
paddatrapperGood morning almal 04:32
magespawngood morning05:21
paddatrapperhow are you doing magespawn?05:49
Sxuzamorning people 05:50
paddatrappermorning Sxuza 05:53
magespawngood and you paddatrapper/05:56
anton_maysheesh tough crowd06:32
inetprogood mornings06:38
paddatrappermagespawn: good thanks 06:42
paddatrapperHey anton_may, inetpro06:42
Kilosmorning paddatrapper magespawn mazal inetpro anton_may and any i missed06:43
paddatrapperHey Kilos06:43
Kilosdont forget to study lad06:44
theblazehenmorning Kilos paddatrapper inetpro anton_may magespawn magespawn 06:46
Kiloshi theblazehen 06:46
thatgraemeguymorning all07:02
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 07:29
Kiloshi Xethron 07:29
theblazehenhey thatgraemeguy07:47
theblazehenhi magespawn07:47
theblazehenmazal: *07:47
* theblazehen needs to get a better irc client07:47
theblazehenOnce I get my vm host back up..07:47
magespawntheblazehen: what are you using now?07:58
theblazehenmazal: Quassel07:59
magespawni always liked that a lot, i am now using irssi, which runs better on my prehistoric machines07:59
* theblazehen prefers weechat. Have you tried it?08:02
magespawni think i did awhile back though08:03
superflyI think it's coffee time08:10
superflyMaaz: coffee please08:10
Maazsuperfly: There isn't a pot on08:10
superflyMaaz: coffee on08:10
* Maaz starts grinding coffee08:10
MaazCoffee's ready for superfly!08:14
magespawnMaaz coffee please08:15
Maazmagespawn: There isn't a pot on08:15
magespawnMaaz coffee on08:15
* Maaz washes some mugs08:15
magespawnMaaz grande08:15
Maazmagespawn: Huh?08:15
magespawnMaaz large please08:15
Maazmagespawn: *blink*08:15
magespawnlove that blink08:16
magespawnMaaz in a beer mug08:16
Maazmagespawn: What?08:16
mazaltheblazehen, huh ? Quassel ?08:16
mazalOr was that autocomplete playing tricks ?08:16
theblazehenmazal: Irc client08:16
theblazehenAh shit. Sorry08:17
KilosMaaz coffee please08:17
MaazKilos: Yessir08:17
Kilosohi superfly 08:17
superflyKilos: see? I'm sneaky like that.08:18
Kilosi was outside08:18
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za08:19
MaazCoffee's ready for magespawn and Kilos!08:19
KilosMaaz ty08:19
MaazYou are welcome Kilos08:19
Kiloswhere is flies coffee08:20
Kilosoh i see he got it  earlier08:36
paddatrappertheblazehen: weechat all the way :) 08:37
mazalEveryday some more bad news08:57
mazalProblem is , same thing is gonna happen with important stuff like food also09:18
Kilosalready happened and will continue to rize09:19
mazalLet me not say what I want to , netnou kry ek weer raas09:20
Kilosplay the games you have on the machine you have09:21
mazalI'm talking about the coming resession09:21
mazalNot the games09:21
mazalWe gonna suffer just to eat09:21
Kilosthings going to get bad yes 09:21
Kilossomewhere one of the prophetic guys said well need a wheel barrow full on money to buy a bread09:22
mazalThank you................comment reserved09:22
superflyinetpro: what's the name of that web-based IRC client again?09:22
Kiloshi drussell welcome back09:23
Kilosyou still going strong davey?09:23
drussellHey Kilos ;o) all still good here, you?09:23
Kilosok here ty09:23
superflyinetpro: found it, Shout09:24
inetprosuperfly: how did you find it?09:32
inetprotough to search the history for that09:32
Kilosgoogle is your friend09:33
superflyinetpro: duckduckgo'ed for "web-based irc client" saw a page to "Mibbit alternatives" on AlternativeTo.net, and looked down the list of alternatives. Recognised the logo when I saw it.09:33
inetproobviosly the real answer is http://shout-irc.com/09:34
KilosMaaz web based IRC client is <reply> http://shout-irc.com/09:34
MaazKilos: One learns a new thing every day09:34
superflyheh. was JUST doing that, Kilos09:34
superflyMaaz: web based IRC client09:35
Kilosoh my09:35
Kilosi beat you for once09:35
Kilosgonna rain09:35
Kiloswhat does this mean ? The self-hosted web IRC client09:37
Kilosself hosted is here on pc?09:37
zeorinmagespawn: you're interesting in CoderDojo?09:37
Maazzeorin: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell zeorin i will be in jhb soon, maybe that coderdojo can get off the ground" 21 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes and 9 seconds ago09:37
zeorinMaaz: thanks, just saw that09:38
Maazzeorin: no problemo09:38
zeorinGot ZNC set up...09:38
inetpro'shout-irc' is a horrible combination of words to search for 09:38
zeorinWas down with the 'flu for a full 7 days...09:38
TinuvaMaci got the flu shot this year when discovery did it with uber09:39
TinuvaMachavent been sick yet this year09:39
zeorinIt was no joke. Makes you appreciate just feeling normal.09:39
TinuvaMacbelieve that, i hate being sick09:40
TinuvaMacso have started to do a few things to try and help prevent getting sick this year09:40
TinuvaMac1) immune system booster with probiotics09:40
TinuvaMac2) flu shot09:40
TinuvaMacwill see if it works09:41
Kilosprobiotics are good09:41
zeorinI work from home, so it's usually not much of an issue. I didn't hold much truck with 'flu shots in the past, but since medicine has essentially been creating "superbugs" over time with strong antibiotics and vaccines, perhaps I can't get away from it anymore.09:41
Kiloseat lots of raw onion on sarmies etc and in salads and take regular vitc and you wont get flu09:43
bushtechor eat lots of garlic. None of the flu spreading people will get near you09:47
superflyTinuvaMac: Last year the Flu shot had a 15% effectiveness. Just an FYI09:48
superflyTinuvaMac: also, a little known fact about the flu shot is that it's made based on what the pharmaceuticals guess will be the predominent strain of flu09:49
zeorinDoes anyone have any experience with the Asterisk PBX software?09:49
superflymagespawn: ^^ weren't you playing with Asterisk?09:49
zeorinI'm trying to help a small non-profit move away from Telkom for their phone solution09:49
superflyzeorin: where are they based?09:50
zeorinI've got lots of Linux experience, but telephony is a bit new to me09:50
zeorinThey're based in Alberton09:50
Kilosbushtech well said09:50
Kilosgarlic is a natural antibiotic09:50
Kilosand parsley stops you smelling09:50
superfly<Kilos> self hosted is here on pc?09:51
superflyIt means you run it yourself on your own server.09:51
Kilossuperfly i mean self hosted means i will have it here on my pc 09:51
superflyKilos: yes, or your server, or wherever. It means you do it yourself.09:52
grembleGood morning09:55
superflyOnly just09:55
grembleI am trying to wish time to a standstill. I am ill and really don't want to drive in to campus at 13:0010:01
theblazehengremble: I know how that feels.. :/10:07
Kiloseish gremble 10:11
magespawnsuperfly yes10:14
magespawnzeorin: what is the problem?10:15
TinuvaMacsuperfly: yeah i did read up a lot on the flu shot. It still seemed better to do, than not doing it10:16
superflyTinuvaMac: uh, right.10:18
superflyTinuvaMac: did you read the package insert? Who made the flu shot you got?10:19
magespawnnever had one of those 10:19
TinuvaMacsuperfly: i have not, but I am sure you going to give me more interesting tidbits about it10:20
superflyTinuvaMac: nope, I just wanted to know so that I could find out what's in it.10:21
TinuvaMaci feel pretty good, and thats after a bunch of people here at work was already sick at work10:21
TinuvaMacit would be whatever dischem used this year in april10:21
magespawnzeorin: i am also interested in coderdojo, i will be up there on the 23rd first day on the new job is the 24th10:21
magespawnso after a little while to settle in 10:21
superflyTinuvaMac: Apparently Dischem uses Vaxigrip: http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/consumers/cmi/v/vaxigrip.pdf10:35
magespawnzeorin: i would recommend either of these https://www.freepbx.org/ or http://www.asterisk.org/downloads the AsteriskNOW at the bottom of the page10:48
magespawnThey are essentially the same thing, all built on asterisk, but with a web based gui interface10:49
grembleAlright. I am off. See everyone later.10:57
Kilosgof luck lad10:58
Kilosstay awake10:58
TinuvaMacsuperfly: thank you for that link10:59
TinuvaMacluckily i only had the sore muscles, none of the worse side effects11:00
superflyinetpro, Kilos ^^11:08
zeorinmagespawn: Sorry, my power was out for a while… I'm planning to use AsteriskNOW. My real question is around the hardware requirements. I've already asked around on the #asterisk channel about whether what I need can be done with Asterisk (apparently it's dead simple). It's a sequential call forwarding thing I need: if someone calls the NPO, then forward to number 1, if that person doesn't answer, 11:25
zeorinforward to number 2, etc. until someone either picks up or we run out of numbers to try (In which case take a message).11:25
zeorinSince this is a small NPO, the computer we want to use for this is actually the archives computer. Which runs Windows. So I'll have to virtualize AsteriskNOW. They've already got a phone line, I imagine we'll need one more so the system can call out.11:26
zeorinDuring office hours there should be no call forwarding and instead the call should go through to the receptionist.11:27
zeorinI don't know what specific hardware I'm gonna need. How powerful of a processor, how much RAM, which PSTN card (I imagine I'll need 2 FXO ports and one FXS port).11:28
zeorinI also imagine that a regular Telkom phone line is an analogue line?11:32
superflyzeorin: it may be easier and cheaper to look into a hosted solution11:38
superflywe use these guys for our work phone system: http://africanaxess.co.za/11:42
magespawnthe fxo/fxs cards for the computer can be expensive, espcially the digium cards, miro has the equipment here in sa11:42
magespawni have also used granstream equipment, i will get the model for you in a sec11:43
magespawngrandstream GXW-410411:44
who_da_flyhi :-)11:50
zeorinmagespawn: I've drawn up a little explantion of what we want it for: http://pastebin.com/PFnhN8md11:50
* who_da_fly prods inetpro11:50
inetprowhat was that for?11:50
who_da_flyinetpro: it's called Shout-IRC11:51
Kiloswho_da_fly and now?11:51
who_da_flyjust running it locally11:51
Kiloswhats with all the reading about slack superfly 11:51
Kilosirc works for us11:51
who_da_flyKilos yes, I know, but we were playing with Mattermost11:52
Kilosoh yes11:52
Kilosid forgotten that11:52
who_da_flyKilos and that article is basically saying the same thing as me: don't use Slack for OSS.11:52
who_da_fly(and don't use Github for the same reason - it's ultimately controlled by a company)11:52
zeorinMattermost is better anyway11:52
zeorinIt's ahead of Slack in features11:53
zeorinJust like GitLab is ahead of Github in features.11:53
inetprowho_da_fly: I will chat later11:53
who_da_flyzeorin: exactly :-)11:54
who_da_flylet me see if I can set up a different theme12:05
Kilossuperfly whats with the npm12:10
Kilossudo npm install -g shout12:10
superflyKilos: don't do it12:10
Kilosdo we use apt there or what12:10
superflyKilos: no, just don't do it.12:10
Kilosi did and it said command not found12:11
superflyYes, it's better that way. Trust me on this.12:11
Kilosok ty12:11
Kiloslol is it spyware or something12:12
superflyNo, it's a developer tool, and the way everyone uses npm is BAD12:12
Kilosill stick with what i know how to use12:13
who_da_flythat's much better12:13
zeorinnpm is a package manager for node scripts12:13
zeorinNode-land still has a lot of maturing to do12:14
zeorinSource: I'm a web developer12:14
who_da_flyzeorin: and that's fine. as long as you (a) know how to use it properly and (b) don't listen to anyone in npm-land12:14
who_da_fly"npm install -g" is just made of pain12:15
zeorinI use it a lot, but I wouldn't think it appropriate for general software installation. For managing a web project's javascript dependencies, it's far more appropriate (although you need to be descerning about what you're depending upon).12:16
who_da_flythis ^^^12:16
zeorinI'll `sudo npm install -g` things like cordova, babel, etc. Things that actually have to do with web development.12:16
who_da_flyzeorin: don't do that if you're on Linux, you're just waiting for a disaster.12:17
who_da_flyhi Xethron!12:17
zeorinwho_da_fly: it's been alright so far. What linux-specific problems have you encountered?12:17
XethronUncapped fiber internet, superfast, superfly :D12:17
zeorinVumatel was just here 10 minutes ago installing a box in our apartment block12:18
who_da_flyzeorin: your package management system doesn't know about it. when you upgrade stuff WILL break.12:18
Kilosspoiled Xethron 12:18
who_da_flyXethron: nice!12:18
zeorinXethron, we'll be joining you soon12:18
zeorinwho_da_fly: I see what you mean. But as long as I keep it to web development-only stuff it's not an issue.12:19
XethronWas actually just mocking superfly :P But it just arrived at my neighbourhood, so looking who to signup with12:19
zeorinpip, easy_install, composer, rubygems, pecl all have that same problem12:20
zeorinYet if you don't install general software with them it's fine.12:20
who_da_flyzeorin: I install things locally. If I want to use a NodeJS based application, I make a directory for it, and "npm install <package>" in that directory.12:20
XethronCoz I only have 4mb adsl :( So, time to get something thats a bit faster12:20
who_da_flyzeorin: exactly, that's why you use virtualenv12:20
zeorinNode has nvm12:21
zeorinsame thing12:21
Xethroncomposer > npm12:21
who_da_flyI steer clear of Ruby and PHP.12:21
XethronWhat do you have against PHP?12:21
who_da_flyXethron: How long do you want me to rant for? days or weeks?12:21
zeorinI was at the JHB PHP conference when Rasmus Lerdorf was there12:22
Kilosthats my fly12:22
magespawnzeorin i can't remember what the required specs are, but i ran into problems with a virtual machine inside windows running linux12:22
XethronEvery language has its pro's and cons. 12:22
Xethronzeorin: Oohh, I spoke briefly at that conference12:22
zeorinI had an interesting discussion with him about the 'flaws' of PHP12:22
who_da_flyXethron: Just a pity PHP's pros is 1 item: leaving PHP12:23
magespawnthe machine only had 2 gig of ram, one for the host and the other for the virtual machine12:23
zeorinPHP is considered to have an inconsistent API with function parameters, etc.12:23
zeorinIt's actually not inconsistent12:23
magespawnand it is worth noting that the linux and asterisk ran fine, it was the windows that started to struggle12:23
Xethronzeorin: true, but thats a simple excuse. That was true back in the day when PHP was just a wrapper language. Now, its just an inconsistent API...12:24
magespawnit is running a mysql database for the company stock system12:24
zeorinPHP was designed as a glue language, and it consistently maps functions to the underlying technology, e.g. database calls, etc.12:24
magespawnlol @ who_da_fly 12:25
zeorinWhen PHP was introduced, people were used to calling those underlying techs directly, so doing that way made sense, people's knowledge translated nicely to PHP12:25
magespawnzeorin: ^^12:25
XethronPHP is sometimes difficult to write without an intelligent IDE. But its still the quickest way to spin up a site12:25
who_da_flyXethron: if you can't write code without and IDE, either there's something wrong with you, or with the language you're using. You pick.12:25
zeorinThe different underling technologies obviously didn't follow a universal naming convention, so it only seems like PHP is inconsistent.12:25
Xethronwho_da_fly: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0804/9375/products/black.png?v=145390484012:26
zeorinBut it was a well-thought out, considered decision, that contributed to it's quick uptake12:26
who_da_flyzeorin: the reality is that PHP's API is inconsistent because it has no design12:26
zeorinIt does, its design is to follow the underlying API12:27
who_da_flyit's a bunch of cobbled together rubbish pretending to be a decent programming language12:27
who_da_flyzeorin: why? That's not the point of a programming language12:27
Xethronwho_da_fly: I do agree that PHP has some problems with its consistency, however, if a good friend comes to you and says: Dude, I only have R500, can you help me get a site up and running... What language would you choose?12:27
* Kilos goes to get some UVs12:27
zeorinBut before PHP, people were doing CGI gateways in C or Perl12:27
XethronYou'd be stupid not to choose PHP12:27
zeorinWhich *were* proper programming languages12:27
XethronBecause it works on almost any server, and you can get a decent thing up and running in less than a day12:28
zeorinIt was meant to be a glue language12:28
who_da_flyXethron: I'd tell him to go somewhere else. I'm worth WAY more than R500.12:28
XethronI said a "Good" friend12:28
XethronOr your Dad, or Mom12:28
who_da_flyXethron: No.12:28
XethronHaters gonne hate12:29
who_da_flyI had a good friend ask me about *spit* WordPress *spit*12:29
who_da_flyI told her to ask someone else.12:29
zeorinAlso, the needle/haystack parameter ordering: *does* have a consistent design: array functions: $needle, $haystack; string functions: $haystack, $needle;12:29
magespawnzeorin: AsteriskNow is centos based FYI12:29
who_da_flyXethron: dude, program in a real language, and then say that12:29
XethronI think PHP has its place. And currently I'm very happy with it. But love languages like Ruby and Python too12:29
who_da_flyzeorin: except in the case of some array functions, where it's the opposite.12:30
Xethronwho_da_fly: Ok, whats a "real" language for web?12:30
who_da_flyXethron: Python12:30
who_da_fly(of course)12:30
who_da_flyor, if you're me, a site generator like Nikola12:30
who_da_fly(which happens to be written in Python)12:30
magespawnnotice the trend here?12:31
XethronI might rather go with Go or Node before I go through all the hassles of getting Python to work for web12:31
zeorinAnyway I'm not PHP's greatest fan. But it's not right to say it's got no design. It does. It's just that everyone's first intro to PHP as a n00b never told you about the underlying thinking so it seems random12:31
who_da_flyXethron: um, Go or Node are even more difficult to get running than Python.12:31
zeorinAnd because it was initially a glue language, they didn't have all the features. If you needed them you'd code it in C or C++ and glue it up with PHP12:31
who_da_flyzeorin: so why haven't we moved on from there? even Python did.12:32
zeorinSo after all the newbs (myself included) learned it, those features were demanded in the language itself.12:32
zeorinAnd they're busy doing that.12:32
zeorinPHP is much like JS nowadays in that it's a great language if you ignore the bad parts12:32
XethronPHP 7 has addressed most of my concerns12:32
zeorin*cough* unicode *cough*12:33
who_da_flyzeorin: or you can use a language whose bad parts don't make up 80% of the language12:33
zeorinI love JavaScript the most12:33
zeorinthat 20% of good parts is amazing.12:33
Xethronzeorin: trying to get into ES6 now12:33
who_da_flyzeorin: I prefer the 80% of good parts of Python which is even more amazing.12:34
XethronWell at least PHP hasn't had a severe backwards compattibility break that split the community into two :P12:35
magespawnzeorin: also you can route the outgoing calls through a voip provider or some other service12:35
XethronAnyway, these arguments is about as pointless as Browser wars. Use the one you like most12:36
who_da_flyXethron: hardly. Most Python packages these days are compatible with BOTH versions, and the only ones that are still only Python 2 are the ones that have a lot of C code in them (numpy, scipy)12:36
XethronLeave others to use the ones you don't12:36
who_da_flyXethron: if PHP had to do that, it would be far worse than Python.12:36
zeorinXethron: ES6 is cool, but Classes are evil: https://medium.com/javascript-scene/the-two-pillars-of-javascript-ee6f3281e7f312:38
zeorinDon't use them. Prototypal Inheritance >>> Classes12:38
zeorinThe other thing I love about JS, and here it's really got every other language beat, is that it can run pretty much anywhere. If you know about progressive enhancement and universal javascript (JS that executes either on the server or client depending on the client's capabilities), if you know about NW.js or Electron, if you know about Phonegap/Cordova, you can create an app with a single codebase for 12:41
zeorinclient, server, mobile app, desktop app, even monochrome WAP phones, your toaster, etc.12:41
zeorinI know of no other language that can do that.12:42
who_da_flyzeorin: and it's just as dog slow everywhere.12:43
zeorinJS is plenty fast. DOM manipulation is browsers is slow12:43
zeorinReplace browser DOM with e.g. NativeScript and you've got a much faster app.12:44
zeorinJavaScript gets a bad rap for performance, but it's usually one of three problems: 1) using jQuery for animation (JS animation is fast, jQuery animation is not), 2) lots of unoptimized DOM manipulation, 3) even though it's garbage collected, you still have to think about memory, i.e. how to manage garbage collection: don't, and your UI will lock up when you least expect.12:46
zeorinThere are static memory allocation libraries for JS that work like malloc, and keep the garbage collector from kicking in when you don't want it to.12:47
Kilossjoe julle praat die hond uit die bos uit12:48
Kilosim not gonna read all that12:48
Kilosi refuse12:48
magespawnall about programming anyway Kilos 12:48
Kilosyes php and python wars12:49
zeorinanyway, magespawn, thanks for that info on the VM with Asterisk.12:49
zeorinI swung by #asterisk and showed them that same pastebin, asked them their toughts. They figure an ISDN line is a better option not only for line availability while forwarding is in progress, but also because then it's easier to know whether a call's been answered, etc.12:50
magespawnnever thought about that12:50
zeorinSo I've decided to put a pin in the self-hosted PBX idea for now. I know a guy that's got experience with Asterisk and telephony that's recently become involved in this non-profit. I'll involve him. (Delegation is a wonderful skill).12:51
Xethronzeorin: Whats your name?12:55
XethronI believe we possibly met at the PHP Conference if you where there12:55
zeorinXandor Schiefer12:55
zeorinQuite possible. I'm the opinionated front-end guy ☺12:56
XethronAh yes12:56
XethronDunno if you remember the dude from MDS Collivery that made a fool of himself on stage :P12:56
zeorinOh right. I don't think you were a fool12:56
XethronHaha, I felt like one12:57
zeorinActually I think it's a great service12:57
zeorinImpostor syndrome12:57
XethronBut have been speaking at every PHP conference since, so its fun12:57
zeorinDon't believe the impostor syndrome. If you know even just a little bit more than another person about something, you're the expert.12:57
magespawnnp zeorin 12:58
=== SilverCodeZA is now known as SilverCode
MaNIbut how do you know that you know more? :)13:02
MaNIDunning–Kruger :p13:03
zeorinMaNI: you did the talk on that adobe flash format alternative to JSON, didn't you?13:03
zeorinWhat was that called?13:04
MaNInope not me13:04
zeorinFor some reason I read Dunning-Kruger as reminding me of Danny Kopping13:10
who_da_flyhi MaNI, how's the solar panels going?13:33
who_da_flyinetpro: by the way, there's a fork of Shout called TheLounge. They're continuing development where the original guy has kinda faded.13:34
MaNIheh - still going strong - but still not on my roof, the universe is conspiring to prevent me from getting any further with them :p13:38
who_da_flyalright, enough playing for now. TheLounge/Shout is nice. Must set it up for #ubuntu-za13:41
superfly"Developers like Koçulu got a little reminder that the NPM project is ultimately corporate-controlled. It will make decisions in its best interest, which may not be in every developer's best interest. It's a not so subtle reminder for Koala and other NPM developers that they serve at the pleasure of the king, in this case NPM Inc. For his part, Koçulu clearly got the message; he referred to deleting his code as "liberating" it. It's now 13:42
superflyhosted with Github. Another large corporation."13:42
superflyso much of this...13:43
magespawnsuperfly: can github do what they want with the code?13:45
superflymagespawn: in essence, yes13:45
magespawnhmmm there is some fine print for you14:03
magespawnbut i would suppose that is the case for a lot of those services14:08
superflyat the end of the day, you're storing your data on someone else's hard drive. what's to stop them doing something with it?14:09
superflyor just ending the service so that you're stuck high and dry?14:10
magespawnindeed, just their T&C's really, always keep a backup14:25
MaNIthese days you can't even be sure your OS isn't going to do something with your data14:28
MaNIbut yes trusting non opensource code hosting to a third party seems somewhat risky14:29
magespawnhome time, chat later all14:33
Kilosyes thank you , and you?15:23
Kiloshaha channel switch15:23
KilosNaSb i answered here15:23
Kilossome key i touch switches channels15:23
NaSb:p hmm right !15:26
Kiloswb bushtech 16:32
Symmetriammm sup16:47
Kiloshi Symmetria 16:48
SymmetriaKilos, how much bandwidth you on?16:48
Kilosexplain that in english16:48
Kilosamount of data or speed16:49
Kilosive never twigged what bandwidth actually is16:49
Symmetrialol, I wanna test something but unless you've got reasonable speed it wont work16:49
Kiloslemme do a speedtest16:49
Kilostoo  slow Symmetria ?16:54
Kilosi go eat16:59
qwebirc16759Good Day 17:14
qwebirc16759anyone online from the cape town area?17:14
theblazehenhey qwebirc1675917:16
theblazehenandrewlsd is, but he's not here now17:16
qwebirc16759hi theblazehen 17:16
qwebirc16759i am very new to this 17:17
qwebirc16759i need some help with ubuntu 17:17
theblazehenWhat's up?17:17
qwebirc16759is this the right place for me to ask ?17:17
qwebirc16759ok so i want to setup a proxy server for my small office 17:18
qwebirc16759i found a nice tutorial at https://aacable.wordpress.com/2014/07/02/lusca-automated-install-script/17:19
qwebirc16759i downloaded ubuntu 12,04 server and installed it on virtual box 17:19
qwebirc16759follwed the tut setup by setup 17:19
qwebirc16759everything when perfect no error message nothing 17:19
qwebirc16759then i made some changes in squid.conf to allow my network access to the proxy 17:20
qwebirc16759when i check the access.log file i can see that its working and there is hit 17:20
qwebirc16759but the problem is i dont know ubuntu 17:20
Symmetriaheh Kilos sorry went onto a call17:21
Symmetria:) will have to test at another time because this call wil go on for next 7 hours :(17:21
qwebirc16759so i can see its working with my basic know how 17:21
theblazehenFirst of all, 12.04 is really old, I'd suggest 16.04 or at least 14.0417:21
qwebirc16759but to be honest i know what i am looking at17:21
theblazehenWhat exactly is this LUSCA?17:21
Symmetriaso question, does anyone here use Neotel for internet connectivity17:22
SymmetriaIm curious to hear comments about their reliability and speeds etc17:22
qwebirc16759the script in the link i posted only works on 12.04 17:22
qwebirc16759i tried the latest version 17:22
theblazehenhttps://github.com/krakenjs/lusca is this the lusca that is being referred to?17:23
qwebirc16759correct 17:23
qwebirc16759this is what i get from the site "Lusca is a fork of the Squid-2 development tree. The Lusca project aims to fix the shortcomings in the Squid-2 codebase whilst maintaining the the Squid-2 functionality and stability. :17:23
theblazehenOkay. Wish I could help, But I have *a lot* of work to do. If you don't figure it out, I'll probably be able to help you out either tomorrow night or thursday17:24
theblazehenMaybe someone else here can help?17:24
qwebirc16759ok not a problem 17:25
qwebirc16759should i just make contact with your on the irc17:26
theblazehenYeah, or email17:27
theblazehenWill pm you email address17:27
Symmetriaouch, because of advances in tech, it used to be 3000 servers to 1 admin in 200817:29
Symmetriaits now at 50k servers to 1 admin in 2015 17:29
Symmetriaand thats growing 17:29
Symmetriabecause of automation 17:30
Symmetriathats not good for people in the sysadmin game17:30
Kilosqwebirc16759 welcome to ubuntu-za17:30
Kilosjust hang a while one of the experts will help you17:31
qwebirc16759ok now to sound like a cabbage, this is my first time here and first time working with ubuntu where will i see the PM?17:31
qwebirc16759hi Kilos 17:32
theblazehenqwebirc16759: You using a web client?17:32
qwebirc16759thanks i will hang17:32
theblazehenBar at the top maybe?17:32
Kilosoh im the webclient im not sure17:32
qwebirc16759yes using web client 17:32
theblazehenit's my username here @ username dot com17:32
theblazehenDon't wanna write out in full, channel is logged17:32
theblazehendon't want spam17:32
magespawngood evening17:33
Kilostheblazehen is clued up as well17:33
Kilosmagespawn 17:33
theblazehenhey magespawn17:33
Kiloshelp qwebirc16759 17:33
Kilosthe where you going17:33
Kilosyou multitask so well17:34
theblazehenKilos: I broke stuff17:34
theblazehenAnd I have lots of other work too17:34
Kilosoh my17:34
theblazehenSo fixing and working :(17:34
theblazehenProbably lost a few k USD in sales17:35
magespawnwhat didnyou break?17:35
theblazehenWell, not just probably17:35
Kilosqwebirc16759 are you on ubuntu at the moment17:35
theblazehenmagespawn: All sites for e commerce company :/17:35
qwebirc16759yes 17:35
theblazehenDown for the weekend17:35
Kilosshhhhh theblazehen fix it man17:35
magespawnbut today is tuesday?17:36
qwebirc16759i setup server 12.04 in virtual box17:36
Kilosmagespawn hyou missed qwebirc16759 s problem17:36
qwebirc16759to test the proxy 17:36
theblazehenmagespawn: Yes.. :( weekend + yesterday17:36
magespawni see theblazehen, i thought this was something that just happened17:37
magespawnqwebirc16759: whatnis the problem?17:37
Kilosmagespawn can you read the logs from 19.1417:37
Kiloshe explained it all17:38
theblazehenNope. Something must have broken, did bind mounts before because didn't want to take things down for updates and stuff.. Rebooted server on friday night or so17:38
Kilosor i can bin it for you17:38
qwebirc16759HI magespawn 17:38
magespawnon my phone at the moment so bin it please17:38
qwebirc16759i need help understanding how things work in ubuntu server17:38
magespawnhi qwebirc16759 17:39
theblazehenMaaz: Coffe on17:39
Maaztheblazehen: Huh?17:39
theblazehenMaaz: Coffee on17:39
* Maaz flips the salt-timer17:39
magespawnwill help if i can17:39
theblazehen1 caffiene overdose please17:39
magespawnMaaz coffee please17:39
Maazmagespawn: Sure17:39
magespawnMaaz large please17:39
Maazmagespawn: Excuse me?17:39
magespawni thought that used to work17:40
qwebirc16759@megespawn let me try and explain my self a bit better 17:40
Kilosmagespawn https://bin.snyman.info/mmmzxcax17:40
qwebirc16759i need a proxy server 17:40
KilosMaaz coffee please17:40
MaazKilos: Yessir17:40
magespawnokay qwebirc16759 so squid?17:40
Kilosqwebirc16759 first lets get you on a proper irc client17:40
qwebirc16759after doing some internest research in found this https://aacable.wordpress.com/2014/07/02/lusca-automated-install-script/17:40
qwebirc16759now after following the tut i managed to get exerything installed and but my limited knowlege it looks like it working 17:41
Kilosthen you can hang out here daily17:41
qwebirc16759ok now how are we getting me a irc17:42
Kilossudo apt install hexchat17:42
Kilosyou on 14.04 or later17:42
qwebirc16759is there one for windows ?17:42
qwebirc16759i am currenty on a windows machine 17:43
qwebirc16759and i have ubuntu server running in virtual machine 17:43
Kilosyes hexchat for windows17:43
MaazCoffee's ready for theblazehen, magespawn and Kilos!17:43
KilosMaaz ty17:43
MaazYou are welcome Kilos17:43
Kilosqwebirc16759 https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjvvbjD1OHMAhVLJcAKHZpSCIgQFggbMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhexchat.github.io%2Fdownloads.html&usg=AFQjCNEIPzsd_xl_SSFEKWzso2alMvkZZw&sig2=b95AcPmh0qGfFI0-FPpn0g17:44
Kilosshout when its installed17:45
magespawnokay i have read the bin of the previous conversation17:45
theblazehenMaaz: ty17:45
MaazYou are welcome theblazehen17:45
theblazehenMaaz: Coffee on17:45
* Maaz puts the kettle on17:45
KilosMaaz coffee please17:46
MaazKilos: Okay17:46
KilosMaaz large17:46
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos17:46
Kilosok magespawn will you take over with qwebirc16759 please17:46
magespawnwhat is not working qwebirc16759 ?17:48
Kiloshelp him setup hexchat too please mage17:49
Kiloswhere the tab went17:49
MaazCoffee's ready for theblazehen and Kilos!17:49
KilosMaaz danke17:49
magespawnnow you are straining my brain Kilos 17:50
paddatrapperHey qwebirc16759. I'm from CT, but not much help at the moment with troubleshooting. Perhaps if you're still stuck when I'm back home later 17:50
Kilosyou have one17:50
Kilosbasics are when it opens scroll down to freenode then tick edit on the right17:52
qwebirc16759hi paddatrapper thanks for the heads up17:52
Kilosadd chat.freenode.net17:52
Kilosthen below that add channel #ubuntu-za17:53
Kilossomewhere you enter your irc nickname17:53
Kilosi need to brushup on hexchat17:54
Kilosgremble how you feeling now?17:54
Kilosdont say with your hands17:54
qwebirc1675-2ok i am on hexchat now18:00
magespawnokay cool beans18:00
Kilosok choose a nickname18:00
Kilosthen type in  /nick newnick18:01
=== qwebirc1675-2 is now known as hound
Kiloshi hound18:01
houndhehe 18:01
Kilosover to you magespawn 18:01
houndhe's my fav autobot18:01
=== hound is now known as Guest89983
Kilossomeone else has it registered18:02
=== Guest89983 is now known as hound-wp
Kilosfreenode should tell you if its registered18:03
Kilosif not register it18:03
hound-wpnothing came up yet 18:04
hound-wpso i guess hound-wp it is 18:04
Kilos  /msg nickserv register password email addy18:04
Kilosi hope thats the right command18:05
hound-wp... i am drawing a blank now should i type in "/mgs nickserv register <myPassword> <myE-mail>"18:06
Kilossorry im the greeter bot here i dont add fancy characters18:07
Kilosim a basic text bot18:07
hound-wpok thats done didnt get any error message back 18:08
grembleHey Kilos. Just got home. Not feeling great but I have meds now18:08
Kilosrest gremble 18:08
Kiloshow did the exam go18:08
Kilosok magespawn the hound is yours18:10
Kilosskokkk jy baie still ne18:10
grembleI think it went well.18:10
grembleI knew the answers, so that is good.18:11
Kilosgreat then swallow 4 aspirin and sweat it out under lotsa blankets18:11
grembleThat is the plan. 18:12
grembleFound out that I have a calculus project to do, so I am going to read through it and mull over it in bed.18:13
grembleShould be free marks, and that is always nice18:13
Kilosgood luck with it all18:14
Kilosgo to bed now18:14
grembleYup. Cheers18:14
superflyhound-wp: check the "freenode" item in your channel list18:15
hound-wpwhat about it 18:16
hound-wpwhat am i looking at 18:16
superflyhound-wp: that's messages from the IRC server itself. you can also look for a "user" called NickServ. If you use /msg NickServ, the NickServ bot will talk to you privately18:17
LangjanHi kil18:26
Kiloshi Langjan 18:26
LangjanKilos, hoe gaan dit met jou?18:26
Kilosyour tab broke18:26
Kilosgoed dankie en self18:26
Langjanno I missed it18:26
Langjanook goed dankie18:27
LangjanI miss then I mess, hit caps lock instead18:27
Kilosi do the same18:27
Kilosmust be an age thing18:27
LangjanGreat minds miss alike...18:28
Kilosfools never differ18:28
Langjannow youve ruined the frinedship18:28
LangjanAbout susans machine18:28
magespawnit happens18:29
Langjandid the battery thing but nothing changed in bios18:29
Langjanseems to boot better though18:29
Langjanbut sometimes opens in black screen with terminal18:29
Kiloswhat was the problem again?18:29
Langjandid not always boot18:30
Langjanhad to try 2-3 times18:30
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop18:30
magespawnMaaz tell hound-wp sorry did not see the pm18:31
Maazmagespawn: Sure, I'll tell hound-wp on freenode18:31
Langjanok you re ckon that will sort it, will try tomorrow18:31
Kilosand grub-pc and grub-pc-bin18:31
Kilosso one long command18:31
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop grub-pc grub-pc-bin18:32
Langjandont know if aptitude is installed 18:32
Kilosthen install aptitude first18:32
Langjanok will give it a go, thks18:32
Kiloshope that sorts it18:33
Kilosyou unity peeps18:33
LangjanThks will let you know. no news update on visa?18:33
Kiloswhat happened qwebirc16759 ?18:33
Kilosnothing yet Langjan 18:33
Kilosgood luck18:33
qwebirc16759lost connection while testing my proxy setup18:33
Kilossee you tomorrow then18:33
Langjanright, slaap lekker en mooi loop18:34
qwebirc16759any one know how to complety remote ufw from ubuntu 18:34
Kilosand your irc client?18:34
Kilosjy ook dankie oom18:34
qwebirc16759uing irc client now18:34
Kilossudo apt-get purge ufw18:34
Kilosyou didnt tell it what your nick should be?18:35
qwebirc16759ok i am more comfortable with IPtables 18:35
Kilosthats the channel login thingie18:35
qwebirc16759ok so i removed ufw18:38
qwebirc16759and when i did apt-get install iptables it told me its already install 18:38
qwebirc16759where is the config file for edditing the iptables 18:38
qwebirc16759located 18:38
magespawnufw us just a front end for iptables18:39
qwebirc16759@megespawn what s/us/is18:40
Kiloswat nou Langjan ?18:40
qwebirc16759i am a ubuntu baby 18:40
Kilosthats correcting an error18:40
Kilosreplacing us with is18:41
qwebirc16759oh... is that like a find and replace command ?18:41
Kilosno if we make a typo we use s/error/repair18:42
magespawnsorry just replacing the mistake18:42
qwebirc16759oh kilos where is the file located for iptables in ubuntu 18:42
magespawn/etc/sysconfig/iptables-config i think18:43
qwebirc16759nope 18:44
qwebirc16759its not that 18:44
magespawnqwebirc16759: that might help18:48
Kilosjust installed hexchat, lekker easy to setup but sound alerts sick on kde18:54
magespawnand back18:58
Kilosmagespawn you havent got your freenode password in your client18:58
* Kilos needs a reboot19:00
qwebirc16759has any one here setup a proxy server before 19:02
magespawnno i am on my phone now, but no anyway19:02
qwebirc16759for caching purpose 19:02
magespawni have not, superfly?19:06
magespawni think wolfeyes did somethin like that, hey Kilos ?19:06
Kiloswhat did i miss magespawn 19:06
Kiloshe set up proxies so differnent users on the server had different permissions19:07
magespawnqwebirc16759: have you had a look at the squid docs?19:07
magespawnhe was using squid if i recall correctly19:08
qwebirc16759yes i looked at the squid doc's 19:08
Kilosyes i think so19:08
magespawnso what is not working right?19:11
Kilosi need to sleep guys. good luck qwebirc16759 patience, 19:25
Kilossee  you all tomorrow19:26
qwebirc16759thanks kilos19:26
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:26
qwebirc16759i am getting somwhere 19:26
Kiloskeep it up and dont be a stranger here ok?19:26
qwebirc16759pm me your email 19:26
magespawnright now qwebirc16759 what seems to be the problem with your squid?19:27
qwebirc16759squid is working fin19:29
qwebirc16759i am just now understanding how it is working 19:29
magespawnahh okay, so it is all good then?19:30
qwebirc16759i have just now managed to get my network flowing though the proxy 19:30
Kilosno rest for the wicked19:32
magespawnwas it not allowing internet traffic at all?19:32
Kilosping in irc channel19:32
Kilosqwebirc16759 after a couple more days you can run ubuntu on everything19:33
magespawnno of course not19:34
qwebirc16759yes 19:34
qwebirc16759so from the scrip i have changed the port to 3128 transparent 19:34
qwebirc16759and removed ufw19:34
qwebirc16759then install iptables-persistant19:34
Kilosand no firewall19:35
qwebirc16759and added the the line -A PREROUTING -p tcp  -m tcp -s ! -d --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 312819:35
qwebirc16759 to iptables file 19:35
Kilossjoe you clever19:35
qwebirc16759then i edited /etc/sysctl.conf to allow forwarding 19:35
Kiloswell done19:36
qwebirc16759Goolge Kilos 19:36
qwebirc16759if i know what i am looking for i will know what to ask google 19:36
Kilosgoogle isnt friendly like we are19:36
magespawnwhy the redirect?19:37
Kiloswe are here everyday and some are here till late at night'19:37
qwebirc16759redirect will force port 80 traffic to go through the squid 19:37
qwebirc16759if thats not in the the traffic will just to straight to the router 19:38
qwebirc16759bypassing squid19:38
magespawnahh right i see19:39
qwebirc16759anyone online From CT 19:40
magespawnso then squid will not even get the chance to cache anything19:40
qwebirc16759what do you mean 19:41
magespawnqwebirc16759: when you have registered your nick it is a good idea to use that one 19:41
qwebirc16759if you dont have the pre-routing rule in you basically bypassing squid19:42
magespawnthen people know who they are talking to19:42
qwebirc16759i have registerd the nick 19:42
qwebirc16759but evertime i disconnect it lose it 19:42
magespawnyour hound-wp nick19:43
qwebirc16759how do i make it stick19:43
magespawnyes, but you are here as qwebirc16759 19:43
magespawnwhat client are you using/19:43
magespawni forget with that, but there is usually somewhere to put your nick in, in preferances somewhere19:44
=== qwebirc16759 is now known as hound-wp
magespawnnow it should also ask youto identify with nickserv19:45
magespawnwith /nickserv identify <password>19:46
hound-wpit didnt ask me yet19:46
hound-wpnot asking me 19:46
Kilosright in the beginning where you enter channels etc19:47
Kilosat the top was nicks19:47
magespawni also do not always see pm so let me know if you want to pm19:47
hound-wpwhos maaz19:47
Kilosour bot19:49
hound-wpoh i though that much 19:49
hound-wpalmost had a full on converstion with maaz now 19:49
Kiloshe does our meeting minutes etc as well19:49
Kilosif you here tomorrow hound-wp then ill help you join us officially19:50
hound-wpok thank 19:51
hound-wpbut i will only be availbe night time 19:51
Kilosor if you go to the site again you can join our mailing list and launchpad group19:51
Kilosthats fine19:51
hound-wpwork doesnt allow much sitting time 19:51
Kiloslife happens19:51
magespawnas is usually the case19:52
Kilosbut good to mix with like minds  too19:52
Kilosand superfly and paddatrapper and many others are in CT19:52
hound-wpguy quick question 19:52
hound-wphow do i setup other channels 19:52
Kilosthere is debconf16 there in july19:52
hound-wpif you dont mind 19:53
hound-wphave a look at https://www.clug.org.za/members/irc-channel/19:53
Kilosyou can add them where you added this one19:53
hound-wpi want to join that channel 19:53
Kilosyou can join from here by typing19:53
Kilos  /j #clug whatever ther rest id19:54
Kilossuperfly ^^19:54
Kilosclug on irc?19:54
hound-wpok i am joined there19:55
hound-wpbut only one person online 19:55
Kilosto add channels in hexchat you separate them with a ,19:55
hound-wpoh shall i say one person in the list19:55
Kilosno there must be more19:56
Kilosi dunno if its clug.za or -za19:56
Kilosor maybe even another server19:56
Kilossuperfly will tell you19:56
magespawni think they are on a different network19:56
Kiloshe is very busy so be patient19:57
hound-wpok number went up to 3 now thanks to megaspawn19:57
magespawnhound-wp: you would have to join irc.atrum.org first19:57
theblazehenAnyone know of a way to send an alarm to my phone from the cli?19:57
Kilosthere must be many there19:58
magespawni do not think that is the cape town lug channel19:58
* theblazehen needs to wake up when the copy of backup is complete :(19:58
Kilosset your fones alarm timer for when you think it will be done theblazehen 19:59
theblazehenKilos: Idk when it's gonna be done19:59
theblazehenDifferent folders etc19:59
Kilosdoesnt it show eta19:59
theblazehennot rsync19:59
theblazehenAnd don't want a alarm every 15 min19:59
magespawnhound-wp: you WILL nedd to join irc.atrum.org first19:59
theblazehenI can do `beep` but that isn't loud enough20:00
magespawnusually with /connect irc.atrum.org 20:00
magespawnKilos: some of the usual suspects are there too20:00
Kiloswhere magespawn 20:01
magespawn#clug on irc.atrum.org 20:02
Kilosi dont need more channels20:02
Kilosi cant keep up with the 14 i have now plus pm's20:02
hound-wphaving trouble20:03
magespawnhound-wp: did you come right there20:03
magespawnwhy on earth 14?20:03
hound-wpnot at all 20:03
Kilosall uuntu channels20:03
Kilos1] Kilos Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator20:04
magespawni am not sure how to get hexchat to connect to more than one irc network20:04
Kiloswont let me on atrum either with that command20:04
Kilosmagespawn see pm20:06
hound-wpguy i am out20:07
hound-wpthanks for all the help 20:07
Kilossleep tight lad20:07
Kilosyou welcome20:07
magespawni see Kilos 20:09
Kilostoo many20:10
Kilosfly and pro killing me20:10
Kilossee you tomorrow20:10
Kilossleep tight20:10
magespawnnah keeping you busy, good night20:10
magespawni am also off, early day tomorrow and the battery is going quickly20:10
magespawngood night all20:11
paddatrapperSeems I missed him. Oh well tomorrow it shall have to be20:12
theblazehenOh, come on!20:30
theblazehenI'm such an idiot..20:30
theblazehen3 hours + tracking down an off by one error20:30
theblazehenOh. That wasn't it either20:39
* superfly was busy in a meeting21:00
theblazehenHey superfly21:00
superflyhi theblazehen21:00
theblazehenDo you by any chance have a good way of waking up at 1 AM where I won't just turn off the alarm and schedule a later one in my sleep?21:01
theblazehenPC speakers turn off after time21:01
theblazehenand I could always ^C a while:;do beep; done loop21:01
superflytheblazehen: nope, sorry. I struggle with the same thing.21:02
theblazehensuperfly: Damn21:02
superflytheblazehen: I've gotten up, gone to the toilet, gotten back into bed, and fallen asleep for another 30 minutes21:03
theblazehenI could ssh to my router, run a sleep; while:;do beep; done on there21:03
theblazehenthen detach from screen21:03
theblazehenthat way I'd need to ssh in, attach to screen and ^C it21:03
theblazehenMaybe some kind of dead mans switch21:03
superflyyeah, alarms don't work so well for me.21:03
theblazehenHow do I do a dead mans switch I can't cancel?21:04
theblazehenI give up21:04
theblazehenProbably best to spend the next 3 hours sleeping, rather than thinking about the best way to wake up21:04
theblazehenOh what the hell21:07
theblazehenThe dev of the script said I should run in batches of 100 entries or so, but the script segfaults at points, so I need to clear out what gets missed. Faster to just for i in {0000..5540} do php script.php $i 1; done than it is to go in batches of 10021:08
theblazehenBatches of 100 = less than 100 because of failiure too21:09

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