
Scary_GuyI prefer more open source solutions.  BT works fine for me when I use it.  audio system has it built in.  I did think that NFC motorola device was neat though for devices without it http://www.amazon.com/Motorola-Stream-Universal-Bluetooth-89722N/dp/B00NCUF60400:11
Scary_GuyI mean I hate motorola for phones and everything else00:11
Scary_Guyand I don't actually own one, just looks neat and is dead simple to use00:12
cmaloneyI have that bridge00:14
cmaloneyit works with a lot of BT devices00:15
cmaloneyonly downside is when it decides to lose the connection00:15
cmaloneyand that my phone starts having a preference for using that whenever I'm in the house00:15
cmaloneyno easy way to tell it not to use it00:15
cmaloneyalso doubles as a d2000:16
Scary_Guyother than unpair it I assume, or shut the dvice off00:16
cmaloneyYeah, it sits on my desk for when I want to use it00:16
Scary_Guylooks like it got cheaper too, $20 on the moto website it says00:17
Scary_Guyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WTHg3JPhWE unboxing video si pretty good too00:20
gamerchick02that's cool.00:40
gamerchick02i have a portable bluetooth speaker but sometimes it's finicky with connecting.00:40
gamerchick02the chromecast audio is plug n play and i can use  my bigger speakers on the stereo00:40
Scary_Guyit's like you didn't even look at the link... oh you're gone :/03:29
cmaloneyI did look at the link12:41
smoserhey, anyone here who has ever wanted ubuntu one back20:58
smoser http://alecto.eocampaign.com/83b7829a-6c54-4e03-8ad5-391b168bbdcf/76361366-1b69-11e6-ad39-0a4287b2e8c5/a4200c90-1b51-11e6-ad39-0a4287b2e8c5/link-click20:59
smoserinsync (https://www.insynchq.com/) is giving free accounts for @gmail.com for their sync client20:59
smoserhas a functional (and even headless) linux client that syncs google drive to local disk21:00
smoseri never used ubuntu-one all that much, but once it was gone i missed it.  this is basically equivalent using google drive.21:00
smoserfree deal runs out in 40 hours or so.21:01
cmaloneyUnfortuantely I filled that void with Dropbox and alcohol21:01
smoserhm.. yeah. i guess i just never did that.21:02
smoserdropbox works reasonably well ?21:02
cmaloneyWorks on every device I have it on21:02
cmaloneyI use todotxt and the Android app works flawlessly21:03
smoseroh yea, and fyi, if you're on yakkety (and possibly xenial) you have to:21:03
smoserThe fix then is:21:03
smoser sudo mv /usr/lib/insync/libfontconfig.so.1 /usr/lib/insync/libfontconfig.so.1.dist21:03
smoser sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libfontconfig.so.1 /usr/lib/insync/libfontconfig.so.121:03
smosercmaloney, thanks. i'lll have to look at that.21:03
cmaloneynp. Hope this works out for you. :)21:04

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