
=== ianorlin is now known as lynorian
frashI have trouble launching lubuntu's live distro from USB09:26
frashI tried using unetbootin and the tool provided with linux mint to make bootable drives09:27
frashI've even tried switching usb drives to no avail09:28
frashit always gets stuck with a blinking underscore09:28
frashafter I select "Try lubuntu without installing"09:28
frashnow, I'm pretty sure that the atom processor on my netbook is of the 64bit kind09:29
hateballfrash: does any other distro boot? so you can check that the cpu actually is 64bit10:08
frashyes, I did uname -a10:10
frashand I got something like10:10
frashLinux MachineName 3.16.0-37-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 5 13:45:59 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:11
frashCurrently I have an old version of lubuntu installed10:13
frashand I'd love to upgrade to a newer one through a fresh install (the current one is pretty bugged and obsolete)10:13
hateballfrash: what model is the netbook?10:14
hateballfor googling purposes10:14
hateballcould be kernel regressions and such10:14
frasheMachines 355-131G25IKK10:17
frashSo, what shall I do?10:32
hateballfrash: I don't really know, you could try asking in #ubuntu as well I guess, more eyes there11:15
frashI will :)11:30
frashI will also try making the live usb from windows :)11:31
frashBye bye and thanks again!11:31
ilovejesushello there what is the difference between teh file descriptions:14:34
ilovejesus"Linux ARM 32 Hard Float ABI" and "Linux x86"14:34
wxlilovejesus: one's for an arm processor, one's for an x86 (heretofor known as i386)14:37
BrAsS_mOnKeYDo i need to verify download from lubuntu.net?16:10
BrAsS_mOnKeYkey signatures, etc16:11
BrAsS_mOnKeYcheck iso16:11
n-iCeBrAsS_mOnKeY: if you want16:11
n-iCeI never do it.16:11
BrAsS_mOnKeYI just didnt see the info on the site.16:12
n-iCeBrAsS_mOnKeY: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu16:14
n-iCeI see it16:14
n-iCeChecklist, step 316:14
BrAsS_mOnKeYok, thanks ;)16:16
n-iCeno problem16:19
n-iCehave you ever used lunutu before?16:19
n-iCewhat did you use16:25
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut havent used much.  Running on a vm. W indows 10 host.16:29
n-iCeI see16:30
=== n-iCe_ is now known as n-iCe
wxlBrAsS_mOnKeY: btw don't listen to n-iCe. it'll save you time if you do it, at least at some point.16:52
n-iCewxl: what did I say wrong? :o16:53
wxln-iCe: that you do not check signatures/hashes, etc.16:54
wxli agree you don't HAVE to do it, but you should.16:54
n-iCeBut that's not wrong.16:55
n-iCeI just don't do it, did not lie.16:55
n-iCeDid not tell him to not do it.16:55
wxli didn't say it was. i just told him not to listen to you XD16:55
BrAsS_mOnKeY<- noob :)17:02
wxlBrAsS_mOnKeY: no question is a bad question. feel free to ask :)17:02
wxlnoobs are welcome here :)17:03
BrAsS_mOnKeYheh ty :)17:04
BrAsS_mOnKeYi think my hashes are different but i think its my error :)17:10
BrAsS_mOnKeYthey are probably correct.17:10
wxlBrAsS_mOnKeY: this is on the iso itself?17:10
wxlBrAsS_mOnKeY: then it could be (and likely is) a download error17:10
wxli'd suggest using zsync, as it has its own built in error checking17:11
wxlor torrent17:11
BrAsS_mOnKeYit was my error.. I was comparing the sha1 instead of md5 :)17:12
wxlwell sha's should be listed to17:12
BrAsS_mOnKeYit is17:14
BrAsS_mOnKeYI was testing the md5 on the sha1 hash17:15
BrAsS_mOnKeYso it was different :D17:15
wxlat least you realized your mistake :)17:16
BrAsS_mOnKeYwhat lead me to linux was wantig to monitor wifi traffic on network.  I havent figured out how to do it and I dont think it will.  (i'm using linux vm, Windows 10 host)17:18
wxlthat might be somewhat difficult using a virtual nic17:19
wxlbut isn't wireshark available for windows?17:19
BrAsS_mOnKeYit is17:19
wxlthat'll do the trick then17:19
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut i dont think its possible to capture wifi from windows.17:19
wxlbut you know linux is better, right? :)17:19
BrAsS_mOnKeYyeah, I'm starting to realize :D17:19
wxlwell i'm sure windows has the capacity. i'm not sure how easy it is to utilize it, but i can't imagine it's that hard17:20
BrAsS_mOnKeYit shows its there but doesnt show the data17:20
wxlwell, i'd, of course, point you at them17:21
wxlthere's no use developing the software for windows if it can't work17:21
BrAsS_mOnKeYit catputures ethernet and stuff no problem17:21
wxlbut an alternative would be booting to the linux iso rather than using a vm17:22
BrAsS_mOnKeYi havent tried that17:22
wxlthen there's no virtual nic17:22
wxli mean you can likely work around that but virtual networking can be a tricky topic17:23
BrAsS_mOnKeYproblem is, i'm on a shared computure so I cant switch os quickly.  If I could, it'd be no problem.17:23
wxlwireshark DOES have an IRC channel then https://wiki.wireshark.org/IRC17:23
wxlum oh wait17:23
BrAsS_mOnKeYyeah i've been :)17:23
wxlthat's the wrong page hahahah17:23
wxland they couldn't get the windows working?17:24
BrAsS_mOnKeYat that point, i was asking about the vm.17:24
BrAsS_mOnKeYbecause I was under the impression thatit couldnt work with windows.17:24
wxlunder the impression because someone with experience said so?17:24
BrAsS_mOnKeYbecause when I tried it, it wasnt working and when I researched it, i read that windows cripples the ability but there is probably a workaround.17:25
wxlyeah, that's likely. but there's always a way around :)17:25
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut i'm glad that ive experimented with Linux.17:26
BrAsS_mOnKeYthinking about adding arch and mint to my vbox17:31
BrAsS_mOnKeYto get an idea of these different Linux OSs.17:31
wxlBrAsS_mOnKeY: yeah that seems to be the course that most users take with linux. try every version out there!17:34
BrAsS_mOnKeYone thing i'm worried about are licensing.17:35
wxlBrAsS_mOnKeY: personally, i'd say just start with someone and stick with it for a while. linux distros are a lot like colors: everyone has their opinions about them but there's no clear winner.17:35
wxlworried about licensing with linux?17:35
BrAsS_mOnKeYdiffernt distros17:35
BrAsS_mOnKeYusing a server, etc17:35
BrAsS_mOnKeYfor commercial for example.17:36
BrAsS_mOnKeYi think some distros charge a lot.17:37
wxlrarely is there software in the open source world that does nto allow commercial use17:37
wxlin fact, i don't think there are any17:37
wxlthey may, however, ask for a fee when commercial use is involved17:37
wxlbut honestly that's extremely rare17:37
BrAsS_mOnKeYok :)17:39
wxland it's almost always the case that you can just build from source or use the "community" version (thus foregoing commercial support though you still have community support)17:40
wxlopenvpn is a good example of that, as is magento17:40
wxlregardless, it will ALWAYS cost more money to run a non-linux server17:41
BrAsS_mOnKeYi was wondering how the distros makers find out in the first place..17:41
wxlit's unlikely the distros are going to try to legislate that stuff17:42
wxlso ultimately it will be the upstream authors of the software17:42
wxland how they might find out? not sure. not sure they do XD17:43
BrAsS_mOnKeYoh ok.17:43
wxlif you try to google the subject, you usually find issues with violating the freedom aspects of open source rather than ensuring the money is paid :)17:44
wxlin that sense, it's more of a copyright issue17:45
wxle.g. https://www.quora.com/What-was-the-biggest-open-source-license-violation-case17:46
BrAsS_mOnKeYi have a ps4.. been playing COD: Black Ops III.19:10

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