karstensrage | ok for backports | 21:04 |
karstensrage | i have gotten sbuild building the latest stuff on both trusty and precise | 21:04 |
karstensrage | is there something from that (the .build or .summary or .changes) that can be used to validate that the backports will be ok? | 21:05 |
karstensrage | teward, any suggestions? | 21:46 |
karstensrage | micahg has been MIA for a while | 21:47 |
persia | karstensrage: install the backported package on the target and make sure it works. | 22:16 |
persia | The build output files can only confirm it builds, but not that it works. | 22:17 |
karstensrage | persia, i definitely have done that on several vm's | 22:38 |
karstensrage | but i dont see a way to surface that | 22:39 |
karstensrage | ive done that on trusty, precise, vivid, wily and xenial | 22:39 |
persia | I am unfamiliar with current process, but if there is still a bug filed, report your success to the bug. If there is still an N testers requirement, recruit testers. | 22:40 |
persia | I do not have access to a decent browser at the moment, but suggest reviewing the backported wiki page. | 22:41 |
karstensrage | how would i recruit testers? | 22:41 |
karstensrage | its a pam library, the cognitive load of "testing" a pam library seems beyond the scope of a backport | 22:42 |
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