
clivejosoee: published00:12
soeewee ~40 minutes ... LP is so fast :-)00:13
clivejogetting faster00:13
soeeclivejo: first thing00:13
soeeit doesn't want to remove language pckage snow00:13
soeeill start upgrade process00:13
clivejothats the whole point of applying the fix00:14
clivejocant have you without your language!00:14
soeebut i have to wait for download, it is very slow 00:14
mamarleyWhat would happen if you removed the English language pack?  Would it not work at all?00:14
clivejomamarley: I have no idea#00:15
mamarleyE: /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-desktop-data_4%3a5.6.4-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa2_all.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/kcm_activities.mo', which is also in package kde-l10n-engb 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1.2~ubuntu16.04~ppa100:15
clivejothat shouldn’t be happening :(00:16
mamarleySorry :(00:16
mamarleyI will force-install and test anyway.00:16
clivejowhy why why00:18
clivejodoes it have to match completely00:22
clivejol10npkgs_firstversion_ok := 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1.2~00:23
soeeclivejo: yup same error for 2 languages i use http://paste.ubuntu.com/16469676/00:25
soeesgclark: do you have some tip how to fix it ?00:26
sgclarksoee: clivejo: sorry I need context, is this the language move thing? if so I have not yet had to package one of those.00:37
clivejoyeah kde-l10n magic not working00:38
clivejoIve matched the version numbers so fingers crossed that works00:38
sgclarkI am confused00:38
sgclarkwhy the 1.2 package when it is now in the plasma package00:38
sgclarkcan't have it in both00:38
clivejoits in both00:41
clivejobut that kde-l10n magic does something to allow the both to be installed00:42
sgclarkmm ok. that seems impossible, but I will take your word for it.00:42
sgclarkaka I am of no help until I read up on it :)00:43
clivejowell Ive matched the exact version number00:44
clivejoif that doesnt work, Im at a loss00:44
clivejoright, bed time00:47
clivejonight all00:47
ahoneybunmm 01:00
* ahoneybun wonders what is wrong with plasma-desktop in plasma staging 01:00
ahoneybunfor i38601:00
soeeit waits for publishing01:04
soeethere are some pretty serious problems with l19n package01:14
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Waits and waits and waits01:15
soeeyou should be sleeping now :D01:15
soeeplasma-desktop-data : Breaks: kde-l10n-pl (< 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1.2~ubuntu16.04~ppa1) but 4:15.12.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed01:16
rbetzenAre there still plans for video of the dojo to be posted for those who couldn't make the live session?04:36
valorierbetzen: you might want to ask in #kubuntu-podcast or on their G+ page05:05
valoriemost probably still asleep or at work right now though05:05
rbetzenvalorie: thanks! will do.05:05
rbetzentrying to parse the new docs now...05:06
valorieoh very cool, rbetzen05:07
valorieI need to install my devel stuff on my new laptop05:07
acheron88LP sending me the ppa packages at 60kB/s this morning. yawwwwwwwwwn slow07:24
acheron88xenial 5.6.4 installed OK, apart from the need to force overwrite of that kcm_activities translation file07:33
acheron88which was expected07:34
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Acheron88 I dont know why that won't work. It works in yakkety08:43
* yofel goes reading a couple days of backlog08:56
yofelsoee: regarding the QA site, yes we can, I'll look through it later. I've been generally just been adding more links, but some things are EOL and misleading indeed09:09
yofelsoee: also shout if you feel anything is missing there09:10
* clivejo feels so stupid09:14
clivejooh hi yofel09:14
clivejohave a good weekend?09:14
yofelregarding debug packages: no, there's no way to migrate people for those, and the new -dbgsym packages are auto-generated as I turned that on for all our PPAs (as debian is doing the same and dropping -dbg at the same time)09:15
yofelrbasak: sorry, only see your message now. Well, I asked in -release whether someone could accept ubuntu1.3 and nothing happend so far, are you supposed to directly ping $SRU_PERSON_OF_THE_DAY for such things?!? People gave instructions on how to downgrade, so I assumed people would read...09:18
clivejoyofel: doint look at the kde-l10n stuff :/09:19
yofelclivejo: I just finished skimming over the backlog09:23
yofelfor *backports* you usually use the same version as yakkety, and add the backport suffix to it, i.e. ~ubuntu16.04.1~ppa109:24
yofelincreasing the point version is for SRUs09:24
clivejoI made a boo boo09:24
clivejoI pushed to master by mistake09:24
yofelyou deleted the repository? ^^09:25
clivejothen reverted it09:25
clivejorealised I should be in xenial_backports09:25
clivejoso thought I moved it there09:25
clivejobut I didnt make the important change to add kcm_activities to the overlapping files list 09:26
* clivejo face palms09:26
rbasakyofel: yeah, directly pinging someone on the SRU team is sometimes necessary. Perhaps the person of the day, or the person who accepted the original SRU.09:26
rbasakPoint out that it's to handle a proposed regression and they usually don't mind.09:26
clivejothe EU has an official language? kde-l10n-eu ?09:28
yofelrbasak: hm, I just asked again, will poke pitti if I don't get any reaction09:28
yofelclivejo: that's Basque (as it says in the package description ;) )09:29
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yofelYofel: text10:26
yofelovidiuflorin: is there a way to have Telegram ping me when someone says my name here? Didn't you have something working for that?10:27
yofelshadeslayer: well, that was supposed to say test, monday I guess :P10:28
yofelyofel: test10:30
shadeslayerit's Tuesday xD10:30
shadeslayerbut well, I guess it's because yesterday was a holiday10:30
yofelshadeslayer: oh right, we already had that mistake a several times during the daily office meeting. So lets just say it's monday and skip tuesday :P10:31
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> yofel If you ignore / mute the notifications from a group, if you are mentioned with the Telegram username, you will get a notification10:40
yofel@yofel foo10:40
yofelwell *that* works10:40
yofel@ovidiuflorin: so the @ is required?10:41
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Without the muting, you get notifications for everything10:41
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Yes10:41
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Only one @10:41
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> You're welcome10:42
yofelI only wrote one, for some reason Telegram added another one10:42
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Try not adding it at all10:43
yofelovidiuflorin: poke10:43
yofelthat added an @10:43
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Auch10:43
bshahyofel poke10:43
yofelthat didn't10:43
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> If the nick is the same on irc and Telegram it works10:43
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Case sensitive I guess10:44
yofelI changed my Telegram ID to be lowercase, but that didn't help10:44
yofelunless that takes time to take effect10:44
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Ping KDE sysadmins for this10:44
clivejowhat does this mean?10:51
clivejoUploading kde-l10n-hr_15.12.3-0ubuntu1.2~ubuntu16.04~ppa2.dsc: 550 Requested action not taken: internal server error10:52
soee_clivejo: so any way to fix this plasma-desktop-data problem ?10:56
clivejosoee_: Im trying!10:56
clivejoI made a stupid mistake10:56
clivejoand trying to upload the fix10:56
soee_we all do sometimes :)10:57
clivejobut Im getting these 550 internal server errors10:57
soee_is it naming problem ?10:57
clivejoI forgot to add the line that does the magic10:58
* clivejo face palms10:58
clivejogot myself all confused about version numbers and which branch to commit to10:59
yofelclivejo: internel server error I guess? ^^ -> #launchpad11:03
=== mamarley_ is now known as mamarley
sheytanguys! Still lots of work to do with 5.6 plasma?11:51
soee_languages to fix i think11:55
sheytansoee_: can i help somehow?11:56
soee_i'm not sure, clivejo is trying to fix it and than we need to test ti12:01
=== Guest48104 is now known as adrian
yofelwait what? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=824531#1012:13
yofelwhy am I increasingly disagreeing with the way maxy handles issues o.O?12:13
ubottuDebian bug 824531 in plasma-nm "plasma-nm: error loading QML file applet to undefined symbol in libplasmanm_editor.so" [Normal,Open]12:13
sheytansoee_: I can test it, too. Got any ppa?12:13
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Yakkety open, happy hacking | Plasma 5.6.3 Y+X/STAGING -- Apps 16.04 Y/WIP -- FW 5.22 Y/WIP 5.21 /STAGING| https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging
yofeldiff: removed the x archive hints12:14
soee_sheytan: yes but please hold on, it is a bit broken atm12:15
sheytansoee_: sure, just hange me the ppa and let me know when can i install it12:16
pursuivantlibqapt (master) v3.0.2-2-ga06c741 * Carlo Vanini: CMakeLists.txt12:43
pursuivantSilence cmake warning about policy CMP006312:43
pursuivantSee https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-buildsystem/2015-December/011201.html12:43
pursuivantReview Request 126535: Silence CMP0063 warnings with KDECompilerSettings.12:43
pursuivantmuon (master) v5.6.0-1-g4f44673 * Carlo Vanini: CMakeLists.txt12:47
pursuivantSilence cmake warning about policy CMP006312:47
pursuivantSee https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-buildsystem/2015-December/011201.html12:47
pursuivantReview Request 126535: Silence CMP0063 warnings with KDECompilerSettings.12:47
mamarleyWhen I updated another computer from 5.6.3 to 5.6.4 (on Xenial) this morning, it didn't complain about languages. :)12:55
snelecan you fix kde-spectacle in staging12:55
snele? :)12:56
BluesKajHiyas all12:57
BluesKajso far the new 4.6 kernel hasn't done much to help my nvidia driver problem,. My understanding was the kernel module would build fine on a new kernel ..not the case ...ended up with much lower max resolution then even nouveau provides. Seems there' much ado about nothing using this kernel on my setup :-)13:03
BluesKajon YY13:04
mamarleyBluesKaj: I just copied the 4.6-patched nvidia-340 from my staging PPA to graphics-drivers.  Once it compiles and publishes, you can update and it should work fine then.13:06
BluesKajI have the staging ppa in my sources, but it's commented atm13:07
BluesKajmamarley:  when do you expect it in the repos ?13:10
mamarleyBluesKaj: It should be ready in the graphics-drivers PPA within 30-45 minutes or so.  As far as the official Ubuntu repository, I have no idea.  You would need to ask tseliot.13:10
=== soee_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Yakkety open, happy hacking | Plasma 5.6.4 Y+X/STAGING -- Apps 16.04.01 Y/WIP -- FW 5.22 Y+X/STAGING| https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging
soeeclivejo: ping13:28
soeemamarley: i can't confirm that upgrade to 5.6.4 on Xenial works, in fact the plasma-desktop-data and languages conflict exists13:36
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Pong13:46
mgraesslinare there plans to backport Qt 5.6.1 to 16.04?13:46
soeeclivejo: ah nothing, i wanted to ask about 5.6.4 but seems not ready yet :)13:47
soeeyofel: ^ mgraesslin question13:47
yofelmgraesslin: "probably"13:49
yofelwe'll need it for the newer versions, but I have no idea how good that'll work13:49
mgraesslinyofel: would be great. Multi-screen is so fubar with Qt 5.5....13:49
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Soee lp is throwing all kinds of strange errors at me13:49
yofelmgraesslin: well, it won't help the 16.04 release, just the backports13:50
mgraesslinif you love your users try to get it in13:50
yofelso technically, broken multiscreen is supported till 2019 :P13:50
mgraesslinI'm getting crash for crash report on broken multiscreen13:50
mgraesslinnot just multiscreen also running games which change resolution have the power to crash all Qt apps13:50
yofelwell, if we knew what the fix is, we could try to get that applied on 5.513:51
mgraesslinmight be large, but in general I do know13:51
acheron88the newest kde-l10n-engb installed without trying to overight anything in plasma-desktop-data this time? 13:51
soeemgraesslin: in fact Steam makes someting strange to panel for example where it doesn't re-render when we minimize steam game13:51
soeeacheron88: nope13:51
acheron88well, it did here :P13:52
soeeso maybe my kde-l10n-pl is not working :D13:52
mgraesslinyofel: the important change should be https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbscreen.cpp?id=a094af001795c9651b299d700a992150d1aba33a13:52
soeeah yes this one only13:52
acheron88soee: maybe http://paste.ubuntu.com/16474920/13:54
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Some fixed language files got uploaded OK before lp took a hissy fit13:54
soeeyup and PL is not one of them acheron88 :D13:55
mamarleyThere are already some packages for Qt 5.6 for Xenial in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-011/+packages, but some of the FW5.22 and Plasma 5.6.x stuff from staging-frameworks/staging-plasma would need to be recompiled against that in order to test.13:55
mamarleyI would love to try out Qt 5.6 though. :)13:55
acheron88soee: I was in luck them with engb13:55
soeemamarley: i vote for finishing Plasma + FW and Apps first :)13:56
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Started failing on hr13:56
soee5.6 is much improvement without QT 5.6 :)13:56
yofelmgraesslin: that is part of our xenial 5.5 packages though13:56
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> So never got to p13:56
yofeldpkg-source: info: applying xcb-Use-a-placeholder-QScreen-when-there-are-no-outp.patch13:56
mgraesslinyofel: ok, now I need to check which distro reports all those issues...13:57
soeeclivejo: you have some errors ?13:57
soeeyofel: have you seen ML and the message from valorie about vps stuff?13:57
yofelI did13:57
soeewhat do you think?13:58
yofelyes useful, if someone makes a template image for easy setup (like ovidiu tried with docker)13:59
yofelas otherwise, I have already been offering containers, and nobody takes me up on it - so it looks like nobody really needs them13:59
yofelbut I don't have a ready template either, so setting that up would be a bit of work possibly13:59
yofelhm, or I could just clone my packaging container and wipe the keys...14:00
yofelbut still, I think it would be useful, esp. for people with hardware/network issues (that's why I do most of my packaging work over ssh on some server)14:00
=== alvesadrian is now known as adrian
soeeyofel: i was thinking about one more thing related to vps. In the future we could create some list of task to do (fix, make etc.) for new packagers when they start their journey. So for example we provide environment with some broken package/es tofix and they can just start working on it. We woudl also provide step by step solutions how to do it if someone would have a problem.14:13
yofelthat might be worth thinking about... maybe that would work with a general packaging template and then a tarballed workspace for the actual job14:15
clivejosoee: finally got them to upload14:23
clivejopl should be building and be published in the next few days14:23
soeeclivejo: thanks. np. i thoough LP will build it in a  month so few days is just nice:)14:24
clivejosoee: kde-l10n-pl 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1.2~ubuntu16.04~ppa2 (Accepted)14:53
clivejobut still publishing!14:53
clivejofinished 24mins ago14:54
clivejoanother respun tarball for frameworks - https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36311114:57
ubottuKDE bug 363111 in general "ki18n 5.22.0 compile fails with 'translation_found' was not declared in this scope" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:57
clivejoI miss kontact for my work flow14:58
yofelwhee, upstream starts using patch numbers14:58
clivejois that a good thing?14:58
yofelthat's actually compatible with gbp, so yes14:59
clivejoKamoso 3.2rc and Purpose 1.1rc release14:59
clivejooh Release Candidate 15:00
yofelwell, that'll do for the dev release15:01
yofelput it on the todo list15:01
clivejoyofel: is there any way of getting whats done so far uploaded to yakkety?15:01
yofelyes, find a sponsor15:01
clivejohow do I do that?15:01
yofelask people, or do something crazy like filing a sponsorship bug and explaining how and where the sponsor finds all the packages15:02
clivejosee this is where I just cant be bothered15:04
yofelsee, that's how I feel about applying for MOTU :P15:04
clivejoI dont like having to beg people to do stuff for me15:04
yofellots of work and it'll just cause me more work15:04
clivejototally understand that 15:04
yofelwell, apply for kubuntu-dev. Do prepare yourself though ^^15:05
clivejoI hated school15:05
yofelwell, most of the questions will be about technical knowledge that you already need to work on the packages15:06
yofeland then there will be the more tricky ones like "what is the version in the symbol files used for?" or "what's the relationship between dpkg and ar?"15:07
yofelsitter_ has a collection of those IIRC15:07
clivejotaking a sitter test must be torture!15:08
yofel(note: you don't have to actually be able to answer all of those, I feel more than half is required, plus showing that you roughly know how and where to look stuff up)15:08
yofelwell, the ~kubuntu-dev interview is a one hour grilling15:08
clivejoby whom?15:09
yofelby ~kubuntu-dev, i.e. us ;)15:09
clivejoyou :P15:09
yofelneeds quorum of at least 3 people, so not just me15:09
clivejoare there 3 kubuntu-dev left these days?15:10
sitterin a voting capacity anyway :P15:11
yofelthere are enough lurking devs ^ ;)15:12
clivejoIm happy enough pushing buttons, dont wanna go back to school15:12
geniiWhen is the next podcast?15:15
soeeclivejo: testing again now15:22
BluesKajwell, after some fuss I was able to defeat the nouveau and enable the nvidia-340 driver on YY. This gpu is becoming close to "legacy" by the amount of jiggery-pokery required to install it as the default driver, even when using the ubuntu graphics ppa15:25
soeemamarley: on how many machines did you tested 5.6.4 ?15:36
soeeclivejo: this time all fine :)15:40
soeeyofel: lines 487-489 - this is how it should be right ?15:41
yofeldunno, clivejo ^15:42
yofelinitially I think yes, but I wonder what the replacement was15:43
soeeyofel:  kactivitymanagerd?15:43
soeesee top of the log file15:43
yofelah, that might be, then it's ok15:43
soeei think it was moved from Plasma to Frameworks15:44
yofelI wonder what bug 1561465 is a dup of15:49
ubottubug 1561465 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xenial Beta 2: Installation wizard shows wrong hard disk size" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156146515:49
yofelthat has been the case since like.. forever? :D15:49
soeeclivejo: from my side, upgrade to 5.5.5 -> 5.6.4 on Xenial was fine :)15:54
soeeBluesKaj: do you have some machine to test 5.6.4 on Xenial ?15:55
BluesKajsoee:  I already have it on the laptop and it's working fine.15:58
soeeBluesKaj: could you just test full upgrade process ? Purge staging-plasma ppa, add it and do full upgrade ?15:59
soeeBluesKaj: if yes, also paste.ubuntu.com upgrade changelog like this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16476333/ 16:01
BluesKajsoee:  purgew the ppa then re-add it ?16:01
soeeBluesKaj: yes, it will revert Plasma to 5.5.5 and Frameworks to 55.1816:01
soeeif you want you can reboot after purging ppa16:02
BluesKajok soee, purging16:14
mamarleysoee: 416:36
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> All was fine on each?16:37
mamarleyBesides the language overwrite thing, yes.16:37
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Are you able to purge this ppa and try again?16:38
mamarleyI don't really feel like doing that, why?16:39
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> This way we can confirm that upgrade is smooth without any errors and need to overwrite any packages16:40
BluesKaj_soee, did you want just the full-upgrade pastbinned ?16:40
mamarleyI already confirmed that on the upgrade I did on the fourth system this morning.  There were no errors.16:41
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Yes only upgrade to
mamarleyThat's exactly what it was, upgrading from Plasma 5.6.3 to 5.6.4, keeping FW5.22 the whole time.16:43
BluesKaj_soee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16477736/16:43
BluesKaj_anyway there it is, back to the desk pc16:45
acheron88already done one full one full upgrade from 5.5.5 -> 5.6.4 here afte the language updates, and no errors. didn't pastebin it I'm afraid, but it was certainly OK.17:04
acheron88'one full' too many there ^^^ lol. 17:05
acheron88long day17:05
BluesKajsoee:  ping!17:50
ahoneybunwe're including the plasma-sdk now?18:38
clivejoahoneybun: its part of the plasma release, are we not supposed to?18:39
ahoneybunjust surprised it is there18:39
ahoneybunI see some oranges in the plasma staging ppa 18:40
sneleguys is kde-spectacle going to be fixed in staging? i need it :)18:40
clivejothere is a dependency on kdevelop, but that cant be resolved right now18:40
ahoneybunksnapshot is still there18:41
ahoneybunsnele ^18:41
ahoneybunmm so still not ready to upgrade clivejo ?18:41
clivejosorry ahoneybun Im not following18:41
clivejoupgrade what?18:42
ahoneybunno no18:42
ahoneybunthat plasma staging ppa18:42
clivejowell sure, you can, but just expect problems18:43
ahoneybunI'd like to avoid those18:43
snelei added all 3 staging ppas, no problems at all exept kde-spectacle not installiable--->kubuntu-desktop removed/not installiable18:44
clivejoabout 3 people have upgraded successfully18:44
sgclarkapplications are not done18:44
sgclarkspectacle is being a pain in my behind18:44
sgclarkand PIm, but that is to be expected18:45
ahoneybunseema Neon filed a bug as well18:45
clivejolooks like spectacle needs FW5.21 or about18:45
sgclarkit wants 5.2218:45
clivejosgclark: you merged spectacle with debian?18:46
sgclarkand plasma just tanked on me, when I tried to logout, just a black screen18:46
sgclarkI have not merged recently... but when we moved to LP we had those auto merges18:47
clivejoI just see a 4:16.04.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1 version18:48
clivejowondered where the epoch came from18:49
clivejo!info kde-spectacle18:49
ubottukde-spectacle (source: kde-spectacle): Screenshot capture utility, replaces KSnapshot. In component universe, is optional. Version 15.12.3-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 952 kB, installed size 1248 kB18:49
clivejosnele: have you done an update from staging plasma PPA?18:50
clivejolooks like yofel uploaded kde-spectacle there 5 hours ago18:50
soeeBluesKaj: pong18:51
sneleclivejo: I have plasma, apps and frameworks staging enabled18:53
sneleThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:54
snele kde-spectacle : Depends: libkf5screen6 (>= 5.1.1) 18:54
snelei'll use ksnapshot and wait for a fix, no biggie18:55
KurousagiMK2kde-spectacle 4:16.04.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1 in Kubuntu Staging KDE Applications https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications19:00
BluesKajsoee:  did see my upgrade post ?19:12
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Yes but it was not full one :)19:34
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> yofel clivejo are we ready to put Plasma and Frameworks in backports?19:35
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> I has been tested by several users and seems to work fine19:35
sheytansoee: ready? :D20:00
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Yes I think so20:00
clivejowell that went as expected!20:01
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> If you also want to test add staging-plasma ppa20:01
clivejolots of people jumping to help out20:02
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> sheytan it contains Plasma 5.6.4, Frameworks 5.2220:02
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Yup thanks to clivejo fantastic work20:02
clivejoalso enable staging frameworks, there are a few fixes in there that didnt get copied over to plasma staging20:02
clivejomarcinsagol Im trying to get someone to sponsor me to upload to Yakkety20:03
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> clivejo can you copy them to staging-plasma to have it in one place?20:03
clivejoI was going to delete them!20:04
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> So to have in separate ppa?20:04
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> IMO also fine and more clean ;)20:04
clivejodelete them for ever and ever20:05
sheytanIrcsomeBot: can you give us the full link to this ppa?20:09
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-plasma/+packages?field.series_filter=xenial20:11
sheytanclivejo: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-plasma and  ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-frameworks are the same or do I need to add two?20:22
clivejoId add both20:23
sheytanwhat the difference?20:23
clivejoframeworks has a few patched packages that didnt get copied to plasma20:23
clivejoonly upgrade problems20:24
soeeahoneybun: new linux game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WNzuRL_FNo20:32
soeekde-spectacle from staging-frameworks is held back when upgrading20:41
soeeyofel: kde-spectacle http://paste.ubuntu.com/16481772/20:42
soeeenglish http://paste.ubuntu.com/16481781/20:42
soeethe one from staging-plasma worked, the one  from staging-frameworks not20:43
clivejotheres one in frameworks?20:45
soeeyes: kde-spectacle15.12.3-0ubuntu2~ubuntu16.04~ppa1Philip Muškovac (6 hours ago)20:46
* sick_rimmit Waves20:47
sick_rimmitHi folks20:47
KurousagiMK2kde-spectacle (4:16.04.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1) yakkety https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/+sourcepub/6432788/+listing-archive-extra20:52
KurousagiMK2xenial... sorry did not notice20:53
sheytanGuys! BTW. Thinking about a cool name for my IT services company. Any ideas?21:02
soeeCool Service Company :)21:03
sheytansoee: good shot :D21:04
sheytanbut must be something professional21:04
sheytansheytan IT isin't :(21:04
sgclarkclivejo: so what needs uploaded? kf5 first I presume?22:13
clivejofw5.22 first I would think22:14
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> sgclark you will be able to finish apps or someone else shall do it?22:15
clivejosoee you're a slave driver!22:16
sgclarkI am getting there. Please remember I am no longer full time. Any help welcome. But please do not kill poor clivejo22:16
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Nope :) I just want to have it released so other users can enjoy it22:17
clivejosgclark: can you tell me how you do it?22:18
sgclarkwell this ubuntu-archive-upload is suppose to do this magic. but I am missing something22:19
sgclarkpull-ppa-source hmm22:19
clivejoshould I rebuild them all?22:20
clivejosay to ppa50 or something?22:20
sgclarkum why?22:21
clivejojust seen yofel do that22:21
sgclarkI thought they were ready? I am missing something needed by this script is all22:21
clivejoIm not sure on the process22:22
sgclarkclivejo: that is useful for rebuilding things that are broken by ABI eg. kdepim22:22
clivejodont they have to be tagged or something22:22
clivejothe script will need to be modified to use LP too probably22:23
sgclarkthat does sound familiar. It has been a very long time sice I did this22:23
clivejoIve never done it, so I dont know22:23
clivejojust watching Phil do it22:23
sgclarkwell yeah you have to be a -dev22:23
sgclarkyes you are right, this script is no good22:24
clivejobut we should try and fix it 22:25
sgclarkoh ffs this blasted thing uses namespaces too. same thing that is killing me on CI22:27
sgclarkyofel: no namespaces is breaking like everything.22:28
sgclarkwell this one seems easy enough to fix22:31
sgclarkstill need to find where pull-ppa-source is suppose to come from22:31
sgclarkclivejo: ok I have it all running.22:56
clivejosgclark: do you need someone to sponsor you?22:57
sgclarkNope. Unless there is a NEW package. I will have to find a sponsor for that package only22:57
sgclarkdid you have to create any new packages?22:58
sgclarkthen if you want, go ahead and find a sponser for that package, if you want the experience, otherwise I can try and hunt one down tomorrow.22:59
sgclarkit is getting late.22:59
clivejoyou had frameworks mostly done22:59
clivejoI just fixed a few install issues22:59
clivejoand staged 5.2222:59
clivejobut kactivities-stats is new23:00
sgclarkyeah well your name is on it, you get the credit. I am retired anyway, all yours!23:00
clivejokwayland moved from plasma to frameworks23:00
sgclarkkwayland source is not new though23:01
sgclarkkactivities-stats will need sponsor for sure23:01
clivejojust version bump 5.5.5 to 5.2223:01
clivejois purpose a framework?23:04
sgclarkit is unreleased afaik23:04
sgclarkI think framework yes23:04
clivejoI see a RC for that23:05
clivejowill need packaging soon I reckon23:05
clivejospectacle seems to use it23:05
sgclarkpim has new packages as well, hense it is taking longer to package23:06
sgclarkdunno wth is gonna happen next release. qtwebengine seems unlikely23:06
clivejoI thought they were factoring out PIM23:08
sgclarkwho was factoring out pim?23:08
sgclarkumm wut?23:08
clivejosome of it was moving to new frameworks23:08
sgclarkoh yes, that has been happening for awhile. Whata I mean is next release they will depend on qtwebengine which does not exist in debian based distros23:09
sgclarkgood grief this script is flimsy. fails alot on IO errors23:10
clivejoso that other apps can use akonadi23:10
sgclarkyes they are doing exactly the same as frameworks and breaking everything out of the monster kdepimlibs23:15
sgclarkso practically every release we have new packages from it.23:15
sgclarkbut what is the point when it won't build at all next release :)23:15
clivejoI guess if we try to keep the packaging updated as they change it23:17
sgclarkproblem is that they depend on a QT package that does not exist23:18
clivejoneed an updated QT base?23:19
sgclarkthere are mound and mounds of threads on the subject Debian and QtWebEngine23:19
sgclarkno maintainer. And the size of the monster would require several maintainers23:19
sgclarkI spent an hour or so trying to package it, failed miserably23:20
sgclarkevidently it is the size of firefox and chrome23:20
sgclarkexactly lol23:20
clivejowho packaged it in the past?23:21
sgclarknobody has23:21
sgclarkbrand new23:21
sgclarkin 5.623:21
clivejoI mean who packaged QT?23:21
sgclarkit is shared packaging by folks in debian and ubuntu.23:22
sgclarklisandro comes to mind, mitya, debfx several others23:22
sgclarkand if they won't touch it... then we may be sol haha.23:23
clivejowhy wont they touch it?23:23
sgclarkgoogle Debian and QTWebEngine23:24
sgclarkit would certainly be good experience to package and maintain such a thing, but I fear it would consume the time of 10 Kubuntu's lol23:26
valorieletting PIM go just seems tragic though23:28
valorieI don't think KUBE is ready to go23:29
valorieTrojita is not for everyone23:29
sgclarkI love pim. so i agree.23:30
sgclarkdunno what to do.23:30
clivejoKube sounds like it will need QTWebEngine too23:30
sgclarkwell webkit is being replaced by it, this is just the beginning23:30
soeebackports ppa is our 'own' and we do not need any sponsors to put there anything right ?23:31
sgclarkclivejo can do that23:32
* soee smiles to clivejo23:32
* clivejo is going to bed!23:32
clivejonight night23:34
sgclarknight clivejo23:34

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