
pittiGood morning05:05
pittiTrevinho: yes, with hardwired key actions there are no userspace notifications, so we can't create notification bubbles in userspace05:05
pittibut not a biggie for a kbd backlight -- I mean, the notification shold be that the brightness changes :)05:06
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
willcookemorning all07:22
willcookeseb128, need to leave early this evening, just fyi07:22
hikikomorning willcooke07:22
willcookeonce the meeting is done07:22
willcookehi hikiko07:22
seb128hey willcooke & desktopers07:38
seb128willcooke, k, no problem ... do you want me to handle the meeting?07:38
willcookeseb128, nah, should be wrapped up by 5 my time I think07:46
seb128likely yes07:46
happyaronhey seb12807:49
seb128hey happyaron, how are you?07:50
happyarongreat, you?07:50
seb128happyaron, I'm going to look at your nm 1.2.2 today, sorry didn't manage to get to it on friday and yesterday was an holiday in France07:50
seb128happyaron, I'm good thanks :-)07:50
happyaronnp, the link is updated - https://launchpad.net/~happyaron/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/6431454/+listing-archive-extra07:50
happyaronand will have a meeting with oem people for nm in a couple of minutes07:51
Sweet5harkgoood morning desktoppers!07:52
seb128happyaron, any specific issue/topic from oem?07:52
seb128hey Sweet5hark! had a good w.e? (was yesterday off for you as well?)07:52
seb128happyaron, btw did you talk to anybody from kubuntu about the symbol issue in their bindings?07:53
happyaronseb128: there is a list, will send something out after the meeting07:53
seb128k, great07:53
happyaronseb128: yep we talked last week07:53
happyaronthey are going to ask upstream for a proper solution07:53
seb128what component has the issue?07:53
seb128is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanager-qt/5.18.0-0ubuntu1.2 a fix for that?07:53
seb128or something else?07:54
happyaronit's not a fix for that07:54
happyaronbut a recompile may work around it07:54
Sweet5harkseb128: yesterday was off too here. I wasted a lot of time on the weekend to #makespacegreatagain (aka playing Stellaris now that its out)07:54
seb128can  you ping them again? they are going to block the sru until that's sorted out07:54
happyaronwill do today07:55
Sweet5harkstellaris is just slightly more addictive than crack. About on the same level as a new release of Civilizations just-one-more-turn-syndrome.07:55
seb128happyaron, thanks07:58
seb128Sweet5hark, lol, sounds like better to stay away from it ;-)07:58
Sweet5harkseb128: its lots of fun though ;)07:59
seb128I can imagine :-)07:59
seb128but those also the best way to cut your sleep hours :p07:59
seb128"I'm close from victory, should be done in a few more turns"08:00
seb1281.5h later "ok, Í'm getting there, just a bit more effort and it's done"08:00
seb128then it's 3am08:00
seb128been there :p08:00
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah, the tendency of "wtf is the sun doing dawning outside, it was just setting ..." is strong in this one.08:02
Sweet5harkLaney: I see the bears didnt want to eat you over the weekend?08:05
Laneyjust the slugs08:07
Laneybut they are week08:07
seb128hey Laney! how are you?08:10
seb128had fun camping?08:11
seb128and how was monday around? not too crazy?08:11
Laneyhi seb12808:13
Laneycamping was fun, nice area out there08:13
Laneydidn't get much sleep though08:13
Laneyso was a quiet weekend otherwise ;-)08:14
Laneymonday was okay... just worked on the hire stuff a bit and then the theme for 3.20 mostly08:14
Laneyhow ws your long weekend?08:14
seb128oh, you are doing the theme updatE?08:14
seb128nice :-)08:14
seb128quite good! though the weather was not as nice as previous week08:15
seb128we had friends over on saturday to make fun of the eurovision singers while eating pizza ;-)08:16
seb128otherwise played some videogames/watched some tennis on TV/relaxed mostly08:16
Laneythere's always tennis!08:17
* Laney cries08:22
Laneyemail without filter rules08:22
Laneyoh my dear lord08:22
seb128oh, you did that email migration?08:23
LaneyI have autopkgtest failures in with debian-devel in with emails about cycling stuff in with launchpad bug mail08:23
seb128and yeah, tennis is good :p08:23
LaneyI would say started08:23
seb128now is the fun part? ;-)08:23
Laneyneed to learn this sieve filtering language they use08:24
Laneydovecot's one08:24
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest8144
willcookehey seb128 - did you upload the new Calendar to X btw?08:29
* willcooke goes looking for the link to the queue08:29
seb128willcooke, yeah, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=gnome-calendar08:30
seb128the queue has 39 items though08:30
willcookeseb128, sweet.  thanks.  I can test in proposed though right>?08:30
seb128it's not in proposed yet08:31
seb128workflow is08:31
seb128upload -> queue08:31
seb128review/ack -> proposed08:31
seb128verified -> updates08:31
willcookeseb128, ahh, I see.  I saw "pocket: proposed" and thought it was already there.  nw08:39
seb128no, it's the target08:39
willcookegot it08:42
willcookeseb128, Laney - with the +1 from design and a comment from sabdfl, I (think I) have made this bug SRU compliant:08:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 762349 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Difficult to distinguish which tab is selected" [High,In progress]08:47
willcookewhen you get a sec, could you read over it and see if it's ok?08:47
seb128Sweet5hark, seems like people mentioned your name on bug #1577316 / asking for debugging hint09:13
ubot5bug 1577316 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice Base Crash when i try to connect to mysql" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157731609:13
* Sweet5hark looks09:13
willcookehappyaron, great work on OEM NM issues - thanks09:19
Sweet5harkseb128: commented on with some (hopefully helpful) hints09:22
seb128Sweet5hark, thanks09:22
andyrockseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-menus/+bug/1506744/comments/4210:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1506744 in libunity (Ubuntu) "Newly installed applications do not show in the dash" [High,In progress]10:00
willcookenew wifi card is here10:14
willcookegoing to attempt to fit it.10:14
willcookewish me luck....10:14
Laneylive strong10:15
willcookeoh man, there are about a mllion screws to remote10:15
willcookeI predict pain10:16
Laneyis this in a laptop?10:16
willcookeyeah, x22010:16
Laneykeep track of where they all came from10:16
willcookeI found a video on the Lenovo website10:16
willcookeright, here goes nothing... powering off....  START THE CLOCK10:17
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
Laneya suspicious single beep just sounded from somewhere in this room10:19
* Laney panics10:20
Laneydon't know about you but that looks pixel perfect to me10:30
Laneygoing to upload now10:30
ricotzhey desktopers10:33
ricotzLaney, hi, please make sure to add https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-3-20&id=e006f3ca98990f6e3c8da58b49d7feba8403bb4710:33
Laneydid you look at the screenshot?10:34
ricotzLaney, not really10:34
Laneypretty sure there will be a point release before this is good10:34
ricotzI didnt expect this so land any other than in a PPA though10:35
Laneycheck it yo10:37
willcookewifi is connected at a massive 1Mb10:41
willcookeso... hmmmmmmmmmm10:42
Laney5mb/s \m/10:42
willcookeThankfully my wired ethernet connection is connected at 1000 Mb :)10:43
willcookesuppose I should test it actually works then...10:45
willcooke_now connected at 65 Mb10:47
* willcooke_ goes for a walk around the house10:47
willcooke_End of the garden!10:48
willcooke_In reality I'm getting 3Mb, but thats ok10:49
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest22281
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
willcookehello aquarius_11:22
aquarius_yo :)11:22
aquarius_hey, desktop peeps. How should a Python Gtk3 program play a system sound? GSound doesn't seem to be present in gi.repository on 14.04 or 16.04. (Perhaps a Trevinho question?)11:23
pittiaquarius_: gir1.2-gsound-1.0 should provide libcanberra bindings11:24
pittior rather, GSound wraps libcanberra, and that's the GI binding11:24
aquarius_pitti, that doesn't seem to exist on 14.04?11:24
pittibut on 16.0411:24
aquarius_ya, it's in 16.0411:24
pittiand you said "14.04 or 16.04" :)11:25
aquarius_heh :) Apologies. It's not present in 14.04 and it's not installed by default in 16.04, I should have said :)11:25
pittino idea for 14.04 I'm afraid, perhaps subprocess.call(['paplay', 'stuff.wav']) ? :-)11:25
pitti(honestly, no idea)11:25
aquarius_on 14.04, am I best to use the old static canberra bindings? I could just shell out to canberra-gtk-play...11:25
aquarius_haha! great minds, etc :)11:26
aquarius_actually, shelling out is probably not a terrible idea; sounds are fire-and-forget anyway, it's not critical if they don't work, and process startup is fast.11:28
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts? had a good w.e?11:32
pittihey seb128! wonderful indeed, thanks! We went to Dresden to visit family again11:32
seb128ah, nice!11:32
pittiseb128: on Sunday we did a rafting tour on a wildwater channel, that was a lot of fun (and splash and water :) )11:33
pittipics coming soon11:33
pittiseb128: and we had a long w.e. here due to Pentecost11:33
pittiseb128: et toi, as-tu passé un bon weekend?11:33
seb128oui, aussi merci11:34
seb128had a 3 days w.e as well11:34
seb128was mostly relaxing11:34
seb128we had friends over on saturday to eat pizza and made fun of eurovision singers ;-)11:34
seb128otherwise watching tennis on tv, played some video game, had some walks outside11:35
Trevinhoaquarius_: mh yeah.... I guess for 14.04 you've to fallback to canberra or some scripts11:38
aquarius_yeah. I shall shell out. :)11:38
aquarius_thank you pitti and Trevinho!11:38
pittiaquarius_: not shell, just subprocess.call()11:38
aquarius_os.system is probably as good here, I think? I'm not passing untrusted data to it (it's only called from within my app with hardcoded sound names), and it needs to be a background process so we don't block on it11:39
pittios.system is almost never a good idea11:40
aquarius_agreed, because you have to escape things properly, you can't get its response, etc. In this particular case, I'm not worried about any of that, though?11:40
pittiaquarius_: subprocess.Popen(['canberra-gtk-play', 'yoursound.wav']) and clean it up later on11:41
pitti(or don't, if you aren't interested in the exit code)11:41
aquarius_I agree it's not hard, I'm just wondering why the change in this particular case matters? I normally avoid os.system because it's bad for security, as mentioned.11:44
aquarius_(reads documentation on how to run it in the background)11:45
seb128happyaron, do you have a packaging vcs for network-manager?11:48
aquarius_pitti, hrm, running the process in the background seems quite a bit harder this way...11:49
pittiaquarius_: how do you mean? Popen() always starts it in the background11:49
pitti(unlike .call() or .check_call())11:50
pittito the contrary, os.system() is syncronous11:50
aquarius_Yes. Yes, it does. subprocess.call doesn't, though, because I am stupid :)11:50
aquarius_fixed now :)11:50
happyaronseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~happyaron/network-manager/+git/ubuntu11:51
seb128happyaron, thanks, it means I can't just cowboy hack the upload :p11:56
seb128happyaron, I was pondering adding https://git.gnome.org/browse/network-manager-applet/commit/?id=c3255ed740592a2f23a7ebc47f1acd2dd2d768b3 to the applet update11:56
happyaronseb128: I'm thinking about pushing 1.2.2 directly11:56
happyaronas the OEM guys would need that for most of their problems11:57
happyaronwhat do you think?11:57
seb128happyaron, that commit is after 1.2.211:59
seb128you mean in xenial?11:59
seb128we just need the current SRU copied over first11:59
seb128it has the important fix for oem11:59
seb128or do they have other issues?11:59
happyaronthey have several other issues12:00
seb128happyaron, do they have a list/bugs?12:00
happyaronseb128: check email12:01
seb128happyaron, thanks12:01
seb128happyaron, but yeah, let's keep rolling and prepare 1.2.2 for xenial12:03
happyaronyep, will prepare 1.2.2 for yakkety for the moment12:03
seb128happyaron, I though you had that ready?12:06
seb128next steps would be to get it in a ppa that oem&co can use for testing and that is going to turn into the next SRU12:06
seb128xenial ppa that is12:06
Trevinhoseb128: hey, on the snap world... I've did some tests and at the end I think we can run most of gtk apps generating caches at runtime... here's an example: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/snappy-playpen/hello-unity-fixes/+merge/294858 but I can apply the same to the calc snap we were hacking in Prague12:26
Trevinhopitti: I can't find the channel now, but I read somewhere a ping from you about the fact that hardwired events can't be notifier by udev/upower, or something like that, right?12:27
pittiTrevinho: yes, some laptop models are like that -- the brightness keys (screen or kbd) don't send any software event, they just directly change the brightness12:28
seb128Trevinho, shrugh, hacks on hacks :-/12:28
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, I know.. that's how things work, though :/12:29
seb128Trevinho, so we would regenerate the caches at every application run?12:29
Trevinhoseb128:  at least now things are generated on first run, which means later startup times are reduced a lot12:29
seb128ah, right12:29
Trevinhoseb128: no, just first time12:29
seb128the user dir is persistent12:29
Trevinhoyes, I made it snap version-dependent though12:29
seb128that makes sense12:30
Trevinhoso if new packages, or new gsettings are added, they get regenrated12:30
seb128the content might change between versions12:30
seb128what do you build from?12:30
seb128for the quilt thing to work12:30
seb128because the ones we played with was using the deb12:30
seb128so no compilation12:30
Trevinhopitti: yes... That's almost true... Almost since... in my thinkpads for example, the event is not triggered by default. However, by tuning the proc ibm hotkeys sysnode, I can get a KEY_KBDTOGGLEILLUM (or whatherver iscalled). But that break things, since laptop-side is just a notification that brightness has changed, not a request of changing it from12:32
Trevinhouserland level12:32
Trevinhopitti: so... I was wondering if there's a way to use that event, and instead of triggering it to the userpsace, handling it a the kernel module level, to send an udev event that the led status has changed12:32
Trevinhopitti: then... upower could monitor that, maybe...12:33
pittiTrevinho: that's a lot of custom code in userspace then (new uevents etc.)12:33
pittipresumably sending a new type of key via evdev is simpler, but we don't have a definition for such new "indicate only" keys12:33
seb128pitti, is there any chance you get slot for the upower issue this week? can I help in some way to move it forward (I'm going to have a quick look to the upower code but if it's not trivial and I'm probably not going to be able to block enough days to learn the code&co)12:34
pittiTrevinho: I don't know whether this can be tweaked in the kernel/BIOS12:34
Trevinhopitti: mh.. I see... Well in some cases it seems that kernel events are fired when kbd illumination changes (only when zero'ed though)12:34
* pitti frankly doesn't see the point -- isn't the best (and only) notification that you should see that the bridghtness of the keyboard actually changes?12:35
Trevinhopitti: so... making upower to actually read the value instead of relying on a cached one is something better for you?12:35
pittiTrevinho: upower reads the actual values from sysfs12:35
Trevinhopitti: yeah, I don't mind of the notification...12:35
pittiit doesn't "cache" anything, it just proxies sysfs as dbus properties12:35
Trevinhopitti: the thing is that u-s-d needs to know the actual state before idling the laptop12:35
Trevinhoor it will resume things to the old value12:35
pittiseb128: ugh, is it that complicated? I guess most of that code is autogenerated indeed12:36
pittiseb128: anyway, I'll have a look now12:36
Trevinhopitti: mhmh... https://cgit.freedesktop.org/upower/tree/src/up-kbd-backlight.c#n10612:36
pittiseb128: this "one dbus per user" is highly annoying, I'll postpone that12:36
Trevinhoseb128: are we spakeing of the same thing?12:36
Trevinhoseb128: of the same issue, I mean, or something else?12:37
Trevinhopitti: priv->brightness is only updated  when user sets it, and that's what is returned when you call the getter12:38
pittiTrevinho: oh, this; ok, so you're saying this never gets written correctly from sysfs?12:38
pittiTrevinho: no, seb128 means freedesktop bug 9535012:39
ubot5Freedesktop bug 95350 in general "up_client_new returns an invalid object when upowerd isn't started" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9535012:39
Trevinhopitti: currently thinkpad and dell systems have this scenario: you change brightness from keyboard, the laptop goes idle, ups turn down the brightnes... Saving the previous level around. However the previous level is got from a cached value since if you call getbrightness from upower, it will always return the cached value, not the last one you changed. Now,12:40
Trevinhowhen you get back to the laptop, you won't get the proper backlight.12:40
Trevinhothis is done this way, because there are laptops (like asus ones), which just reports a kernel request to change brightness., then userspace changes it.. calling SetBrightness in Upower... And so all this works. But in the other cases it doesn't12:41
Trevinhomarco@tricky:~$ cat /sys/class/leds/tpacpi\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness12:42
Trevinhomarco@tricky:~$ gdbus call --system --dest org.freedesktop.UPower --object-path /org/freedesktop/UPower/KbdBacklight --method org.freedesktop.UPower.KbdBacklight.GetBrightness12:42
pittiTrevinho: so this could be changed to drop the brightness iternal property and always read it12:42
Trevinhothis is what I'm getting now12:42
Trevinhoexactly... that's what I wanted to do in fact12:42
TrevinhoI just was wondering if upstream is fine with that12:42
pittiok from my side; best to file an upstream bug report, then we can ask hughsie12:43
seb128pitti, I don't know if it's complicated but I'm not familiar with the codebase, I can start pocking a bit around in case it's easy but I've some meetings in the afternoon and I'm probably not going to be able to do much in between12:47
pittiseb128: looking at it now12:47
seb128sorry to be nagging but it seems to hit quite some LTS users12:47
pittiseb128: does u-s-d check for up_client_new() returning NULL?12:48
pittii. e. will that actually help fixing a crash, or just make it crash differently on a NULL ptr?12:48
seb128pitti, it's up_client_get_lid_is_closed() which segfaults, has that function in upower-glib has "g_return_val_if_fail (UP_IS_CLIENT (client), FALSE);"12:51
seb128pitti, also the usd side didn't change since trusty and that was not an issue12:51
seb128so I expect that fixing the bug is going to make usd happy again12:52
pittiseb128: hm, same upower behaviour in trusty and wily12:58
pittiseb128: so I guess the fact that upowerd doesn't start is the thing that actually changed and triggered this?12:59
pitti(or takes long to start)13:00
seb128could be I guess :-/13:01
=== alexabreu is now known as alex-abreu
seb128pitti, sorry otp ... but yeah, the root of the issue is probably a kernel bug delaying upower start on usb enumeration13:06
seb128unsure how we could workaround from usd is upower returns a valid object13:06
seb128which then trigger an upower segfault in an libupower-glib function when used on the said object13:07
pittiseb128: I am looking into that now, but as I said this won't really help to fix the issue13:07
pittiseb128: unless usd repeatedly tries to connect, it will be stuck with a NULL object forever, and thus not work13:07
seb128hum, right...13:08
pittiseb128: sorry, it's been too long: g_object_new (UP_TYPE_CLIENT, NULL);13:09
pittithat calls some type specific constructor, something like up_client_alloc() or so?13:10
pittiwhich we could change to return NULL on failure?13:10
seb128(otp,going to look in a bit)13:10
pittibut I'm really not sure that this is the correct fix13:10
a1faandrea, you here?13:10
pittibecause of the above (once upower does finish starting, the object should become useful13:11
pittioh, _init()13:13
seb128pitti, shouldn't the upower call just block until upower gets ready rather than timing out then?13:13
pittiseb128: no, would potentially block forever then13:13
pittiand I can't change the object pointer in _init()13:14
seb128that would be the right thing to do in that case, the upower plugin is useless without upower13:14
* Sweet5hark is out for a bit (shopping for an office chair that doesnt suck)13:14
seb128Sweet5hark, good luck finding one!13:15
pittiseb128: ah, I think I could unref the object in up_client_new() and return NULL; that would at least provide a more defined behaviour13:15
pittibut I'm not sure whether it's actually the more desirable behaviour13:16
pittidesrt: halp13:16
seb128pitti, he's in a call talking I guess we can discuss that more after that meeting13:16
pittibah, up_client_get() doesn't have such an UP_IS_CLIENT() assertion, but instead13:18
pitti……………………if (client->priv->proxy == NULL)13:19
pitti                return;13:19
pitti*throws hands into air* horribly inconsistent13:19
seb128pitti, but yeah, maybe we need to just get the kernel bug fixed...13:24
seb128happyaron, do you know why bug #1547826 was not closed? is that still an issue?13:40
ubot5bug 1547826 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Enable libappindicator support" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154782613:40
dandreI am looking for a widget I could place in my desktop toobar to create more or less a custom menu like th main menu but not included as a sub menu of it. I am using gnome flashbak desktop13:54
dandreI have found a simple python script sshmenu but the launch button goes into the notification area and I want a separate button. Is there any possibility?13:57
dandreit's not sshmenu but sshplus14:00
seb128desrt, hey14:01
seb128desrt, in the call you mentioned discussions about mimetype/url handlers/help14:02
seb128who discussed that/where14:02
desrtattente and i were discussing it yesterday14:02
desrthe's writing a dbus service to allow confined apps to open uris "on the outside"14:02
seb128ah ok, I've that on my list of things I meant to look at14:02
desrtright now we're doing it really simple, as mentioned: allow http, https, mailto... everything else is a no-no14:02
seb128desrt, attente, I opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1576296 about that btw14:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1576296 in snapd (Ubuntu) "gnome software help integration needed" [Undecided,New]14:03
willcookeI think those urli's will probably cover 99% of cases14:03
seb128well, "help" is usually help: uris14:04
seb128which yelp is the handler for14:04
seb128desrt, also I didn't understand the bits about what is flatpack currently doing for gsettings? do they have something to let app change its own keys?14:11
desrtnot yet14:11
desrtthat's what we're discussing on the call14:11
desrt*flatpak btw14:12
seb128and yeah, I followed the discussion14:12
desrtbecause, you know, dropping letters is cool14:12
seb128I just didn't hear alex at the start, audio was cutting14:12
desrtbasically, they will do the same thing as we do14:12
seb128I though he said that they had a simple solution which restricted the schemas to current app14:13
desrtthis was a theoretical imagined solution.  it doesn't exist yet.14:13
seb128k, that's the bit I missed14:13
desrthe was talking more about how he supposed it would work14:13
seb128do they currently give access to the system db?14:13
desrtthere is not usually a system db14:13
seb128sorry, I meant the user one14:14
seb128but full db14:14
desrtit depends on the settings14:14
desrtit's possible to specify a package that gets full user homedir access14:14
desrtjust like we can14:14
desrtin that case, it would work14:14
desrtotherwise, not14:14
seb128it's all or something14:14
seb128it's all or *nothing*14:14
seb128they also have the userdir under the normal location when they do that, right?14:15
seb128where snaps has it under some /snap path14:15
desrtin general, flatpaks are much more flexible in terms of file locations because they use a new mount namespace instead of apparmor-based filtering14:17
desrtso they don't run into the same path-relocation problems that we do14:17
* jdstrand notes that the apparmor-based filtering has nothing to do with that14:18
jdstrandit is the choice of paths that is the problem14:18
jdstrandbut that is a technicality14:19
seb128well, if we had a mount namespace doing the restriction we wouldn't need to apparmor filter behind?14:19
jdstrandyou want the MAC14:20
jdstrandbut don't get hung up on that14:20
jdstrandI think you mean file namespace14:21
jdstrandwell, NEWNS14:21
seb128but right, what is creating issues from our side is not what is used to restrict the locations14:22
seb128just that things are available at a non standard path14:22
seb128which confuses existing code14:22
jdstrandbut there are problems on either side14:23
jdstrandas soon as you use a mount namespace, things get really complicated with sharing14:24
tyhickssharing data between two or more snaps14:25
jdstrandimagine a snap ships two commands14:25
jdstrandif they are supposed to share the same mount namespace, you need to make sure you do that right14:26
tyhicksoh, I wasn't thinking about sharing between two commands but that's true...14:26
jdstrandthat isn't insurmountable14:26
jdstrandbut then, like tyhicks said, if you have two snaps sharing data, things get complicated. 3, 4, more, etc14:26
seb128I didn't even know that snaps could share datas14:26
seb128I though they each had their own private dir14:27
seb128with maybe access to some "normal" system locations14:27
jdstrandby default, a snap gets private dirs that the commands use14:27
tyhicksjdstrand: they'd need to share the same mount namespace or the launcher would need to set up a bind mount for a shared area between the two commands14:27
jdstrandbut interfaces will soon allow a snap from the same publisher to share data14:28
jdstrandand other interfaces might share data as well14:28
jdstrandtyhicks: yes14:28
seb128I see14:28
jdstrandtyhicks: let's explore this here for a moment (I know you and I have a meeting, but perhaps we can push it a moment)14:29
seb128jdstrand, tyhicks, do you know if there is any plan to try make some things available at their standard location (by bind mount, or whatever else)?14:30
tyhicksjdstrand: that's fine - I've been wanting to look into the possibility of a new mount ns some more anyways14:30
jdstrandseb128: yes-- that is what opengl does, there is already some bind mount stuff happening in the launcher14:31
tyhicksseb128: zyga and I will be working on adding the ability for interfaces to convey an fstab-like file so that the launcher will set up a series of bind mounts14:31
seb128oh, nice14:31
seb128tyhicks, is there a bug/blueprint/google doc about that?14:32
tyhicksseb128: not that I know of - we just discovered the need for it late last week at the snappy sprint14:32
seb128tyhicks, k, just curious on what cases did you find the need?14:32
seb128tyhicks, I can see that being useful for things like locales definitions, mimetypes, fonts, etc14:33
jdstrandtyhicks: I would think that planned work would fix these sorts of things in the same manner. I mean, in a way, we are effecting a new file namespace since we force commands to run within core's fs, then bind mount into it14:33
tyhicksseb128: opengl support requires it - AFAIK, the kernel snap needs to ship some libs that need to be bind mounted in known locations for app snaps to use14:33
jdstrandwith newns, you create a blank one then bind mount into it14:34
tyhicksseb128: yes, fonts are another identified usage14:34
tyhicksjdstrand: yes, there's a lot of overlap here14:35
jdstrandtyhicks: ok, so, if we were going to implement newns now, what would it look like? then we can see what it would buy us and if it is appreciably different from the planned work14:36
tyhicksjdstrand: they're setting up a mount namespace where / is a private tmpfs14:37
tyhicksjdstrand: "/ is a private tmpfs not visible anywhere else. This is pivot_root:ed into so it is the new / and all other mounts from the host are unmounted from the namespace."14:38
tyhicksso they're setting up *everything* in the new mount namespace14:39
jdstrandthat is flatpak14:39
jdstrandthat's fine14:39
jdstrandI'm trying to think if we were going to use newns, what would it look like so we can compare that to what we have and the planned bind mount work14:40
tyhicksif we're going to use a new mount namespace, we'd have to do something similar14:41
jdstrandwhat would we mount into it?14:41
jdstrandI guess the core os snap14:41
tyhickspossibly things from the kernel snap14:41
tyhicks(like opengl libs)14:42
tyhickson classic, we'd mount in certain things that we'd want to use from the system, such as fonts14:42
jdstrandwhat about HOME?14:42
jdstrandwould one mount ~/snap/<name>/<version> as HOME?14:43
tyhicksyes, if the home interface was plugged in14:43
jdstrandok, so not that14:43
tyhicksI'd think we'd use ~/snap/<name>/<version> by default or $HOME depending on the home interface being plugged in14:43
willcookeprobably a stupid question, but.... could this be used to avoid shipping a whole Gtk in each Gtk app?  Like we could make the version shipping with classic available for use by snaps, and if you want something else (newer) then you ship it, or ship a snap with it in and then re-use that?14:44
jdstrandthat could be weird since home isn't autoconnected-- you can imagine a snap starts unconnected, then writes files, then is connected, etc14:44
jdstrandwillcooke: it could, but so could the planned work14:44
willcookeeven better :)14:45
jdstrandwillcooke: I think that is a different question. snaps are the way they are because they are supposed to be independent of the os14:45
tyhicksjdstrand: true - the operation of connecting the home interface would need to migrate data or warn that data will be lost14:45
jdstrandtyhicks: but let's assume that is fixed14:45
* tyhicks nods14:45
willcookejdstrand, sure, understood.  Just seeing if there is a potential work around to massive snaps for tiny apps.14:46
jdstrandtyhicks: so, my feeling is that we aren't really gaining anything-- we identified everything we are already doing or planning to do14:46
jdstrandthe problem today is we aren't doing these other bind mounts14:46
tyhicksthat may be true14:46
jdstrandlet's for a moment assume that is true14:47
jdstrandwhat do we gain if we do newns? what do we lose?14:47
* jdstrand is struggling to see what we gain since we are mounting large chunks of things into the newns so we still need fine-grained MAC14:48
jdstrandbut we are possibly adding more complexity14:48
tyhicksthe main difference is that we could prevent access to certain files/directories by simply not mounting them inside the new mount namespace instead of using AppArmor to mediate the access14:48
jdstrandtyhicks: so I was assuming that we would still wrap this in MAC14:48
tyhicksyes, we definitely would14:49
jdstrandso, what would we not mount?14:49
jdstrandin other words, what is a specific example of what we might gain?14:49
tyhickswell, since we said that we'd bind mount all of the os snap, everything would be mounted14:49
jdstrandso we could slice that up14:50
tyhickswe could14:50
tyhicksdon't know if it gains us anything14:50
jdstrandor we could use what we already have14:50
tyhicksI'm in agreement that, at this time, there are no tangible benefits to using a new mount ns versus bind mount support in interfaces14:51
jdstrandok, cool14:52
jdstrandI think I am at the same place14:52
tyhicksmaybe we'll see something that we're missing when we do the bind mount work14:52
tyhicksI'll keep an eye out for anything like that14:53
jdstrandseb128, willcooke, desrt: so, the ease of the flatpak approach wrt to relocation compared to ours isn't a technical issue (ie, newns vs apparmor). currently what we are doing is similar to newns in a lot of ways, it is just that the planned bind mount/fstab work is not done yet14:54
seb128jdstrand, I didn't know we had such work planned, so that's good news14:55
jdstrandwe could redo the fs setup and use the newns approach (wrapped with apparmor) and build up the bind mounts, but we can also just continue with the current fs setup and build up the bind mounts as planned14:56
seb128jdstrand, tyhicks, did that work start? is there a place where to follow the work/discussions?14:56
* jdstrand defers to tyhicks 14:56
jdstrandI can say it came up last week at the sprint14:57
tyhicksseb128: I think zyga has started on his changes for snapd but I haven't started on my changes to ubuntu-core-launcher14:57
seb128well, in any case I guess we better wait on that then14:57
tyhicksseb128: it is on both of our lists for this week14:57
seb128rather than trying to patch glibc to make it loads locales from other custom dirs14:58
tyhicksseb128: if there's not a bug, I'll get one filed soon and point you to it14:58
seb128and other similar hacks we were considering14:58
seb128tyhicks, thanks14:58
seb128willcooke, ^ fyi14:58
willcookeyeah, sounds like good news all round14:58
jdstrandseb128: it sounds to me that the flatpak approach is sorta trying to also solve willcooke's question. you have a thick os that has your gtk libs, etc in it, and bind mount into the newns. snaps have a philosophical difference though in that snaps are supposed to be independent of the os. if we bind mount /usr/blah into the snap, then that snap is very much tied to a specific version of the os15:00
jdstrandso there is probably some discussions that need to happen with the snappy architects on these fronts15:01
jdstrandthings I've heard about sdoc seem to be at odds with the 'snaps are independent' approach15:01
seb128jdstrand, willcooke, right, bundling gtk or not ... that's a different approach and I can see pro&con in each15:01
seb128I'm more concerned about things like having to bundle the glibc locales definitions15:02
seb128or fonts15:02
jdstrandI think there is probably a line that needs to be defined15:02
seb128but that should be fixed with the bind mount&interfaces15:02
jdstrandit seems that locales and fonts are fairly straightforward in the 'I need to use what is available on the system' line, but other things are less clear15:03
jdstrandlike gschemas15:03
jdstrandinteresting times15:03
jdstrandseb128, desrt, willcooke: hopefully this dispels any misconceptions that flatpaks are better in terms of relocation. I mean, they might be *today*, but the planned work is to not have as much reloaction pain15:05
seb128well, we at least have wrapper hacks for image loaders & schemas15:05
seb128jdstrand, it does, thanks15:05
desrtjdstrand: so if we move over to mount namespaces does that mean we can stop using apparmor for enforcement?15:05
desrtbecause that's sort of putting a cramp in our style in terms of advocating snaps as _the_ portable format for apps (since apparmor is not universal)15:06
jdstranddesrt: that is a funny takeaway, but I'll answer your question in the way you asked-- no, we will want to wrap in MAC15:06
* jdstrand notes flatpak wants to use MAC as well15:06
desrtno.  it doesn't.15:06
jdstrandyes they do-- I just read about it15:07
desrtjust had a call with them and they made it quite clear15:07
jdstrandthen their docs are out of date15:07
desrtif they do use it it will only be in the way that apparmor/selinux are typically used today15:08
desrtie: second line of defence against security breaches in apps15:08
desrtit will not in any way be used as a front-line confinement mechanism15:08
jdstrandsnappy is more ambitious than flatpak as I read the current documentation. ie, they are using system namespaces to constrain apps. snaps may run root daemons and you can't constrain a root daemon with user namespaces15:08
desrtthat's going to be entirely namespaces, seccomp, etc.15:08
jdstrandsystem namespaces15:08
jdstrandand user namespaces need a MAC as well considering all the security issues15:09
Trevinhoxnox: hey, for that upstart / dbus work... It seems it really fixes stuff :-), so can you backport to xenial?15:09
happyaronseb128: need double check tomorrow15:09
TrevinhoI think you told me the steps, but I forgot what to do :-)15:09
desrtjdstrand: i feel like we've been having this conversation for about 5 years...15:10
Trevinhopitti: so, this does the trick for me: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16475829/15:10
desrti think neither of us have changed position at all during that time15:11
jdstrandthe other thing a MAC does is provide very convenient fine-grained mediation which can be used in combination with a file namespace15:11
Trevinhotogether with an "hacked" usd that always check the last value before caching it15:11
jdstrandI don't really appreciate that comment-- the security team has given a lot of thought to namespaces and we are actually using them in snappy. the fact system namespaces (which flatpak uses) cannot be used to constrain root processes. that isn't just me-- there are plenty of selinux and docker guys who say the same thing15:13
jdstrandwe must be able to constrain root, so we must have a MAC15:13
jdstrandbut we want to use namespace technologies in combination with a MAC15:14
jdstrandthat gives the best of both worlds in terms of security15:14
jdstrandand sets us up for user namespaces (which in the last 5 years have literally had scores of CVEs attributed to them)15:14
* jdstrand notes that docker, lxc and lxd *also* use MAC in combination with namespaces. they work great together and offer a lot of flexibility15:16
pittiseb128: if you are in a position to test (sorry, I'm not right now), I attached two patches to the upstream bug; the first one is the important one15:20
seb128pitti, did you need/want desrt's input on the topic?15:21
pittiseb128: it's now much clearer, but one question remains indeed15:21
pittidesrt: is it a common or at least acceptable pattern that my_gobject_new() returns NULL on failure?15:22
desrtonly if the object in question is a subclass of GInitable15:22
pittidesrt: in particular, should libupower-glib's up_client_new() return NULL if it can't connect to upowerd via dbus?15:22
desrter.  implements.15:22
pittiotherwise, how would a client know that the returned object is useless/broken?15:23
desrtpitti: the normal pattern here is to make this thing GInitable and GAsyncInitable and use those interfaces to implement a sync and async version of the constructor... both with cancellables, and both failable15:23
pittiUpClient does not implement GIinitable15:23
desrtthen instead of using g_object_new() inside of your _new() you use g_initable_new()15:23
desrtditto for the _new_async()15:23
desrtif the constructor can fail, then it ought to15:24
desrtthis is practically a "by definition" sort of thing15:24
pittiyeah, it's more ore less a gdbus wrapper around upower's d-bus API15:24
desrtsounds perfect, then15:25
desrtGDBusProxy, itself, is async-initable15:25
desrtif you did g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus() then it would be a one-step operation for you15:25
desrt(you could even do subclassing, but imho that would be pretty gross)15:26
pittidesrt: so the patch on freedesktop bug 95350 is bad because UpClient doesn't implement GInitable?15:26
ubot5Freedesktop bug 95350 in general "up_client_new returns an invalid object when upowerd isn't started" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9535015:26
pittiwell, it *has* a GDbusProxy thing in its private class members, but it is not by itself a GInitable15:26
desrtthat's how you should be doing it, indeed15:27
pittithe _init() does priv->proxy = up_exported_daemon_proxy_new_for_bus_sync(...)15:27
desrtthis is definitely evil.15:28
desrt_init() should not block15:28
pittiand that function is autogenerated code from that gdbus-binding-tool15:28
desrtthe tool codegens code that does blocking IO in an init function?15:29
pitti_init() isn't autogenerated15:29
pittiup_exported_daemon_proxy_new_for_bus_sync() is15:29
desrtah.  ya.  that makes sense.15:29
willcookezut alors!  It's team meeting time...  I have to leave in 30 mins, so desrt pitti ok to interupt you?15:30
pittiwhat should block then? _new()?15:30
pittiwillcooke: sure, sorry15:30
willcookepitti, no no, sorry to jump in15:30
seb128just move them to #ubuntu-devel15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-1715:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue May 17 15:31:05 2016 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call: andyrock, attente, desrt,  dgadomski, fjkong(out), happyaron, hikiko, laney, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter(out), trevinho, robert_ancell (out)15:31
desrtpitti: do you want me to try to do a patch for this?15:31
desrtwillcooke: o/15:31
willcookethat'll do to get started15:32
willcooke#topic andyrock15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrock# proposed a fix for the bug about the newly installed application not appearing on the dash15:33
andyrock# started working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1582433 just because I've aleady everthing setup to work on it15:33
seb128andyrock, I saw your ping, just didn't have slots to go back to that yet, let me know if you need sponsoring (need to see if libunity and gnome-menus needs to land in locked steps)15:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1582433 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash does not handle .desktop files correctly if there are hyphens in the directory path" [Low,Triaged]15:33
andyrock# bug traging15:34
andyrock# reviews15:34
andyrock# eof15:34
willcookethanks andyrock15:34
willcooke#topic attente15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: attente
andyrockseb128: yeah i may need sponsoring15:34
seb128let's discuss that after the meeting15:34
attentehi, was at the snappy sprint last week15:34
attentelooked into how to add featured snaps to the overview shell of gnome-software15:34
attentedebugging some theming issues and menus in snaps for qt applications15:34
attentelooked into https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1580740, did a proof of concept fix with didrocks15:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1580740 in Snappy "Cannot open a browser link from a snap that provides a link" [High,Triaged]15:35
attenteuploaded gnome-software rebased to 3.20.2 to a ppa, could use a lot of testing: https://launchpad.net/~attente/+archive/ubuntu/gnome-software15:35
willcookethanks attente15:35
willcookewelcome back home :)15:35
attentethanks :)15:35
willcooke#topic desrt15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: desrt
seb128attente, hey, wb! hope it was a good week, glad you made it back ;-)15:35
desrto hai!15:35
attenteseb128: lol15:35
desrthaving a pretty interesting week.  got caught up on some glib reviewing last week, and this week i'm being pulled into a couple of new and interesting directions15:36
desrtgoing to look at the possibility of using jhbuild to get more up-to-date versions of apps into snaps, while at the same time resolving all of the hardcoded-path issues that we keep running in to based on using .debs15:36
desrtalso had a really interesting conversation with alex just now about dconf in confined apps... have a clearer sense of direction now15:37
desrtand for the rest of today i'm probably helping pitti make a much more complicated patch than he needs to for upower15:37
willcookethanks desrt15:37
willcookedid you ever make headway with that bug btw?15:37
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomski* more Samba debugging - turned out that 2 more users hit bug 1576109 - fortunately there already was a fix to that in a ppa15:38
ubot5bug 1576109 in samba (Ubuntu) "gvfs-mount doesn't work with smb* 4.3.8 on a NetApp" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157610915:38
dgadomski* still waiting for input to examine the kerberos auth samba bug I mentioned last week, so I'm stuck with this15:38
dgadomski* researching possible fixes for bug 1578398 - prepared debdiffs with a temporary workaround for concerned users15:38
ubot5bug 1578398 in imagemagick (Ubuntu Yakkety) "ImageMagick Security Issue: CVE-2016-3714" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157839815:38
willcookethanks dgadomski15:38
willcooke#topic FJKong15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: FJKong
willcooke1 do research on how to display candidate word window vertically,15:39
willcooke2 continue on animated skin work of sogou im.15:39
willcooke3 tracking bug : wrong position of candidate words window on firefox15:39
willcooke#topic happyaron15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: happyaron
happyaron1. Update NM (and some friends) 1.2.2 for yakkety and 1.2.0 for xenial15:39
happyaron2. Work with OEM people for NM related issues15:39
willcookethanks happyaron15:39
willcooke#topic hikiko15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: hikiko
hikiko- working on this nasty bug in multimonitor: if we have two outputs o1 and o2, when the rendering is done in o2 and the components of o2 are scaled, some parts of the o1 appear in both outputs (eg o1's panel appears without artifacts in o1 but a part of it reappears scaled in o2). This indicates that there's either a problem in our 2D clipping (parts of o1 that should be clipped still appear and follow the o2 transformations) or that for some15:39
hikikoreason we render in all outputs when we should only render in one. (what happens at the end is that compiz renders things per output but nux renders things in the whole screen).15:39
hikiko- fixes in ezoom damage, +added signals to damage components only when there's a change in zoom transform15:39
hikiko- a fix in expo, scale branch (merged by marco)15:39
hikiko- a brief look at the vm issues - tasks15:39
willcookethanks hikiko15:40
willcooke#topic Laney15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: Laney
Laney• Got PagerDuty working for appstream monitoring, now I get called, texted and emailed when it stops updating!15:40
Laney• Send upstream fixes to move the 'show-weekdate' setting to a new key in gsettings-desktop-schemas15:40
Laney• A few updates/SRUs: glib, glib-networking gvfs15:40
Laney• Fix to gnome-calendar goa activation15:40
Laney• Start working on gtk 3.20 theme changes, going to be a few days worth of work there at least15:40
Laney• Help with reviewing/tweaking job description for new hires15:40
willcookethanks Laney15:40
willcooke#topic qengho15:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: qengho
qengho* Finished with chromium 50.0.2661.102. Yes. Version 50. Gave to #security for upload.15:41
qengho* Didn't get appstream included in Chromium yet. Sorry, Laney. Maybe later.15:41
qengho* To-do: Figure out most recent SIGILL on snap of Google Chrome/Chromium. Could be some hidden SECCOMP fiddling.15:41
willcookethanks qengho15:41
willcooke#topic seb12815:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: seb128
qenghoAnd Laney, I made a kind of dead-man's-switch for notifications when a machine stops working.15:41
seb128• had monday off15:41
seb128• debugged usd/upower segfault, reduced to a simple upower example, filed upstream bug15:41
seb128• looked at the versions page not updating and restored the service15:41
seb128• joined discussion about using systemd user sessions in y15:41
seb128• SRUed a brasero update to fix translations and libdvdcss loading15:41
seb128• helped willcooke to debug missing speaker icon issue15:41
seb128• removed non working "browse files..." buttons from bluetooth settings/indicator15:41
seb128• webkitgtk 2.4.11 bugfix update+SRU15:41
seb128• backported u-s-d fix for keyboard backlight status on login15:41
seb128• some snappy discussions15:41
seb128• triaging of incoming launchpad/errors reports15:41
willcookethanks seb12815:42
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
Sweet5hark- short week (monday was holiday here)15:42
Sweet5hark- some upstream mentoring/codereview for GSoC work on my hometurf15:42
Sweet5hark- work on snapcrafting 5.2 alpha15:42
Sweet5hark- still/again seeing weird linking/header foo with building NSS => investigating15:42
willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:43
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcookeplease let me have your update TheMuso, unless I've deleted by accident15:43
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooke- Google Summer of Code 2016: Guide students to get started with their projects15:43
willcooke- lsb package: Re-introduced the LSB compatibility binary packages Ubuntu-only to fix incompatibility of Ubuntu 16.04 with Epson's printer drivers (bug 1536353).15:43
willcooke- cups-browsed: Adding debug log file generation to more easily investigate bugs, especially problems during system boot and shutdown, like bug 1579905.15:43
willcooke- Bugs.15:43
ubot5bug 1536353 in lsb (Ubuntu) "[regression] Printer drivers install is broken as lsb package is not available anymore" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153635315:43
ubot5bug 1579905 in cups (Ubuntu) "cups-browsed causes shutdown hang/delay in Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157990515:43
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: Trevinho
Trevinho· New landing for bamf, compiz, unity, unity settins daemon15:44
Trevinho· Created xenial branches for bamf, compiz, unity, u-s-d15:44
Trevinho· Fixed build failures for unity in yakkety15:44
Trevinho· Reviews for lots of compiz community contributions (yay!) and unity15:44
Trevinho· New unity upstream release 7.4.0 is out (compiz will follow soon)15:44
Trevinho· u-s-d improvements for keyboard backlight support15:44
Trevinho· UPower patch for getting proper keyboard brightness, instead of the cached one15:44
Trevinho· Built a small snapcraft build plugin to make possible to patch upstream code15:44
Trevinho· Made hello-unity snap working, making building of gtk/gdk/minecaches dynamic on first start15:44
Trevinho· Snapcrafted a simple electron app (working only unconfined, for now)15:44
Trevinho· Fixed two crashes in unity715:44
Trevinho· Preapared PPAs for gnome-terminal and emacs windows restoration fix.15:44
Trevinho /EOF15:44
willcookethanks Trevinho15:44
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke- GNOME package updates / filing bugs with excuses15:44
willcooke- Fix up versions page [1] to track correct versions15:44
willcooke- Paid snap work15:44
willcooke#topic willcooke15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: willcooke
willcookeMake tabs bug SRU compliant15:45
willcookeHelped fix missing speaker icon15:45
seb128willcooke, was the [1] from robert_ancell pointing to some url?15:45
willcookeseb128, sorry15:45
willcookeerm, can't remember what else, sorry, have to leave in a second15:46
willcookeoh, worked with recruitment to get them up to speed on the hires15:46
willcookeLaney helped with the JD so we will start getting CVs soon15:46
seb128sorry, I didn't managed to reply to that today, got caught up with backlog and meetings15:46
seb128on my list for tomorrow15:46
willcookeseb128, no worries15:46
willcooke#topic Any Other Business15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2016-05-17 | Current topic: Any Other Business
seb128I'm trusting Laney for giving good feedback though ;-)15:47
willcookeanyone got bidnezz?15:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | Tag "gtk318" for gtk 3.18 bugs please and thanks
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue May 17 15:48:19 2016 UTC.15:48
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2016/ubuntu-desktop.2016-05-17-15.31.moin.txt15:48
willcookethanks everyone15:48
willcookeGot to go out now, but telegram if I can help with anything15:48
seb128have fun!15:48
Laneyyou can help me get a 99 flake15:49
willcookeLaney, from the ice cream man, or a fake one from the supermarket15:49
Laneymy browser won't even load tesco's css15:50
* Laney high fives firefox15:50
Laneywaitrose.com works though :) :) :) :)15:51
Sweet5harkwillcooke: are JDs online? if so, do you have a link?15:52
willcookeSweet5hark, not online yet, probably tomorrow15:56
willcookewill send you a link15:56
Sweet5harkwillcooke: awesome, thanks!15:56
Laneyah the fun of an initial offlineimap sync16:01
seb128happyaron, hum, was https://launchpad.net/~happyaron/+archive/ubuntu/network-manager were you had the 1.2.2 update ready? did you superseed it with another update? also did you do the other sources, gnome/vpn/...?16:02
seb128happyaron, also why did you rename patches? need to undo that for the SRU or the diff is going to be harder to review16:07
happyaronseb128: will maintain a seperate branch for xential SRU, in yakkety I switched to use gbp-pq to manage the patch queue16:08
happyaronseb128: https://launchpad.net/~happyaron/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/6431454/+listing-archive-extra16:09
seb128happyaron, is debian using that?16:09
seb128or is that increasing diff?16:09
seb128I never use gbp so I can't comment on how much of a win that is16:10
mitya57The -gnome part of the new NM is the most interesting because upstream integrated our indicator stuff16:11
happyaronseb128: plan to sell that, there are quite a lot of projects using gbp-pq in debian though16:12
seb128mitya57, that's already true in 1.2.0 no?16:12
seb128happyaron, ok, you are maintaining it so your call ... do you have updates for -gnome/vpn/etc? ;-) I guess nm 1.2.2 works fine with the others still being on 1.2.0/you are testing that?16:13
happyaronseb128: it's basically the same diffs, but managed by git patch queues16:13
mitya57Oh yes, I missed that we already have 1.2.0 :)16:13
happyaronseb128: will update most of them by this weekend16:13
seb128mitya57, :-)16:14
seb128happyaron, thanks, just to confirm you tested n-m 1.2.2 with applet 1.2.0 and it works right? good to upload? ;-)16:15
happyaronyes that works16:17
seb128happyaron, good, I'm sponsoring it, thanks for the work! when you update -gnome please backport the commit I pointed earlier ;-)16:17
happyaronno problem16:17
happyarontime to bed, cy16:19
seb128happyaron, night!16:19
Trevinhopitti: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95457 I've pinged also hughsie about that16:25
ubot5Freedesktop bug 95457 in general "KbdBacklight.GetBrightness always returns the cached value for keyboards with hardwired controls" [Normal,New]16:25
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seb128Laney, have a good evening!17:16
seb128other desktopers as well ;-)17:16
seb128time for dinner and sport here17:16
cinchwhere can i find a kernel for 16.04 with the BFQ scheduler?19:29
cinchthe "ck" patchset19:30
sarnoldcinch: I don't think I've seen any ppas for it; I think if you want it you have to build it yourself19:32
cinchhmm ok19:34
cinchi think ill try other things first19:35
cinchim concerned with latency on the desktop, alt+tab takes awhile compared to windows 1019:35
cinchusing ubuntu mate with the default software compositor19:35
cinchand in general its not as "snappy"19:36
sarnoldI would seriously hope alt-tab doesn't need to hit the disk :)19:38
cinch :-D19:38
sarnoldif it does there are problems elsewhere that need addressing rather than whatever IO scheduler is in use :)19:38
cinchfirefox has screen tearing when i scroll..19:38
cinchusing the non_gnu Nvidia driver19:39
cinchoh well, linux woes as usual ;)19:39
cinchinterestingly, on my old thinkpad x200s it's super snappy19:40
cinchwith intel on board graphics, core 2 duo19:40
cinchbut this monster core i5 2500k with a nvidia gtx 760 has issues :P19:41
cinchi solved it: -> in "Mate Tweak" -> change the window manager to compiz19:43
cincheasy :-)19:43
sarnoldyeah, my intel onboard on my ~3.5 year old laptop is super-snappy doing virtual desktop changes, no tearing with firefox scrolling, etc., but I understand newer intel drivers don't have the quality of the old intel drivers :( and what with their recent "lay off ALL the employees" binge, it's hard to imagine their driver quality improving :(19:43
sarnoldhah, nice19:43
cinchoh i didnt know that about newer intel drivers19:44
cinchthey layed off alot of workers19:44
cinchnow i just need to get reliable suspend/resume19:45
cinchwhen i suspend, the monitor doesnt go into standby19:45
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cinchd'oh compiz crashed :)20:24
cinchlet's say i want to log each process that was started (with its command line parameters), how would i go about it20:35
sarnoldcinch: you've got a few choices here :) auditctl should be able to log executions, but it may not get arguments; old-school unix process accounting should also be able to get e.g. summaries of executions _after_ the processes have exited; the execsnoop program from https://github.com/iovisor/bcc can give you exactly what you wanted, but it's not in the archive so it requires a bit more work to install it and use it21:42
cinchsarnold, tyvm22:02
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