
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest51496
viewer|33066Hi can anyone help , i installed kubuntu a while back on my hp pavillion a6202n desktop and i am trying to re install windows 7 pro from a usb key , my bios does not boot from usb , can it be done from inside kubuntu01:17
viewer|33066well thanks anyway01:19
valorieviewer|33066: windows likes to be first, not second01:19
viewer|33066yeah i know01:19
valoriedo you already have win installed, and just want to re-install?01:19
viewer|33066no lost it when i install kubuntu01:20
valoriealso: you only asked two mins ago!01:20
viewer|33066yes i want to try to re-install01:20
valorieso do you have a partition that Windows likes?01:20
valorielike ntfs or FAT?01:21
viewer|33066seems not but im not great with linux so i kinda screwed up ,01:21
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents01:22
viewer|33066the usb key is ntfs01:22
valorieoh pfff, ubottu01:22
valorieI think first you will need to make a ntfs partition01:22
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:22
valoriethere we go01:23
valorieviewer|33066: please read and follow that first link01:23
valoriethe folks who wrote it know much more than I01:23
viewer|33066well thanks valorie i guess i will pull out the drive and reformat then dual boot01:23
valoriethat's not at all what I suggested01:23
viewer|33066i know its just the only way i know01:24
valoriehow will you boot if you reformat?01:24
valorieI just gave you the link to follow01:24
viewer|33066format using my laptop the reinstall dual boot01:24
valorieonce you format, you will have NO os01:25
valorienot windows, not linux01:25
valorieI said to PARTITION01:25
viewer|33066yup restart all01:25
valorienot re-format the whole thing01:25
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap01:26
viewer|33066okay i will go to check that link thanks all01:26
valoriegood luck01:26
goddardimagemagik recently had a big bug01:54
goddardis that only an issue on servers01:54
valoriegoddard: mostly only on servers, yes02:03
valoriehowever I filed a bug and recently heard that the fix will be out tomorrow for ubuntu02:03
valoriethe fix will be backported to all the supported releases02:04
valorie!info qtwebengine02:05
ubottuPackage qtwebengine does not exist in xenial02:05
valorietrue enough, ubottu02:06
goddardvalorie: thats good02:19
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goddardvalorie: why is it used on the desktop though?02:20
valoriewhy is imagemagick used on the desktop?02:21
goddardvalorie: yeah its installed by default02:50
valorieit's part of the packageset because many people use it to mass edit their photos, etc.02:58
valorieand have been for many years02:58
valorienope, ubottu doesn't know02:59
valoriebut a bit of googling will find you the magick02:59
goddardvalorie: ok so it isn't required03:00
valorieno, certainly not03:01
valoriewhat goes on the DVD is partly what the core ubuntu devs put there, and partly what we decide our own packageset will be03:01
goddardi see03:02
goddardi also asked on the forum why they didn't include calligra instead of libreoffice03:02
valoriein general, we provide KDE software, but sometimes other stuff03:02
goddardthey said because of file format saving03:02
valoriewe didn't think calligra was ready yet03:02
valoriewe hope it will be soon03:03
valoriewe used to provide Konqueror, for instance03:03
valorieand now Dolphin and Firefox instead03:03
valorielibreoffice and ff are the two exceptions to the KDE-only policy03:04
valoriewell, that I can think of03:04
goddardvalorie: software source03:05
goddardthat is gtk right?03:05
goddardits in unity as well so i just assumed03:06
valoriewhat is gtk?03:08
valorieoh, I think the theming in FF is03:08
valoriebut we have a package that beautifies that somewhat03:09
valorieoh, I know what gtk is03:09
goddardthat is basically what gnome uses03:09
goddardkde uses Qt03:09
valorieI didn't know to what you were referring03:09
goddardoh ok03:09
valorieyes....... I know this03:09
valorieUnity also uses Qt these days03:09
goddardyeah unity 8 soon03:10
valoriein fact we no longer (we=kubuntu) package Qt03:10
goddardoh yeah? its upstream now03:10
valorieand that has in fact held us back some, because would prefer a newer Qt than Ubuntu wants03:10
valoriewe would, I mean03:11
goddardDoes KDE-Neon solve that?03:11
valoriewell, Neon is in charge of their own packages, if that's what you mean03:11
goddardi just figured they package Qt and KDE base03:12
valorieafaik they do not yet have Qt 5.6 either03:12
goddardbut i haven't looked at all of it03:12
valorieso it could be a blessing to us, because evidently 5.6.0 was buggy03:12
goddardhave you tested adding the apt source to 16.04 yet?03:13
valorieperhaps 5.6.1 will be better03:13
valorieI'm running 16.10 on two of my boxes03:13
goddardoh yeah? what does that change?03:13
valorieI wanted Plasma 6 sooner03:14
goddardi really want the new Qt Creator03:15
valorie!info qtcreator03:15
ubottuqtcreator (source: qtcreator): lightweight integrated development environment (IDE) for Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+dfsg-2ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 12108 kB, installed size 44224 kB03:15
goddardversion 4 has a refreshed UI03:15
goddardamong other things03:15
valoriehas it been released?03:15
goddardby Qt03:15
valorieif so, file a bug in launchpad asking that it be packaged03:16
valorieI think Ubuntu does that, since they use it03:16
valoriewe package kdevelop03:16
valorieif you know where the tarballs are, link that in your bug report03:17
goddardanother good app03:17
valorieeasiest way to file a bug: `ubuntu-bug qtcreator`03:18
valoriein the cli03:18
goddardoh nice03:18
valorieif possible, I always try to do it that way03:18
tioxAlright, I can send to channel. Can somebody perform ;xdg-open uery default inode/directory' on their desktop, for anyone using dolphin?04:33
tiox'xdg-open query default inode/directory' rather.04:33
tioxNah. I am tired. My apologies.04:34
tiox'xdg-mime query default inode/directory' for the last time. This time I have it right.04:34
tioxSorry for being so stupid.04:34
abhishekhi guys!04:41
abhishekI was facing a wifi issue with laptop. I am able to connect to wifi but it doesn't transmit data for the internet to work04:42
abhishekMore details: http://askubuntu.com/questions/772180/wifi-not-working-realtek04:42
abhishekany ideas folks?04:43
valorieabhishek: I've not heard anything since you last spoke here about it05:11
valorieyou might ask in #ubuntu which is a much larger channel05:11
valorieI don't think this issue is caused by KDE or Kubuntu specifically05:11
valoriein fact, it seems to be a kernel problem05:13
valorieit's unfortunate that people are discussing these problems in blog posts, askubuntu etc. and not filing good bug reports05:14
valorieif it were me, I'd write to the Ubuntu-kernel list and explain the issue you are having, and ask what sort of bug report would help get this fixed05:15
abhishekvalorie, hi thanks for the reply! I am new to linux how can I post to kernel list ?05:18
valorieabhishek: ^^^05:19
krajivI have just install kubuntu. everything seems ro work fine except the default "software center". Whenever i open the software center it is so laggy that it is very difficult to work with08:30
rajivkI have just install kubuntu. everything seems ro work fine except the default "software center". Whenever i open the software center it is so laggy that it is very difficult to work with.08:33
rajivkanybody please help08:33
acheron88is that plasma-discover or the ubuntu software center?09:14
acheron88oh.. gone09:15
rajivkacheron88: Its plasma-discover.09:23
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acheron88I don't use that I'm afraid, although I recall some people sayign there were a few problems with the version in xenial?09:45
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rajiv1I have installed kubuntu today. everything works fine except the default "software center (discover)". whenever i opened it, it is not working properly, it is so laggy. will anybody please tell me why this is happening? How to sole this problem?11:00
soeerajiv1: it is just buggy, we cant do much here - it is KDE appliction11:02
soeei suggest using muon11:02
ubottuMuon is the current Kubuntu package manager. Please see http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/ for an overview11:03
rajiv1soee: then what is the better way to install software in kubuntu 16.04?11:03
soeerajiv1: install muon  - it is package maneger11:04
rajiv1soee: so discover is buggy for you as well.11:05
soeerajiv1: it is buggy but i do not use it at all11:05
rajiv1soee: can i install packages by using apt-get from the terminal?11:06
soeerajiv1: sure11:06
soeerajiv1: but use just 'apt'11:06
soeesudo apt install some-package11:07
rajiv1ubottu: why not "apt-get"11:07
ubotturajiv1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:07
rajiv1soee: why not "apt-get"?11:08
soeerajiv1: apt is modern one, it has proggress bar, async downloading etc.11:08
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)11:09
rajiv1ubottu: it doesn't matter weather we are intelligent or a bot. the only thing that matters is 'we help each others':)11:11
ubotturajiv1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:11
rajiv1ubottu: is muon installed by default in kubuntu 16.04?11:12
ubotturajiv1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:12
soeerajiv1: it is not, install it :)11:12
rajiv1soee: thank you:)11:13
rajiv1soee: what is the keyboard shortcut to open terminal in kubuntu?11:15
soeehmm i don know i use yakuake :]11:16
hateballrajiv1: there is no default shortcut11:17
hateballYou can assign ctrl+alt+t or some such to launch Konsole tho11:18
rajiv1hateball: how do i make one?11:18
hateballrajiv1: open krunner (alt+space) search for global shortcuts11:18
hateballand there you can make a new one11:18
hateballoh my bad, I see the wording has changed in 16.0411:19
hateballrajiv1: search for "khotkeys"11:20
rajiv1hateball: whenever i search for khotkeys , the global shortcuts window has closed.11:22
tytanHello, everyone11:24
soeehiho tytan11:25
tytanCan I expect KDE Plasma 5.6 in Kubuntu 16.04.1? =)11:25
soeetytan: yes11:30
tytanIs there any place on the internet where I can read what to expect with Kubuntu 16.04.1 LTS?11:30
BluesKajHowdy all11:31
tytanBluesKaj: hi11:32
BluesKajhi tytan11:33
tytanwhat are you bdoing? I'm just jamming on my guitar while being here ^^11:49
tytanmausschubser: what a name :'D nice11:51
rajiv1Monkeydust: what is the difference between "synaptic" and "muon" package managers?11:53
soeesyadmin: is gtk based, muon qt11:54
rajiv1soee: sorry its 'synaptic'11:55
acheron88synaptic has more options and features, but is also a bit long in the tooth12:06
BluesKajmuon works well here, I mean the standard nondefault muon, not muon-discover12:08
acheron88muon could be really great if it was developed a bit more12:10
otjuraacheron88: what's lacking?12:10
BluesKajacheron88:  muon works well as a reference for package info and dependencies etc12:16
acheron88just a few things like savable custom search filter, being able to generate package downod scripts etc12:24
acheron88BluesKaj: true. I do fall back to apt/apt-get a lot12:25
omkar_hi all,would I get a kubuntu dvd shipped on my address for free?12:50
hateballomkar_: I dont think you can even buy official kubuntu DVDs any longer12:52
omkar_ok so only option is download13:02
omkar_earlier i use to order dvds from ubuntu website so that if they are still providing it that way13:02
yossarianukis anyone using Geary on KDE ?13:09
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black0nethe new release rulez!13:28
black0neBut i have some problems with the networkmanager, showing errors13:29
BluesKajblack0ne, wifi or ethernet?13:30
black0neerror-displays: like "could not load qmlfile: file:///usr/share/plasma/.../13:30
black0neits only the widget and not the hardware itself13:31
black0neerror-mess: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13173944_1317228701620463_1305307557465369615_n.jpg?oh=e304f7f84c563481640087f4ba57ac2a&oe=57D79CAF13:32
BluesKajblack0ne, update and upgrade..there should be a patch that fixes the problem , full-upgrade will help too13:32
black0neeverthings updated (i always do that first..)13:33
black0ne((reinstalled although))13:33
black0nesame error-message: https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13240665_10205138135447681_9038154599001694020_n.jpg?oh=51faf54d60a7a91525d58722e2fa4093&oe=57D9ADE213:34
black0nei although removed that widget and try to pin it on my controlpanel again. showing same error13:36
black0ne"error loading qml-file: ///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement/contents/ui/main.qml:23:1 plugin cannot be loaded for module "org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement": could not load libary /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/org/kde/plasma/networkmanagent/libplasmanm_qmlplugins.so: (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libplasmanm_editor.so: u13:42
black0nendefined symbol: _ZN14NetworkManager11WimaxDevice16staticMetaObjectE)"13:42
black0neshall i try using a different network-manager?14:06
yossarianuk16.04 network manager is totally broken14:10
yossarianukyou cannot change any settings to any wired interface14:11
yossarianuki.e https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/157482614:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569674 in networkmanager-qt (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1574826 [Kubuntu] Fail to connect to wifi after a recent update" [High,In progress]14:11
black0neshall i make a bug-report?14:25
black0neHaven`t seen my problem listed there14:25
user|24126hi, can someone help me? i have a doubt regarding kubuntu14:44
DetroitBadBoyWhat's the doubt?14:45
user|24126is kubuntu just ubuntu with KDE or it's totally different?14:45
DetroitBadBoyUbuntu is the base OS. Techs have created the different 'flavors' so that there is an interest in no matter which one you choose14:46
user|24126so ubuntu and kubuntu gets the same updates at the same time?14:48
DetroitBadBoyDepending on the desktop format and various other things determines the rate of updating14:48
DetroitBadBoyYou can always manually check for updates any time14:49
user|24126ok, thank you for your help :)14:49
DetroitBadBoyYou're welcome :)14:49
black0neok. i don`t know why, but switching to the ppa https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stable helped. My networkmanager now works14:57
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parveenhow can i write in libreoffice in hindi language. please help me on this15:48
D-rexparveen: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/libreoffice-fresh/?lang=pick15:49
parveenbro this will download the whole libreoffice. i already have libreoffice on my system. can i just download only language from settings or something like that.15:52
DetroitBadBoyparveen: try this link http://extensions.libreoffice.org/extension-center/languagetool15:54
DetroitBadBoyparveen: you can also click Tools > options> Language Settings > Languages > Locale Settings. That will give you the option to choose a language to translate to15:58
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parveen_how can i install another language from system settings. i am using kubuntu 16.0416:11
DetroitBadBoyopen libreoffice then click Tools > options> Language Settings > Languages > Locale Settings.16:12
DetroitBadBoyFrom there you can see all the language options available16:13
DetroitBadBoyYou will see 2 checkboxes near the bottom of that screen. One of them is for complexe language layout. Hindi is listed there also16:14
DetroitBadBoyI suggest you try those settings and options16:14
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parveen_i did this and it is showing hindi in bottom bar of libreoffice but when i start typing it is typing in english16:26
DetroitBadBoyparveen_: open konsole. Type sudo apt install libreoffice-help-hi16:27
DetroitBadBoyparveen_ after install that you should then type in konsole sudo apt install l10n-hi16:28
parveen_it is showing unable to locate package libreoffice-help-hi16:29
parveen_not working bro16:30
parveen_second one is showing that command not found16:30
DetroitBadBoyparveen_: the only other option to resolve is to uinstall libreoffice, then re-install it using the option for additional languages during install16:30
parveen_how can i do that16:31
parveen_please elaborate16:31
DetroitBadBoyparveen_: run these commands one at a time. That will uninstall libreoffice --     sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*16:33
DetroitBadBoysudo apt-get clean16:33
DetroitBadBoysudo apt-get autoremove16:33
parveen_in system settings how can i download regional languages so that i can make my UI in different language.16:36
parveen_i don't remember from where regional language are downloaded.16:36
DetroitBadBoyparveen_: I assume you have not uninstalled libreoffice yet, correct?16:38
DetroitBadBoyparveen_: I feel the only option left would be to choose the first link given to you. It will overwrite your existing libreoffice but it should not later any documents you have save for changing the language16:43
DetroitBadBoyalter, not later16:43
DoyleHey. What service is it that automounts usb in 16.x?17:02
DoyleUSB has stopped automounting and I'd like to give it a kick17:03
lethuDoyle: go to system settings17:07
lethuthen removable devices17:08
lethuthen check if enable automatic mounting of removable media is checked17:08
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billy_ 18:54
billy_             18:54
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rajiv1what is the command to get information about a package?21:15
mparilloFor rekonq, for example, apt-cache policy rekonq21:20
acheron88depends what information you want21:20
acheron88'apt-cache show' and 'apt-cache showpkg' also show info21:22
rajiv1acheron88: thankyou:)21:25
yotuxis there a way to fix missing icons in kde apps?22:49
bpromptyotux:    yes, choose another icon :)22:50
bpromptdepends on what icons you're referring, but toolbar wise, you can configure the icons to whatever you want22:51
yotuxkmymoney is missing most icons22:51
yotuxnot sure if there is a way to map icons to the program or not22:52
bpromptyotux:    ok.... hmmm I don't use kmymoney for one... but another workaround, maybe changing the kde theme, since I think the issue may be the current theme icon set, the app may not do pngs or xpm or whatever the theme is using22:53
bpromptyotux:   depends on what "map icons to program" mean22:53
yotuxI am using default theme on kubuntu 16.0422:54
bpromptyotux:    maybe you should get another one then :)    kde-look.org22:54
bpromptyotux:   but it may be that22:55
valorieit isn't broken for everybody23:07
valorieoops, responded to old post, ignore the noise23:08
fuzeanyone know how to fix this error: org.kde.plasma: unversioned plugin detected, may result in instability23:13
bpromptfuze:   when do  you get that?23:19
fuzebprompt: running plasmashell as it keeps crashing23:20
bpromptfuze:     try deleting -> ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc, logout, log back in23:23
fuzewill that delete all my settings?23:23
bpromptfuze:   nope, for the applets, or plasmoids  only AFAIK23:24
bpromptfuze:    kde or kwin to be exact, uses .kde folder to store kde settings still, but they've moved the apps settings to ~/.config now23:25
bpromptfuze:    issue seems to be, a plasmoid installed or active is choking it23:25
fuzebprompt: still have the error23:27
bpromptfuze:    cheap answer is, if unplugging one cable doesn't make it stop, pull out all the cables =) hehehe, back up your .kde and .config first, then try removing some  configuration files that may be choking the session23:28
fuzebprompt: i dont think that error is the cause of the crash, i just want to know why its there23:29
fuzeit crashes randomly23:29
valoriefuze: what version of Kubuntu are you running?23:30
bpromptfuze:     well, you asked on how to address the plugin error, and you mentioned that plasmashell was getting crashed due to it23:31
valoriebprompt: since 15.10, the ~/.kde is only used for KDE4 applications23:31
valorieplasmashell uses ~/.local or /.config23:31
bpromptvalorie:     kde apps are not useing ~/.kde/share/config   now though, they use ~/.config23:31
valorieall the ported ones, do, yes23:32
fuzeis this normal: http://pastebin.com/QLp8tdeM23:33
fuzei dont even know what qpainter is23:33
bpromptfuze:    sounds like a corrupted qml or thereabouts23:35
fuzebprompt: how can i locate it23:35
bpromptfuze:   and yes, depending on how apps man handle exception errors or checks, they can crash or not23:36
fuzeok what should i do23:36
bpromptfuze:    cheap answer is, if unplugging one cable doesn't make it stop, pull out all the cables =) hehehe, back up your .kde and .config first, then try removing some  configuration files that may be choking the session23:36
fuzeim really a noob and have no idea what to do23:37
bpromptfuze:    many of the apps, will simply recreate a default configuration file23:37
bpromptfuze:   so, just remove many, start off with ~/.config/   only the kde ones, leave everyone else alone there, but back it up first23:38
fuzefile:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement/contents/ui/main.qml: QML Plasmoid: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.23:43
fuzebprompt: is that normal?23:43
bpromptobviously not  =)23:44
fuzewhat does it mean?23:45
bpromptcannot anchor to a parent, XML wise, simply means, the qml (QT markup language file), is malformed, meaning is either corruped or syntactically malformed23:45
DetroitBadBoyfuze: sounds like you have missing widgets23:45
fuzeDetroitBadBoy: is there a command to list widgets23:46
DetroitBadBoyfuze: are you running the plasma 5 desktop?23:48
DetroitBadBoyok... press ALT & F2 together. A bar will show up at the top of the screen23:49
DetroitBadBoyfrom there you type Discover23:49
DetroitBadBoyWhen you see the listing for discover simply click on it23:49
DetroitBadBoywhen that screen opens you can click on Installed to see what is installed23:49
fuzewhat is that bar called?23:49
fuzei have it set to alt space23:50
DetroitBadBoyopen krunner then type Discover23:50
fuzeok i got it23:50
DetroitBadBoyclick on the listing then click on installed. It will show you every widget and app that is installed on your computer23:50
DetroitBadBoyQpainter is a widget to create graphics23:51
fuzedont see it23:51
fuzei also installed two weather widgets and when i try to uninstall them it just shows a yellow icon to undo uninstall23:53
DetroitBadBoyWell from what you posted in your last link, it seemed as if your OS was trying to grab Qpainter23:53
DetroitBadBoyI'm beginning to suspect a lot of corruption in your system23:54
DetroitBadBoyHow long ago did you install kubuntu?23:54
fuzea year23:54
DetroitBadBoyAny recent drastic changes?23:55
fuzei had bad ram which was replaced23:55
fuzenew video card23:55
DetroitBadBoyI hope whoever replaced it grounded themselves first heh heh23:55
fuzeit was me :p23:55
fuzei did not :/23:55
DetroitBadBoyWas the machine running OK after the install of ram and the vid card?23:56
fuzeyes windows now works perfectly23:56
DetroitBadBoywindows, yes.... but kubuntu... questionable heh heh23:57
fuzeok looks like the weather widgets are gone23:57
DetroitBadBoyDid you install kubuntu side by side with windows?23:57

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