
OerHeksyay 4.6 is out https://lwn.net/Articles/687511/01:36
Bashing-om^^ and a whole bunch of long awaited fixes !01:47
OerHeksusb 3.1 yes01:48
daftykins3.1 gen1 and gen2 is the new terminology for 5 and 10Gbps respectively :<01:52
daftykinsjust to confuse you01:52
Bashing-omMy time to call it . G nite.03:06
daxnicomachus: i poked Pici about ubot5 and yakkety, he's going to take a look when he's not on the road04:31
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:53
baizonhi lotuspsychje05:57
lotuspsychjehey baizon how are you05:57
lotuspsychjewhat time is it05:58
lotuspsychje7h58 here05:58
baizonlotuspsychje: im awake since 6am05:59
lotuspsychjeoh you early woke and still tired?06:00
baizonyep, bad weather06:00
* lotuspsychje send a hot strong coffee to baizon 06:01
baizonthank you lotuspsychje !06:01
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BluesKajHowdy all11:31
EriC^^hi BluesKaj11:55
BluesKajhi EriC^^12:00
nicomachusdax: thanks. I wasn't too worried about it, just noticed it the other night14:24
nicomachussometimes /r/linux4noobs really delivers14:31
ubot5For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory15:13
TJ-so useful.15:13
lotuspsychjegood evening to all15:50
OerHekshi lotus15:50
lotuspsychjehey hey OerHeks15:50
OerHeksI am losing weight by the hour \0/15:51
lotuspsychjewhats going on?15:51
OerHeksforgot to do groceries15:52
lotuspsychjedont forget to eat mate :p15:52
OerHeksbits and bytes, all i can find today are potatoes, spinach and some roast in the freezer15:53
TJ-hiya :)15:53
lotuspsychjehey TJ-15:53
TJ-"all" @ OerHeks ! ... that's a feast :)15:53
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: make an oven dish of it15:53
OerHekstrue, with a nice gravy15:54
OerHeks..oh, apple sauce too!15:54
lotuspsychje!info geary15:58
ubot5geary (source: geary): lightweight email client designed for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.0-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1465 kB, installed size 6791 kB15:58
lotuspsychjeyes yes16:00
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a better !systemd url we got use for the trigger, so users can learn howto start/stop services?16:07
lotuspsychjecurrent one is bit outdated16:07
OerHekshaving breakfast, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6885560/Food.JPG16:08
lotuspsychjelets c16:09
lotuspsychjethats for a big hunger :p16:10
lotuspsychjesure drabber doesnt need to help?16:10
OerHeksthere is more where that came from16:10
OerHeksyes, he offered to be volunteer.. i have his mom and aunt here too16:10
lotuspsychjethis looks like a cool systemd tut: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units16:12
OerHeksnice, but i miss systemd-analyze and the bootchart " systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg  "16:14
lotuspsychjealso handy to know: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/simple-hack-to-use-skype-web-linux16:15
lotuspsychjefor users that dont wanna mess with skype linux physical install16:15
OerHeksand besides that there are tons more commands16:16
lotuspsychjewe need a better systemd trigger, users keep asking commands in main16:16
lotuspsychjehi BluesKaj16:40
lotuspsychjebbl guys16:42
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje16:42
onybCan someone tell me since which Ubuntu version was "upstart" enabled by default?17:06
TJ-onyb: see https://launchpad.net/upstart17:09
dax9.10 to 14.10, I think17:10
dax!info nethack-curses yakkety17:10
ubot5Package nethack-curses does not exist in yakkety17:10
dax!info nethack-console yakkety17:10
ubot5nethack-console (source: nethack): dungeon crawl game - text-based interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.0-3 (yakkety), package size 947 kB, installed size 2439 kB17:10
nicomachusTJ-: so good at support, he does it in two languages17:10
OerHeksoh, i thought i knew her ..17:13
onybIt is 6.10 to 14.10, I guess. Ref: https://launchpad.net/upstart/+packages17:14
onybBut I am not sure if upstart was the default option, instead of sysvinit.17:14
TJ-onyb: not sure which release actually shipped it as the init system though17:14
OerHeksxinit started with maverick 10.10 https://launchpad.net/xinit/+packages17:16
TJ-onyb: 9.10 alpha 617:17
SwitchesUpstart was the default init from 6.10, it got native bootup in 9.10, and was ended in 15.04 as the default17:21
TJ-no, it was added to the arrchives for 6.10, but it wasn't the default init until 9.1017:21
onybTJ-: So before 9.10 was sysvinit the default guy?17:22
Switchesit was actually the default for the user session in 6.1017:22
Switcheshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upstart its all on there17:24
Switches"Upstart was first included in Ubuntu in the 6.10 (Edgy Eft) release in late 2006, replacing sysvinit"17:25
onybSwitches, well the sentence might mean that upstart was meant as a replacement, but wasn't actually enabled by default. I time traveled and found this blog post: https://geeknme.wordpress.com/2009/10/15/getting-started-with-upstart-in-ubuntu17:30
Switchesit was user session only before 9.10, 9.10 it took over the bootup aswell as user sessions17:31
TJ-it started out as just the init daemon, still using sysvinit scripts17:32
TJ-7.10 it took over mounting stuff like lvm, mdadm and so on17:32
TJ-sorry, 7.04, then by 9.10 all the sysvinit jobs that could be were given upstart equivalents17:33
onybI think it was default since 6.10. Here is a post from 2006 mentioning that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28501517:37
TJ-yes, but *only* for the /sbin/init process, no event-based jobs, everything was still sysvinit17:38
TJ-if you want to know more jusk ask Scott17:38
SwitchesFor user sessions only (as in when you hit a CLI or UI, it didn't have bootup that was still sysvinit like TJ said.17:38
SwitchesBut I just saw the question as to when it was default, which as far as most the system apart from boot went was 6.10, 9.10 it took over completely from sysvinit. Debian I think had a big write up about it when they switched to it.17:40
onybSwitches and TJ- I think I finally got the answer I was looking for.17:41
SwitchesGreat :)17:41
onybSwitches, and TJ- Thanks a lot for your help. :)17:41
SwitchesNo worries, anytime.17:41
pauljwHi everyone20:38
TJ-evening paul :)20:38
EriC^^hi pauljw :)20:40
EriC^^!find vboxdrv20:40
ubot5Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vboxdrv&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all20:40
pauljwhi EriC^^ :)20:41

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