
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Yeah r=removed , c= config files remain . My tight install for your reference: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450013/ .00:00
sebsebsebdjango_: yes Grub will use WIndows EFI directory,  once that's done, things should work ok,  and that's also when both are installed n UEFI mode both OSes, which Ubuntu will be when you do what I said00:00
ILIjust download ubuntu from here http://www.ubuntu.com/download install it on a usb put the usb in your pc start up from usb install ubuntu DONE00:00
django_sebsebseb: why can't I do this outside having to reinstall00:00
sebsebsebdjango_: then boot options should be able to load up Grub, and also  the computer itself should be able to load up Grub if not by default, after you have changed an optoin to bring up Grub first in the UEFI bios00:00
sebsebsebdjango_: since Ubuntu is probably installed in the wrong mode the legacy mode and such00:01
sebsebsebdjango_: and probably also hasn't been told to use Windows EFI directory, so tooo late now basicaly00:01
luckybunnygot a temporary fix00:01
luckybunnyby starting in upstart instead of systemd00:01
django_Ok I'm in this step sebsebseb00:01
sebsebsebdjango_: once Ubuntu is installed in the legacy mode, no it can't just be changed to the UEFI mode00:02
luckybunnyfixed both the startup issue and the sound issue00:02
ILIfirst one00:02
sebsebsebdjango_: same with Window00:02
sebsebsebdjango_: have you taken off your data off the Ubuntu partition?00:02
django_sebsebseb: what?00:02
django_Yes I got data00:02
sebsebsebdjango_: have you backed up your data?00:02
sebsebsebdjango_: right well partitining leave Windows aloen don't tick to format that etc00:03
ILIjust reinstall ubuntu00:03
sebsebsebdjango_: espeically if you haven't backed up00:03
sebsebsebILI: yep exactly just re install Ubuntu, but with the UEFI option there00:03
django_sebsebseb: what do I do from this step00:03
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Package manager still say there is shortage of space ?00:04
sebsebsebdjango_: the partiner in the insatller is a bit too basic or can be,  normaly I like using gparted first and then finnishig off installer00:04
sebsebsebdjango_: but whatever works00:04
sebsebsebyour ging to delete the Ubuntu partition00:04
sebsebseband then make a new partiiton there in that space where you will re install Ubuntu00:04
ILIrestart pc press DEL go to boot menu option one usb restart pc with usb filesystem on it install done00:04
django_sebsebseb: what? Do I just hit install now with the /dev/sda8 selected?00:05
ILIor just virtual box XDXDXDXD00:05
sebsebsebILI: yeah when it's  using the windows efi directory sure that should work00:05
Kalliscan anyone help me authenticate to my samba server via ldap on a windows server please ?00:05
gtrt05anybody know how i could make ubuntu 14.04 support my graphics car?00:05
sebsebsebdjango_: ok disclaimer if you delete WIndows not my fault :)  but as long as you don't tick that for formatting that should stay no problem :)00:06
ILIjust create new partition00:06
ILIor anoher Hard drive00:06
sebsebsebdjango_: if you didn't back up WIndows data again not my fault00:06
django_sebsebseb: man sorry but you aren't explaining00:06
django_I know how to install Ubuntu but I want to do the EFi thing you said00:06
django_How do I do the00:06
sebsebsebdjango_: that's a later step00:06
sebsebsebdjango_: you got to do the partition first00:06
django_So just instal?00:06
django_I already have the partition00:07
ILIbut why you want ubuntu?00:07
sebsebsebdjango_: delete the old Ubuntu partiiton, put a new partiton,  and install yes00:07
django_How do I delete00:07
sebsebsebdjango_: then when it gets to the what to do with Grub screen, that's when you do something00:07
Bashing-om!uefi | django_ Remeber ? Or have you read ?00:07
ubottudjango_ Remeber ? Or have you read ?: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:07
sebsebsebdjango_: the insatller sucks for pariting really go back to that lter00:07
sebsebsebdjango_: use gparted the partion editor first I guess00:07
ILIits hard to get it to work :P :D00:08
minimecdjango_: sebsebseb: Wouldn't a 'repair installation' be enough? It should bring you/him to the 'grub installation menu' of the installer in the end. You/he could then show us the options he gets.00:08
ILIjust call me L00:08
sebsebsebdjango_: delete the old UBuntu from  gparted, and then make a new partion there in ext4,  tell00:08
volkswagnerBashing-om: here is my layout, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450079/ and yes apt complains with http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450095/00:08
sebsebsebminimec: he tried but didn't seem to work00:08
slothbaganyone know how to get lightdm vnc working?  I can connect and login but the desktop never loads.. xsession-errors says something about "BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)  Major opcode of failed request:  109 (X_ChangeHosts)"00:08
sebsebsebminimec: he's backed up the data from Ubuntu now anyway so re instaolling makes snese00:09
sebsebsebminimec: can put in uefi mode then too00:09
minimecsebsebseb: Ok.00:09
sebsebsebminimec: I think teh current Ubuntu is installed in legacy mode00:09
sebsebsebhence issues00:09
sebsebsebor something like that00:09
Bashing-omvolkswagner: reading .. be back soonest .00:09
sebsebsebdjango_: in gparted make a new partiotn fo rUbuntu,  set it as the / even, back to installer00:10
sebsebsebinstall Ubuntu00:10
OerHekshe had it installed in UEFI mode, and working, then he wanted to go back to legacy, and now again ..00:10
sebsebsebwhen it gets to the grub screen00:10
sebsebsebOerHeks: yeah I think he did something in the bios that messed it up before00:10
django_sebsebseb: so Ubuntu is in /dev/sda8 I just right click and delete that right00:10
sebsebsebOerHeks: just trying to get it in UEFI mode now, liike WIndows00:10
sebsebsebdjango_: once you got things in UEFI mode, don't play around with CMS or whatever options, leave all the UEFI bios stuff alone basically once you got installed and working ok00:11
=== ILI is now known as {L}
django_Lol yeah00:11
sebsebsebdjango_: show me a screenshot ?00:11
sebsebsebdjango_: also before you re install, let's check this,  the UEFI bios itself is back to it's default settings yes?00:12
sebsebsebdjango_: you did that?  or did that except for maybe disaling secure boot?00:13
{L}love this00:13
volkswagnerBashing-om: Looks like I need to manually remove header-files, not just kernels00:13
django_Ok now how do I set up for Ubuntu00:14
Sabelhey seb, could you tell me how to copy the files into the folder it wouldnt let me earlier?00:14
sebsebsebdjango_: ok looks like Ubuntu is gone there in gparted, but why have you got six NTFS partiitons?00:14
sebsebsebSabel: uhmm you need to become root using sudo then you can do things in the terminal00:15
django_It was like that originally00:15
Bashing-omvolkswagner: IF you removed the images, then yes remove the headers also . ' sudo apt-get autoremove ' might still work in this instance .00:15
sebsebsebdjango_: ok there's I guess a recor partion for WIndows, windows itsellf, and maybe a D00:15
sebsebsebdjango_: in your Ubuntu space was that already un partitioned too ?00:15
django_I deleted it00:15
volkswagnerBashing-om: autoremove also fails with disk full00:15
django_Now it says I allocated00:16
sebsebsebdjango_: yes make a new partion there00:16
django_Which options00:16
sebsebsebdjango_: then I guess right click,  say you want it as a Ext4 and as / even00:16
sebsebsebdjango_: you could even set up a seprate /home whilst at if you want :d00:16
sebsebsebthos can be useful sometimes00:16
django_Where do I do the /00:17
sebsebsebdjango_: right click and go into the options00:17
sebsebsebdjango_: may have to click advance somd where , but I don't think so00:17
sebsebsebdjango_: file system Ext400:17
sebsebsebdjango_: other thing  is / or root00:17
sebsebsebpartiton type00:17
sebsebsebdjango_: you typed in ubuntu as the partiton name?00:18
django_Where do I do /00:18
django_The I typed it00:18
django_Yes I typed it00:18
sebsebsebdjango_: no that's where it should say / really I think00:18
sebsebsebdjango_: the insatller can sort that out later anway00:19
Bashing-omvolkswagner: K, then 'uname -r' so you know what kernel not to mess with .. and depending on kernels installed, simething along these lines to batch remove the headers ' sudo dpkg -P linux-headers-3.13.0-{36,37,39,40,41,43,44} ' . Then we look and see what else is to be removed .00:19
sebsebsebdjango_: partiton type /00:19
django_I have better idea00:19
django_Leave unallocated and do the option in installer00:19
django_The usual way00:19
sebsebsebdjango_: actasull this is what to do00:20
sebsebsebdjango_: make a new paritoin in gparted00:20
sebsebsebdjango_: or  maybe have unalloacted00:20
sebsebseband  use installer sure00:20
sebsebsebafter that00:20
sebsebsebmake sure the installer uses it as Ext4 and / yep00:20
sebsebsebdjango_: then install and then when your on the what to do with the boot loader Grub screen, you need to do the important bit!00:21
sebsebsebwhy you put !!00:21
Bashing-omvolkswagner: I also expect there are the " linux-headers-3.13.0-83-generic " versions to also deal with .00:22
sebsebsebdjango_: now what you doing?00:23
sebsebsebdjango_: I'll just finish helping you or trying to and then....00:23
django_I need to make new partition lol00:24
sebsebsebdjango_: well yes you got unalloacted space00:24
sebsebsebdjango_: so you need to make a new partion for UBuntu in it00:25
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Ya got it fingered out ?00:25
sebsebsebthat's a / and with Ext400:25
django_So I'll just make smaller one00:25
sebsebsebdjango_: why smaller?00:25
guesst anyone know weach channel can help me with script installing in host?00:25
django_Maybe I'll try other Linux distributions00:25
theShirbinyguesst, script installing?00:25
sebsebsebdjango_: uhmm00:25
sebsebsebdjango_: yeah I like other distros :D00:25
guesstlike nulled script00:26
guesstim getin crazy00:26
sebsebsebdjango_ you could set up a seperate /home and also enough sapce for other distros :d00:26
sebsebsebdjango_: /home is like my documents in Windows00:26
sebsebsebso can be useful having seprate00:26
volkswagnerBashing-om: No :( here is new error http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450243/00:26
sebsebseball distros can use your sepeate /home00:26
theShirbinyguesst, what do want it this script to do exactly?00:26
django_Lol game of thrones in 30 min00:26
django_Do you watch it sebsebseb00:26
sebsebsebdjango_: seen the first series about there years ago,  got a way to catch up legaly on it all now, that should work for me :d00:27
guessttheShirbiny its dating script but complicated00:27
sebsebsebdjango_: I want to catch up on DC's  Legends of Tommorow tnoight00:27
sebsebsebdjango_: it's already past mid nigt here :D00:27
django_Oh where you at00:28
django_You usually on irc with this nick?00:28
django_I wanna visit that place00:28
sebsebsebI had intended to stay up like all night though00:28
sebsebsebnice and ark no refeldctiosn on TV etc00:28
theShirbinyguesst, still don't know what you're talking about, maybe someone else can help you00:28
guessttheShirbiny tryingto learn step by step hot to install the script00:29
sebsebsebdjango_: behind on the toher show,  Arrow and the Flash  up to date on well for the TV channel here, but behind on....  oh I'll just be in the ubuntu channel about half an hour agian, and now it's been like two hours h eh your fault :d, and where you from00:29
guessttheShirbiny tryingto learn step by step how to install the script*00:30
volkswagnerBashing-om: Not sure how I ended up readonly. I didn't mess with currently running kernel nor headers00:30
theShirbinyguesst, you want to learn bash scripting?00:30
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Look'm at the latest .00:30
sebsebsebdjango_: I am around here sometimes more recently,  I am not really that keen on Ubuntu on the desktop compter or lap top anymore, other distors :d, but Ubuntu phones and tablets are nice and interesting :d00:30
sebsebsebI used to help out here a lot00:30
sebsebsebdjango_: is it installing yet?00:31
django_Still doing partition ::00:31
EldonMcGuinnessI wish I could get ubuntu, or really any linux distro to work well on my notebook, but it has the damn GMA3600 chipset that supports nothing other than Windows 7. :/00:32
sebsebsebEldonMcGuinness: chipset for what?00:33
EldonMcGuinnesssebsebseb: graphics00:33
EldonMcGuinnessI mean I can get it on there, but then the desktop is too sluggish to really use and forget about watching videos.00:33
sebsebseband which make is that?00:33
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Ouch .. let's see ehat is . pastebin ' ls -al /usr/src/ ; ls -al /lib/modules/ ; ls -al /boot ; dpkg -l | grep linux- '.00:33
sebsebsebIntel really00:34
sebsebsebIntel has mostly good grahics support now00:34
sebsebsebfor LInux00:34
EldonMcGuinnessyea, this is one that is not. I mean it just sucks. I can't even update the laptop to windows 10 due to the driver not supporting t.00:35
sebsebsebdjango_: ok now progress?00:36
django_Just completed00:36
django_The partition00:36
volkswagnerBashing-om: okay will do. Here is last 100 of syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450531/00:36
sebsebsebdjango_: and told it to be ext4 and the / ?00:36
sebsebsebdjango_: ok install00:36
sebsebsebdjango_: make sure it doens't ofrmat WIndows :D00:37
volkswagnerBashing-om: FYI the entire file system is RO00:37
roadrunneratwasthey. i just installed Xubuntu 16.04 on a VMWare virtual machine within Windows 7.  I get the error:  The virtual machine cannot enter Unity mode because:00:38
roadrunneratwast- Unity is not supported on the guest operating system.00:38
sebsebsebroadrunneratwast: which vmware version?00:39
roadrunneratwastI see there are instructions here about what drivers to install, but I am using xfce, not gnome.  So I am not sure ..00:39
sebsebsebserver? player what?00:39
roadrunneratwastserver 1100:39
sebsebsebroadrunneratwast: that's a odd issue00:39
sebsebsebroadrunneratwast: Unity 7 isn't paritculary fancy except fo rusing compiz for a few things, which might be it00:39
roadrunneratwast11.0.0 build-230532900:39
sebsebsebroadrunneratwast: may need to install a driver isnide the vm I guess,  oh and I would use Virtualbox now personally even on Windows :D00:40
volkswagnerBashing-om: Here's output of ls and other http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450612/00:40
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Yikes ! What is on vda1 ? the operating system ? .. I "assume" we are working with a Virtual Machine ?00:40
sebsebsebroadrunneratwast: oh lost you there?00:40
roadrunneratwastthere are instructions here for gnome desktop.  not sure if this will work for xfce too.  worth a try though? http://askubuntu.com/questions/227712/vmware-unity-mode-with-ubuntu-12-1000:40
roadrunneratwastyeah.  i am back00:40
dbz2kroadrunneratwast, so you have a vm in a vm?00:40
roadrunneratwastmy host system is windows 7.  i just installed xubuntu 1600:41
sebsebsebroadrunneratwast: well I was saying,  may ned to install a drirver in it, Unity 7 isn't particuarly fancy except for running Compiz, and that I would personally use Virtualbox now on Windows :D00:41
roadrunneratwastas a virutal machine00:41
volkswagnerBashing-om:  yes KVM guest=Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS host is Debian00:41
sebsebsebVirtaublox ona nything00:41
sebsebsebdjango_: installing?00:41
sebsebsebdjango_: yeah another few minutes I guess, then untill the  remove some drivers screen, and then the what to do with Grub screen00:42
sebsebsebdjango_: Ih aven't actsaully seen the 16.04 installer images yet :d00:43
volkswagnerBashing-om: / is on /dev/vda1 and which is entire filesystem except /srv00:44
volkswagnershould I just try to force remount00:44
Bashing-omvolkswagner: I see nothing really amiss that getting the -86 kernel installed would not fix - a just a bit of cleanup - . Can you think of any reason that the system went read-only to protect it's self ? We can -situation permitting- (  EXT4-fs warning (device vda1):)) - remount r/w .00:47
volkswagnerBashing-om: IDK why it went RO, would demsg or syslog have any clue?00:49
volkswagnerlet me look00:49
volkswagnerif it went RO, perhaps logs couldn't get writtne00:50
sebsebsebdjango_: progress?00:51
Bashing-omvolkswagner: Yeah ! no logs able to be written ! .. Debating with self what to do, oh what to do . Gonna go smoke on it .00:51
sebsebsebdjango_: when you get to teh grub screen at the bottom it should ask wehre to install Grub00:51
sebsebsebdjango_: and you then put the windows opton I think it will say something like /windows/efi00:52
volkswagnersmoke'm if you got'em00:52
sebsebsebdjango_: and then things should work better after taht00:52
sebsebsebdjango_: Grub should be able to come up from the boot menu at least, but to get Grub to come up first may have to find a optoin for it in the UEFI bios still thoguh00:52
coffeeguyhi how do i install the latest java in ubuntu?00:54
django_Ty sebsebseb00:55
coffeeguysudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jre <-- i found it :D thanks anyway00:59
Bashing-omvolkswagner: The start of the problem " 0 to remove and 107 not upgraded." No doubt at this point with the errors reported for vda1 need to run a fsck . But I have no idea how to do so for a VM . _ the file system and swap must be unmounted !00:59
volkswagnerBashing-om: looks like I have filesystem trouble, perhaps that's why I was getting disk full when on surface it seemed I should have plenty http://paste.ubuntu.com/16450776/01:00
volkswagnercan I do fsck using live boot media?01:00
volkswagnerBashing-om: Looks like I'm gonna have to boot a live cd on the VM since the disk image is qcow201:02
Bashing-omvolkswagner: I wish I could give confident advise . we know that we have to dig deeper .. ' sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/vda1 ' ?? as the next stab at it ?01:04
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OerHeks 01:23
=== shroud_ is now known as shroud
jgornickHey folks, I just installed the minimal version of Ubuntu 16.04 and used LVM to partition my disks. When I boot I get a couple of error messages saying "lvmetad is not active yet, using direct activation during sysinit" and then no login prompt. Is there a way to fix the issue?01:39
OerHeksjgornick, i find this recent post (6days) with solved > http://askubuntu.com/questions/769863/lvmetad-is-not-active-yet-using-direct-activation-during-sysinit-solved i hope it applies to you too01:42
jgornickOerHeks: Saw that too, but I'm not working with a graphical environment.01:45
QTC`hi, I've hit a roadblock trying to setup GPU Passthrough. According to `lspci -nnk` the target GPU is claimed by radeon, is there a way to change the order the kernel loads its drivers/modules?01:49
OerHeksjgornick, then i have no clue :-(01:49
QTC`Specs: Motherboard: P9DWS, CPU i7 4790k, Main GPU: R9 270x, Passthrough GPU: HD 777001:50
QTC`blacklisting Radeon is not a option since I'm using a different card for system graphics01:52
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
threethirtyhowdy all, is there a setting or plugin for unity where I can make the entire screen greyscale like it is when something is lagging02:00
xanguathreethirty: no02:01
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=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
n-iCehow can I make my cpus to run at full speed02:15
Lehthanisevening all!02:40
k00l3th4nWould anyone know how to get isight.fw for a Macbook 2,1 running Ubuntu 16.04?02:41
Lehthanistrying to install postfix for smtp outgoing only on my server...and I'm followign this tutorial: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-postfix-as-a-send-only-smtp-server-on-ubuntu-14-0402:41
Lehthanisonly when I do the install for mailutils which does include postfix...I don't get the screen where I choose internet site and such02:42
Lehthanisand then after that I have no main.cf02:42
QTC`k00l3th4n, I had it running in the past, I'll check if I still have notes on how i did it02:42
ubuntu883How does one update an existing repo? I have a DVD rip of 14.04 and want to take out many packages that i don't need and then re-index it?02:42
ubuntu883And would want to update it in-place02:43
Lehthanisis there a way to manually fire off the postfix configuration screen?02:43
daxLehthanis: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix02:45
k00l3th4nQTC`: Would very much appreciate it. I've looked everywhere for it but no luck.02:45
QTC`k00l3th4n, i still have the firmware file, I'm currently checking if i have the notes on how i got it02:46
k00l3th4nI know how to install it. I just need the fw file. Could you send it to me?02:48
k00l3th4nQTC`: I just need the file. Could you send it to me?02:49
QTC`k00l3th4n, it looks like you "need" a installed copy of mac os x to get the firmware02:50
QTC`I can upload if you trust it02:50
Lehthanisdax: thanks!02:52
Lehthanisanyone know much abotu postfix?03:01
LehthanisI can't seem to get it running, and I'm almost certain it's my hosts file03:01
Ben64you'll get better results ask your real question, and provide all details03:01
=== cigumo__ is now known as cigumo
LehthanisI'm trying to set it up for outgoing mail only from the server...03:02
Lehthaniswhen I restarted the service I got this:03:02
Lehthanispostmulti: fatal: unknown inet_protocols value "loopback-only" in "loopback-only"03:02
Ben64Lehthanis: well that error kind of says the problem03:04
Lehthanisthe tutorial says to set it to that03:04
Lehthanisor localhost...which also gives me that same error only withlocalhost instead of loopback-only03:05
Ben64pastebin the config03:05
Ben64in the error you posted you show "inet_protocols" while that page you linked says "inet_interfaces"03:06
Lehthaniswell there you go then!03:07
LehthanisI guess I edited the wrong value, lol...I don't remember what inet_protocols was...03:08
=== Sir_Lestaty is now known as daenerys
Lehthanisthanks for the extra set of eyes Ben6403:10
Ben64error messages don't lie often :)03:11
Lehthanisnope...but it's late and my eyes refused to read the error message as it presented itself...and with that I'm off to bed, thanks again!03:13
QTC`rebooting brb03:16
amr_please if anyone can help in inverted microphone problem with lenovo b50-70 laptop ?03:17
amr_no sound using internal mic on laptop lenovo b50-7003:17
amr_after searching for a while i found that this laptop has mic with 2 channels one of them has reversed polarity (phase inversion03:18
amr_can anyone help me regarding this issue03:18
amr_helooo there03:19
Ben64!patience | amr_03:19
ubottuamr_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:19
juanonymousanybody uses skype here?03:20
juanonymousi got a problem from skype ip resolvers03:20
Ben64you should find a better program to use03:20
juanonymousis there any way to cover my skype ip using proxy03:20
Arcairejuanonymous: you don't need to do that anymore03:21
Arcairethey use nodes now, your ip won't be showing up on a resolver03:21
amr_<Ben64> this problem affects mic input and i really cannot solve this03:22
juanonymouswell it is03:22
juanonymousi am checking it03:22
Ben64amr_: yep i get it03:22
amr_i have installed latest mainstream kernel 4.6 with latest ubuntu 16.04 and still have no mic input03:23
amr_and i don't know if i have to compile kernel  or how may i apply kernel patch to fix this03:25
amr_in some launchpad channels i see problem fixed but i don't know why all this time since ubuntu 14.04 and all laptops with inverted internal mics have that issue03:26
SomeJuanLately, I've been getting error messages in KDE in a pop-up message with title "Error - Konsole" that reads: "A ZModem file transfer attempt has been detected, but no suitable ZModem software was found on this system. You may wish to install the 'rzsz' or 'lrzsz' package." Any idea what could be trying to initiate this transfer?03:28
squirelanyone here use xfce?03:31
QTC`I'll try again, is there a way to change in which order kernel drivers/modules are loaded? I need to load the VFIO before Radeon.03:31
squirelany xfce users here?03:32
amr_no sound using internal mic on laptop lenovo b50-7003:33
amr_how to fix inverted internal mic patch03:34
squirelLinux prevails where macs fail :D03:35
zkandaHello everyone, I installed kernel 4.6 in my laptop but now docker doesn't work because of missing aufs driver. Anyone how/where can I get/compile linux-image-extra for this kernel? Thank you in advance.03:35
squirelhow do you switch tabs in irssi?03:36
ubuntu677anybody? How would I update a mirrored local repo? I want to remove and/or update some packages and need to re-index is after03:39
squirelHow come this place is so quiet when there's 1864 people here?03:42
somsipsquirel: it's a support channel, not a chat channel03:43
ubuntu677really. i was hoping there was a repo expert here03:43
somsipsquirel: alt + tab number03:43
squirelthanks :)03:43
squireloffical support channel?03:43
somsipubuntu677: maybe try #ubuntu-mirrors though not sure if they do local mirrors there03:43
somsipsquirel: yes03:43
r4hulubuntu677: use rsync to update to update local repo03:43
squirelAnyone here an actual ubuntu-dev?03:44
ubuntu677sorry rsync won't work for me03:44
amr_ if you please can help me with problem with my laptop internal mic lenovo b50-7003:44
somsip!pm | amr_03:45
ubottuamr_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.03:45
wbillif im on ubuntu mate can i ask ?'s here???03:45
somsipwbill: yes03:45
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=== squirel is now known as thebluesquirel
wbillim trying to install X11 libraries on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS anybody hav a clue as to how im coming it saying the no packages or the .deb file is blowing up on me03:49
somsipwbill: which packages?03:50
thebluesquirelIs there any ubuntu chat channels?03:50
wbillim on a pi 3 BTW03:50
somsip!ot | thebluesquirel03:50
ubottuthebluesquirel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:50
wbillim actually trying to instal fltk and it bombs saying i dont have the proper X11 libs03:51
somsipwbill: you're running 'apt-get install X11' ?03:51
somsipwbill: paste the error message. Use a pastebing03:51
somsip!paste | wbill03:51
ubottuwbill: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:51
thebluesquirelis there any other ways to switch tabs in irsii other than alt #?03:52
GeoHi, trying to compile a 32bit binary with gcc (-m32), but I get "fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory". Compiling w/o -m32 works fine. What package am I missing? libc6-dev is installed...03:55
somsipwbill: how are you installing fltk?03:55
thebluesquirelis there any other wats to switch tabs in irssi?03:56
wbillcompiling it with a tarball03:56
krytarikthebluesquirel: That's more on topic in #irssi.03:57
somsipwbill: related thread, but old, and until you can find out what is missing, it's not an ubuntu issue https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=2891103:57
brushdemonGeo: have you installed the i386 lib?03:57
somsipwbill: do you have a desktop installed on the pi?03:58
Moultapt-get install apache2 gives me 2.4.7. i want >=2.4.8. i have tried apt-get install apache2=2.4.10-1ubuntu1.1~ubuntu14.04.1 but it doesn't find any package to install. how do i get apache2 >=2.4.8 ?03:58
jamesHi guys I have an issue with The following packages have unmet dependencies:03:58
=== james is now known as Guest63607
somsipMoult: what version of ubuntu?03:58
Guest63607Hi guys I have an issue with The following packages have unmet dependencies teamviewer:i386:03:59
Geobrushdemon- yeah, that seems to be missing. thanks03:59
somsipGuest63607: have you tried installing the dependencies?03:59
Moultsomsip: trusty03:59
Ben64Moult: use a ppa or install 16.0403:59
Guest63607i don't know what that03:59
Guest63607but team viewer works03:59
somsip!info apache trusty | Moult (that's the supported version, or see !ppa)03:59
ubottuMoult (that's the supported version, or see !ppa): Package apache does not exist in trusty03:59
MoultBen64: i am new to ubuntu. i would like to us a ppa, how do i find out which ppa i need to use, and where to place it?03:59
somsip!info apache2 trusty | Moult (that's the supported version, or see !ppa)04:00
ubottuMoult (that's the supported version, or see !ppa): apache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.9 (trusty), package size 85 kB, installed size 463 kB04:00
somsip!ppa | Moult04:00
ubottuMoult: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:00
Guest63607but it's when i wanna update my system04:00
wbillforget i said pi im trying to install it on a intel core i7 also same version ubuntu screams the same way no X11 libs04:00
somsipGuest63607: so if it works, what's the real problem?04:00
somsipwbill: and what desktop is installed?04:00
somsip!paste | Guest63607 (paste the full error message)04:01
ubottuGuest63607 (paste the full error message): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:01
Moultsomsip: hmm, there seems to be quite a few in that ppa search engine. how do i know which to use?04:01
somsipMoult: PPAs are unsupported, so you research and take the risk04:01
somsipMoult: *if* you decide to look at the ondrej (sp?) PPA, beware it can bring in other dependencies you might not want04:02
Guest63607when i run update04:02
Moultsomsip: yep, was looking at that04:02
Moultsomsip: don't mind the other deps though, will play04:02
ubottuA !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details04:03
somsipMoult: it can cause real problems for people who want newer versions of PHP, so just apache might be okay04:03
wbillthe Ubuntu Mate desktop whatever comes witht he normal install04:05
Moultsomsip: hmm did add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/apache204:06
Moultsomsip: apt-get install apache2, but apache2 -v still says 2.4.704:06
somsipMoult: apt-get update first04:06
somsipwbill: ah yes. You said. This might help, but this is not an ubuntu issue so I'm out now http://fltk.easysw.narkive.com/QWamvO6k/fltk-2-x11-libs-which-are-needed-ubuntu04:07
Moultsomsip: looking again, https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/apache24 might be a cleaner ppa04:07
somsipMoult: I'd encourage you to make sure it's the right one for you before you install. PPAs can get ugly,. Hence, not supported here04:08
SuperBawlzHey, I'm having a bit of trouble installing my NVIDIA drivers. I'm trying to use the Additional Drivers screen in the KDE interface.04:11
SuperBawlzWhen I select the NVIDIA drive is freezes for a few seconds and then goes back to Nouvea04:12
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
Moult!info php5-fpm trusty04:22
ubottuphp5-fpm (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary). In component universe, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.16 (trusty), package size 2132 kB, installed size 8919 kB04:22
R0binH00d!info php-mysql04:23
ubottuphp-mysql (source: php-defaults (35ubuntu6)): MySQL module for PHP [default]. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0+35ubuntu6 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB04:23
R0binH00d!info hdajackretask04:24
ubottuPackage hdajackretask does not exist in xenial04:24
R0binH00d!info alsa-tools04:24
ubottualsa-tools (source: alsa-tools): Console based ALSA utilities for specific hardware. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 55 kB, installed size 201 kB (Only available for linux-any)04:24
somsip!abusethebot | R0binH00d04:24
somsip!bot | R0binH00d04:24
ubottuR0binH00d: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone04:24
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html04:24
R0binH00d?? somsip What was that for?04:24
somsipR0binH00d: if you're doing lots of bot commands, you can do them by pm to keep it out of the channel. That's all04:25
R0binH00dI did just 304:25
somsipR0binH00d: or hit the webpage directly, which has a helpful search04:25
daxubottu: abusethebot is <alias> botabuse04:25
ubottuI'll remember that, dax04:25
R0binH00dsomsip, I have searched the internet for 3 months straight to get HDAJackRetask to work on my HP laptop with beats audio, none of the solutions worked, i asked that question in this channel 4 times, no one replied, and 3 searches for the bot makes me a spammer?04:28
=== hypermist is now known as tbal
=== tbal is now known as hypermist
R0binH00dUtter Disgusting04:29
somsipR0binH00d: no mention of spam at all. Just a link to help you. Take umbrage if you will04:30
Nene1hello all..04:33
Nene1i am applying security patches using unattended-upgrades.. after applying patches i am rebooting machine if /var/run/reboot-required file exists.  Now issue is   /var/run/reboot-required still existing even after first reboot..04:36
Nene1so is there any way to avoid multiple reboots for applying security patches??04:36
somsipNene1: it sounds like you are initiating the reboot. Is that right?04:38
Nene1somsip: yeah  i am rebooting for one time04:39
somsipNene1: is there a problem that prevents you using unattended-upgrades built-in reboot?04:39
Nene1i can't use that... i am not applying patches manually04:40
Nene1I am applying patches manualyy***04:41
Nene1somsip: ^^04:41
abhishekI was facing a wifi issue with laptop. I am able to connect to wifi but it doesn't transmit data for the internet to work04:42
abhishekMore details: http://askubuntu.com/questions/772180/wifi-not-working-realtek04:42
abhishekany ideas folks?04:43
Nene1somsip: i dont want automatic reboot...04:44
potasmicHEy guys04:48
potasmicwhat's the best Screenshotting tool on Ubuntu?04:48
potasmicI just switched from Win10, and ShareX was so good04:48
potasmicbut Shutter is icky and obviously the default screenshotter doesn't have exporting04:48
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest73377
BlueSharkHi. I'm only getting less than 2 hours battery life with Ubuntu whereas I get 4+ with Windows 8.1. Why is this?04:55
fromhyflashplayer firefox download04:56
dchapmanpotasmic: I like scrot.04:58
potasmicdchapman, is it in the app browser?04:58
potasmiclemme check04:58
somsip!info xsnap | potasmic (very simple)04:59
ubottupotasmic (very simple): Package xsnap does not exist in xenial04:59
dchapman!info scrot04:59
ubottuscrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-17 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 46 kB04:59
somsipoh well04:59
potasmicdchapman, scrot isn't in the Ubuntu Software04:59
dchapmanpotasmic: apt install scrot04:59
potasmicBtw, is there a hotkey to bring up terminal like Win+R > cmd  on Win?05:00
dchapmanDepends on your desktop environment / window manager. You may have to add a shortcut to launch the terminal of your choice.05:00
icedwaterHi guys, I'm using 12.04 and I couldn't get eth0 detected after a power outage. It's working fine on another distro, and the cable has been tested with another PC as well. What should I be looking for to fix it?05:01
icedwaterpotasmic: if you're using Unity, I think they have Ctrl-Alt-T by default.05:01
potasmicicedwater, got it05:01
BlueSharkpotasmic, Ctrl + Alt + T05:01
icedwaterI switch it to Cmd-Z, but that's just what I prefer.05:01
icedwaterErr, Win-Z.05:01
fromhy!info flashplayer05:01
ubottuPackage flashplayer does not exist in xenial05:01
potasmicugh now I can't uninstall shutter05:02
baizon!info flashplugin-installer | fromhy05:02
ubottufromhy: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 6 kB, installed size 57 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:02
fromhy!info flashplugin-installer05:03
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 6 kB, installed size 57 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:03
potasmicwhat's the difference between apt and apt-get?05:05
somsip!info apt | potasmic (maybe it says here)05:05
ubottupotasmic (maybe it says here): apt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 1.2.10ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1027 kB, installed size 3257 kB05:05
baizonpotasmic: https://askubuntu.com/questions/445384/what-is-the-difference-between-apt-and-apt-get05:05
somsippotasmic: http://askubuntu.com/questions/445384/what-is-the-difference-between-apt-and-apt-get05:06
* dax munches popcorn05:06
potasmicOkay, maybe I shouldn't ask questions that I can Google.05:06
somsippotasmic: a good rule to have05:06
potasmicOkay so scrot doesn't have uploading and stuff05:08
jackoneare 802.1x in ubuntu there user and computer authentication mode?05:08
somsipjackone: markov chaining? Or can you rephrase?05:09
jackonefor EAP(PEAP), it need username and password, no computer auth provided05:10
somsipjackone: ok - my apologies. I have no idea05:11
BlueSharksomsip, lol05:11
hateballjackone: do you want to auth with a certificate?05:13
jackoneauth with computer id authentication05:15
jackonebut it has not the option05:16
hateballjackone: I think you may need to config wpa_supplicant for that manually05:17
hateballnetwork-manager doesnt have a gui for it afaik05:17
jackoneit's ethernet link for 802.1x security setting05:18
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Opr8Just installed Ubuntu 64bit most recent version05:32
Opr8Spent about an hour or so downloading software and drivers05:33
Opr8Restart nd now it's hung up on a black screen with white text saying "/dev/sda3: clean 200328/15867904 files, 2527076/64453953 blocks"05:34
Opr8And I can't do anything, tried hard reset comes right back here. Anyone know how to fix this?05:34
hateballOpr8: what did you change before reboot? did you change gpu driver for instance?05:35
Opr8New GPU driver among other things yes05:35
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
Opr8Hateball yes05:35
baizonOpr8: nvidia?05:36
Opr8AMD r9 38005:36
hateballhmmm, AMD should have drivers installed with the kernel05:37
hateballOpr8: did you do something like manually download and install fglrx ?05:37
Opr8I think so yes.05:37
Opr8Wanted to install latest drivers and that's what I found online through a guide05:37
hateballafaik fglrx is not supported in 16.04, only radeon/amdgpu that are included with the kernel05:38
Opr8I'm a huge scrub at linuz05:38
hateballBut I am not an AMD guy05:38
dax(hateball is correct)05:38
Opr8Gotcha so am I boned and have to reformat pretty much?05:38
dax(not only is it not supported, it will not work without downgrading Xorg, which is not a particularly sane idea)05:38
hateballOpr8: You should be able to boot into recovery console and purge fglrx05:38
Opr8Would you possibly know of a good guide to follow to do that?05:39
Opr8Also so I don't need drivers for my GPU then? It should just auto have them?05:39
hateballOpr8: Yes, it's included with the kernel05:40
Opr8Ah okay thanks very much. I'll try to figure out the recovery mode then. Very much appreciated05:41
hateballOpr8: Anyhows, I have no recent experience with AMD so I don't know how to remove fglrx05:41
Opr8Another thing I can't figure out, steam refused to launch after installing without error05:41
hateballCertainly not if it was a manual install. But there should be some uninstall script somewhere I guess05:41
hateballOpr8: That's a problem with the new amdgpu driver and steam05:41
fantomas_It should be as simple as sudo apt-get purge fglrx I think05:41
fantomas_I've been fighting with it today05:41
Opr8So I can't use steam right now?05:42
hateballOpr8: to launch steam, run it like so: LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/libstdc++.so.6' DISPLAY=:0 steam05:42
Opr8I tried that and it didn't work. Csnt remember the error it threw05:42
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
Opr8Sorry for all the noob questions. I'm booting recovery now. Which option should I choose to purge?05:44
fantomas_Someone else would know better than I would, but alt+ctrl+F1 brings up terminal05:45
fantomas_er, ctrl+alt+F105:45
Opr8Hmm not seeming to work. Will dick around thanks.05:46
hateballOpr8: google suggests: sudo aticonfig --uninstall05:46
Heero151is there a setting I can change that will make it to where I no longer see when someone connects/disconnects/goesidle/shutsdown05:46
hateballOpr8: see the bottom post http://askubuntu.com/questions/445758/uninstalling-previous-install-of-the-fglrx-driver05:47
nchambersHeero151, depends on the client05:47
nchambers(assuming you're talking about IRC)05:47
Opr8Got it thanks ms uninstalling now05:48
Opr8Trying to boot05:49
Opr8I'm in. Alright now to figure out stream and figure out if my GPU has drivers05:50
Opr8Now it's throwing internal error related to Xorg xserver core05:51
Opr8Assuming that's GPU related05:51
gambit1for me, steam took what seemed like forever to launch05:51
Opr8I launched it and it does nothing. How long did you have to wait05:52
gambit1and the amd/ati driver should be the open source one, should be radeon something or other.05:52
gambit1uhm, at least 5 minutes, i thought it didn't install correctly bcause it took so long05:52
hateballOpr8: just launching via the gui launcher wont work afaik, you need to launch with the command I gave you05:52
Opr8Hateball that command gives me "steam runtime is enabled automatically. Steamuodateui an X error occured"05:54
CarlenWhiteHow do I boot myself into Single User mode?05:55
Opr8"X error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range05:55
CarlenWhiteI'm on Ubuntu Server and I do not get the GRUB boot screen.05:55
hateballOpr8: Really? Hmmm. Did you paste the string, or type manually?05:56
baizonOpr8: https://paste.ubuntu.com/16452897/05:56
CarlenWhiteNevermind. Managed to get to the GRUB screen.05:56
opr8pctype manually, im on my pc now if you'd be kind enough to paste again05:56
opr8pci could copy05:56
hateballCarlenWhite: You should be able to hold/hammer left shift05:56
hateballCarlenWhite: oh :)05:56
CarlenWhiteSeems like when I was booting it from Hyper-V, there was a bit of hesitation before it could 'connect' and display the screen. I caught it before GRUB timed out.05:57
hateballwith the latest steam beta client you should be able to launch it with "STEAM_RUNTIME=0 steam" as well. of course you have to be able to start it and update first :|05:57
Bill_GatesHey ubuntuans05:58
opr8pcSTEAM_RUNTIME=0 steam gave me a new error saying im missing libraries05:58
opr8pcso this is something to follow at least05:58
Bill_GatesAny way to save files in guest mode??05:58
baizonopr8pc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/16452897/05:58
CarlenWhiteWhoops? http://puu.sh/oTCxy.png05:59
=== csyogi1 is now known as csyogi
lotuspsychjeBill_Gates: on usb stick05:59
opr8pcbaizon i get nothing returned when using that command06:00
baizonopr8pc: restart steam then06:00
Bill_GatesNo, other than that.06:00
opr8pcit works!06:00
Bill_GatesWithin the present sources.06:01
opr8pcThanks so much baizon hateball06:01
CarlenWhiteOh the machine isn't dead. Just had a black screen for a moment.06:01
hateballopr8pc: :)06:01
lotuspsychjeBill_Gates: what sources?06:01
baizonopr8pc: save that command, that happens more often with steam ;)06:01
opr8pcokay will do06:01
Bill_GatesHDD, i06:01
hateballopr8pc: yeah, if the client updates it'll put those files back06:01
opr8pcseems weird for that big of a problem to be persisting06:02
opr8pcwho's fault is it?06:02
hateballReally wish Valve would update the Steam Runtime to a 16.04 base06:02
hateballopr8pc: Well, I'd blame Valve :p06:02
baizonopr8pc: valve, because of their own libraries06:02
lotuspsychje!details | Bill_Gates try to make sense please06:03
ubottuBill_Gates try to make sense please: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:03
opr8pcwhere can i rent a pitchfork?06:03
opr8pcalso why the hell isnt rocketleague on linux yet?06:03
opr8pcshit was supposed to be q1 201506:03
Bill_GatesJust need to authorize guest mode for limited file storage access. ugges06:04
hateballbaizon, opr8pc: however without the runtime we would likely have less games, so it's a blessing and a curse :)06:04
Bill_GatesJust need to authorize guest mode for limited file storage access. *Suggest a way to do so06:04
opr8pchateball ill just rent a small pitchfork then06:04
lotuspsychjeBill_Gates: tell us why you dont use the admin account instead of the guest one?06:04
kalenedraelhow do I tell ubuntu to not mount an encrypted /home partition at boot time? I'd like to mount it manually after booting06:04
kalenedrael(this on is ubuntu server 16.04)06:05
opr8pcHateball baizon is there anyway to fix the weird network activity of steam on linux? On Windows I get solid 14-15mbs. on linux its like 2.5mbs - 0 - 15 - 006:05
hateballopr8pc: Do other applications work as expected, network-wise?06:06
opr8pchavent tested any yet06:06
hateballopr8pc: Are you wireless?06:06
opr8pcbesides chrome/firefox they worked fine06:06
hateballopr8pc: Check your regional settings in Steam perhaps. If other things works properly it's not really an Ubuntu problem06:07
hateballopr8pc: fwiw I cap out my 130mbps connection, so it's not a general issue at any rate06:07
opr8pcjust did speedtest.net and got awful result compared to windows06:08
opr8pcits very jittery06:08
Bill_GatesOh god! I'm admin but for someone to use my pc, I need to provide them a storage space for conveniency . So, that's why ....06:09
hateballopr8pc: what chipset/model are you using? "lspci -k" will tell06:10
Bill_GatesCan't afford to provide admin access.06:10
hateballBill_Gates: You could make a folder under /opt/ that's rw for everyone. Think about the consequences tho06:11
opr8pchateball https://paste.ubuntu.com/16453000/06:11
hateballopr8pc: Is the wifi not being used at all now?06:11
opr8pcno, its not connected06:11
hateballopr8pc: hmmm, I am just googling since it's not a problem I know of. Some old posts suggest changing MTU improves performance06:16
Robbstermorning all. I've got a 1TB external WD drive that I recently purchased. I used it once to put a dd image of my HDD on, and now it isn't readable in either ubuntu OR windows. (NTFS)06:16
Bill_Gatesconsequences ??06:17
RobbsterI'm not sure what to do about it.06:17
opr8pchateball no problem man, if you've not heard of it i can dig06:17
lotuspsychjeRobbster: what happens at boot mate?06:18
Robbsterboot? drive not connected at boot (external)06:18
lotuspsychjeRobbster: oh your not gonna replace it as mian, right..06:19
Robbsterhumm, interesting, I can access it from the command line...06:19
hateballopr8pc: here's a bug report at any rate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/127516106:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1275161 in linux (Gentoo Linux) "Realtek driver r8169 slow network speed" [Undecided,New]06:19
Robbsterjust not in nautilus06:19
lotuspsychjeRobbster: did you try to format the drive with gparted? or do you still need the data on?06:19
Robbsterand many of the files (the ones that come on the drive) are owned by ?.? and have a datetime of ?06:20
Robbsterseems like a corrupted drive?06:20
Robbsterlotuspsychje: never formatted, but it seems like I'll need to :)06:20
opr8pcvery weird06:20
Robbsternow, where to put the 256GB hdd image.....06:20
* Robbster hunts for another drive...06:20
Robbsterthanks lotuspsychje06:21
hateballopr8pc: there is also this https://unixblogger.wordpress.com/2011/10/18/the-pain-of-an-realtek-rtl8111rtl8168-ethernet-card/06:21
lotuspsychjeRobbster: good luck mate06:21
r4hulopr8pc: use r8168 instead of r816906:22
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
hateballopr8pc: "sudo apt-get install r8168-dkms" should switch driver06:24
opr8pchateball attempting now06:25
opr8pchateball r4hul https://paste.ubuntu.com/16453117/06:26
r4hulopr8pc: pastebin output of inxi -Nnx pls06:28
Faizi need help06:29
Faizis anyone online ?06:29
Faizis anyone online ??06:29
Faizhello ?06:29
opr8pcr4hul https://paste.ubuntu.com/16453146/06:29
daxthere are plenty of people online. they tend to be more likely to appear if you ask your actual question though06:30
Faizmy main problem is06:30
hateballopr8pc: you'll need to reboot tho06:30
Faizi messed up with my ubunt06:30
hateballopr8pc: or manually modprobe -r r8169 && modprobe r816806:30
Faizthere r black borders on every window06:31
Faiznd i cant find system06:31
Faizwhich was on the top bar06:31
opr8pchateball r4hul rebooting brb06:31
Faizwhat should i do ?06:32
ArcaireWhat's that command again?06:33
Arcaire!patience | Faiz06:33
ubottuFaiz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:33
opr8pc_r4hul hateball back06:34
hateballopr8pc: have a look with "lspci -k" again, see that r8168 is loaded06:34
WICK3Dhello out there06:34
opr8pc_hateball r4hul06:34
opr8pc_yes it is using that one06:34
opr8pc_will try a steam download again06:35
Faizoh i forgot to mention06:35
Faizmy terminal is blank06:35
Faizcant see anything in it06:35
WICK3Dis steam the best way to play windows based games?06:35
opr8pc_hateball full speed so far, no jitters06:35
hateball!wine | WICK3D06:36
ubottuWICK3D: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:36
Faizi gtg now06:39
WICK3Dyeag, i have WINE and steam on, cant make sence of it06:40
Trinityi've editted my /etc/sudoers file and the changes havent taken effect06:41
TrinityI've even relogged and restarted my computer. The only times it does work is when I type 'sudo service sudo restart' in a terminal. And then only that terminal will have it work for it06:41
Trinityany ideas of what I can do?06:41
hateballWICK3D: there is also playonlinux that is meant to make wine-gaming easier06:42
opr8pc_Thanks for all the help tonight hateball, im heading to bed. Gnight06:44
hateballopr8pc_: :)06:45
Trinityhmm, nvmd about what I asked before. Can someone tell me how I can get the /etc/sudoers file to take effect06:48
ikoniaTrinity: it's real time06:49
baizonTrinity: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers06:50
Trinitybaizon, i've gone through that and searched it. Nothing said anything about realtime. Thanks ikonia06:50
WICK3Dwhere is !AppDB found06:50
hateball!appdb | WICK3D06:51
ubottuWICK3D: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:51
WICK3Di have playonlinux too...lol06:51
ikoniawhy is that funny ?06:52
Trinityhttp://pastebin.com/nH9erZRh heres my sudoers file06:52
Trinitybut it's still prompting me for a password06:52
ikoniaTrinity: please show is the exact command you are running06:53
WICK3Dmight try left for dead 4 --- can i just download the torrrent?06:54
Trinityikonia, i'm running 'sudo visudo'06:54
ikoniaTrinity: wand that's what's asking you for a password06:54
ikoniaWICK3D: we do not support piracy here - please don't ask again06:54
baizonTrinity: if you run sudo, the pwd prompt pops up06:54
Trinityand I'm entering this into it. user is actually my username. http://paste.linux.chat/view/c8e155fd06:54
ikoniaTrinity: what is the exact command you are using please06:55
Trinityikonia, ./firewall-on.sh06:55
ikoniaTrinity: right - that is not in your sudoers file06:55
Trinityikonia, how is it not?06:55
ikoniaTrinity: /home/dcai/Workshop/project/netest/firewall-on.sh IS in your sudoers file06:55
WICK3Dsorry ikonia06:56
ikoniaTrinity: what you are typing is totally different06:56
Trinityikonia, thats where it's located. I run ./firewall-on.sh when i'm in the working directory of /home/dcai/Workshop/project/netest/06:56
ikoniaTrinity: yes, and that is not in your sudoers path06:56
ikonia /home/dcai/Workshop/project/netest/firewall-on.sh is in your sudoers path06:56
Trinityikonia, ah I see. hold on06:57
Trinityikonia, now i'm running '/home/dcai/Workshop/project/netest/firewall-on.sh' in the terminal and i'm still being prompted for sudo06:58
ikoniaTrinity: can you show me the exact command line you're running please06:58
Trinityikonia, perhaps i'm misunderstanding. What do you mean by the exact command line i'm running? When i'm starting the application defined in the sudoers file? If so, it would be '/home/dcai/Workshop/project/netest/firewall-on.sh' right now06:59
ikoniaTrinity: I'm asking you to show me exactly what you are typing into the terminal please06:59
Trinitythat is exactly what I am typing into the terminal...07:00
ikoniaTrinity: no, it's not, as there is no sudo in there07:00
Trinityah finally i get it07:00
Trinityikonia, sudo iptables-restore < /home/dcai/Workshop/project/nettest/on07:01
Trinityso I should put that in the suders correct?07:01
ikoniaTrinity: right - that is NOT in your sudo filep07:01
ikoniaTrinity: where is iptables-restore in your rules ?07:01
Trinityits not and that would be why I am having this issue07:01
Trinitythanks ikonia ! sorry for being such a dunce lol07:02
ikoniayou're wasting my time07:02
Trinityits working now07:02
snapfractalpopAnyone here running Brave on ubuntu?07:04
snapfractalpopI can't get the git to compile.. and don't know if there's a channel for it on freenode07:04
ikoniajust use the package supplied by ubuntu07:04
=== ludkiller is now known as paresh
snapfractalpopikonia: I didn't even realize there was one..07:07
snapfractalpopI'll check it out07:07
baizonsnapfractalpop: https://github.com/brave/browser-laptop/releases07:09
ikoniasnapfractalpop: just open the ubuntu package manager, and search for git07:09
ikoniasnapfractalpop: you may find https://help.ubuntu.com a good introduction on using the basics of ubuntu, including the package manager07:09
snapfractalpopikonia: I couldn't find brave in the repos..07:10
snapfractalpopbaizon: thanks07:10
snapfractalpopI will use the deb if I can't compile from source07:10
ikoniasnapfractalpop: you asked for git, not brave07:10
ikoniasnapfractalpop: ahh, I missread,07:10
ikoniasnapfractalpop: sorry, I see what you're asking07:10
snapfractalpopikonia: sorry.. I was not very clear the way I asked07:11
snapfractalpopI can see how you misinterpretted my meaning07:11
rofiquzzakisorry, wrong paste07:11
snapfractalpopI meant the github on Brave07:11
snapfractalpopI'm looking into a pre-req that I didn't have installed07:12
snapfractalpopI needed the libgnome-keyring-dev package.. now it seems to have compiled with npm install07:13
snapfractalpopdoes anyone know where Brave dev discussion takes place?07:19
Myrttisnapfractalpop: looks like it's not in freenode, judging from alis output07:21
snapfractalpopMyrtti: thanks. I fear such07:21
Infern0I have an extremely annoying resolution issue right now. I simply cannot get my resolution to fit my display properly. In the past I used an over/underscan feature with arrows to make a custom resolution but the nvidia driver I'm currently using doesn't seem to have that damn option.07:21
snapfractalpopI can't seem to find where discussion happens07:21
snapfractalpopInfern0: I used to use one with an ati card..07:23
snapfractalpopalso, as a workaround, when I use xfce (and gnome 2) I placed empty panels around the screen as a workaround07:24
snapfractalpopstill, then I'd lose the edges on fullscreen07:24
Infern0snapfractalpop What do you do if the driver you have doesn't offer it?07:24
Infern0I currently am using xfce myself07:24
snapfractalpopInfern0: you could try the panels thing.. though it's pretty hacky..07:25
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snapfractalpopit is a workaround for sure07:25
snapfractalpopbasically, just until you figure something else out.. you can create panels07:25
Infern0it does have an over or underscan option but only values not the arrows and even if I miss a little screen I'm okay but I seem to be missing the screen itself it doesn't just make it fit07:25
snapfractalpopI imagine the tv / monitor doesn't have a "just scan" option?07:26
Infern0I'd like it fixed so I can play games on steam in peace lol07:26
snapfractalpopor that you've exhausted those kinds of options?07:26
Infern0it's limited in regards to options with my tv itself07:27
snapfractalpopwhat are the specs of the tv?07:27
Infern0but the graphics card should support it I've done it in the past I didn't think it was only the windows version of the driver but it has been a while07:27
bobdobbsWhen I log in, a whole bunch of programs start up that I don't want to start. How can I stop them from starting?07:27
Infern0I'm not sure the specs let me check07:28
snapfractalpopis it 1920x1080?07:28
Infern0it wants to run 1920x1080 but im missing screen it's slightly too large07:28
bobdobbsI googled on how to control startup programmes, but all of the posted solutions I found require the user to be running gnome. I'm running kde.07:28
bobdobbsIt's kind of annoying. All those blogs post things titled: "how to do x in ubuntu". But what they really mean is "how to use gnome on ubuntu to do x"07:29
snapfractalpopInfern0: I take your meaning as the pixels at the edge are off the screen, and there are no black areas?07:29
snapfractalpopyes, this was my problem too07:30
Infern0my mouse can go where I can't see lol07:30
snapfractalpopthat's why the panels help a little..07:30
snapfractalpopthey push the normal windows back onto the screen..07:30
snapfractalpophowever, it's not ideal07:30
snapfractalpopyou lose resolution for one thing, but more importantly, it doesn't work for true fullscreen applications07:31
=== giordano is now known as ilkappa
Infern0well it took a while to get this far because with the generic drivers I tried a bad resolution my screen couldn't do, had to ctrl+alt+F1 and manually install the latest nvidia driver then reboot.07:31
Infern0But now I have this issue07:31
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: surely there must be info on some blogs about kde startup programs..?07:31
snapfractalpopInfern0: do you currently have the lastest nvidia drivers?07:32
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: I did find one article actually. But the solution was outdated.07:32
snapfractalpopthere might be a command then to adjust overscan07:32
Infern0I was just thinking I should check that because I used one off a blog that might not be up to date one moment07:32
snapfractalpopInfern0: this was the command for my radeon 6450: sudo aticonfig --set-pcs-val=MCIL,DigitalHDTVDefaultUnderscan,607:33
snapfractalpopthere might be something like that for nvidia07:33
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: at the moment when I open the desktop environment, gimp, inkscape, docky, docker and a bunch of07:34
bobdobbsotther things start07:34
Infern0yes I am using the latest driver07:35
snapfractalpopInfern0: there's a question about it here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/271715/how-can-i-get-my-nvidia-overscan-setting-to-work-on-start-up-ubuntu-12-1007:35
snapfractalpopnot sure if that will help... but it might be worth trying some stuff07:35
snapfractalpopI will recommend to heavily research any command that requires sudo before pressing enter..07:36
snapfractalpopjust better safe than sorry.. you know07:36
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: that sounds like a lot07:36
snapfractalpopis that a laptop?07:36
snapfractalpopsure it's not suspending?07:37
snapfractalpopwhat distro?07:37
bobdobbsubuntu 14.0407:37
snapfractalpopbut you said it was kde?07:37
bobdobbsactually, might be 16.0something. I'll check07:37
bobdobbsyep. ubuntu 14.0407:38
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: that's not how it should start by default..07:38
Infern0I seem to have fixed it07:38
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: it's certainly not what I want to happen upon start07:38
snapfractalpopInfern0: great! :)07:38
Infern01920x1080 resolution with 50 underscan seems to be perfect07:39
snapfractalpopInfern0: what was it?07:39
snapfractalpopInfern0: now, to make it persist!07:39
Infern0mine will be automatic07:39
snapfractalpopand write down what you did elsewhere too, in case an update wipes it07:39
Infern0the latest nvidia driver lets you save the configuration to the xfile07:39
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: isn't there a startup folder / menu or something?07:40
snapfractalpopcould be in settings, or scripted somewhere.07:40
Infern0thanks for the help07:40
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: did you install this yourself?07:40
snapfractalpopInfern0: NP07:40
snapfractalpopglad it worked out07:40
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: I'm sure there are settings or scripts somewhere. I'm just not sure where to look07:40
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: the OS? Yes, I installed myself.07:40
bobdobbsI also unstalled those applications myself.07:41
bobdobbsI guess I could purge them. But I might want to keep docker. I just dont want it to start up every time I log in.07:41
Infern0I was getting sick and tired of this issue and this is all I came up with before fixing it just now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVpOyKCNZYw07:41
bobdobbsdocky I could purge happily07:41
snapfractalpopInfern0: the xfile might get overwritten next time you update via the repos.. I don't know if the nvidia drivers have a way to re-fix it again after that07:41
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: those applications are great07:42
snapfractalpopit's worth finding out why they are starting up07:42
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: well, I'm using cairo-dock. So I don't need docky. I'm purging it now.07:42
snapfractalpopI mean gimp, inkscape and the like07:42
snapfractalpopInfern0: classic!07:43
ducassebobdobbs: look under ~/.config/autostart07:43
bobdobbsoh yeah. I use gimp every day, and inkscape at least once a week. But again... I just don't want them to start automatically when I log in.07:43
Infern0snap I don't think so because new versions of ubuntu no longer use an xorg.conf file which my driver created. You are able to make one, but only to fix issues like this.07:43
bobdobbsducasse: thanks. looking...07:43
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: I don't blame you07:43
bobdobbsducasse: I see two files there: docky.desktop and shutter.desktop. I'm removed them both07:44
ducassebobdobbs: what desktop environment are you using?07:45
bobdobbsducasse: KDE07:45
ducassebobdobbs: then look under .kde too, there might be something there.07:45
snapfractalpopInfern0: ah, well that is nice to know07:46
snapfractalpopme being paranoid, I'd probably keep a copy somewhere in my home folder just in case..07:46
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: I still find it unusual that these would be starting up on their own in a vanilla install07:47
bobdobbsme neither07:47
snapfractalpopthen again, I've been off vanilla for quite some time..07:47
bobdobbsok. there's a thing: 'system settings'->'autostart'. Supposedly this shows services that are set to start automatically. But it doesn't list anything when I check it.07:49
bobdobbsalso there is ~/.kde/Autostart. I emptied it earlier, but it only had an entry for 'kde.desktop'.07:50
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: another angle you could use in your "investigation" of this issue is pstree07:51
snapfractalpopon the command line, you can type pstree while those programs are running.. it may tell you something about what launched them.. (possibly)07:51
bobdobbsoh yeah. pstree shows me even more programs that run on startup that I want to die07:52
bobdobbsthere's a vmware process that I don't need to use.07:52
bobdobbsI guess that that's what docker is running on07:52
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: did you get the disk for the vanilla install yourself?07:52
snapfractalpopand you checked it's hash?07:52
amr_ if you please can help me with problem with my laptop internal mic lenovo b50-7007:52
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: this doesn't have anything to do with the initial install. These are programms that I've installed myself at some point.07:53
snapfractalpopI misunderstood.07:53
amr_i tried to solve the inverted mic problem many ways (upgrading kernel - install latest ALSA - Manipulating alsa settings - mixer ) no result07:54
amr_my laptop internal mic is not working with skype or faceook07:55
amr_if anyone knows how to make mic work i have ubuntu 16.04 updated to mainstream kernel 4.607:56
rhaguHi I have several file (approx. 40 GB each) and need to transfer them over a VPN connection, which is rather unstable. How would you do that? I am looking for something like torrent at the moment.07:56
amr_i have found that there maybe kernel patch to solve this issue but i want to know how ??!!07:57
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: anything found if you run  initctl list07:58
OerHeksamr_, that lenovo mic works on 1 channel, right? only right, not left, and if you use both channels, it won work ( like skype with auto sound )07:58
snapfractalpoprhagu: you can use transmission07:59
bobdobbssnapfractalpop: a lot of things are listed. But not inkscape or gimp or docker07:59
bobdobbs... or vmware07:59
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: I wouldn't have thought.. but anything in there that might startup other things?07:59
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: I know enough to know that that's a lot I don't know08:00
amr_<OerHeks> trying to make one channel work by using PAVU not working even for skype08:00
snapfractalpopbobdobbs: there's lots of little nooks and crannys where things can be placed (like "hooks") to start things up08:00
OerHeksyou can turn that off in skype > http://askubuntu.com/questions/695135/microphone-not-working-correctly-on-lenovo-b50 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/152421508:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1524215 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "Lenovo B50-70 inverted internal microphone" [Medium,Confirmed]08:00
snapfractalpopamr_: does amixer or alsamixer show anything?08:01
rhagusnapfractalpop thanks, I will have a look at it08:02
snapfractalpoprhagu: you're welcome08:02
rhagusnapfractalpop can I create those torrents with transmission?08:03
snapfractalpoprhagu: is it something you want to keep private?08:03
amr_snapfractalpop alsamixer shows regular settings08:03
amr_nothing specific08:03
snapfractalpoprhagu: you should be able to use transmission08:04
ducasserhagu: you could also look at rsync08:04
snapfractalpopbut I will disclose that I have not done so myself08:04
snapfractalpopif you are just transferring to one other place, rsync is probably better08:04
snapfractalpopthe man page has some examples08:05
amr_<snapfractalpop> alsamixer changing mic levels is not working either08:05
snapfractalpopthere are switches to preseve permissions and such08:05
rhaguducasse snapfractalpop but how well does rsync handle failed connections?  I think transmission sounds nice, but I probably need to set up a tracker08:06
snapfractalpopamr_: I don't know.. make sure you check all the options in alsamixer.. in case theres some that aren't visible right away08:06
amr_<snapfractalpop> i have been trying to fix that issue since 14.04 and i think kernel patching is the only solution08:06
snapfractalpoprhagu: you can resume08:06
snapfractalpopit will only transfer what wasn't sent last time08:06
ducasserhagu: it's easy to recover from a failed connection with rsync, you just restart and it will handle the rest.08:07
snapfractalpopamr_: you may be right.. I just wanted to point out alsamixer because sometimes the regular gui hides things08:07
amr_<snapfractalpop> i can send you screenshot of alsamixer - pav and everything all i need is to get that stupid error solver08:07
rhaguducasse I will give it a try08:07
snapfractalpopamr_: is this a known issue?08:07
ducasserhagu: take a look at the man page to make sure you use the right options for your case.08:08
snapfractalpopif there is a patch specifically for that issue, it may be worth patching08:08
amr_<snapfractalpop> i don't know how to patch08:08
amr_i think there is08:08
snapfractalpopbut you'd need the disk space for the kernel source, and the build tools, and such08:09
amr_<snapfractalpop> no problem i will do whatever it takes that's the only reason why i keep windows on my pc08:09
snapfractalpopamr_: there are a couple of kinds of patches, but whatever mailing list or whatever that it's listed in probably has the type of patch mentioned08:09
snapfractalpopthen you can use the patch command to splice the lines of code and compile the module08:10
snapfractalpopamr_: I run linux on chromebook and had to deal with a lot of patches because of that08:10
snapfractalpoplearned way more than I intended to, but it's cool, because I'm glad I learned it08:11
amr_<snapfractalpop>if you can help me by a tutorial link or anything08:11
snapfractalpopamr_: I can try .. can you send me a link to the patch you are talking about?08:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1529624 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lenovo E50-80 inverted microphone not detected properly" [Medium,Fix released]08:12
amr_<snapfractalpop>that lenovo model has the same mic that of b50-7008:13
ducasseamr_: that bug link says 'fix released'. i'd rather get the fixed package, so you don't need to rebuild the kernel every time there is an update.08:16
snapfractalpopamr_: it seems from that thread that the fix is released08:16
snapfractalpopyou don't need to patch08:16
OerHeksamr_, that post gives patched kernels in proposed what is your kernel now? open terminal: uname -a08:16
snapfractalpopducasse: JINX08:16
amr_<snapfractalpop> Linux amr-laptop 4.6.0-040600-generic #20160515193008:17
snapfractalpopamr_: have you updated recently?08:17
OerHeksoh, fay beyond 4.4.0-4.19 ..08:18
amr_<snapfractalpop> yes i updated kernel to latest mainstream kernel hope that will solve it08:18
snapfractalpopamr_: hm.. and it was a regression then?08:18
OerHeksi think that patch for, b50-80 is not for your b50-6008:18
amr_<snapfractalpop>  but nothing happened now internal mic is not detected (unplugged) in PAVU08:19
amr_<snapfractalpop>  yes08:19
snapfractalpopamr_: do you mean to say, before, it was detected, but not working properly, and with mainstream kernel, it is undetected?08:19
amr_<snapfractalpop> yes exactly before was detected working with audacity only not skype or facebook or hangouts08:20
amr_<snapfractalpop> now it's unplugged and not working in audacity or anywhere08:21
snapfractalpopamr_: yours is E50-60?08:22
amr_<OerHeks> my model is b50-70 and i don't know but the problem was the same (phase inversion)08:22
ubuntuguyI created a single partition on the entire hard drive and installed ubuntu on that08:22
amr_<snapfractalpop> b50-7008:22
landon1single partition.. do you have a swap partition?08:22
ubuntuguyHow do I install Windows without disrupting the ubuntu installation?08:22
ubuntuguylandon1: Yep that too, of course08:22
snapfractalpopubuntuguy: you can use gparted to resize the partition08:23
snapfractalpopmake a partition to put windows on it08:23
landon1use gparted to resize, install windows on blank partition. use live-cd to reinstall grub and update grub08:23
ubuntuguyWhat? Like I mean without uninstalling and repartitioning08:23
ubuntuguyWell, can you provide me with a link??08:24
snapfractalpopubuntuguy: you don't have to uninstall, but you do have to repartition08:24
=== dv__ is now known as dv_
snapfractalpopunless you want to use virtualbox08:24
SwedeMikeubuntuguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot08:24
snapfractalpopamr_: hm.. that sounds annoying..08:24
OerHeksubuntuguy, really, installing windows without repartitioning?08:24
snapfractalpopamr_: I assume you kept the old kernel?08:24
OerHeksubuntuguy, we advise to install windows, THEN install ubuntu.08:24
ubuntuguysnapfractalpop: I can repartition even the partition on which ubuntu is installed?08:24
amr_<snapfractalpop> then08:24
snapfractalpopubuntuguy: yes08:25
snapfractalpopwell.. resize it08:25
amr_<snapfractalpop> i may reinstall everything if there is a solution08:25
SwedeMikeubuntuguy: you have to resize the file system first though, then you can change the partition. Some tools do this automatically.08:25
snapfractalpopand create a new partition from the unallocated space08:25
ubuntuguycool ok08:25
amr_<snapfractalpop> just tell me what to do then and i will reinstall ubuntu no problem08:25
amr_<snapfractalpop> this problem is annoying to me and as i told the only reason i'm keeping windows on my laptop08:26
snapfractalpopamr_: I am not an expert in these things... I can just say that you may be on the road to success.. I just can't say how long the road is, or whether you will run out of gas.. or whatever..08:27
snapfractalpopamr_: that is frustrating08:27
ducasseamr_: you could try the kernel in -proposed, but if it's not for your model it might not help.08:28
snapfractalpopamr_: you could try making your own patch at your own risk.. by just adding a line with your model name08:28
amr_ok tell me how08:28
snapfractalpopamr_: I have done things like that (super hacky) with surprising success08:29
=== athairus is now known as afkthairus
CRzzHi, have there been any updates for the issue with usb bt HID tongles recently?08:29
amr_<snapfractalpop> ok tell me how to do that and i will try08:29
snapfractalpopamr_: this will be a little bit of the blind leading the blind, but I'll give it a shot08:30
snapfractalpopfirst.. do you see the directory that the realtek.c file is in?08:30
amr_<snapfractalpop>  realtek.c in kernel source you mean or where ???08:31
snapfractalpopbasically, you have to get the kernel source, and the source for the module in question08:32
amr_<snapfractalpop>  i will download kerenel source now08:33
snapfractalpopamr_: make sure it's for the kernel that recognized your mic08:34
snapfractalpopbecause whatever that regression was could be a whole new issue08:34
amr_<snapfractalpop> i'm downloading it from kernel.org is that ok ???08:35
ducassesnapfractalpop: wouldn't it be easiest to get the kernel source from proposed, add the model number to that, then rebuild?08:36
somsipwifi over LAN with a <5ms ping increases hugely as soon as any load is put on the target server. I'm relatively clueless on wifi and have got nowhere in 2 hours, so what's obvious to look at08:36
snapfractalpopducasse: possibly.. but he's saying that the newest kernel doesn't even recognize his mic anymore08:36
snapfractalpopamr_: ducasse actually, it will be helpful to have the diff of the module between those versions08:37
ducassesnapfractalpop: that's a problem, since he would need to stay on that kernel version. would probably be better to add a comment to the bug report to get it added there.08:38
amr_<snapfractalpop> i have now kernel 4.4 downloaded and extracted08:39
snapfractalpopalso, the model number also has some hex codes.. not sure what he would put there08:39
amr_<snapfractalpop> tell me then what to do08:40
snapfractalpopdo you have the module source?08:40
snapfractalpop(where the patch was applied in the thread)?08:41
amr_<snapfractalpop> did you read that thread i have a little knowledge regarding patching08:42
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snapfractalpopamr_: I didn't see an actual patch file, but essentially, it's just adding / removing lines of code08:43
snapfractalpopthe lines with a "+" get added08:43
snapfractalpoplines with a "-" get removed08:43
snapfractalpopthe "@@" tells you where in the file to go to find those lines08:44
snapfractalpopand some extra lines around the added / removed ones are provided for context08:44
snapfractalpopthose are left as is08:45
snapfractalpopyou could do this manually (which in this case seems appropriate as you will be changing the file further anyway)08:48
snapfractalpopbut usually, you have a patch file that looks a bit like what is posted after the diff --git line and use the patch command to do the work for you08:49
snapfractalpoponce you have made the modifications, you can try to compile it08:50
snapfractalpopyou may want to try to compile it before making any modifications just so you know that you can08:50
flux242hi, freshly installed ubuntu 16.04 base system boots into tty7 instead of tty1, why is that?08:52
snapfractalpopflux242: it's my vague understanding that tty1 and tty7 were somehow linked..08:53
jattX always starts on tty7 by default no?08:53
flux242no x08:53
snapfractalpopwhen I have x, I never use tty108:53
snapfractalpopI always start with tty2 because tty1 seems to have issues where it's seems tied up with tty7 .. (or something like that)08:54
OerHeksflux242, so how do you install ubuntu base system?08:54
Ben64flux242: how did you install08:54
flux242mini cd08:54
OerHeksmini cd without any package/desktop, sounds oke to boot in tty7. only server boots in tty108:55
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snapfractalpopOerHeks: are they linked somehow?08:56
flux242it wasnt that way before 16.0408:56
OerHekssnapfractalpop, with mini he installed lightdm, AFAIK08:56
jattwhat does08:57
jattps aux | grep tty08:57
jattsay (use pastebin)08:57
snapfractalpopOerHeks: what I mean is, I vaguely remember having issues with tty1 when I had issues with X, even though it's used on tty708:57
OerHeksflux242, what DM > dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /dm$/'08:57
snapfractalpopso I always jump to tty2 from X, when I need it..08:58
flux242no dm, only command line08:58
OerHekssnapfractalpop, like 'startx' ?08:58
flux242jatt: tty1 because i only can issue commands if I first switch to tt108:59
snapfractalpopOerHeks: idk.. I guess09:00
flux242no my understanding any desktop task should switch to tty7 otherwise it should stay with tty109:00
snapfractalpopI know there was some weirdness with arch switching to tty1..09:00
OerHeksonly if you install ubuntu-server tru mini iso, it will start with tty109:01
OerHeksso if you *really* want a base system, use ubuntu server, not the mini iso09:02
greyhuhI'm trying to setup a amd64 xenial install via preseed but it keeps failing cause of missing i386 pacakges. any idea why an amd64 install needs i386 packages?09:03
snapfractalpopI just use tmux and don't care what tty I'm in09:03
snapfractalpopamr_: you still patching?09:04
KeyboardNotFoundI have two video cards, how can I select which one to use and how to disable the other one ?09:05
flux242OerHeks: with mini iso one can select server task to install09:05
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flux242i din't because i do not know what packages it will add09:06
flux242tasksel doesn't tell me for some reason09:06
snapfractalpopflux242: I think in tasksel if you select the "additional things" option or whatever it's called, it puts you in aptitude or something like that09:07
snapfractalpopI remember being able to see what packages were selected before installing09:07
flux242tasksel --task-packages server09:07
coin3dhello there. i'm trying to run xorg on ubuntu server 16.04, but it fails all the time with permission errors - e.g. although my user is part of the tty group, it cannot access /dev/tty* and fails therefore with an xf86openconsole error09:08
flux242it just says: server^09:08
OerHekscoin3d, how do you run xorg on your server, installed a DE?09:09
coin3dOerHeks: actually, i only want to run kodi without all the other packages09:09
coin3dthats why i thought its a good idea to use ubuntu server09:09
snapfractalpopflux242: what if you check the server from the "gui" and also select manual package selection?09:10
flux242snapfractalpop: don't know. I won't be reinstalling just to figure out if this is the installed bug or something09:11
flux242installer bug^09:11
snapfractalpopflux242: I got the same server^ thing too09:11
OerHeksthere must be a kodi manual somewhere, kodi needs a desktop environment, or at least videodrivers and xinit https://trick77.com/how-to-install-kodi-ubuntu-server-14-0409:11
snapfractalpopodd behavior09:11
flux242mini iso selects by default only "standard system utilities". One can select additional tasks but I didn't09:12
coin3dOerHeks: right, I exactly did whats written in that tutorial, but I suppose something has changed on the permissions with 16.0409:12
flux242I know how to solve it by reconfiguring grub but this wasn't my question09:13
flux242i always used mini iso's before and never had this strange behaviour09:14
snapfractalpopflux242: what I meant was, as a workaround to trying to find what packages are in the server task selection.. it might be possible to run tasksel without any options, and selecting both "server" and "manual package selection" which should then put you in aptitude, from which you may see what server packages it selected.09:14
snapfractalpopI always liked the mini approach as well..09:15
snapfractalpopinstall just what you need, and nothing more09:15
flux242no, actually you shouldn't select any additional task. You first install bere minimum then you disable recommends in apt and only then you can install dm09:16
flux242otherwise ubuntu will install all that recommended sht09:17
snapfractalpopflux242: on the other hand, there are scenarios where I don't mind having a large selection of packages even if some I wont use, as disk space is cheap. as long as they aren't using other system resources, disk usage of packages is negligible these days09:19
snapfractalpopubuntustudio is a good example09:19
flux242it's not about space, it's about dependencies. The less sht you have installed the more robust is your system09:20
snapfractalpopbut for a server.. or vm, or whatever, you want it lean as possible09:20
snapfractalpopI'm just saying I like that we have all these optinos09:21
OerHeksgrinn, flux242 so why don't you install your DE and go on with your life?09:21
flux242OerHeks: you have problem with that?09:21
juanonymoushow do i configure vpn on unbuntu09:21
juanonymousand where do i find free vpn?09:21
OerHeks!openvpn | juanonymous09:22
ubottujuanonymous: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!09:22
snapfractalpopwoah.. free vpn? does that exist? would you trust it?09:22
MonkeyDustsnapfractalpop  some people don't trust linux because it's free09:23
DarmoktalkIt's a multistep process, you need to setup openvpn. The only free VPNs I know of are those p2p browser plugin ones09:23
snapfractalpopMonkeyDust: but you can inspect the code09:23
juanonymousis it paid?09:23
MonkeyDustsnapfractalpop  true09:23
DarmoktalkAnd yea, I wouldn't trust a VPN I'm not paying for09:23
snapfractalpopMonkeyDust: if I can inspect the vpn servers, that's pretty much defeating the purpose09:23
flux242MonkeyDust: some people dont' trust ubuntu because its canonical09:24
OerHeksjuanonymous, we don't deal vpn accounts, find your own one09:24
juanonymousi want to hide my ip to users from skype09:25
juanonymousby using skype ip resolvers09:25
Ben64oh it's you again09:25
snapfractalpopamr_: hope the patching is working out..09:26
snapfractalpopgotta go afk09:26
snapfractalpopamr_: if you read this later, you want to probably make config the module, and then run make09:26
snapfractalpopthen put the binaries in the appropriate places and cross your fingers09:27
amr_finished installing build essentials09:29
amr_<snapfractalpop> finished installing build essentials09:29
amr_<snapfractalpop> then09:29
amr_<snapfractalpop> then???????09:30
Ben64he's gone09:30
OerHeksas https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile is down, https://web.archive.org/web/20160424151125/https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel09:33
OerHekserr https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel is down09:33
chronotrcrash unity after change theme gtk, when minimize corebird (ubuntu 16.04)09:35
OerHekschronotr, try again from start, if it crashes again, file a bugreport09:38
landon1is the KDE desktop snappy yet?09:39
OerHekschronotr, i see lots of issues in https://github.com/baedert/corebird/issues and there is a #corebird channel here on #freenode too09:39
chronotrDerHeks, thank you09:41
* iptable googles corebird09:46
bazhang!info corebird | iptable09:46
ubottuiptable: corebird (source: corebird): Native Gtk+ Twitter client for the Linux desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (xenial), package size 486 kB, installed size 1508 kB09:46
iptableaddiction fix client, got that09:47
Bill_GatesI got to know /opt folder can be used by all users (including guest), but I think that's read only for guests. How to provide priviledges (rw)??09:47
iptableBill_Gates, not a good idea, but chmod 777 /opt will give it all rwx permissions. May I ask why?09:48
MonkeyDustiptable  you tell him how to do it, then you say not to do it09:49
OerHeksobvious, because his name is bill gates, MonkeyDust ..09:50
Bill_GatesNeed to provide storage space to anonymous user while using guest!09:50
iptableMonkeyDust, he asked how, so I answered, and then gave an opinion on what he is trying to achieve.09:50
Bill_GatesSuggest any other method?09:50
EriC^^Bill_Gates: can the guest use /tmp?09:51
iptableBill_Gates, storage space in /opt? What do you mean guest? Basically, is the user using ftp/ssh/other to gain access?09:51
EriC^^i think it's pretty locked down09:51
EriC^^Bill_Gates: the guest already gets disk space in his home dir in /tmp/guest-something09:52
EriC^^just tried it09:52
iptableBill_Gates, just trying to understand what you are attempting to achieve. For example, using ssh, the user would store data in their /home directory. Using ftp, you can configure storage location, etc.09:52
EriC^^Bill_Gates: it disappears once he logs out and the data is gone09:53
Bill_Gatesya that's the problem09:53
Guest15501Jota: hi09:53
Bill_GatesThat's why!09:53
iptableBill_Gates, guest user of what? I'm still trying to figure that one out.09:53
EriC^^iptable: guest account ont he pc09:54
EriC^^Bill_Gates: heh, i even did a touch /tmp/bla from guest and it somehow disappeared after logging out09:54
iptableBill_Gates, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession09:55
Bill_Gatesgot some chance on /opt.09:55
EriC^^Bill_Gates: i'm trying mkdir /bla && chmod 777 /bla09:55
iptableBill_Gates, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession - that is the best end-to-end information on how to do it.09:55
EriC^^to see how it'll go09:55
OerHeksmake an user guest/ pass guest ?09:55
Bill_Gateswhat's 777 for??09:55
iptableBill_Gates, all read, all write, all execute09:56
Bill_Gateseven for guest??09:56
iptableBill_Gates, 7 = owner user, owner group and all others have full access.09:56
EriC^^Bill_Gates: nope, it can't write, permission denied09:56
iptableBill_Gates, do check that link I sent you though, it explains how to do it in details09:57
EriC^^it's locked down with apparmor i guess09:57
OerHeksiptable +109:57
EriC^^link says to use sudo mkdir -m 0777 /var/guest-data09:58
iptableBill_Gates, it's a binary thing. 7 = 111. So 777 = 111 111 111. It's read, write execute. 1 means yes, and other is: user,group,all. So 111 111 111 = read, write, execute permission for dir owner user, group and all others.09:58
iptableEriC^^, it also says to great a special guest user for the preferences and user creation triggers apparmor profiles. also /var is a more sane location09:59
EriC^^yeah i dont think the creation is necessary except for other custom stuff09:59
EriC^^/var/guest.. seems hard-coded and 777 works with it09:59
iptableEriC^^, true, just suggesting ;) But yay, that's sorted then ;)10:00
EriC^^it's working to save in /var/tmp btw10:01
iptableessentially not in /opt as it's a BadIdea(tm). makes sense10:01
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DarkBlueSharkI did apt-get upgrade it doesn't give an error but it says the following packages have been kept back (packages name) in the end. What does it mean?10:09
Bill_Gates"sudo mkdir -m 0777 /var/guest-data" This is the key!10:09
ducasseDarkBlueShark: use apt-get dist-upgrade10:09
baizonDarkBlueShark: it means, that this packages wont be upgraded. Which ubuntu version are you using?10:10
Bill_GatesDid you check that? Though I do not have tried it yet!10:10
circ-user-xYocOhello guys, I have a question that might be a little noob but I couldn't seem to find anything concrete online10:11
DarkBlueSharkI'm on xubuntu10:12
circ-user-xYocOI'm currently running Ubuntu 15.10, and was wondering if I have both start scripts in /etc/init.d and also systemd, would the process get run twice?10:12
DarkBlueSharkthe newest version idk how to check lol sry im new to Linux10:12
circ-user-xYocOfor example, i noticed redis has start scripts in both systemd and init.d10:12
DarkBlueSharkwhy won't the packages be upgraded?10:12
Bill_GatesEric^^ "sudo mkdir -m 0777 /var/guest-data" This is the key!10:12
circ-user-xYocOso would redis be started twice?10:12
baizonDarkBlueShark: cat /etc/lsb-release10:12
EriC^^Bill_Gates: yes, check the link iptable gave for loads of other stuff10:14
Bill_GatesEric^^ Btw if you look at point 1,2 for Hooks facilitate customization on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession, that means contents of /etc can be accessed through guest10:15
Bill_GatesYou can use it for persist storage though ! If I got it correct !!10:16
Bill_GatesOr I think its read only probably!10:17
_kmh_big channel10:20
MonkeyDust_kmh_  type   /topic10:20
_kmh_i'm trying to get lsb-core to work on 16.0410:21
_kmh_it seems contrary to 14.04 than is not in the normal package list10:22
OerHeks_kmh_, known issue ( with chrome)10:22
_kmh_and 16.04 essentially just has lsb-base and lasb-release10:22
MonkeyDust!info lsb-core trusty10:22
ubottulsb-core (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.1 core support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1 (trusty), package size 25 kB, installed size 149 kB10:22
MonkeyDust!info lsb-core10:23
ubottuPackage lsb-core does not exist in xenial10:23
iptableBill_Gates, if guest cannot see /etc, they cannot exist. some important stuff is there, like resolv.conf so their browser knows which nameservers to query10:23
_kmh_OerHeks, well it is not just affecting but probably pretty any 3rd party installation relying on the lsb package10:23
_kmh_ubottu,  i'm not that10:23
ubottu_kmh_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:23
iptableBill_Gates, users normally cannot write to /etc10:23
_kmh_my question is whether there is any way to get it10:23
MonkeyDustBill_Gates  what is your end goal?10:24
iptableMonkeyDust, make linux into windows!10:24
MonkeyDustBill_Gates  then why don't you use windows?10:24
_kmh_OerHeks, so do you know any workarounds?10:24
_kmh_other than going back to 14.04 that is :)10:25
kochi_nick uKi`10:25
=== kochi_ is now known as uKi`
Bill_GatesI'm troubled with two frequent errors on linux!10:26
OerHeks_kmh_, download them from debian, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2306007&p=13405404#post13405404 but try apt-get install -f first!10:27
iptablelxb is in xenial10:27
iptable!info lsb10:27
ubottuPackage lsb does not exist in xenial10:27
Bill_Gatesubuntu, i mean, specifically.10:27
OerHeksit is dropped somehow10:27
MonkeyDust!info lsb trusty10:28
ubottulsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.1 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.1+Debian11ubuntu6.1 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 58 kB10:28
_kmh_iptable,  yes but not all of lsb, that's the problem, there's quite a number of lsb packages and while 14.04 did have them they vanished in 16.04 except for two10:28
iptableso in xenial lsb was deleted as unstable(?)10:28
egsomeBill_Gates, And the two errors are ?10:28
_kmh_OerHeks,  ty i'll check that out10:28
iptableBill_Gates, what errors?10:29
Bill_GatesFirst, there remains some problem with wireless driver, I think. If the system remains quite for a while, the wireless networks are not detected!10:30
Bill_GatesEnen after several switch off/on s10:30
iptableBill_Gates, so you possibly could have a wireless adapter which doesn't have proper support in linux. Not exactly a linux issue, but your wifi card manufacturer.10:31
iptableBill_Gates, second issue?10:31
OerHekswonky driver probably, depends on what wifi chip10:31
Bill_GatesNo, the networks are yet discovered when actively working but after some situations, the functionality just like hangs up!10:33
Bill_GatesLike awaking from sleep for a while10:33
OerHeksBill_Gates, care to share what wifi device?10:34
OerHekslspci -nn -d ::280 # this would show it10:34
Bill_GatesLol, now second issue. My mouse pointer gone as I switched between two accounts!10:36
Bill_GatesJust now!10:36
Bill_Gatesaccounts (Ubuntu)10:36
Bill_GatesGot a solution??10:36
Bill_GatesDis/Enabling the mouse driver may work! Know how to??10:37
Bill_GatesMouse (tuchpad)10:37
iptableBill_Gates, never happened here before. interesting you should have that. can we come back to you sharing your wifi device name with us?10:37
iptableBill_Gates, also, you mean the pointer became invisible, or that mouse no longer works?tried logging out of the other account?10:38
iptabledon't go straight into drivers, it's not windows.10:38
_kmh_OerHeks, what's "apt-get install -f" supposed to do?10:38
Bill_GatesYeah, I mean Invisible!10:38
MonkeyDust_kmh_  -f means fix10:39
_kmh_MonkeyDust, ok?10:39
Bill_GatesCool back now!10:40
iptable_kmh_, apt-get -f install will try to resolve dependency issues you had when doing dpkg -i to install packages and to finish installing that package10:40
iptable_kmh_, it's actually pretty sweet10:40
Bill_GatesQualcomm Atheros! And I think its supported!10:41
AscavasaionCan someone please tell me what the package name is fore the default games in Ubuntu/Lubuntu.  The minesweeper, solitaire/patience, mahjong, etc.10:42
Bill_GatesNeed complete specs?10:42
OerHeksi was afraid to read Qualcomm Atheros .. know for issues10:43
iptableBill_Gates, WHICH chipset?10:44
iptableBill_Gates, that's like saying you are running a windows. chipset number matters a ot.10:44
iptableAscavasaion, you want gnome-games?10:44
Ascavasaioniptable: Yes please10:45
iptableAscavasaion, nono, that's the actual package name10:45
Ascavasaioniptable: Thank you :)10:45
OerHeksgnome-games is optional, not standard installed10:45
iptableyes, but the "default" games, i.e. the ones that normally come with gnome (which is what the user referred to) is gnome-games package10:47
Ascavasaioniptable: Correct, I wanted those simple games... much appreciated10:48
iptableno worries10:49
OerHeks!info gnome-games-common10:49
ubottuPackage gnome-games-common does not exist in xenial10:49
iptable!info gnome-games10:50
ubottugnome-games (source: meta-gnome3): games for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.14+3ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 27 kB10:50
OerHeksgnome-sudoku & aisleriot & gnome-mines10:51
OerHeks& gnome-sudoku ofcourse10:51
xanguaAnd gnome Tetris! ❤10:52
OerHeksAscavasaion, you might want to install synaptic, detailed softwarecenter and easy search through games10:52
Bill_GatesSorry, I got disconnected. But, 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0036] (rev 01)10:52
AscavasaionOerHeks: Thank you... much appreciated too.10:52
Bill_Gateslink to the logs for this irc, please?10:53
iptableBill_Gates, AR9565 qualcomm is known to have issues. That would be the manufacturer's fault for not doing proper linux support.10:53
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meeting logs from meetingology at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/10:54
OerHeksnot sure the log is updated this hour10:54
_kmh_OerHeks, ok seems to have worked out - thanks again10:54
bazhangtop of the hour for updates iirc10:54
OerHeks_kmh_, have fun!10:54
_kmh_i don't quite get though why ubuntu has dropped lsb-core and others10:55
OerHeksdebian has dropped it https://lwn.net/Articles/658809/10:56
_kmh_OerHeks,  ouch that's even worse10:56
Bill_GatesOne more thing I need to disable the tty account for root. How?10:57
Bill_GatesI created that for some partition mgmt!10:57
OerHeksthere is no root account.10:58
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:58
OerHeksi have no idea how one would disable a service for root.11:00
=== bigbrovar is now known as bigbrovar_
iptableDISABLE service for root and all others: find a binary, change permission to non-executable and chattr +i that file to make it immune to change by all including root11:10
iptablebad idea though11:10
iptableuninstalling it is easier11:10
iptableYou may set a root password using sudo -i followed by passwd, but that again, is a bad idea11:11
Bill_Gatesuninstall ?11:15
Crackpotmarkyou can prevent root tty login by removing the shell entry for root in /etc/shadow yes?11:16
Crackpotmarkor /etc/passwd sorry11:17
somsipBill_Gates: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11700690/how-do-i-completely-remove-root-password11:21
somsipBill_Gates: the last comment applies11:22
somsipBill_Gates: maybe a more applicable answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/20450/disable-root-account-in-ubuntu11:22
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Steve_JobsHello Bill_Gates11:29
BluesKajHowdy all11:31
akikCrackpotmark: no. read up on /etc/securetty11:34
Bill_GatesMode bits to set guest (rwx) priviledges to be enabled ? 0777 doesn't work!11:35
Bill_Gatesjust mode bits!11:35
Bill_Gateshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession says "sudo mkdir -m 0777 /var/guest-data" to provide those but doesn't works !! Can somebody just verify please ??11:37
Twirlhello, how can i kill all the stopped jobs? tried with sudo kill $(jobs -p) and sudo kill `jobs -p` and sudo jobs -x kill but the command jobs still shows them as stopped11:38
rajiv1can i use "sudo apt install" instead of "sudo apt-get install" to installing new packages?11:39
MonkeyDustTwirl  killall -u $(whoami)     will stop everything and log you out11:40
TwirlMonkeyDust: lol? who said i want to "kill everything and log out" ?11:41
Bill_Gateshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession says "sudo mkdir -m 0777 /var/guest-data" to provide those but doesn't works !! Can somebody just verify please ??11:42
Bill_GatesOr is it 7777??????11:43
Bill_GatesOr is it 7777   ??????11:43
iptableBill_Gates, 0777 is fine11:43
iptableBill_Gates, 0777 is 777 in permissions. the 0 is for extra bits we will not go into for this excercise11:43
Bill_GatesDid you verify though?11:44
Bill_Gateshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeGuestSession says "sudo mkdir -m 0777 /var/guest-data" to provide those but doesn't works !! Can somebody just verify please ??11:44
Bill_Gatesrwx to guest11:44
iptableBill_Gates, YES it WORKS11:44
iptableBill_Gates, what "doesn't works"?11:45
MonkeyDustrajiv1  yes11:45
iptablethe command will not display anything, like "thank you, I did it". No messages means it worked. ls -l /var will show you guest-data there and rwx on it11:45
iptableBill_Gates, ^11:46
iptableBill_Gates, and if you originally ran it with wrong permissions, mkdir again on it won't work. you will have to manually chmod 777 /var/guest-data then11:46
MonkeyDustrajiv1  apt-get and apt-cache have been replaced by 'apt'11:48
iptablehuh? since when?11:48
iptablewho dares make apt a sane system?11:48
rajiv1MonkeyDust: using which one is better?11:49
Bill_Gatesi know! But I copied a folder from admin login to that and changed permissions on gui (properties) from access files to rwx for that folder but didn't changed for enclosed files!11:49
MonkeyDustrajiv1  the one you like more, they do the same thing11:50
iptableBill_Gates, 1. change permissions using the commands provided, not on GUI, so we know that worked.11:50
iptableBill_Gates, 2. To change permissions to existing files, use chmod -R 777 /var/guest-data11:50
rajiv1MonkeyDust: So apt only can be used to update the system as well?11:51
MonkeyDustrajiv1  yes11:51
egsomeHow to get the latest Unity 8 release on Ubuntu 16.04 ? According to launchpad, seems latest work on Unity 8 still not released to Ubuntu 16.04 repos !11:53
Bill_GatesI did all the same. Okay see if a folder copied to the guest-data from admin account that would explicitly require to change permissions as the folder is under admin priviledges! Agree ??11:53
rajiv1MonkeyDust: what is the difference between "synaptic" and "muon" package managers?11:54
MonkeyDustegsome  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/ubuntu-16-04-unity-8-desktop-progress-video11:54
MonkeyDustrajiv1  iirc, muon is for kde11:54
xanguaegsome: you can install unity 8 if you want, but please understand it's not yet ready for daily use or even usable11:54
egsomexangua, I did install it, but seems a very buggy version, when talked to people at launchpad, they told version available in 16.04 repos is old and not updated.11:55
egsomexangua, I accept it is being not stable, just want to test it out and report bugs.11:55
egsomeMonkeyDust, Going to check that.11:55
MonkeyDustegsome  what xangua says: try it at your own risk, it's not supported here11:56
egsomeMonkeyDust, Going to try ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay11:56
Bill_GatesLol now, see what the tragedy is if you create a folder from admin side that's unpriviledged for guest and even vice versa is true. Just try it !11:57
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Bill_GatesJust one thing ! If you can tell, chmod 0777 does'nt applies to all enclosed files. How ti achieve that ??12:05
Bill_Gatesiptable : Just one thing ! If you can tell, chmod 0777 does'nt applies to all enclosed files. How ti achieve that ??12:09
iptableBill_Gates, as stated before. chmod -R 77712:10
iptableBill_Gates, the -R makes a difference. -R = recursive. I have already said that at 12.50.31 UK time12:10
geirhaThe dir should be set to 1777, not 77712:13
Bill_Gatesbtw thanks iptable12:15
geirhaWith 777 everyone can remove/overwrite everyone else's files. With 1777, only the owner can modify/remove a file after it's created12:15
iptablegeirha, I think with guest-user the idea is that everyone can.12:16
geirhathat everyone can create files, yes. They can that with 177712:16
iptableand delete files12:17
iptablewell, it's up to Bill_Gates12:17
iptableneed to go do some work. later yall12:18
Bill_GatesJust one more thing, if you can tell, i used dosbox for a dos app on guest and and need to access that folder on that12:18
sveinselsblk seems to be unable to read a ext4 label and uuid for primary partition 2 on a USB device, yet dumpe2fs clearly shows both label and UUID for it12:19
Bill_Gateshelp just to mount it on that folder !12:19
sveinseThe /etc/fstab on this system thus contains /dev/sda*, which is dangerous on this machine, as new drives will be added12:20
rynekecan somebody help me with storing a public pgp key in seahorse?12:22
rynekei tried importing the .asc file, but when i click import nothing happens...12:22
ducassesveinse: can't you use /dev/disk/by-id/whatever-part2 ?12:22
gregf_im running ghostscript on my machine(14.04 LTS) - i've managed to tune gs on my machine12:24
gregf_we've got an ec instance that uses 12.10 - ghostscript version 9.6. the former runs in 30 seconds(file conversion that is) but the latter takes 10 minutes12:24
sveinseducasse: Apparently not. Only the first ext4 partition is shown12:26
Bill_GatesCan anyone help with dosbox  ??12:26
sveinseducasse: And this was the output from the ubuntu 16.04 server installer12:26
ducassesveinse: then i suppose the partition table might be screwed up. gpt or mbr?12:27
sveinseducasse, dos, not gpt.12:29
ducassesveinse: try to run fixparts on the disk, but read the man page first if you're not familiar with it.12:31
sveinseducasse: Well, if the parttable is faulty, it might indicate a bug in the 16.04 installer.  The system works with it, except that the 16.04 installer has chosen to use /dev/sd* names on that particular partition. The other partition is ok12:33
Bill_Gatesa simple question how to create links to folders anywhere?12:34
EriC^^links ln -s /source /link/to/source12:35
hateballBill_Gates: ln -s target linkname12:35
sveinseducasse: I'm redoing the ubuntu installer once more (third time) with another media12:36
ducassesveinse: also check the disk, just to be safe.12:36
sveinseducasse: I am using another disk12:37
ducassesveinse: ok :)12:37
juanonymousis it possible that a user with different router could have same ip address?12:42
dark_witcherhey guys quick question12:43
dark_witcherrunning ubuntu mate 16.0412:43
dark_witcheri want to remove transmission and pidgin but I get that another app will be removed (ubuntu-mate-desktop)12:44
EriC^^dark_witcher: just leave them12:44
dark_witcherwhat is that and should removing it break the system12:44
blaze24hi all12:51
blaze24annyone to give me a little help?12:54
SwedeMikeblaze24: we don't know, you haven't asked any question yet.12:54
blaze24it's about ubuntu mate 15.10... i first used on usb and sda1... worked perfectlly, but after upgrading to 16.04 i'm having problems12:55
dchapmandark_witcher: Doesn't compute. MATE is a desktop environment. Transmission is a torrenting application, and pidgin is a communication app. Neither have anything to do with Mate. What command are you using to remove them?12:55
blaze24what to remove?12:56
ducassedark_witcher: it's just a meta-package, doesn't hurt to remove it.12:56
blaze24i'm having problems with the nvidia driver preinstalled12:56
dark_witcherdchapman I'm removing it from the app store12:56
blaze24i think12:57
dark_witcherducasse that is what I taught, but I wanted to be sure12:57
* uKi` sunyiiiiiiiiiiii12:57
blaze24i know that i could get some answers on google... but i hope someone is going to help me here12:58
Dave666Has anyone here installed Ubuntu to dual boot with OSX? Wondered how difficult it is to set up. I need to use Linux for Eclipse development only, so only a small partition13:01
EriC^^i've seen it done13:01
EriC^^with refind it's easy, without it it's a little more involved,13:02
egsomeDave666, Interested to know, but didn't try it before. And, I think VirtualBox can be an option if just need it for Eclipse.13:03
Dave666I was looking for someone who's done it, to check on the risks. Don't really want to lose my OSX install as I have loads of stuff installed.13:03
coin3dcan anyone tell me why its no longer possible to run startx as user?13:03
coin3dwith ubuntu 16.04 i mean13:04
SwedeMikeDave666: why not just run ubuntu virtualised under OSX? Use virtualbox or something?13:04
Dave666egsome: Yeah, I've considered virtualbox. I'm using Eclipse to do some C++ dev with OpenCV though, so want full performance13:04
EriC^^Dave666: i've helped a couple people get it up and running, can't really say about later though13:04
Dave666Ah what the hell, I'll try Virtualbox - cheers :)13:04
egsomecoin3d, Seems still available. Didn't try to run it.13:06
coin3degsome: it fails with some permission errors - i first thought it is ubuntu related, but seems like the default behaviour for running xorg without root rights or something like that has changed13:07
egsomecoin3d, What error message do You get  ?13:07
coin3degsome: (EE) xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 2 (Permission denied)13:07
EriC^^coin3d: it works here13:08
EriC^^try DISPLAY=:1 startx unity13:08
egsomecoin3d, According to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=192329, seems reinstalling xorg solved the problem.13:09
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coin3dEriC^^: same error message :(13:12
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Aliekezhi-hi, I'm about to install ubuntu on an Apple Macbook, do I need to do something special ? It's a 64 bits intel CPU, should I use the default ubuntu 64 bits installation ?13:13
EriC^^!mac | Aliekezhi-13:14
ubottuAliekezhi-: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages13:14
Aliekezhi-EriC^^, sadly these pages doesn't cover my model, and those for close models are outdated for old ubuntu versions13:17
juanonymousis there any way to see the true users ip even if he is using a proxy?13:20
rillehIf you got access to the proxy :)13:20
MonkeyDustjuanonymous  what would be the use of the proxy, then?13:20
visheshI've this problem in Unity session,  all custom shortcuts take a lot of time to fire up like a minute.  Probably related, when I start google-chrome from terminal it takes a minute or two to start up as well. Evreything starts in a second in i3-wm session though13:21
juanonymousbecause i used proxy to cover my skype but the skype resolver still shows my original ip13:22
visheshI've this problem in Unity session,  all custom shortcuts take a lot of time to fire up like a minute.  Probably related, when I start google-chrome from terminal it takes a minute or two to start up as well. Evreything starts in a second in i3-wm session though. Any ideas?13:22
truncateI've this problem with Unity session. All custom shortcuts take over a minute to fire up. Probably, google-chrome takes like over a minute to start up too. Everything works perfect in i3-wm session though. (Sorry if this message showed up multiple times.)13:24
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coin3dEriC^^: this was how i solved it now: https://www.reddit.com/r/debian/comments/3nz0vz/psa_x_server_is_now_running_as_regular_user/cvsyvny13:32
naghizadeh I am trying to install trinityrnaseq, but I see this error. what should I do now?13:33
oooooWelcome to #ubuntu !13:33
naghizadehmehdi@home-srv:~$ cd "/media/mehdi/New Volume1/trinity/trinityrnaseq-2.2.0 "bash: cd: /media/mehdi/New Volume1/trinity/trinityrnaseq-2.2.0 : No such file or directory13:33
naghizadehmehdi@home-srv:~$ cd "/media/mehdi/New Volume1/trinity/trinityrnaseq-2.2.0"13:33
naghizadehmehdi@home-srv:/media/mehdi/New Volume1/trinity/trinityrnaseq-2.2.0$ make13:33
naghizadehUsing gnu compiler for Inchworm and Chrysalis13:33
naghizadehcd Inchworm && (test -e configure || autoreconf) \13:33
naghizadeh                && sh ./configure --prefix=`pwd`  && make install13:33
oooooDide someone know a good alternative to Wine  ?  I'm looking for better version of Skype , atm on 4.3, and have so much connnexions troubles ! thanks for counsel13:34
rahul_kummijust trying out the irc13:35
oooooM M M  M M M M-MONSTER KILL13:36
MonkeyDustooooo  stop13:36
oooooMonkeyDust why ? Nobody answer anything !13:37
ducasseooooo: still no reason to behave like an idiot.13:37
compdocooooo, install windows in virtualbox13:38
oooooducasse, its true ! Yeah compo, but a vm is not also usefull than a simulate like Wine ))13:38
oooooI'll try another way, thanks for help ;)13:39
DocMAXhi, is there something like "testing" in ubuntu?13:45
DocMAXto be up to date13:45
th34lch3m1sthi, dual boot uefi, w10 starts with no choise, but if I chose boot option at startup I can run ubuntu and see start menu options (included windows start). is there a chance to start ubuntu menu at start up?13:46
DocMAXto enter in the sources.list13:46
MonkeyDustDocMAX  sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade13:46
DocMAXi mean the sources.list13:46
hugoGuys, i'm using Openbabel, but when I run it, I get a Segmentation fault error. Any fixes?13:46
DocMAXdeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main restricted13:47
th34lch3m1stmanual partitioning, i have chose bootloader on sda (disk, no partition)13:47
DocMAXdeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu testing main restricted <-- someting like this13:47
ducasseDocMAX: no, there's no such thing.13:47
OerHeksproposed, but you don't want that13:47
DocMAXdeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu devel main restricted <-- but this works?13:47
MikelevelDocMAX~ devel13:47
DocMAXbut devel is like unstable in debian right?13:48
DocMAXi need "testing"13:48
Mikelevelnow its yakkety13:48
ducasseDocMAX: ubuntu is based on unstable, so there is nothing similar to testing. unless you go for the development release.13:49
Mikelevelyakkety is 16.10 version .... development branck13:49
Mikelevelits like testing/unstable13:49
Bill_GatesHey, I created a script file but that fails to run and creates a swap file. Please help13:54
OerHeksif it fails to run, how does it create a swap?13:55
DocMAXhey Bill_Gates.. u here in irc?13:55
OerHeksyeeah, favorite troll DocMAX13:55
DocMAXwhat r u doing here?13:55
NP_hi Dr.Naghizadeh13:55
DocMAXOerHeks, nice to meet you too13:56
Bill_GatesThe commands embedded in it automatically run on vim !! And btw why swp is created13:58
NP_ سلام14:00
NP_<NP_> سییب14:00
NP_<NP_> سشیب14:00
NP_<NP_> بیبیس14:00
NP_<NP_> سیببیس14:00
NP_<NP_> سیببسی14:00
OerHekseh yes, Bill_Gates, YOU created a script, now asking us why it does what it does. don't show us the script on a pastebin, let us guess?14:00
Bill_GatesWait, I'm new to it. Can you just tell me if I need to define the path too for exec those commands14:01
Bill_Gatespath even for default one, I mean?14:01
Bill_Gatesthat occurs when terminal run ??14:02
computerpeople, if i have an app that works in ubuntu, can it also work in debian?14:02
OerHekscomputer, sure, like chrome or skype14:03
computerOerHeks: excellent thanks14:03
kunifahello. as of version 1.1.90 network manager can use random MAC addresses for Wi-Fi access point scanning14:05
kunifawhere's this option in ubuntu?14:05
kunifait uses network manager 1.1.9314:05
huwjranyone having issues with DKIM on xenial?14:05
huwjrpretty lost atm14:05
huwjrgetting.. opendkim.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=64 Failed to start DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Milter.14:06
thebwtkunifa: the GUI may not be caught up, are you trying with nmcli ?14:07
kunifathebwt, i was trying with the gui. i see that one can set MAC_ADDRESS_RANDOMIZATION key in ifcfg files. but where are these files and how to set the key properly? there's a lack of documentation...14:09
thebwtI agree, I'm looking it up now but not coming up with much14:11
OerHekskunifa, this one asked the same, i never heard 16.04 can do that, not seeing it too http://askubuntu.com/questions/771204/systemd-mac-address-randomisazion14:12
OerHeksmaybe that question IS from you?14:12
m4vocan any1 tell me how to turn off hibernate on ubuntu?14:13
kunifano, the question is not from me. in the release information of network manager there's info about this option. but unfortunatly no info about how to use it. https://mail.gnome.org/archives/release-team/2016-January/msg00026.html14:14
kunifaand afaik network manager is independent from systemd14:14
kunifaso this is supposed to be configured in the network manager config itself...14:15
ash_workzis there a good channel to get help using Meld?14:17
farblueHi all :) Can someone possibly tell me the syntax for using a CIDR rather than a netmask in /etc/network/interfaces?14:21
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TJ-farblue: see "man interfaces" ... e.g. "address"14:23
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farblueTJ-: Thanks - I was looking at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man5/interfaces.5.html but it doesn’t provide an example. So do you provide the address and cidr range on the address line or can you supply the address on the address line and a cidr on the netmask line?14:25
TJ-farblue: maybe it changed since 12.04 and the 16.04 man-page there would show it?14:25
farblueyes, found it now :) Google didn’t find it though14:26
DocMAXdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/systemd_229-6ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):14:26
DocMAX trying to overwrite '/etc/systemd/logind.conf', which is also in package systemd-services 204-5ubuntu20.1914:26
DocMAXdpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)14:26
DocMAXErrors were encountered while processing:14:26
TJ-farblue: man is always your best friend :D14:26
TJ-(says the Huskies)14:26
farblueTJ-: heh, thanks :)14:26
dsantosHey friends. I just installed ubuntu by myself. I created a 500 GB partition in order to store the ubuntu and its data. However, something went wrong during the installation and the ubuntu created a 13 GB partition which is full now. You can check the status of this situation at http://termbin.com/j7hg and http://termbin.com/maau14:26
dsantosHow can I merge or transfer my ubuntu data into the 500 GB partition?14:27
TJ-DocMAX: looks like you're mixed releases there, going by the vasrtly different systemd versions14:27
DocMAXTJ-, what to do?14:27
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DocMAXi try to update 14.04 > 16.0414:27
TJ-DocMAX: did you use "do-release-upgrade" ?14:28
DocMAXjust apt-get dist-upgrade14:28
TJ-DocMAX: so you changed the entries in apt's sources.list to xenial?14:28
DocMAXno to y.....14:29
DocMAXcan pronounce the name14:29
TJ-to 16.10 yakkety ?14:29
TJ-16.04 is xenial, the current release and LTS14:29
DocMAXdo-release-upgrade doesnt find new release14:30
DocMAXi recovered to 14.0414:30
DocMAXah do-release-upgrade -d works14:32
TJ-DocMAX: for 14.04>16.04, you need to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change to "Prompt=normal" - lts upgrades are only available once 16.04.01 is released in July14:32
TJ-DocMAX: or "-d", yes14:32
Bill_GatesHey provide command to export path ??14:32
DocMAX16.04 seems to be released14:33
DocMAX21. April 201614:34
nicomachusDocMAX: it is. but the LTS isn't released until july 2114:34
akishi all. i just install 16.04 and although i hold the current kernel (http://paste.ubuntu.com/16461121/) when i am trying to update the system i take the answer that new kernel will be installed (http://paste.ubuntu.com/16461161/). Any idea what is happening and how will i hold the current kernel as i tried to do already?14:34
TJ-DocMAX: we don't enable upgrades from LTS to LTS until the point 1 release, so as to let bugs be ironed out14:35
DocMAXwe? r u from ubuntu?14:35
dsantosNobody here to help me?14:35
nicomachusubuntu is a community. we are all ubuntu. you, me, he, she, we14:35
DocMAXand it14:36
Bill_Gatesubuntu is my neigbhour's name!14:36
Bill_GatesMy real name is Windows!14:36
minimecakis: There is a kernel update from version .21 to version .22, but it is still kernel 4.4.0. So you will keep the same kernel, but a newer less nuggier version...14:36
\9dsantos: fire up the live session again and use gparted to resize the partitions to appropriate sizes14:37
\9dsantos: note: be very careful when dealing with gparted14:37
minimecakis: less biggier... ;)14:37
dsantossorry, but what is live session \9? I am a linux illiterate14:38
Bill_GatesI got a little script.14:38
minimecnicomachus: damn ... ;)14:38
\9dsantos: the session you used to install ubuntu in the first place. cd, usb drive, etc14:38
Bill_GatesTo exec I exported path14:38
akisminimec: ok, thank you for your reply, i saw already this. why although i choose hold kernel the system tries to update it?14:38
Bill_GatesBut that still runs through vim14:38
tgm4883akis: how did you hold it?14:39
DocMAXhey bill, how much money you got?14:39
\9dsantos: it needs to be done there because gparted cannot edit the partition table of the running system, so you need to run the system off something else14:39
Bill_GatesThough it runs when I am in that directory!14:39
dsantos\9 can you guide me through this process? I can come back later here. I dont want to destroy my laptop. I know that this is sensible case14:39
akistgm4883: using this command: echo linux-image-amd64 hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections14:39
Bill_GatesAnyone gotta solution?14:39
\9dsantos: well, you can use hexchat from the live session and dial back here14:40
minimecakis: If you don't want the kernel to update, you have to remove the linux-image 'general' package. I do nowever NOT recommend that. There has to be some reason, that they updated the kernel.14:40
DocMAXhey bill, how much money you got?14:40
Bill_GatesI used "export PATH=$PATH:directory"14:40
nicomachusBill_Gates: can you put it all into one line, please?14:40
nicomachusDocMAX: keep it on topic please.14:40
dsantosOK, I will be back in some minutes, maybe with other name14:40
tgm4883akis: it's doing exactly what you told it to. It's not updating the kernel14:41
tgm4883minimec: no you don't, he did it correctly. It's not updating the kernel14:41
Bill_Gatesnicomachus : Is "export PATH=$PATH:directory" correct?14:41
tgm4883however, the kernel headers are a different story...14:41
Bill_Gatesto export path!14:41
jwitkoHi All, I have an ubuntu 14.04 series of systems that crashing intermittently.  They have existed for a while and just started crashing recently, all system logs and monitoring we have stops cold about an hour before we start to see signs of unresponsiveness.  dmesg shows nothing unordinary, atop logs are empty, syslog and kern.log just stop seemingly as if nothing happened.  Can anyone help14:42
jwitkome figure out how to investigate this further?14:42
tgm4883akis: I would agree though, why are you trying to hold the kernel?14:42
akisminimec: the reason i don't want to update the kernel is because i see that the current one is pretty stable with my wireless adapter and i dont want to risk with any future updates14:42
nicomachusjwitko: what changes were made right before that started? Any chance of hardware failures?14:42
akistgm4883: look @my answer above14:43
minimecakis: As long as you stay with 4.4.0, that shouldn't happen.14:43
tgm4883akis: I would argue that rolling back to a previous kernel is super simple14:43
tgm4883akis: eg. just selecting the older kernel during boot14:43
minimectgm4883: I don't agree with you.14:43
tgm4883minimec: with what?14:44
jwitkonicomachus: Thanks for the response.  The servers run a service that manages lxc containers through virsh.  There havent been any major system updates or changes that I can quickly or easily identify as being responsible here.  It is possible its hardware, they all run on SuperMicro hardware albiet different versions of that hardware.  However typically I'll see messages or signs in dmesg or14:44
jwitkosyslog alluding to hardware issues.  Currently there is nothing before or after reboot.14:44
akistgm4883: i know this procedure, thanks for reminding it.14:44
jwitkonicomachus:  Also I have logging of system resources but it all stops 1hr before we noticed and system rebooted manually .  resources show no signs of increased utilization14:44
minimectgm4883: removing the 'generic' package will stop kernel updates, and his system is updating the kernel vrom subversion .21 to .22 ...14:44
akisminimec: so you think that no update beyond 4.4.0 will be take place?14:45
tgm4883minimec: I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. Check his output again, it's not updating the kernel, it's updating the kernel headers (which he hasn't held back)14:45
OerHeksexport PATH=$PATH:/path/to/the/directory not just directory. but hey, Bill_Gates, please DON'T share your script, let us guess !14:45
akisminimec: only subversion updates will take place?14:45
ubuntu-mateHey \9 it is me, dsantos. I am running ubuntu via USB now. I opened the Gparted. What can I do now?14:45
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minimecakis: Exactly. You can however try newer kernels, once 16.10 is released. There will be a different LTS-generic kenrel package that allows to upgrade the kernel to a higher version.14:46
TJ-akis: you could just remove the master package that causes the updates. either linux-image-generic and linxu-headers-generic or linux-image-lowlatency and linux-headers-lowlatency14:46
tgm4883minimec: you are right though, removing the metapackage would stop the kernel from being updated, just as holding it would do14:46
tgm4883TJ-: He's already held the packages, that's not needed14:47
OerHeksakis, wrong approach, no-one can tell if a new kernel breaks your wifi, nor those 'advises' to wait for 16.1014:47
TJ-tgm4883: as an alternative to holds14:47
akisOerHerks: i understand that, so i prefer to hold the current one14:48
tgm4883TJ-: which he's already done, and is confused about the output of apt (which I'm starting to wonder if anyone actually LOOKED at the output)14:48
TJ-akis: are you building an external driver for the wifi?14:48
minimectgm4883: I see now. Yet I recommend that he frees the kernel again for further updates. He was expecting kernel upgrade to happen, not only kernel updates. As this will not happen, I recommended to do the kernel updates.14:49
OerHeksakis, oke, so your orig. question is: how to pin the current kernel?14:49
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:49
akisTJ: no, built in driver only for my RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)14:49
minimecakis: Yes. Only subversion updates, like bug fixing...14:50
tgm4883minimec: Yes, he should do updates14:50
tgm4883OerHeks: he's already holding the packages ......14:50
OerHekstgm4883, but he stated he sees a new kernel by updates..14:51
tgm4883OerHeks: he's wrong. He sees kernel header updates14:51
tgm4883which I've been trying to explain to everyone in here for the last 10 minutes14:51
minimecOerHeks: He wants to stay on kernel 4.4.0, so kernel subversion updates shhould be ok. He wanted to prevent kernel version upgrades, putting the current kernel on 'hold'14:52
akisminimec: on 14.04 i did the same hold procedure and i received no updates. i have to do something more now to receive the same hold procedure. i am wondering what more?14:52
TJ-akis: in which case it is highly unlikely the driver will regress, only security updates and regressions are added after release. The usual kernel upgrade process keeps at least the previous 2 kernel versions installed which you can boot from via the GRUB boot loader "Advanced..." sub-menu if the latest kernel did introduce a problem.14:52
tgm4883as soon as I get someone on board, someone else chimes in with either holding the packages, or removing the metapackages14:52
OerHeksoh oke, i just rolled back to the 1st line. he pinned linux-image-generic only14:52
tgm4883akis: you need to hold the headers as well14:52
tgm4883akis: which we all can't agree what the issue is , we all agree that you should most definitely not stop kernel updates from happening14:53
axisysI was trying to fix vmware player issue with not finding gtk library. I probably removed some gtk package..and reinstalled.. my gnome-terminal background is now white and the desktop background looks grid with dots.. any suggestion on a fix?14:53
minimecakis: Imagine the current kenrel has a security hole. Putting the current version on 'hold' will not fix that hole! Yet you can be sure that the kernel version will stay on kernel 4.4.0, as long as you don't take further steps.14:54
axisysI am on 16.0414:54
nabukadnezar43ubuntu-server installer fails to load usb-storage module complaining about missing key (module not signed?)14:54
nabukadnezar43are there any workarounds?14:54
minimecakis: ... when 'freeing' that version again. You only get updates for kernel version
TJ-akis: you can always check the list of changes *before* allowing a package upgrade using "apt-get changelog <package-name>"14:55
akisminimec: i understand what you mentioned and it is very important. but in recent past under 14.04 i faced many issues with this card. now i can i see that is pretty stable and i wish that it stays stable!14:56
tgm4883akis: if you do decide to continue holding the kernel (and we're all strongly urging you to reconsider), then you really need to subscribe to http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/14:57
ubunturosI had a general question about specific packages that are a part of third-party vendors (like Pivotal for RabbitMQ, Ansible by Ansible Inc.). The versions of packages that are available in the Ubuntu default repositories of these packages are often relatively lower than their current version with a LTS release. Is there a rigorous process to ensure the binary compatibility of the package with the LTS version? Is that why they don't get updated too often?14:57
minimecakis: It will, because your kernel version will stay on 4.4.0. You only get bux fixes.14:57
MonkeyDust!latest | ubunturos here's why14:57
ubottuubunturos here's why: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:57
TJ-ubunturos: package features are frozen at release; only security fixes are added after that14:57
auronandaceakis: bottom line: it is trivial to boot an older kernel IF you come across wifi issues but freezing the kernel WILL make you vulnerable to any security flaws and unfixed bugs14:58
minimecakis: And anyway, you could always boot an older kernel version on boot, if the newer version would break something. But I am quiet sure that this will not happen...14:58
ubunturosMonkeyDust: TJ-: Thanks, that helps.14:58
tgm4883ubunturos: those packages are community supported. They are up to date with the version that is in debian. If debian has an old version, it's because nobody went through the effort to upload a newer version14:59
ubunturosAh, I see. Okay.14:59
tgm4883ubunturos: personally, if there is a upstream repo for their software I usually run from that14:59
akisok, dear friends it is pretty clear what you are mentioning about the security but if i have to drop to an older version to make my wi-fi work is it the same thing?15:00
tgm4883akis: yes, but if you have to drop to an older version you should file a bug15:00
ubunturostgm4883: I would also like to do that. However, some of the previous attempts that I've made have caused some crashes. I did not have enough time to run through the troubleshooting, so decided to step back and use the ones that did not complain much (versions that come along with the LTS release)15:01
axisysneed help with restoring the black background15:02
akisso, now my kernel is like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16461688/. Your opinion is to set it again at ii? or stay like this (hi) and just  receive the subversions?15:02
hutrardatoI want to install ubuntu on my system, but instead of gnome, I want awesome wm, where to start?15:02
hutrardatoand encryption as well15:02
axisysany idea what gtk package needs to be there?15:02
MonkeyDust!mini | hutrardato15:02
ubottuhutrardato: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:02
MonkeyDustaxisys  background of what? your desktop?15:03
hutrardatoMonkeyDust: that's good15:03
hutrardatoMonkeyDust: what do yousuggest for encryption?15:03
hutrardatoany video?15:03
auronandaceakis: there is very little reason not to keep your kernel up to date with the latest security and bug fixes unless you know for certain there will be a regression with your wifi15:04
minimecakis: Don't put the kernel on 'hold'. Free it again. Allow it to do security/bug fixes with subversion .21 -> .22 updates. It is still the same kernel version, and your WiFi driver will stay the same, as long as there is no security/bug fix to do... ;)15:05
axisysMonkeyDust: gnome-terminal15:05
=== user__ is now known as akis
EldonMcGuinnessawesome gui == gnome :D15:05
EldonMcGuinnesshutrardato: But awesome gui is very subjective, is there something in particular you are looking for in a GUI?15:06
axisysMonkeyDust: I was trying to fix something with vmplayer and gtk library and must have removed a package that is needed to restore the black background on gnome-terminal15:06
hutrardatoEldonMcGuinness: should be very light. awesome wm I meant though15:06
auronandaceEldonMcGuinness: awesome wm is a tiling window manager, it has nothing to do with gnome15:07
adrien_hey - im stuck with an issue, apt made an auto update which erased 75% of my apps. I'm on ubuntu-gnome, is this gdm or ubuntu related??15:07
akisminimec: i will do so. thanks. one more question relative to my new installation. i tried to install xchat but ubuntu center answered that there is no package with this name so i choosed xchat-GNOME which i am using right now. Is the same distro? what happen with plain 'xchat'?15:07
MonkeyDustaxisys  Profiles > Profile preferences ... no?15:08
tgm4883adrien_: what do you mean it erased your apps. Did they get uninstalled?15:08
EldonMcGuinnessindeed auronandace but he said gnome so I assumed he meant the whole shell15:08
auronandaceakis: it was removed because it is no longer supported, hexchat is a good alternative15:08
axisysMonkeyDust: nawp.. I am missing a package..15:08
axisysMonkeyDust: could be a some gtk pkg15:09
hutrardatoany article/blog on encryption diong correctly?15:09
minimecakis: Could be that xchat is deprecated right now (discontinued). You may try hexchat... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=xchat&searchon=names15:09
EldonMcGuinnessWhat type of encryption hutrardato? Do you mean of home folders, drives or something else?15:09
adrien_tgm4883, yes the apt logs shows they were uninstalled :S15:10
adrien_it's insane: http://pastebin.com/EZ3A3vS015:10
hutrardatoEldonMcGuinness: complete encryption. That if I loose my hdd/laptop. Nobody can access it15:10
hutrardatoso I think drive15:10
akisminimec: its ok if it is discontinued, i am using xchat_GNOME, will this be discontinued too?15:10
tgm4883adrien_: weird, Can you pastebin the full apt history.log file?15:12
minimecakis: I don't know. I am one of these 'terminal chat' users with 'irssi'. What I hear that hexchat has almost the same ui design as xchat. There is also 'quassel' that has become quiet famous.15:12
akisminimec: ok, thank you for your time today.15:12
baizonakis: yes, xchat is discontinued. Hexchat is the fork of xchat, I recommend to use that15:12
minimecakis: no problem15:13
adrien_tgm4883: hold on a sec15:13
EldonMcGuinnessI've no experience with encrypting the entire install, only done home folders and then whole drives that are not the root fs15:13
jarnosXubuntu 16.04 does not boot. It just shows the logo and animation, but does not display the login screen. It used to work earlier.15:14
TJ-hutrardato: Ubuntu support Full Disk Encryption at install time using LUKS/dm-crypt, and also home directory file-system encryption using ecryptfs15:14
axisysMonkeyDust: reinstall ubuntu-desktop restored everything..15:14
EldonMcGuinnessTJ-: does that encrypt the entire OS or just the home folders?15:14
hutrardatoTJ-: which is better LUKS or dm-crypt?15:14
MonkeyDustaxisys  great15:15
TJ-hutrardato: not in the installer, but possible, is encryption of the GRUB boot-loader's root file-system too, which prevents access to the kernels, initrd.img, or GRUB config without the LUKS passphrase15:15
TJ-hutrardato: LUKS is a wrapper around dm-crypt15:15
stratos@EldonMcGuinness: LUKS is on top of dm-crypt15:15
adrien_gtm4883: http://pastebin.com/9QYKEKg315:16
TJ-LUKS is like Veracrypt although not cross-platform and doesn't explicitly support hidden sub-volumes15:17
hutrardatoI see15:18
adrien_sorry, I cat the logs the wrong way, here's the proper order: http://pastebin.com/tNxepY4q15:19
DarkBlueSharkcan I delete last installed updates?15:25
[fLuX0R]whats up guys... I have a question, I'm using Unionfs-FUSE and my main folder is sorted/ when I try to move folders inside the sorted/ folder I get permission denied... anybody knows what can be?15:25
DarkBlueSharkfrom software center15:25
[fLuX0R]here is what I'm doing http://pastebin.com/78hLKdj515:26
Vinnie_winHELP! My Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop edition seems to have a problem with the hot-spot of the ibeam cursor. When I select text in any gui window, it usually selects the line above what I wanted to select. I I have to aim the top of the ibeam in the lower half of a line of text in order to select it, which is wrong. Anyone else have this problem? How can I fix it?15:27
nicomachus[fLuX0R]: use sudo15:27
tgm4883adrien_: that's super weird. Which repo are you connecting to? Any PPA's activated?15:27
[fLuX0R]nicomachus: if I try to move just text works, the problem is only when I try to move the entire folder15:28
farbluejust playing with (and really liking) the new fan networking :) Are there any recommendations on iptables rules to help keep packets contained?15:29
rynekei have a problem with GnuPG-keys on UbuntuGNOME 16.04 maybe someone can help me15:30
[fLuX0R]whats up guys... I have a question, I'm using Unionfs-FUSE I'm getting permission denied when I try to move a folder... just a folder, single files works... here is what I'm doing here is what I'm doing http://pastebin.com/78hLKdj5 anybody knows what can be?15:31
nicomachus[fLuX0R]: yea, I think you need sudo because of the preserves15:31
nicomachusyou don't need to repeat your question so quickly, though15:31
rynekei tried importing a friend's public key but it won't show up in seahorse15:31
[fLuX0R]nicomachus: sudo doesnt works too :(15:31
[fLuX0R]I also try with cp -r instead mv , but same problem :(15:31
rynekei created my own set of keys earlier and it showed up there but because of the problems i deleted the keys and recreated them in the terminal. now when i type gpg --list-keys in the terminal it shows my key and my friend's key but neither show up in seahorse15:32
rynekeany help?15:32
TJ-ryneke: are you using gpg or gpg2? because both are around it can cause confusion if the keys are added to v1 keyring because it won't get automatically imported to the v2 keyring15:34
TJ-ryneke: "gpg2 --list-keys" and "gpg --list-keys" should help15:34
rynekeTJ-: ah ok it seems they are both gpg, not gpg2. gpg2 --list-keys doesn't show anything15:36
rynekeTJ-: so how do i import them into seahorse so that evolution may use my friends key?15:36
huwjranyone got opendkim running on xenial? finding it a complete blag...15:36
snapfractalpopBen64: see from the logs that amr_ came back..15:38
snapfractalpopI wonder if he knows the channel is logged.15:39
snapfractalpopI hope he saw my last messages..15:39
TJ-ryneke: seahorse is a GUI front-end to the gpg tools15:39
OerHekssnapfractalpop, else he will come back15:40
TJ-ryneke: and (in 16.04) it depends on gpg215:40
rynekeTJ-: i know but evolution will only use keys that show up in seahorse it seems15:40
snapfractalpopOerHeks: true.15:41
Faizdoes anyone know how to check for some faults in system nd correct them automatcilly ?15:41
Faizthere  are many problem in my ubuntu15:41
jwitkoHi All, I have an ubuntu 14.04 series of systems that crashing intermittently.  They have existed for a while and just started crashing recently, all system logs and monitoring we have stops cold about an hour before we start to see signs of unresponsiveness.  dmesg shows nothing unordinary, atop logs are empty, syslog and kern.log just stop seemingly as if nothing happened.  Can anyone help15:42
jwitkome figure out how to investigate this further?15:42
snapfractalpopFaiz: you could start by looking at the logs15:42
Faiznd how to look at logs ?15:42
Faiznd wht to do with them ?15:42
OerHeks!fsck | Faiz15:42
TJ-ryneke: in Seahorse have you set View > Show Any or View > Show Trusted ?15:42
ubottuFaiz: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:42
rynekeTJ-: i set it to show any15:43
rynekeTJ-: doesn't work15:43
TJ-ryneke: and the key that you can see with "gpg2 --list-keys" doesn't show up?15:43
snapfractalpopFaiz: logs are in /var/log15:43
rynekeTJ-: no wait gpg2 --list-keys doesn't show anything15:44
idasvleteri need help i don't see my files in ubuntu15:44
Faizk im gonna try tht command15:44
Faizwht to do after tht ?15:44
rynekeTJ-: only gpg --list-keys shows something15:44
TJ-ryneke: right, that makes sense since seahorse uses gpg215:44
rynekeTJ-: yes15:44
TJ-ryneke: so you need to do an import from gpg v1 to gpg v215:44
rynekeTJ-: ok and how do i do that?15:45
TJ-ryneke: there's a tool to sync them, I was reading about it yesterday, let me see if I can find it15:45
snapfractalpopjwitko: do you have any metrics logged?15:45
adrien_tgm4883: yes I had at least three ppa, linrunner (tlp), tualatrix (ubuntu-tweak) and then maybe webup8 as well...15:47
tgm4883adrien_: when you did the update, you did it via the gui?15:47
snapfractalpopFaiz: that will try to fix file system issues, if that is the issue, after you can try rebooting15:47
adrien_somehow, these ppa got removed during the update15:48
snapfractalpopFaiz: I assume you are asking what to do after you run fsck15:48
jwitkosnapfractalpop:  I have logging of system resources but it all stops 1hr before we noticed and system rebooted manually .  resources show no signs of increased utilization from the logs that do exist before the event15:48
adrien_well, yes, the automatic update came thorugh the gui15:48
jwitkosnapfractalpop:  he servers run a service that manages lxc containers through virsh.  There havent been any major system updates or changes that I can quickly or easily identify as being responsible here.  It is possible its hardware, they all run on SuperMicro hardware albiet different versions of that hardware.  However typically I'll see messages or signs in dmesg or syslog alluding to15:48
jwitkohardware issues.  Currently there is nothing before or after reboot.15:48
tgm4883adrien_: did it mention anything about a partial upgrade when you did that?15:48
snapfractalpopjwitko: hm.. so the logging stops, but everything else works for 1 hr?15:49
OerHeksadrien_, did you enable HWE?15:49
jwitkosnapfractalpop: it does seem that way.15:49
TJ-ryneke: I can't find the info now, but it said something like the first time gpg2 is rum it creates $HOME/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/ with copies of the v1 keys, and copies the public keyring too.15:49
snapfractalpopjwitko: is this reproducible?15:49
adrien_I don't think so, but since I had 8 desktops busy with windows I didnt look at the details15:49
jwitkosnapfractalpop:  i can't reproduce it on command but it has happened a lot in the past few days to all servers in this 'cluster'15:49
tgm4883adrien_: what version of ubuntu?15:49
OerHeksoke, if you need to ask, you didn't i guess.15:49
jwitkosnapfractalpop:  and I'm sure it will happen again15:49
snapfractalpopjwitko: is this on aws?15:50
jwitkosnapfractalpop:  no, company owned data center and hardware15:50
sveinseHow can I disable a systemd service? "systemctl is-enabled zfs-mount.service" returns static, and evidently it does not respond to "systemctl disable"15:50
rynekeTJ-: ok i have that folder but it's empty - should i delete it and restart seahorse maybe?15:50
idasvleterwhen im trying to remove it's say file protected15:50
adrien_tgm4883: 14.0415:50
Rafael_hello, does anyone know a good browser which work flash nativally?15:51
tgm4883adrien_: HWE shouldn't do this either.15:51
adrien_OerHeks: no indeed, didnt have HWE enabled15:51
snapfractalpopjwitko: I wonder if you can somehow get shell access to the next time the logs stop but the system is still "working"15:51
jwitkosnapfractalpop, I have IPMI access with uses a java based KVM remote console15:51
lotuspsychjeRafael_: chromium-browser + pepperflash or firefox with freshplayer15:51
snapfractalpopjwitko: the timezone information is correct, I assume15:51
jwitkothe console is completely unresponsive when I attempt to log in15:51
tgm4883adrien_: All I could do at this point is guess what happened15:51
jwitkosnapfractalpop, yes timezone and ntp services seem to be working without issue15:52
snapfractalpopjwitko: so, you can't log in, what is working during that 1 hour period?15:52
adrien_tgm4883: what would that be? I read other rare occurences of such issues, but like 4 years ago...15:52
OerHeksadrien_, i wonder about linux-lts-xenial-tools-4.4.0-13:amd64  then15:52
snapfractalpopjwitko: the reason I was asking about the time zone is simply that I was speculating that it could be the cause of the 1 hour discrepancy15:52
snapfractalpopin log outage vs real-world outage15:52
TJ-ryneke: ahhh, there's a trick. You have to "killall gpg-agent" and then "gpg2 --list-keys" *should* do an import from v1 and you'll see some messages about it15:53
Rafael_lotuspsychje, i have tried both and they dont seem I dont know why. I need to open this site: http://siga.unimedjundiai.com.br/15:53
adrien_OerHeks: you mean xenial isn't 14.04?15:53
rynekeTJ-: ok one sec15:53
jwitkosnapfractalpop: so I only ever know the box is down after the approximate one hour has passed.  unfortunately I don't have any symptoms or signs to look for of the 'impending' situation.  I'm guessing the services work because the alerting from nagios doesn't happen until the hour or so later.15:53
adrien_so there's been an upgrade without me paying attetion?15:53
lotuspsychjeRafael_: perhaps the websites still use old adobe stuff?15:53
OerHeks14.04 = trusty15:53
jwitkosnapfractalpop: it would be services like SSH, ping, etc still functioning.  Also the libvirtd service15:53
tgm4883adrien_: well my best guess would be that there was a conflict between a package in the PPA and something else (possibly a dependency issue) and that in order to fulfill that request it had to remove all those other packages15:53
DarmoktalkAre they going to start over the alphabet soon?15:54
tgm4883adrien_: this is ubuntu-gnome?15:54
tgm4883Darmoktalk: next year15:54
naccDarmoktalk: it's only approximately alphabetical order anyways15:54
Welastevilhi guys!15:54
Rafael_lotuspsychje, maybe. if i try it with the regular chrome it works fine but my machine is x86 and chromes x64 only15:54
Welastevilwhat does it mean?15:54
adrien_tgm4883: yes, ubuntu-gnome. That would suck eternally, I'll look at the details of the ppa maybe I find the culprit15:54
lotuspsychjeRafael_: firefox complains here also on your site15:54
WelastevilPackage libelementary1 is not available, but is referred to by another package.15:54
WelastevilThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or15:54
Welastevilis only available from another source15:54
WelastevilRafael from Brasil?15:55
snapfractalpopjwitko: you could run a local command that checks the log files and reports when they are not being written to for some time15:55
OerHekselementary =!ubuntu15:55
Welastevilso... no problem?15:55
tgm4883adrien_: I'd suggest reinstalling ubuntu-gnome-desktop that should pull in a bunch of those packages15:55
rynekeTJ-: hm, after killall when i run "sudo gpg2 --list-keys" it just says warning: unsafe ownership of configuration file15:55
OerHeksoh, no, it is a regular ubuntu package i see15:55
WelastevilE: Package 'libelementary1' has no installation candidate15:55
Welastevilso, what can I do to install it?15:56
snapfractalpopjwitko: that might buy you a window to ssh in and see what's happening before the impending crash15:56
Rafael_lotuspsychje, the only one that works is chrome :/15:56
snapfractalpopbut it does sound odd that the logs would be the first thing to go15:56
Rafael_lotuspsychje, apparently15:56
lotuspsychjeWelastevil: what are you trying to install, that you need this package15:56
OerHeksWelastevil, it is part of 'universe' repo, make sure you enabled it http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libs/libelementary115:56
naccWelastevil: what version of ubuntu?15:56
TJ-jwitko: sounds like a progressive out of memory issue15:56
TJ-ryneke: no sudo, that runs it as the root user!15:57
snapfractalpopTJ-: but wouldn't he have OOM errors in the logs?15:57
adrien_tgm4883: that's what I did, before that I couldnt even launch the system. I'm up for reinstalling from scratch I guess, which sucks after less than a year.15:57
jwitkoTJ-:  wouldn't i see OOM and other such issues in the logs ?15:57
tgm4883adrien_: you shouldn't need to reinstall from scratch15:57
Rafael_whats the name of that browser that the creators are the ones from mozilla15:57
TJ-snapfractalpop: if it was severe, but logging stopping suggests rsyslogd is either dying or running out of resources... if it isn't reported as dying, then starvation is another possibility15:58
rynekeTJ-: hm gpg2 --list-keys still doesn't show anything..15:58
adrien_tgm4883: I don't need, but my gut feeling is that there's a bunch of packages lying around the system which aren't somehow bound to my user anymore, or something something15:58
snapfractalpopTJ-: what's weird is that he's saying other services will run fine for another hour15:58
tgm4883adrien_: that sentence doesn't even make sense. Packages aren't bound to users15:59
sveinseHow can I disable a "static" systemd service? Or perhaps more correctly, is there a way to disable it except modifying the service file in /lib/systemd/system/ ?15:59
TJ-ryneke: if you just used sudo you've possibly changed ownership of your user's keys. check then with "find $HOME/.gnupg -ls" and make sure your $USER owns everything15:59
adrien_tgm4883: I wish it was like that, but gnome is a little magic, ya know ;)15:59
tgm4883adrien_: like how?15:59
TJ-snapfractalpop: jwitko without seeing the logs leading up to the 'pause' its hard to do anything except throw vague guesses about16:00
rynekeTJ-: seems to be ok, after each path my username is prompted twice16:00
Welastevillast version16:00
jwitkoTJ-: sure I'm happy to show the logs  one moment16:00
Welastevilhow to enable that?16:01
Welastevilversio 16.0416:01
MaynardI want to download 14.04 Ubuntu Studio.  I can get it to go to transmission. What do I do from there?16:01
snapfractalpopjwitko: in a pastebin16:01
TJ-ryneke: hmmm, and do you have the ".gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/" directory and files within?16:01
adrien_tgm4883: well it's my first time on ubuntu-gnome after 10 years on ubuntu without any such stuff happening and it didn't last long.16:02
rynekeTJ-: no, the folder was empty before, now i deleted it to try if it would be recreated16:02
lotuspsychjeMaynard: let it download until ready?16:02
idasvleteris this support also with virtualbox?16:02
lotuspsychjeidasvleter: if its on ubuntu yes16:02
Welastevilterminology terminal and E2016:02
idasvleterI want to see m vmhdk16:02
TJ-ryneke: you might need to do "gpg2 -K <key-id>" to trigger the import... when it happens one message you'll see is "gpg: starting migration from earlier GnuPG versions"16:02
Welastevilso... what should I do to be able to install that>?16:02
tgm4883adrien_: I still don't understand and I still don't think you need to reinstall, but it's your system do what you want16:03
lotuspsychjeidasvleter: see also the #vbox channel if you cant find your answer here16:03
TJ-ryneke: use your own key's ID there16:03
MaynardYes I did........starting over now.  Also is there a BETTER torrent server?  The BitTorrent provided in Ubuntu older realeases took 14 hours last night.16:03
rynekeTJ-: ok i'll try16:03
lotuspsychje!torrents | Maynard16:03
ubottuMaynard: Xenial can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/xenial/desktop/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/xenial/server/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696916:03
adrien_tgm4883: usually, the system should give a warning before uninstalling itself. The packages that got updated before removing the other one where not from the ppa.16:04
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adrien_tgm4883: But anyway, thanks for looking at that!16:04
TJ-ryneke: that assumes you've got your keys in gpg v1 format in that location already... if you've been using 'sudo' there's a chance your keys belong to root user and are in /root/.gnupg/16:04
tgm4883adrien_: that's what the partial update warning does16:04
naccWelastevil: that package isn't available in 16.04; was this an upgrade from 14.04?16:05
adrien_tgm4883: can't exclude I clicked yes but I meant no XD classic.16:05
Eburituswhen do 14.04 users get working update to 16.04?16:05
naccEburitus: when 16.04.1 comes out16:05
naccEburitus: roughly July sometime16:05
Maynardlotuspsychje_ I don't want 16..........it repeatedly crashes on me.  IS there a better torrent than BitTorrent?  I want a iso for 14 Studio16:06
rynekeTJ-: well i think they are there (under ~/.gnupg) because the pubring.pgp file is there and has 2.9 kB of size16:06
nicomachusMaynard: a better torrent? what do you mean? client? protocol?16:06
MaynardI don't know the term all I know is Bit TOrrent that Ubuntu gives blows.  13 hours for 2.6G?????????????????16:07
rynekeTJ-: when i try to run "gpg2 -K <id>" it says "gpg: error reading key: No secret key"16:07
DrMontilla_ my alsa is going mute everytime i reboot or logoff/on. i can run alsamixer, select the soundcard and un-mute, but the settings reset every reboot or logon. any help?16:07
nicomachusMaynard: sounds like you have a slow internet connection. Nothing Ubuntu can do about that.16:07
curlyearswhy does it take 5-7 seconds for my screen to respond when I hit a key, when it's on auto-saver? (you know, keyboard timeout, the screen goes blank)16:08
MaynardI have like 5M/s16:08
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Maynardnot thhe issue16:08
Welasteviloh so sad16:08
bekksMaynard: Use a single quotation mark only. Multiplying it doesnt make your issue more important. And if torrenting the ISO takes too long for you, just download the ISO as usual.16:08
Welastevilimpossible so???16:08
snapfractalpopMaynard: make sure you don't have the turtle clicked if you are using transmission16:09
MaynardK thanks16:09
curlyearsMaynard:   is tha a onee time experience, or it bitTor consistently slow for you?16:09
MaynardSo first time with torrent.16:09
jwitkosnapfractalpop TJ- please see http://imgur.com/a/typmN  that is screen shot of the logs at the time of the crash from both kern.log and syslog16:09
tgm4883Maynard: it could also be your ISP doing some blocking16:09
TJ-ryneke: right, the -K <key-id> needs to be the id of your own key, and it if it isn't currently in gpg2's keyring, should trigger an attempt to import it from the gpg v1 keyring16:09
MaynardBitTorrent took 13 hours for 2.8G16:09
curlyearsor it could be an overloaded torrent server16:10
MaynardRan a speed test not the issue.16:10
jwitkothere are memory issues in the logs from kvm but these systems are handling lxc containers via libvirtd and those errors have existed for as long as I have logs to go back and look at16:10
rynekeTJ-: hm well the id of my own key is the first line when i type gpg --list-keys, right?16:10
MaynardHENCE why I am asking is there a better place to get Ubuntu safely?16:10
tgm4883Maynard: that has NOTHING to do with bittorrent speeds16:10
rynekeTJ-: or is it the email-address16:11
tgm4883well, not nothing16:11
tgm4883but it's almost irrelevant to the discussion16:11
snapfractalpopjwitko: mm_fault_error seems before the crash16:11
TJ-jwitko: "over capacity" - cannot see anything. can you simply pastebin text extracts (say the 1000 messages leading up to the 'pause')16:11
TJ-ryneke: you can use anything gpg recognises as an ID... email address, name, fingeprint, key-ID16:11
naccWelastevil: did you use a PPA to install e20 in trusty? the version of enligtenment in 16.04 is e17 (aiui)16:11
curlyearsI mean, I have a 15Mbps cable connection, am downloading the 16.4 desktop ISO, ansd Firefoc is predicting 3-4 hours (it varies)  That tells me that the server is heavily loaded right now16:11
tgm4883Maynard: but if you want, I can check. Which torrent was going slow for you?16:11
WelastevilI used16:12
tgm4883Maynard: that's not what I asked.... Give me the link16:12
Maynardtgm4883_thank you16:12
rynekeTJ-: ok, that doesn't work though it only gives me the error message "error reading key: no secret key"16:12
naccWelastevil: more than likely the PPA you used in 14.04 does not yet support 16.04, but not sure without knowing the ppa16:12
TJ-ryneke: hmmm, I'm at a loss then. Does "gpg -K <key-id>" show that key?16:12
naccWelastevil: but you should contact the ppa owner for support16:12
rynekeTJ-: yes it does16:13
curlyearsI have downloaded that file before and gotten it done in 43 minutes, so I know the saerver must  be loaded16:13
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TJ-ryneke: Well, that's 1 step closer, we know it is there, and we know it *should* be imported. I wonder if you need to remove the (failed) import directory and some other files to have it re-trigger. Let me check16:14
tgm4883curlyears: I still think it's his connection16:14
curlyearsTJ-:  are you a member of the development team?16:14
jwitkosnapfractalpop unfortunately the server is powered off at this moment so I can't go and grab the text logs.  can you see this?  http://i.imgur.com/2LzzQZG.png16:14
jwitkoerr, sorry  TJ- ^16:14
curlyearstgm4883: quite poissible16:14
TJ-ryneke: do you have a "$HOME/.gnupg/.gpg-v21-migrated" file (which I suspect is the 'flag' to say the import has been done) ?16:15
jwitkoTJ- snapfractalpop here is a paste-bin for system resources before/after the crash  http://pastebin.com/5AZRZeUW16:15
rynekeTJ-: yap16:15
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TJ-jwitko: yes, can see that16:15
rynekeTJ-: it's 0 bytes16:15
curlyearsjwiko:   server not found from here16:15
TJ-ryneke: try removing that flag file then and doing "gpg2 -K <key-id>" again16:15
curlyearsI couldn't get joined into ubuntu-offtopic this morning, the channel just never connects16:16
TJ-jwitko: seems pretty obvious "mm_fault_error" - Memory Manager Fault: Error16:16
rynekeTJ-: BAM you're a god man!16:17
jwitkoTJ- there are memory issues in the logs from kvm but these systems are handling lxc containers via libvirtd and those errors have existed for as long as I have logs to go back and look at16:17
TJ-ryneke: if you dig hard enough you'll always come out the other side :D16:17
rynekeTJ-: it shows up in seahorse now, although it is "greyed out"16:17
jwitkothose messages are seen time and time again with no crash16:17
idasvleterterimanal arrow is shit16:17
TJ-ryneke: which is greyed out, your own key?16:17
vootI just compiled freeradius on one Ubuntu 14.04.4 system and transferred the whole directory to our "production" system. However, make install doesn't work. What is the best practice for transferring compiled software to production servers?16:17
TJ-ryneke: you should edit your own key and give it ultimate trust16:18
rynekeTJ-: yes, and my friend's key doesn't sho up either16:18
curlyearsTJ-:     are you a member of the development team for 16.04?16:18
idasvleterI can't find my ip16:18
rynekeTJ-: ok ultimate trust makes it visible16:18
naccidasvleter: `ip addr`16:18
idasvleterI do ifconfig and I see inet addr but it's starting with 10.0.2 and not with 10.0.016:18
rynekeTJ-: and my friend's key? do i have to run the same command on it?16:19
snapfractalpopjwitko: I'm stumped.. wish I could help you further, but the resources log leaves no clues that I can work with..16:19
curlyearsis there any way in gnome (short opf editing the sourrce and recompiling) to change the display size of ther cursor?16:19
naccvoot: when you say 'whole directory' what do you mean? note that the method of transfer is important as `make` is very sensitive to timestamps16:19
naccvoot: so time differences between the two systems can also lead to issues16:19
TJ-ryneke: "gpg2 --edit-key <key-id>" and then there's a command-line inside gpg, type 'help' to list the commands. Type "trust" and choose 5 (ultimate) then type "save"16:20
naccvoot: I believe most people use packages for what you are asking, but I don't know for sure16:20
snapfractalpopjwitko: the only thing I can see as a clue is that error in the first imgur link16:20
idasvleternacc: that's doesn't show ip16:20
snapfractalpopbut I don't know what to make of that16:20
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TJ-ryneke: after that check if v2 can see your friend's key with "gpg2 --list-keys"16:20
bekksidasvleter: You are using NAT in your VM, dont you?16:21
naccidasvleter: i'm pretty sure it does, but ok -- even if ifconfig is what you use, you have an IP, you just don't like it? (you mention above 10.0.2 prefix)16:21
curlyearsgreetsa Guest9168216:21
idasvleterbekks: i changed it to brisged16:21
rynekeTJ-: ok one sec16:21
bekksidasvleter: Then you have to change IP settings in your VM too.16:21
idasvleternacc: i am trying to use openssh-server16:21
idasvleterbekks: that's what i did16:21
TJ-jwitko: those messages are part of a corrupted panic message, there's a stack-trace been lost there, and then shortly after all those ^@ are zero-bytes in the log file due to corruption16:22
bekksidasvleter: Then you would be using an IP from your LAN, not a NAT one.16:22
idasvleterbekks: what does it mean?16:22
vootnacc: I transferred the entire source directory in which I compiled the software. I used scp to transfer it to the production system. "make install" reports that "there is no rule to make target "install"". I cannot use the ubuntu repo deb package because it is far too out of date for our environment16:22
rynekeTJ-: when i try "gpg2 --edit-key <key-id>" it says "gpg: key <key-id> not found: no public key"16:23
bekksidasvleter: That your changes had no effect so far.16:23
idasvleterso what to do?16:23
naccvoot: is there a Makefile in the target, and does it have an 'install:' line?16:23
snapfractalpopgoing afk.. peace16:23
bekksidasvleter: Change your IP settings? :)16:23
vootnacc: make install works perfectly find on the origin system16:24
curlyearsjust checking:  am I invisible today?16:24
vootnacc: it just doesn't work after it's transferred16:24
brunch875curlyears: I see you :p16:24
TJ-jwitko: i suspect your issue is bug 156872916:24
ubottubug 1568729 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP in task_numa_migrate - handle_mm_fault" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156872916:24
naccvoot: you may want to look at `checkinstall`, fwiw, but you didn't answer the question?16:25
root____5i would like to ask for help. i have  a running server  ubuntu 15.04  and i bought a new  system and  i tried to back up the older server and restore it  in the new system. i tried to use   tar -cvpzf     /media/backup/backup.tar.gz   /   but when restoring the backup  in the new system, i can no longer login and if shut down the system  it can't boot. i really need help about how i can restore this back16:25
root____5up in the new system16:25
rynekeTJ-: so i ran the command for v1 ("gpg --edit-key") and gave it ultimate trust but "gpg2 --list-keys" still doesn't show it16:25
idasvleterim trying to connect but it says access is denied16:25
\9root____5: 15.04 is EOL16:25
idasvleterim trying to connect but it says access is denied (openssh)16:25
bekksSo enter the correct credentials.16:25
idasvleteri di16:26
idasvleteri did*16:26
bekksThen access would not have been denied.16:26
rynekeTJ-: should i delete the flag file again?16:26
TJ-ryneke: I'm not sure what the heck is going on, but I'm sure it's because the import has only 1/2 completed, and the thing is 'confused'16:26
bekksidasvleter: Are you using NAT for your vm?16:26
jwitkoTJ- This bug exists in trusty as well ?16:26
OerHeksroot____5, that would restore all packages from 15.04 ...16:26
rynekeTJ-: ok, so re-importing should help right?16:26
jwitkoTJ- everything seems to be referencing Xenial16:26
vootnacc: yes it includes an install: line16:27
curlyearsroot____5: I think parrt of your problewm could be that that approach won't copy the partition table (I could well be wrong)16:27
TJ-ryneke: I'm wondering if you should copy the entire .gnupg/ directory to a back-up name, copy your v1 secret ring and public keyring over, and then let gpg2 do a fresh import attempt16:27
\9idasvleter: try use the -v switch with ssh to get more detailed output as to why is it failing16:27
idasvleterbekks: what16:27
\9idasvleter: assuming you control the ssh server, check the output of /var/log/auth.log, it could have something interesting16:27
bekksidasvleter: You are using a VM, dont you?16:27
idasvleterbekks: what16:27
\9er, check that file, not its output16:28
TJ-ryneke: also, in gpg2, you can simply re-import your friend's key "gpg2 --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <friends-key-id>"16:28
rynekeTJ-: ok will do. the files would be "secring.gpg" for secrete ring and "pubring.gpg" for public keyring, right?16:28
TJ-ryneke: I'm not sure which belong to v1 and which to v2, I'll have to read the man pages16:28
jwitkoTJ- also I'm not sure what makes y ou think that bug is related to my issue ?16:29
idasvleterhow to copy a folder with scp while tar?16:29
TJ-ryneke: ahhh... helpful notes: "man gpg2" and search down to the section "FILES" (press /^FILES and hit Enter)16:29
rynekeTJ-: ok16:30
bekksidasvleter: scp -r, no tar needed.16:30
TJ-jwitko: similar scenario from what you've told us, similar fragment of a stack trace16:30
root____5so who do i do to include partition table in my backup?16:30
idasvleterim using windows winscp16:30
curlyears*sigh* gpg is too complicated for anything I need.  The only thing I ever used pgp for was sending troll messages to like  minded frieds full of security "key words", designed to make the Feds waste hours and hours of machine time decoding nothing worthwhile (we were mean hackers in those days, it was outright war)16:30
bekksidasvleter: Select the folder, copy it.16:30
\9we don't support winscp here16:30
TJ-jwitko: which kernel version's are the affected systems using?16:31
idasvleteri able to connect but i want to transfer a folder but the server doesn't have available size for tar and in windows I can't copy the folder because of some windows rules16:31
curlyearsroot____5: I wish I could tell you, Some one here knows, though16:31
OerHeksjwitko, memory issues .. have you tried to run memest86?16:31
root____5thank you anyway.let me keep trying may be finally i will find the way!16:31
TJ-root____5: is it GPT or MBR?16:32
TJ-root____5: see "man sgdisk" and the --backup=file" option16:32
curlyearsANYONE: root____5 needs to know how to correctly copy the partition table from one disk to another16:32
curlyearsthanks, TJ-16:32
TJ-there's nothing the 'man' cannot answer!16:33
curlyears\true, TJ- (except possibly whether he is a member of the developers team)16:33
TJ-curlyears: "man man" as in man pages16:33
curlyearsah..still would like to know the answer to my question, though16:34
curlyearsOnce again:  does anyone know any way shhort of editing the source and recompiling, to change the size of the cursor in gnome?16:35
jinxiI have been using TW for a few weeks now. Sadly I still type in sudo apt-get16:36
jwitkoTJ- ubuntu 14.04.416:36
curlyearsI only have one working eye, and cannot see the entire screen on my 27" monitor, and I am constantly losing ghrte location oof the cursor16:36
jwitkoOerHeks, not yet.  but i find it unlikely that memory failed across 4 systems in 4 days16:36
OerHekscursors are part of your theme, use unity tweak to edit that16:36
curlyearsOerHeks: OK...where do I fine unity tweaks util?16:37
tgm4883curlyears: I through there was a button to find the cursor?16:37
TJ-jwitko: which has the kernel from 15.10 (v4.2) ?16:37
curlyearstgm4883: :  if there is, I am unaware of it16:37
jwitkoTJ- no way older than that.  3.1316:38
TJ-jwitko: so they're not using the Hardware Enablement stack?16:38
jwitkoTJ- I don't know what that is16:38
jwitkobut I don't think so16:38
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OerHekstgm4883,  that used to be, removed now16:38
TJ-jwitko: from the wiki: "By default, the 14.04.4 point release will ship with a newer 4.2 Linux kernel from Ubuntu 15.10, ..."16:38
tgm4883OerHeks: :(16:39
OerHekstgm4883, like this http://askubuntu.com/a/23010316:39
TJ-jwitko: that bug report I referenced looks closest to the screenshot and scenrio you've described16:39
rynekeTJ-: ok, so i deleted all files in ~/.gnupg, put pubring.gpg and secring.gpg back in and tried importing my friend's file - no luck though16:39
TJ-ryneke: well as I said you can fetch the friend's key directly, no need to import it from v116:40
rynekeTJ-: seahorse had my own key imported but greyed out16:40
TJ-ryneke:  "gpg2 --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <friends-key-id>"16:40
rynekeTJ-: well, i only have it as an .asc file16:40
TJ-ryneke: ahhh, OK, then you need the --import option then16:41
rynekeTJ-: you mean gpg2 --import <key-id>?16:41
TJ-ryneke: for an ASC file "gpg2 --import file.asc"16:42
TJ-ryneke: as for the greyed out bit, I'm assuming that's indicating the key isn't ultimately trusted, so that'll need the whole "gpg2 --edit-key <key-id>"  trust > 5 (ultimate) > save " process once more16:43
squigzDoes anyone recognize the nick skraito or smecin?16:43
root_of_evilerim trying to write a kickstart, and neither %packages nor preseed pkgsel/include seems to be working - anyone done this before?16:43
uptimesquigz: Indeed, why's that?16:43
curlyears)-:  went into software center, found unity tweak tool, clicked "more information" it came up[ and said it was available from "universe" so I clicked "use this source."  The "use this source greys out, sand the progress icon on the top bar just sits and spins forever, with nnothing happening16:44
squigzuptime: may I pm you?16:44
uptimesquigz: Please do :)16:44
rynekeTJ-: ok, so it was imported and "gpg2 --list-keys" does now show both keys... but seahorse doesn't show it16:44
TJ-ryneke: seahorse uses the gpg-agent I believe. It might be easiest to do a log-out and log-in just to ensure all the bits are in sync with each other.16:45
XxNemoXxhow do i install ubuntu16:45
rynekeTJ-: HA!16:45
rynekeTJ-: i gave his key ultimate trust with "gpg2 --edit-key" - now it shows up!16:45
TJ-ryneke: that doesn't sound right, ultimate should usually only be for your own key, but if it doesn't show up in seahorse until set to ultimate that suggests the View > Show All isn't working correctly16:46
TJ-!install | XxNemoXx16:46
ubottuXxNemoXx: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:46
rynekeTJ-: ok what trust level should i give it?16:46
XxNemoXxTJ i need you to type /quit16:47
TJ-ryneke: I'd think "fully" would be correct16:47
TJ-XxNemoXx: and I need you to behave and follow the channel guidelines shown in the topic16:47
XxNemoXxTJ i need you to type /quit16:47
rynekeTJ-: ok, did that, it's still there16:47
naccroot_of_eviler: sure, what is happening?16:48
root_of_evilernacc: so far, nothing16:48
TJ-ryneke: so now Evolution (finally!) can see the key?16:48
root_of_evilernacc: i do get one log line where it looks like its trying to install the packages, but they dont end up installed16:48
rynekeTJ-: YES! xD16:48
TJ-ryneke: about &%^&(&! time!16:49
rynekeTJ-: and evolution is using it too16:49
rynekeTJ-: hehe16:49
naccroot_of_eviler: can you pastebin that line?16:49
naccroot_of_eviler: and possibly your kickstart file?16:49
rynekeTJ-: well thanks so much for your advice!!16:49
root_of_evilersure, hold on16:49
rynekeTJ-: ... and patience16:49
doomwhispI am having a problem installing ubuntu 16 from 14. During the installation i pressed (windows key)+L trying to lock the screen, and something went wrong. I'm seeing a black screen for a long time. What should i do?16:50
bekksdoomwhisp: Once 16.04.1 is released, the direct upgrade path from 14.04 to 16.04.1 will be supported.16:51
root_of_evilernacc: the kickstart - http://pastebin.com/iJgnWtqd16:52
XxNemoXxthat wont work16:52
bekksXxNemoXx: What wont work?16:52
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
mcphaildoomwhisp: upgrading from 14.04 -> 16.04 isn't supported yet, and I'm sure screen locking during an update isn't a terribly good idea. If you log on to a virtual terminal, are there still dpkg processes running?16:52
XxNemoXxsomeone kick me i cant leave16:52
XxNemoXxmy mouse wont work16:53
Faizhow to kick /16:53
* dax blinks16:53
tgm4883XxNemoXx: /wc16:53
tgm4883XxNemoXx: or /part or /quit should both work16:53
root_of_evilernacc: the log line: http://pastebin.com/5pECVjKz16:53
OerHeksXxNemoXx, please not again, you did tthis yesterday too16:53
OerHeksXxNemoXx, next time: turn of power16:54
coffeeguytab key to edit box /quit16:54
QueenslayerDeleted Ubuntu16:55
QueenslayerUEFI issues are just too overwhelming16:55
tgm4883Queenslayer: ok16:56
jinxiQueenslayer: install Windows ;-)16:56
XxNemoXxit wont work!16:56
Queenslayerjinxi, my love is for Linux16:56
naccroot_of_eviler: is there a reason you're using kickstart rather thatn preseed?16:56
QueenslayerNot Ubuntu per se16:56
naccroot_of_eviler: also, i think your kickstart technically has syntax errors (missing %end)16:56
root_of_evilernacc: need to eventually integrate with spacewalk if possible16:56
daxXxNemoXx: Cut it out, please. Getting kinda tired of this nonsense.16:56
netametaOrigami !16:56
XxNemoXxill leave it16:57
=== XxNemoXx is now known as Wilson06
Queenslayerjinxi, I have installed Windows 1016:58
jinxiQueenslayer: what distro are you going to install?16:58
bekksWilson06: Stop trolling.16:58
QueenslayerBattery life is way better than Ubuntu 16.0416:58
naccroot_of_eviler: ok, not sure that's possible, but maybe it is :) my personal preference would be to get a preseed install working, then replace whatever bits you want with kickstart equivalents, as supported by ubuntu16:58
Queenslayerjinxi, probably debian or Fedora16:58
jinxiQueenslayer: why not opensuse TW?16:58
tgm4883omg what a noob16:58
QueenslayerOpensuse lol16:59
QueenslayerNot yet16:59
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
root_of_evilernacc: which section do you think needs an %end?  everythings got one except the main and packages, which dont seem to require them per other docs and examples17:00
naccroot_of_eviler: i'm not sure %packages is supported by ubuntu's kickstart parser, based upon a lack of handler in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/kickseed/master/files/head:/handlers/17:00
Faizmy show desktop icon has been lost17:01
Faiznd my shift workspace too17:01
Queenslayerjinxi, is it a common issue with laptops that come pre-installed with Windows that the battery life is optimised for them?17:01
OerHeksQueenslayer, so your visit here is useless?17:01
Faiznd my terminal is blank17:01
QueenslayerBecause Ubuntu gave me half the time17:01
QueenslayerOerHeks, not really17:01
jinxiQueenslayer: I don't know17:01
root_of_evilernacc: i was a bit confused about that as well, as package selection is listed as supported on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility#Integration_with_Preseed17:01
Faizhow to pm someone ?17:02
squigzFaiz: //msg <name> <message>17:02
squigzone /17:02
QueenslayerOerHeks, I actually love the new Unity version17:02
root_of_evilernacc: thats why i tried the preseed pkgsel/include, but it didnt seem to work either17:02
QueenslayerBut just doesn't work well with my hardware17:02
naccroot_of_eviler: hrm, you're right, strange17:02
QueenslayerProbably look for an older version17:02
jinxiQueenslayer: what laptop?17:03
TJ-Queenslayer: battery life issues are usually caused by bugs in the firmware on the motherboard, specifically in the ACPI DSDT, where it doesn't provide full functionality unless it detects a Windows OS. Linux can report itself as a Windows OS to work around that bug17:03
jinxiQueenslayer: what model?17:03
Faizdoes anyone hve the idea on how to repair my blank terminal ?17:03
QueenslayerTJ-, that is handy to know17:03
Queenslayerjinxi, a crap one lol.  E5-41117:04
TJ-Faiz: log in remotely and maybe use something like light-locker-command -d"17:04
Faizim just a newbie17:04
Faizso how to log in remotely ?17:04
jinxiQueenslayer: it is a good laptop17:04
QueenslayerIt's okay17:04
QueenslayerSolid battery life is what makes me keep it17:04
TJ-Faiz: or else switch to another console with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and see if you can log-in there, which would give you chance to kill the screensaver/lock17:04
nicomachusQueenslayer: there are some options here which may be helpful: https://askubuntu.com/questions/400/tips-to-extend-battery-life-for-laptops-and-notebooks17:05
henry__Alguien puede recomendarme el equivalente ubuntu de pdf converter proffesional?17:05
naccroot_of_eviler: what version of ubuntu, fwiw?17:05
root_of_evilernacc: 16.0417:05
Faiztht isnt screen saver17:05
TJ-henry__: try Master PDF Editor17:06
Faizmy graphics are probably damaged17:06
Faizthere r also black borders around every window17:06
Faizplus i cant see anything in them , the notifications are black as well17:06
henry__Quiero unir varias páginas en un pdf. Master PDF lo hará?17:06
TJ-Faiz: sounds like a symptom of the packages in the midst of the release upgrade17:07
henry__Lo probaré. Thanks!17:07
Faizso any way to solve tht stuff ?17:07
squigzDid you try turning it off and on again?17:07
QueenslayerThanks nicomachus17:08
QueenslayerI've bookmarked it17:08
squigzFaiz: there is no need to PM me..17:09
squigzYes, I was. Try rebooting. :P17:09
Faizi hev17:09
Faizseveral times17:10
squigzThat's about as much help as I can be, then. :P17:10
Faizbeen a week since i found black borders17:10
Faiznd nearly 4 days since my terminal is blank17:10
Faizi cant see anything in it , but the commands work in them17:10
Faizso to avoid confusion im using UXTerm17:11
=== manu is now known as Guest95278
naccroot_of_eviler: sorry, was otp -- i'm not sure what's happening unfortunately, does that log line *not* get printed if you don't use %packages or pkgsel?17:18
naccroot_of_eviler: which installer is this kickstart/preseed-ing?17:19
naccroot_of_eviler: as in, desktop, server, etc17:19
root_of_evilerserver, and i didnt see that line come up until i started using pkgsel17:20
naccroot_of_eviler: hrm, my only suggestion would be to try starting with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler/Preseed and getting it preseeded exactly how you want, just to verify it works properly. And, to be clear, everythign but the package selection is working?17:22
root_of_evilernacc: so far, yes everything else is working.17:24
DrMontilla_ my alsa is going mute everytime i reboot or logoff/on. i can run alsamixer, select the soundcard and un-mute, but the settings reset every reboot or logon. any help?17:24
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morfblauhello all.  curious to know if anyone has found a better alternative for inline PGP for email on Ubuntu than Thunderbird/Enigmail?17:28
ijensHi, Mint Cinnamon 17.3 sound suddenly stopped, speakers sometimes just short buzz17:30
daxubottu: mintsupport | ijens17:30
ubottuijens: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:30
ijensooops wrong channel17:31
root_of_evilernacc: does preseed install dependencies by default?17:34
tooraphi all17:36
naccroot_of_eviler: how do you mean? for a given package?17:41
root_of_evilernacc: yeah - openssh-server has lots of deps.  maybe its failing silently when hitting the user prompt.17:43
root_of_evilerhmm so i just checked out the full syslog, and the line openssh-server appears in is the list of suggested packages17:46
naccroot_of_eviler: that's not a preseed thing, but an apt/dpkg thing and yes, it can't/won't install a package in isolation17:47
naccroot_of_eviler: pkgsel doesn't have a user prompt17:48
naccroot_of_eviler: while in contrast the apt frontend does17:48
root_of_evilernacc: that makes sense, woudlnt be able to install much if it didnt17:48
naccroot_of_eviler: yeah :)17:49
=== InfoTest1 is now known as InfoTest
vortex_i need some help17:54
vortex_i run apt-get update and im getting a warning17:54
vortex_W: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg: Signature by key 630239CC130E1A7FD81A27B140976EAF437D05B5 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)17:54
geniivortex_: The minimum key strength for repositories was increased recently. It is just a warning and will not prevent you from installing or removing anything.17:55
vortex_ok but is there any way to clean it up17:55
napalm_not really just remove uninstall whatever is giving you that error if it bothers you.17:56
geniivortex_: No. It will only go away if the devs sign the precise repositories with a stronger key.17:56
vortex_i see17:56
naccvortex_: no, it's a repository issue, not a client issue17:56
vortex_thank you guys17:56
napalm_If you look into the crystal language it's repos are SHA-117:56
napalm_blaming everything on the devs -.-17:57
ciccionon ci capisco niente17:57
cicciochi mi aiuta17:57
genii!it | ciccio17:57
ubottuciccio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:57
brunch875beat me to it17:57
napalm_Ha avuto un problema con una chiave debole SHA .17:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:01
brunch875hmm I just tried to drag and  drop a file into an executable18:03
brunch875I expected it to ./executable file18:03
brunch875but it didn't actually do anything. Am I missing something? :D¿18:04
morfblauI find that only works with certain executables as well, same behavior.18:05
nacci'm assuming you mean a launcher? or are you actually dragging to something in nautilus in /usr/bin ?18:05
nacci would think it would depend on the launcher if so18:06
Jordan_Ubrunch875: I don't have any DE up at the moment but I would expect that to work if you were dragging onto .desktop files (launchers) but not onto random executable files.18:06
brunch875Oh I see...18:06
PiciI like relay/2518:06
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jinxican some one recommend me a wireless USB headset with linux support?18:10
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MonkeyDustjinxi  #ubuntu-offtopic18:11
Picijinxi: ##hardware would probably be a better place to ask18:11
genii##hardware or ##linux18:12
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morfblauhello all.  curious to know if anyone has found a better alternative for inline PGP for email on Ubuntu than Thunderbird/Enigmail?18:15
TJ-morfblau: 'better' is a personal judgment; what feature are you missing?18:17
morfblaugood point.  A better way to phrase my question would be, "Does Thunderbird/Enigmail have any drawbacks which prevent it from being a truly secure solution?"18:17
Tumecan i disable the "piip" sound when changing the volume?18:18
=== user is now known as akis
akishi all. in previous distros was available the way to disable user's name at the log in screen according these: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM . Is it available this option in 16.04 too?18:20
TJ-morfblau: not that I'm aware of, although if you're using it with IMAP4 be aware that if you allow unencrypted drafts the plaintext will be on the server, not local on the client18:23
morfblauTJ: understood, thanks!18:23
stacy-can ubuntu(laptop) share internet with other computers?18:23
stacy-using wifi?18:23
OerHeksakis, seems so, yes http://www.askmeaboutlinux.com/?p=3255, but the original factoid you posted is more advanced18:23
TJ-stacy-: yes, as an Access Point of an Ad-Hoc network, although the functions available can depend on the wifi hardware's chipset, its firmware, and the driver18:24
stacy-TJ how can i setup a WPA using a ubuntu laptop?18:25
akisOerheks: thank you for the link provided. i had an idea to do the same but i was afraid to harm my system. i will try it right now to see if works.18:26
TJ-akis: I have "/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/70-hide-users.conf " with the 3 lines: "[SeatDefaults]" "greeter-hide-users=true" and "allow-guest=false"18:26
stacy-TJ.. is the only way to do this from shell command for the network manager?18:27
akisTJ: @14.04 i had greeter-hide-users=true greeter-show-manual-login=true in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf18:27
OerHeksstacy-, it is all in the networkmanager now http://i.imgur.com/VsbqMfO.jpg18:28
TJ-stacy-: you can use "nmtui" (text user interface) or "nmcli" (command line interface)18:28
stacy-TJ.. do i need to rung nmtui as administrator?18:29
stacy-hi chris6418:38
stacy-are you familar with ubuntu wifi?18:39
chris64I'm troubling to compile a c++ program that requires a thread library. I've build boost 1.61.0 and clang 3.9 myself but it fails to find the pthread libary installed on the system. It's Ubuntu 14.04 LTS18:39
chris64do have some hints I could try? at the moment. I have no idea what to do else18:40
naccchris64: what program? and what is the exact error?18:41
stacy-i did the wifi sharing last year using nmtui before18:41
stacy-but the new ubuntu version seems differnt18:41
OerHeksstacy-, again: it is all in the networkmanager now http://i.imgur.com/VsbqMfO.jpg18:41
zumba_addicthey folks, how can I check if our server is ubuntu or fedora if /etc/issue have been cleared?18:41
chris64nacc: a private one. it's using cmake as a meta build system and configures this by "find_package(Threads)"18:41
\9stacy-: of course the new ubuntu version seems different, it wouldn't be a new ubuntu version otherwise18:41
OerHekszumba_addict, cat /etc/issue # shows it18:42
naccOerHeks: i'm guessing zumba_addict deleted or emptied that file :)18:42
zumba_addicti just mentioned about issue file :)18:42
stacy-oerherks.. i am trying to use WPA but WPA is only available in nmtui18:42
nacczumba_addict: you could look at /proc/version as the kernels are quite different18:42
\9zumba_addict: check whether you have apt-get or yum installed18:42
geniizumba_addict: lsb_release -c18:42
zumba_addictgot it18:43
stacy-oerheks.. is WPA available in ubuntu 15?18:43
MonkeyDust_nmtui saved my day18:43
Keitarohello all18:43
zumba_addictthe server is rebooting18:43
Keitaroi have some question about the command line plz18:43
Keitaroi am a little bit noob18:43
\9!ask | Keitaro18:43
ubottuKeitaro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:43
OerHeksstacy-, wpa /wpa personal and wpa/wpa enterprise is available .. see security tab18:43
MonkeyDust_Keitaro  let's hear it, in one line18:43
naccchris64: are you hitting something like? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5395309/cmake-and-threads ?18:44
Uraniumstacy-can somebody please help me with using ubuntu laptop as a wifi network sharing?18:45
Uranium^^^ stacy-   there u go now stop asking that in #opencart18:45
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.18:46
stacy-uranium.. for some reason when i go into edit connection ..that specific window doesnt show for the editing18:46
stacy-oerkeks.. please guide on how to get to this window interface http://i.imgur.com/VsbqMfO.jpg18:47
chris64nacc: yes. but find_package(Threads) fails altough /usr/include/pthreads.h is there :(18:48
OerHeksedit connections > new > select the wifi tab18:48
chris64nacc: */usr/include/pthread.h18:48
OerHeks* and look to all the tabs, dhcp/dns and more18:48
naccchris64: is it this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24813827/cmake-failing-to-detect-pthreads-due-to-warnings/25130590#2513059018:49
MonkeyDust_stacy-  type sta and then hit tab to autocomplete ... do this for other nicknames too18:50
stacy-oerkeks.. the connection i created isnt showing in the network ..and i cant detect that connection with my other devices18:50
chris64nacc: I can check it but I'm on cmake 3.5.2 :|18:50
stacy-monkeydust..are  you refering to the network wifi configueration?18:51
MonkeyDust_stacy-  no, to this channel #ubuntu18:51
naccchris64: ok, i think this is a cmake issue (rather than a generic ubuntu issue) -- someone else with more experience with it will probably need to help, if that's the case18:51
stacy-stacy- stacks88 Stanislasss Stanto StatelessCat StathisA18:52
chris64yes, it's there. I'll check if my own cmake build is using this file18:52
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stacy-oerhks.. i have created the name for the wireless ..but it does not show .. is there a step i misseD?18:54
OerHeksdid you fill in Bssid  = broadcast ssid, not ssid18:55
naccchris64: ack, sorry i couldn't be of more help18:55
OerHeksand checked ipv4/ipv6 settings?18:55
OerHekssecurity WPA, and key ?18:55
chris64nacc: it's failing to compile pthread.h with this error: /usr/include/sched.h:28:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found18:56
chris64nacc: seems that it's not the cmake bug18:56
nitishI am unable to install anything in ubuntu 16.04 lts.18:57
WicaeedIs there any way to change the resolution of the kernel panic screen? I have a system that for some reason isn't logging a kernel panic and also refusing to boot, I'm trying to get more information displayed about the error message >_<18:57
TJ-chris64: check the -I (include directories) to ensure the parent of stddef.h is included18:57
naccchris64: yeah, i think the stddef.h comes from /usr/include/linux, e.g.18:58
naccnitish: please provide more details? fresh install? gui or cli?18:58
nitishI am unable to install anything. Its showing unable to locate pacage.18:58
chris64nacc: is that ubuntu specific?18:58
naccchris64: yeah, that's the path on my ubuntu machine, i should have said18:59
nitishnacc: Its showing unable to locate package.18:59
naccnitish: what package?18:59
naccnitish: did you run `apt-get update` ?18:59
nitishnacc: any package.18:59
naccnitish: give an example.18:59
naccWicaeed: well, the kernel has panic'd at that point :)18:59
nitishnacc: I've already updated it18:59
nitishfew days back19:00
nitishagain updating.19:00
TJ-Wicaeed: from the boot-loader menu, add to the "linux ..." line "debug early_printk=vga" and remove any "quiet splash"19:00
naccWicaeed: many kernel panics won't get logged, as the kernel needs to be operational for disk operations, etc.19:00
naccnitish: you have to update regularly19:00
stacy-my connection somehow got disconnected... oerkeks19:00
naccnitish: that is, it's recommended to run an update before an install command (within reason, of course, if you do a bunch of installs in a row, you don't need to update each time)19:00
nitishnacc: ok. updating.19:01
nitishnacc: I can only update the system, and cant play any video.19:01
stacy-oerkeks.. do i leaev the  SSID blank and fill in only the BSSID ?19:01
nitishnacc: Every package is shwoing unable to locate.19:02
naccnitish: you still haven't answered my question -- name a pacakge.19:02
akishi again. i just installed my samsung ml-2160 series printer using the driver provided by Samsung which i used under 14.04 too. the printer was recognized as 'ML-2160' and worked properly, but i choosed once more to install it using probably 16.04 drivers and recognized it as "ML-2160-series". After that i had 2 same printers and i deleted the second one "ML-2160-series' and i kept the initial 'ML-2160'. I rebooted (user's hide works now properl19:02
akisy) and i saw that there is only one printer but instead of 'ML-2160' now says "ML-2160-series". Is there any way to see somewhere if there any left files on my system after i deleted one of them? where sysem keeps printers files?19:02
nitishnacc: vlc19:02
naccnitish: can you pastebin the output of `apt-get update; apt-get install vlc` ?19:02
genii!info vlc19:03
stacy-when ii try to fill in the BSSID.. the save icon greys out and wont let me save19:03
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-5 (xenial), package size 1474 kB, installed size 4586 kB19:03
geniiHm, in universe19:03
naccgenii: good point; nitish do you have the universe component enabled?19:03
zumba_addictso most likely this linux is a Fedora - Linux version 4.5.2-302.fc24.x86_64 (mockbuild@bkernel01.phx2.fedoraproject.org) (gcc version 6.0.0 20160406 (Red Hat 6.0.0-0.20) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Wed Apr 27 14:22:29 UTC 201619:03
nacczumba_addict: yes it is fc24 based, most likely19:04
nacczumba_addict: i mean, in theory, one could be malicious and fake all that19:04
zumba_addictthat's true19:04
nacczumba_addict: so it's not foolproof and lsb_release is probably better19:04
nitishnacc: Its showing unable to locate package  vlc.19:04
stacy-oerkheks.. how can i edit the BSSID without it being greyed out19:04
zumba_addictit doesn't have apt-get, only yum too19:04
naccnitish: pastebin as requested, or possibly you just need to add universe19:04
zumba_addictso most likely it's a fedora19:04
nacczumba_addict: well that puts it in the rhel family :)19:04
zumba_addictyup :)19:04
nacczumba_addict: and the kernel is a fc24 kernel19:04
zumba_addictgot it19:05
nitishnacc: actually this problem is in my another pc. So, I am unable to paste the exact output.19:05
nitishnacc: But every package is shown unable to locate package package_name19:05
OerHeksstacy-, perhaps the wificard or driver is not suited for adhoc sharing19:06
TJ-stacy-: see this example: https://iam.tj/projects/misc/nmtui-AP-config.png19:06
naccnitish: it's not possible, really, for me to debug it without that output. If all the packages you tried were in universe, then maybe you're missing the universe component in your sources19:06
OerHeksstacy-, it is also a good idea to disable wifi first, before editting19:06
nitishnacc: how can I add universe?19:06
chris64TJ-: nacc: Seems like gcc ships this file on it's own: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8/include/stddef.h19:06
stacy-oerheks.. i used a name testtest as the wifi name.. can this name be useD?19:07
nacc!universe | nitish19:07
ubottunitish: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.19:07
bekksstacy-: Sure.19:07
stacy-oerheks.. the mode is infrastructure right?19:07
TJ-chris64: the package that installs the one you want is libgcc-5-dev19:08
stacy-bekks.. it still shows greyed and wont let me save the connection19:08
TJ-chris64: (on 16.04)19:08
naccchris64: ah yes, then you want libgcc-...dev19:08
nikhil_hey hi19:08
nitishubottu: please explain more. I am unable to understand & I know that you are a bot.19:08
ubottunitish: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:08
chris64TJ-: nacc: I've just found out that clang ships them too. so they're included implicitly. I'll check the paths of my custom clang build. http://clang.llvm.org/docs/FAQ.html19:08
=== nikhil_ is now known as Guest26710
Guest26710what is the matter nitish19:09
naccnitish: did you read the links?19:09
stacy-the save icon still does not let me save in the editing connection19:09
nitishGuest26710: I am unable to install anything in ubuntu 16.04. Really frustrated.19:09
nitishnacc: nope.19:09
Guest26710ok tried restarting ?19:10
nitishnacc: I am trying to fix this. Don't have time to read useless long articles. sorry19:10
stacy-can somebody help?19:10
akisdoes anyone know why thunderbird's icon on indicator plugin is so small @ 16.04?19:10
Guest26710nitish try this commands" sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" "sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock"19:12
naccnitish: that's ridiculous. the links are not long articles, they are an explanation of ubuntu's components and how to enable the ones you want19:12
naccnitish: or you could, as i mentioned, provide output from the commands on the system in question, i have no way of knowing what the actual issue is otherwise, beyond guessing and referring you to documentation19:13
nitishGuest26710 I did this. This doesn't work in ubuntu 16.0419:13
naccGuest26710: those don't seem like valid suggestions for the issue in question19:13
nitishnacc: right now I am updating. after update I'll19:14
naccGuest26710: whereby nitish is getting 'unable to locate pacakge X'. You certainly don't restart for that, and apt would complain differently if it could not acquire its own lock19:14
nitishnacc: and how can I pastebin output?19:14
stacy-it wont let me save when i fill in the BSSID...please help19:14
nacc!paste | nitish19:15
ubottunitish: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:15
naccnitish: pastebinit should work19:15
stacy-hi nacc19:16
nitishnacc: pastebinit is not installed in my that pc, and I am unable to install anything. So I tell me how can I patebin it.19:16
nitishnacc: sudo apt install pastebinit showing "unable to locate the package".19:16
stacy-please help regarding network edit.. when i try to edit BSSID.. the save button goes grey19:17
glassi am having trouble viewing my pdf files some of the text has a block with a x in it instead of letters19:17
bekksstacy-: basically you dont need to edit the BSSID, all you need to do is specifying the SSID.19:18
jagveerwhat's up everybody?19:18
naccnitish: you might have to manually type it, or save the output to a file, copy it to the machine you're on now and pastebin it19:18
glasssup jag19:18
stacy-bekks.. but the SSID doesnt show in the network19:18
jagveerim having an issue19:18
jagveerwhen i use "apt-get update"19:18
glassits just apt now19:19
jagveerit is locked19:19
glasssudo apt update19:19
jagveerit does not work19:19
jagveerat all19:19
glassrm - rf19:19
naccjagveer: apt is already running19:19
jagveershould i delete the lock file?19:19
glasslol no not that19:19
naccjagveer: or was incorrectly stopped/killed19:19
naccjagveer: so it didn't clean up, does `ps aux | grep apt` indicate any apt processes running?19:19
naccjagveer: or `ps aux | grep dpkg` for dpkg processess/locsk19:19
jagveerwhen yesterday i deleted those files19:20
jagveerand it perfectly works19:20
nitishnacc: sudo apt install pastebinit [sudo] password for nayan: Reading package lists... Done E: Unable to locate pastebinit19:20
stacy-can somebody please tell me why the wifi isnt showing for my other divices when i configered everyting in ubuntu?19:20
jagveerbasically, i would like to install php5 on my machine and it does not allow me to install it.19:21
naccjagveer: what version of ubuntu?19:21
jagveerlatest version19:21
naccjagveer: 16.04 is php7 only19:21
jagveerand its 16.0419:21
naccjagveer: if you want officially supported php5 stay on trusty; or use ondrej's ppa (although then you're using a ppa and ymmv)19:22
=== 17SAAEQM9 is now known as Natsvit
stacy-bekks.. it still isnt showing in my network19:22
stacy-bekks.. can you please assist19:22
jagveernacc : thanks19:22
jagveeri will try it19:22
jagveerand what are the purpose of this chat?19:23
naccnitish: i really need to see the output of the update command, so if you can try saving to a file `apt-get update > file`19:23
naccjagveer: see the /topic19:23
stacy-bekks.. please help19:23
ioriastacy-, the ssid is the name of your lan network that you set up in your router ... you should know it19:23
naccjagveer: or migrate to php7 :)19:23
jagveerstacy, did you know your eth0?19:23
stacy-ioria.. i am trying to use my laptop to create an ssid for my network19:24
nitishnacc: right now updating is under process. waiting to complete19:24
ioriastacy-, you set it up in your router config19:24
stacy-ioria..but after the configuration the ssid didnt show..19:24
jagveernacc : check your private chat19:24
stacy-ioria.. i am trying to use my laptop to broadcast the wifi to my other devices19:25
ioriastacy-,  oh, i see19:25
stacy-ioria.. but for some reason the ssid isnt showing19:25
stacy-ioria..is there a step i missed?19:25
ioriastacy-, you mean an hotspot ?19:27
ioriastacy-,  https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html19:27
stacy-ioria.. i wish ubuntu can be made more suer friendly.. the help.ubuntu site after following the sets does not show the hotspot icon19:30
ioriastacy-,  unity or kde ?19:34
stacy-please guide me and find the hotspot icon19:34
stacy-i am using the default ubuntu19:34
stacy-i think its unity19:35
ioriastacy-,  once i used this http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/19:36
MonkeyDust_stacy-  is there a bar on the right?19:36
MonkeyDust_stacy-  is there a bar on the left*19:36
stacy-i am using ubuntu 1519:36
ioriastacy-,  you need to be connected with eth019:36
stacy-desktop version19:36
bekksstacy-: Which Ubuntu 15? 15.04 or 15.10?19:37
stacy-ioria.. i have the network cable directly connected to my laptop19:37
stacy-bekks 15.`019:37
stacy-ioria.. i cant find the hotspot button19:38
Ben64maybe your card doesn't support it19:38
stacy-ben64 but it worked before19:39
CodfectionGuys I cant change my calendar language19:39
CodfectionThe application Language support has closed unexpectedly19:39
CodfectionAny idea how to solve this?19:39
stacy-bekks..the hotspot button is turned on but its greyed out19:39
bekksstacy-: Does your card support adhoc mode?19:40
stacy-bekks.. yes it does19:40
stacy-bekks.. i have hotspot turned on but its not showing up in the other devices19:41
Ben64you said you couldn't find the button19:41
bekksstacy-: You already said that a couple of times.19:41
stacy-is this a bug within the 15.10 ubuntu?19:41
stacy-ben64.. which step am i missing?19:42
Ben64who knows, you keep changing your story19:42
stacy-ben64.. i have a laptop ubuntu 15.1019:43
Ben64you should just buy an access point19:43
glass<--- is looking for help with figuring out how i can use bash to scan the entire tree of my Downloads folder and search for ".pdf" move those to a different folder and delete the remaining files after that move?19:43
stacy-ben64.. it must be the way i am configuering this19:43
stacy-ben64..it worked 2 months ago.. but now it doesnt19:44
ioriastacy-,  your wifi connection, apart from hotspot,   is ok ?19:44
stacy-ioria.. my laptop has a network cable19:45
stacy-ioria.. do i need the BSSID configuered?19:45
naccglass: `find Downloads -type f -name '*.pdf' -exec mv {} <destination>/. \;` then `rm -r Downloads/* ?19:46
naccglass: don't just go and run that19:46
naccglass: but that's roughly what you'd need, i'd read the find manpage and google for examples, it's a pretty powerful command19:46
Ben64yeah, i wouldn't make a script that auto deletes things19:46
ioriastacy-,  i asked you if , disconnecting the cable, you can  connect to the network19:46
CodfectionAny idea how to solve this?19:46
naccBen64: :)19:46
CodfectionThe application Language support has closed unexpectedly19:46
Codfectioncant change my calendar language :(19:47
stacy-ioriia.. if i connect using wifi with laptop.. yes i can connect19:47
CodfectionAny idea how to solve this?19:48
CodfectionThe application Language support has closed unexpectedly19:48
Codfectionplease help19:48
Ben64Codfection: don't repeat that fast19:48
nacc!patience | Codfection19:48
ubottuCodfection: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:48
SabelHi there! just wondering if there was anyone available to help me out with my wireless driver issue.19:50
Ben64Sabel: ask your question to find out19:51
SabelOh, My apologies.19:51
stacy-iconia..my wireless section looks different from the site you provided.. http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/19:51
Codfectionguys which theme to use19:52
Codfectionis it because of the macbuntu theme I am using?19:52
stacy-iconia ..i only have wirless hotspot (switch off to connect to a wirelss netowrk.. network name: .. i have none of the confitueration at the botton in the picture http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/19:53
SabelI'm having issues trying to get my wireless card to work. I run lspci in the terminal and it me "Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros Device 0042 (rev a2)" for a wireless device. I've checked the "Additional drivers" section of the system settings and unfortunatly don't have one there ready for me to activate and I'm not really sure where to go nex19:53
Sabelt on linux.19:53
TJ-Sabel: try using "lspci -nnk" and report the [vendor:product] id and any kernel module in use19:54
duffohi, i just upgraded 14.04 to 16.04 and now i get "/dev/sda1: clean, 121563/920272 files, 701079/3680256 blocks". does anyone know whats wrong?19:55
ubottuzicus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:55
duffowhen trying to boot19:55
bekksduffo: nothing is wrong on that line.19:55
stacy-is it only possible to do this using umtui ?19:56
duffobekks, its get stuck on it19:56
stacy-bekks.. please help19:56
Sabel"Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros Device [168c:0042] (rev 30)19:56
Sabel Subsystem: Lite-On Communications Inc Device [11ad:1806]19:56
Sabel Kernel driver in use: ath10k_pci19:56
Sabel Kernel modules: ath10k_pci" is this what you're looking for?19:56
bekksstacy-: I never setup an adhox network graphically.19:56
bekksstacy-: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I cant help you.19:56
stacy-bekks.. i am trying to do a WPA19:57
bekksduffo: And you are aware of the fact that a direct upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 isnt supported yet?19:57
stacy-is there somebody in here that knows how to make this work?19:57
duffobekks: I am now..19:57
stacy-this is so hard.. just getting the hotspot working on ubuntu takes the whole day19:58
stacy-why cant this be made more simple and easliy configuered?19:58
stacy-the documentation shown http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/ is different from my ubuntu 15.1019:59
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genii!it | zicus20:02
ubottuzicus: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:02
daxi wouldn't bother for !list'ers, genii20:02
reisiostacy-: maybe something here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/323335/how-to-setup-a-wi-fi-hotspot-with-an-ubuntu-laptop-access-point-mode20:03
lorddoskias1how can i get turbostat to show the % of time my cpu spends in various c-states?20:03
reisiolorddoskias1: hi20:03
lorddoskias1because currently it only shows some mxz readings20:03
aLLamoxGood morning by mistake my source.list have been missed20:04
aLLamoxI would like to restore it to default20:04
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dstarhWe've got a build system, using ruby/capistrano that bootstraps servers for us.  It's responsible for running apt-get install on a bunch of packages. We're updating to add a new package, supplied by a different repo ppa:webupd8team/java20:04
zincrokxhow to write a script if i want to access gmail from custom launcher or by clicking on icon? Just thought20:04
bartjehi all, got a weird problem here after upgrade to 16.04 : I can log into gnome classic, but regular gnome shell returns to login screen :-| .20:04
aLLamoxany trustable default source list20:04
dstarhwe'd rather not do a full apt-get update so I've got the script just updating that repo20:05
SabelI'm having issues trying to get my wireless card to work. I run lspci in the terminal and it me "Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros Device 0042 (rev a2)" for a wireless device. I've checked the "Additional drivers" section of the system settings and unfortunatly don't have one there ready for me to activate. I also ran "lspci -nnk" and got "Netwo20:05
Sabelrk controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros Device [168c:0042] (rev 30)20:05
Sabel Subsystem: Lite-On Communications Inc Device [11ad:1806]20:05
Sabel Kernel driver in use: ath10k_pci20:05
Sabel Kernel modules: ath10k_pci" and i'm not really sure where to go from here..20:05
naccaLLamox: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources20:05
dstarhbut it's got a dependency on java-common, how do I go about finding repo that contains java common and just update that repo20:05
naccaLLamox: might be out of date :/20:05
reisiozincrokx: 'firefox http://gmail.com/' is one executable string you could use20:05
aLLamoxnacc Thank u20:05
naccdstarh: that's not how it works, nor is that what i think you want to do20:06
aLLamoxbbut nacc Im in command line20:06
naccdstarh: you'd be in dependency hell if you only piecewise updated yours ystem20:06
stacy-the BSSID is only for this format? 01;05:03?20:06
aLLamoxi dont have GUI20:06
zincrokxokay reisio20:06
aLLamoxcan any one just cat /etc/apt/source.list20:06
aLLamoxand pastebin me20:06
aLLamoxcan u nacc20:06
stacy-zinkcokx.. please help20:06
aLLamoxand when I try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories I got internal server error20:07
naccaLLamox: hrm, me too :/20:07
dstarhnacc thats what I figured.  should I just freeze all of the other installs after the initial install that way we can safely run update?20:07
nitishnacc: Unable to complete the update. Last lines of the output is Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:07
sebsebsebstacy-: what do you want help with, maybe I can help20:07
aLLamoxnacc can u cat /etc/apt/source.list20:07
TJ-Sabel: so the ath10k_pci driver is active on that device. does "ip link show" report the network device?20:08
stacy-sebsebseb... i am trying to make my ubuntu laptop into a hotspot20:08
sebsebsebstacy-: wireless hot spot/20:08
stacy-sebsebseb.. yes20:08
nitishnacc: I've the full output in a text file. How can I pastebinit?20:08
stacy-sebsebseb.. i did it once befoer ...but it doesnt work now20:08
SabelTj- sorry i'm not sure how to direct message. also i'm pretty new to terminal based stuff, would i just type "ip link show" into the teriminal?20:08
TJ-zincrokx: in a script use "xdg-open http://host.domain/path/" to use the system's default browser to open the link20:09
naccnitish: copy it to the computer you're on now and c&p to pastebin?20:09
TJ-Sabel: correct :)20:09
nitishnacc: ok20:09
sebsebsebstacy-: nah can't really help with that20:09
naccdstarh: sorry, not parsing that ... you install a system, the *first*  thing you should do after install is `apt-get update`20:09
SabelTj- This was the output : 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 120:09
Sabel    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:0020:09
Sabel2: enp2s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100020:09
Sabel    link/ether 2c:60:0c:85:40:29 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff20:09
nacc!paste | Sabel20:09
ubottuSabel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:09
stacy-sebsebseb..is it possible to turn a laptop into a hotspot using ubuntu?20:09
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wadSuggestions on a replacement for gnome-terminal? (It no longer works for me, as I require the ability to set titles of tabs.)20:10
TJ-Sabel: for wifi devices the name should start with "wl" , for wired device it'll start "en" ... virtual devices will start with a "v", bridges will have a "br" in their name20:10
nitishnacc: I am unable to understand that how to paste the text in pastebin.20:10
naccnitish: do you know how to copy and paste in whatever environment you're in now? open the file and c&p it at pastebin.com?20:10
stacy-nitish.. please help me get my laptop turned into a hotspot20:11
naccstacy-: stop asking everyone in the channel20:11
dstarhnacc the issue is a bunch of systems have been bootstrapped but now we're adding some additional stuff.  The way the script currently is written it does apt-get update once, and then on each time we deploy, runs apt-get install list-of-pacakges, it lets us add new packages to be installed without updating the rest of the packages but doesn't help if you need to add something in a new repo20:11
SabelTj- This was the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/16467927/20:11
naccdstarh: that's horribly broken20:11
stacy-nacc.. i have followed the steps but things still doesnt work20:11
naccdstarh: if your cached package list is out of date, it will not be able to install certain pacakges, as they will no longer exist in the repositories20:12
bekksstacy-: Which steps in particular?20:12
stacy-bekks .. the steps in this site is different from my ubuntu15.10 pacakges,20:12
bekksstacy-: Tell us every single step.20:12
nitishnacc: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/16467942/20:13
bekksstacy-: And please dont refer to weird 3rd party sites.20:13
nitishnacc: output of update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16467942/20:13
stacy-bekks.. http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/20:13
TJ-Sabel: which Ubuntu release is that on?20:13
bekksstacy-: so whats the exact problem at which exact step? "dont work" is much too generic.20:14
stacy-bekks.. this does not work too https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.htl20:14
SabelTj- how would i check? I believe i installed the newest LTS i saw.20:14
bekksstacy-: "does not work" is an invalid description.20:14
stacy-bekks.. i am having problems creating a hotspot using my laptop20:14
bekksstacy-: you told that almost everyone inthis channel now.20:14
bekksstacy-: Please start telling us which problem you have at which steps - esactly.20:15
White_CatGood evening from Greece20:15
stacy-bekks.. the BSSID section20:15
=== zel is now known as Guest32203
bekksstacy-: Where? Which step?20:15
naccnitish: hrm, odd that it's failing to update everything ... are you able to install any packages now?20:15
TJ-Sabel: "lsb_release -a" and you should see something like 16.0420:15
Codfection16.04 is full of bugs20:15
nitishnacc: no.20:16
Codfectionlanguage support is closing unexpectedly20:16
SabelTJ- yep 16.0420:16
TJ-Sabel: right, so it is the latest, so should have best support. Let's check for errors. can you do "pastebinit <( grep ath10k /var/log/kern.log )" so we can look for errors in the kernel log20:17
stacy-bekks   here are the steps ...https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html20:17
bekksstacy-: And which step is causing which trouble for you?20:17
stacy-bekks..i cant create a BSSID the save button is greyed out20:18
bekksstacy-: Why do you need to enter a BSSID at all?20:19
nitishI am unable to download any application in ubuntu 16.04, neither I can update if completly.20:19
stacy-bekks.. then what do i need to do?...the wireless isnt showing up in my device20:19
bekksnitish: whats the output of "sudo apt update"?20:19
bekksstacy-: because it isnt yet created.20:19
nitishbekks: output of update is file:///media/nitish/TOSHIBA%20EXT/OS/linux/ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso20:20
bekksnitish: Nonsense. :)20:20
nitishbekks: output of update is http://paste.ubuntu.com/16467942/20:20
bekksAh :)20:20
SabelTJ- apparently pastebin isnt installed for me (not sure if it was supposed to be by default) but here anyway :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/16468030/ lots of red, doesnt look good.20:20
naccdstarh: do you understand what i mean?20:21
bekksnitish: I'd remove the non-working sources, first. :) You have quite a lot of them.20:21
dstarhnacc sorry got pulled away20:21
nitishbekks: how?20:21
bekksnitish: Using a text editor, or the settings menu.20:21
dstarhyes I understand what you mean, it's worked because as of now we had a single package list, it got installed once and it was fine.  Now that I need to add additional packages we're seeing the shortcomings20:22
nitishbekks: Rahne de beta, tumse na ho payega.20:22
bekksnitish: You need to talk english in here, for having a chance that people will understand you ;)20:22
naccdstarh: yeah, and you're also missing all (i'm guessing) security updates during the lifetime of your image :)20:22
naccdstarh: if you aren't runing `apt update` regularly, that is20:22
nitishbekks: translate that in google translater.20:22
bekksnitish: Why would I?20:23
TJ-Sabel: OK, as I thought. Easy to fix.20:23
naccbekks: looking at nitish's sources, though, they're all from archive.ubuntu.com ?20:23
nitishI am unable to upadte or download any application. And nobody can fix it.20:23
dstarhnacc also a good point20:23
bekksnacc: And half of his sources arent reachable.20:23
nitishThis is completly useless.20:23
TJ-Sabel: first you need to install a tool to fetch the latest firmwares. "sudo apt install git"20:23
nitishno use of this ubuntu support channel.20:23
nitishIs there any admin of this support channel.20:24
SabelTJ- Finished, what's next? Also thank you for taking your time to help me :)20:24
ulkeshI have added my Google account to the Unity online accounts in my system settings.  My understanding is that Evolution can make use of the already-authenticated accounts in the online accounts.  However, when I launch Evolution, it's requesting that I add an account.  How can I get Evolution to use the Online Accounts?20:25
TJ-Sabel: "mkdir -p /tmp/firmware && cd $_"  ... will end up with the current directory being the new /tmp/firmware/20:25
ulkesh(I am using Ubuntu 16.04)20:25
TJ-Sabel: then "git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git"20:25
TJ-Sabel: that will fetch *all* the latest Linux firmware files, from which we'll extract the ath10k files you need20:26
naccnitish: why do you need an admin?20:26
SabelTJ- sorry the  "mkdir -p /tmp/firmware && cd $_" ... will end up with the current directory being the new /tmp/firmware/  bit is lost on me.. Pretty new to teriminal stuff. I get making a new directory..i think?20:26
Umeaboysebsebseb: You available or busy? I have a quick question for you.20:27
TJ-Sabel: you execute the commands I provide inside the "..." marks exactly as I've put them, and they'll do the operations I comment about in the surrounding text... think of it as learning on the job :)20:27
nitishnitish: I think, there is a big bug. I am unable to update ubuntu.20:28
SabelTJ- Just want to make sure i'm following your directions properly. Thank you! the knowledge is valuable !20:28
UmeaboyWhat's equivalent to gcc-gfortran in Ubuntu? I can't find that package name with sudo apt-cache search gcc-gfortran20:28
TJ-Sabel: if you type "pwd" at this point you should see /tmp/firmware20:28
sebsebsebUmeaboy: available I guess20:29
TJ-!info gfortran-5 | Umeaboy  is that it?20:29
ubottuUmeaboy is that it?: gfortran-5 (source: gcc-5): GNU Fortran compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.1-14ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 7946 kB, installed size 23371 kB20:29
Umeaboysebsebseb: OK. PM then....20:30
TJ-Sabel: ('pwd' means present working directory)20:30
coin3danybody trying to run docker on 16.04?20:30
SabelTJ- Yep correct, So i just made a directory and used git to download all the current firmware into that new directory?20:30
TJ-Sabel: correct. has git finished?20:30
SchrodingersScat!ask | coin3d easier if you ask your real question20:30
ubottucoin3d easier if you ask your real question: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:30
SabelTJ- yes it has20:30
Codfection16.04 is full of bugs20:31
thanasishi guys20:31
Codfectionwhy cant I get my language support change calendar language? Anyone?20:31
thanasisi need some help with ubuntu20:31
Codfectionlanguage support is closing unexpectedly20:31
thanasisanyone help me?20:31
bekksthanasis: You need to specify your issue first :)20:31
thanasisi want to make bootable usb with windows for one friend of me and i dont know how20:32
CodfectionGoogle it !!!!20:32
TJ-Sabel: right, then we can copy the files: "sudo cp -va linux-firmware/ath10k/QCA9377 /lib/firmware/ath10k/"20:32
bekksCodfection: Stop it please.20:32
bekks!usb | thanasis20:32
ubottuthanasis: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:32
thanasisim using ubuntu20:32
Codfectionbekks, bro any idea whats causing language support to crash20:33
SabelTJ- Done.20:33
TJ-Sabel: then check you see files with "ls -latr /lib/firmware/ath10k/QCA9377/"20:33
nitishI am still unable to download anything or update my ubuntu 16.04 lts. Now I am going to downgrade(clean install) it to ubuntu 14.04. Sad :(20:33
TJ-Sabel: you should see a directory hw1.0/20:33
bekksCodfection: How am I supposed to know - did you check your logs already?20:33
Codfectionwhenever I try to change calender language. it crashes !20:34
TJ-Sabel: now lets unload the kernel module and reload it so it can find the firmware it craves: "sudo modprobe -r ath10k_pci && sudo modprobe ath10k_pci"20:34
ulkeshnevermind, installing gnome-control-center on Ubuntu 16.04 and using that online accounts allowed evolution to see/use it immediately20:34
SabelTJ- among a couple of others yes.20:34
thanasisubuntu after upgrade says failed to start session20:34
bekksthanasis: After upgrading from what to what?20:34
TJ-Sabel: at this point if all went well the wifi interface should be there. "ip link show"20:34
thanasisi dont know i just use sudo apt-get upgrade command20:35
SabelTj- yep it seems to be working properly.20:35
TJ-Sabel: you have wifi ?20:35
TJ-Sabel: try connecting with Network Manager's aapplet20:35
bekksthanasis: Using which Ubuntu version?20:35
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squintythanasis, or check out pendrivelinux.com for apps and instructions.  unetbootin is another one.  etcher is another at http://www.etcher.io/20:35
thanasisubuntu mate 16.04 lts20:35
thanasishow to install winusb for ubuntu?20:36
Codfectionguys how to downgrade from 16.04 to 14.04?20:37
naccCodfection: downgrades aren't supported, you'd have to reinstall, aiui20:37
SabelTj- Yep, connected via wifi now :)20:37
TJ-Sabel: you're all done then20:37
bekksCodfection: By reinstalling 14.0420:37
Codfectionnacc, I have taken 2 days to install all the applications. and configure them. How to bring them to 14.0420:37
xanguaCodfection: backup and reinstall20:37
SabelTj- Wonderful! thank you SO much! do you have time to answer two more questions ? one SUPER quick one possibly more involved?20:38
Codfectionxangua, any good backup way?20:38
TJ-Sabel: fire away :)20:38
Codfectionxangua, to bring all the apps and settings to new ubuntu?20:38
SabelTj- well is there an easy way in teriminal to update all things like that? apt update or somthing like that..?20:38
bekks!backup | Codfection20:38
ubottuCodfection: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:38
TJ-Sabel: yes. "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"20:38
UmeaboyTJ-: Don't know if that is enough. I want to make sure that all my deps are installed to build Cyanogenmod in Ubuntu 16.04.20:39
SabelTJ- and what do those update exactly..?20:39
TJ-Sabel: the firmware was a special case; due to atheros not getting the firmware binaries into the linux-firmware package early enough to be included in 16.0420:39
TJ-Sabel: they bring in bug-fixes and  security-updates20:40
Codfectionbekks duplicating the current system apps and settings to another version can work fine?20:40
bekksCodfection: May, may not. Downgrading settings can be tricky.20:41
Sabel-TJ ah alright so we added them manually. Cool. Second question. I've tried to install both chrome and steam through firefox and both of them were opened through "install manager" i believe its called and warned me they possibly wouldn't be free. I clicked install in that window and it brought a little icon into my system tray with a "?" in it that20:41
Sabel just sats "waiting to install" forever.20:41
Codfectionbekks, so I should clean install another system and re install every thing???? it will take alot of time20:41
Codfectionespecially to configure them :(20:41
bekksCodfection: Yeah, thats the caveat of a downgrade.20:41
Codfectionbekks, if ubuntu new version comes out. do you recommend upgrade or clean install?20:42
bekksCodfection: Thats why you have a backup, before upgrading to a new release. You did a bacup before, did you?20:42
Codfectionbecause clean install will again have to install everything :(20:42
bekksCodfection: We are talking about downgrading currently.20:42
TJ-Sabel: That I'm not sure about, but I suspect in the case of steam its their terrible packaging, which I've had the misfortune to try to help others with! I stay well away from that now. The icon may belong to the "Gnome Software" center which again, seems to be rather buggy and hit-and-miss and I don't use :)20:42
Codfectionhow about upgrading?20:42
Codfectionlater when I need to20:42
bekksCodfection: NOW you need one..., since you want to downgrade.20:43
bekksCodfection: So did you create a backup before upgrading?20:43
CodfectionDuplicityBackup right?20:43
Codfectionfirst time20:43
TJ-Codfection: it might be faster to pin down the cause of the bugs you're seeing :)20:43
SabelTJ- oh, alright that's fine i googled how to isntall steam through the terminal and that worked fine anyway. i assume i can do the same with chrome.20:43
CodfectionTJ the only bug I am having is I cant change the calender language20:43
Codfectionfrom language support20:43
TJ-Sabel: any package in the archives can be installed simply with "sudo apt install <package-name>"20:43
wadSo I'm considering switching from "gnome-terminal" to "terminator". In gnome-terminal, I set the active tab color by editing this file: "~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css" (as per http://askubuntu.com/questions/40332/how-to-make-selected-tab-in-terminal-more-prominent). Works great! But that didn't apply to terminator. Is this the same sort of thing I need to do for terminator? How can I tell how to edit this file for that app?20:43
Codfectionlanguage support keeps crashing once I select English !20:44
SabelTJ- oh..i guess one last question sorry haha, Is there any security risk of removing the Password input on system startup other than someone picking up my laptop and being able to get right in?20:44
TJ-Codfection: have you checked for clues in the log files? user log $HOME/.xsession-errors and system log /var/log/syslog20:44
Codfectionto check in user or system log?20:45
TJ-Sabel: you mean setting auto-login ?20:45
bekksCodfection: Both.20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1563553 in gnome-calendar (Ubuntu) "Translations not loading in Gnome Calendar 3.19.92-0ubuntu2" [High,Fix released]20:45
TJ-Codfection: you an use "less <filename>" to view and navigate the text logs20:45
TJ-!cookie | OerHeks20:45
ubottuOerHeks: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:45
SabelTJ- yeah, a good portion of the reason i dual booted linux is because its lightyears faster then windows on startup and most of the reason i use this laptop is quick web browsing or school work all easily done on linux but typing my password in every time i boot partially defeats the purpose.20:46
OerHeksknown issue, translations are not all available/correct20:46
CodfectionOerHeks, I cant even change to english20:46
Codfectionit crashes20:46
TJ-Sabel: well, if someone has physical control of your PC they can boot it in recovery mode and get root and get to everything so you're not really loosing anything with auto-login20:47
Codfectionand why there is gnome calender while I am using ubuntu unity20:47
TJ-Sabel: aside from cheeky classmates who might misuse it to post things as you to online forums!20:47
OerHeksCodfection, stop trolling: <Codfection> whenever I try to change calender language. it crashes !20:48
OerHekswe can read back, you know20:48
TJ-Codfection: gnome is the software that underpins Unity20:48
SabelTJ- haha ! Where would i go about changing that?20:48
mcphailI've found a bug in the way the dash parses .desktop files under the $HOME/.local/share/applications directory. Against what package should I file it?20:48
CodfectionOerHeks, I am not trolling. I can show u screenshot !20:48
CodfectionThanks TJ20:48
TJ-Sabel: changing it to enable auto-login?20:48
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SabelTj- correct20:49
TJ-Sabel: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/51086/how-do-i-enable-auto-login-in-lightdm20:49
CodfectionOerHeks, the link you gave.. it says Fix released. how to get that fix?20:49
StatelessCatstacy-: ><20:49
StatelessCatstacy-: ^^ Thank you for the HL.20:50
SabelTj- Doesn't seem to let me click the little switch20:50
TJ-Sabel: do you need to 'unlock' top-right first?20:51
TJ-Sabel: is there a padlock icon ?20:51
SabelTj- I swear im blind.. and i also swear i had only one question left and keep coming up with more...I installed chromium browser and can open it via terminal but how would i go about making a desktop icon?20:52
TJ-Codfection: that bug report shows the fix was in gnome-calendar (3.19.92-0ubuntu3) ... which you should have since that was released 30th March20:52
TJ-Sabel: if you installed it from the repository it'll be in the menus already; search in the dash by typing "chromium"20:53
TJ-Sabel: if however you mean "Google Chrome" the proprietary version, I've never installed that so not sure if it is the same procedure20:53
squintySabel,  if using unity -> dash -> type chromium -> drag and drop icon to laucher20:54
TJ-Sabel: once an application is running and has an icon in the launcher, right-click that icon and choose "pin to launcher" or whatever the term is20:55
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TJ-Sabel: ahh, "Lock to Launcher"20:55
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squintyif icon is dragged and dropped , lock is automatic20:55
SabelTJ- oh perfect thank you. that worked. Is there an easy way to fix my installation problems? where it just gets stuck in "waiting to install" mode? is there a different program to handle installs..?20:56
Guest65716is anybody here?20:56
TJ-squinty: easier to start it and pin, especially if the touchpad performs poorly :)20:56
mercednobodys here20:56
TJ-Sabel: that is from the "software center" GUI when you've chosen a package to install?20:56
squintyTJ-, depends on the user needs then, far more convienient the way I described for my purposes20:57
Guest65716I have some ubuntu help question can anyone help me answer then please?20:57
SabelTJ- yes is there maybe an update for software center?20:57
daxGuest65716: best to ask your actual question :)20:57
Guest65716ok thanks20:58
TJ-Sabel: I suspect there will be several; it has some major problems. However, not sure about your current issue, it's unclear if it is the software center or something else it relies on causing that.20:58
Guest65716my question is regarding ubuntu 16.0420:58
SabelTj- Ah, how would i go about knowing exactly what the package is called for the apps i wish to install then? furthermore how would i go about uninstalling them..?20:59
naccGuest65716: just ask the question.20:59
nacc!ask | Guest6571620:59
ubottuGuest65716: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:59
TJ-Sabel: I'm a command-line lover, I find it faster and mor accurate. See if you agree. To search for a package where you know a part of its name "apt-cache search -n <fragment>" (fragment is a regular-expression)20:59
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:59
=== mohammad is now known as Guest19989
TJ-Sabel: to read about a specific package: "apt-cache show <package-name>"21:00
TJ-Sabel: to check which versions are available for a specific package: "apt-cache policy <package-name>"21:00
TJ-Sabel: to check which packages are installed: "apt --installed list"21:00
adamgubuntu and debian releases are not really meaningfully correlated, right? IOW, it's not as if 16.04 is based on 8.4 (and 15.10 would be some earlier 8.X, and so on), it's just ubuntu is mostly debian upstream + bunch of things that it chooses to upgrade "ahead of schedule"?21:01
naccadamg: roughly speaking each release is based off the current unstable at the time, with some wiggle room21:01
TJ-Sabel: to see what packages are to be upgraded: "apt --upgradeable list"21:01
naccadamg: it's more package-by-package generally, although, for instance, right now, many pacakges (those that can be) are autosyncing from debian in yakkety21:02
Guest65716I would consider myself fairly noob to linux in general (though I have used it many times in the past) I am trying to install packages such as numpy using 'pip install numpy' it installs but when I try the 'import numpy' command it give this error, ImportError: No module named numpy21:02
TJ-!info python3-numpy | Guest65716 you can install the packages from the archive in most cases21:03
ubottuGuest65716 you can install the packages from the archive in most cases: python3-numpy (source: python-numpy): Fast array facility to the Python 3 language. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.11.0-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1752 kB, installed size 9405 kB21:03
SabelTJ- thanks! il probably go about using that method as the software center seems very buggy...How would i uninstall a package?21:03
mercedhttp://www.scipy.org/install.html see ubuntu&debian21:03
Guest65716PLEASE HELP i have been try to figure out this error for the past few day I know it is probably a simple fix but I am simply too new at knit to know what to do21:04
Guest19989our country is blocked from oracle.com i need to remove java8 installer because i get error like this how can i solve problem ?21:04
Guest19989download failed21:04
Guest19989Oracle JDK 8 is NOT installed.21:04
Guest19989dpkg: error processing package oracle-java8-installer (--configure):21:04
Guest19989 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 121:04
Guest19989Errors were encountered while processing:21:04
TJ-Sabel: "apt install <package1> [ <package2> <package3> ...]21:04
mercedpoor oracle, entire countries hate them21:04
jinxiSysinfo for 'linux-85up': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.6.3 on openSUSE Tumbleweed powered by Linux 4.5.3-1-default, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz at 3694-3773/3800 MHz, RAM: 13513/15453 MB, Storage: 32/236 GB, 232 procs, 98.2h up21:04
naccTJ-: Sabel: `apt remove`21:04
TJ-Guest19989: try "sudo apt --purge remove oracle-java8-intaller"21:05
SabelTJ- to be clear you would type "apt remove <package x>" ?21:05
naccSabel: `man apt` may help clarify some of the uses21:05
SabelNacc Thank you!21:05
TJ-Sabel: no, you'll need root privileges so "sudo apt remove <package>"21:05
TJ-Sabel: "man apt" "man apt-get" "man apt-cache" etc... "man" is always your friend21:06
SabelTJ- does man stand for manage?21:06
daxSabel: manual21:07
daxas in instruction book21:07
Sabelohhh that makes sense.21:07
Guest19989TJ-, E: Unable to locate package oracle-java8-intaller21:07
naccGuest65716: 'installer' at the end, probably21:07
TJ-Sabel: skipping to the end to see Examples is often the quick way to figure it out. Within 'man' pages press "G" to goto end, "gg" to goto start, and type "/" followed by a search string and Enter to search forwards. use "?" and a search term to search backwards. press "n" for next search match21:07
Guest19989TJ-, sudo apt --purge remove oracle-java8-intaller21:07
Guest19989TJ-, E: Unable to locate package oracle-java8-intaller21:07
TJ-Guest19989: ooops, type, it is installer not intaller :D21:08
naccerr, Guest19989 --^ (installer not intaller) :)21:08
=== Schnabel- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
SabelYou guys are seriously helpfull..21:09
SabelThank you!21:09
bekksGuest19989: And which countzry is it that is blocled by Oracle?21:09
Guest65716I asked my question can someone help me?21:09
Guest19989bekks, Iran21:09
OerHeksbekks, iran .. but it was a typo21:09
naccGuest65716: you were already given an answer above21:09
mercedlol is it because of stuxnet?21:10
bekksOerHeks: Thought so, the ban list of Oracle is pretty small nowadays.21:10
Guest65716? didn't catch it please repost (noob mistake)21:10
merced"oracles fault!"21:10
OerHeksnacc, he has troubles with pip,21:10
nacc!info python3-numpy | Guest65716 you can install the packages from the archive in most cases21:10
ubottuGuest65716 you can install the packages from the archive in most cases: python3-numpy (source: python-numpy): Fast array facility to the Python 3 language. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.11.0-1ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1752 kB, installed size 9405 kB21:10
naccGuest65716: that was originally from TJ- :)21:10
naccGuest65716: my initial guess is that pip by default doesn't put stuff in the system python path, so you'd need to adjust your PYTHONPATH accordingly to use a locally installed library -- but  not sure21:11
Guest65716ok I looked through all of TJ's post none answered my main question21:13
Guest65716here is my main question21:13
Guest65716 I would consider myself fairly noob to linux in general (though I have used it many times in the past) I am trying to install packages such as numpy using 'pip install numpy' it installs but when I try the 'import numpy' command it give this error, ImportError: No module named numpy21:14
mercedGuest65716: http://www.scipy.org/install.html21:14
mercedsudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib ipython ipython-notebook python-pandas python-sympy python-nose21:14
Guest65716hmm I did this many many time uninstall and reinstall did I miss something?21:15
mercedare you using the distribution's python?21:16
sabelPut the teaching to use and found an IRC client and installed it through teriminal :)21:20
reisiosabel: teachtastic21:20
TJ-sabel: weechat is a great terminal client, but like all such things, you need good key-bind memory :)21:21
Bomber4ChatsAnybody want a good laugh? I ran unmount /usr/lib while trying to fix some problem when I was trying to install opencv. How do I fix?21:21
TJ-Bomber4Chats: you have /usr/lib on a separate file-system?21:22
Bomber4ChatsNo, I don't think so.21:22
sabelTj- i got "konversation" was just the first one to pop up on google. but i did search for the package name using the bit's you taught me and installed it :)21:22
reisiosabel: you using KDE?21:22
TJ-Bomber4Chats: then nothing would unmount21:22
Bomber4ChatsWell, my libraries are now screwed21:23
Bomber4ChatsGetting "cannot open shared object file"21:23
merced..have you rebooted?21:23
TJ-Bomber4Chats: firstly, the command is "umount" not "unmount", and secondly you'd need to do "sudo umount ..."21:23
Bomber4ChatsSo that's what I did.21:23
reisiowe can focus on 'cannot open shared object file' instead21:23
OerHeksgood laugh .. i knew it21:23
tgm4883Bomber4Chats: reboot21:23
reisiowhat gives you that error21:23
RoadRunneron the subject on diff tools, any votes for Kdiff3 vs Meld?21:23
Bomber4ChatsDoing that now.21:24
OerHeksRoadRunner, do a poll on askubuntu?21:24
sabelreisio Nah, whats KDE?21:24
cruncherhi, i have a question: speaks anything against installing & using xubuntu?21:24
Bomber4Chatsreisio it started when I decided to foolishly accept any tip from a forum saying that umount /usr/lib fixes problems21:25
Bomber4ChatsNo more umounts for me.21:25
reisioBomber4Chats: perfectly straightforward command21:25
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reisiono more reading and following random forum advice without explanations might serve you better21:26
reisiocruncher: hrmm?21:26
sabelTJ- one last question for now then im probably done for a bit haha, is there an easy terminal command to see my current diskspace? i have a few partitions one windows and one linux.21:26
TJ-sabel: "df -h"21:26
reisiosabel: a desktop environment that Konversation is particularly suited for, but not strictly tied to21:26
cruncherreisio, what is hrmm?21:26
TJ-sabel: "df" shows mounted file-systems only, though21:26
Bomber4ChatsIf you won't mind, if everything will be back to normal after the reset, I'd love to figure out why my cmake build is failing (for opencv)21:26
reisiocruncher: don't quite get your question21:26
reisioBomber4Chats: come back & bring it up, then21:27
cruncheri mean, should i install better ubuntu, then install xfce, or can i install directly xubuntu?21:27
reisiocruncher: either one21:27
RoadRunnerOerHeks: there is actually a way to do that or are you joking?21:27
reisiocruncher: if you haven't downloaded either, and know ahead of time you want Xfce, then downloading Xubuntu seems the simplest route21:27
cruncherreisio, i just didnt want to install xubuntu, and maybe in a year it isnt supported anymore21:28
cruncheri just want ubuntu+xfce that will hold for long time :)21:28
cruncherso i guess 16.04 lts is the best option?21:28
tgm4883cruncher: both would be supported for the same length of time21:29
OerHeksRoadRunner, you can ask/poll there AFAIK, this channel is not suited for such actions21:30
crunchertgm4883, aha, didnt know that, thanks :)21:30
cruncherthank you too reisio21:30
Bomber4Chats2Getting these errors when trying to run make -j721:30
jinxiI want to sell all my linux books21:31
tewardOerHeks: Polls are discouraged on Ask Ubuntu21:31
tewardOerHeks: that's an ubuntuforums thing21:31
tewardRoadRunner: ^21:31
reisiocruncher: Xubuntu is essentially nothing more than Ubuntu with Xfce preinstalled & preconfigured in a particular way21:32
Bomber4Chats2I'm following this tutorial: http://www.xinzhang.me/install-opencv-with-javascala-support/21:32
Bomber4Chats2well, I actually switched in the middle to the latest instructions on the openCV website21:32
cruncherreisio, cool, then i think my choice is still a good one, as its for an older notebook21:33
reisiocruncher: Xfce is a fine choice for any type of system :)21:33
reisiobut it is lighter than GNOME & KDE21:33
reisioyes indeed21:33
cruncherreisio, i know :D i use only xfce, but on debian ;-)21:33
cruncher(dont hit me guys)21:33
Sebastienwhy would this not work: seb@freenode:~/pisg$ sudo ln -s /home/seb/ /var/www/html/21:34
reisio's'a more sane choice than Ubuntu, really21:34
cruncherbut the notebook is for my brother, and as it should be as simple+stable as possibl, i chose xubuntu21:34
Sebastienthen i try to run something in /seb/ to /html/ it says permission denied21:34
Sebastienunless i run it with sudo21:34
Sebastienbut i don't wanna21:34
ubottuzicus: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:34
reisioSebastien: you'd probably have to chown the dir for that user21:34
reisioSebastien: or otherwise grant permission21:34
Sebastienreisio, this makes sense? : sudo chmod ugo+x /var/www/html/21:35
RoadRunnerOerHeks: got it; further regarding Meld, I am running 14.04 Trusty and the latest ver of Meld for it in usc is 1.8.4-1 but the latest ver of Meld (on their site) is 3.16.0.  Is there a more recent Meld ver for 14.04 out there and if so, where do I get it (PPA's with later ver's seem to be pointing to later Ubuntu's)??21:35
johnny___can anyone help me get wicd running on my machine?21:35
tgm4883Sebastien: that wouldn't let you run anything in that directory because it doesn't make anything in there executable21:36
Sebastiennvm got it21:36
Sebastiensudo chown -R seb:www-data /var/www/html21:36
Sebastienthis worked21:36
reisioSebastien: yes chown as user would be the more ordinary approach, at least for casual local stuff21:37
tgm4883also way safer than o+x21:37
johnny___I keep getting an error that says "Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface"21:38
johnny___But I can't find anything in the wicd logs21:38
naccRoadRunner: unofficially, no, there is not a more recnet meld for 14.04. You can, as you've done, search teh PPAs, but then ymmv and you're using a ppa version, which is onlysupported by the ppa owner21:41
lpaalp1ubuntu is a bitch21:44
lpaalp1use kubuntu instead21:45
daxlpaalp1: support questions only here, please21:45
amundsenwho is developing compiz-fusion now? official website seems to be outdated21:45
tgm4883amundsen: it's just compiz now21:47
sabelquestion time! Any time i shut down or reboot my pc my glitches out REAL hard now..part of the screen goes black and colors show up and i have t hold  the power button to move any further. Any ideas?21:51
TJ-sabel: you mean you have to hold the power-button down for about 5 seconds to force the PC off?21:52
RoadRunnernacc: I am ok with that (and may be my search through PPA's wasn't thorough enough) but my problem was even in PPA's I could find a (significantly more) recent ver of Meld for Trusty...21:52
sabelTJ- yep, if i type reboot or shutdown in the terminal or use the top right power option that happens and i'm forceed to hold the power button down until the pc shuts down21:52
TJ-sabel: it's a bug in the PC's firmware.21:53
sabelTJ- how would i fix that?21:53
joaqin11speak spanish?21:53
zicusho bisogno di um aiuto21:53
sabelTJ- or is there no fixing it?21:54
naccRoadRunner: hrm, you seem to be right; you might have to build from source if you really need the newer version, unfortunately21:55
TJ-sabel: ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) is responsible for such things. Within ACPI is the Differentiated System Description Table (DSDT) which contains a virtual machine bytecode that is executed by the system21:55
TJ-sabel: Many, if not most, manufacturers tailor that ACPI DSDT code to recognise and provide full functionality only to Windows21:55
sabelTJ- oh..is there any harm in just holding the power button?21:56
TJ-sabel: Linux usally gets the lowest possible (default fallback) features, which can include devices not working at all21:56
TJ-sabel: the good news is Linux can pretend to be Windows21:56
sabelTJ- sneaky sneaky21:56
TJ-sabel: the DSDT code will recognise various versions of Windows so your first step is to identify the versions it recognises. Use this: "sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows" and show us (in a pastebin) the result21:57
compdocsabel, how are you entering the shutdown command?21:57
bpromptsabel:     hmm what hmm ubuntu version anyway? 14.04?21:57
sabelTJ- just says windows 2009, 2012, 2013. didnt seem to need a pastebin for that.21:58
TJ-sabel: right, so the 'best' versions is "Windows 2013" yes? (the capital W is important)21:59
johnny___can anyone help me? When I try to run wicd I get a I keep getting a "Could not connect to wicd's D-Bus interface" error22:00
sabelTJ- they actually all have capitals but yeah the newest is 201322:01
TJ-sabel: so you can add the kernel command-line parameter to tell it to pretend to be "Windows 2013" by doing: "sudo sed -i 's/^\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*\)"$/\1 acpi_osi=\\"Windows 2013\\""/' /etc/default/grub  "22:02
administradorDoes i-nex works on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit? I can't make it work, I get this error: http://pastebin.com/26QjzxLP22:02
TJ-sabel: after which the entry will look something like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=\"Windows 2013\"" if you do "cat /etc/default/grub"22:02
sabelTJ- yep that worked, Should i reboot and give it a shot?22:03
TJ-sabel: if that is correct, update grub's boot menu with "sudo update-grub" and next time the PC boots, with luck, the full ACPI functionality will be there and power off might work properly (and other things too!)22:03
sabelAlrighty wish me luck!22:03
django_Hey all I'm trying to boot into a Linux distribution in a CD but I have grub2 how can boot into cd room I don't see cd rom in bios22:08
django_sebsebseb: maybe you around22:08
jagveerhello ;D22:09
sebsebsebdjango_: yes I happen to be22:10
django_Yayyyy lol22:10
sebsebsebdjango_: you have about an hour max with me :d22:10
django_So you know my system , I'm trying to boot through a CD22:10
sebsebsebhe h22:10
=== afkthairus is now known as athairus
sebsebsebdjango_: I thought you had re installed like I said?22:11
sebsebsebdjango_: importnaty as well did you do that pont Grub to the WIndwos EFI option?22:11
django_Actually I didn't22:11
sebsebsebdjango_: that you should have done really22:12
django_I only reinstalled I never repointrf22:12
sebsebsebdjango_: but has it put any Grub on otherwise?22:12
django_Yeah grhb2 displays22:12
sebsebsebdjango_: and  comes up first?22:12
sebsebsebdjango_:  Windows and Ubuntu both boot up now?  with the Grub 2 coming up first?22:13
django_Yeah lol22:13
sebsebsebdjango_: what was that about CD?22:13
django_So I have this book for learning hacking and he has a Linux environment In a CD that comes with the book22:14
sebsebsebdjango_: ok22:17
django_How do I do the hooking up thing22:18
django_That I didn't do yesterday22:18
sebsebsebdjango_: the point to windows efi thing, well might not ned to do that,  if it works with Grub 2 up first anyway booting up WIndows and Ubuntu22:19
sebsebsebdjango_: if you do need to do that though, it's another re install22:19
django_also the old ubuntu i deleted alo works22:20
django_i didnt delete after all lol22:20
sebsebsebdjango_: trying to boot up from a CD is something else22:20
sebsebsebdjango_: or you did  delete it it's just22:20
django_gonna try these https://support.toshiba.com/support/viewContentDetail?soid=40362322:20
sebsebsebdjango_: there's a entry in the tiny bit of GRub that's left on there otherwise22:20
django_sebsebseb: i booted into the old ubuntu and itts all here22:20
B0g4r7_So I find that now using ubuntu 16.04, its ssh client has problems connecting to some hosts.  They end up being unable to agree on a hostkey type or on a key exchange algorithm.22:22
B0g4r7_I'm guessing that some of those things were deemed insecure, and are now disabled by default in 16.04.22:22
sebsebsebdjango_: with your data?22:22
sebsebsebdjango_: I guess you didn't delete tehn22:23
sebsebsebdjango_: but whatever as long as things boot up and work that's ok :d22:23
django_I would like to know the soln to the issue :/22:23
sebsebsebdjango_: I don't know,  things boot up things seem to work, so that's fine then I guess :)22:25
sebsebsebdjango_: what issue?22:25
B0g4r7_Wow, running badblocks on a 4tb hard drive takes a very long time.  I'm at 17h16m elapsed and it's 81% done with the write cycle.  Then it's got to read and compare which may take as long again.22:25
TJ-!info openssh-client-ssh1 | B0g4r7_ correct, there's a new package for legacy22:25
ubottuB0g4r7_ correct, there's a new package for legacy: openssh-client-ssh1 (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) client for legacy SSH1 protocol. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 364 kB, installed size 1429 kB22:25
sebsebsebdjango_: you either got wo Ubuntu installs for som reason now,  but that means Grub got fixed I guess re insatlled :D22:25
sebsebsebdjango_: it can still detect old Grub things though if still on there or enough of that22:26
sebsebsebdjango_: two above22:26
B0g4r7_TJ-, thanks.22:26
sebsebsebdjango_:  that old install  probably is diffenret or what you think is old some where22:27
django_I booted into it lol22:28
SolarbabyI could use some help.  I've installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and I need to have a script load when 1 exact usb drive is plugged in.  All docs I've read for the past 2 hours failed to load any scripts.22:28
TJ-Solarbaby: so you mean script *run* ?22:29
Solarbabyyes TJ22:29
TJ-Solarbaby: have you tried using udev rules to fire on the UUID of the device file-system, or the device's serial number?22:30
Solarbabythe scripts themself all should be okay.. I'ved tested then and I've also put them in /usr/local/bin22:30
SolarbabyTJ-: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ENV{ID_SERIAL}=="0000000A004B", RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'echo blah > /var/log/test'"22:31
SolarbabyI also have another udev rule loading up a script22:31
Solarbabyneither of these respond though22:31
TJ-Solarbaby: "SUBSYSTEM==" not "SUBSYSTEMS==" ? typo, or real error?22:32
SolarbabyTJ-: KERNEL=="sd*1",ACTION=="add",ENV{ID_FS_UUID}=="7e59ec41-9be5-4beb-a36a-2c6b1140021f",RUN="/usr/bin/touch /tmp/chdrive.txt"22:33
Solarbabythat is the other22:33
SolarbabyTJ-: I'm not aware of any typos22:33
boxmeindoes ubuntu copy over the vpn certs to some private store thing?22:34
TJ-Solarbaby: oh, yeah, it does allow both now22:34
boxmeinso if I move ca.crt/box.crt/box.key, does everything explode22:34
SolarbabyTJ-: okay so plural or none is fine eh?22:35
SolarbabyI've even reloaded udev22:35
Solarbabyrebooted too22:35
jak2000how to use QUOTA on home dirs? 40gb for user1 and 60gb for user2? how to do?22:36
Solarbabythose files are in /etc/udev/rules.d22:36
SolarbabyI also read somewhere that it could be in conf.d so I made that directory and stuck them in there too22:36
TJ-Solarbaby: on 16.04? yes. The rules have changed a bit over releases, the one that always catches me out is the move to ATTR{,S} instead of ENV{...}22:36
TJ-Solarbaby: that's the correct location. Have you used "udevadm monitor" and "udevadm trigger" to watch, and simulate, the events?22:37
piercedwatercan anyone tell me how to save a gnome session on Ubuntu 14.04?22:37
piercedwateracross reboot*22:37
SolarbabyTJ-: no I should do that.  I will do it now22:38
rokoI just installed ubuntu in place of linux mint in a dual booted setting with windows 8 .On rebooting the grub menu does not show windows? Any ideas what I can do?22:43
gsivorihi everyone22:44
gsivorii need help :<22:44
unix4linuxwhen I try to install nvidia-361, I continue to get the following error: http://pastebin.com/aRzpAQJq I am choosing gdm3 when prompted which display manager I want to use. Should I be choosing lightdm?22:44
hutchsorry about that. I'm testing freenode in Polari22:45
gsivoriis it possible to migrate a linux partition and swap to a windows disk? both physical disks are in my notebook, but the linux one is not working properly22:45
bekksgsivori: No.22:46
scythefwdevenin folks22:46
momofujiHi all. Question: are those newer Intel HD graphic cards supported for 2d and 3D in 16.04??22:47
scythefwdhow big is the install size of ubuntu server 32 bit?22:47
momofujiAll I see is talk about nvidia and ati22:47
Umeaboymomofuji: Depends on which one.22:47
minimecroko: First I would start ubuntu and do a 'sudo update-grub' in a terminal. If you are lucky your windows 8 will be on the list after a reboot.22:47
gsivoribekks: any workaround then?22:47
UmeaboyDo you have a Hybrid graphics card?22:47
UmeaboyPart nVidia part Intel?22:48
scythefwdmomo, intel has drivers in .deb i believe...22:48
daxmomofuji: anything that isn't Poulsbo (GMA 500, 600, 3600, 3650) should be fine22:48
daxup to and including Skylake (current-gen)22:48
roko@minimec Thanks will try that22:48
bekksgsivori: you'd need to resize partitions and then you might be able to copy contents to the other disk.22:48
momofujiSo, go to Intel website for drivers?!22:49
daxmomofuji: no, they're built-in22:49
SolarbabyTJ-: maybe I need a super General Rule22:49
daxIntel has drivers. I wouldn't bother, and they're not supported in #ubuntu.22:49
SolarbabyTJ-: for testing purposes22:49
momofujiOh ok. So they would show as open-source drivers?22:49
daxmomofuji: they're automatically installed, you shouldn't have to do anything22:49
momofujiWell, if you wanna use 3D acceleration then you always gotta do something lol...22:50
daxworks fine out of the box on Intel and stuff supported by the radeon FOSS driver. no idea about nvidia.22:50
daxsource: have intel and radeon hardwares22:51
momofujiOhh. Fancy. Yeah my old laptops gc is ati and gonna have to upgrade pc now22:51
scythefwdintels oss drivers are good22:51
blekiI need a help. After recovering data with foremost, I ended up with many zip files from which I need to find those who are Open Office odt files. How to do it?22:51
gsivoribekks: the problem is that it won't let me have two primary partitions, and if i create one ext4 for the system. it won't let me create a 5th one for the swap22:52
momofujiI'm guessing my ati HD 5000 won't work?22:52
gsivoribekks: windows is currently using 3(boot, windows and data)22:52
bekksgsivori: Windows is capable of 4 primary partitions.22:52
momofujiIt's a laptop card22:52
bekksgsivori: So your only chance is using an extended partition, which is fine for linux.22:52
daxmomofuji: write LiveUSB, stick in computer, try it out22:52
momofujiI did and it didn't show any frglx drivers22:53
daxi said radeon FOSS driver22:53
daxi also said it works out of the box22:53
dax16.04 doesn't have fglrx, use radeon or (for GCN 1.2 cards, i.e. very new ones) amdgpu22:54
scythefwdgsivori.. see if grep can read zip files?22:55
momofujiKinda sad that my beloved Linux forces me to buy a new pc22:55
Jaxelhey guys22:56
scythefwdbleki- can grep handle zips?22:56
momofujiBut nvidia will work with 16.04?22:56
scythefwdwhy would it do that momo?22:56
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blekiscythefwd: probably yes, what I found on internet suggest yes22:57
scythefwdtheres your answer..22:58
blekiso i should grem "looking phrase" *?22:58
blekimean grep22:58
momofujiCuz usually nvidia seems to be the winner when it comes to Linux gaming?22:59
Jaxelanyone knows how to close channels open in IRSSI?23:01
pilneis hibernation safe in ubuntu yet?23:01
unix4linuxwhen I try to install nvidia-361, I continue to get the following error: http://pastebin.com/aRzpAQJq I am choosing gdm3 when prompted which display manager I want to use. Should I be choosing lightdm?23:01
minimecJaxel: /wc -> window close23:03
minimecJaxel: you can also /wc 3 --> close window number 3 ...23:04
JaxelThanks mate, lovely23:04
burritosanJaxel: where it off topic?23:15
Bashing-omburritosan: #ubuntu-offtopic .23:16
burritosanthanks Bashing-om ya weeble23:16
Jaxelburritosan: wut23:17
burritosanJaxel: f off23:17
Bashing-omburritosan: Glad to help .23:17
Majora320Hello, world!23:17
Jaxelburritosan: gtfo23:17
burritosanJaxel: woops wrong chat room23:22
hk55alguem ai23:26
hk55pra conversar23:27
Jaxeli feel offended23:27
thomasrossHi, what PPA can I add to get gstreamer 1.0-0 on precise/12.04 LTS?23:27
thomasrossgstreamer-developers/ppa is 404ing now23:28
burritosanzigggggy: can I get advice23:33
minimecthomasross: probably a sign to upgrade to 14.04. I upgraded my last machine from 12.04 to 14.04 like three months ago... So23:34
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thomasrossminimec: cant... travis is still on 12.0423:35
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johntittor2000I run Ubuntu gnome 16.04 on my laptop and I don't know how to make the computer suspend when I close the lid23:40
johntittor2000where can I configure that?23:40
asdf-can someone point me to what is considered best practice for SSD caching? I'm finding different guides on ubuntu.com and they are all 1+ years old23:41
minimecjohntittor2000: First we would need the exact model of that laptop...23:41
johntittor2000it's an acer Aspire E1-432-282923:41
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bpromptjohntittor2000:     install -> gnome-tweak-tool <- then run it, and check under Power, click on the [ON] button23:43
johntittor2000ohh sorry, yes yes23:43
B0g4r7_asdf-, I don't know about best practice.  The options I see out there are bcache and lvmcache.  I'm using lvmcache and it works OK for me.  I never tried bcache.23:43
johntittor2000I forgot to check under tweak23:44
johntittor2000cause the ubuntu 14.04 had the option in settings23:44
bpromptjohntittor2000:    well, it's a pulldown list, anyhow, pick Suspend23:44
Hoffmanmy /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf contains (/sbin/lsmod | grep -o -e ^iwlmvm -e ^iwldvm -e ^iwlwifi | xargs /sbin/rmmod) \ && /sbin/modprobe -r mac8021123:44
Hoffmanwhy would it do this23:44
mcphailasdf-: I use bcache, and would be happy to give it the thumbs-up23:44
Hoffmanit seems like it's not using the iwlwifi modules at all23:44
Hoffmanand is instead using the mac80211 module23:44
B0g4r7_The only real snag I hit is that /boot cannot live on the cached LV.  I had to break it out into a separate LV.23:44
asdf-mcphail, thank you23:45
asdf-mcphail, have you given dm-cache a shot?23:45
mcphailasdf-: no. Only bcache23:45
asdf-mcphail, thanks... i'll give that a shot23:45
B0g4r7_I'm in the process of building a file server on which I plan to also use lvmcache.23:46
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mcphailasdf-: beware, though - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/151506823:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1515068 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "bcache-tools should be added by installer if system is installed onto bcache device" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:46
asdf-B0g4r7_, how did you go about picking lvmcache?23:46
asdf-mcphail, can i setup bcache while i have the SSD installed with everything already?23:47
B0g4r7_asdf-, there's no nice option in the installer or anything.  I pretty much followed this guide: http://scyu.logdown.com/posts/519001-ubuntu-lvmcache-setup23:47
mcphailasdf-: no. You need to wipe the SSD. You can convert the HDD backing, if all your data is on that already23:48
B0g4r7_lvmcache (which I guess is the same thing as dm-cache) is the same way.  You can convert an existing lv to become cached.23:49
administradorDoes i-nex works on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit? I can't make it work, I get this error: http://pastebin.com/26QjzxLP23:49
effectnetohhhhh im gonna put ubuntu on a fresh ssd i think, 64g so kinda small.  i wonder what partitions i put on there23:49
B0g4r7_And, if you wish, split the cache device back off it, making the lv once again uncached.23:49
asdf-B0g4r7_, thanks23:50

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