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ginggs | morning! would someone please tell me why update_excuses shows freecad is missing a build on armhf, but as far as I can see it has never built there (depwait) | 09:26 |
sladen | me can't! | 09:38 |
cjwatson | looks like a bug related to arch: all handling maybe | 09:44 |
ginggs | cjwatson: thanks, can it be pushed through? | 09:48 |
cjwatson | probably but not by me :) | 09:48 |
Saviq | pitti, the bug you asked me to file: bug #1581628 | 10:08 |
ubottu | bug 1581628 in klibc (Ubuntu) "resolvconf not populated after ipconfig" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581628 | 10:08 |
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rbasak | ScottK: around? I'm looking at bug 1581839, and I'm struggling to find a reason that this doesn't also affect Debian. wheezy->jessie moved the clamdscan manpage from clamav-daemon to clamdscan, so shouldn't there be a Breaks/Replaces for that? | 16:29 |
ubottu | bug 1581839 in clamav (Ubuntu) "package clamdscan 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/clamdscan.1.gz', which is also in package clamav-daemon 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.1" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581839 | 16:29 |
rbasak | ScottK: am I missing something? | 16:29 |
ScottK | There probably should and we missed it. | 16:30 |
rbasak | ScottK: if so I'm happy to file a bug. I'm just struggling to be sure. | 16:30 |
ScottK | At this point I don't think it's needed. | 16:31 |
ScottK | Wheezy has 0.99. | 16:31 |
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rbasak | OK, thanks. I'll sort it in Ubuntu. | 16:31 |
ScottK | Debian is different than Ubuntu in that there's no fixed release pocket. Once there's a point release it's all updated. | 16:32 |
rbasak | Ah, that's useful to know. Thank you. | 16:32 |
barry | Laney: ping | 18:06 |
Laney | hi barry | 18:21 |
barry | Laney: hi. i'd like to so some moderate resyncing of libpeas with debian based on their changes to the packaging of the py2/py3 loaders: https://launchpad.net/~barry/+archive/ubuntu/libpeasresync/+packages | 18:22 |
barry | Laney: what they adopted is that the py3 loader is part of libpeas by default, but you have to add an explicit depends for the py2 loader | 18:22 |
barry | and they want to encourage folks to port to py2 | 18:22 |
Laney | yeah I remember | 18:23 |
barry | Laney: so i'm not merging everything, just a few packages, and then looking at the reverse-deps to figure out which i have to modify in yakkety | 18:23 |
barry | but i don't want to merge the whole stack ;) | 18:23 |
barry | Laney: i can email the mailing list, but just wanted to get a sanity check from you and see if i should continue to move forward with this | 18:23 |
Laney | you have to undo everything you added the py3 dep on, right? | 18:24 |
barry | Laney: yep, basically just rm that dep from control{,.in} | 18:24 |
barry | Laney: the ones in the PPA (along with libpeas itself) are the only ones needing a new upload i believe | 18:25 |
barry | i'm doing local rebuilds of the other rdeps | 18:25 |
barry | against the ppa, just to be sure, but so far so good | 18:25 |
Laney | did you check they picked the same name for the py2 package? | 18:25 |
Laney | I saw someone talking about it changing | 18:25 |
Laney | maybe they changed it to be the same as your one | 18:26 |
barry | Laney: ah, yes good point, no they changed the name, and yes, i have to upload the py2 deps with the name change | 18:26 |
Laney | nod | 18:26 |
Laney | wasn't that many of them IIRC | 18:26 |
barry | liferea and gtranslator were it i think | 18:26 |
barry | Laney: we're already sync'd on gtranslator | 18:27 |
Laney | I'll check tomorrow | 18:27 |
Laney | (check your PPA) | 18:28 |
barry | Laney: cool, thx. in the meantime, i'll finish up testing here and we can chat tomorrow | 18:28 |
Laney | if you want to give up your merges then probably mark them on MoM | 18:28 |
barry | i mostly have everything ready to go once i get the green light | 18:29 |
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Umeaboy | Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhm. I installed regionset and ran it both as user and as sudo and I got no error changing the region to 2, but the disc won't mount after I rebooted and reinserted the disc. | 22:35 |
Umeaboy | What am I doing wrong? | 22:35 |
Umeaboy | I get no error message poping up as well | 22:35 |
Umeaboy | Here's the error in dmesg: http://pastebin.com/w9HGzJL8 | 22:42 |
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