserAhh hmm.13:55
=== Guest64219 is now known as JanSin
OerHekslerner, 2 ways, mount them not in /media/ ( in media they appear automatic) or blacklist the UUID like this > http://askubuntu.com/questions/195988/how-can-i-remove-launcher-drive-icons13:56
ShadowcritI allowed ssh connections though ufw by inputing the command "sudo ufw allow ssh\tcp" and now ssh tcp port 22 is allowed. However, I forgot that I changed the default port of SSH and I wante to remove this rule. sudo ufw delete ssh doesn't work?13:57
Wulfdsantos: okay, pairing my smartphone is simple. Now when I play a video on my smartphone, my laptop's speakers are used. Who needs that...13:57
kltrgCould these .xsession-errors prevent me from loading the desktop environment? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16438485/13:58
dsantosI see your point Wulf. My laptop's speakers are working really fine. But I live in a student dormitory and cannot make noise for a long time. And the bluetooth headset is useful when I go to bed... That's why should be nice to make it work just like I do on Windows 10.14:00
ShadowcritAhh figured out how to delete my rule. since i used "sude ufw allow ssh\tcp" I needed to type "sudo ufw delete allow ssh\tcp"14:01
dsantosI installed this stream2ip from the link. It doesn't work too...14:01
=== mathieu is now known as mathieulandry
UnnamedUserWonderscript: I've read a bit about mounting and grub-repairing now. Thank you for your help! I am going to disconnect and attempt fixing my issue. :)14:04
WonderscriptUnnamedUser: Ok :)14:04
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kltrgI’m trying to log into Unity on what was originally an Ubuntu Server installation. Could my user not have the right privileges to run a graphical desktop environment?14:07
django_so i messed a bit with bios settings14:11
django_now now the dual boot isnt showing up14:11
django_when i turn on computer :/14:11
=== amaury is now known as Guest36497
Guest36497I tryed to install 3d cubic desktop in my ubuntu14:11
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Guest36497and now, everything is gone!14:11
Guest36497I can not see or open nothing except the terminal....14:11
Guest36497how to deactivate that stuff?14:12
Guest36497the dock !14:12
Guest36497 no access to the dock even14:12
Guest36497any ideas about how to reactivate my dock for example???14:13
ouroumovI'm using Ubuntu MATE 16.04 and my /media point has switched to ACL a few days ago. I've no idea how that happened. I can't chmod my way back to regular file permissions (it's now 777 enforced by ACL) can someone help me drop the acl rules?14:28
ouroumov* Actually it's /media/user, not /media14:29
Giuliahello there14:30
Giuliahaven't been there for ages14:30
ouroumovNevermind guys, I found how to do it14:35
egsomebazhang, According to what ? Latency ?14:35
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Guest58596please! I needing help!14:40
dsantosI need help here too... =(14:41
Guest58596I have tryed to install 3D  Desktop at ubuntu14:41
Guest58596and when I reeboot, it just open the terminal!14:41
Guest58596all the window service is enabled14:41
Guest58596desabled I mean...14:42
Guest58596any ideoas about how to eneble it again?14:42
ReScOI'm having a weird X issue, i've connected an external screen, but xrandr just shows it as one screen, so i can't properly configure the second screen :(14:44
Guest58596solced! thank you)))14:48
Guest58596not at alll////14:49
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invaderzim3Need help with my scanner. scanimage -L returns: xsane (xsane:4317): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()14:50
Guest58596how to eneble desktop wll using the terminal?14:51
Paddy_NII just tried to install "ubuntu-desktop" (sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade) after I did this I rebooted selected "Ubuntu" from the session selection menu and ended up with no unity interface at all just the default ubuntu wallpaper14:51
ReScOPaddy_NI, dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop14:51
Paddy_NIReScO, Ah I removed "ubuntu-desktop" (sudo apt purge ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt autoremove)14:52
invaderzim3Sorry actually running xsane outputs that error: xsane (xsane:4317): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()14:52
Paddy_NIReScO, I shall go again :-)14:52
momomohi, i am tryign to create a usb bootable for installation but I am getting boot error14:52
momomoi used the startup disk creator to do pplace ubuntu server on it14:53
xokecan sombody help me set up open vpn, ive tried pptpd and it didnt work either14:56
Paddy_NIReScO, I wonder if we will ever see fully "containerized" desktop environments, so If I wanted to run clean versions of KDE, Unity, MATE etc side-by-side and minus each others cruft14:56
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Giuliaxoke: ditto and still no clue14:56
Giuliaciao riemann14:57
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!14:57
xokety OerHeks14:59
ReScOPaddy_NI, i know right? i've got both Unity and LXDE15:01
ReScOnow i have a LXDE fileman in unity D:15:01
Paddy_NIReScO, :-)15:01
Vinnie_winHow do I get llvm-symbolizer installed on my Ubuntu 16.04?15:02
Vinnie_winnvm... turns out I had it as llvm-symbolizer-3.8 and just needed to make a symlink15:04
Fynmy dell laptop that has the Ubuntu operating system won't connect to wi-fi15:05
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hheeguys, can you advice some cool games in ubuntu repo? :)15:05
Fyncan anyone help me?15:05
Guest67429hi, guys, what's the command to bring up the firewall. Newbie here - something like "gw..."?15:06
ubusroneHow do I set application to disable screensaver ?15:06
UnnamedUserHello again! I have not been successful in fixing the issue with Grub not starting, after a boot-repair session I have a paste generated by boot-repair. Anyone able to help?15:07
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EriC^^UnnamedUser: paste the link15:10
EriC^^UnnamedUser: ok15:13
=== Starman is now known as Guest3426
EriC^^UnnamedUser: are you in the live usb right now?15:13
UnnamedUserNo, I did everything and then it still booted in to Windows 10. :/15:13
UnnamedUserIm here through win1015:13
EriC^^reboot into the live usb15:14
EriC^^and get back on irc15:14
UnnamedUserAh! Be right back :)15:14
kang00Does bootable usb ubuntu drive require administrative access of computer to run it?15:16
KakanEriC^^: It`s me, UnnamedUser :)15:17
EriC^^ok type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999915:17
kat_Does anyone know how to get mods (mobs) to work in minetest? I downloaded them from a good site, but I guess I don't know how to make it work. Newbie here.15:18
kat_I have the newest update too.15:18
KakanWarning: Unable to open /dev/sr0 read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sr0 has been opened read-only.15:19
KakanError: /dev/sr0: unrecognised disk label15:19
OerHekskat_, they have a manual for that http://dev.minetest.net/Installing_Mods15:19
kat_for linux?15:19
KakanEriC^^: thats what the terminal printed15:19
OerHekskat_,  both, win & linux15:20
EriC^^Kakan: ok, type ls /sys/firmware/efi15:20
EriC^^does it return a bunch of dirs?15:20
kat_thank you!15:20
ubusroneHow do I set application to disable screensaver ?15:20
Kakanhmm not really, two lines only15:20
Kakanmay i pm you_15:20
EriC^^Kakan: ok then it returns dirs?15:21
EriC^^efivars etc ?15:21
Kakanah yes15:21
Kakanconfig_table and efivars15:21
EriC^^Kakan: type sudo cgdisk /dev/sdb315:22
Giuliasoftware is a real PITA15:22
EriC^^Kakan: type sudo cgdisk /dev/sdb15:22
EriC^^go to the efi partition and change the type to ef0215:22
EriC^^i mean15:22
invaderzim3each time I run scanimage -L I get a different last character for the serial number through the hpaio backend15:23
EriC^^Kakan: changed to ef00?15:23
Kakanyep, haha sorry misleading `yes`15:23
carrotcornHi there! I'm running Ubuntu 15.10 with the Xfce desktop environment installed. Unlike with unity, I do not understand how workspaces (virtual desktops?) work in Xfce... How do I create new workspaces? I tried the workspaces option within the settings manager which didn't help at all. Upon increasing the number of workspaces under 'layout', nothing happens15:24
EriC^^Kakan: ok, write the table15:24
invaderzim3device `hpaio:/usb/psc_1310_series?serial=BR49I3H15KO4' is a Hewlett-Packard psc_1310_series all-in-one device `hpaio:/usb/psc_1310_series?serial=BR49I3H15KO▒' is a Hewlett-Packard psc_1310_series all-in-one15:24
invaderzim3and it goes on...15:24
KakanEriC^^: okay, done!15:24
EriC^^Kakan: ok, type sudo mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt15:25
Kakancan I close the cgdisk?15:26
Kakanalright. done with the command too!15:26
EriC^^ok, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done15:26
KakanEriC^^: done too!15:28
Kakandidnt know a for loop was possible in the terminal15:28
EriC^^Kakan: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt15:28
ztanehow do I hide the panel on secondary display?!15:28
ztaneunity 1604 annoyingly shows the panel on secondary display!15:28
EriC^^Kakan: type blkid /dev/sdb315:29
EriC^^Kakan: get the uuid and copy it15:30
EriC^^then type nano /etc/fstab15:30
EriC^^actually type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999915:31
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KakanEriC^^: http://termbin.com/27g715:32
EriC^^Kakan: which ubuntu version is this15:33
Kakan16.04 LTS15:33
EriC^^type nano /etc/fstab15:34
EriC^^add this line with your actual uuid at the bottom15:34
EriC^^UUID=9094-CDF4  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       115:34
EriC^^use your uuid instead of 9094...15:34
ztaneok panel hidden but why does the damn stupid menubar need to show on the other display15:34
Kakanalright, just the first empty line after the text_15:35
Kakannevermind, ive done it now!15:37
EriC^^type mkdir /boot/efi15:37
EriC^^then mount -a15:37
Kakanfirst exit this fstab?15:37
EriC^^yes save with ctrl+o15:38
Kakanalright. did that and typed the command, but got: mkdir: cannot create directory `/boot/efi`: File exists15:39
EriC^^try mount -a15:39
Kakanmount: can`t find UUID=....15:40
Kakan... = the uuid i entered before15:40
EriC^^type blkid /dev/sdb3 | nc termbin.com 999915:41
EriC^^and cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999915:41
Kakanfirst: http://termbin.com/yzhn15:41
Kakansecond: http://termbin.com/pqh315:42
EriC^^hmm that's definitely wrong15:42
EriC^^it should be way shorter15:42
Kakanthe UUID? :/15:42
EriC^^Kakan: try mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt15:43
EriC^^then ls -lR /mnt | nc termbin.com 999915:43
Kakanmount: /dev/sdb3: cant read superblock15:43
EriC^^Kakan: ok, the efi partition in the second disk is just for ubuntu right15:43
EriC^^windows has its own in /dev/sda15:44
Kakanif second disk = sdb15:44
EriC^^you can format it then15:44
EriC^^mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sdb315:44
Kakanmkfs.fat 3.0.28 (2015-05-16)15:44
Kakanis what got printed15:45
EriC^^ok type blkid /dev/sdb315:45
Kakanmuch shorter UUID :)15:45
EriC^^ok use that one instead15:45
bob123456hey, im setting up my old tower-PC and im trying to decide what drivers to install, where can i look up the differences between Nvidia binary driver - version 340.96 (proprietary, tested), Nvidia legacy binary driver - version 304.131 from nvidia-304 (proprietary) and Nvidia legacy binary driver - version 304.131 from nvidia-304-updates (proprietary)15:46
KakanEriC^^:  aaahh, last time i checked UUID there was only PARTUUID available, now it shows the same PARTUUID as before but also an actual UUID15:47
Kakanbut use it how, repeat commands from above_15:47
EriC^^Kakan: nano /etc/fstab15:50
EriC^^ok save and exit15:50
EriC^^then mount -a15:50
Kakanwait, add the UUID and same stuff as earlier?15:51
EriC^^yeah replace the long uuid15:51
EriC^^with the new shorter one15:51
=== david_ is now known as dahveed311
xdevnullHello, People my server running in ubuntu 14.04 lts15:52
xdevnullwhen i log to terminal i get message "System require restart"15:53
xdevnullis it important to restart?15:53
KakanEriC^^:  done!15:53
Kakanwith mount -a15:53
tewardxdevnull: if you don't mind using the current kernel you are on, then you don't have to reboot.15:53
EriC^^Kakan: ok15:53
EriC^^Kakan: type apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed15:53
tewardxdevnull: though, I suggest keeping your kernel updated, which requires rebooting, but only do so during maintenance periods upon which you can afoord downtime15:54
xdevnullteward, I have graduation project seminar tomorrow my application running on my server:P15:54
xdevnullI really don't want to break my head fixing error one day before15:54
EriC^^i'd leave it15:54
tewardxdevnull: it's not an error15:54
EriC^^but if you do restart the server, then use the old kernel you're using right now15:55
tewardxdevnull: it's a notice that to finish updating to get the latest kernel, or some other critical security update forcing a reboot, you have to restart.15:55
KakanEriC^^: done!15:55
tewardxdevnull: or, do nothing until after your seminar and such are over15:55
EriC^^Kakan: type grub-install15:55
xdevnullYeah seems i need to15:55
xdevnullserver running too slow..15:55
ubuntu-matei'm trying to install ubuntu on a medion laptop15:56
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: ok15:56
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: and?15:56
ubuntu-mateunfortunately the touchpad doesn't work15:56
EriC^^Kakan: update-grub15:56
bob123456can someone tell me the difference between the drivers i mentioned before?15:56
KakanEriC^^:  done!15:57
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: version of Ubuntu15:57
EriC^^Kakan: type exit then try rebooting15:57
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: and your touch pad might need a driver to be installed15:57
EriC^^it might not work, boot into the live usb if it doesnt15:57
tewardxdevnull: i wouldn't attribute the 'reboot needed' to the server being slow15:57
Kakanalright! brb15:57
tewardxdevnull: rather, i'd evaluate what's using all the server's resources15:57
xdevnullit's simple digitalocean plan15:58
tewardxdevnull: and turn off unnecessary things15:58
ubuntu-mateit's a laptop of a friend of mine who is using win10, i want to persuade him that linux is better :-)15:58
xdevnull512 mb ram15:58
tewardxdevnull: means nothing - it has to do with system resource usage, not the plan.  I'd bump the RAM a little though if you're using a lot of RAM and swap15:58
ubuntu-matenow I would like to know if this laptop will work with ubuntu or not15:58
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: which version of Ubuntu15:58
ubuntu-mateubuntu mate 16.04 live usb15:59
xdevnullteward, Roger boss15:59
Welastevilhi guys! it is me!15:59
Welastevil i did it!!!15:59
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: find the additional divers program16:00
soulissonHi, I have a theorical question. It's my understanding that processes don't have names and talking about process names is a language abuse and what we usually mean by it is the process' program name?16:00
OerHeksbob123456, difference is supported hardware,   340.96 = http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/95154/en-us && 304.131 http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/95165/en-us16:00
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: I think it's there on mate to not just unity Ubuntu16:00
xdevnullHow do i power off via terminal :/16:00
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: there may be a driver waiting to install for touch pad in there16:00
ubuntu-matesebsebseb, really?16:00
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: look around the menus for something like that some sort of addtional drivers program16:00
Welastevilcjust have messed up with compzconfig16:00
Welasteviljust have a question.....16:01
ubuntu-matesebsebseb, it's a live usb system, I will try it16:01
WelastevilI'm using cairo-dock16:01
KakanEriC^^: back! it still booted right in to windows :/16:01
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: yes you can try and install in the live sesison if  there's what I am saying even16:01
Welastevilso...everytime I'm rebooting it, i need to relauch it...16:01
FManTropyxI have two VPSs with Digital Ocean, but I am moving away from them, because there are cheaper options with more resources available now (also I have had problems with DO)16:01
bob123456thx im gonna look it up on their hp16:01
Welastevilis it possible to put it fixed there?16:01
Welastevilso, everytime I reboot dont need to relaunch?16:02
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: also why Mate? I like  Mate myself, it's GNONE 2 liviing on, but really Wndows 10 would look more modern16:02
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: even if you cahnge it tothere included Unity like theme for example16:02
sebsebsebwhich I have't tired yet16:02
EriC^^Kakan: ok, which model pc is this?16:03
ubuntu-matei love mate (gnome2). BTW mouse wheel doesn't work also16:03
KakanEriC^^: Acer Aspire v17 Nitro (Black edition)16:03
Welastevilso someone else using cairo-dock?16:03
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: yep try and find soe sort of addtioanl drivers program as I was saying16:03
EriC^^Kakan: ok, try to enter the bios and see if you can enable secureboot and trust the ubuntu file16:04
sebsebsebubuntu-mate: if your lucky there's a driver waiting to go for both things16:04
EriC^^Kakan: actually 1 sec16:04
KakanI can enable secureboot, i only turned it off because boot-repair told me to16:04
mathieulandryis there a way to use trusty repo only for 1 package?16:04
Kakanah aight16:04
EriC^^type sudo apt-get install efibootmgr16:04
EriC^^then sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999916:04
ubuntu-mateif I'm lucky... Are there any solutions out there?16:05
KakanEriC^^: http://termbin.com/7h8w16:05
EriC^^Kakan: ok, type sudo efibootmgr -A -b 000116:07
EriC^^Kakan: that'll disable the windows efi file, if you need to enable it in the future and remove ubuntu use sudo efibootmgr -a -b 000116:08
Kartagis!find avconv trusty16:11
ubottuFile avconv found in devede, libav-doc, libav-tools16:11
antonispgsI have already setup public key authentication and disabled password auth16:13
antonispgsnow let's say i want to be able to logon from another machine,16:13
KakanEriC^^: will this still allow me to boot in to windows_16:13
antonispgsdo i just create the key on the local machine and paste it into the authorized_keys file beneath the one that already exists?16:13
Kakanfrom grub_16:14
EriC^^Kakan: yeah16:14
EriC^^Kakan: if you remove /dev/sdb i'm not sure how it would go though16:14
Kakani wont change the hds i think16:14
Kakani hope this works, but otherwise i have to go shopping. either way i really want to thank you for your patience and help!16:15
Kakani will join at a later point and let you know if it worked16:15
EriC^^Kakan: ok, no problem16:15
dchapmanI have far too many fonts installed, scrolling through them in apps is now a chore. How can I restore the fonts folder to the defaults?16:21
Welasteviloh man!16:22
Welastevil this compiz is awesome!!!!16:22
Nullifi3dyeah < compiz16:22
Nullifi3d* <316:22
bob123456Hello, i installed the Nvidia 340.96 and 304.131 drivers using the additional drivers field in the software and updates "app", as a result glmark2 crashes displaying (segmentation fault (core dumped)) and while starting the machine i get a message, that the thermal sensors are unprecise and therefor monitoring is not continued16:24
catalincchi, i'm new to ibm servers, can you please tell me what is the equivalent of hp asm in IBM ?  I want to read the post errors, the server failures from CLI in redhat16:38
tewardcatalincc: I fail to see how this is Ubuntu-related?16:38
catalincci know, but i don't find and info in the server's doc16:39
tewardcatalincc: my point is, that's not an Ubuntu question if you're on RHEL - so therefore it's offtopic here.16:39
OerHekscatalincc, maybe they guys in ##hardware can tell16:42
OerHeks.. or #rhel16:42
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brelod_w 116:48
OerHekshi brelod_ do you have an ubuntu support issue?16:49
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brelod_Hey guys i would like to ask how to add debian repository from commandline16:51
MonkeyDustbrelod_  you shouldnt mix distro's ... why would you want to do that ... maybe there's a different solution to your problem16:52
OerHeksbrelod_, not16:52
OerHeksbrelod_, unless you ARE on debian, ask in #debian16:53
meomwhois meom16:57
meomhi! can somebody tell me how can i ignore the "has joined", "has quit" messages from irssi window?16:58
OerHeksmeom = brelod :-D16:58
meomim learning :)16:58
OerHeksnot sure how to hide them in irssi, but for all clients > http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages16:59
meombut not necessary. maybe two different user from the same pc17:00
FManTropyxwhat comes after 17.04 Zealous Zebra?17:03
OerHeksFManTropyx, only Mark knows17:03
bob123456hey, i wanted to test my gpu performance after installing the nvidia blob but glmark2 returns: Segmentation fault (core dumped), google didnt help  so far :(17:04
FManTropyxhmm, the only Mark I am aware of is Karpeles...17:04
ducasseFManTropyx: Shuttleworth.17:06
OerHeksbob123456, no clue about glmarks, i use glxgears > sudo apt-get install mesa-utils && glxgears ( and look into nvidiasettings to disable sync-to-vblank to see improvements)17:07
bob123456i read glxgears before but it doesnt seem to be a benchmark17:08
OerHeks298 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.588 FPS (with) 8064 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1612.732 FPS (without vblank)17:09
bob123456interesting, i didnt notive the nvidia-settings were installed17:10
bob123456is there also the possibility to switch drivers? im using a GTX260 and it is supported by the 304 and 340 drivers so i wanted to use a benchmark to see witch one is better17:10
OerHeksto switch, remove and install the other?17:11
bob1234560erHeks: no i want to switch without uninstalling, so i can run benchmarks and find the best driver17:14
=== habibi is now known as punisher
bob1234560erHeks: another question: what is the mesa-package good for?17:14
OerHeksbob123456, never heard/read about a switcher.17:14
bob123456ill try the additional drivers app then17:15
OerHeksmesa utils = demo utils from http://mesa3d.org/17:16
Szotyi_Hi! I'm quite new to IRC, linux and Synology, the best combo I guess. I've been trying to do this guide with no success. http://goo.gl/3NadHT Anyone knows what could be the problem? I'm sure I did everything as written in this guide. According to yougetsignal the port 1723 and  3128 is open. My Synology NAS is DS214play behind a router. Looking forward for some help! Thank you! (Sorry for writing it to this chanel, but there was no an17:18
=== punisher is now known as GitGud
=== GitGud is now known as habibi
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  are you in #ubuntu now?17:23
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  are you in ubuntu now?17:24
Szotyi_Yes, I guess17:24
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue17:24
Szotyi_How do I start it if I'm not. One moment17:24
bob1234560erHeks: allright i ll report back after installation17:25
Szotyi_cat /etc/issue17:25
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  in a terminal17:25
Szotyi_Right now I'm on windows... :(17:26
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  this channel is #ubuntu dedicated, you're in the wrong channel ... type /j ##windows17:27
Szotyi_Okay, but there I can't ask such questions17:27
MonkeyDustubuntu dedicated (dang # i got used to type)17:27
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  neither you can here17:28
Szotyi_The synology nas runs linux, where can I ask my question?17:28
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  what linux?17:28
OerHeksthere is a #synology channel too on #freenode17:29
brelodSzotyi_ i wrote in private :)17:29
brelod6w 317:30
Szotyi_This is the answer over ssh: " uname -a Linux mirk 3.2.40 #7321 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 23 19:39:08 CST 2016 i686 GNU/Linux               synology_evansport_214play"17:30
OerHeksRasmusolle, no spam please17:32
sakuEriC^^: Hello again! It's me, Kakan/UnnamedUser :)17:32
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  now over ssh :  cat /etc/issue     (if the file exists)17:32
OerHeks!ot > Rasmusolle17:32
ubottuRasmusolle, please see my private message17:32
EriC^^saku: hi17:32
sakuEriC^^: but this time from within my Ubuntu installation!17:32
=== NBS is now known as nbs
EriC^^saku: nice17:33
Szotyi_No such file or dir.  (Just a moment brelod...)17:33
sakuSo it did work, but it loaded my usb drive first (option to install ubuntu or try it), where i had to press ESC to reach grub terminal, where i typed "exit" and then got to the grub menu I was expecting at boot.17:33
sakuEven though I moved my usb drive down in boot priority :o17:34
sakuBut hey, as long as it works I am happy. So thanks again for your help :)17:34
EriC^^saku: no problem17:36
brelodw 317:37
p4nixHello! I have a problem with grep. It only says the filename where it found something, but doesnt print out the line - but it used to do that some time ago17:46
Nullifi3dare you piping to it?17:46
Nullifi3di.e. <command | grep whatever17:46
Szotyi_Hi! I'm quite new to IRC, linux and Synology, the best combo I guess. I've been trying to do this guide with no success. http://goo.gl/3NadHT Anyone knows what could be the problem? I'm sure I did everything as written in this guide. According to yougetsignal the port 1723 and  3128 is open. My Synology NAS is DS214play behind a router. Looking forward for some help! Thank you! (Sorry for writing it to this chanel, but there was no an17:46
p4nixgrep "Serial" ./* -r17:46
p4nixjust like this17:47
OerHeksSzotyi_, as it is not an ubuntu issue, there is a #synology channel too on #freenode17:47
MonkeyDustSzotyi_  you're in the wrong channel, ubuntu questions only, here17:47
Nullifi3dp4nix i think you might have gotten your order of arguments mixed up17:47
Nullifi3dif you do "man grep" you will see17:48
p4nixNullifi3d I have looked in my bash history, I already used that command like this and it worked back then17:48
Szotyi_Yes, you are right, sorry. In synology there is not much help, sorry again, will leave now.17:48
egsomep4nix, I think You need -H, Like: `grep -H -r "something" /some/where`17:48
nchambersp4nix, what was the command?17:49
p4nixStill doesn't help17:50
p4nixit used to work like this for me: grep "somethin" ./* -r17:50
nchambersgrep -Hne 'expression' "$file"17:51
p4nixi have an idea17:51
p4nixIt doesn't work because it is a binary file17:53
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egsomep4nix, grep search in binary files as far as I know ..17:53
p4nixbut it didnt print out17:53
p4nixit only said it had matches17:53
p4nixbut i think there is an argument for binary files17:54
p4nixgot it now17:54
nchambersgrep -Hne 'expression' --binary-files=binary "$file"17:54
p4nixgrep -ra "Serial" ./*17:55
p4nixnah, i used a as a replacement for --binary-files=text17:55
p4nixThanks all you nice guys!17:55
p4nixHave a nice day! Bye!17:55
lernerI dont read what I am writting, because I used wine to play a game on fullscreen mode, I had to log in to f6 and from the cli, after entering "htop", kill the application18:00
lernernow my graphics are broken. I see huge letters, like my window only covers a fifth of what its normally like18:00
lernerwhat do I do to restore my graphics, without turning the computer off?18:01
lernerand I cannot see if you are answering me, because I only see the top 15 lines of what everyone writes18:01
MonkeyDustlerner  how can we help you, if you don't see what we write18:02
kisblogout or restart18:02
Ben64lerner: so you just need to change your resolution. easy mode reboot, hard mode use xrandr18:02
lerneris xrandr very troublesome? im now on f11 fullscreen18:05
lernerand can see the whole page18:05
brelodim searching for a command to find all files wich contains a sting. But im stucked at here: 'find /etc -iname "*net*" -type f -exec grep -H "localhost" "{}" \;'18:08
brelodbut it dont display the filename/path18:09
brelodhow could i print it out?18:09
MonkeyDustbrelod  if you don't get an answer here, try in #bash18:10
brelodno sory18:10
brelodnot this is the problem18:10
brelodit print the filename18:10
brelodbut dont list those files wich are in a directory wich name contains the "net" string18:11
brelodfor example /etc/networks18:11
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brelodok ill try it in #bash18:11
snakeMan64is it possible to prevent upstart from "leaking" orphaned processes? i currently have 2 instances of my application running18:16
wookie01Anyone here18:18
wookie01That can help a noob18:18
MonkeyDustwookie01  start with a question, in one line18:19
wookie01I had a dual boot of windows 8.1 and ubuntu and I recently reinstalled windows 8.1 to clean up windows.  Now I do not have access to grub.  How do I get it back?18:19
wookie01I have tried googling it, and have tried to use boot-repair from a live usb18:20
wookie01It didn't work18:20
EriC^^wookie01: are you in the live usb right now?18:20
kisbreinstall ubuntu18:20
EriC^^kisb: not18:21
MonkeyDust!grubrepair | wookie0118:21
ubottuwookie01: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:21
wookie01No, but I can be soon.  I also have a log http://paste.ubuntu.com/16442838/18:21
EriC^^wookie01: ok, boot the live usb and come back here18:21
wookie01Cheers, 2 seconds18:21
proudbyteI'm trying to delete nat postrouting rules and I'm getting iptables: Index of deletion too big is there a way of flush all postrouting rules?18:21
snakeMan64proudbyte, are you using "iptables -F"?18:22
proudbytesnakeMan64 I have and those rules still sticky18:23
kisblooks like wookie01 is having issues with kali18:23
wookie01I forgot I had kali, as well.  I haven't tried to use it in forever18:24
proudbyteit didn't work either ... sudo iptables -t nat -F18:24
kisbwhat happened with grub repair18:24
wookie01EriC^^, I have the live usb up and running now18:24
EriC^^wookie01: ok, type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999918:24
nicomachusI have been trying to figure out why mpd won't update my music library in ncmpcpp, and realized I have two configs: the one I created and have been tweaking in ~/.mpd/mpd.conf and another which mpd is actually using at /etc/mpd.conf18:25
proudbyteI've sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT and iptables -F18:25
nicomachusCan I just delete the one in /etc/ and have it use the one in ~/.mpd/ instead?18:26
wookie01EriC^^: http://termbin.com/8z2ff18:26
snakeMan64proudbyte, if "iptables -t nat -F" doesn't work maybe just reboot?18:27
EriC^^wookie01: which model pc is this?18:27
wookie01EriC^^: Windows 8.1 HP18:28
wookie01I may be confused on what you mean by model18:28
EriC^^wookie01: ok18:28
EriC^^wookie01: type sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt18:29
wookie01EriC^^: sda6 is Kali Linux I believe, should I not mount sda8 instead? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16442838/18:30
iorianicomachus, MPD doesn't need to run as a daemon and can be run as a regular program by any user. By doing this, MPD will use the users configurations and has no need for a system-wide configuration. Meaning: depends on how you want to use it18:30
wookie01Just a thought~18:30
OerHekswookie01, why seeking for kali help in ubuntu? it is not even based on ubuntu anymore.18:31
nicomachusioria: generally, just as a regular program by the user. It's scripted to start with ncmpcpp. But it doesn't handle anything in the background that would get disabled by changing the way it runs?18:31
wookie01I'm not, OerHeks. Scroll up.  I'm tryign to recover my Ubuntu partition18:32
EriC^^wookie01: ok18:32
wookie01Kali just happens to be one of them18:32
MonkeyDustwookie01  one of what?18:33
muncherCan anyone help me to figure out why I can't change my account picture in Ubuntu 16.04 Gnome18:33
muncherI'm going through the motion to do it, pick a picture, and it just doesn't do anything afterwards18:33
wookie01one of my operating systems18:33
kisbewww gnome18:33
iorianicomachus, well, i can post you this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPD18:33
OerHekswookie01, i see only 3 linux partitions, boot swap and ext4 .. so those are 2 linux distros ?18:34
EriC^^wookie01: mounted?18:34
wookie01Sorry EriC^^ Did you want me to do 'sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt' or 'sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt'?18:35
EriC^^try sda818:35
kisbwhat did you install first, kali or ubuntu18:35
wookie01done EriC^^18:36
muncherTrying to change user profile picture, but it just doesn't do it after I select a picture "a png". It worked when I used literally the same file. Anyone know why?18:36
EriC^^wookie01: cat /mnt/etc/fstab18:36
EriC^^wookie01: cat /etc/issue18:37
EriC^^wookie01: cat /mnt/etc/issue18:37
wookie01it said "Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l"18:38
EriC^^type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done18:38
OerHekswookie01, then you installed ubuntu over kali, just for your info.18:39
wookie01Got it Eric18:39
EriC^^wookie01: sudo chroot /mnt18:40
wookie01oerHeks, I may have installed Ubuntu last when I installed it a year ago18:40
wookie01now my user in the terminal says "root@ubuntu:/#"18:40
EriC^^wookie01: ok, type mount -a18:41
wookie01it says "mount: special device UUID=60A5-fA1F does not exist"18:41
EriC^^wookie01: type cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 999918:42
wookie01eh 60A5-5A1F18:42
EriC^^and blkid | nc termbin.com 999918:42
wookie01o crap18:43
wookie01let me do the second one18:43
shootbirdcan't install 14.04 anymore?18:43
shootbirddoing a netboot install, trying to use us mirror and it's telling me invalid release18:43
Mac3litehello everyone18:43
EriC^^shootbird: you can if you want to18:43
shootbirdEriC^^: k...18:43
EriC^^shootbird: oh no idea about net install18:44
shootbirdEriC^^: trying to install via pxe/netboot, and it seems like mirror has been adjusted18:44
EriC^^wookie01: type nano /etc/fstab and add a "#" at the start of the last line18:45
EriC^^wookie01: then add this line18:45
nicomachusioria: ok, it's set to run as user now, but I still get the error I've been getting when I try to start it: socket: Failed to bind to '[::]:6600': Address already in use18:45
wookie01eric, do I need to do a new line after the pound?18:46
Mac3lite-->Looking for info on installing Ubuntu onto my MBP without loosing current OSX and Bootcamp(Windows) OS. Anyone who can offer some guidance please PM me so It doesn't disturb current help being offered. Ty18:46
MonkeyDust!mac | Mac3lite start here18:47
ubottuMac3lite start here: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:47
bob1234560erHeks, you still there? :)18:48
iorianicomachus, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Music_Player_Daemon/Troubleshooting18:48
iorianicomachus,  this part 'Binding to IPV6 before IPV4'18:48
EriC^^wookie01: #UUID for the old one then add the new line above18:49
wookie01EriC^^, so you want a '#' in front of every other UUID? There are 3 other UUIDs18:50
EriC^^wookie01: no, just the last one18:50
Mac3liteMonkeyDust & Ubuntu : I'll check those but the sites, but I did some searching before asking in here and everthing I found didn't go over installing along aside both OSX and Windows on separate partition. TY18:50
EriC^^wookie01: the one that has the /boot/efi in it18:50
nicomachusioria: spot on. good work.18:50
iorianicomachus,  np, if not working remove  this part '[::]'  (back up the file, first)18:51
wookie01ok so right now I have "#UUID=107E-6F92 /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 1"  Is that right EriC^^?18:51
EriC^^wookie01: you want #UUID=60A5-5A1F/boot/efivfatdefaults0118:52
bob123456has anyone experience with proprietary nvidia-drivers? im trying to decide between 304, 304 updates and 34018:52
EriC^^and UUID=107E-6F92/boot/efivfatdefaults0118:52
EriC^^below it18:52
nicomachusioria: I think the only problem left is a perms issue that doesn't let mpd read ~/Music. keeps the library in ncmpcpp from updating.18:52
wookie01I understand18:53
bob123456the performance is roughly the same, so it would be interesting wether they are supported differently18:53
wookie01done EriC^^18:53
dbz2kI am having trouble with pip3?18:54
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EriC^^wookie01: ok, ctrl+o to save18:54
EriC^^then exit with ctrl+x18:54
dbz2kI install a program through it, and it needs sudo to run?18:54
kisbwonder why dint just grub install and then update... or use the grub repair tool18:54
OerHeksbob123456, difference is supported hardware, jigher number, newer cards18:55
wookie01it says File Name to Write: /etc/fstab18:55
wookie01is that right?18:55
nicomachusoh, I suppose it did catch the library finally.18:55
EriC^^wookie01: yeah18:55
wookie01I exited18:55
bob123456i checked, they have a lot of supported cards in common18:55
EriC^^wookie01: ok, type mount -a18:55
wookie01No errors18:56
EriC^^wookie01: grub-install18:56
wookie01Installation finished. No error reported.18:56
EriC^^wookie01: update-grub18:57
bob123456i benchmarked the 304 and the 340 version and got a 720 score on both (i only got different min fps 304: 20 fps  and 340: 7 fps)18:57
bob123456so i thought 304 works better, but the different 304 types available are confusing me18:57
iorianicomachus,  sorry, no idea18:57
nicomachusioria: it's a bit of a cluster over here. :P I'll sort it through18:58
wookie01It did some stuff and says "done"18:58
bob1234560erHeks: sorry i forgot the "0erHeks" at the beginning :D18:58
EriC^^wookie01: ok, type exit18:59
EriC^^then try rebooting18:59
wookie01Holy shit EriC^^19:00
wookie01I think that did it19:00
bob1234560erHeks: the vailable versions are Nvidia legacy binary driver -version 304.131 from nvidia-304 (proprietary) and 304.131 from nvidia-304-updates (proprietary)19:00
wookie01I got grub19:00
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wookie01Logging into Ubuntu now.19:01
MonkeyDustwookie01  works?19:01
wookie01YES WOOO19:01
wookie01I wish I had money19:02
wookie01EriC^^ needs a tip19:02
iorianicomachus,  good luck19:02
wookie01EriC^^: Thanks so much for taking the time to help noobs like me.  How did you become such a bad ass with Ubuntu anyways?  Years of experience?19:02
MonkeyDust!cookie | EriC^^19:03
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!19:03
EriC^^nah, just using linux daily19:03
EriC^^and hanging here and picking up stuff19:04
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EriC^^wookie01: anyways no problem, glad it's working19:04
wookie01I swear I'd buy you a beer if you lived near me19:04
wookie01Cheers guys, thanks!19:05
OWTOShotkey crazy19:06
OWTOSbring to the beganing19:08
ptrzdo people know where the repo for Ubuntu's nologin(8) is?19:13
kracer63hello all!19:14
kracer63just got this installed on an old Toshiba laptop..19:14
kracer63looks like it works fine!19:15
egsomekracer63, Sounds great :) !19:15
kisbupdate software and check out the cool software19:16
sakuHello! Might anyone know where I can get libresolv.so.2?19:17
sakuGoogle didn't help me too much.19:18
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kisband you need it why?19:18
sakuUnity3D has some issues running on linux and a workaround requires that lib19:19
bekks!file libresolv.so.219:19
bekks!file libresolv.so19:19
egsomesaku, Try installing libc619:20
OerHeks!find libresolv19:20
ubottuFile libresolv found in libc6, libc6-amd64, libc6-arm64-cross, libc6-armel-cross, libc6-armhf-cross, libc6-dbg, libc6-dbg-arm64-cross, libc6-dbg-armel-cross, libc6-dbg-armhf-cross, libc6-dbg-hppa-cross (and 74 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libresolv&mode=&suite=xenial&arch=any19:20
egsomesaku, sudo apt-get install libc619:20
sakuah thank you19:20
sakuhmm, already have it. but i only have libresolv.so, i need libresolv.so.2 :s19:21
saku!find libresolv.so.219:21
ubottuFile libresolv.so.2 found in libc6, libc6-amd64, libc6-arm64-cross, libc6-armel-cross, libc6-armhf-cross, libc6-hppa-cross, libc6-m68k-cross, libc6-mips-cross, libc6-mips32-mips64-cross, libc6-mips32-mips64el-cross (and 22 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libresolv.so.2&mode=&suite=xenial&arch=any19:21
bekkssaku: Install libc6 :)19:21
RakkoHow can I determine if the running kernel was compiled with a certain option? I'm looking for CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE19:22
ikoniaif you don't have libc - you are in trouble19:22
bekkssaku: Whats the actual issue behind you question?19:22
egsomesaku, How are You sure that You don't have it ?19:23
sakui do have libc6, but i cannot find the libresolv.so.2 file when I search19:23
bekkssaku: So how do you search?19:24
ikoniaSpec-Chum: what exactly ar eyou trying to do19:24
ikoniasaku: what exactly are you trying to do19:24
sakubekks: im new to ubuntu, i searched in the Files window19:25
ikoniasaku: what exactly are you trying to do19:25
sakuikonia: log in to unity using the workaround posted in the URL above19:25
bekkssaku: Which Ubuntu are you using?19:25
ikonialogin to unit is being a problem ?19:25
sakuyes ikonia: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/service-not-available-please-try-later.403264/19:25
ikoniawhats the actual problem19:25
Rex_Sum_EgoI'm using 1519:25
Spec-Chumikonia, :)19:25
ikoniasaku: are you talking about the unity desktop of the unity games engine19:26
egsomesaku, Can You please try: `sudo updatedb && sudo locate libresolv`19:26
sakuikonia: im talking, first time running unity after installation having to log in to my unity account to even use the program19:26
LaserAllanhey there, are there any tools to create bootable USBs like Universal USB installer or something?19:26
sakuegsome: alright19:26
SpacePirateIn arch linux, I can run "pacman -Q" to see a list of installed packages... how do I do that in ubuntu?19:26
ikoniasaku: are you talking about the unity desktop or the games engine19:26
ikoniasaku: I assume you mean the desktop ?19:26
egsomeLaserAllan, You can try unetbootin19:26
xangua! USB | LaserAllan19:27
ubottuLaserAllan: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:27
ikoniasaku: ok - that link is for the unity3d games engine19:27
sakuproblem solved19:27
ikoniasaku: that is nothing to do with your desktop19:27
sakuthank you egsome :)19:27
ikoniasaku: do not make those changes on that forum19:27
PalendromeLaserAllan I use LinuxLiveUSB to make most of my bootable disks, just because it's nice looking http://www.linuxliveusb.com/19:27
ikoniasaku: that is not for the unity desktop19:27
egsomesaku, You're welcome :)19:27
LaserAllanPalendrome: Ok thanks I will check that out, i am going to create a Ubuntu GNOME install USB for a frien dof mine19:28
ikoniasaku: do you understand - that link is not for the unity desktop19:28
sakuikonia: i meant games engine19:28
ikoniasaku: I asked you 3 times !19:29
PalendromeLaserAllan yeah it worked for me on the latest release of Ubuntu just a month ago, so it's pretty solid, had to do an install at a school with subpar hardware19:29
sakuikonia: sorry19:29
lumideehi, is there a backport for nagios 4 in ubuntu?19:29
Palendromewent off without a hitch19:29
LaserAllanPalendrome: Nice, thanks19:30
bekkslumidee: No backport needed, since you can download the sources and install it.19:30
LaserAllanI am thinking to maybe install xubuntu or lubuntu19:30
lumideebekks, i prefer packages :)19:31
LaserAllanUbuntu GNOME works but it gets slow when i have allot of tings going19:31
LaserAllanBut i guess I can look at it but thanks anyway ^^19:31
LaserAllanMuch appreciated19:31
bekkslumidee: So build a package from the sources and install it. :)19:31
bekkslumidee: Just use "checkinstall" instead of "make install".19:32
lumideebekks, i think self maintaining can end up in package conflicts or maybe misconfiguration?19:32
bekkslumidee: Misconfiguration can be avoided  by reading the nagios docs :)19:33
bekkslumidee: And since there is no nagios4 package in Ubuntu, you package cannot conflict with it :P19:33
LaserAllanPalendrome: that isn't work linux right?, only Windows or?19:33
LaserAllanSeems like i can get only the .exe19:33
lumideebekks, nagios4 deps can conflict with other pkgs on my system19:34
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fearnothinghi folks, is anyone here familiar with fixing issues related to installing skype? I've followed all the steps in this guide: http://askubuntu.com/questions/504689/cant-install-skype-4-3-on-ubuntu-14-04-64-bit19:34
fearnothingbut it still won't installl19:34
proudbytesome script is adding rules to my iptables nat table, here must probable be located?19:34
fearnothingif I try installing libqtwebkit4 it says it's already on the latest version19:35
PalendromeI had to force install a 32 bit version on Debian before, but it was messy and I do not recomend it19:35
MonkeyDustfearnothing  try this: activate partner repo, reload, sudo apt update, sudo apt install skype19:35
michaaahi there :) is it normal, that Qt based apps don't showup shortcuts in there menus?19:36
fearnothingwhat's the command for activate partner repo?19:37
habibicertain applications like nodejs apps that make sockets. do they need to setuid to root to create that socket. then setuid back to the user? is it mandatory for ubuntu to require apps to have root privileges if it wants to create a socket ?19:37
MonkeyDustfearnothing  do it in the system settings19:37
fearnothinghabibi: it already is checked19:38
XxNemoXxhow do i uninstall ubuntu but on a usb on windows 1019:38
xangua! Partner | fearnothing19:38
ubottufearnothing: Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:38
proudbytesome openvpn rules are being added after flush and save the rule set19:38
proudbyteopenvpn is currently purged from system19:39
habibifearnothing, reason i ask is because the app that i am going to be running will run as a certain user whos setuid and setgid permissions shall be stripped19:39
habibiand this user still needs to make the ability to make sockets and pass data with19:39
XxNemoXxhow would i uninstall ubuntu!19:39
habibiXxNemoXx, live usb?19:40
habibiif u dont have any important files on that usb installation. just format the usb19:40
MonkeyDustXxNemoXx  boot live cd/dvd, use gparted, delete ubuntu partition19:41
XxNemoXxits in my hand right now19:41
MonkeyDustXxNemoXx  usb/dvd*19:41
XxNemoXxand it killed my computer19:41
fearnothinghabibi did you mean to ask me that question? because I have no idea...19:41
habibifearnothing, yeah i was trying to strip down the question to its basics. i suppose i will just test it on a VM myself. but thanks for answering though. appreciate it :)19:42
OerHeksXxNemoXx, insert you OS disc, boot, and choose repair?19:42
OerHeks* for windows that is19:42
XxNemoXxSO I LOSS $100019:43
proudbytethis makes miracles sudo grep -rl "" /etc/19:43
MonkeyDustXxNemoXx  caps19:43
proudbyteI've found the it19:43
OerHeksXxNemoXx, yes, not our problem19:43
habibiyeah it felt like he was a joker19:44
Palendromeyeah I was thinking he was just a kid on the buss19:45
fearnothinghabibi - tried those things, no dice19:45
yagoHello! I've had some problems finishing to set up my Xen VM. The USB passthrough, specifically19:47
yagoI want to connect to the DomU an USB HDD, which is plugged into the host machine19:48
yagoI set "usb = 1" and added the disk's ID (which I got with lsusb) to "usbdevice", but the guest machine doesn't see any new disk19:49
yagoI've tried with Windows and Ubuntu as guest OSs, both without success19:49
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discopatrickwhat is the 'root' user's default value for HOME?19:54
ikonia /root19:55
Palendromediscopatrick: /root19:55
ikoniabut there is no enabled root user on ubuntu19:55
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ikoniaXxNemoXx: stop talk in caps19:55
asadfgIs there any django dev willing to land a helping hand? :)19:56
ikoniaasadfg: try the django channels19:56
XxNemoXxikonia couple of minutes ago why did you kick me19:57
ikoniaXxNemoXx: because you where behaving in an unacceptable way19:57
asadfg@ikonia: Is is there another one beside 'django'  channel? :)19:57
asadfgI haven't used irc for a while now (8 yr or so, heh)19:57
ikoniaasadfg: no idea, ask in #freenode how to use the alis service to search for channels19:57
MonkeyDustasadfg  is that python?19:58
MonkeyDustasadfg  python has its own channel19:58
asadfgbut the problem is mainly related to Django framework19:58
XxNemoXxhave you sen dubstepguy10119:58
XxNemoXxseen i meant19:58
Palendromeheh haven't used IRC in years, it's like the Shortwave radio of the IT community, everything else may fail, but IRC will stand19:58
ikoniaXxNemoXx: no, this is not a channel for social chatter19:58
ikoniaXxNemoXx: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only, please do not stray from that topic19:59
XxNemoXxi mean has dubstepguy ok19:59
fearnothingok so I've posted in the ubuntu help forums to see if they can get me any further with skype20:01
XxNemoXxcan you kick me i cant get out of this server20:01
fearnothingin the mean time, where has ubuntu put the configurations for the file/directory browser these days?20:02
whatspoppindawgwtf is this20:02
fearnothingactually, found it in the sensible place :)20:02
XxNemoXxCan u kick me20:02
XxNemoXxi cant get out of this server20:03
whatspoppindawgwhere am I20:03
OerHekswhatspoppindawg, read the topic20:03
whatspoppindawgthe topic is ubuntu?20:03
MonkeyDustwhatspoppindawg  type   /topic20:03
XxNemoXxPls kick me i cant get out of this server20:04
MonkeyDustXxNemoXx  type   /quit20:04
XxNemoXxthank u20:05
XxNemoXxNow i can get out of this server20:05
XxNemoXxhow do i install ubuntu20:07
XxNemoXxhow do i install ubuntu20:07
ikonia!install | XxNemoXx20:07
ubottuXxNemoXx: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:07
XxNemoXxSame message UBuntu20:08
ikoniaXxNemoXx: read the links20:08
PiciXxNemoXx: What part of the install are you having issues with?20:08
yagoI have this issue with Xen, and no one at #xen has answered. Can you guys please recommend me any way to contact with someone who can solve my problem? I'm a bit frustrated20:10
OWTOSGo on with it20:12
yagoOWTOS, was that for me?20:12
HoffmanI'm getting errors regarding cryptographic signatures on added third-party repositories20:14
HoffmanThe errors are correct, these repositories are incorrectly signed, or not signed at all20:14
HoffmanHow do I bypass this when performing an apt-get update, since I do not care about the signatures in this case?20:14
DarkBlueSharkI have a problem with my network card. ndiswrapper isnt working and there's no driver for my network card any ideas?20:15
OerHeksHoffman, what third-party repos? they should provide a key20:15
bekksDarkBlueShark: Get a supported card?20:15
HoffmanOerHeks: but they didn't, and I still want to update the repo20:15
HoffmanOerHeks: nvidia, for instance20:15
ikoniaHoffman: you don't bypass it - you have a problem20:15
yagoHoffman, I think it's with "sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated upgrade"20:15
ikoniaHoffman: what nvidia repo ?20:15
Hoffmanyago: thats for upgrade, not update20:16
Hoffmanikonia: cuda20:16
OerHeksHoffman, don't use other drivers outside our repos. besides our own drivers,only the ubuntu-driver ppa is tested.20:16
ikoniaHoffman: what is the url of the repo20:16
Hoffmanso this update removes options from the end user, and punishes them for the actions of somebody else?20:16
HoffmanOerHeks: I want to20:16
ikoniaHoffman: no-one is being punished, what are you talking about20:17
Hoffmanikonia: http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1504/x86_64/Release20:17
Hoffmanikonia: not permitting educated users to bypass the signature check is a punishment20:17
yagoHoffman: my bad, sorry20:17
ikoniaHoffman: so that repo is managed by nvidia - if they are not signing their packages then they shouldn't be shipping a gpg key20:17
Hoffmanikonia: okay, what they should and shouldn't be doing is outside the scope of this discussion20:18
Hoffmanthey have done, so far, what they have done so far20:18
ikoniaHoffman: no it's not20:18
ikoniaHoffman: your solution is to contact them and ask them to fix their repo20:18
Hoffmannow, at this point in time, given what they have and have not done, how do I bypass the signature check and update the repo?20:18
Hoffmanikonia: so ubuntu is punishing users for the behavior of somebody else20:18
ikoniaHoffman: you contact them and ask them to fix their repo20:18
OerHeksHoffman, the nvidia cuda site have only drivers for 14.04 and 15.04 (EOL)20:18
ikoniaHoffman: ubuntu is not doing anything20:18
Hoffmancollective punishment is generally frowned upon20:19
Hoffmanikonia: sure it is, you're removing the option to bypass the signature check20:19
ikoniaHoffman: mkaing up stuff is frowned on20:19
ikoniaHoffman: no-one has removed any option20:19
HoffmanAcquire::AllowInsecureRepositories no longer functions20:19
ikoniaHoffman: what version of ubuntu are you using20:19
ikoniaHoffman: the repo link you supplied is for 1520:19
Hoffmanikonia: nonetheless, the software works with 1620:19
ikoniaHoffman: none the less the repo is for 1520:19
Hoffmanikonia: so?20:20
OerHeksHoffman,  lols, no it does not20:20
ikoniaHoffman: so contact nvidia and ask them to make a 16 repo and sort hte pakage out20:20
Hoffmanikonia: are you saying that's the reason that apt is ignoring the Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories setting?20:20
ikoniaHoffman: where are you setting that ?20:20
OerHekswe have http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/nvidia-cuda-toolkit20:20
OerHeks= same 7.520:20
Hoffmanin /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99my-settings20:20
Hoffmanikonia: ^20:20
userHi , I want know the time taken ubuntu when startup?20:21
OerHeksuser, for 15.10/16.04?20:21
userbut Is there difference ?20:22
ikoniaHoffman: so --allow-unauthenticated still seems to work20:22
Hoffmanuser: it depends largely on your hardware as well20:22
OerHeksuser,  systemd-analyze20:22
OerHeksuser, for a complete view > systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg20:22
Hoffmanikonia: that appears to be a setting affecting apt-get install20:22
Hoffmanikonia: it does not have an effect on apt-get update20:23
userOerHeks thanks20:23
ikoniaHoffman: it would work on apt-get $anything as far as I can see20:23
Hoffmanikonia: well, it doesn't20:23
ikonialooking at the man page20:23
Hoffmanmine says,20:24
Hoffman"Ignore if packages can't be authenticated and don't prompt about it."20:24
OerHeksHoffman, you are chasing ghosts, the packages from nvidia.com are the same as in our repos = v7.520:24
Hoffmanin this case there are no packages20:24
Hoffmanjust the repo20:24
ikoniaHoffman: what ?20:24
HoffmanOerHeks: I'm sorry, I don't understand20:24
ikoniaHoffman: please pastebin "sudo apt-get update" and put the full output in a pastebin20:24
HoffmanOerHeks: the package I am trying to install does not exist in the default repos20:24
ikonialets actually see what you see20:24
Hoffmanikonia: with the arg or no?20:24
ikoniaHoffman: without20:24
ikoniaHoffman: just sudo apt-get update on it's own please20:25
Hoffmansorry, network dropped20:30
Hoffmanoutput of apt-get update above ^20:30
Hoffmansudo apt-get update*20:30
OerHeksYes, google & nvidia uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)20:31
Hoffmanmaybe they use no digest algorithm20:31
Hoffmangiven all the information, I still want to update the repo20:32
Hoffmanthere are, in fact, settings in apt which allow one to do this, presumably20:32
Hoffmanhowever they do not work20:32
OerHeksno use of E: Failed to fetch http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1504/x86_64/Release, as it is an old 15.04 repo20:32
HoffmanOerHeks: sorry, I dropped before I could see your response20:33
HoffmanOerHeks: what were you getting at with your previous link20:33
OerHeksHoffman, they DO have a key, on http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/GPGKEY >> wget -q -O - http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/GPGKEY | apt-key add -20:34
OerHeksbut no use at all20:34
Hoffmanno use at all?20:35
Hoffmanwhat does that mean20:35
OerHeksi am not going to repeat why.20:35
Hoffmanyour command has no use at all?  or the key has no use at all?20:35
bekksHoffman: 15.04 is dead20:35
Hoffmanbekks: which of the nvidia packages wouldn't work with 16.04, and why?20:35
bekksHoffman: All packages from that repo, because the repo is for 15.04, and 15.04 is dead.20:35
Hoffmanbekks: are those packages incompatible with the linux kernel version used in 16.04?20:36
bekksHoffman: the repo is for 15.04, and 15.04 is dead.20:36
Hoffmanbekks: no?20:36
Hoffmancouldn't parse an answer20:36
bekksHoffman: 15.04 is dead.20:36
bekksThat is the answer.20:36
Hoffmanstill not parsing a yes or a no20:36
xanguaNo, no, no20:37
OerHekssome tried, Hoffman > https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/932554/-ubuntu-16-04-install-cuda-7-5/20:38
bekksHoffman: You are asking the wrong question.20:38
Hoffmanxangua: well I'm told it's incompatible, but not given a technical reason why20:38
Hoffmanthe only reason I'm being given doesn't go into any technical bases20:38
bekksBecause those packages are build for 15.04, and 15.04 is dead.20:38
Hoffman^ example20:38
bekksThat IS a technical answer.20:39
Hoffmanno it isn't20:39
bekksYou just dont accept it.20:39
OerHekslet us know if you find a way to install it20:39
Hoffmanbekks: the fact that you are wrong20:40
Hoffmandoesnt mean I havent accepted that it isnt a technical answer20:40
bekksHoffman: I am not wrong, that is th point. 15.04 is dead.20:40
OerHeksyou would get a gcc error, anyway20:40
Hoffmanbekks: you are wrong, your response is untechnical20:40
HoffmanOerHeks: thank you for the technical answer20:40
Hoffmanit looks like the page you linked, links to another page which provides a technical answer as well20:41
Hoffman"The main limitation is that version 5 gcc compilers are not supported yet.... You have to modify a cuda header file to enable this gcc version to work."20:41
Hoffmanbekks: what a technical answer may look like ^20:41
HoffmanOerHeks: the difficulty here is that I cannot even run simulated apt-get for cuda20:43
bekksHoffman: If you dont accept the technical fact that 15.04 is dead, I cant change that. You have been given al information needed, and you are still discussing it. I'm out of your issue, please dont hilight me anymore regarding it.20:43
Hoffmandue to the signature issue20:43
Hoffmanbekks: your feelings are not a technical fact20:43
bekksHoffman: Ignore set.20:43
Hoffmanplease refrain from confusing the two20:43
Hoffmansince people here are interested in one of the two20:43
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tgm4883what did I just read...20:43
OerHeksbut we DO have CUDA 7.5.18 available in the Xenial multiverse repositories <> apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit20:44
Hoffmanthank you20:44
HoffmanI lost the link when rebooting and did not notice the name change20:44
Hoffmanfrom "cuda" in one repo to "nvidia-cuda-toolkit" in the multiverse20:45
Hoffmantgm4883: "a farewell to arms"? :P20:48
tgm4883Hoffman: no, just the backlog for the last 15 mintues20:49
Hoffmanok, so metamorphoses, in which an ordinary dude turns into a monstrosity20:49
pauljwthere's 15mins of life wasted20:50
ikoniaHoffman: what ?20:50
Hoffmanthe metamorphosis*20:50
Hoffmanikonia: it's a book by Kafka20:50
Hoffmanthe writer, not the software20:50
tgm4883Hoffman: subtle20:51
pistolpetehi yall... I got a prob....while I was trying to upgrade ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04, the power went out... um I cant get back in.... any ideas20:51
Hoffmanpistolpete: what message(s) do you get when you try to get back in20:51
pistolpetei cant20:51
ikoniapistolpete: you'll need to be a bit more descriptive than "can't get back in"20:51
Hoffmanpistolpete: what messages do you see on screen when you try?20:51
pistolpetewhatda want ... it gets to the ubuntu page, then it wont go any further20:52
tgm4883pistolpete: the login page?20:52
tgm4883pistolpete: then you login and it just takes you back to the login page?20:53
Hoffmanpistolpete: what happens when you try to login?20:53
pistolpetedoesnt take it...20:53
Piciinvalid password?20:53
ikoniapistolpete: please explain exactly20:53
tgm4883pistolpete: Does it show an FBI warning and shutdown the computer?20:53
ikoniarather than "doesn't take it" -20:53
Hoffmanpistolpete: ok, so "taking it" is an example of what it doesnt do20:53
Hoffmanpistolpete: now please tell us what it DOES do instead20:53
Hoffmanpistolpete: alternatively, you can take a video with your phone of you trying to log in, and post it on youtube20:54
tgm4883Hoffman: he obviously needs to "apt-get install lightdm-taking-it"20:54
Hoffmanbut explaining it is better20:54
Hoffmanoh he left20:54
=== nicu is now known as nicu`
Hoffmantgm4883: lol20:55
nicu`'sup my americans20:55
sveinseHow can I revert uefi boot/grub and go back to ordinary grub? Install grub-pc and delete the efi partition?21:01
sveinseWow, impressive silence in a group with 1900 users :D21:04
nicu`we bet that the first that breaks it, has to suck Linus and Mark's dick21:05
PalendromeI would help if I could, but I'm not sure how to answer your question, because I've never had to do that21:05
sveinseNo, I wasn't hinting to my question. My wonder is genuine. I've never experienced this channel this quiet21:06
fantomas_It's hard to tell conversation from the coming/going messages21:06
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nicu`sveinse send you contacts to the channel admin's for further experience21:07
Palendromeahh I would imagine that the silence has a lot to do with the fact that it's Sunday afternoon/evening in the US21:07
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MonkeyDustfantomas_  http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages21:09
fantomas_MonkeyDust Beautiful, thank you21:09
Hoffmansveinse: http://askubuntu.com/questions/360543/convert-from-efi-to-bios-boot21:13
OerHeksalso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Converting_Ubuntu_into_UEFI_or_Legacy_mode21:14
sveinseOerHeks: Do you if there is a CLI version of boot-repair?21:17
curlyearsWhere might I search for information and specifications for building a C library to be used under ubuntu and gcc?21:19
ikoniaunder gcc ?21:19
ikoniado you mean you want to write a c library ?21:20
OerHekssveinse, no, gui only AFAIK21:20
curlyearsgcc iss the default C commpiler shipped with ubuntu, I believe21:20
ikoniawhat is it you're actually trying to do21:20
curlyearsikonia:  yes, precisely21:20
ikoniaso a c book about how to write C would be a good start, as well as documentation and the ##c channel21:21
curlyearsI want to build some libraries for voice recognition and speech synthesis under C21:21
ikoniaok, so what do you need from #ubuntu support ?21:21
curlyearsikonia:  I have been programming in C for ever 30 years.  I have just never built a library before, nor I have seen documentation on how to do so21:22
ikoniacurlyears: you've never built a library in 30 years of programming ?21:22
curlyearsI wanted to know if library configuration was the same under ubuntu as under other OSes21:23
ikoniacurlyears: a libray is just a set of functions to be referenced externally from the program/other programs21:23
ikoniait's just a common set of functions21:23
curlyearsikonia:  I am aware of what a library is.  In order for a library to function, it ahould have specfic construction, AIR21:23
curlyearsOK, so nothihng but freesdtaning C modules, in an a.out format?21:24
ikoniaI'd just get some basic docs on c libraryies on linux and look at some examples21:25
ikoniait's not a.out firmat21:25
curlyearsin that case, I HAVE wrttten a number of libraries,  just never thought of them as such21:25
Mr-FrogHello. I know this probably isn't directly an Ubuntu problem, but I have been experiencing my desktop (Wake on Lan enabled) to be turning on at random times. Is there a way to determine which device is sending the packet?21:25
ikoniacurlyears: perfect, you'll be flying then21:25
ikoniaMr-Frog: it's going to happen before the OS - hence the wake, the OS is asleep21:25
Mr-FrogI figured so21:26
curlyearswouldn't the OS networkk driver logs have some sort of entry regarding reception, by the hardware, of a WoN event?21:27
ikoniawhat network driver logs ?21:27
ikoniawhere are those logs ?21:27
curlyearshmmmm....no, I suppose not, ,probably handled by a module within the BIOS21:27
curlyearsaren't there logs where you can look up details of network activiies?  Hmmm.21:28
ikoniaMr-Frog: you can look at the syslog and see if the next "comm" event is whatever woke it up trying to finish what it started,21:28
Mr-FrogWould there be a way to see where the packet is coming from thru the router?21:28
ikoniaMr-Frog: the odds are slim21:28
ikoniacurlyears: no21:28
curlyearsMr-Frog:    do you have a router hooked up to your desktop, and do you have admin acess to it?21:28
Mr-FrogI have admin access to it21:28
OerHeksMr-Frog, you might want to keep watch on port 7/9, to see if it happens often > sudo tcpdump -i eth0 '(udp and port 7) or (udp and port 9)'21:29
curlyearsMost routers keep logs of activity, if you can match timing you might be able to discern the IP of the signal source21:29
ikoniathe device won't go to slep then OerHeks21:29
OerHeksikonia, i know, there is no log about the attempt, maybe it happens on regular basis?21:29
curlyears\tnx, OerHeks, I thought there were some higher level utils that would help, just couldn't remember which ones21:30
ikoniaOerHeks: it's a fair guess, but then you won't know if thats the one that wakes it up, it could he happening 24x7 (again within reason)21:30
Mr-FrogI'm not really sure if there is any schedule happening, it seems pretty random21:30
Mr-FrogThough I haven't observed it in about 3 days.21:31
Mr-FrogI was just curious about it.21:31
ikoniaMr-Frog: do you run media services on your network ?21:31
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curlyearsit could be harmless, ,or it could be someone trying to hack into your system.  Do you keep valuable data or proprietary programs that you built on it?21:31
Mr-FrogWe got a new "smart" roku tv not too long ago that seems to support media servers21:31
ikoniacurlyears: what ????21:32
ikoniacurlyears: he's just having a wake on lan event on his home network....what are you talking about21:32
Mr-FrogIt's an 8-year old desktop that i just mess around with, really21:32
ikoniaMr-Frog: a common event like this for the average home user are media devices sending out a sort of "who's there" before they shutdown / brodcast21:32
OerHeksMr-Frog, if that wake up can be triggerd by the mouse too, heavy traffic could be the culprit21:33
ikoniaMr-Frog: they do it a lot before they shutdown21:33
curlyearsI put absolutely NOTHING passt syscrackers?21:34
ikoniawhat ?21:34
curlyearswhy did I put a "?" on that last sentence?21:34
Mr-FrogI will monitor the TV and waking habits of this box21:35
Mr-FrogI likely think that is the culprit21:35
ikoniaMr-Frog: for most people - it's very common21:35
ikonianot saying thats you, it's a good starting point though21:35
curlyearsMr-Frog:   yes, that does seem the most liekly thing.21:35
Mr-FrogThanks everybody!21:35
curlyearsWakeOnLAN must use some specific signal, because even a LAN that has no active nodes on it yet has "traffic" (keep alive, if tnothing else)21:37
ikoniawhat ?21:37
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curlyearsikonia: all ethernet xceivers impolement a system of consatant activity call :kee alive" on their data media21:39
ikoniaerr no21:39
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ikoniaand what does this have to do with the question ?21:39
curlyearssoo because of keep-alive activity on the media, ,the LAN is never really "silent," it is just in an "idle" state, carrying no useful data packets21:40
ikoniacurlyears: who are you telling this to ?21:40
ikoniano-one is asking how networking works21:40
mcphailcurlyears: perhaps move this to #ubuntu-offtopic and keep the channel clear for support?21:41
curlyearsas ma result of which, there must be some pre-defined data packet that ttriggers WoLAN21:41
ikoniacurlyears: why are you saying this ?21:41
ikoniano-one is asking how WOL works21:41
curlyearsmcphail:  you are correct that this prolongatinon of the topic is inappropriate here, but the origianl statements on this topic were in direct  R3491420onse to another's question21:42
curlyearsnever mind. I *DO* talk to much, so I'll just back off21:42
astoryHi, I just upgraded to 16.04 but it seems that the install scripts for postfix keep breaking my config - it sets myhostname=dt. when I try to reconfigure postfix, but that's not a valid value so the configuration fails.  Do I even need postfix / can I fix this?21:45
astoryhttp://pastebin.com/cW7yJmit shows the errors21:46
tgm4883Trying to install 16.04 and getting "The 'grub-efi-ia32' package failed to install into /target/"21:53
django_so i have dual boot and i messed up the options display on boot21:55
django_i was trying to load a CD with linux (book called hacking the art of exploitation) and messed with BIOS settings21:55
django_and now the dual boot options dont show21:55
django_can anyone help21:56
Palendromeis grub still installed?22:00
OerHeksdjango_, so you hacked yourself, messed up the bios setting .. how about setting them back?22:00
fantomas_What do you mean you messed with BIOS settings?22:00
django_OerHeks, i did default bios and it dint fix it22:01
newbsieNew to systemd (from 14.04/upstart) and confused about where to put webserver startup conf file?22:06
newbsieLooking at docs, suggest /lib/systemd/system/, but there is a lot of dirs in there....22:07
cessocome si chiama il server ubuntu per parlare in italiano?22:08
OerHekscesso, #ubuntu-it22:09
OerHeksnewbsie, depends what webserver, nginx? that would be /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service22:11
OerHeksnewbsie, maybe you suffer an other problem, networkmanager not ready when service starts .. see http://askubuntu.com/questions/733097/nginx-wont-start-at-boot-using-systemd22:11
anonymous__* -22:12
anonymous__* - Welcome to freenode - supporting the free and open source22:12
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anonymous__* - By connecting to freenode you indicate that you have read and22:12
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anonymous__* - freenode runs an open proxy scanner. Please join #freenode for22:12
OerHeksanonymous__, don't do that22:13
newbsieOerHeks: It's actually gunicorn22:14
OerHeksnewbsie, never heard of that one. maybe #ubuntu-server is a better place to ask? all i can think of is find the gunicorn.service22:16
OerHeksif that exists, then network manager is not ready or the service is not enabled22:17
newbsieOerHeks: if you need to start multiple processes with different environemnt vars, do you just have multiple conf files? That is at least how it is in upstart....22:18
OerHeksnewbsie, oh not sure about that if/how22:19
OerHeksmaybe soneone else here knows the answer?22:19
newbsieOerHeks: thanks. I will try #ubuntu-server22:19
fantomas_If I'm only using a computer for Netflix/DVDs/Spotify, is there much danger in keeping Ubuntu 14.04 installed as opposed to upgrading to 15.10 or 16.04?22:22
OerHeksfantomas_, if you keep updating, no, 14.04 is supported 'till 201922:22
QuatrokingHow do I make my CLI install login automatically?22:23
django_1i have a partition ubuntu and widows how can i renstall grup22:23
fantomas_Okay. I'm having huge problems getting my graphics card (AMD Radeon HD4550) to work on 15.10 and I haven't even bothered trying 16.0422:23
fantomas_14.04 seems to be working, at least, so I'll leave it there.22:24
sveinsewow, this device is resilient for not wanting to boot. Just reinstalled grub-pc, but still it will not boot.22:25
OerHeksQuatroking, maybe this page is any help > http://blog.shvetsov.com/2010/09/auto-login-ubuntu-user-from-cli.html22:26
sveinseI got this, but fixed it with setting bios_grub flag on the /boot partition in the GPT.  grub-install: warning: this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible.22:26
sveinseBut still nothing happens while booting. This time, black screen with a blinking cursor on top and no action22:26
QuatrokingOerHeks, welp, I don't seem to have any tty1.conf22:28
OerHeksfantomas_, ATI 2xxx 3xxx and 4xxx are only supported by the opendriver22:28
ubottuFor AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:28
fantomas_Does it make a difference if the video card is working (as far as I can tell), but the sound isn't?22:29
OerHeksfantomas_, sound issues, follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure22:30
fantomas_ubottu, checking out that link, thank you. Oerheks, I'll try the opendriver. I might have messed something up22:30
ubottufantomas_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:30
UmeaboyIn 16.04 LTS I can't get Ubuntu Software Center to install tribler from the downloaded .deb.22:31
UmeaboyHow can I make it install it?22:31
UmeaboyWithout using the terminal.22:31
fantomas_OerHeks, I feel really dumb. I don't know how I missed this. Giving it a shot, thank you22:31
LaserAllanWell this isn't the nicest experiment I've had, I'm trying to reinstall Ubuntu on a friend's laptop and for some reason the actual process doesn't seem to start. I can get through Ali the steps until the installation but it doesn't seem to start22:32
LaserAllanIt sounds like the is doing something though, not sure what is causing this22:32
UmeaboyLaserAllan: Can you film it and upload to demonstrate more?22:32
minimecUmeaboy: Install the gdebi programm with the software center and 'right click' 'open with gdebi' the package in the file manager.22:33
triplcplease recommend a program which can input Traditional Chinese character by using mouse22:33
triplc( i google and found "tegaki", but it is more "japanese" than "chinese", and it looks old )22:33
Umeaboyminimec: Got it, but shouldn't that be installed as standard since Gnome Software isn't used yet?22:34
LugariusRLin apt-get is an download only option--... does apt has this also?22:34
LaserAllanI could just take a picture and upload it22:34
LaserAllanI'm basically stuck at the screen where you name the computer and so on and it's just showing as it's losing22:35
minimecUmeaboy: I always install local packages in the terminal with 'sudo dpkg -i', so I don't know.22:35
LaserAllanI've had Ubuntu on this machine for a few months not it's note time to give it back to my friend hence why I'm formatting22:35
OerHeksLugariusRL, apt-get download [package]22:35
UmeaboyLaserAllan: And if you used the iso as a Live version then?22:35
minimecUmeaboy: But you are right. gdebi has never benn installed by default...22:35
UmeaboyDoes it stop when you try to install with the Live session as well?22:35
LugariusRLOerHeks No i mean apt not apt-get22:36
OerHeksLugariusRL, apt download [package] should work too, for 15.10/16.0422:36
LugariusRLok... i try...22:36
OerHeksand apt-get is still valid on 16.0422:36
Umeaboyminimec: How do I quit the installation that it's trying to do? I don't know what process that is.22:36
LugariusRLoh it works... lel..22:36
triplcplease recommend a program which can input Traditional Chinese hand writing recognition22:36
UmeaboyGuess I can just check with top.22:36
LugariusRLit doesnt stand in the help!22:37
Umeaboytriplc: Hand writing? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.22:37
OerHeksnoticed that too, but this is a transit, apt-get to apt.22:37
Umeaboysebsebseb: Hi!22:37
sebsebsebUmeaboy: hej22:37
UmeaboyGotta relogin....... Stupid installation hanged for tribler since I didn't have gdebi installed.22:38
minimecUmeaboy: the 'ugly' way... open a terminal and type 'xkill'. then choose the graphical program you want to kill.22:39
LaserAllanUmeaboy how do I do that?22:39
sebsebsebhe's gone already22:39
sebsebseband xkill can be fun :d22:39
SabelHi there! i just installed ubuntu and I'm pretty new to linux in general. Can anyone help me install a wifi driver..? i seem to be lacking one. Ethernet port is working fine though.22:39
minimecsebsebseb: indeed...22:39
sebsebsebSabel: yes ossibly22:40
sebsebsebSabel: if your lucky it's just that you need to install the wireless driver seperatly from additional driers22:40
sebsebsebSabel: one is hopefully waiting ready to go there in fact :)22:40
Sabelhow would i go about starting it then?22:40
sebsebsebSabel: click the Ubuntu i con on the top left22:41
sebsebsebassuming your using Unity the default Ubuntu interface22:41
sebsebsebsearch your computer and onlien sources22:41
sebsebsebput in additioanl drivers22:41
sebsebsebadditional drivers22:41
SabelIs there an easy way to find out what wifi card i have?22:41
sebsebsebin the terminal it can be done and such22:42
sebsebsebI think addditional drivers will say about it as well22:42
sebsebsebif there's a driver there22:42
sebsebsebSabel: that's the first thing to do anyway,  see if there's a driver there or not22:42
SabelUnder software and updates?22:42
Sabelthe additional drivers tab?22:42
sebsebsebSabel: no22:42
LaserAllanI think I found the issue, one of the USB ports are bad for some reason. Seems like it didn't like to use it22:42
sebsebsebSabel: or yeah maybe22:42
sebsebsebSabel: opening up from the search will do it though22:42
sebsebsebsearch for additional drivers there's a graphical program22:43
SabelIn there i see an Nvidia driver22:43
sebsebsebSabel: may have a driver in there for something else as well22:43
sebsebsebSabel: ok Nvidia driver right good, anything else though?22:43
sebsebsebmay want to install the Niviaa driver as well by the way22:44
Sabeland a processor micro code firmware22:44
sebsebsebSabel: nothing for wireless?22:44
sebsebsebSabel: I had an issue wehre a working wireleess driver stoppd working on  a upgrade, had to ethernet and get again from addtional drivers22:44
sebsebseband  with the live sessoin had to install from additional drivers as well22:45
sebsebsebSabel: but ok nothing is coming up there in your case22:45
Sabelyeah unfortunatly22:45
sebsebsebSabel: can find out what some of the hardware is though in the terminal at least22:45
sebsebsebSabel: open up the terminal22:46
sebsebsebtype in lspci that should list hardware in the machine including wireless22:46
Sabeli ran LSpci and found a "network controller"22:46
sebsebsebwhat did it say for that?22:46
Sabeland an ethernet controller, Ethernet is wired i assume.22:46
sebsebsebethernet is the cable yes22:46
luckybunnywelp... there goes my sound I guess22:46
Sabel"Quallcomm Atheros Device 0042 (rev 30)22:47
luckybunnyI just upgraded to 16.04 and I'm not getting sound22:47
sebsebsebSabel: oh!22:47
sebsebsebSabel: that sounds like possibly quite a new wireless?22:47
sebsebsebis it?22:47
luckybunnyat all. aplay -l returns no soundcards22:47
SabelMaybe, Not super sure.22:47
SabelBought the laptop last year ish22:47
sebsebsebSabel: how new is the computer?22:47
luckybunnymy soundcard is NVIDIA Gf116 HD audio22:47
Sabelso not SUPER new22:47
sebsebsebSabel: ok new enough to have a newish wirelss ok22:47
sebsebsebSabel: you can connect it probably, it's just got to do something first hmm.  and I am not sure what22:48
sebsebseband this probaby isn't going to help either, but it might22:48
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:48
sebsebsebSabel: someone elses can hep here anyway if you stick around etc22:49
sebsebsebI would have thought22:49
Sabelyeah hopefully22:49
sebsebsebluckybunny: and you have looked around the sound sesttings?22:49
sebsebsebluckybunny: or pavucontrol even which I think isn't even instaleld22:50
luckybunnyyup. dummy output only22:50
sebsebsebSabel: ok good luck :)22:50
sebsebsebSabel: in the old days people soetimes had to use the Windows driver but now most cards can work natively so :)22:50
sebsebsebdjango_: hi22:50
luckybunnyalso had some interesting boot shenanigans, but I'll leave those for after22:51
django_so im having trouble with grub22:51
django_dual boot isnt displaying22:51
sebsebsebdjango_: since when? and with what? Windows?22:51
django_sebsebseb, yeah its a windows system22:51
SabelYea i found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/708061/qualcomm-atheros-device-168c0042-rev-30-wi-fi-driver-installation but im not sure if that will help as its not EXACTLY the same as what mine is titled22:51
sebsebsebdjango_: did you just insal Ubuntu?22:51
LaserAllanOK so apparently Windows is more secure and stable than Linux, dumbest thing I've ever heard lol22:52
sebsebsebSabel: that's also for a older version of Ubuntu the previous LTS22:52
sebsebsebSabel: and Ndiswrapper is like a last resort thing now22:52
sebsebsebwhen there's no  other way to have it working22:52
django_sebsebseb, no so i go this book that has a linux OS on it to do practice from the book, and i was trying to boot through the CD ROM and changed some BIOS Settngs which i think messed it up. I went to defaut bios settings and it didnt help. Just boot straight to windows22:52
sebsebsebI  am not even sure who really uses Ndiswarpper to be honest22:52
sebsebsebsince wireles in general has improved quite a bit with Linux in the past few years22:53
sebsebsebdjango_: ok BIOS not UEFI?22:53
django_sebsebseb, yeah i changed UEFI to CSM22:53
django_and then back22:53
k00l3th4nLaserAllan: Yes! Windows is way more secure... Ha! lol22:54
sebsebsebdjango_: what's CSM?22:54
django_idk if it was CSM22:54
django_i think it was22:54
django_maybe some other 3 letter thing22:54
sebsebsebdjango_: worst case sinario you removed Windows or pretty much by mistake :d22:54
SabelHow does one check their current version of ubuntu?22:54
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:54
Sabelthank you22:54
sebsebsebwell maybe wrong factioid22:54
sebsebsebthere's an about ubuntu some where22:55
sebsebsebin Ubuntu itself I belive22:55
sebsebsebdjango_: so Ubuntu boots, but not Wndows?22:55
sebsebsebdjango_: or Windows boots up but not Ubuntu?22:56
k00l3th4nubottu: Run the command uname -a or go to system detail and it will display there.22:56
ubottuk00l3th4n: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:56
LaserAllanMy neighbor just said it and I'm like yes sure.... I bet you have more malware than I've ever had in my entire life. Even on my windows gaming rig. But I think Linux needs to get out there to make more people use it ;)22:56
sebsebsebLaserAllan: Linux distributions most of them geerally are more secure though, since how they are set up, and how they have been designed22:56
sebsebsebLaserAllan: also loads of peole think there WIndows  installs are perfectly clean, when actsually they may not be22:57
LaserAllansebsebseb I only use Windows for gaming, because I kinda have to. But yeah Vista actually tried doing the permissions thing but failed horribly on many lines22:59
SabelHi seb, i found a guide on how to get my card working. Its asking me to copy a folder into /lib/firmware/ath10k: but its not letting me move anything into there.23:00
LaserAllanIf just Linux gets the same kind of gaming support that Windows had there wouldn't be any reason to use windows at all anyway thanks for the help;)23:00
sebsebsebSabel: what's the guide link?23:00
django_sorry got d/c23:00
sebsebsebSabel: and yes Linux has security s23:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1484159 in linux (Ubuntu) "Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0042] is not supported" [Medium,Triaged]23:00
sebsebsebSabel: permissions23:00
sebsebsebSabel: so you can't just put stuff into places like that, it can be done though23:00
django_sebsebseb, yeah its CSM23:00
django_"UEFI Compatibility Support Module (CSM) provides compatibility support for traditional legacy BIOS"23:01
django_id like to just reinstall grub23:01
django_how can i do that23:01
sebsebsebSabel: ok looks like that ink is from August last year23:01
SabelDjango, tried boot repair?23:02
sebsebsebdjango_: what I think you should do is try anad re set the UEIF bios back to defaults23:02
sebsebsebdjango_: well what boots up right now?23:02
sebsebsebif anything? Windows? Ubuntu?23:02
django_sebsebseb, straight to windows23:02
django_no grub meny23:02
Sabelyeah you can try boot repair.23:02
sebsebsebdjango_: you have to put Ubuntu in the right bit23:02
sebsebsebdjango_: in fact I think I know what you may have done :d23:02
sebsebsebdjango_: took me a while to figure this one out when I did stuff with UEFI on this lap top or whatever but yeah23:02
Sabelthat too, i had to set ubuntu to the first boot option in the bios to get the grub menu23:02
sebsebsebdjango_: when you install Ubuntu you have to point it to a UEFI partition basically so the one for WIndows23:03
sebsebsebdjango_: that's with UEFI though23:03
django_sebsebseb, idk anything whts uefi?23:03
sebsebsebdjango_: and with UEFI you have to disable secure boot probably to load up the CD's etc23:03
sebsebsebdjango_: you got the old BIOS set up, or you got a newer computer with UEFI23:03
sebsebsebdjango_: CSM or whatever is for UEFI. there's a legay mode yeah23:04
django_sebsebseb, ??23:04
sebsebsebdjango_: I said what's CSM, you copied in a description it talked about a UEFI bios23:04
django_sebsebseb, can i enter BIOS settings and ill msg you on phone23:04
sebsebsebSabel: I thin with your guide23:05
sebsebsebSabel well it's a new install anwayy no data, and your going to have to know how to get that wireless card working really so23:05
sebsebsebSabel: so I guess you can attempt doing what the link said then, it might not be 100% for your card, but may work yes23:05
sebsebsebSabel: and the directoy that it mentioend is locked yes, file permision security23:06
sebsebsebSabel: in fact anything outside the home area will be locked by default, file permisisons, but sometimes people want to edit files that are part of the system and things like that yes23:07
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:07
sebsebsebSabel: you can use sudo and become root/admin  to edit a file, or put something in a otherwise locked directory, for example23:08
django_I booted into ubuntu trial via usb and I don't see the option for boot repair23:09
zykotick9sebsebseb: \o  hope all is well with you.  </ot>23:09
sebsebsebzykotick9: yeah mostly I guess but not completly23:09
sebsebseband hi23:09
sebsebsebdjango_: you shoudl re set the UEFI bios23:09
sebsebsebdjango_: then install Ubuntu in UEFI mode23:09
django_sebsebseb: I already had Ubuntu installed23:10
sebsebsebdjango_: and which version of Windows is on there? Windos 10? 8.1? what is it?23:10
django_Windows 823:10
django_(Not 8.1)23:10
sebsebsebdjango_: ok, but I think both acstaully may need to be in UEFI mode to work nicely toether with Grub as well23:10
sebsebsebdjango_: Windows will be in UEFI mode23:10
sebsebsebbut if you use the legacy stuff23:10
django_But grub doesn't show23:10
sebsebsebwell you can't mix  from what I have read before23:10
django_How do I run boot repair23:10
sebsebsebit has to be both using UEFI mode, if you want to boot and be able to use both, well from things I have read23:11
sebsebsebdjango_: and Grub also needs to install itself into the WIndows bit on the UEFI system23:11
sebsebsebor be pointed to that23:11
sebsebsebdjango_: yes it has to be pointed to a UEFI, or it won't show23:11
django_What do I do?23:11
django_Go into BIOS settings?23:11
sebsebsebdjango_: when I tried to dual boot this one, I installed Ubuntu in a few ways, it installedd, but no Grub23:12
sebsebsebdjango_: that was untill I pointed it to the Windows thing llike I am saying23:12
django_Grub was working23:12
django_Now it's not23:12
django_I wanna run boot repair23:12
sebsebsebdjango_: I think  you should probably, just re set the UEFI  BIOS back to defaults, and then start over23:13
sebsebsebbut using UEFI this time23:13
sebsebsebI think Sabel just installed on a computer the UEFI way even23:13
sebsebsebdual bootin with Windwos23:13
django_I did reset bios settings to default but it won't show the options to boot into Windows or Ubuntu it goes straight Windows's23:13
sebsebsebdjango_: yes there can be two reasons for that!23:14
sebsebsebdjango_: one  Grub isn't on there properly as  I was trying to disaply,  or two  you just need to find a setting there to make Grub come up.  also  can you get into the boot options for the computer. you may find you can boot Grub up from that :d23:14
luckybunnyso um23:14
luckybunnyaplay gives me nothing. lspci shows my card23:15
luckybunnythe card appears to be hooked up to the kernel just fine23:15
sebsebsebdjango_: for a while I coudn't figure out how to get GRub to come up first, I could get it up from the computers boot options though.  turns out I had missed a setting in the bios for UEFI once  I had gone into that and set it up yes Grub came up first, and booted both WIndows and Ubuntu up23:15
django_sebsebseb: I'd rather try boot repair23:15
sebsebsebdjango_: the boot is ok23:15
django_Idk bios settings I can't play with this23:15
sebsebsebdjango_: there is no boot repair idea or how y9ou are thinking I Thik.23:15
django_What do I do??23:16
sebsebsebdjango_: you just have to have the UEFI bios set up set up ok enough, and the osees installed, and should work ok after that23:16
sebsebsebdjango_: well   forget about CSM or legacy or whatever.  as I Was tryijgn to explain above, that's  probably the wrong thing to try and do, since WIndows will be in UEFI mode and your trying to dual boot23:17
sebsebsebdjango_: if you were just putting on Linux distros for example tehn sure legacy would be ifne23:17
sebsebsebdjango_: my understanding is that when one OS is in UEFI mode, the other OS has to be as well really23:17
django_sebsebseb: it's already in eufi boot and it won't display grub options it goes to Windows without options23:17
sebsebsebdjango_: yes  I understand that bit23:18
sebsebsebdjango_: ok first thing to do is probably this,  get into the computers boot options23:18
sebsebsebdjango_: there should be a boot menu that you can get up, outside of the UEIF bios, when the computer is turned on or re booted23:19
django_sebsebseb: where is the boot options how do I get there. ??23:19
sebsebsebdjango_: F9 or something like that on your keyboard holidng that down could bring it up23:19
django_You mean bios settings?23:19
sebsebsebdjango_: look when it turns on for something, a message may come up23:19
sebsebsebdjango_: no not the bios settings or UEFI not what you showed me a screenshot of, but something else that should be on your computer23:19
sebsebsebdjango_: that's for later the BIOS settings!  first let's see if Grub is even on there!23:20
sebsebseband if you can bring it up yourself23:20
sebsebsebdjango_: when you turn on the computer a message may come up, something like press F2 to go into boot menu or boot options23:20
sebsebsebwhata kind of computer is it anyway make?23:20
django_That sebsebseb ?23:21
sebsebsebdjango_: yes that looks like it23:21
django_Ok it was f1223:21
django_Now what?23:21
sebsebsebdjango_: I guess try those options does anything bring up Grub,  but it looks like nothing will bring it up Grub or probably not anwyay23:21
sebsebsebwell something might23:22
sebsebsebtry those options23:22
sebsebsebdjango_: if Grub is on there it should boot up from the boot menu23:22
django_Fuck me23:22
django_I'm so dumb23:22
sebsebsebdjango_: no no23:22
sebsebsebdjango_:  no it's good23:23
sebsebseband ok23:23
sebsebsebdjango_: and how you get that up what you just linked to?23:23
django_I just hit enter23:23
=== ponies is now known as SpacePirate
sebsebsebdjango_: you hit enter where?23:23
django_I had the main hard drive highlighted and hit enter23:23
django_Lol it went to Windows even though I had Ubuntu highlighter23:24
sebsebsebdjango_: from the boot options?23:24
sebsebsebdjango_: from the boot menu ?23:24
=== Don is now known as Guest64966
django_F12 and  there are four options one of them is the hard drive23:24
django_I selected the hard drive and hit enter23:24
sebsebsebdjango_: right your not done yet though, but this is progress23:24
sebsebsebyou should be able to turn the computer on and have Grub up straight away without pressing F12 :)23:24
django_Yeah lol23:25
sebsebsebbut it's going into Windows when you turn it on?23:25
sebsebsebat the moment?23:25
django_No options23:25
sebsebsebyes it's like this computer when I messed around with UEIF23:25
sebsebsebdjango_: you basicaly got the issue I had23:25
sebsebsebwhen I set up UEFI uh23:25
django_What's does <enter setup> and <hdd recovery> do?23:25
sebsebsebdjango_: well you can looi through all the boot options that's ok, just don't change something :d23:26
django_How will thst help?23:26
sebsebseblook above23:26
django_I wanna solve this23:26
Guest64966Hey all, I'm having a bit of trouble with a Samba share. I have files owned by my user, and my Windows client is connecting to Samba as this user. But I can't modify these files from Windows unless the unix group mode is +w, even though the owner mode should be sufficient.23:26
sebsebsebdjango_: well you'll know what is on there already23:26
django_Bro I'm confused23:26
sebsebsebdjango_: and something should load up Grub to or possbily out of those, you said hard disk or whatever did?23:26
sebsebsebdjango_: step 1.  boot menu stuff,23:27
Guest64966When I view the file 'Security' in Windows it appears the owning account is unknown - shows as (S-1-5-21-....). I'm guessing that's the problem.23:27
sebsebsebdjango_: step 2. probably back to the UEFI bios to change a setting some where to make Grub come up first when the computer is turned on!23:27
django_Idk what eufi bios is!!!!23:27
sebsebsebdjango_: your computer23:27
sebsebsebdjango_: it's about a year old yeah?23:27
django_Nah more23:28
sebsebsebhow old?23:28
sebsebsebdjango_: yeah 2013 well it's probably UEFI anyway23:28
sebsebsebit looks like it's a UEFI computer going by your screen shots23:28
sebsebsebnot the old BIOS set up23:28
sebsebsebhence that thing about CMS even that you copied in a descirpopn or whatever for earliler23:28
django_What do I do now?23:28
sebsebsebdjango_: yes it came with WIndows 8, it wil be UEFI23:28
sebsebsebdjango_: try out the boot options from the boot menu, so you know what's there etc,  and tell me  whcih one if any brings up Grub as well23:29
django_The only one with grub should be the HDD23:30
django_None of the three bring up grub23:30
sebsebsebdjango_: nothing in the boot menu brings up Grub?23:30
sebsebsebdjango_: and one of the otpoins brings up WIndows yes, which one?23:31
django_When I boot using USB to install Ubuntu it doesn't say that Ubuntu is already installed23:31
sebsebsebdjango_: if the boot menu isn't loading up GRub with any of it's options, then Grub probably isn't installed properly on there if at all23:31
django_Like it usually does23:31
sebsebsebdjango_: got any data in Ubuntu or Windows?  may be easier to just re set the bios to default settings, and re install Ubuntu at least, but the UEFI way, not the legacy way23:33
django_I already reset to default it didn't make a difference23:34
sebsebsebdjango_: the bios settings?23:34
sebsebsebdjango_: yeah it may only do so much, if Ubuntu is in the wrong mode,  as in the legacy mode  and not the UEFI mode23:34
django_When I installed Ubuntu I didn't change any bios settings23:34
sebsebsebdjango_: you need to point  Ubuntu in the partioner to  the Windows UEFI23:35
django_Bah I don't wanna spend my weekend trouble shooting this23:35
sebsebsebdjango_: very easy to not do that on set up, or forget to do it23:35
django_Can I do that from Windows?23:35
sebsebsebdjango_: the current Ubuntu install is there any data on it?  that you don't want to lose?23:35
django_I don't wanna rrinstall23:35
django_sebsebseb: when I click https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/7IAjrPQV/image.JPG Ubuntu23:36
django_It doesn't load Ubuntu, why?23:36
sebsebsebdjango_: oh two WIndows boot manager options?23:37
sebsebsebdjango_: which one loads up Ubuntu ?23:37
django_I clicked all23:37
django_And all go to Windows23:37
sebsebsebdjango_: yeah things aren't set up right, hence no Ubuntu loading up23:37
luckybunnydammit I have a borked system23:37
sebsebsebdjango_: maybe Ubuntu isn't even on there anymore I don't know23:38
django_Yes it is23:38
luckybunnyI should have listened when people said avoid 16.0423:38
sebsebsebdjango_: it probably is, but not being detected23:38
django_Already checked23:38
sebsebsebdjango_: already checked how?23:38
sebsebsebluckybunny: uh why?23:38
django_I went into Ubuntu via usb load and there was a Ubuntu file23:38
luckybunnybut nooo... I though hey it's an LTS version, they're supposed to be more stable23:38
sebsebsebdjango_: USB drive?23:38
django_But it doesn't say you boon to is already installed23:38
sebsebsebdjango_: can you get into the Ubuntu partion for data at last? via say a  Live session?23:39
luckybunnysebsebseb: I 'upgraded' to 16.04. I had to start lightdm myself because upstart doesn't work, and I have no sound23:39
sebsebsebdjango_: I think your best bet is re installing Ubuntu, getting your data off the existent install first if you can access that side of things at least23:39
sebsebsebdjango_: then when you re install Ubuntu it can be done the proper way23:40
luckybunnycannot connect to com.ubuntu.upstart. name doesn't exist.. or something like that. plus no sound23:40
luckybunnycan only log in on the command prompt23:40
luckybunnyuntil I get lightdm up.. manually23:40
sebsebsebdjango_: where you do it in UEFI mode, and point  it to the aready exisigtng Wndows UEFI  thing as well, and then both should load up ok,  and you can tell teh BIOS to have Grub up first if it's not by default23:40
sebsebsebdjango_: UEFI is a bit conussing or at first23:40
sebsebsebdjango_: but well Microsoft wanted UEFI in all the newer PC's so23:41
luckybunnyso yeah. should have stuck with 15.1023:41
luckybunnyit worked23:41
django_Idk what you are saying lol23:41
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:41
django_I'm in Ubuntu via "try Ubuntu on sub"23:41
sebsebsebdjango_: ok that's from a USB flash drive?23:42
sebsebsebdjango_: right well then, take your data off the UBuntu partition23:42
sebsebsebthat youw ant to keep23:42
sebsebsebdjango_: may as well do it to WIndows as well whilst at it just in case23:42
django_Like when you install the operating system with a USB boot23:42
sebsebseband then can go from there23:42
sebsebsebdjango_: when you re install Ubuntu and things are in UEFI mode,   where the installer says, wehre to put Grub23:43
sebsebsebdjango_: instead of saying  the master boot record ,  you point that to the /windows otion basicaly23:43
django_Man I'm a noob23:44
sebsebsebnot done an install for a while but when your on the partioner that should make sense I guess :) but that's for when  you are using UEFI23:44
django_Idk what you are saying23:44
sebsebsebdjango_: how old are you :d ?23:44
django_Lol 2423:44
django_still a noob23:44
sebsebsebdjango_: Ubuntu is not installed right, you need to re install or should  try and do that23:44
sebsebsebdjango_: but next time round set up how I did my computer, and then both WIndows and Ubuntu should boot up ok :)23:45
django_sebsebseb: idk what you said point this to that idk what that means23:45
sebsebsebdjango_: don't do any partion stuff yet, you need to back up23:45
minimecdjango_: If you have a USB stick ready to use, you could try to mount the relevant folders of the ubuntu installation of yout harddrive and do a reinstallation/update of grub with chroot. See here... http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd23:45
django_minimec: try23:46
sebsebsebminimec: it's some sort of UEFI issue that django_ has,  probably what I had with this computer or very similar23:46
sebsebsebminimec: only Windows loads up,  no Grub or Ubuntu23:46
sebsebsebminimec: I have a feeling that Ubuntu wasn't put on properly as well hence the issues23:47
sebsebsebdjango_: altough your issues started after you change something in the UEFI bios it seems as well hmm ?23:47
SebastienWhat is wrong in this cronjob (It should run every 2 hours.23:48
Sebastien0 2 * * *  /home/stats/pisg/pisg23:48
FoeHammeredFor some reason I read, "What's wrong with this corncob"23:48
FoeHammeredI wonder if people who talk about cronjobs a lot read corncob as cronjob sometimes.23:48
PiciSebastien: that would be at 2 am daily23:48
PiciSebastien: 0 */2 * * * is every two hours.23:49
sebsebsebdjango_: back up data from teh current Ubuntu install,  re instal the UEFI way,  and put bios back to default before that and yep, should work23:49
PiciFoeHammered: it has never happened to me... though I suppose it may start now.23:50
FoeHammeredYou're welcome.23:50
sebsebsebvolkswagner: geekings23:50
* luckybunny pissed off now23:51
Sebastienty pici23:51
luckybunnywas hoping to enjoy an evening of youtube after upgrading23:51
luckybunnybut I might as well just throw on a couple of gifs23:51
FoeHammeredFlip tables?23:52
volkswagnerI'm running Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS server edition on 7.3Gig / partition with 3.3Gig avail, yet apt-get install -f fails with disk full23:52
volkswagnerHow much free space should I need?23:52
sebsebsebdjango_: cannot find EFI directory ok :d23:52
sebsebsebdjango_: in other words that Grub is not installed properly on there, if it's even on still23:52
django_Lol yeah23:53
django_Lord help me23:53
=== lulzy_ is now known as l0y
sebsebsebdjango_: I think your best bet is to do what I put23:53
sebsebsebdjango_: back up data from Ubuntu23:53
sebsebsebdjango_: and then re install it, but the proper way23:53
volkswagnerI manually removed old kernels with dpkg, and I don't know how I can free up any more space23:53
sebsebsebthe proper UEFI way23:53
volkswagnerIs there a way to tell how much space is needed for apt-get install -f to complete?23:53
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Command ' df -h ' indicates it is '/' that is full .. then ' dpkg -l | grep linix- ' how many old kernels are installed ?23:54
sebsebsebdjango_: I installed Ubuntu about five times re installed about five times23:54
sebsebsebdjango_: untill I figured out what to do etc23:54
sebsebsebUEFI uh23:54
django_Oh well23:54
sebsebsebtook a while before it would boot up from boot optins,  later I put Grub first23:54
FoeHammeredSay, while there's folks here, regarding System Shock 2... How's the music?23:55
sebsebsebdjango_: if ubuntu or Grub is not booting up from the boot menu, it means  it's not on properly simple as that23:55
FoeHammeredIt's not usually what people talk about.23:55
FoeHammeredSo I have no idea its reputation.23:55
sebsebsebdjango_: and so you shouold re install it23:55
sebsebsebdjango_: but properly23:55
teward!offtopic | FoeHammered, I think that's offtopic23:55
ubottuFoeHammered, I think that's offtopic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:55
FoeHammeredOh! Sorry.23:55
minimecvolkswagner: you could 'sudo apt-get autoclean' to remove obsolete packages in /var/apt/cache, but I don't know if that works when having some apt issues already.23:55
FoeHammeredHeh. Though I was in a different chatroom.23:55
FoeHammeredFare y'all well!23:56
volkswagnerBashing-om: Yes df -h is how I got numbers above, dpkg -l | grep linux- is showing kernels which I removed with dpkg —remove23:56
sebsebsebdjango_: well I have tried to help, but you don't seem to want to go forward with the thing that is likely to fix your issue :)23:56
minimecvolkswagner: but... 3.3Gig of available space should be enough for an update...23:56
django_sebsebseb: yeah I'm gonna rrinstall23:57
volkswagnerminimec: Yes, that's why I'm here :)23:57
sebsebsebdjango_: yeah but htere's an imporgtant step in the rei nstall23:57
sebsebsebdjango_: that you should do as well!23:57
sebsebsebdjango_: something that is easy to overlook23:57
Bashing-omvolkswagner: "rc" at the start of the lines ?23:57
sebsebsebdjango_: also before you re intsall, I guess put the UEFI bios completly back to it's default settings23:57
sebsebsebdjango_: if anything after that though disable secure boot, if your USB won't load up23:58
django_Should I disable now?23:58
sebsebsebdjango_: then re install Ubuntu,  and  when it gets to partitining23:58
sebsebsebdjango_: when it gets to the where to put grub23:58
sebsebsebin the installer23:58
ILIwhy do you want to install ubuntu?23:58
volkswagnerBashing-om: yes, rc is there, r=removed?23:58
sebsebsebpoint it to the windows option23:58
sebsebsebILI: re install, UEFI issues23:58
django_sebsebseb: in which step is it23:59
sebsebsebdjango_: there needs to be a EFI23:59
sebsebsebpartion thing23:59
sebsebsebdjango_: Ubuntu will use the one from WIndows23:59
sebsebsebGrub will go there23:59
sebsebsebthen Grub can come up first too :)23:59
=== l0y is now known as Poohz

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