
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:02
Bashing-omshift change ! lotuspsychje :)05:04
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om05:05
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: found your hd issue yet?05:05
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Well .. I cleaned the box, been stable so far ! .. still watching and waiting .05:06
lotuspsychjeok, until the box running we need to use it right :p05:06
lotuspsychjei one time had smoke out of a crt monitor after lighting05:07
lotuspsychjethen you know its real dead05:07
dax!info nethack-console yakkety | lotuspsychje05:07
ubot5lotuspsychje: nethack-console (source: nethack): dungeon crawl game - text-based interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.0-3 (yakkety), package size 947 kB, installed size 2439 kB05:07
dax(Pici fixed it)05:08
lotuspsychjedax: oh thank you!05:08
lotuspsychjedax: we also have lots of users asking us systemd commands but i didnt found a good alternative url for !systemd yet05:09
Bashing-omyeah ! Lightning is bad .. I have a long list of horror stories . We live at the Highest point on Devonshire Mountain . Back in the day that TV antenna was a lightening rod .05:09
ubot5systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers05:09
lotuspsychjedax: digital ocean had a nice systemctl guide, but then its really not ubuntu related05:09
lotuspsychjeyeah thats the one05:10
lotuspsychjebut then OerHeks found this url not having <OerHeks> nice, but i miss systemd-analyze and the bootchart " systemd-analyze plot > filename.svg  "05:10
lotuspsychjenot bad that second one, but then its really hard to find ubuntu related ones05:14
lotuspsychjebest scenario would be that guy editing current !systemd wiki05:15
Bashing-omAnyway, it has been real, it has been fun - it has been real fun ! .. But, going horizontal for the duration .05:16
daxwhat ubuntu-specific systemd info is there05:16
daxi was under the impression it was pretty standard, even in Ubuntuland05:16
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: night night mate05:18
lotuspsychjedax: yeah systemd is indeed pretty universal, but doesnt it look bad if an url forward something to an arch page?05:18
Bashing-omYall can handle my light work . I gotta take a pause . Laters .05:19
lotuspsychjelaterz mate05:19
daxmeh, if it's the best source for the info...05:21
lotuspsychjethat second link from bashing-om was neat05:22
lotuspsychjemorning TJ-05:47
* TJ- waves05:47
TJ-how you doing?05:47
TJ-that stacy is still at it since last night... I want to throw something :D05:47
TJ-I'm playing with moving network interfaces off the host and into containers... but can't figure out how to retrieve the moved interface if things go TITSUP :P05:50
lotuspsychjealot of network issues lately bah05:51
lotuspsychjethose persistent bugs keep showing up..not very cool on lts05:52
TJ-which have you encountered?05:52
lotuspsychjethat network arrows instead of wifi icon bug06:01
lotuspsychjeand i need to restart network-manager sometimes to get it working06:01
TJ-Oh, cosmetics in nmapplet, the fix for that was pushed out06:01
TJ-there are some other issues... seems somehow the network-manager-gnome and network-manager packages got out of sync API wise06:02
daxomg stacy- is still going06:03
Ben64i'm going to cut my eyes out06:03
Ben64i can't handle it06:03
lotuspsychjei more run away when seeing curlyears :p06:05
lotuspsychjehe's doing support, but every day he finds something new to get solved for hours in main?06:06
Ben64lets see if my link works06:06
daxi take it the core issue here is she's trying to put her card in Infrastructure mode and it isn't happening?06:08
Ben64who knows06:09
Ben64she's stuck on repeat06:09
Ben64it worked before06:09
Ben64ubuntu should be user friendlier06:10
Ben64it doesn't work, is there a bug06:10
daxwas "before" same hardware different Ubuntu version?06:10
daxor different both06:10
Ben64it worked before!06:10
TJ-same hardware, possibly earlier release06:10
TJ-in behaviour more like a troll doing a wind-up, 10 hours ago I asked for technical details and again this morning (my time) and still no actual technical replies. The IP address of the user is inside China which made me think there's a language barrier, especially as last night there was some mention of running questions/answers through a translator ( though that may have been another user!)06:12
Ben64* sanket has quit (Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))06:34
TJ-well it is a disgusting meat product :)06:36
daxayup, spambot killer misfired. trying to find an awake staffer :\06:36
Ben64i mean it was technically spam06:37
daxsigyn's only supposed to trigger on actual bots06:37
daxnot idiots06:37
Ben64oh sweet, android-x86 finally finished downloading06:38
Ben64i hate how they made their iso un-wgettable06:39
brushdemonI love that commercial06:52
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all12:11
EriC^^afternoon lotuspsychje12:16
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^ hows it going12:16
EriC^^good thanks you?12:16
lotuspsychjesunny here, great!12:16
lotuspsychjezzZZZzzz in main :p12:20
BluesKajHiyas all12:57
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj13:05
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje13:05
=== tinoco is now known as tinocoff
lotuspsychjenetwork problem stacy- is back lol15:08
OerHekslotuspsychje, yeah, if someone didn't mention HIM about nmcli yesterday .15:09
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic yakkety15:13
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB15:13
OerHeksde-facto, that takes 5 clicks..15:15
OerHeksthis tutor will not do, adhoc is peer-to-peer, no? https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-adhoc.html15:16
OerHeks"A network name (SSID) and security key are automatically generated. The network name will be based on the name of your computerA network name (SSID) and security key are automatically generated. The network name will be based on the name of your computer"15:18
lotuspsychjemorning hggdh15:40
hggdhlotuspsychje: good morning. May the sun shine, birds sing, and whatever else15:40
lotuspsychjeyeah sunny here aswell :p15:41
de-factoOerHeks well that one worked for me without any problems on Xenial with my usb ralink dongle15:55
OerHeksjust the adhoc in Networkmanager works fine too.15:57
OerHeksi think there is a BIG difference between adapters, maybe his adapter does not work that well...15:57
OerHeksso the statement 'i did it before' is just unbelievable, if you ask me15:58
de-factocould be, i never went into the internals used behind the scenes by network manager, it just worked (tm)15:58
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic15:58
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB15:58
OerHeks(and switching too often to others/come up with a new problem) after a question)15:58
lotuspsychje.40 is out on updates15:58
de-factoOerHeks although its a bit inconvenient that there are no settings possible from within network manager, why the need for manually start "nm-connection-editor"? there should be a button for that in tehre15:59
OerHeksshoot me, i confess .. dunno de-facto15:59
OerHeksi am on 15.10 too.16:00
OerHeksi have a small block-ish wifi adapter from sitecom, found sitting in a pc that people trown away with garbage, i didn't notice that untill i wanted to close the door to audio/usb/cardreader16:02
OerHeksworks fine 54 mbit16:02
OerHeks.. err maybe that is the culprit, wireless N ...16:02
OerHeksand i wonder why nmtui ..16:03
OerHeksmint user?16:03
lotuspsychjeapt-cache doesnt show16:05
de-factobut nmtui is network manager aswell, right? should just work imho...16:06
lotuspsychjenmtui — Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager16:08
OerHeksstandard available, lotus16:08
lotuspsychjenever used myself but looks like the text version of editing things right16:08
OerHeksmaybe he needs " sudo nmtui "16:09
de-factoDang, i hate when online stores advertise an explicit hardware version and then think they can deliver something else, and the customers wont care. Can typing a simple product code be THAT difficult? i ordered an LTE stick in 4 online shops already, they all said (and confirmed) its "E3372s-153" but then they ship me "E3372h-153" grrrrr16:09
OerHekswhat is the difference? E3372s-153 vs E3372h-15316:10
de-factothe older E3372s can be flashed with a firmware which allows to use it as NCM device, many hacks for that out there, the E3372h-153 just shows itself as usb-ethernet device, its firmware is pretty much closed and just provides a webui. i dont want to be behind a NAT in the LTE stick, because i want to open ports on LTE network16:11
de-factoit seems its very popular in russian hacker forums :P16:12
de-factoand some LTE ISPs allow you to use the business APNs so you can open ports because you get a public ip then :)16:12
de-factobut i dont understand why they advertise a explicit version in their online shops if they are unable to ship that then... i could understand if they used the generic name e3372 without any version but like that... its almost like fraud...16:15
OerHekshmmmm ...16:15
OerHeksAt time of writing, nmtui does not support all types of connections. In particular, you cannot edit VPNs, Wi-Fi connections using WPA Enterprise, or Ethernet connections using 802.1X16:15
de-factoin "nm-connection-editor" GUI i could edit all those for my AP created from within wireless networks16:16
de-factobut it really may depend on the backend used by network manager i guess16:17
OerHekshere i get WEP too16:17
de-factocan you change that in nm-connection-editor ?16:17
tgm4883Just did FDE on a fresh install of 16.04, was expecting a lot more work to do that16:18
OerHeksin nm i can set WPA, for ad-hoc16:18
OerHeksnot for AP16:18
de-factoah maybe it uses another AP backend then which just supports WEP for specific devices?16:19
OerHekslets ask a network-guru16:20
de-factohaha nm-connection-editor lets me choose 5GHz but my adapter only can provide 2.4GHz, so if i tick that it says its online but actually it is not :P16:21
daxomg she's still going16:22
de-factoif she/he? just was that ambitious with using the network manager settings instead of asking for help she would be up and running by now16:26
=== tinocoff is now known as tinoco
lotuspsychjewelcome nacc17:04
nacclotuspsychje: thanks!17:04
lotuspsychjechitchat about latest ubuntu news and support knowledges here :p17:04
naccworks for me :)17:05
OerHeksnacc, i want ad-hoc networking with wep in 4 clicks please17:05
naccOerHeks: heh, let me introduce you to stacy- :)17:05
naccI hear they are on their knees, for some reason.17:06
lotuspsychjeshe finally got it fixxed17:06
naccwell, at least they got their problem fixed, which is good17:06
lotuspsychjeanyone thinks geary would be nicer then thunderbird on a default users desktop?17:08
daftykinsOerHeks: ouch did someone really ask for that?17:09
OerHeksno, with wpa, using nmtui17:09
pauljwhey EriC^^17:39
EriC^^hey pauljw :)17:39
lotuspsychjehi pauljw and EriC^^17:54
pauljwhey lotuspsychje17:55
EriC^^hi lotuspsychje17:56
lotuspsychjethe volunteers club keeps growing :p17:57
lotuspsychjeevening baizon18:03
lotuspsychjebaizon: you are the 53th user! you have won todays price: http://www.wilko.com/content/ebiz/wilkinsonplus/invt/0137542/0137542_l.jpg18:04
OerHeksnice site lotuspsychje18:07
OerHeksthey even have a bug solver like us18:07
daftykinsaww i needed a bucket18:08
lotuspsychjemore luck tomorrows price daftykins18:08
* daftykins crosses his fingers18:09
baizonlotuspsychje: yay! :D18:10
daftykinsit's ok, the bucket is to keep your ubuntu flash drives in18:11
OerHeksi need a bigger one for all my networkcables18:11
daftykinsi've a box of cat6 here still, 305m when it was new, but i've cabled my house with it18:12
lotuspsychjeevery time you fix a pc for someone, give a cable for free18:12
daftykinsmmm imagine that, a delightful wireless free experience for all your customers!18:12
lotuspsychjei advise cable use :p18:13
lotuspsychjewho moves his laptop anyway?18:13
lotuspsychjebusiness guys traveling planes18:13
daftykinsi still have no way to connect LAN or external displays to my lovely new Dell for the moment18:13
daftykinsTJ linked me to a nice cheap USB 3.0 LAN adapter, but i dunno!18:14
lotuspsychjeover the power net18:14
daftykinswell that's not what i mean, the laptop just only has USB C form factor thunderbolt 3 :)18:14
daftykinsi am using a cheap powerline kit for the network streamer in my bedroom now though :)18:15
lotuspsychjeno eth port?18:15
daftykinssuper faster 802.11ac wifi though18:16
daftykins50MB/sec file copy i've seen it do :)18:16
daftykinsit's actually the broadcom/Dell card in there18:20
daftykinsi think it's a 2:2 stream config so 866Mbps ac max18:20
daftykinsi got that free new dualband -ac 3:3 router from my ISP so i can actually use it :D18:20
daftykinsbut yeah £180 for the Dell WD15 dock - http://media.bestofmicro.com/2/K/549596/gallery/Dell-Dock-WD15-2-_w_600.jpg18:22
daftykinsand that's the low end one...18:23
lotuspsychjedaftykins: dang18:23
daftykinsconnects via USB C, but the bus is displayport instead of thunderbolt with that one18:23
lotuspsychje+ new graphics card18:23
lotuspsychjeyou need that adress from OerHeks :p18:23
OerHekssame price here, €229 incl VAT18:28
OerHekshurry ! hurry! it is limited free! ... http://www.webupd8.org/2016/05/limited-time-offer-to-get-insync-pro.html ... but only available on 14.04 grinn18:31
* lotuspsychje is gonna pass :p18:32
OerHeks.. but .. is is free, man! lolz18:33
naccdaftykins: i have a dell usb3 hub that's got dp ports and ethernet18:33
daftykinsyeah i wouldn't allow that, video over USB is laughable18:33
naccdaftykins: eh, it works fine if you use http://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu18:34
daftykinsi don't run Linux and nope sorry never happening :)18:34
lotuspsychjeyesssss Bashing-om is here!18:35
lotuspsychjewe are saved!18:35
Bashing-omUh hih .. Getting ready to learn somethging else . Hoz the channel been ?18:36
naccfor reference, daftykins, it's this one: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=bsd&cs=04&sku=452-BBPG. I thnk windows has native support18:36
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: crowdy, we need desperate help :p18:36
daftykinsnacc: thanks yeah, seen it18:37
daftykinsi'm even iffy about the above cheaper displayport one :)18:37
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Lemme finish strapping in .. I join ya for the ride .18:42
OerHeksthat curlypears is still bothering the channel with hardware failures ..18:46
lotuspsychjeevery day he finds something new to troll18:47
Bashing-omYuk, "curly" huts my sense of propriety .. dare we direct .." read the manual" ?18:48
lotuspsychjeand does 'support' in between also18:48
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: did that 20min boot issue got solved yet?18:48
EriC^^systemd-analyze blame , learned that recently18:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: how does that work?18:51
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Nope .. OP have up on the time it is taking to troubleshoot .. make up and liveDVD and run the commands to see the Logs . A big concern in trust not to break his work system .18:51
EriC^^it shows the time for each process18:52
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: A great tut for "blame" : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/systemd-blame.html .18:53
EriC^^wow mines slow18:54
EriC^^Startup finished in 4.502s (firmware) + 2.339s (loader) + 4.911s (kernel) + 43.647s (userspace) = 55.401s18:54
EriC^^lotuspsychje: try systemd-analyze18:54
EriC^^without blame18:54
lotuspsychjeStartup finished in 5.084s (kernel) + 5.824s (userspace) = 10.908s18:55
lotuspsychjewhats userspace?18:55
lotuspsychje11sec boot then?18:56
lotuspsychjethats till login screen18:56
EriC^^i think so18:57
lotuspsychjeafter that its lightdm log18:57
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I am still on old sponners .. and I boot to terminal from a cold start is @ 5 seconds on old dual Athlon board :)18:58
lotuspsychjeok bbl guys, movies with the miss18:59
Bashing-omquality time !18:59
lotuspsychjehave a good one18:59
EriC^^wb pauljw19:18
pauljwty :)19:18
OerHeksdax, ~opidont@ is back23:09
daxOerHeks: yep. Looks like they tried the same thing in another channel, based on that second Sigyn kill23:12
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