
RoyKconrmahr: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/thatdevice bs=1M count=100:00
conrmahrthat removed the RAID array?00:02
conrmahrnow i want to format with zfs00:03
Kalliscan anyone help me authenticate to my samba server via ldap on a windows server please ?00:03
RoyKfirst mdadm --stop the raid00:04
RoyKthen mdadm --zero-superblock those devices00:04
RoyKthen zpool create yourpool .....00:04
conrmahrDid that, but it says Cannot get exclusive access to /dev/md200:04
RoyKdo you have a vg on that?00:04
RoyKthen vgremove00:05
conrmahri don't know what it means00:05
conrmahrbut i have it00:05
conrmahrin the fdisk -l00:05
RoyKpastebin "pvs;lvs;vgs"00:05
conrmahrdo i have to install a pkg for pastebin?00:07
conrmahroh wait i'm stupid00:07
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com00:07
RoyKyou haven't stopped the raid, have you?00:10
RoyKcat /proc/mdstat00:10
conrmahrit says i don't have special access00:11
RoyKmake sure you use mdadm --zero-superblock on those disks before you create a zpool00:11
RoyKwell, vgremove, pvremove00:11
RoyKand perhaps umount the filesystem first00:12
conrmahri don't know the cmd line00:12
conrmahrsudo vgremove /dev/md200:13
RoyKpastebin output of "mount" and "lvs"00:13
conrmahrsudo lvs = no volume groups found00:15
RoyKwell, you have a zpool00:15
RoyKpastebin lsblk output00:16
RoyKand zpool status00:16
conrmahrjust fyi, i have 1 SSD 14.04 UBNT disk, and 2 WD Red 4GB (just for data disk)00:17
conrmahrsecond one i'm trying to clean00:17
RoyKplease do as I asked00:17
conrmahrand yes I am an idiot00:18
RoyKmdadm --stop /dev/md200:19
RoyKmdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdc500:19
RoyKzpool attach --force data1 sdb1 sdc100:20
RoyKor something like that00:20
conrmahrmdadm: Cannot get exclusive access to /dev/md2:Perhaps a running process, mounted filesystem or active volume group?00:20
RoyKyou may want to dd a few zeros over that disk first00:20
RoyKwhat about vgs?00:20
RoyKvgs first00:21
conrmahrsudo vgs00:21
conrmahrNo groups found00:21
conrmahrnothing lists00:22
conrmahrlvs no groups found00:22
RoyKdd a bunch of zeros over sdc00:22
RoyKwhat's strange is that lsblk lists is as a member of lvm00:22
conrmahrwell this drive00:22
conrmahri took out of a Synology Diskstation00:23
RoyKwell, just dd over it00:23
conrmahrso what now00:23
conrmahrsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/md2 bs=1M count=100:23
RoyKthe disk, not md200:24
RoyKmd2 was the raid00:24
RoyKjust don't overwrite sda or something :P00:24
bindiwhat do you want to do00:24
bindidmraid -r -E /dev/sdc if you want to remove raid flag00:25
RoyKdoesn't matter00:25
RoyKthat's OT in here00:25
conrmahrsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ sdc=1M count=1 ?00:26
bindithat's what i had to do a few times to get raid disk recognized :p00:26
RoyKconrmahr: to sdc, probably00:26
RoyKconrmahr: that wipes the first 1MB of the disk00:27
conrmahrok i did00:27
RoyKconrmahr: I won't post the full commandline - that's not accepted00:27
RoyKconrmahr: ok - try lsblk again00:27
bindinot accepted? lol00:28
conrmahrsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1M count=100:28
RoyKbindi: just because someone may do that unintentionally00:28
conrmahrlook the same00:28
RoyKconrmahr: give it a reboot00:28
conrmahrshutdown -r00:29
RoyKor just "reboot" :P00:29
conrmahroh i forgot simple reboot00:29
bindiinit 600:29
conrmahrok looks like it's removed!00:30
RoyKthe "reboot" command has been around for almost 10 years ;)00:30
conrmahrsdc      8:32   0   3.7T  0 disk00:30
RoyKok - so do you want those mirrored?00:30
conrmahryeah it's just a backup00:30
RoyKzpool attach data1 sdb sdc00:31
RoyKshould work00:31
RoyKperhaps with an -f00:31
bindicreating a new pool?00:31
conrmahri used zfs to format the first one00:31
RoyKjust attach the other disk00:31
RoyKit'll become a mirror00:32
bindizpool create -f -m /mnt/mypool mypool mirror ata-1234 ata-234500:32
bindi? :P00:32
bindils /dev/disk/by-id00:32
bindiyou really should do it by-id00:32
RoyKdoesn't matter00:32
bindisure it does00:32
RoyKno. it. does. not.00:32
bindiif you use a script to mount them then it does :p00:32
RoyKzfs will revert to using by-id names00:32
conrmahrnvalid vdev specification00:33
conrmahruse '-f' to override the following errors:00:33
conrmahr/dev/sdc contains a corrupt primary EFI label.00:33
RoyKconrmahr: as I said, you may need -f00:33
conrmahri think i need to format it first right?00:33
RoyKjust use -f00:33
RoyKthat will create the EFI label00:34
RoyKthere's nothing like formatting anymore00:34
conrmahrlook like it did something00:34
conrmahrhow do i name the drive?00:34
RoyKconrmahr: try zpool status00:34
conrmahror mount it00:34
RoyKconrmahr: it's mounted under /data100:34
RoyKconrmahr: perhaps name that "data"00:35
RoyKjust export it and reimport it as "data"00:35
RoyKyou'll have subvolumes for that00:35
RoyKlooks good00:35
conrmahrso i don't need to name it /data200:36
RoyKif you want to rename it, export the pool and import it with a new name00:36
SachiruIs there really no way to get PHP5 working on Ubuntu 16.04?00:36
SachiruThere are a lot of things that I can't get to work on it right now, because they all want PHP500:37
conrmahrif i new how to do that00:37
RoyKconrmahr: zpool export data100:37
bindiSachiru: http://askubuntu.com/questions/756879/cant-install-php5-on-ubuntu-16-0400:37
RoyKconrmahr: zpool import data1 mynewname00:37
bindicheck out the ppa00:37
conrmahrRoyK: so this will name the first drive /data1 and the second /data2?00:39
SachiruSigh, thanks. So much is broken with PHP7 (omdistro, librenms, etc.)00:41
SachiruBut I guess that isn't ubuntu's fault, rather, they don't move to PHP7 fast enough.00:42
RoyKconrmahr: no - the two drives are mirrored00:42
RoyKconrmahr: meaning when one of then dies, the data persists00:42
conrmahrso i'll just keep it as data100:42
conrmahrno need to change00:42
SachiruOoh, we have ZFS discussion here?00:43
RoyKconrmahr: if you want to stripe them, which I won't recommend, just detach sdc and add it00:43
RoyKbut don't do that, really00:43
conrmahrSachiru: Not really I used it to setup my first drive00:43
conrmahryeah I like to mirror, that's all I wanted anyway00:44
conrmahris it clustering the data?00:44
RoyKdrives die, the silicon wants to back to the mountains00:44
RoyKit's all natural00:44
Sachiruconrmahr: Define "clustering"00:44
SachiruBecause it means many different things, some of which apply to zfs, some of which do not.00:45
RoyKconrmahr: it's not clustering, that's far larger00:45
conrmahrfile gets written to Disk1, then soon after it its copied to Disk200:45
RoyKconrmahr: no, they are written to both at the same time00:46
conrmahri only know clustering from the work i've done on MariaDB between to server databases00:46
RoyKconrmahr: and when one drive files (not "if"), the data is available00:46
conrmahrok even better00:46
conrmahrhow would you know if one drive fails/00:47
RoyKzpool status shows that00:47
RoyKor use some monitoring00:47
RoyKsmartmontools is good at that00:47
conrmahrdo i have to apt-get that?00:47
RoyKinstall smartmontools and it installs smartd which can send you emails when something goes wrong00:48
SachiruZFS can detect if a disk fails (as in whole disk fails), or a certain sector/cluster on the disk fails00:49
SachiruIf the cluster fails, ZFS can detect if it can repair it or not, and auto-repairs if it is repairable00:49
SachiruIf not, it reports an unrepairable failure via "zpool status <poolname>"00:49
RoyKSachiru: sometimes smartmontools is good also, to detect pre-failures00:49
SachiruYou can also initiate a scrub ("sudo zpool scrub <poolname>"). This reads all data written to disk, checks against checksum, and repairs repairable errors.00:50
conrmahrthis is great00:50
RoyKsmart stuff doesn't always work as intended, but according to google disk stats, almost 50% of the failures gave smart errors before dying00:50
RoyKfailures as in smart errors00:51
SachiruAdditionally, (if you have Ubuntu installed onto a ZFS dataset as root), you can snapshot and revert easily. Thus, you can do "apt-get dist-upgrade" and other potentially destructive features without fear, since you can just snapshot the dataset, and reboot to the snapshot if it fails.00:51
SachiruSame thing with if you want to install anything. Also, snapshots take at most 5 seconds, even if the thing you're snapshotting is several hundreds of terabytes of data.00:52
SachiruReversion takes the same amount of time.00:52
conrmahrso the config file says don't use SMART if you are using smartd00:52
* RoyK messed up a VM rather badly last night, but then, it was on ZFS, so he just restored from the 15min old snapshot - zfs autosnap is neat00:52
RoyKconrmahr: huh?00:53
RoyKconrmahr: it's the same thing00:53
conrmahr# List of devices you want to explicitly enable S.M.A.R.T. for00:54
conrmahr# Not needed (and not recommended) if the device is monitored by smartd00:54
RoyKconrmahr: btw, if you have drives supporting SCTERC, turn that on if it's not enabled already00:54
RoyKconrmahr: no need to list any00:54
conrmahrI have WD Red 4TB NAS (2x)00:54
conrmahrdo they support SCTERC?00:54
RoyKconrmahr: can you pastebin smartctl -x /dev/sdb?00:55
SachiruRoyK: Why the conservative auto-snapshot?00:56
RoyKSachiru: conservative?00:56
SachiruI have mine snapshot every 5 minutes. Then again, the host that does this handles only 6 VMs, and most of them are nginx+php+mariadb stacks.00:56
RoyKSachiru: see SCT Error Recovery Control in there - set to 7 seconds00:57
RoyKshould work fine00:57
RoyKI prefer 1s or so, but that's up to you00:57
SachiruRoyK: I mean zfs auto-snapshot00:57
SachiruNot SCT00:58
SachiruFor VMs00:58
RoyKconrmahr: sorry, that was for you00:58
RoyKSachiru: I beleive 15 minutes is sufficient00:58
conrmahrso in the smartd.conf?00:58
RoyKnot sure - but anyway - 7s is ok00:59
RoyKfar better than without ERC01:00
bindidont you want to disable that tler thingy?01:00
RoyKwithout ERC the disk can go into so-called deep recovery, meaning it'll spend a minute or two trying to recover a single sector01:00
RoyKbindi: ERC == TLER - and that's not a thing you want to disable01:01
RoyKwithout ERC, your raid, be it md or zfs, may kick out a drive for a single bad sector01:02
conrmahrRoyK: I think by default it's set to 7s01:03
conrmahri did $smartctl -l scterc /dev/sdc01:03
conrmahr           Read:     70 (7.0 seconds)01:03
conrmahr          Write:     70 (7.0 seconds)01:03
RoyK7 is default on sata disks01:03
conrmahrso I should change to 1s?01:04
conrmahrwhats the advantages and disadvantages? This is a NAS/Media Server01:04
RoyKadvantages are to avoid a 7s drop if a sector goes bad01:05
RoyKzfs can handle that01:05
RoyKdisadvantages are (something Donald Trump said)01:06
SachiruIMHO, it's good to set ERC even if you're not using ZFS01:07
RoyKconrmahr: smartctl -l scterc,10,10 /dev/something01:07
SachiruI know mdadm (at the very least) also complains about dropped sectors.01:08
RoyKSachiru: it's not about sectors01:08
RoyKSachiru: it's about the disk trying to find out about those sectors and becoming unavailable for a long time01:08
SachiruRoyK: I know, it's sectors causing drives to drop from the array01:08
RoyKand you don't really want a few dead sectors to make your md or zfs or whatever to kick it out01:09
RoyKthat's why we have raid01:10
conrmahrWrite SCT (Set) Error Recovery Control Command failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters01:10
conrmahrSCT (Set) Error Recovery Control command failed01:10
conrmahrRetry with: 'scterc,70,70' to enable ERC or 'scterc,0,0' to disable01:10
conrmahrWrite SCT (Set) Error Recovery Control Command failed: scsi error badly formed scsi parameters01:10
conrmahrSCT (Set) Error Recovery Control command failed01:10
conrmahrRetry with: 'scterc,70,70' to enable ERC or 'scterc,0,0' to disable01:10
RoyKheh - crippled fucking disks01:11
RoyKI've stopped bying WD stuff01:11
RoyKbut then, 7s should do01:11
conrmahrwhat the?01:11
RoyKWD cripples the firmware01:11
RoyKtoshiba has good, cheap drives with good firmware, at least for now01:12
RoyKthe 'enterprise' SATA disks from WD are just the same as the desktop drives, just with better firmware01:13
RoyKa few years ago, they were the same, more or less01:13
conrmahrhow do i start smartd01:14
RoyKwhich ubuntu version_01:15
RoyKshould be running01:15
RoyKservice smartd start01:15
conrmahryou didn't change the config file?01:15
conrmahrhow do i define my email for notifications?01:16
RoyKdefault config should work01:16
RoyKit sends email to root01:16
RoyKjust forward root emails to yourself01:16
conrmahrah right01:16
RoyKin /etc/aliases01:16
RoyK(and then run newaliases)01:16
conrmahrno such dir01:18
RoyKis there any mail in the queue?01:20
RoyKmailq should tell01:20
RoyKdo you have postfix installed?01:21
conrmahri don't have mailq01:22
conrmahrit tells me what package its in01:22
RoyKapt-get install postfix01:23
conrmahrin the gui how can i select ok?01:24
RoyKdon't use a guo01:24
RoyKdon't use a gui01:24
conrmahri mean i use terminal01:24
conrmahrbut it looks like a gui01:25
conrmahrPackage configuration01:25
conrmahrit was TAB + Enter01:27
conrmahrthanks everyone01:33
conrmahrespecially RoyK01:33
Housedoes anyone have cifs automounting working on 16.04?05:51
Housei can successfully `smbclient -gL //server.fqdn/` with a password at commandline, but as soon as I use "-k" like auto.smb uses it throws errors05:53
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
jamespagecoreycb, ok poked neutron-vpnaas, builds OK now08:36
jamespagecoreycb, nova - needs microversion-parse, heat - needs monascaclient08:36
jamespagenew deps, not in archive...08:36
jamespagecoreycb, switching to merge-mode=replace makes sense to me - updates made...09:11
jamespagecoreycb, poking at liberty failures now09:11
jamespagecoreycb, neutron/wily failure test failure looks genuine; glance liberty failures consistent across trusty and wily.09:12
jamespagecoreycb, I've also shoved the dh-python update into the SRU queue for Xenial - that will unblock most xenial things and the trusty/mitaka failures...09:13
jamespagecoreycb, reverting merge-mode for now - not supported on trusty09:26
jamespagecoreycb, ddellav: do you think major version matching might be a good idea for charm-helpers?10:58
jamespageI really hate having to update for x.1's10:58
jamespagehmm although that won't work for 20XX.X versions...10:59
jamespagecoreycb, wedged the dh-python SRU into the openstack-ubuntu-testing PPA's to unblock branch builders...11:20
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jamespagecoreycb, will need to sru a glance-store point release for liberty11:36
coreycbjamespage, ddellav, yes major version matching would be nice for charm-helpers11:45
coreycbjamespage, thanks for all the updates, I updated the spreadsheet to track some of these and making a card for glance-store.11:51
bc2946088Morning!  Does anyone have a page showing the steps to adding Ceph OSD's to an already deployed cluster with JUJU?  Is it as easy as adding the drives to the server and rescanning using ceph-osd charm?12:01
xnoxsmoser, hey i have questions about config-drive metadata, networking, and static networking12:05
xnoxi have provided a valid /etc/network/interfaces.d/enc1000.cfg with static network configuration...12:06
xnoxand cloud-init ended up writing dhcp auto for the enc1000 interface in the /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg12:06
xnoxproviding my own 50-cloud-init.cfg in the config-drive did not do a thing - cloud-init would still overwrite it with dhcp auto12:07
xnoxi guess the only thing that worked was to provide /etc/networking/interfaces full stop. but that is sad =(12:07
xnoxfor networking json.... i did not find enough keys in it to configure static network configuration as needed either.12:08
xnoxso questions12:08
xnoxsmoser, is it possible to use interfaces.d in xenial and trump 50-cloud-init.cfg? should i be recommending to the cloud provider to ship a straight up /etc/networking/interfaces ?12:09
jamespagecoreycb, pointer to spreadsheet? I can update myself...12:32
coreycbjamespage, sent it to you12:33
coreycbjamespage, thanks12:33
jamespagecoreycb, ta12:44
jamespagecoreycb, oh - sorry - I see you where already looking at nova12:54
jamespagecoreycb, I pushed my changes to the git repository...12:54
jamespagemy bad12:55
jamespagenow I can see the list that's great!12:55
jamespagecoreycb, the babel update may be ignorable for now12:55
jamespagecoreycb, heat wanted it as well, but built and worked ok without it...12:55
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coreycbjamespage, no problem :)  ack on babel12:58
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dunaethHi, any idea for partitioning a single machine for openstack testing ? There's a doc for automated cloud install but it does not recommand anything13:01
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smoserxnox, there are some issues with config drive providing networking configuration right now.13:40
smoserif you do not want cloud-init to set fallback networking (write 50-cloud-init.cfg) then you have to disable cloud-init networking entirely.13:40
smoseri do not expectt that to change, but want to fix the config drive networking scenario in short order.13:40
jamespagedunaeth, openstack deployed in LXD containers on a single machine?13:59
jamespagecoreycb, where I need to rev a dependency to fix a daily builds issue, I've been backporting a version to the ppa under ~openstack-ubuntu-testing as well14:04
jamespagecoreycb, glance-store being an example of that14:04
coreycbjamespage, I guess that would mostly only be the case for stable releases, since it'll take longer to get deps uploaded to the archive for them14:07
jamespagecoreycb, yes14:07
jamespageI think that's OK14:07
jamespagecoreycb, for dev, I've been uploading and then backporting straight away using backport_package - that places into <series>-staging and the trunk testing ppa's14:07
coreycbjamespage, it makes sense, for example I think glance-store dep probably should wait for the point release of glance before SRUing it14:07
jamespagecoreycb, Iagreed14:08
coreycbjamespage, ok makes sense14:08
jamespagecoreycb, I think the mitaka build failures should be OK now14:09
jamespagejust waiting for the queue to clear :-)14:09
coreycbjamespage, awesome!14:10
=== manu is now known as Guest99998
nabukadnezar43hello ubuntu-server fails during installation with an error "modprobe -v usb-storage failed"14:26
nabukadnezar43are there any workarounds?14:26
nabukadnezar43i'm trying to install from a usb stick and i don't have a cd/dvd rom drive14:27
TJ-nabukadnezar43: check the 'dmesg' output for clues as to why/if the module fails to load14:30
nabukadnezar43TJ-: ok let me try14:31
basilABI am looking to test latest Mitaka release available in latest openstack neutron tag ( https://github.com/openstack/neutron/releases/tag/8.1.0 ) on Ubuntu . But the updates are not yet available in Ubuntu Cloud archive as packages. Does anyone knows, how often OpenStack updates added to Cloud Archive?14:38
jamespagehey basilAB - I know :-)14:43
jamespagebasilAB, apologies for not responding to your email - I was just thinking about doing that14:44
basilABah! you are here.14:44
basilABgreat :-) thank you!14:44
jamespagebasilAB, typically we sweep up any avaliable stable release in the first two weeks of the month, with the aim of getting them out into -updates by the end of the month14:44
jamespagebasilAB, you'll be interested in the tracking bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/158067414:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1580674 in neutron-vpnaas (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] mitaka point releases" [Undecided,New]14:45
jamespagebasilAB, work should progress this week...14:45
basilABsubscribed now and thanks for the schedule details. I will keep an eye.14:46
jamespagealthough we are a little blocked by a related dh-python issue - trying to get that clear first...14:46
nabukadnezar43apperantly "usb_storage" module needs to be signed14:47
EmilienMjamespage: do you have LP for newton too?14:47
basilABjamespage: since you are here, heard or any plans on adding 'octavia' lbaas addition to cloud-archive?14:48
jamespageEmilienM, we don't generally bug track development releases...14:48
jamespagebasilAB, not in the short term no14:48
nabukadnezar43how do i sign the usb_storage module for secure boot?14:48
jamespageEmilienM, if you want to sniff current master branches for newton for Xenial and Yakkety - https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+archive/ubuntu/newton14:49
jamespagethat is the state of currently built master branches - its not complete - working some new dependencies...14:49
EmilienMjamespage: nice! please ping me when you feel like I can start testing it (asap)14:50
jamespageEmilienM, I'd not want you to put that into a voting gate btw...14:51
EmilienMjamespage: ok14:51
jamespageEmilienM, the gate for that PPA is 'it builds and passes its unit tests' ...14:57
EmilienMjamespage: as soon as all packages are there, please ping me, I'll start testing it and report you feedback.14:58
jamespageEmilienM, that would be nice - thankyou!14:58
jamespagecoreycb, hmm - niggle with adding a newer dh-python to the sbuild environment14:59
jamespageworking on that now...14:59
jamespageit gets installed by s-p-c so we can add the PPA, which contains the newer version...14:59
coreycbjamespage, s-p-c?15:00
nabukadnezar43TJ-: dmesg output didn't show anything relevant but i tried probing usb-storage module manually. Got a "could not insert usb_storage required key not available"15:01
TJ-nabukadnezar43: that sounds rather like a secure-boot issue; well checking the module signing key anyhow15:02
TJ-nabukadnezar43: the modules shipped with the distro should all be signed15:03
nabukadnezar43TJ-: yeah that's weird15:04
TJ-nabukadnezar43: which ubuntu release are you working with? 16.04 ?15:04
nabukadnezar4316.04 server amd6415:04
TJ-nabukadnezar43: using the -generic kernel, or -lowlatency?15:04
coreycbjamespage, are you familiar with the get_component_config() error that several of the newton packages are hitting?15:05
TJ-nabukadnezar43: it defaults to -generic but its always worth checking, I've noticed some differences with the -lowlatency as regards signing, though I forget what I did notice right now :)15:05
nabukadnezar43TJ-: i have no idea, i haven't changed anything15:05
coreycbjamespage, I'm looking at keystone and cinder for newton btw15:05
TJ-nabukadnezar43: I can't see any obvious bug reports with a similar problem. But, as its the installer I'm wodering if the installer has kernel version A, and during the chroot installation of the latest kernel version B it tries to modprobe the version B usb_storage module, which would upset version A kernel I think (because the kernel uses different signing keys per build if I recall correctly)15:12
brelodhey guys16:16
breloddo you know some good book / other source to learn linux server administration?16:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/16:31
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xnoxsmoser, how does one completely disable cloud-init networking? i'm pondering if I should try that out.17:37
xnoxat least for this special usecase.17:37
smoserwell, i'm pretty sure we do want to support your  use case. at least i think17:37
smoserbut for disabling:17:37
smoserecho "network: {config: disabled}" | tee /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-xnox-hates-networking.conf17:38
smoserecho "network: {config: disabled}" | tee /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-xnox-hates-networking.cfg17:39
smoser(.cfg, not .conf)17:39
xnoxsmoser, right. or i should have a proper networking_json in my config_drive for static network configuration....17:42
=== InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest
John[Lisbeth]I need to connect my ubuntu server to the internet via command line and/or sideloading software via usb17:56
coreycbjamespage, I'm going to exclude install  of keystone in-tree tempest tests (dh_install --fail-missing --exclude keystone_tempest_plugin).  let me know if you disagree.  I think with tempest not packaged and not in main this makes sense.18:08
John[Lisbeth]ok I got internet working but now I need to block the automatic updating so I can free up apt to use for myself18:23
John[Lisbeth]nevermind everything is solved now thank you18:25
devster31does anyone know if and how I can regenerate cups certificates to access the web-ui?19:24
EmilienMcoreycb: hey, did you update something in sahara / mitaka?20:16
coreycbEmilienM, there have been no updates since the final release20:17
EmilienMcoreycb: ack thx20:17
newbsieHow can I delete all existing logs on Ubuntu 16.04? "journalctl --vacuum-time=1seconds" did not work....21:49
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
synchronet_what logs exactly?22:15
newbsiesynchronet_: it's a webserver with nginx/gunicorn/postgres so I want to purge all logs22:16
newbsiesynchronet_: it's not a production/running server, just more an image I'm working on right now.22:16
synchronet_do it manually I guess22:20
synchronet_cd /var/log and go wild with the del command :)22:21
synchronet_there are more sever commands :)22:21
synchronet_you have root yeah?22:21
newbsiesynchronet_: yes, I'm root22:23
newbsiesynchronet_: I can't use the journalctl command to do this?22:24
synchronet_why the logs bothering you?22:25
newbsiesynchronet_: I wanted to start it fresh after doing a bunch of test while setting up.22:26
newbsieI understand it gets deleted or rotated out, but still... no need to clutter it with bunch of python errors/etc22:26
synchronet_not familiar with nginx but with apache you can just delete the VS etc22:27
synchronet_all logs go22:27
synchronet_not sure exactly what your doing tho22:28
synchronet_not sure the facination with nginx, its shareware22:29
synchronet_Virtualmin and Apache always worked for me :)22:30
synchronet_for website things22:30
synchronet_and with php7 now its fast enough22:31
newbsiesynchronet_: I use nginx, mostly because it is used often in python/gunicorn projects and docs are easy for me to work with.22:32
synchronet_with a nice server22:32
synchronet_area not familiar with22:32
newbsiesynchronet_: typically, easy wins for me... I don't need advanced super functionality. :)22:32
synchronet_:) me niether22:33
synchronet_intersted in a quiet life these days, not so easy there days22:33
synchronet_things move so fast22:33
synchronet_upgraded to php7 and WP plugins hate it22:34
synchronet_something about php7 and symboles22:34
synchronet_easy fix tho22:34
newbsieYeah, I really don't enjoy server management/IT so it is just a necessity to do what I do, but I prefer development.22:35
synchronet_I prefer to win the lotto and have done with it ;)22:35
newbsieI prefer to win the lottery too, that way I can just do what I enjoy.22:35
newbsieThat said, I have better chance of making money in the stock market than winning the lottery....22:36
synchronet_employ some clever dude then :)22:36
jak2000hi all how to use QUOTA on home dirs? 40gb for user1 and 60gb for user2? how to do?22:36
synchronet_in Virtualmin its a piece of cake22:37
patdk-lapwekk, go get a baker than22:42
jak2000synchronet_ any advice for me?22:46
synchronet_not froma command point of view no22:46
synchronet_hang around22:46
jak2000Virtualmin  is for me?22:47
jak2000 Open Source Web Hosting and Cloud Control Panels22:47
jak2000how to configure the quotas for homedirs?22:48
sarnoldjak2000: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man8/setquota.8.html22:48
synchronet_can set quotas etc very easily but go to the forum first and ask if its what you need22:48
synchronet_sarnold: great22:49
synchronet_seems to be people help only after others try :)22:49
synchronet_irc sucks at times its best to know everything22:49
sarnoldnah, it just took longer than usual for me tofind the manpage in question :) someone I suspect jak2000 didn't need the kernel interface, which was the first thing that came to mind :)22:49
synchronet_too much to learn and too short a life22:50
synchronet_:) fixed then?22:52

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