
Majora320choose de00:00
gdi2kI have a server on which /home is full, so I would like to move some users to a new partition, /home2 - but when the home directory of the user is moved, XFCE does not load properly on login (missing panels, missing background, no task bar etc.). This indicates that there must be some static config files referencing /home/user - any idea which they would be so I can fix?00:17
roadrunneratwasthey all.  i installed xubuntu virutal machine on vmware 11. when i click on the unity mode tab in vmware, i get the message The guest operating system does not have VMware Tools installed. -The guest operating system's resolution cannot be change.  any ideas?00:54
Ghostbexartxinstall the guest support tools from VMWare?!01:02
roadrunneratwastyeah.  i've done that a few times01:03
Ghostbexartxhmm, should work....been awhile since I've used VMW,01:04
xubuntu80ohello there I have never used IRC before04:27
elkyyou're doing fine so far. do you have a question?04:28
xubuntu80oNot really, I am not sure exactly what this type of channel is for. I thought it was more like listening to what is new. i am downloading LTS 16 right now04:29
elkysure you can just sit and watch. it is a channel for support questions, so usually people come here to ask things04:30
elkythere is a more general chat channel at #xubuntu-offtopic which is fairly social and not limited to xubuntu news though04:31
xubuntu80ooh cool, I will have to remember that. Thanks I will look into the offtopic chat then.04:31
xubuntu80ois the names I see to right of screen everyone that is logged into chat?04:32
elkyit is getting late in the US so it will probably be quiet until people wake up. the list of names are of people connected but they're not necessarily looking right now.04:32
xubuntu80ook. Did i read that correct that lts 16 does not come with media player?04:34
xubuntu80oif so do you know why?04:34
elkyi don't know about that, sorry04:35
xubuntu80owhat kind of questions should or does one normally ask on this channel. Its nice to maybe get direct help with some stuff rather than google it for everything04:37
elkyask what you like about xubuntu things, but there's no guarantee of an answer :)04:39
xubuntu80o:) gotcha makes sense04:39
xubuntu80owell where you from?04:39
krytarikxubuntu80o: That's about a media *manager* though - we still have Parole as a universal player: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2015-November/010948.html04:46
xubuntu80ooh k, so parole wasn't taken away. I never realized that xubuntu had a media *manager* to begin with. thank you I will look into it when i try it out. I actually use gmusicbrowser for mine. works really well to just keep track of music and play it04:49
xubuntu80okrytarik is the freenode connection I am using a secure connection?04:52
krytarikxubuntu80o: No - you can relog in via HTTPS though.04:55
xubuntu80ohow would I do that. I just pressed on the irc chat channel off of the xubuntu.org site?04:56
krytarikxubuntu80o: https://webchat.freenode.net/04:57
xubuntu80ooh so just add the "s" for ssl encryption... man that is a duh moment. thank you I will know for next time. Talk with you later hopefully04:59
xubuntu54w Hello, someone has solved the problem of access in xenial xerus ?? Sorry for my English (is very very bad)06:41
xubuntu54wSorry, the problem of WIFI06:42
xubuntu54wsomeone online??06:51
HanZer0I try to install a xubuntu on a "ultra netbook" from azus with native window 10. I can't find out a way to boot on usb key...08:14
eKodeso, my mouse pointer disappears after i lock my system and then unlock it08:14
eKodewhat in the hell08:14
HanZer0eKode, have you tried to switch between tty?08:15
HanZer0sometime it solve UI glitch08:15
eKodei'll try it next time08:16
eKodepretty annoying though08:16
eKodeit's not a major bug, it makes the system unusable08:16
eKodeit's not a minor bug08:16
HanZer0ctrl+alt+f2 and then ctrl+alt+f708:17
HanZer0eKode: sometime I have some freeze with the mouse pointer that disapear of doesn't move at all.08:18
HanZer0I workaround as mentioned above.08:18
eKodeHanZer0: no, it's moving08:43
eKodebecause it highlights stuff08:43
eKodebut the pointer itself is invisible08:43
eKodeNegr0: that's offensive12:12
knomeeKode, it's a known bug, and if we knew "why", it would be much easier to fix...12:39
eKodeknome: fair enough12:41
eKodeis it really that hard to pinpoint the source of the problem?12:41
eKodei googled the issue and it has apparently been a problem since 14.0412:41
eKodeit basically makes xubuntu unusable12:41
eKoderandomly having the mouse pointer disappear is a huge deal12:42
bizancioHello. I'm Using Xubuntu 15.10. When my battery is on low power I see the "Power Manager" pane saying "System is running on low power..." etc. And I have two options: Suspend the system and Shutdown the system.14:46
bizancioBut then I connect the power but the pane is still there. How can I close it?14:47
bizancioOps.. I just clicked on the pane and it dissapeared.. sorry, nevermind.14:47
jarnos16.04 does not boot. It just shows the logo and animation, but does not display the login screen. It used to work earlier.15:12
bekksjarnos: BEfore you changed what exactly?15:40
jarnosbekks, good question.15:41
jarnosbekks, I do not remember exactly, but I think I did not change much anything.15:43
bekksMust have been enough to break booting. :)15:45
jarnosbekks, I suppose I have updated what was offered. I tried older kernel, but it was same thing with it. I wonder how can I check, what computer is doing while it stucks. I want to disable the splash screen at least temporarily.15:58
jcfpjarnos: got similar symptoms booting my pc this morning, turned out to be systemd/udev that had suddenly started renaming network interfaces16:04
bekksjarnos: So remove "quiet splash" from the kernel commandline in grub.16:07
jarnosI disabled the splash screen in grub configuration. Now system boots to terminal.16:07
jcfphad to kill that behaviour by modifying kernel cmdline in grub (adding "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"), after that it was back to normal16:07
jcfpdon't know if your issue is the same though16:07
jarnosjcfp, can it be seen in some log file?16:08
jcfp'ifconfig -a' shows all interface names, check for abnormalities; there would also be entries about renaming network interfaces in syslog16:09
jcfpin my case it always was just plain eth0 and eth1, but this morning they renamed to something weird instead16:10
jarnosjcfp, like enp5s1 or something?16:14
jcfpyup, that's the one16:14
jarnosjcfp, network is working fine in terminal anyway.16:14
jcfpas I said before this may not be the same problem you're facing but the symptoms looked rather similar16:17
jcfpmy entire network setup is manual (i.e. no network-manager), so for me the sudden renaming was rather unwelcome16:18
jcfpmight be normal on other's systems for all I know16:18
cscfRunning Xubuntu 14.04 on an Asus Zenbook.  When I leave it alone with the screen closed, it should suspend, but when I come back, it's asking for a password to suspend.  What's the best way to fix this?17:07
jarnoscscf, I have also seen this on 14.04. IIRC One way is to not use light-locker. Kill light-locker and disable it in autostarted applications in "session and startup". You may use e.g. xscreensaver, instead.17:13
cscfjarnos, ok, I will try that.  Thanks!17:28
cscfjarnos, Actually, you may have misread my question.  I want Xubuntu to ask for a password when it wakes, that's not a problem.  The problem is that the laptop never sleeps, because it's prompting the afk user for a password to suspend.17:32
jarnoscscf, I know what you mean.17:33
cscfjarnos, ok good.  So how would using a different screen locker change suspend permissions?17:34
jarnoscscf, try disabling "Lock screen before sleep" in advanced tab of "Session and Startup" dialog. Then try to suspend. If it does not fail then, it has something to do with the locker.17:36
cscfjarnos, going to XFCE menu and hitting suspend works fine.  It's only auto suspend that doesn't work.17:37
jarnoscscf, oh, I have had problem with suspending using action buttons.17:47
xubuntu17wSound problem, speaker problem only, headphones and audio out work fine, lenovo m58p xubuntu, worked ok 14.04, with 15.10 noticed the speaker doesn't work anymore, no matter the settings. Any ideas?19:10
xubuntu17wnow using 16.04, same speaker problem as 15.10.19:11
cscfxubuntu17w, perhaps it's muted in alsamixer?19:11
jarnosbekks, jcfp  I had changed /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf19:14
jcfpso it was your own doing after all?19:15
jarnosjcfp, yep19:15
jcfpglad you figured it out though :p19:15
xubuntu17wI don't think it is muted in alsamixer. when I pull up the sound settings and parole, i have sound but nothing from the speaker.19:16
jarnosjcfp, yes, I found it by looking at dmesg.19:17
xubuntu17wI got the machine to work with 14.04, by putting in headphones and then something retut.19:17
xubuntu17wreset I mean, but I only get a pop and nothing.19:17
akishi all. does anyone know why "thunderbird's" and "notes" icon on indicator plugin is so small under 16.04, although under 14.04 where normal?19:25
=== Xubuntu is now known as Guest85776
Guest85776anyone else have issues with sound from speakers?19:36
xubuntu214ik kan geen adobe flashplayer downloaden, ik heb allles geprobeerd?19:38
xubuntu13wCan someone please help me resolve an issue with mounting an iPhone?19:46
xubuntu13wI receive this message: Error initializing camera: -7: I/O problem.19:46
xubuntu13wI have in plugged in via USB.19:46
xanguaxubuntu13w: what ubuntu and iOS version?19:47
xubuntu13wYou know what, I tried another USB port and it worked.19:47
xubuntu13wNot sure why it only works with 1 port.19:48
chuckmcmIs there a way to "widen" the mouse capture window for window resizing? On my 2560 x 1140 monitors its about a pixel on either side of the border which is a REALLY small region20:07
xanguaShift and middle clic20:08
xanguaClic in the window border menu and select resize20:08
xanguaThere's even a keyboard shortcut20:08
sunstarhaving a problem with 16.04 x64. during boot i get a message "A start job is running for Ubuntu live cd installer20:33
sunstarwith a counter / no limit20:34
sunstartried on 2 PCs20:34
sunstaralso tried downloading the iso and creating the usb on another pc20:47
zainkahi, wanted to download torrent for xubuntu 64bit. This default to amd64 with no option to select i386, checked the 32bit download and THIS defaults to i386..... Are there no options for 64bit i386, only amd64??? Or have I missed something here20:50
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.20:51
flocculantzainka: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/xenial/release/desktop/xubuntu-16.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent20:51
flocculantworks here20:51
ubottuFor AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:52
flocculantsunstar: seen that once - rebooting worked for me, guessing not for you - are you letting it boot to the try/install dialogue?20:52
xangua!amd64 | zainka20:53
ubottuzainka: AMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64_Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.20:53
flocculantzainka: oh - now I read it again - either 32bit or 64bit - ignore i and amd20:54
sunstardlocculant im trying. it doesnt get that far20:54
sunstarleft it on over night20:54
flocculantsunstar: ok - reboot, hit any key when you see the man/kbd icons20:55
zainkaOk, thanks... should left a not then on the download site, two lines of text and noone needs to ask this question or wonder "hey, maybe this is something they have informed on in the common question section" ever again ... :)20:55
flocculantthen try live (or install from there) - if you still get the same thing - is there something written above where it's hung? likehttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/221731892/IMG_5043.JPG20:56
sunstarno fails.20:56
zainkafor the record Ubuntu claims that "there will be some enhancement in performance" by using amd64. bye20:56
flocculantsunstar: ok - try from that first menu - I have found one mention of someone with that issue getting it to boot with nomodeset - which you can access from that same menu with F620:57
sunstarflocculant, success it booted21:01
flocculantsunstar: good :) (for the record, from the menu or with nomodeset?)21:01
sunstari went staright ti nomodeset21:02
flocculantaah ok21:02
mahmoud_I am in the process of reinstalling xubuntu on my computer after realizing that I can't wipe Windows in my dualboot easily22:33
mahmoud_Interestingly, I found this thread on r/linux4noobs of this guy doing the same thing as me22:34
mahmoud_I wouldn't be surprised if we fucked up the same way lol22:34
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:36
xubuntu14wHow is sound in 16.04 handled differently than 14.04 except the kernal? Is that even an issue?22:43
xubuntu14wSound from the speaker doesn't work  with 16.04, headphones work fine. All worked in 14.04 xubuntu, lenovo m58p machine.22:43
Majora320How do I set my system java look&feel to gtk+?23:17
Majora320I recently did a 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' from ubuntu23:17
Majora320and now the default look&feel is different23:18
Majora320tried so far: editing /etc/java-8-oracle/swing.properties file, export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -Dswing.crossplatformlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel' in .bashrc23:19

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