
minimeceffectnet: You can choose one LVM volume during installation. That would allow you to resize/add/delete partitions 'on the fly' inside that LVM volume, even root.00:00
OerHekspeople, update your kernel, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/00:05
thomasrossminimec: cant... travis is still on 12.04 :(00:09
thomasrossi just realised i typed that in the wrong channel 20 minutes ago... hahaha00:09
minimecthomasross: Yeah. I have seen your post. There is a travis beta version for 14.04 releases, but it doesn't have all the features. Looks like the other solution would be to compile gstreamer 1.0 for 12.04 locally...00:11
thomasrossminimec: it worked before, when the qt libraries were in the ubuntu-sdk-team repository, now it doesn't install for some reason. did the gstreamer package get moved too?00:13
minimecthomasross: discontinued by the maintainer...00:13
thomasrossguess i'll have to compile it myself.00:14
thomasrossor try and switch to the other kind of travis -- i tried doing that earlier, but i couldn't for some reason (i can't remember the reason right now)00:14
thomasrossone of the ppas got denied or something i think00:14
minimecthomasross: you probably get most of the dependencies with 'apt-get build-dep libgstreamer0.10-dev'. That would be my starting point...00:21
snapfractalpopanyone know why avconv is back to ffmpeg.. or why it was avconv in the first place?00:22
OerHeksffmpeg was dropped in favor of avconv due to heavy bugs.00:24
OerHeksand then there was a discussion that bugs in ffmpeg were easier to fix than avconv .. https://wiki.debian.org/Debate/libav-provider/ffmpeg00:26
django_maybe someone can help http://imgur.com/NCrUAZV00:26
OerHekssnapfractalpop, and this http://askubuntu.com/a/43258500:26
OerHeksdjango_, have you tried closing vbox and run that line in blue with 'setup' ?00:27
django_OerHeks: nop00:28
OerHeksif not, really?00:28
OerHeks.. we give such great error codes and solutions if possible,...00:28
minimecdjango_: 'sudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv' setup in a terminal...00:28
minimecdjango_: sudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup00:29
OerHeksand install the dkms package ..00:29
biellawe are heading out now00:29
OerHekssudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms00:30
thomasrossminimec: do you think there might be anywhere i could grab the source package for it?00:31
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django_OerHeks: minimec https://bpaste.net/show/d582e8e5129300:33
minimecthomasross: well... you could try to use the packages/sources of the newer ubuntu releases, but I would do that in a virtual machine, not on a running and important system.00:34
fantomas_What's the difference between installing just virtualbox vs virtualbox-dkms?00:34
django_i found this but idk http://askubuntu.com/questions/498900/vbox-on-14-04-kernel-driver-not-installed-rc-190800:34
thomasrossminimec: https://web.archive.org/web/20150123002901/http://ppa.launchpad.net/gstreamer-developers/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gstreamer1.0/00:35
minimecthomasross: You see... These packages might work, but don't ask me to recommend this kind of operation... ;) These packages are simply outdated.00:37
django_hmm virtualbox-dkms isnt installed00:37
thomasrossminimec: so my plan is grab the dsc, .orig tarball, and .debian tarball and then make a PPA with gstreamer on it :)00:38
thomasrossi've already done the first part :00:38
snapfractalpopOerHeks: thanks for the backstory00:40
minimecthomasross: Good luck. Not a trivial operation...00:40
thomasrossi'd say its not gonna be too hard... :)00:40
thomasrossthe hard part is that i'm running debian00:40
thomasrossdpkg-buildpackage is running so far so good :D00:42
minimecthomasross: That might help... http://kacianka.at/?p=14500:42
Dimethylayy lmao00:43
thomasrossminimec: don't really need that because the source package already should contain working build instructions, all i need to do really is `sudo apt-get build-dep libgstreamer-1.0-0 && dpkg-buildpackage && dput <blah blah blah>`00:43
thomasrossits building right now00:44
minimecthomasross: nice! Let's hope for the best.00:44
W00dP3ck3rAny experts on the tool HDAJackRetask (part of alsa-tools) ... ?00:45
MrXwhat the hell didi i find00:46
thomasrossyou found #ubuntu :p00:47
MrXHow do i find rooms to cat00:47
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList00:47
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http00:47
MrX-t Chanel Botnet_100:49
minimecMrX: It's called Chanel N°5... and your girlfriend would love it... ;)00:51
trprechtHello,  Ever since updating from 14.04 to 16.04, on every bootup it seems to be running fsck and slowing the boot time to about a 60-90 seconds longer than the 15 it used to be.  It also seems to run it again on shutdown. Any thoughts, comments or advice about this situation?00:55
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:56
thomasrosstrprecht: arre you shutting down your computer "improperly"?00:56
nacctrprecht: do you happen to have zfsutils installed?00:57
trprechtClicking the normal method of shut down, and then clicking the shut down button00:57
trprechtno, zfsutils is not installed.00:57
nacctrprecht: ok, there's a known issue with that, just checking (that adds a latency to boots). But you say a fsck is running on every shutdown ?00:58
trprechtThat is what it looks like yes.00:59
trprechtUbuntu: clean, xxxxxx/xxxxx files, xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx blocks00:59
trprechtthats on boot. and then similar numbers repeated several times over on thescreen at chut down00:59
thomasrossminimec: so far so good, uploading to ppa now !!!!01:00
minimecthomasross: Wow. I guess you did not forget the plugins too? ;)01:01
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thomasrosshaven't done those yet... lets hope we don't need them01:01
minimecthomasross: Well... you problay need 'good' at least.01:02
nacctrprecht: so, i will preface by saying htat 14.04 -> 16.04 isn't recommended yet (ltsupgrade will first be offered with 16.04.1), let me see if there are any similar bug reports01:02
thomasrossdamn, looks like i might.01:02
nacctrprecht: there is this: LP: #150468801:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1504688 in upstart (Ubuntu) "fsck runs on every boot (clean install, single ext4 filesystem)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150468801:03
trprechtYeah, I got 'ansy' and upgraded early :-/ knew i might run into issues.01:03
trprechtdoes 16.04 still use upstart?01:04
nacctrprecht: no, it uses systemd, but i think there are wrappers about due to the upgrade paths, and i think 16.04 *can* use upstart (not really sure)01:05
trprecht(which is what the bug listed says is the effected)01:05
nacctrprecht: i'd suspect this is an "upgrade" issue, but not sure01:05
nacctrprecht: given that people are saying in that bug it happened with 15.10, which i think is when systemd became the default01:05
trprechti'm been thinking of getting an SSD and doing a fresh install, this might point me in that direction if the boot time gets much longer. haha01:06
trprechtWhen I first ran the upgrade, I lost the use of my mouse. (still works on other machines just fine), it pushed me to upgrding to a new wireless logitech from the old cheapo brand wired mouse i had previously.01:08
nacctrprecht: yeah, you might try the workarounds in that bug, i'm not sure why fsck would be running on each boot, unless a) fstab is saying it should or b) a bad disk state is detected and a check has been forced01:08
nacctrprecht: i'd be a little worried about changing the defaults in fstab, but if you read `man fstab` and agree with the changes, then that would work01:09
jkloahello, IRC registration is outlined here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration  ...but how do I do this using pidgin as IRC client?01:10
sveinsemdadm is one of the packages depended by ubuntu-server. That leaves an annoying "W: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays" if mdadm isn't used. Is there a way to disable it?01:12
trprechtnot making any changes to fstab, just looking at it, will the man page beable to explain what I'm seeing?01:18
thomasrossjkloa: probably the same way01:18
nacctrprecht: yeah, i tshould01:21
jkloathomasross: but wont typing "/msg nickserv register password_of_your_choice your@email.address" mean that you all can see my personal email?01:21
preciseHey, quick question: Why, when I run apt upgrade and it updates the linux headers, it always sums up to 69.1MB? Just wondering :P01:21
trprechthmm, I'm not seeing anything in fstab that would hint that it should run fsck.01:21
thomasrossjkloa: no, the / means that it is a command01:21
thomasrosstry typign /msg nickserv help01:21
trprechtbased off what i read in the man.01:21
jkloathomasross: thanks!! will try01:22
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trprechtI guess I will try to find a hard drive test that wont bork the filesystem and try it to see if the drive is failing.01:22
johntittor2000So I have Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 and it said it had to update so I pressed install, and it started and now it's stucked at about 80% I'd say it won't finish, I'm scared, ubuntu never works well after partial updates01:24
johntittor2000I've had that problem in the past, I've turned off the computer without noticing an update was on course in the past, and bad things happened01:25
johntittor2000so now, for the sake of learning, what should I do in this situation?01:25
B0g4r7_Try to shut the system down gracefully.  Don't just push the button.01:26
jkloathomasross: thanks for the help, you were right, process is the same for pidgin.01:27
thomasrossjkloa: np01:27
mercedthough any time ubuntu's gotten stuck on a upgrade, its taken me like hours to fix it01:27
thomasrossminimec: WE DID IT!01:31
minimecthomasross: Respect! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBKk1McBLxM01:34
johntittor2000GOD gnome "software" sucks :(01:39
minimecthomasross: Nice work. The link might have been confusing, because Ali G normally used it to show his admiration...01:39
Muncherjohntittor2000: why? Just got done installing Gnome DE on Trisquel01:40
johntittor2000I don't mean to insult the effort of people, but it really works bad for me01:40
MuncherSomething I should know? :-/01:40
johntittor2000I don't know why it works bad for me, first of all it has that bug that you can't install third party software with it, and secondly sometimes it doesn't even run, or when I select the installed tab or updates it never finishes loading01:42
thomasrossminimec: now the only problem is i cant add the ppa and update properly.. it 404s. any suggestions? link to the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~thomasross/+archive/ubuntu/gstreamer-precise/+packages01:45
jkloaAny person interested in helping a newb get proprietary Nvidia Drivers on xubuntu 14.04 should feel free to say hello. Looked at some good guides at http://askubuntu.com/questions/725002/install-nvidia-drivers-with-ppa-into-ubuntu-15 and http://askubuntu.com/questions/61396/how-do-i-install-the-nvidia-drivers/680826#680826 but am left to settle for open source driver instead of the  proprietary one I want01:45
Muncherthomasross: Don't go for proprietary ones01:46
thomasrossMuncher: did you mean jkloa ?01:46
Muncherthomasross: Actually I meant the opposite. I've always had issues with open source drivers01:47
jkloaMuncher: why not proprietary? I thought the tested proprietary drivers better utilize the hardware?01:47
thomasrossMuncher: i've not got an issue with any drivers... that's jkloa haha01:47
Muncherjkloa: Your right. Meant the opposite :-/01:47
minimecthomasross: It's not yet finished I guess... build status is 'Pending'.01:47
thomasrossminimec: oh yeah. didn't notice that. what does pending mean?01:48
Bashing-omjkloa: Show us what we are working with . ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ' .01:48
jkloamuncher & thomasross: I was thinking proprietary would be preferable considering "Then you have the Tested Proprietary drivers. This will work stable and  give you considerable more FPS for your card than Nouveau." per http://askubuntu.com/a/6143301:49
minimecthomasross: Not yet ready for publication I guess.01:49
thomasrossjkloa & Muncher: i don't know anything about the drivers. sorry.01:50
jkloaBashing-om: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108M [GeForce GT 425M] (rev a1)01:50
jkloaSubsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Device 152201:50
jkloaKernel driver in use: nvidia01:50
jkloasorry about the line breaks01:50
jkloaNVIDIA Corporation:GF108M [GeForce GT 425M]01:51
jkloaThis is the version of the driver I need http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/101423/en-us01:52
Bashing-omjkloa: Cinsider: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/101423/en-us recommended driver is the 361 version . Not available in 14.04's repo . Is available in our trusted PPA .01:53
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thomasrossminimec: yay! it didn't 404!01:54
minimecthomasross: Looks like gst-plugins-base failed to build01:55
thomasrossbecause it depends on libgstreamer-1.0-0 which wasnt built yet01:55
thomasrossi hope now itll build since it is "published"01:56
Bashing-omjkloa: Id a driver config file in place ? ' la -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf ' before we proceed .01:56
minimecthomasross: It's missing 'Missing build dependencies: liborc-0.4-dev (>= 1:0.4.17)'01:56
thomasrossminimec: yep01:57
jkloaBashing-om: Thanks, I have also concluded I am looking for nvidia-361 . However, using this method: `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa` and `sudo apt-get update` , the closest thing I can find under "additional drivers" is "NVIDIA binary driver version 361.42 from nvidia-361 (open source)...you will have to excuse my Newb factor, if there is something that I am misunderstanding .01:58
minimecthomasross: yeah... Dependency hell... Thing is that it stops building after the first missing dependency. There might be more...01:59
thomasrossminimec: last time it gave me a bunch, so hopefully not02:00
Bashing-omjkloa: I would expect that to work . Did you purge nvidia prior ? and also make sure an old config file is not present ?02:00
jkloaBashing-om: okay I can `cd` to /etc/X11 but I don't understand the command or which file contains the configs your looking for02:01
jkloaBashing-om: The current driver works, but as I understand it isn't optimal because it is listed as open source instead of proprietary02:02
jq-What would be the best place to ask a raid question? Not really ubuntu related.02:02
bazhangjq-, /msg alis list raid02:03
jkloaBashing-om: prior to this I was using neavou02:03
alazare619after a motherboard swap systemd seems to be panicing about network interfaces failed to up any idea?02:03
Bashing-omjkloa: Using the absolute path, from anywhere ' ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf ' . my last was a typo .. la/ls* .02:03
alazare619id rather not reload to do alot of configs i need to get off the machine via webui02:04
not_a_robotwhy is ubuntu crashing on baytrail gpu?02:04
Bashing-omnot_a_robot: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash intel_idle.max_cstate=1"  ??02:05
jkloa/etc/X11$ ls -al /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ls: cannot access /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory02:06
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not_a_robotBashing-om: what does that do?02:07
Bashing-omjkloa: OK, good .. now make sure the PPA is installed . ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' .02:08
minimecnot_a_robot: see Bashing-om... 'intel_idle.max_cstate=1' will probably do the trick. I got this on antergos too. See here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/intel_graphics#X_freeze.2Fcrash_with_intel_driver02:08
jkloaBashing-om: yeah bud, theres xorg.conf in that directory. I do appreciate your help, but you don't have to keep this up if it frustrates you.02:09
thomasrossminimec: http://i.imgur.com/shFFR0v.png02:09
Bashing-omnot_a_robot: see : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2320259 .02:09
jkloaBashing-Om: Ok bud, trusting you here. This is my output:  ==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/graphics-drivers-ppa-trusty.list <==02:10
jkloadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main02:10
jkloa# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main02:10
jkloa# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main02:10
jkloa==> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/graphics-drivers-ppa-trusty.list.save <==02:10
jkloadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main02:10
jkloa# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main02:10
thomasrosswell thats unfortunate02:10
thomasrossyou got quieted :<02:10
minimecthomasross: Cool. I never published something on launchpad... I should do so, just to learn the procedure.02:10
Bashing-omjkloa: Not me that is worried . You have trued to install .. and did not . we clear the deck, and try again .. install the driver and then look at the log file .02:11
thomasrossminimec: well i maintain a couple debian packages so i'm familiar with the procedure... but not any libraries haha02:11
Bashing-om!paste | jkloa02:11
ubottujkloa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:11
minimecthomasross: Ok. I see.02:11
thomasrossi should probably go to bed and finish this tomorrow...02:12
not_a_robotBashing-om: why is the linux kernel deficient in not properly supporting Bay Trail power savings?02:13
minimecthomasross: n8. I should do that too. Yet I finish that show I am watching right now.02:13
fromhy!info xunlei02:14
Bashing-omnot_a_robot: I have seen the reason, but off the top of my gead I do not recall the why .02:14
ubottuPackage xunlei does not exist in xenial02:14
thomasrosscool. liborc seems to have built successfully AFAICT02:14
Bashing-omjkloa: Back from mute yet ?02:17
not_a_robotBashing-om: i have noticed freezing on Bay Trail also on debian. maybe this grub fix will do it.02:17
jkloaBashing-Om: hello?02:17
not_a_robotBashing-om: what if you are not using GRUB, but EFI direct boot?02:17
thomasrossjkloa: we can hear you again! :p02:17
jkloaI apologize for that, totally new here.02:17
thomasrosssweet. it's "pending". wait till that's done then rebuild gst-plugins-base and then go to bed, whether it builds successfully or not. that's the plan anyway02:17
thomasrossjkloa: don't worry about it, you were banned by a bot, not a person anyway haha02:18
jkloaI won't do that again! sorry for the inconvenience to the rest of you. Won't do it again02:18
fromhy!info xware02:18
ubottuPackage xware does not exist in xenial02:18
minimecnot_a_robot: It does for me. I encountered these sudden freezes on a acer c720p Chromebook with a Baytrail GPU.02:18
not_a_robotminimec: what about if you do not use GRUB, but direct boot from /boot02:19
jkloaBashing-om & thomasross: so I can safely use paste.ubuntu.com to show my console output to Bashing-om?02:19
minimecnot_a_robot: You add a kernel parameter. Without it you will still have these freezes.02:19
thomasrossjkloa: yes02:19
aeeaai am getting this error when upgrade-ing to 16.04: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ca-certificates/+bug/1541716 .  how bypass/fix this ca-certificates problem to upgrade to 16.04? thanks02:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541716 in ca-certificates (Ubuntu) "package ca-certificates 20150426ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [High,Confirmed]02:20
jkloaBashing-OM: okay my output for `tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*` is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16470618/02:20
Bashing-omjkloa: K .. you are back . OH, the PPA is installed . let's do ' sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 ' Then reboot for the effect . Maybe then we read the log file ?02:20
not_a_robotminimec: in systemd conf?02:22
jkloaBashing-Om: thanks...operation in progress02:22
Bashing-omjkloa:  Stop !!02:22
Bashing-omjkloa: We have a conflict in sources " deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main " .02:23
fromhy!info wine02:23
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:23
jkloaBashing-Om: okay...stop what? and a conflict, ok. What do you mean?02:23
minimecnot_a_robot: No. Add it to the "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" line in /etc/default/grub. Do a 'sudo update-grub' afterwards.02:25
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minimecnot_a_robot: Unfortunately it has some negative effect on battery life... :(02:26
jkloaBashing-Om: yeah, I read somewhere that xorg/edgers isn't needed . Should I remove it?02:26
not_a_robotminimec: i mean if you dont use grub, which i dont. it boots directly from /boot02:26
not_a_robotminimec: that is ok, because it is not in a laptop02:26
minimecnot_a_robot: You somehow have to tell the kernel to set option 'intel_idle.max_cstate=1' during boot. Otherwise you will see these freezes. Other solution is not to use a kernel from the 4.* series...02:28
Bashing-omjkloa: Yeah .. remove the /xorg-edgers/ppa/ .02:30
aeeaai am getting this error when upgrade-ing to ubuntu 16.04: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ca-certificates/+bug/1541716 .  how bypass/fix this ca-certificates problem to upgrade to 16.04? thanks02:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1541716 in ca-certificates (Ubuntu) "package ca-certificates 20150426ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [High,Confirmed]02:30
aeeaaanyone help?02:30
not_a_robotminimec: freeze also happens in 3.16 debian kernel02:31
minimecnot_a_robot: You are right... https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109051#c3502:32
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 109051 in intel_idle "intel_idle.max_cstate=1 required on baytrail to prevent crashes" [Normal,New]02:33
not_a_robotminimec: well, at least there is a fix02:33
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jkloaBashing-Om: is it better to use ppa-purge or `sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:xorg-edgers`?02:34
jkloaI am getting scary warnings from my bash console02:35
Bashing-omjkloa: ' sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xorg-edgers-ppa-trusty.list ' will suffice as we are going to replace the driver .02:36
minimecnot_a_robot: Other solution is to use 'Fedora 23' I have two of these c720p machines, and I don't have a problem with Fedora. God knows why...02:36
minimecnot_a_robot: Fedora 23 uses kernel 4.4.9 and no "intel_idle.max_cstate=1" is set...02:37
not_a_robotminimec: i dont like fedora. i use arch or debian/ubuntu02:38
jkloaBashing-Om: okay. I did that. However, before when you said "Stop", I did allow the process to continue, as I thought "CNTRL+C" in the middle of the job would be more of a problem. Remember you said to do this -> `sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 `02:39
minimecnot_a_robot: I was like you, but Fedora 23 runs really well on that Chomebook, besides gnome3 using 1GB of RAM after boot. Well some of that RAM is 'reserved'...02:39
Bashing-omjkloa: Right .. with the conflict removed . now try the sequence again .. see what the package manager advises .02:40
not_a_robotminimec: it is all the same kernel, and arch works the same way02:40
not_a_robotminimec: except faster and smalelr install02:40
jkloaBashing-Om: gotcha, stand by please02:41
jkloaBashing-Om: alright bud. Now would you like me to send you a link to the console output on that? I am not sure how to know what the package manager is advising...02:45
Bashing-omjkloa: Sure ! let us see what you see .02:47
minimecnot_a_robot: I agree, and yet I see these freezes with arch, but not with fedora on the same hardware...02:48
jkloaBashing-om: lol learning my lesson, this time sending a link http://paste.ubuntu.com/16470766/02:48
Bashing-omjkloa: look'n .02:49
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not_a_robotminimec: maybe gnome does something02:50
xaviergmailHey, where do I change the sensitivity for the unity sidebar?02:52
Bashing-omjkloa: We failed to clear the deck for action " 15 not upgraded. " .. what results now ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' ?02:53
minimecnot_a_robot: Looks like people are affected using ubuntu with unity, mint with cinnamon, or arch with gnome...02:53
jkloasure I can check. But what is  "15 not upgraded"? Give me a moment and I will perform those commands and let you know02:54
stacy-can somebody here please show me how to get hotspot to work in my ubuntu 15.10 desktop?02:55
not_a_robotminimec: yes, but i had the freeze in arch with openbox too02:55
katronixhi all, my apt-get is replying constantly with packages that are required but won't be installed. Can someone point me into the direction I need to look to fix the issue?02:55
squintyxaviergmail,  tried installing unity-tweak?02:58
jkloaBashing-om: upgrades 15 packages, including The following packages will be upgraded: binutils cpp-4.8 gcc-4.8 gcc-4.8-base gcc-4.8-base:i386 libasan0 libatomic1 libgcc-4.8-dev libgfortran3 libgomp1 libitm1 libquadmath0 libstdc++6 libstdc++6:i386 libtsan002:58
Bashing-omjkloa: Yje package manager told you " 0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 15 not upgraded. " in your last paste from the terminal .02:59
stacy-squinty.. can you please help me with getting hotspot to work on ubuntu?02:59
stacy-katronix.. hi02:59
katronixstacy hi02:59
katronixstacy, my apt-get is replying constantly with packages that are required but won't be installed. Can someone point me into the direction I need to look to fix the issue?03:00
stacy-katronix..can you please help me with ubuntu hotspot?03:00
stacy-for some reason my unbuntu 15.10 desktop hotspot isnt working03:00
katronixstacy what happens when you try to connect to it?03:01
Bashing-omkatronix: Pastebin for the channel ' sudo apt update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ; sudo apt upgrade 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . We see if we can see the problem .03:01
stacy-katronix.. the hotspot SSID does not show in the network03:02
stacy-for my other devices03:02
jkloaBashing-om: perhaps I am misinterpreting. you can see for yourself what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/16470865/03:02
Bashing-omjkloa: Look'n ,03:02
xaviergmailI haven't03:02
katronixBashing-om: http://termbin.com/2t5o and http://termbin.com/u8xq03:03
xaviergmailI can't bring up the launcher at all right now because I'm connected through teamviewer03:03
LambdaComplexBashing-om: Perhaps that command would be made more useful with the addition of tee?03:04
arthar360katronix, try apt-get install -f . Also try removing the mixxx repo file.03:05
Bashing-omjkloa: So far so good .. back to prompt ? .. What is your particular question ... We do want that you learn .. You can not learn if you do not ask .03:05
LambdaComplexAlso couldn't you combine those? ''{ sudo apt update 2>&1 && sudo apt upgrade 2>&1 } | tee | nc termbin.com 9999'' or some such03:05
katronixarthar360: interesting, it installed a lot of i386 files03:06
squintyxaviergmail,  well once you get a chance then install unity-tweak -> launcher  etc03:06
xaviergmailI'll install it via apt03:06
LambdaComplexOops, would need a ; after that second 2>&103:06
arthar360katronix, Sit back and grab a coffee. If it gives error, You surely need to remove the mixxx ppa from /etc/apt/sources.lst file03:07
LambdaComplex...and apparently tee doesn't work with that. owell03:07
Bashing-omkatronix: The hash warning you can ignore and await Google to upgrade thier securiry . http://ppa.launchpad.net/mixxx/mixxx/ubuntu/dists/ has no support for xenial - remove it .03:07
squintyxaviergmail,  yep   sudo apt install unity-tweak-tool03:07
xaviergmailYep, if only I could bring up a terminal somehow03:08
xaviergmailI'll just hop over to a tty03:08
katronixBashing-om: ok03:08
Bashing-omLambdaComplex: We are just piping the ourputs to termbin .. redirecting errors in the menatime .03:09
xaviergmail..and do it blindly03:09
squintyxaviergmail,  ok.  gotta go for now.  good luck :-)03:09
LambdaComplexBashing-om: I'm aware of what you're doing03:09
katronixBashing-om: where is the sources list?03:09
Bashing-omkatronix: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list .03:10
Bashing-omjkloa: What are we looking like now ?03:11
jkloaBashing-om: yes I was thinking the same thing. I do appreciate your help but indeed it doesn't do anybody any good to just tell me what to do. You can see a screenshot of my choice of drivers here http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_-_05162016_-_10_06_56_PM-nZ45UnRG.png . My question is basically whether the one I have selected is the best option I have available. As I said before, I read in a post that tested proprietary drivers are better 03:16
jkloaopen source , not "wurce" ...typo03:18
ubuser!info vm.swappiness03:18
ubottuPackage vm.swappiness does not exist in xenial03:18
Bashing-omjkloa: Looking .03:18
Bashing-omjkloa: The driver selcted I expect to be the better choice . - (open source) - I expect is becuase we got that driver from our trusted PPA . Be aware one size never fits all . hardware and environments do differ .03:22
=== eights is now known as Guest9241
Bashing-omjkloa: How is the performance with the 361 version graphic's driver ?03:24
jkloaBashing-om: That sounds like a truism in computing. Even if Nvidia is offering it's proprietary drivers outside of the trusted PPA , then there is a chance it somehow won't work perfectly in ubuntu based systems. In any event, I thank you and your willingness to share what you know. Have a goodnight, I need to head out for now.03:28
=== r4hul is now known as Broken_God
jkloaBashing-OM: I haven't thoroughly tested the graphics performance on this driver. However, I know when I was using X.Org Nouveau it was pretty awful for gaming with steam.03:29
Bashing-omjkloa: Yeah .. That ^ is a prome reason for the development of the PPA . Background info : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2015-August/004693.html . You may find a interesting read .03:30
tablesdeb: command not found03:33
tableshow do i fix this?03:33
jkloaBashing-OM: sounds good friend. I will read it through. I will perhaps see more of you later on these forums, as I am trying to delve a bit deeper in *nix systems. I like to use Ubuntu as a VPS, and perhaps we can talk later. Thanks again. ciao03:33
Bashing-omjkloa: All good . You have the right platform to learn on . Later .03:34
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stacy-underdog... can you please help me get the hotspot working in ubuntu?03:50
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davidwHi - any ideas, offhand, of why Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS is not prompting to upgrade to 16.04 LTS even though it's set to 'LTS' in the upgrade manager ?03:55
somsip!ltsupgrade | davidw03:55
ubottudavidw: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.03:55
davidwoh.... I see... I didn't realize it wasn't out.  Site makes it look like 16.04 is out - thanks somsip03:55
elky16.04 is. 16.04.1 is not03:56
akishi all. i recently installed new 16.04. when i installed my Smsung ml-2160 printer I first i installed driver provided by Samsung and the printer was recognized and then by mistake i installed once more. I deleted the 2nd one and now is just installed properly. Are any files left on my system because of this duplicate installation?03:56
elky16.04.1 will be more stable than 16.04 which is why that's when the lts upgrade happens03:56
elkydavidw: does that make sense?03:57
davidwelky, yeah, completely03:57
WaggieI'm on 14.04.3 LTS..  Are there any specific major pitfalls or changes that I should be aware of?  Planning on doing a clean install when 16.04.1 LTS comes out.03:59
underd0g:stacy- whats the issue with the hotspot?04:00
stacy-underdog. for some reason i cant see it on the network from my tablet04:01
underd0gstacy-: is it from a phone or a hotspot device04:03
stacy-underdog..i am running ubuntu 15.10 from a laptop04:03
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underd0gi dont understand, is the hotspot from your phone and you trying to use it to connect to the internet via a laptop?04:05
Ben64stacy-: just buy an access point04:05
sonu_nkhi i have installed ubuntu in my drive now i created another partition to install windows and when i tried to install windows it says its logical not primary. so how to create a primary partition from logical in ubuntu ?04:07
stacy-ben64 ... it worked before04:08
underd0gsonu_nk: you have to flag that partition as bootable04:08
stacy-i just dont understad why it doesnt work now04:08
Ben64stacy-: you were here asking about it before i went to work, came back home and you're still trying to figure it out. just get an access point, they are better in every way04:09
underd0gstacy_: it might not be in range. but type this into the terminal "sudo iwlist scan"04:09
reisiosonu_nk: can maybe change it from cfdisk04:09
NetworkingProhey everyone04:09
NetworkingProis there a way to make a cron job run every 5 minutes between say... 11pm and 3 am?04:10
underd0gNetworking: whats good04:10
NetworkingProunderd0g: nothing much, man04:10
Ben64NetworkingPro: http://superuser.com/questions/133456/run-a-cron-job-every-5-minutes-between-two-times04:10
NetworkingProBen64: thx04:11
* NetworkingPro clicks.04:11
stacy-underdog is it an issue with 15.10 ? can this issue be solved if it upgrade to 16?04:11
Ben64stacy-: again no it's not a problem with 15.10. although you only have 2 months left to upgrade to 16.04. anyway get an access point04:11
NetworkingProBen64:  */5 10-16 * * * script.sh  that looks like the one i need?04:12
NetworkingProI presume the 10-16 is the time range?04:12
Ben64NetworkingPro: hours yes04:12
stacy-i heard 15.10 had many bugs04:13
underd0gstacy-: i dont think it is an issue with 15.10 because you are connected to the internet right now (if you are using wifi) so if that command i showed you doesnt show the network name of your hot spot, then i would check to see if something is wrong with the hotspot04:13
NetworkingPro*/5 23-24 * * * script.sh04:13
NetworkingPro*/5 00-04 * * * script.sh04:13
NetworkingProthat would get me from 11 to 4?04:13
NetworkingProtwo lines?04:13
Ben64should, yes04:13
NetworkingProBen64: thx04:13
Ben64stacy-: everything has bugs04:13
underd0gstacy: i think Ben64 is right04:14
sonu_nkreisio, i want to create from logical to primary04:15
stacy-underdog.. the hotspot in ubuntu15.10 is buggy04:15
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underd0gstacy-: then upgrade i guess04:15
stacy-and the WPA only worked if i used nmtui04:15
akis hi all. i recently installed new 16.04. when i installed my Smsung ml-2160 printer I first i installed driver provided by Samsung and the printer was recognized and then by mistake i installed once more. I deleted the 2nd one and now is just installed properly. Are any files left on my system because of this duplicate installation?04:15
Ben64stacy-: why are you wasting so much time on making a crappy ad-hoc network anyway? you could get an old router from ebay/craigslist/thrift store for <$2004:16
stacy-ben64 .. adhoc doesnt work on for the newer devices..04:17
Ben64yeah, because it's terrible04:17
akisWaggie: i installed 16.04 yesterday and i find it very stable and fast. I am happy with the new driver for my RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) which was very unstable on 14.04.04:17
reisiosonu_nk: can maybe change it from cfdisk04:17
reisiosonu_nk: under Type04:18
stacy-ben64 ..my laptop was able to do hotspot but now it does not work... i just dont understand why04:18
Waggieakis: Nice, good to know.04:18
stacy-i know AP worked without the hostapd04:18
Ben64stacy-: because 1) ad-hoc is bad 2) card doesn't support it 3) you're doing it wrong04:19
akisWaggie: I am happy too for the 'display brightness' option clicking on battery icon on systray. very useful missing on 14.0404:19
stacy-ben64 ..i never used adhoc..only ap before04:19
Waggieakis: Ah, that's nice..  I'll enjoy that when I install it on my laptop.04:20
Ben64stacy-: but your laptop isn't an access point, it's not built to be one04:20
stacy-ubuntu is very confusing..there are multiple doucments but the steps in the guide is not the same as the actual interface inside ubuntu04:20
Waggieakis: I had issues with power saving sometimes on my laptop with 14.04.04:20
stacy-ben64.. my access point worked before on the ubuntu laptop04:21
Ben64yes i know, you've said that many many times04:22
stacy-can the developers for ubuntu make it more user friendly?04:22
Ben64it's already very friendly04:23
akisWaggie: I think it uses i little bit more ram. I have now open mozilla, thunderbird, xchat-gnome, archive manage and thunar and the indicator shows 1073/3845. On 14.04 i didn;t remember went over 1gb for the same apps. Anyway it runs smoothly.04:23
stacy-i am running into so many problems04:23
Ben64you're running into one problem04:23
stacy-i was told ubuntu was easy to use than redhat04:23
stacy-but problems after problems04:23
NetworkingPro*/5 8-19 * * * /home/securecom/scripts/cam_autoupdate.sh04:23
Ben64and really, the problem is what you're trying to do. GET AN ACCESS POINT04:23
NetworkingProand Im getting cron[1095]: Error: bad command; while reading /etc/cron.d/camupdates04:24
NetworkingProcron[1095]: (*system*camupdates) ERROR (Syntax error, this crontab file will be ign04:24
NetworkingProDid I miss something in my syntax?04:24
Ben64what exactly did you do NetworkingPro04:24
stacy-for 6 months i had a computer do the AP without any problems04:25
Ben64stacy-: cool story, now go get an access point04:25
NetworkingProI created a new file in /etc/cron.d/update04:25
NetworkingProand put */5 8-19 * * * /home/scripts/cam_autoupdate.sh in it.04:25
Ben64NetworkingPro: that's not how to do that... run "crontab -e" to edit your cron04:25
stacy-if i follow the steps correctly shouldnt i get the same reults?04:25
Ben64maybe but why bother, get an access point04:26
Broken_Godstacy-: im using 15.10 hotspot works perfectly here04:26
stacy-broken god.. can you please guide me04:27
uxfihi Broken_God04:27
Waggieakis: Interesting..  Well, I have 16 GB, which should still be sufficient.04:27
stacy-i was told 15.10 was buggy and was told to upgrade to 16.04 or 14.0404:27
Waggieakis: (8 GB in the laptop)04:27
voucherany reasons for upgrading to 16.04?04:29
stacy-broken god... my hotspot woorked for 5 months without problems04:30
stacy-i just dont understand why it doesnt work now04:30
Ben64voucher: supported until 202104:30
voucherhow oftn does one really NEED support on linux? it's all DIY...04:31
Ben64voucher: no it isn't, and support means bug fixes and security updates04:32
Broken_Godstacy-: https://github.com/oblique/create_ap04:33
voucherBen64: I guess... even though linux is by default is more secure, still no perfect, so yeah that makes sense actually04:33
stacy-broken god..is there a simple step by step to get the acess point working?04:34
stacy-the documentation you gave was from a freebsd04:35
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Ben64stacy-: it isn't bsd, but since you can't tell, you probably shouldn't be messing with it04:35
stacy-is there an easier way to do this using the nmtui or gui ?04:37
Ben64you were shown the easy way 9 hours ago04:37
stacy-ben64 ..i was shown adhoc and many other ways04:37
stacy-adhoc does not work with my other devices04:38
stacy-i need AP04:38
stacy-working in my laptop04:38
Ben64so buy an access point04:38
Broken_Godstacy-: sudo apt-get install iproute2 util-linux libprocps3-dev hostapd && git clone https://github.com/oblique/create_ap && cd create_ap && make install04:38
stacy-broken god.. is there a way to configer the AP inside the laptop?04:39
stacy-i know i had it working04:39
Broken_Godstacy-: you there?04:58
Broken_Godstacy-: ?05:00
insidiousAnyone know how to be able to detect usb via virtualbox05:06
karlthaneHas the issue with networkmanager dying on suspend/resume on 16.04 been fixed?05:14
Heero151what is the best program to play music on? what about an equalizer?05:17
AzulflameWhen it comes to music players, just try them out and get used to one05:21
AzulflameThere's no 1-size-fits-all player05:22
xaviergmailIs there a way to get the whole desktop environment / window manager to run on ssh X11 forwarding05:22
Azulflamedo you mean with XRDP or something else?05:23
xaviergmailI just dove into X forwarding today so I don't really know, anything that works? I guess05:23
lotuspsychje!players | Heero15105:23
ubottuHeero151: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:23
xaviergmailI'll have a look at that05:24
Azulflamexrdp is a remote desktop server05:24
Azulflameso it isn't ssh perse, but it works just as well in my experience on a local network05:24
Azulflamebut I don't do networking outside of a LAN05:25
xaviergmailI stay within LAN as well, it's just that my monitor blew up05:25
Azulflamexrdp should do what you are asking05:25
AzulflameI use(d) it for a RPi when I was working on things, but I don't use the RPi anymore, so I don't have an interest in continued use05:26
xaviergmailAny pros to using rdp over vnc other than native windows support05:26
Azulflamestacy-, Ask questions in public chat, not in whispers05:26
Azulflamenone that I'm aware of. I just know that xrdp is in the deb repos05:26
stacy-azulflame.. can you please help me with ubuntu as a access point05:28
AzulflameAccess point for what/05:29
stacy-my ubuntu is installed on a laptop05:29
stacy-i used it as a hotspot for several months..but now it doesnt work05:29
Azulflamewhat broke it? What did you change / update/05:30
stacy-i didnt change anything05:30
Azulflameyes, but something changed05:31
stacy-for some reason i can not see the wifi connection on my other devices05:31
AzulflameI don't know what that something is, but something changed05:31
stacy-can you please guide me on the access point setup ?05:31
Broken_Godstacy-: i already posted solution above05:31
AzulflameBroken_God, I don't see it, but I may have joined after you said it05:32
stacy-its was working using the nmtui .. but now the wifi doesnt even show05:32
Azulflamestacy-, did you reboot?05:32
stacy-azulflame ..i didnt reboot05:32
Azulflameperhaps you should05:33
=== user is now known as akis
stacy-reboot doesnt work05:33
Azulflamebut you did fix it?05:33
stacy-even if i reboot it still does not show the wifi connection05:33
Azulflamedid the computer suspend before it stopped working?05:33
AzulflameAnd did you fix it at one point in time?05:33
stacy-azultflame.. i didnt use the hotspot for a month or so05:34
stacy-it was really simple before ..but now people are saying i need to configuer the BSSID too05:34
akishi all. why in my xubuntu menu 'Software & Updates' appears as 'Software &amp; Updates'? Is it something wrong?05:34
stacy-but before i did not configuer the BSSID05:35
Azulflameakis, sounds like an encoding / locale issue05:35
Azulflamestacy-, perhaps you should configure the BSSID. The previous autoconfig may have changed05:35
stacy-azulflame.. the format for BSSID is different.. how do i configuer it?05:36
akisAzuflame: what can i do for this?05:36
AzulflameI don't know your network, but your answer can be found here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109665305:37
stacy-i dont  know if upgrading to 16.04 will solve the problem05:37
Azulflameakis, what version of Ubuntu are you running?05:37
akisAzuflame: is it editable?05:37
Azulflamestacy-, I dont' know either05:37
Azulflameakis, yes05:37
Broken_Godstacy-: open terminal and run: create_ap --ieee80211n --ht_capab '[HT40+]' wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase05:37
akis16.04 freshly yesterday installed05:37
Broken_Godstacy-: before that pls run : sudo make installsudo apt-get install iproute2 util-linux libprocps3-dev hostapd && git clone https://github.com/oblique/create_ap && cd create_ap && sudo make install05:38
Azulflameakis, I'm booted under Win10 right now, so I can't tell you where it is05:38
Broken_Godouch! typo mistake05:38
stacy-broken god is it possible to just configuer the AP on the ubuntu?05:39
Broken_Godstacy-: sudo apt-get install iproute2 util-linux libprocps3-dev hostapd && git clone https://github.com/oblique/create_ap && cd create_ap && sudo make install05:39
stacy-i didnt installl  iptroute2 and it worked before05:39
Azulflameakis, what DE are you using?05:39
Broken_Godstacy-: dunno why its not working this time; try to create hostspot again05:40
developer_How can i convert logical partition to primary partition in ubuntu 14.04 ?05:40
stacy-broken god..please guide me05:40
developer_please guide me.....05:40
Azulflamedeveloper_, use gparted (may require installation) or parted05:40
Azulflamedelete and re-create. Keep in mind that you can only have 4 primary partitions, and all logical partitions must be nested inside of a primary partition for the MSDOS partition scheme05:41
Broken_Godstacy-: it might be hidden, connect to hotspot manually by adding BSSID05:41
akisAzuflame: DE?05:41
AzulflameDesktop Environment05:42
AzulflameWhat site did you get your ISO from?05:42
akisAzuflame: Xubuntu05:42
stacy-broken god.. how do i fill in the BSSID .. this format -->  aa:aa:aa:aa05:42
developer_Azulflame, using gparted and try to resize volume but nothing happen after this05:42
stacy-broken god.. what do i put between each colon inside the BSSID05:42
Azulflameok, so you are using XFCE. Can you confirm that?05:42
hateballdeveloper_: you can't resize a mounted partition05:42
Azulflamedeveloper_, you want to take a logical partition and make it a primary partition?05:43
akisAzuflame: sure. XFCE05:43
developer_Azulflame,  yes05:43
TJ-stacy-: which do you want, an Access Point (AP) or an Ad-Hoc (IBSS) interface ?05:43
stacy-i dont know why the ubuntu people made something simple so complicated.. ii dont know how to configuer BSSID05:43
Broken_Godstacy-: run inxi -Nn in terminal, copy and paste wifi chipset mac to BSSIF field05:43
Azulflamestacy-, wifi is just complicated05:43
stacy-TJ... i want an AP to work again in ubuntu05:44
Azulflamedeveloper_, you can't convert like that. You need to delete & recreate. This will involve complete data loss. Backups are recommended before undertaking this process05:44
Azulflameakis, I'm looking it up05:44
Azulflamebut "&amp;" is not a term google can look up05:44
Azulflameso it's difficult05:44
TJ-stacy-: right, so forget about BSSID then, that's for Ad-Hoc mode05:44
developer_Azulflame, okay i will take data of that particular drive.05:44
stacy-tj.. can not use adhoc.. new devices do not support it05:45
developer_Azulflame, please guide me how to delete and recreate it ?05:45
TJ-stacy-: right, so forget about setting the BSSID!05:45
Azulflamesudo gparted05:45
akisAzuflame: i didnt have any probl like this under 14.04 or earlier version. I searched google already and found nothing05:45
Azulflameselect the disk with the dropdown menu (upper right)05:45
Broken_Godstacy-: fire up terminal & run: inxi -c0 -Nn -> pastebin it pls05:46
Azulflamedelete the offending partition. Apply changes (this deletes all the data on the partition!)05:46
TJ-stacy-: first, confirm the wifi device supports AP mode with "iw list | grep '\* AP' "05:46
Azulflamethen create a new partition and make it a primary partition05:46
stacy-broken god.. inxi isnt installed05:46
stacy-broken god.. the first time when i setup hotspot on the ubuntu ..it was not this complicated05:47
Azulflameakis, I don't know and I don't run XFCE to find the setting05:47
Broken_Godstacy-: sudo apt-get install inxi05:47
TJ-stacy-: you've told us that countless times now, but usually this 'complication' is due to the user having changed something that then has a knock-on effect.05:48
Broken_Godstacy-: pls run that command in terminal05:48
stacy-broken god.. ok hold on05:48
developer_Azulflame,  In create as option primary is disabled05:50
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Azulflamedeveloper_, how many primary partitions do you have on that drive?05:50
stacy-broken god.. the acchives folder is locked from the upgrade now05:50
developer_only 105:50
developer_and 2 logical05:51
stacy-because i was told ubuntu 15.10 was buggy so i am trying to upgrade it to 16.0405:51
stacy-but now the upgrade with take 10 hours05:51
Azulflamedeveloper_, what partition table is that drive? MS-DOS?05:51
developer_Azulflame,  Let me tell you i have total 3 drives in first ubuntu, 2nd my data and third logical where i want to install window 705:52
stacy-broken god.. is it reqquire i reboot if i setup the hotspot in ubuntu?05:52
TJ-stacy-: No. wifi connections can be enabled and disabled whenever you want05:53
Azulflamedeveloper_, we are only concerned with the drive that you are making the partition on. What partition table is on the drive?05:53
Broken_Godstacy-: you are another instance of apt thats why its throwing that error05:53
TJ-stacy-: please show us "pastebinit <( iw list )"05:54
Broken_Godstacy-: my hotspot config: http://i.imgur.com/aXPF2Wp.jpg05:54
TJ-Broken_God: we've been 'here' since at least 10 hours ago  I think there's a communications gap05:54
stacy-broken god... it wont let me install inix because there is an upgrade process now05:55
Ben64about 11 hours now05:55
TJ-Ben64: I like to be optomistic :p05:55
Ben64which is why i suggest buying an access point05:55
TJ-Ben64: strikes me this is mostly a language issue Chinese to English, I think last night there was some mention an online translator was in use at one point05:56
stacy-it shouldnt be this complicated for using ubuntu as an access point.. the first time i did it didnt require for me to setup BSSID05:56
TJ-stacy-: Please... STOP repeating the same comment and ANSWER the questions or instructions we give you05:56
stacy-TJ.. i am from california..there isnt a communication barrier.. its the 100 ways to do the same thing on ubuntu05:57
developer_Azulflame, partition table ?05:57
Broken_Godstacy-: please follow TJ- advice05:57
TJ-stacy-: there sure is, because I asked you for info last night that never got provided, and we're still waiting for details from the last 10 minutes ... show is pastebin output of the commands, one way or another.05:58
TJ-stacy-: "last night" since it's ~07:00 here now05:58
Ben64stacy-: great, you're in california. buy a wrt54g from ebay/craigslist/goodwill for $1005:58
Azulflamedeveloper_, what is the drive's identity? /dev/sdX05:58
stacy-tj.. somebody here told me to fill in the bssid ..but filling in the bssid was not taught to me05:58
stacy-i have the hardware there to use ubuntu as a hotspot..why is it this compliated..it worked before05:59
TJ-stacy-: I've already told you TWICE at least: BSSID is *NOT* applicable when creating an Access Point, that is only for Ad-Hoc mode05:59
wmorriHi, I am wondering if someone can help me with the error I'm getting here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/16471846/05:59
stacy-tj..ok.. i understand now05:59
stacy-so i dont need to configuer the bssid06:00
TJ-stacy-: *IF* you're making an Access Point, no. That's why I want to know *IF* the device claims to support AAP mode, which we will know if you run "iw list | grep '\* AP' " and it reports a line "    * AP"06:00
stacy-i was only able to make hotspot work in ubuntu before..but was unsuccessful using the gui inside unity.. is it because of the 15.10 bug?06:01
Faizis thre a way to reset everything in ubuntu but save all data ?06:01
Azulflamewmorri, the mysql-server is already installed, but something threw an error with status 2 that you can troubleshoot06:01
Shad0wwwwwHi all, anyone familiar with kickstart boots? Hitting an "VFS error: Unable to mount root fs on (0,0) issue that 4+ days of google searching can't help me :/06:01
heartmeatfind philipp meyer the son06:02
stacy-TJ.. my ubuntu laptop worked as a hotspot before..06:02
Azulflamedeveloper_, are you still here?06:02
stacy-and the AP worked fine before also06:02
=== venkat_331 is now known as venkat_330
parawizardwmorri: try purging the package and reinstalling. Or try creating that file that it says it cannot find06:03
stacy-but now something is broken inside ubuntu 15.1006:03
TJ-stacy-: you've told us repeatedly; but you've NOT answered the technical questions we ask. I'm no longer going to help here because it is wasting my time06:03
stacy-TJ.. Which technical questions did you ask? i answered most of them06:03
developer_Azulflame, yes, The partition is /dev/sda606:04
Faizis there a way to reset everything but save all data ?06:04
wmorriparawizard: I will give that a try and see if it works. Thanks06:05
parawizardstacy, do you have any information about what the actual error is?06:05
Azulflamedeveloper_, run $sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda06:05
parawizardstacy, anything in your syslog06:05
AzulflameThere should be a partition table / scheme identifier that would be useful to know06:05
stacy-parawizard... there arent errors06:05
Azulflameand if there are 4 primary partitions, especially if they are holding logical partitions, then there cannot be more created06:06
parawizardstacy, nothing in the syslog?06:06
stacy-parawizard.. i dont have any errors showing.. and the other divices are unable to detect the wifi ssid from the ubuntu laptop06:06
parawizardBen64: wow hahahaha06:07
Ben64parawizard: run away while you can06:07
=== galeido_ is now known as galeido
bartjehi all, got a strange issue here, after upgrade to 16.04 I can log into Gnome Classic, but I cannot in regular Gnome. Anyone here who knows something about this?06:08
stacy-ben64 i did not use adhoc before..i only used AP on my ubuntu laptop06:08
Ben64stacy-: i can make the text bigger if you're still having problems reading it06:08
parawizardstacy: please do iw list | grep '\* AP' and paste the result06:08
wmorriparawizard, everthing worked out! Thanks a bunch!06:08
parawizardwmorri: cheers m8!06:08
stacy-parawizard..ok hold on06:09
stacy- * AP06:10
stacy- * AP/VLAN06:10
stacy- * AP: 0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70 0x80 0x90 0xa0 0xb0 0xc0 0xd0 0xe0 0xf006:10
stacy- * AP/VLAN: 0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x40 0x50 0x60 0x70 0x80 0x90 0xa0 0xb0 0xc0 0xd0 0xe0 0xf006:10
stacy- * AP: 0x00 0x20 0x40 0xa0 0xb0 0xc0 0xd006:10
stacy- * AP/VLAN: 0x00 0x20 0x40 0xa0 0xb0 0xc0 0xd006:10
dax!pastebin | stacy-06:10
ubottustacy-: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:10
parawizardstacy: pastebin or paste.ubuntu.com for multiline copy and paste06:11
stacy-hold on06:11
parawizardstacy-: but that is fine.06:11
parawizardstacy-: So what have you done to configure your hotspot? Just pressed the Use as a Hotspot button?06:12
Shad0wwwwwAnyone please help in regards to a Kernal panic for a bootable ubuntu ISO?06:12
stacy-parawizard.. the hotspot worked before from ubuntu but what was strange was i could only do it from nmtui at that time06:12
parawizardShad0wwwww: Have a stack?06:12
stacy-parawizard.. the hotspot button is turned on but my tablet does not detect the wifi from the ubuntu laptop06:13
TJ-stacy-: show us "nmcli con | nc termbin.com 9999" which will report the defined connections06:14
stacy-TJ.. I dont know how to configuer it using nmcli06:15
parawizardTJ-: Does the ubuntu hotspot button us ap-hotspot?06:15
TJ-stacy-: just run the flaming command and tell us the URL it reports!06:15
parawizardstacy- Just do the command. It will give TJ information he needs to help. nmcli will show things that network manager has done as well.06:15
TJ-parawizard: Network Manager can support Ad-Hoc and AP. In this case stacy is avoiding IBSS (ad-hoc) and needs AP mode06:16
stacy-TJ ... http://termbin.com/3tg706:16
stacy-$ nmcli con | nc termbin.com 999906:16
TJ-stacy-: so the connection you're trying to configure is SoftAP ?06:16
parawizardAh ok it is network manager handling it fully06:16
TJ-parawizard: this is all about configuring it with NM, which is usually 4 clicks of a mouse :)06:17
stacy-TJ..no.. softap was the old one..i am trying to make a new one..but if softap can be made to work again..it will ok too06:17
Faizis there a way to reset everything , get the drivers back ; reset setting ; nd graphics , but save all data ?06:17
parawizardTJ- ;) I just didn't know if hotspot was network manager or something else. Through network manager itself makes more sense.06:18
TJ-stacy-: as I said earlier, previous user actions may break later things, and so it may be that having SoftAP around is causing issues06:18
TJ-parawizard: NM does it via wpa_supplicant06:18
parawizardTJ-: ofc (:06:18
stacy-tj .. how do i make a new connection?06:18
parawizardTJ-: Maybe be best to just get rid of them both via the minus sign in network manager and start with a fresh one06:19
TJ-stacy-: so lets try simply fixing SoftAP ... show us "sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/SoftAP | nc termbin.com 9999"06:19
stacy-parawizard... should i delete the configeration and make a new one?06:19
stacy-tj..ok..hold on06:19
TJ-parawizard: SoftAP 'used' to work so start by using that as a guiding template06:19
parawizardTJ- True06:20
TJ-stacy-: don't delete anything *YET* ... collect hard data first so we can understand what we are dealing with06:20
stacy-TJ... http://termbin.com/arzq06:21
TJ-parawizard: my guess is, as this is across a release upgrade, the network device naming has changed and the connection is tied to an old name06:21
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TJ-stacy-: so SoftAP shows us it was an Ad-Hoc (IBSS) mode connection ("mode=adhoc")06:22
TJ-stacy-: now let's understand what network devices the system reports: "ip link show | nc termbin.com 9999"06:22
stacy-$ ip link show | nc termbin.com 999906:23
TJ-stacy-: thank-you. A question: is the connection "kjkju" the new AP connection you've been trying to create?06:23
stacy-TJ... YES!!!06:23
TJ-stacy-: OK... another question: does the Wifi work to connect as a client to a 'regular' access point ?06:24
stacy-TJ.. i have the internet cable connected directly to the ubuntu laptop06:25
TJ-stacy-: show us the 'new' connection details too:  "sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/kjkju | nc termbin.com 9999"06:25
TJ-stacy-: I understand that, but I want to discover if the Wifi has actually worked very rceently to connect to anything at all!06:25
stacy-TJ.. cat: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/kjkju: No such file or directory06:26
stacy-Use netcat06:26
TJ-stacy-: hmmm, maybe you created it as a user connection, not system-wide then06:26
stacy-TJ.. you mean the proxy settings inside the ubuntu needs to be set for system wide?06:27
Shad0wwwww@parawizard http://imgur.com/DMZsoWy06:27
Shad0wwwwwhave a custom_image.sh, using txt.cfg, seems to error out there06:27
TJ-stacy-: no, but Network Manager can save connections for use by "all users" in which case they are saved under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ or as per-user in which case they're saved somewhere in the user's $HOME directory... I'm looking for that location now06:27
parawizardShad0wwwww: Using virtualbox?06:30
stacy-TJ... how did you see the kjkju connection i made on my ubuntu from using the cat command?06:30
TJ-stacy-: I saw it from the "nlcli con" which is the "Network Manager Command Line Interface" "list CONnections" command06:31
Shad0wwwwwYeah tried with both vbox and vmware parawizard06:32
sanketany one see me06:32
Shad0wwwwwyes sanket06:32
stacy-TJ.. is there a step i missed in the hotspot configueration?06:32
TJ-stacy-: OK, so the connection definition file for users should also be under /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ .... sho show us: "sudo ls -latr /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ | nc termbin.com 9999"06:32
parawizardShad0wwwww: Do you have a drive? What is it supposed to be booting from? Are you setting your root partition?06:32
sanketi am new for this environment06:32
TJ-stacy-: once we know what the connection info is (we already have the SoftAP connection file) we might be able to tell06:33
sanketwhy i cant not access different hard disk drive?????????06:33
Shad0wwwwwparawizard yep should be assigned the drive created in the VM. setting root partition in the kickstart file or txt.cfg?06:33
stacy-TJ..  $ sudo ls -latr /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ | nc termbin.com 999906:33
auronandacesanket: what happens when you try?06:34
sankethey please help06:34
Shad0wwwwwparawizard kickstart has: part /boot --size 128 --fstype=ext3 --asprimary06:34
sankethey please help06:34
sankethey please help06:34
sankethey please help06:34
sankethey please help06:34
sankethey please help06:34
parawizardShad0wwwww: which has grub information?06:34
Shad0wwwwwand txt doesnt have a root=/dev/sda3 parameter or anything06:34
Shad0wwwwwI mounted an ubuntu-alternate iso, copied, unpacked, repacked06:34
Shad0wwwwwparawizard shouldn't the grub info be pulled from the original iso?06:35
TJ-stacy-: aha! so you have a connection with SSID "jksd" which is named "kjkju"06:35
stacy-TJ.. did you see what i typed?06:35
TJ-stacy-: show us the 'new' connection details:  "sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/jksd | nc termbin.com 9999"06:35
stacy-$ sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/jksd | nc termbin.com 999906:36
TJ-stacy-: right, and that has the AP mode: "mode=ap"06:36
parawizardShad0wwwww: Not sure but somewhere you need to let grub know that it needs to mount root on your sda306:37
stacy-tj.. but i dont see the jksd on the wifi list06:37
Shad0wwwwwI know where that would be, but why sda3? parawizard06:37
parawizardShad0wwwww:  Is it booting the iso that panicks06:37
TJ-stacy-: and you've set it to "hidden=true" so other devices will NOT see it unless you specifically tell them the SSID of "kjkju"06:37
parawizardTJ- nice work06:38
stacy-how do i make just working coonnection?06:38
Shad0wwwwwparawizard thanks for taking the time to help btw, I appreciate it.06:38
stacy-i am very confused now06:38
stacy-just one working connection06:38
parawizardShad0wwwww: Does the original, non-repacked version of the alternate boot iso boot without panicking?06:38
stacy-tj... should i delete the kjkju configueration and make a new one?06:39
TJ-stacy-: So, edit the connection "kjkju" and remove the "hidden" setting and save it to begin with06:39
parawizardstacy-: It is configured as Hidden. So you can not see it but it is working. I am sure TJ will help you with unhiding it06:39
Shad0wwwwwyeah boots fine :/ let me double check though parawizard06:39
TJ-stacy-: then activate it. You can do that from the command line with "nmcli con up id kjkju"06:40
Shad0wwwwwits ubuntu-12.04.5-alternate-amd64.iso btw06:40
stacy-tj.. can i do this in nmtui.. i dont know how to use the nmcli command line06:40
parawizardShad0wwwww: Are you sure you repacked it right? What I would do is this: 1) Test the original image 2) Test the original image repacked with 0 changes 3) Test the repacked again with your kickstart and txt cfg06:40
stacy-tj... how do i delete the jksd connection ?06:41
parawizardstacy- reread TJ's responses06:41
Shad0wwwwwAlright i'll do that, just saw my repacked is ~500mb bigger than the original... parawizard06:41
TJ-stacy-: you don't delete anything right now! That is the one you want, it's the only AP defined. "SoftAP" isn't an AP it's an Ad-Hoc IBSS06:42
stacy-parawirzrd..i do not know how to use the nmcli command line ...is it possible to use nmtui insteadd?06:42
parawizardstacy-: your wifi connection is WORKING it just is hiding.06:42
stacy-tj.. please guide me through nmtui06:43
TJ-stacy-: use the Network Manager GUI Connection Editor to edit "kjkju" and remove the 'hidden' feature setting, and save the connection06:43
stacy-TJ..where is the section that shows the unhidden button?06:44
TJ-stacy-: "nmtui" ... "Edit Connection..." and use the cursor or tab key to select the "kjkju" connection, press Enter, then use tab and other keys to move to fields and Space to select/06:44
Shad0wwwwwparawizard installation works with repacked!06:45
TJ-stacy-: In 16.04, with nmtui, I don't see any option for 'hidden' - there are section 'hide/show' buttons but they are NOT what we want, they just control how much detail is being shown.06:45
Shad0wwwwwonly thing I changed was not including the kickstart files....06:45
TJ-stacy-: if you cannot see the option there, exit out of nmtui and we'll manually edit the config file itself06:45
Shad0wwwwwonly thing I changed was not including the kickstart files....  parawizard however i've been over them hundreds of times, not sure what the issue would be06:45
parawizardTJ- yeah I don't see it anymore either.06:45
parawizardShad0wwwww: Is it the same size as the broken version tho?06:46
stacy-tj...my system is still going through the upgrade technically i am still on the 15.1006:46
stacy-tj.. i am inside the nmtui now.. where is the unhidden section06:47
TJ-stacy-: Quit nmtui. Instead do it manually with: "sudo sed -i '/hidden=true/ d' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/jksd "06:47
Shad0wwwwwparawizard size is increased almost double for some reason?06:47
parawizardShad0wwwww: double in bad one or good one06:48
Shad0wwwwwthe default image is alwaays 700mb. The working repacked (no kickstart) is doubel. The broken repacked (with kickstart) is also double.06:48
parawizardTJ- Strange they would remove that06:48
TJ-stacy-: after you've done that command show is the file so we can be sure the setting has gone, with "cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/jksd | nc termbin.com 9999"06:49
Shad0wwwwwparawizard the default image is alwaays 700mb. The working repacked (no kickstart) is doubel. The broken repacked (with kickstart) is also double.06:49
TJ-parawizard: maybe the TUI just doesn't show it?06:49
parawizardShad0wwwww: Paste your kickstart06:49
parawizardTJ- It doesn't show it as an option anymore in the unity gui either06:49
stacy-TJ..i did the command but jksd still doesnt show06:50
TJ-parawizard: possibly a usability improvement... imagine lots of users thinking "I'll make myself secure!" and then complaining their devices cannot find the AP :)06:50
TJ-stacy-: after you've done that command show is the file so we can be sure the setting has gone, with "cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/jksd | nc termbin.com 9999"06:50
parawizardTJ- Totally possible though might be a bit weird if you do an upgrade when it was clicked and now you can't unclick it. What's even weirder is somehow the new connection had it turned on by default06:50
stacy-$ sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/jksd | nc termbin.com 999906:51
Shad0wwwwwparawizard, this is the txt.cfg wich holds the labels06:52
TJ-stacy-: good, the setting is gone. Now try reseting the interface with "nmcli con down id kjkju && nmcli con up id kjkju"06:52
parawizardTJ- as she is on 15.10 maybe it still is an option for her in nm-connection-editor06:52
snailpackagehello, could someone help me configure a logitech mouse?06:52
parawizardShad0wwwww: txt.cfg holds the labels for the kickstart?06:52
stacy-nmcli con down id kjkju && nmcli con up id kjkju06:52
stacy-Error: 'kjkju' is not an active connection.06:52
stacy-Error: no active connection provided.06:52
Shad0wwwwwparawizard label nullinstall06:53
Shad0wwwww  menu label ^Install Ubuntu Server (ver1)06:53
Shad0wwwww  kernel /install/vmlinuz06:53
Shad0wwwww  append file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-custom-null.seed06:53
Shad0wwwwwinitrd=/install/initrd.gz quiet06:53
Shad0wwwwwks=cdrom:/preseed/ks.cfg --06:53
stacy-TJ.. did you see it?06:54
parawizardstacy: He disconnected06:54
stacy-it came back as errors06:54
stacy-with no connection06:54
parawizardstacy nmcli con down id jksd && nmcli con up id jksd06:54
parawizardtry that06:54
stacy-parawizard.. tj said jksd was removed06:54
stacy-and asked i do a different command06:55
stacy-nmcli con down id kjkju && nmcli con up id kjkju06:55
stacy-Error: 'kjkju' is not an active connection.06:55
stacy-Error: no active connection provided.06:55
stacy-this is what TJ told me to do befoer the error..06:56
stacy-sudo cat /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/jksd | nc termbin.com 999906:56
TJ-parawizard: no, 'hidden' not available on 15.10 either06:56
TJ-(I just lost connection so have missed messages in the last 4 minutes)06:56
stacy-$ nmcli con down id kjkju && nmcli con up id kjkju06:57
stacy-Error: 'kjkju' is not an active connection.06:57
stacy-Error: no active connection provided.06:57
TJ-stacy-: good, the setting is gone. Now try reseting the interface with "nmcli con down id kjkju && nmcli con up id kjkju"06:57
parawizardTJ- its not working for her by id06:57
parawizardTJ- maybe try uuid06:57
stacy-nmcli con down id kjkju && nmcli con up id kjkju06:57
stacy-Error: 'kjkju' is not an active connection.06:57
stacy-Error: no active connection provided.06:57
parawizardstacy try: nmcli con down uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e50 && nmcli con up uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e5006:57
stacy-nmcli con down uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e50 && nmcli con up uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e5006:58
stacy-Error: '3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e50' is not an active connection.06:58
stacy-Error: no active connection provided.06:58
stacy-parawizard.. i got an error from uuid too06:59
Shad0wwwHi parawizard sorry was booted07:00
parawizardShad0www: You must use paste.ubuntu.com or pastebin for multiple lines07:00
Shad0wwwParawizard  pastebin.com/PBvrrvN407:00
Shad0wwwYeah my bad07:00
TJ-stacy-: show us "tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999"07:01
Shad0wwwTheres an example. The sh makes the iso, the txt.cfg runs on boot (it displays correctly) and then ehen a label is selected  it runs the assosciated .ks file (one of ehich i have attached) parawizard07:02
stacy-tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999907:02
stacy-tj..did you see?07:03
parawizardstacy: you didn't post link07:04
TJ-stacy-: I saw you repeat the command, but didn't see any termbin URL to view the results07:04
stacy-tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 999907:05
parawizardShad0www: Ugh I am not sure07:05
parawizardShad0www: nullinstall label?07:05
stacy-TJ.. http://termbin.com/860907:06
Shad0wwwParawizard i tried making it install label instead. Also, maybe they need root=/dev/sda3 ? In the txt.cfg07:06
parawizard mubuntu07:06
Shad0wwwAs in near the append file= parawizard.07:06
stacy-TJ.. did you see the link? http://termbin.com/860907:07
parawizardShad0www: Is the txt.cfg label syntax white space dependant?07:07
parawizardShad0www: Make sure that everything after append is on the same line?07:07
stacy-parawizard... did TJ loose connection again?07:08
parawizardstacy- no07:08
parawizardstacy: nm-connection editor is having a problem (:07:08
Shad0wwwOkay will try07:08
stacy-parawizard.. i got this http://termbin.com/8609 .. after the tail command07:09
TJ-stacy-: parawizard looks like NetworkManager isn't even running now07:10
stacy-tj.. if i reboot now ..will it break my 16.04 upgrade?07:10
TJ-stacy-: show us the result of "systemctl status network-manager.service | nc termbin.com 9999"07:11
parawizardTJ- there is a lot of exploding stuff in that small section of syslog.07:11
TJ-stacy-: is the release-upgrade to 16.04 not yet complete?07:11
TJ-parawizard: 'upgrade' :S07:11
stacy-$ systemctl status network-manager.service | nc termbin.com 999907:12
TJ-stacy-: the release-upgrade shouldn't take more than 30 minutes, depending on how fast the Internet connetion is to fetch the new packages of course07:12
stacy-tj.. the upgrade said around 10 hours07:12
parawizardTJ- yeah *cringes* probably best clean install. I am having lots of issues with 16.04 though on really stable older hardware :( I have a ton of bugs. Slowly reporting/fixing. Might hit Debian jessie or arch. Was on Manjaro with KDE5 (which was exploding).07:12
stacy-it still running07:13
parawizardstacy- Did you install Ubuntu yourself?07:13
stacy-parawiard..yes ..with some help from people in irc07:13
parawizardstacy- What release did you install? 15.10?07:14
stacy-parawizard..are  you sure 16.04 has bugs too??!!?07:14
stacy-parawizard..yes 15.1007:14
TJ-stacy-: the upgrade is still on progress? Well, that really does explain some of the issues... it's possible you've got packages from different releases trying to work with each other. Generally, the upgrade should be fast and then the system rebooted so all running processes are using the same versions of packages07:14
parawizardstacy- All releases have some bugs (:07:14
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TJ-stacy-: show us the result of "journalctl -n 500 -u NetworkManager.service | nc termbin.com 9999"07:16
stacy-$ journalctl -n 500 -u NetworkManager.service | nc termbin.com 999907:16
TJ-stacy-: OK, that confirms it. For at least the last 2 hours the upgrade is interferring with activating the interface since packages are presumably being updated. You need to suspend any work on getting the AP to work until you've completed the release upgrade and rebooted the PC07:18
stacy-tj.. i am on step 4 <Kalandrakha> 1 sudo apt-get update07:18
stacy-<Kalandrakha> 2 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:18
stacy-<Kalandrakha> 3 sudo update-manager -d07:18
stacy-<Kalandrakha> 4 sudo do-release-upgrade -d07:18
TJ-stacy-: do you know which stage it is at? Is it still downloading the new packages?07:19
stacy-tj.. yes07:19
TJ-stacy-: it should download ALL packages requiring upgrade, then unpack and configure each one, then you do a reboot07:20
stacy-TJ..it also said it delted some old packages and installing 139 new packages07:20
stacy-tj..i asked me to reboot after step 3 ..but i clicked later..and did step 407:20
TJ-stacy-: right now if all it is doing is downloading then in theory that should NOT affect configuring the Network Manager connection, since no software has been unpacked yet07:20
stacy-tj..should i reboot now?07:21
TJ-stacy-: hmmm, I hope that wasn't a mistake. The point of a reboot is to be able to use the new packages/kernels that cannot be replaced whilst the system is running07:21
stacy-tj... why would it take 10 hours for step 4?07:22
stacy-1 sudo apt-get update07:23
stacy-2 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:23
stacy-3 sudo update-manager -d07:23
stacy-4 sudo do-release-upgrade -d07:23
TJ-stacy-: I think so, yes. It won't need to re-download the packages it has already got when you re-run step 4 (do-release-upgrade)07:23
TJ-stacy-: and I'd think network manager will also probably work correctly whilst the download phase continues, too07:23
stacy-tj..should i reboot now?07:23
TJ-stacy-: if it is still downloading packages then the connection is VERY slow!!07:24
TJ-stacy-: Yes, I think you should07:24
stacy-ok hold on..let me reboot07:24
stacy-but will this affect the upgrade?07:24
TJ-stacy-: you're behind the Great Firewall of China aren't you?07:24
barakaHi guys. So I'm just curious - does anyone here have ubuntu on their chromebook?07:25
stacy-tj... i am logging in using a proxy07:25
barakamy mouse is not responding07:25
barakaI mean it is - it's moving, but it's not clicking or selecting, and it's still stuck on the 'drag' cursor, which I used when trying to drag a file from one folder to the other07:25
barakaand I'm not sure what I can do07:25
TJ-stacy-: Well, if your entire network is using that proxy you're going through China! That's plain silly, and explains why the download is taking so long.07:26
lyzebaraka, kill the program which you used to initiate the drag and drop07:26
parawizardTJ- hah!07:26
stacy-tj.. do i need the whole 1500 packages?07:26
TJ-baraka: that's usually caused by an application not releasing the mouse when you moved it out of the applications window... sometimes returning into the application window and doing some more mouse operations will cure it07:27
barakalyze but I can't07:27
TJ-parawizard: *sigh* !!07:27
barakabecause I can't even select it07:27
TJ-stacy-: if the system says so, then yes07:27
parawizardTJ- wipe and reinstall (:07:27
barakaI'm not sure how to even close it now07:27
lyzebaraka, change to tty. so ctrl+alt+f2 or sth like that. login and then kill the process. after that switch back to gui mode with ctrl+alt+f707:27
stacy-tj... if i reboot now.. it will stop the upgrade but i can still make hotspot work right?07:28
TJ-parawizard: I'm ready for bed again already, and it's only 0827!07:28
barakalyze tty?07:28
TJ-baraka: can you use the keyboard... Alt+Tab ?07:28
parawizardTJ- 3:28 here07:28
TJ-stacy-: I've been to bed and woke up again since this issue began :D07:28
stacy-tj... the download is still at the firefox section07:28
barakalyze neither worked07:28
stacy-tj.. i having been crying to myself for many hours07:28
parawizardTJ- my wireless card is connecting at 20mhz but I should be able to do 40mhz. Down another rabbit hole07:28
barakaTJ- I don't think it is07:29
parawizardstacy- why do you need proxy07:29
TJ-stacy-: if it is only downloading then stop it now, reboot, kill the stupid proxy, do the do-release-upgrade, then reboot into 16.04 and *then* get the AP working07:29
barakabut I mean my mouse is moving so it's not totally a crash is it07:29
TJ-baraka: not a crash, just a captive mouse... you have to free it :)07:29
stacy-tj.. but step 4 will take 10 hours07:30
barakaTJ- I suppose so07:30
TJ-parawizard: you want HT channels? on which band?07:30
barakaonly issue is my keyboard doesn't seem so bright on that end either07:30
parawizardTJ- Not sure if it is OpenWRT or on my client end currently -_-07:30
TJ-stacy-: not if you get rid of that silly proxy. on a regular even slowish xDSL connection it'd take no more than 1/2 hour, 10 minutes for the download07:30
parawizardstacy- Why are you using a proxy?07:31
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stacy-tj... there aer over 1500 packages..how can that be possible in just 10 minutes..over 900mb of pakcages07:31
stacy-parawizard..because its one way i can connect to the server07:32
stacy-if i turn off the proxy the speed is still slow07:32
stacy-round 30kb/s07:33
parawizardHow fast is your connection?07:33
parawizardwhere do you live?07:33
stacy-southern california07:33
parawizardWhy is your connection so slow without proxy?07:34
stacy-parawizard..my download is fast ..but on certiain sites its slow07:35
parawizardubuntu upgrade should be fast without proxy07:35
stacy-i turned of the proxy..its at 100kb/s now07:36
TJ-parawizard: "iw dev wlp2s0 info" should show you the in-use channel width etc07:36
stacy-there are over 900mb how can this be downloaded in just 10 minute?07:36
parawizardTJ- Working fine on 5ghz apparently. I think it must be something going on with the OpenWRT side on 2.4ghz07:37
TJ-stacy-: which Ubuntu servers are configured in /etc/apt/sources.list ? maybe they're not local to you?07:37
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TJ-parawizard: if you've got 802.11b compatibility enabled I think that infers no HT mode07:37
stacy-tj... http://securityubuntu.com/ubuntu07:37
parawizardTJ- N only (:07:37
parawizardstacy- paste bin your whole /etc/apt/sources.list07:38
TJ-stacy-: "grep '^deb .*main' /etc/apt/sources.list"07:38
parawizardor that ^_^07:38
hicoleriIs it possible to edit the menu from the 'menu' package? i.e the /Debian menu?07:39
stacy-$ sudo grep '^deb .*main' /etc/apt/sources.list07:39
stacy-[sudo] password for kimtronic:07:39
stacy-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted07:39
stacy-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-updates main restricted07:39
stacy-deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:39
stacy-deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security main restricted07:39
parawizardTJ- Motorola E2 4GB doesn't have N support though hehe07:39
TJ-parawizard: does the 'iw dev XXX info' command show the current connection using 20Mhz channels and 'iw list' show the local hardware capable of HT07:39
parawizardTJ- 5ghz support*07:39
TJ-you mean 802.11a :)07:40
stacy-parawizard.. does your 16.04 ubuntu work as a hotspot?07:40
parawizardTJ- local hardware is capable on both sides. I am connected at 40mhz atm but on 5ghz. Doesn't work with all my clients though unfortunately. Got to be on my side07:40
parawizardstacy- yes07:40
parawizardTJ- Got to be on openwrt side with 2.4ghz and channel selection07:40
stacy-parawizard..i was told 15.10 has bugs and i that i should upgrade to 16.04 or to 14.0407:41
TJ-parawizard: most likely yes07:41
TJ-stacy-: every release has bugs. 16.04 has been terribly buggy for an LTS so far07:41
parawizardTJ- they removed the above and below from the luci gui in the newer versions and I guess they might have replaced it with some logic07:41
parawizardTJ- Yeah 16.04 eek. I may have to go back to 14.04.3 or hit Debian Jessie with MATE or something maybe. Either that arch or a manjaro without KDE Plasma 507:42
Ben64stacy-: no you weren't07:43
stacy-tj  my download is fast now..but it is still taking a long time for the upgrade for step > 4 sudo do-release-upgrade -d07:43
TJ-stacy-: you rebooted the PC?07:43
stacy-tj.. if  reboot will it stop the whole upgrade process?07:44
TJ-parawizard: better to just get the bugs fixed07:44
stacy-hold on then i'll reboot now07:44
TJ-stacy-: as I said earlier, without a reboot you've got packages on disk and programs in memory with different versions, which is almost guaranteed to break the system07:44
parawizardTJ- I agree to an extent but really it is going to take a long time07:45
TJ-parawizard: that's the purpose of the .1 releases, especially for LTS, to give a 3 month shake-down period after release for widespread usage to provoke the bugs and time to get them fixed07:46
parawizardTJ- For sure. Though there are some other problems I have been having. Like: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/157415007:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574150 in unity (Ubuntu) "chinese character can not input when launcher set in bottom" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:47
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TJ-parawizard: I must have ~30 such bugs I'm working on, 1 resolved a day and it'll be fine by 16.04.107:47
parawizardTJ- Dash search doesn't work with japanese input suggestions :/07:47
Jack_ReacherHello, anybody an expert on HDJackRetask? (From alsa-tools)07:47
TJ-parawizard: ahhh, well, "Unity" - say no more. I generally avoid it and have done since it was introduced07:48
parawizardTJ- ;)07:48
stacy-tj.. i rebooted07:48
stacy-the version is still at 15.1007:48
TJ-stacy-: but still using the proxy I see :)07:48
TJ-stacy-: yes, because you need to complete the "do-release-upgrade"07:48
stacy-tj...is it possible to use the wifi on my other devices?07:49
stacy-kjkju is still not broadcasting the signal to my other divices07:50
TJ-stacy-: are you sure the devices are all using the same frequency band?07:50
Alagosstacy-: You could try to use your phone like internet source.07:50
stacy-tj... how do i check that?07:51
stacy-the first time when i did it i didnt have to configuer the frequecy band07:51
TJ-stacy-: we have 2 bands centered at 2.4GHz (802.11b/g) and 5.5GHz (802.11a)07:51
stacy-do i set that inside nmtui?07:52
barakaSOLVED IT07:52
TJ-stacy-: as I understand it by default the Network Manager AP 'auto' chooses... so there's no knowing which it decides to use until its active, and you'd have to check with the "Connection Information" dialog07:52
TJ-baraka could have told us how! now the world will be poorer07:53
TJ-stacy-: if you know all your devices are using 2.4GHz then you can configure the AP to use that band so you're sure of it07:53
stacy-tj.. should i use nmtui to set the kjkju connection again?07:53
TJ-stacy-: you can do, if the GUI nm-applet isn't working07:54
hicolerijoin #openbox07:54
maitrey_Hi, i have a question about catalist driver for 16.04. Is there any posibility to install it. I have radeon r7 m270. I know, I should have not bought ati :-(07:55
stacy-tj... i am inside the kjkju connection now07:56
stacy-how do i make it start ?07:56
parawizardmaitrey_: You can use the updates gui to do so07:57
TJ-stacy-: you can't do that from the Connection Editor. with the command-line its "nmcli con up id <name>" where you replace <name> with the connection's name as reported by "nmcli con"07:57
parawizardstacy try: nmcli con down uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e50 && nmcli con up uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e5007:57
stacy-nmcli con down uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e50 && nmcli con up uuid 3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e5007:58
stacy-Error: '3d040422-b10f-445a-9e57-c487a5bf3e50' is not an active connection.07:58
stacy-Error: no active connection provided.07:58
stacy-it says no active connection07:58
TJ-parawizard: stacy- leaving this to you guys now; I have a riverbank of nettles to clear :)07:58
parawizardmaitrey_: Try like software updates -> additional drivers? Or something. Sorry I have to translat emine07:58
parawizardTJ- good luck07:58
parawizardstacy- You sure your wifi is on?07:59
parawizardstacy- I would try making a new connection and delete the old ones07:59
barakaanyone here have experience with running chroots on a chromebook?07:59
maitrey_paawizard: here is the problem it doesnt show in additional drivers and I read somewhere that ubuntu 16.04 doesnt care for ati drivers.07:59
stacy-ok i deteed it07:59
stacy-now make another one from nmtui right?08:00
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parawizardmaitrey_:  I see you are indeed correct08:01
parawizardstacy- try the GUI in ubuntu. Which ubuntu do you have?08:01
stacy-parwizard .. 15.1008:01
parawizardmaitrey_: Is the open source amd driver not working for you?08:02
parawizardstacy- Normal ubuntu with unity?08:02
parawizardstacy- Can you try the hotspot button again?08:02
stacy-that doesnt work08:02
parawizardstacy- Since deleting the old connections does it work now?08:03
stacy-how do i activivate it?08:03
stacy-that doesnt work08:03
parawizard(same for 15.10)08:04
stacy-parawizard..i cant use adhoc08:04
stacy-i can only do this with ap08:04
parawizardstacy- why08:04
stacy-because it worked on ap before08:04
parawizardDoes it not work on ad hoc?08:04
fromthedepthsswitch to pm?08:04
stacy-parawiard.. it doesnt work on adhoc08:05
parawizardstacy- You need to explain why instead of giving useless answers.08:05
maitrey_parawizard_: It is not detecting it at all. No problem I will reinstall to 14.04. It should be fine there.08:05
parawizardstacy- Use hotspot button then open network configuration in ubuntu and change to infrastructure08:05
parawizardmaitrey_: It should already be installed?08:05
stacy-parawizard..after making the new connection do i need to reboot to start it?08:05
parawizardstacy- I don't think so08:06
parawizardmaitrey_: Can you explain your situation with more details.08:06
maitrey_parawizard_: if I check additional drivers, nothing is there. If I see system details its using my intell onboard card. there is no catalyst center for !^.08:07
maitrey_parawizard_: 16.0408:08
stacy-parawizard.. why is it using wep as secruity type08:08
stacy-i have turned on wirelss hotspt..but its wep inside the ubuntu08:08
parawizardstacy- search for network connections08:08
parawizardthen under wifi edit hotspot and change it's security options and change from adhoc -> infrastructure (AP)08:09
stacy-parawizard..but it still does not show up on my other devices08:09
parawizardstacy- if you can't see the network even if it is WEP you have some other problem with your installation08:10
parawizardmaitrey_: Can you do an lsmod?08:10
stacy-parawizard..there isnt a WPA inside the network gui08:11
parawizardmaitrey: lsmod | nc termbin.com 999908:11
parawizardstacy- try changing type to infrastructure first08:12
stacy-parawizard..i came upon this problem before thats why i used nmtui and it worked before08:12
stacy-the gui in ubuntu network has a bug08:12
parawizardstacy- maybe08:13
parawizardstacy- try your lucky with nmtui if you wish08:13
maitrey_parawizard_: it shows radeon in a few lines after lsmod08:13
parawizardmaitrey_: Why do you think it is using your intel card only? When you boot up plugged into the AMD do you get anything signal?08:14
maitrey_parawizard_: for what am i searching in lsmod? It shows some radeon in a few lines08:14
parawizardmaitrey_: I think that is a good sign08:15
stacy-parawiard.. something is very wrong08:15
stacy-why is it this confusing just to get ubuntu to become a hotspot?08:15
parawizardstacy- It isn't but something might be wrong with your installation08:15
stacy-parawirazd..but it worked before08:16
parawizardstacy- something changed or broke08:16
parawizardmaitrey_: do you see amdgpu?08:17
maitrey_parawizard_: i think its intell only cause it shows in the system info08:17
parawizardmaitrey_: which card do you have08:18
stacy-parawidzard..it does not show08:19
maitrey_parawizard_: there is only amdkfd. I have radeon r7 m27008:22
parawizardmiatrey_: you have switchable graphics?08:22
parawizardright now you have intel and radeon drivers installed.08:22
stacy-parawizard..its not working08:23
stacy-i feel stressed out08:23
parawizardstacy- Yes I am not sure why. You are going to have to get someone to help you locally08:23
stacy-it showed on the list of the ubuntu laptop..but it disapeared again08:24
parawizardstacy- Sorry I can't help further08:24
parawizardmaitrey_: what laptop do you have08:24
stacy-i wish ubuntu people can write the code so the interface is more user friendly08:25
maitrey_parawizard_: not sure if switchable, but sure it is showing the onboard graphics and radeon is there too. what does it mean in reality. my laptop> dell Inspiron 15 7000 / i7-5500U/ 16GB/ 1TB/ AMD R7 M270 4GB/ 15.6" UHD 4K/ W8.1/ 2YNBD on-sit08:25
stacy-this type of os still requires alot of programming knowlege and settings very different from the ios system08:26
parawizardstacy- It works for me in 2 clicks with wep or 5 clicks with AP mode. I am sorry you are having a hard time getting it working.08:26
stacy-parawirad...did  you reboot?08:26
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parawizardmaitrey_: Do things not run well with radeon drivers? I am not sure if 270m is supported by amdgpu drivers in 16.04 or not?08:29
stacy-parawizard.. one of the connections went invisible again08:29
stacy-how do i delte it08:29
stacy-why does it keep doing that08:30
parawizardstacy- I don't know good luck. Ask for help from someone in person near you who is technical.08:30
stacy-it does not show in nmtui and unity netowrk gui08:30
maitrey_parawizard_: I guess now you can be sure they don't run :-) no problem. i have 14.04 ready.08:30
maitrey_parawizard_: anyway thanks for your time/effort! Have a nice day!08:33
amincdhi, can someone give me a brief explanation of what a 'file descriptor' is?08:38
amincdMore specifically, is there any significance to the number chosen for a file descriptor, besides the order in which the file was opened?08:38
amincdOr does the kernel just assign numbers from 1 onward, incrementing it for each successive file opened?08:38
mcphailamincd: there is no sigificance, and you should not expect the kernel to assign them in any particular order08:40
dosocketwhat is it08:41
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vltHello. I get "The program 'firefox' received an X Window System error." several times a day which drives me totally crazy. I’m trying to work here!!111! :D  Any idea what happens here and how to prevent it? https://bpaste.net/show/20fdf9ef21c208:54
vlt"firefox --version" says "Mozilla Firefox 46.0"08:55
vltaptitude says "No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed."  Everything runs on the latest versions. This problem exists for weeks now.08:56
vlt*latest means 12.04 LTS here.08:57
hateballvlt: probably due to the switch to GTK3 in Firefox 4608:59
hateballI am just guessing here tho08:59
Spookanvlt: Have you wiped it and reinstalled it?08:59
hateball12.04 is seriously old for a desktop system, you might want to consider an upgrade08:59
vltSpookan: "wiped"?08:59
Spookanvlt: Uninstalled.09:00
vltSpookan: No, What do you expect to happen?09:00
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michael_phow do you upgrade via usb09:03
vltmichael_p: Depends on what is connected via USB. If it’s a phone with tethering everything works like before.09:04
de-facto!ltsupgrade | michael_p09:07
ubottumichael_p: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.09:07
michael_pi am using 1509:09
nabukadnezar43hello where does ubuntu make download its files? the folder i pointed at does not exist09:11
nabukadnezar43also it has caused some dependency problems09:12
Bernzelis there any software for Ubuntu for creating invoice documents? Something with pre-defined forms for it.09:12
FuchsLibreoffice with templates or LaTeX with templates, the former is definitely more beginner friendly09:12
de-factonabukadnezar43 which files do you mean? download with which program?09:13
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de-factonabukadnezar43 You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these. the files you install with apt are cached at /var/cache/apt/archives/09:14
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michael_phas anyone installed steam in other flavours09:20
nabukadnezar43de-facto: not apt "ubuntu make", umake09:20
nabukadnezar43i tried to install android development environment with "umake android" which caused problems, apt-get -f install doesn't work09:21
de-factoi dont know anything about "ubuntu make" or "umake", what are those?09:22
de-factoah nice, didnt know those yet09:23
de-factonabukadnezar43 but if it caused problems reported by apt i guess it does partly use that, so trying to fix those might help anyways09:25
de-facto!info ubuntu-make09:26
ubottuubuntu-make (source: ubuntu-make): setup your development environment on ubuntu easily. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.02.1 (xenial), package size 56 kB, installed size 359 kB09:26
placeedHi all ! I'm looking to setup "on premises Landscape" but i don't really understand the pricing. I understand it's 150$ per server/year. It mean the amount of landscape server or client server ?09:29
placeedIf it's client server, it's a little expensive only to manage updates :(09:29
nabukadnezar43de-facto: it's all empty09:30
nabukadnezar43de-facto: apt-get -f install can't fix the problem, what if i delete the lock file? bad idea?09:30
de-factonabukadnezar43 if apt refuses to work because of a lock file something else is using package installations in the background, you cant use it in parallel09:31
nabukadnezar43apt works but can't fix the problem09:31
de-factowhat does it tell you?09:32
de-factoplaceed maybe you can ask in #ubuntu-server too09:32
Welastevilhi my UBUNTU friends! how are you?09:35
de-factonabukadnezar43 hmm there is some package conflicts, what happens if you request to install "sudo apt install gcc-5-base" manually?09:36
michael_pupgrading to new ubuntu via commandline09:36
vijaikumarsudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:37
WelastevilI'm having a problem with my keyboar...it is changing, massingup without any reason!09:37
nabukadnezar43de-facto: "E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)."09:37
vijaikumarWelastevil: do you have the correct keyboard layout ?09:37
Welastevilnow its ok... but suddenly it changes and starts to mass09:37
michael_psudo do-release-upgrade09:37
de-factonabukadnezar43 weird on xenial i have both gcc-5-base and gcc-6-base installed in parallel without any conflicts09:37
Welastevilsorry my ignorance but what do you mean?09:37
nabukadnezar43de-facto: it's caused by umake but there's no documentation or a helpful manpage whatsoever09:38
Welastevilwhat should be the correct layout?09:39
Ben64Welastevil: whatever the layout of your keyboard is09:39
de-factonabukadnezar43 i never used that ubuntu-make, sorry cant really help you with that09:39
Welastevilmy keyboard is in english09:39
Welastevilwhere do I check about the layout?09:40
Welastevilstandart laptop layout09:41
nabukadnezar43Welastevil: all settings, text entry09:43
QueenslayerDon't know what to make of Ubuntu09:43
de-factoWelastevil on a desktop i would run "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" on a console or check input sources in settings > region and language > input sources09:43
nabukadnezar43assuming you're using default ubuntu desktop09:43
nabukadnezar43else you can use "setxkbmap your_language"09:43
QueenslayerUbuntu needs to come to an agreement with Intel and come preinstalled09:44
Fuchsnot really Intel. They have and had such agreements, e.g. with Dell09:44
Welastevilsorry...come again?09:44
QueenslayerNeeds for specific optimisation09:45
Welastevil a have lost your text((((09:45
nabukadnezar43Welastevil: All Settings->Text Entry09:45
Welasteviltext entry?09:46
QueenslayerMy laptop with Windows 10 for instance performs better than it does on Ubuntu09:46
Ben64Queenslayer: how do you determine that09:46
QueenslayerBut Ubuntu is by far superior in so many ways09:46
WelastevilIm there09:46
QueenslayerBen64: battery life for starters09:47
QueenslayerEdge is really quick too09:47
Ben64Welastevil: how is your keyboard not functioning properly09:47
Welastevilit is! but soon, the leters and number got messesd09:47
Ben64can you be more specific09:48
nabukadnezar43Queenslayer: heard of powertop? intel's own tool09:48
Welastevilthe computer undertands that I have a desktop computer keyboard09:48
Welasteviland not a laptop.09:48
Ben64you really need to explain exactly what is happening09:48
Welastevil and if I use external keyboard, I dont have this problem09:48
nabukadnezar43Queenslayer: edge doesn't come close to chrom09:49
QueenslayerDepends nabukadnezar4309:49
QueenslayerHaving used that09:50
Welastevilhow can I "show" my laptop that it is a laptop keyboard instead a dektop?09:50
Ben64Welastevil: you don't, because there is no difference09:51
jpmhI am aboit to set up a number of VPS servers that will be used for VERY LITTLE.  They will be operating with 256 or maybe 512MB of ram, which I have determined is more than enough.  I have done all my testing with 14.4 64 bit.  Given the small amoiunt of Ram should I set the new ones up with 32 it Ubuntu, and why?09:52
Welastevilthere is!09:53
Welastevilthe descktop has more keys09:53
Ben64jpmh: doesn't really matter, if you don't need 64bit and won't, then don't use it?09:53
Ben64Welastevil: ok so? that doesn't matter09:53
WelastevilI went to keuboard layout settings.09:53
Ben64Welastevil: so for the third time, how exactly is the keyboard messing up09:53
Welastevilwhat about now?09:53
jpmhBen64 - bt is there going to be any advantage in going to 32?09:53
Welastevilthe letters and number get mixed09:54
jpmhI note you are Ben64 and not Ben3209:54
Ben64Welastevil: exactly09:54
Welastevilasdf in pmace09:54
Welasteviljkl like number09:54
Ben64jpmh: i was ben64 long before 64bit was a thing. 32 is slightly less ram usage, probably less install size as well09:55
WelastevilI dont remember allbecause when it happens I just reboot tha computer09:55
Welastevilthe right part of the keyboard get mixed only09:55
Welastevilbut it is enoght to make me pissed off09:56
Ben64Welastevil: sounds like a numlock kind of thing09:56
jpmhBen64 - thanks, if it is using less ram then I may as well go that way, are there ANY disadvantages that you are aware of?09:56
hicoleri(I'll ask again) how do I create menufiles for the menu package?09:56
Ben64jpmh: you can't run 64bit software09:56
Ben64Welastevil: so turn it off09:56
Ben64look at your keyboard and press the required keys09:57
Welastevilwhich are???09:57
de-factojpmh 32 bit binaries use shorter addresses (32 bit) in the binaries, so it might save you some ram/disk space. not sure if it may be compiled without some of the advanced features amd64 capable processors support nowerdays (e.g. some protections and, virtualization functions and such)09:57
Ben64Welastevil: use your eyes, it varies by model/brand09:57
Welastevilok, i will google it09:57
Ben64or just look?09:57
WelastevilI did it.09:58
jpmhBen64 - the machines merely run rarely used web servers and postfix and dovecot.  Any reason that they will not have good 32 bit versions?09:58
WelastevilI did not find this key09:58
Welastevilfoud it09:58
Welastevil it is togetehr with thr DELET key09:58
Guest52574Welastevil ... which kind of keyboard are you using :D ?09:59
jpmhde-facto, ty - I think I'll just rent one more VPS for a month and try the 32.  Since my main servers have more memory I was using them as 64 and so when I set up the small, I went the same way09:59
Welastevildelete UP numlk DOWN09:59
jpmhrealistically, would you expect me to notice any difference09:59
Ben64jpmh: depends what you're doing10:00
de-factojpmh the most memory used clamav on my mailserver (around 350MB!!)10:00
WelastevilI press that key and nothing happens10:00
Ben64Welastevil: what model laptop10:01
jpmhBen64 - as I say - all these machines do is run apache, which is RARELY accessed and postfix and dovecot - I just give each client their own mail server10:01
hicolerinobody has been answering me anywhere for quite a while. Well, whatever.10:01
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: i don't see any questions10:01
jpmhde-facto: yes, I don't use clamav, we use spamassassin and dkim checking and our own SPF checking10:01
de-factojpmh also amavis is quite memory hungry, if its just a small setup with no big databases in memory and only using programs written in C/CPP  i guess you are fine with those though10:01
Ben64Welastevil: hit the fn button10:02
jpmhde-facto: as I mentioned earlier, I have been running a few test clients on macxhines with only 256MB for a few months.  Have not yet run out of memory10:02
hicoleriwell, i did just now. I'll do it again: how do I edit the menu provided by the menu package?10:03
WelastevilTHANK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:03
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: unity menu?10:03
de-factojpmh also if you use postfix with the milter filters and maybe something loke dspam you might save you some ram...10:03
mika_DBAN is doing about 70 MB/s but dd is doing only 10MB/s...Hmm10:03
WelastevilThnks a lot))))10:03
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/430365/where-do-i-find-the-applications-menu-editor10:04
hicolerinabukadnezar43: no, the one from the 'menu' package, the /Debian menu you find in wms10:04
nabukadnezar43tried alacarte?10:04
de-factomika_ it may depend on block size you are using10:05
mika_i have tried different blocksizes. Same result with live-cd.10:05
minimecWelastevil: When it comes to battery life... I guess this is a gaming computer with hybrid GPU Intel/Nvidia. Probably you have both GPUs activated when on battery. So that drains battery...10:05
WelastevilYes I know10:05
mika_de-facto: bs=1M,bs=4M and bs=10M no differences...10:05
Welastevilthats why Im using withou battery10:06
hicolerinabukadnezar43: no, not gnome-menu, this menu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/menu10:06
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: ok, try alacarte: apt-get install alacarte10:07
minimecWelastevil: Ok.10:08
mika_de-facto: i would use DBAN gladly, but reason i want to use dd is because i can make script that will shutdown the PC.10:08
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de-factomika_ actually which command are you using for dd?10:09
hicolerinabukadnezar43: that is not the menu I want to edit, thats a gnome-menu editor .I want to edit the 'menu' menu, the one that wms use to display application menus10:10
mika_de-facto: dd bs=1M if=/dev/urandom|pv| dd bs=1M of=/dev/sda10:11
MaynardGot a semi-stable version of 12.04 and ran hourrrrs of updates.  Everytime I log off...shutdown ..... it says GNOME Daemon somthingorother still running but will never close unless I physically power off the machine.10:11
MaynardAny suggestions?10:11
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: wms? never heard of it10:11
mika_de-facto: dban i have the same urandom mode10:12
nabukadnezar43window managers?10:12
MaynardAlso I got a GNU backgammmon installed but it won't seem to run....too old of a version?10:12
de-factomika_ also note there is the secure erase functionality on ssd's which is much faster and implemented by the ssd's firmware https://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ATA_Secure_Erase10:12
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: what window manager are you using?10:13
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: you should have said that before. you need to edit an xml file called menus.xml i guess10:13
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/openbox#menu.xml10:14
de-factomika_ actually im not sure if you need random numbers, you can increase your speed greatly by using /dev/zero instead10:14
linociscohi all10:14
mika_de-facto: well mainly i have only hdds here. Not so much ssd's.10:14
mika_de-facto: i need to make this more "secure" so i can use same as DBAN (urandom). but somehow dban detects right settings.10:15
de-factomika_ also note if you encrypt your disk you just would have to throw away the key, not erasing any data because its useless without the key10:15
hicolerinabukadnezar43: This is the menu i'm talking about:http://s32.postimg.org/yrwkre3yt/sc2.png the debian menu, the menu from the 'menu' package10:15
de-factomika_ but that might impact your speed on usage, modern hdd's or ssd's also support hw encryption though10:16
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: can't you change it using menu.xml?10:16
mika_de-facto:  i need to reuse these drives.10:17
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: then you should ask it in #debian, that's not standart behaviour10:17
hicoleriwell.. okay10:17
nabukadnezar43hicoleri: also did you read this page: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/10:18
nabukadnezar43you may stumble upon an answer10:18
Broken_GodMaynard: https://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/ATA_Secure_Erase10:18
Broken_Godmika_: ^^10:18
hicoleriill do that10:19
mika_de-facto: im just curious that DBAN can reach to 70MB/s and dd only 10MB/s. So clearly there is a way :D10:19
MaynardSoooooooorrryy....rebooted.  Did anyone catch my questions?10:20
de-factomika_  normally its enough to write some zeros in the first megabytes of a disk to make it look like factory new, but ofc the data might be on the disk somewhere in clear text10:20
melesI installed ubuntu 16.04 on a new system with an Asus Strix GTX950. It worked fine till I updated the system today. Now the boot fails with "tpm_tls NSFT0101:00: [Firmware Bug]: failed to get TPM2 ACPI table" and "nouveau 0000:01:00.0: gr: failed to load fecs_inst". nomodeset leads to a blank screen. Any suggestions what to do?10:20
Broken_GodMaynard: sorry for pinging you10:20
Maynardno worries....not getting sound either so ............10:21
landon1best irc client on ubuntu?10:22
snypweechat if tui10:22
landon1im using weechat, love it10:22
nabukadnezar43landon1: i don't see why one would use weechat when they are on X10:23
nabukadnezar43it's great when you don't start X though10:24
de-factomeles you might want to try nvidia-340 or later (proprietary nvidia drivers) from the repos instead of nouveau10:24
landon1most the time no X, due to development reasons :P10:24
de-factolandon1 how about irssi ?10:24
coldicyfrozenhello Oo10:24
landon1tried it, its just as good i feel, i prefer the feel of weechat better.10:25
cjli connect to channel #mysql,but it says can not sent to channal,why10:25
de-factocjl you might need to register https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration10:26
melesde-facto ok i give it a try...10:26
cjlthank you10:26
Broken_Godmika_: https://tinyapps.org/docs/wipe_drives_hdparm.html10:27
de-factomika_ also https://partedmagic.com/ has some options for that10:28
MaynardGrrrrrrrrrrrr....back again.  Best way to get a torrent onto existing drive and best client for torrent.....Ubuntu and BitTorrent are CRAWLING .10:28
landon1transmission works great for me as torrent client10:28
de-factoMaynard deluge or transmission?10:28
de-factoits a good client imho10:29
MaynardI have gotten the torrent but what do I do from there?10:29
MaynardTalk like I know nothing.10:29
landon1in transmission, click open, browse to torrent. go team go10:30
de-factoMaynard you double click it and open with transmission, choose download location and start it10:30
MaynardSo I download to downloads say.... then just dbl click on it?10:31
Maynardthe torrent filel I mean?10:31
mika_Broken_God: ok i will check that. My boss just said that the disks should be rewritten only once. Thats enough. no government secrets in these disks xD.10:31
de-factoMaynard yes the torrent file is associated with transmission as per default10:31
Maynardbut I have done this and clicked on it and it says cannot run duplicate torrent....blah blah.10:32
Ben64mika_: just dd if=/dev/zero of=drive10:32
coldicyfrozencan anyone pls: FUD: Fear Uncertainty and ?10:32
chinuRalink wifi doesnt work on ubuntu 16.04 ..has anyone faced this issue earlier ?10:32
MaynardOpen the file?10:32
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mika_Ben64: zero isn't enough tho :/10:33
Ben64mika_: and probably a "bs=1M" in there, bam done easy peasy10:33
Ben64mika_: it really is10:33
de-factoMaynard then you already started it with transmission (and its a duplicate)10:33
DJonescoldicyfrozen: Doubt10:33
coldicyfrozenDJones, tks man10:33
hateballmika_: you can also use shred, which has several options10:34
chinuwifi issue on ubuntu 16.0410:34
Fremanso... quick question... ubuntu machine, runs fine for a while, eventually chokes to death on "INFO: task <process>:<pid> blocked for more than 120 seconds"...10:34
Fremancould this be because there's no swap?10:34
MaynardOK thanks ....will give it a a shot.  Anything I need to do to run it over my existing Ubuntu and erase as in a clean install?10:34
Maynardfrom torrent?10:34
Ben64hateball: which is pointless since it's impossible to recover data from a zero'd drive10:34
chinufreman.. maybe you should try and increase the swap memory10:35
toro_Hello friends... what is the best way to set my CPU governor freq to performace? tried a couple of ways but it doesn't persist or reboot, also only managed to change cpu0 of the 8 cores...10:35
hateballBen64: yes, but since they are intent on writing it more than once10:35
Fremanchinu: "mount" normally shows if there's swap mounted right?10:35
MoonBurstIf I wanted to look at what files I had in my computer, like program folders, where would that be? var? usr?10:35
chinuyes it shows10:36
de-factoMaynard you either can upgrade your existing ubuntu or you can download the iso via torrent, burn it on a cd (e.g. with brasero) or write it on a usb stick (like with usb-creator-gtk) and install it from there (overwriting your existing ubuntu with a clean install)10:36
Ben64chinu: stahp10:37
MoonBurstchinu: No, I have had no issues with my wifi10:37
MaynardSo can I do that running on a single flash at once?10:37
landon_@chinu no wifi issues here, but i hear the network-stack may have a bug. you fully updated?10:37
chinu@MoonBurst .. it somehow turns up for only ralink drives10:37
chinuchecked the threads in bug reports release10:37
chinusome of them have got this error earlier10:38
Ben64so don't use 16.04 until it's fixed10:38
mika_Ben64: i have heard that is impossible to retrieve data out of zeroed disk, but someone said that is possible to do. hmm with zero ETA is like 1 hour..i could do multiple sweaping :)10:38
Ben64mika_: it's literally impossible10:38
chinuoh yes mika10:38
MaynardI have had nothing but HELL with 16.0410:38
de-factoMaynard if your flash usb stick has enough space (say ~2GB) then yes, afaik you cant split it on several drives10:39
Fremanoh, swap is mounted, it's "15624188" big... is that bytes? cos that's tiny10:39
landon_16.04 has by far been the most stable for me10:39
coldicyfrozenmika_, kkkkk... you shulda go though microscope and stuff..10:39
Ben64mika_: nobody has ever done it, there has been an open bounty on anyone who could do it, it's never happened10:39
mika_ok guys you won :D ZERO it is. LOL :D10:39
chinubaap se bakchodi mika :P10:40
Fremanoh it's kb10:40
MaynardRoger.  Running a Frankenstein here with no storage controlller driver and this ubuntu is my only workaround....and I am soooooooooooooo fuckin lost.  But thank you very much ...now let's all croos s fingers/10:40
bst11back again: i'm running ubuntu 16.04 i installed virtualbox and get the following error10:41
coldicyfrozenmika_, and BTW, IMHO random is better than 0s (if youre trying to bloat data)10:41
de-factoFreman you can use "df -h" and "free -h" to see the space of your drives and swap in human readable format10:41
mika_anyway some "hacker" here will soon say. Thats easy to recover zeroed disk :D10:41
mika_coldicyfrozen: yeah but it takes more time than zero10:41
coldicyfrozenmika_, thats a good one...10:42
mika_what would be compromise for zero and urandom...hmm10:43
TJ-mika_: writing zeros can cause some devices to simply remap sectors from spares, and they may not wipe the swapped-out sector's data first10:43
de-factomika_ you would have to use very expensive equipment (scanning electron microscope) and its doubtable to recover from previous magnetization of a hdd surface at all, especially with nowerdays high density disks10:43
TJ-mika_: if you want to randomise a disk surface fast, then you simply create a dm-crypt device of it with a random key and then write zeros into the *crypt* device node... which results in random data on the disk itself :)10:44
de-factomika_ best way would be to instruct the disks firmware to wipe it (like with secure erase) i guess10:44
lolusuxhello im using ubuntu mate, when i click the mouse middle scroll button the clipboard text is pasting twice, help?10:44
mika_TJ-: that sounds good actually :D10:45
coldicyfrozenlolusux, your mouse is broken?10:45
coldicyfrozenlolusux, yeah, your middle button may be broken - you can try to use button <1> and <2> at the same time and see if it doubles output too10:46
TJ-mika_: I've documented it: see "Fastest way to randomise disk content" at https://squoo.sh/SHNIPS/10:46
lolusuxwhere do i do this <1> <2>10:46
coldicyfrozenjust love these mouse pasting stuff - its so Linux!10:47
coldicyfrozenlolusux, how many buttons on mouse?10:47
coldicyfrozenlolusux, <1> <scroller> <2> ?10:47
lolusuxcoldicyfrozen, yes got it but its still pasting twice though10:48
mika_TJ-: Nice! :P10:49
coldicyfrozenlolusux, aye, so your mouse is fine10:50
minimeclolusux: Deos it only happen in the terminal or in other applications too?10:50
coldicyfrozenseems fine10:50
lolusuxminimec, it happens everywhere10:52
coldicyfrozenthats bad10:52
coldicyfrozenthats one the best features on Linux systems!10:53
coldicyfrozenso simple and so fantastic10:54
coldicyfrozenI better go10:55
coldicyfrozencya guys10:55
minimeclolusux: Ok. I don't really have a solution. I don't use the Mate desktop. Is there a option in the mous configuration in the mate settings?10:58
minimecoups... He's gone...10:59
meles2de-facto after installing nvidia-340 I just get a black screen. where even ctrl+alt+del fails.11:01
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farbluehi all :) does anyone know why the fan-networking documents suggest setting using —iptables=false for docker as part of setting up?11:02
de-factomeles2 hmm you might need even a newer version then i guess (maybe -346, -352 or even -361)?11:03
de-factomeles2 you can do that from tty1 (Ctrl + Alt + F1)11:03
de-factomeles2 you can investigate further with "dmesg | less"  (":q" enter to quit) or "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less"11:07
OerHeksfarblue, you might better ask in the fan-networking channel or #docker11:08
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farblueI wasn’t aware there was a fan-networking channel! :)11:09
OerHeksme neither, dunno where that would be11:09
yahyahello people11:14
de-factomeles2 if you want to paste those you can use "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" or "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999". i have to go for now, i will be back later11:15
Alex993cchi all, i am attempting to mirror onto local network using buildmirror.sh, receiving errors:- Release gpg signature does not verify x 3, Failed to download some Release or Release.gpg files!11:19
Alex993cchere is the pastebin of the entire procedure http://pastebin.com/VfCfZhaK11:21
akisjoin #xubuntu11:24
meles2de-facto I can't enter the shell anymore. normal boot leads me into a black screen only thing that works is alt+print+raeiub. safe mode has a read only filesystem and sometimes ends up with a flickering screen.11:24
meles2de-facto I meant recovery-mode11:26
Habbiehello; ppa.launchpad.net is being very slow for me, and i found one other report on twitter11:31
Habbieis this a known issue / where do i go to talk to the right people?11:32
MoonBurstI'm having a sound issue. My headphones work, but my speakers won't. Is there a way to add drivers for this or something?11:34
mika_MoonBurst: Hmm... write alsamixer at terminal.11:40
mika_MoonBurst: what are the volume levels for you speaker?11:40
DiamondSwordhello, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 on virtualbox. I've downloaded chrome .deb file from the Google's site and installed it via Ubuntu Software Center. when I try to open chrome, I get black screen of chrome. I cannot find much help on Net. somebody faced the same issue?11:41
mrturtleHey guys, I need some help debugging PXE/ NFS root using Ubuntu....11.04. I've followed the guide and 12.04 works OK. With 11.04 I'm getting kernel hung task output for xargs and modprobe after "/scripts/nfs-premout ..done" and "scripts/nfs-bottom" done. How can I go about debugging this?11:41
hateballmrturtle: 11.04 is long since dead and no longer supported11:42
milad66hi.i have a question about fan working in ubuntu 16.04 with amd gpu.both in windows and ubuntu almost system temp are similar but fan working in ubuntu is more than windows! is it normally?11:42
hateballmilad66: is it your GPU fan? If so, what model/chipset?11:43
mrturtleI know, due to ridiculous development decisions by a separate company, we've landed a 11.04 software package we need to use. I'm not after direct support, just some tips on debugging why NFS booting isn't working11:43
mrturtleIt's working with 16.04 and 12.04, so I know my setup is OK.11:43
milad66hp 8460p with amd 7400m11:44
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bst11back again: i'm running ubuntu 16.04 i installed virtualbox and get the following error http://imgur.com/a/BbHzw11:50
Habbiebst11, imgur is down for many users right now, i suggest using another image host11:51
OsakaFoohow does the snappy archive allow for stable testing if the authors can just throw up any old code without review from repo maintainers?11:52
DiamondSwordhow can I change Chrome's hardware_acceleration_mode setting from the console or something?11:52
DiamondSwordI cannot reach chrome web browser.11:52
bst111back again: i'm running ubuntu 16.04 i installed virtualbox and get the following error http://imgur.com/a/BbHzw11:58
mrturtleFYI incase anyone interested, the problem with booting NFS is most likely nfsv4 and it's permissions handling. Mounting the share with nfsvers=3 seems like it's working12:04
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antivirtelhello all! The evolution-mapi package is missing in Ubuntu 16.04: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/evolution-mapi - is that replaced somehow? I can't select "Exchange" in create account section12:30
Piciantivirtel: it looks like it was removed from debian and thus Ubuntu:  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=80433312:50
ubottuDebian bug 804333 in ftp.debian.org "RM: evolution-mapi -- ROM; Deprecated; has dependencies that will be removed" [Normal,Open]12:50
antivirtelah Pici I see, but how can I connect to Exchange without that?12:51
ioria!info evolution-ews12:53
ubottuevolution-ews (source: evolution-ews): Exchange Web Services integration for Evolution. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.18.5-1 (xenial), package size 456 kB, installed size 2298 kB12:53
antivirtelaham ioria, I'll check12:54
BluesKajHiyas all12:57
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fitoayalanadie habla español por aqui?13:13
Insanity_yo hablo un pocito13:13
saaventoque pasa?13:13
fitoayalaah hablas un poquito13:13
fitoayalano, no encuentro ningùn canal en español13:13
Insanity_hay ubuntu-mx también13:14
AfdalHi I'm having a problem with my file system getting seemingly randomly locked to write-protect on Xubuntu 14.04.  I have no idea what started triggering this happening but it's been happening for the last month or so now.  When this happens my only option is to reboot, after which I am presented with "Checking disk drives for errors.  Errors were found while checking the disk drive for /.  Press F to attempt to fix the errors,13:16
Afdal I to Ignore, S to skip mounting, M manual recovery".  Only no matter what of those options I choose it never seems to really do anything.  I thought this was being caused by my RAID0 array failing originally, but that definitely seems to not be the case as I go back to Windows and have weeklong uptimes with no issues.  Can anyone help me?13:16
AfdalXubuntu is pretty much unusable for me until I resolve this because when the file system locks to write-protect I can't save any program settings and such.13:17
ikoniaAfdal: next time it happens you need to do diags on it13:19
ikoniais it one file system, all file systems, are they on the same disk, are they falling back to read only in the OS, or being set to read only at a hardware level and the OS still thinks it's read/write13:19
ikoniawhen you fix it, what is the error that comes up,13:20
ikoniathen you work backwards to what is causing that error13:20
Afdalit's the ext3 partition where my xubuntu OS resides that locks up, I should say I have some other file partitions and even another HDD that experience no problem13:20
AfdalAt one point I was able to reliably reproduce this due to a corrupted Xchat log file that caused the file system locking whenever I joined a particular channel and tried to load it up.  However I think that was just a symptom of the overall problem because it has returned after I deleted that file and switched to Hexchat as well13:21
brunch875heyhey! Is it possible to search from soundcloud on unity dash?13:22
Afdalokay I just had it happen again now actually, ikonia13:22
ikoniaAfdal: ok - so what file systems are read only ?13:23
Afdaljust my ext3 OS partition13:23
Afdaloh you know what13:23
AfdalI actually am unable to mount my other Windows RAID partition on the same HDD13:23
AfdalSo perhaps this is a dmraid issue?13:24
ikoniaerrr raid13:24
ikoniais this motherboard raid13:24
ikoniaI'd say thats going to be a good starting point13:24
Afdalagain though, I am certain the array itself isn't failing because it runs flawlessly on Windows13:24
ikoniamotherboard raid just sucks in my view13:24
ikoniait's flawless on windows as windows will more than likley have excellent driver support for it13:24
AfdalWell...  I've ran Xubuntu on this RAID setup for three or four years now without this issue cropping up, so I:13:25
Afdalohhh, you know what I also am unable to mount this non-RAID FAT32 partition on my storage drive as well here13:27
AfdalOh wait these mount failures are probably due to the mount point being read-onyl aren't they13:28
peyamhi. I have my made in china android box connected to my ubuntu . I want to know what model and vendor that is made of. anybody know how I can get the info out of it? this is lshw -short http://paste.ubuntu.com/16474676/13:29
peyamwhich one is my android box?13:30
Habbiepeyam, how is it connected to your ubuntu?13:30
AfdalOkay so I'm looking at /media/myusername/ and the directory icon has a box with an X on it.  Anyone know what that stands for in Thunar?13:30
peyamHabbie, usb13:30
Habbiepeyam, try lsusb -v13:30
peyamhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16474697/ Habbie13:30
peyamHabbie, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16474700/13:31
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Habbiepeyam, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12111005/how-to-register-this-tablet-to-ubuntu-udev-list seems relevant13:31
Habbiepeyam, regarding line 848 in your paste13:32
peyamHabbie, but do you know what model that is based on theat output13:32
Habbiepeyam, no, i could google '2207:310b' for you but you can do that yourself13:32
Habbiepeyam, beyond that i suggest getting adb up and running, perhaps based on that stackoverflow post13:32
peyamHabbie, but how do you that it is the android box?13:33
Habbiepeyam, because none of the other devices are it, and googling for 2207 gave me that post about an android tablet13:33
peyamHabbie, thank you very much13:33
Habbiepeyam, but, disconnect it, run lsusb again, compare output, and you'll have certainty13:33
AfdalI just don't know what to do about this.  Do I have to reinstall linux to fix it :/13:34
cruncherwas /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf removed? where do i do now the "session-cleanup-script="?13:35
AfdalAnd of course I can't even log out of my account properly since xubuntu wants to save settings on a locked file system when logging out13:36
peyamHabbie, but it seems to be something else. I just want to know the manufactorer name13:36
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Habbiepeyam, either google those numbers, or get adb running, are the options i know of13:37
ikoniaAfdal: what file systems are read only13:39
ikoniaAfdal: thats the first question13:39
Afdaljust the ext3 OS file system13:39
Afdalroot file system, whatever13:39
Afdalof course, since the mount point resides on the root file system, that's what's preventing me from mounting other partitions after this read-only locking occurs13:40
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ikoniaAfdal: no, which mount points13:41
Afdal /media/myusername/whateverthenameofthepartitionIwanttomountis13:41
ikoniaAfdal: so thats dynamic mount points13:41
ikoniaAfdal: is / read only13:41
Afdalsee I just rebooted now and I have no problem mounting them13:41
codepython777I want to host my own PPA using nginx - apart from reprepro - what else can help me do that easily?13:41
wuschLORHi there how can is disable cups from auto adding printers in my network ?13:42
Afdalyeah, the whole / is read-only13:42
codepython777has anyone here setup their own PPA up recently?13:42
ikoniaAfdal: is it read only now ?13:42
Afdalyep, just locked up again13:42
ikoniaAfdal: so if you do "sudo touch /test" what do you get13:43
Afdalthis time I had an extra partition mounted beforehand, and that partition is still mounted13:43
kgirthoferhey all - I'm t rying to scrape a website with wget and every scrape i do creates a file named after each directory that has the contents of index.html withint that directory13:43
ikoniaAfdal: please don't tell me this is raid 013:43
kgirthoferi.e. if there's a directory uploads13:43
kgirthoferhten a file uploads.1.html will be created with the contents of uploads/index.html13:43
codepython777Anyone has their own PPAs here?13:43
Afdalunable to open /var/lib/sudo/afdal/2: no such file or directory13:43
Afdaltouch: cannot touch '/test': ready-only file system13:43
ikoniaAfdal: so thats not read only thats a missing file13:43
Habbiecodepython777, repo.powerdns.com is powered by reprepro13:43
ikoniaAfdal: as your non-privileged user can you do "touch ~/test-file"13:44
Afdalcannot touch '/home/afdal/test-file': read-only file system13:45
ikoniaAfdal: is /home on the same partition as /13:45
ikoniaor a different partition13:45
Afdalsame partition13:46
ikoniaAfdal: do you have any other partitions on the same disk mounted, or is it just one partition13:46
codepython777Habbie: I was hoping to find someone using nix, or snapcraft, or something more modern to ship software13:46
Habbiecodepython777, i don't have any idea about those13:46
Afdalwell I have a swap partition I guess13:46
Afdalotherwise no13:46
ikoniaAfdal: is this raid 0 ?13:47
AfdalI guess that's not "mounted" though :)13:47
Afdalyeah, RAID013:47
ikoniayeah, this is not going to be good13:47
concordWhere is the best place to ask a question about getting Windows 10 installed in KVM/QEMU using QCOW2 disk type?13:47
AfdalShall I try rebooting and mounting my other RAID0 partition and seeing what happens when the file system locks up again?13:47
ikoniaAfdal: I can't advise the use of raid 0 for root file system13:47
Afdalpfff :D13:47
ikoniaAfdal: I can't advise using the motherboard raid devices13:47
ikoniayou're doing boht13:47
ikoniathats just an advert for failure13:48
Afdalwell too bad, I need to dual boot Windows and software RAID over linux won't let me accomplish that13:48
ikoniaAfdal: the easy solution is to buy another disk for linux13:48
Afdalnot easy for me13:48
ikoniaI appreciate that is money, but using questionable hardware and dubious raid levels is not worth the effort13:49
Afdalall right, I guess I'll try rebooting and mounting my other partition in addition before the file system locks13:49
ikoniatht won't help13:49
ikoniathat will just cause more problems and possibly add corruption to your other partitions13:49
AfdalI don't load anything from the other partition and most of my stuff is backed up, I'll take my chances :)13:51
tpw_ruleshey. i'm using Files over an x2go connection and it seems trash isn't supported. i found this out only after deleting some files, trying to go to the trash, and getting a "not supported" error. that's a rather nasty surprise. fortunately i didn't void anything important, but i think it's dangerous to not change the option if Files can't use the trash for some reason (or are they in a trash, but just not accessible? i tried ctrl+z and13:51
tpw_rules that didn't work either)13:51
ikoniaI advise against it13:51
tpw_rulesah okay that's already been reported13:55
iceyany idea when AWS will have 16.04 images?13:57
somsipicey: already up13:57
iceysomsip: I don't see it as an option in us-east13:57
Afdal"The disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present."  What does that error I see on one of these useless disk checks even mean?13:58
somsipicey: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/13:58
ikoniaAfdal: /tmp is normally ram based13:58
ikoniaAfdal: if it's disk, it means /tmp the file system is not available to be mounted so it can't progress beyond the init process that depends on /tmp13:59
iceythanks somsip13:59
Afdalhow does my OS manage to even boot up after that then?14:00
ikoniaAfdal: probaly doesn't need /tmp at that point14:01
ikoniajust a warning14:01
AfdalWell I don't have an exotic RAM setup so I'm using whatever the default Xubuntu setup is14:02
Afdalokay, file system locked again14:02
Afdalmy other RAID partition isn't locked however14:03
Afdalonly the root file system partition is locked14:03
Afdalso there's more evidence that it's not my RAID setup failing14:04
skyyris it possible to redirect a port to another machine like this: client -> ssh from ubuntu desktop to ubuntu server -> port on other machine in server's lan?14:05
ikoniaAfdal: what raid partitions14:05
ikoniaAfdal: I asked what other paritions there where and you said "none" it's all one partition14:05
ikonianow you're saying "other raid partitions"14:05
skyyrI'm trying to route a vnc client through ssh to a vncserver on the host's network14:05
ikoniaand that is not evidence that your raid 0 file system is stable14:05
Afdaloh I thought you asked which raid partitions were mounted14:05
ikoniaAfdal: you have 2 disks in a raid 0 stripe, correct ?14:06
ikoniaAfdal: you have Linux root file system, and Linux swap on there, what OTHER linux partitions are on there14:06
AfdalI have my NTFS partition on the same RAID setup mounted right now and it reads and writes just fine while the root / linux partition is locked14:06
AfdalNo other linux partitions than those two14:06
ikoniaAfdal: so that still suggests to me your raid 0 root file system is a problem14:06
ikonialook in the syslog and see if you have any warnings14:07
ikoniabut again, raid 0 + motherboard raid = high risk14:07
Afdalwhere and how :o14:07
AfdalI'm aware :)14:07
ikoniait's a text file in /var/log14:07
Afdalhmm, this is interesting actually.  I may not be the entire partition that's locked to read-only after all.  I'm seeing some other files and folders here that don't appear to be locked14:08
ikoniaAfdal: such as ?14:08
Afdalsuch as syslog for instance :)14:09
ikoniaAfdal: how do you know thats not read only ?14:09
Afdaloh that might just be due to thunar not reporting the read/write status of files that require root privileges to modify though14:10
ikoniaAfdal: touch /var/log/test14:10
ikoniaAfdal: or "sudo touch /var/log/test"14:10
Afdaloh okay false alarm, they're all write-protected yeah14:11
ikoniayou're root file system will have dropped state on raid 014:11
ikoniaI'm confident that will be your problem14:11
ikoniayou only need the slightest instability and it's useless14:11
mrbinaerskyyr: Yes it is possible. You can use ssh -L [localport]:[vncserver]:[remoteport] [ubuntuserver]14:12
Afdal touch /var/log/test gives read-only file system error14:12
skyyrmrbinaer, thanks, trying it14:12
ikoniaAfdal: yes, because it's read only device14:12
AfdalOkay what am I looking for in my syslog here?14:12
ikoniaAfdal: errors around the file system, the device, the mount point14:12
AfdalThe last item in the log was on April 1314:12
ikoniaAfdal: that suggests your in more trouble than you think14:13
mikeymophey all14:13
ikoniaAfdal: that file system has not been read/write since 13th14:13
Afdalwell I did stop using linux for like a month because I hate spending entire days dealing with these issues14:13
UbuntuDudeis there any fix for Ubuntu desktop icons overlaping?14:14
mikeymopAfdal: you get fewer issues that are quicker to resolve with time14:14
ikoniayou won't get any better/easier while you are running raid 0 root file system on fakeraid devices14:15
ikoniait's just inviting complex problems14:15
mikeymopUbuntuDude: did you try dragging them, they may not be locked to grid14:15
AfdalUmm...  Okay does anyone know that commandline copypaste uploader thingy?  I can't pastebin this log file since most likely some corrupted Firefox file is triggering one of these file system logs and preventing me from using my browser at the moment14:16
SpecialKayHas anyone here managed to get Steam working on 16.04 ?14:16
ikoniaAfdal: what are you talking about corrupted firefox ??14:16
ikoniaAfdal: pastebinit14:16
cruncherdoes anyone know how to run a script on X logoff?14:17
ikoniabut you won't be able to install it while your root file system is read only14:17
ikoniaAfdal: how big is your linux partition ?14:17
Afdal50 GB14:17
UbuntuDudemikeymop: I just tried the organize option and seems to work fine ... but still one question to go, Is it possible to make icons size equal?14:17
SpecialKayHas anyone here managed to get Steam working on 16.04 ?14:17
UbuntuDudesame as in windows desktop14:17
AfdalLet me jump in this channel on the computer in question and then someone direct me to that terminal copypaste uploading utility since I can't just open a browser and pastebin this14:18
SpecialKayHas anyone here managed to get Steam working on 16.04 ?14:19
lyzeSpecialKay, runs just fine14:19
SpecialKayare you getting it from the multiverse repository?14:19
Afdal-xubuntuOkay I know there's some sort of simple terminal tool to upload text dumps, I've used it in here before, anyone know what I'm talking about?14:19
mikeymopUbuntuDude: i would advise you just install a new icon theme14:20
mikeymopUbuntuDude: numix round will look nice with just about anything14:20
mikeymopSpecialKay: sudo apt install steam worked fine for me14:21
SpecialKayhm let me try with apt-get, might have been gdebi14:22
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.14:22
OerHeksSpecialKay, if you have an ATI gpu, you are bound to the opendriver, so steam will not be that advanced/fast14:24
donofrioubottu, graet news but will that allow people to play windows steam games in ubuntu14:24
ubottudonofrio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:24
intenseHow do I use GNU make to build all the files in a directory and put the ouput of each of the files in a seperate file? Example if I have 1.c 2.c 3.c, I need 3 Output files 1.out, 2.out, 3.out14:24
OerHeksdonofrio, there is wine and playonlinux for windows .. eh.. games14:25
SpecialKayI just looked in additional drivers, it doesn't even show my gpu, any ideas? ;(14:25
OerHeksSpecialKay, open terminal "lspci | grep VGA "# and show us the line14:26
OerHeksmaybe you just have intel, or ati14:26
SpecialKay01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Blackcomb [Radeon HD 6970M/6990M]14:26
snckrsGood morning!  I faced a small problem while trying  to "rice" my ubuntu vm: I wanted to have  the global menu to be always  shown instead of only when I hover the mouse over it, but the window names  are always cropped out if they  are too long. Is there a way to prevent that?14:26
Afdal-xubuntuikonia, do you know how I can upload this syslog file through command line?14:27
Afdal-xubuntuterminal, whatever14:27
donofrioOerHeks, no I was asking him because it seems when an app/game is in steam it's only for one platform at a time.... ;(  aka my kids cannot play games from windows steam without "windows"14:27
OerHeksAfdal-xubuntu >>  cat <file >  | nc termbin.com 999914:28
OerHeksdonofrio, well, they have to be linux compatible.14:28
TomyWorkdonofrio there are some steam games for linux. they're getting more each day14:28
SpecialKayOerHeks any idea as to what the problem might be?14:28
Afdal-xubuntuDid that work?14:28
TomyWorkdonofrio  the #steamlug channel has a bot that announces changes to linux game and new linux games14:29
OerHeksSpecialKay, read back, told you about ati14:29
OerHeksAfdal-xubuntu, yes14:29
nettowebHey guys, is htere a faster mirror than http://mirror.bit.edu.cn/ubuntu/ ? Mine is taking so long to download tiny packages: http://cl.ly/3S3F103N3t1G14:29
SpecialKayDoes Ubuntu not show drivers for those cards?14:29
OerHeks!ati | and here some official wiki14:30
ubottuand here some official wiki: For AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:30
SpecialKaythank you, im a bit of a linux newbie :]14:30
OerHeksSpecialKay, we are waiting for 16.04.1 and *hope* ati and xorg will get friends14:30
intenseHow do I use GNU make to build all the files in a directory and put the ouput of each of the files in a seperate file? Example if I have 1.c 2.c 3.c, I need 3 Output files 1.out, 2.out, 3.out14:30
OerHeksfor now: no14:30
SpecialKayokay sorry one more thing, running Steam spits this out:14:30
SpecialKayRunning Steam on ubuntu 16.04 64-bit14:30
SpecialKaySTEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically14:30
SpecialKay[2016-05-18 00:29:14] Startup - updater built Apr 29 2016 22:18:3314:30
SpecialKaySteamUpdateUI: An X Error occurred14:30
SpecialKayX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)14:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:32
symbolicadminthat was amusing14:32
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OerHeksSpecialKay, so steam does not run, can't help you there14:33
SpecialKayokay, is there another IRC room for stream specifically?14:33
SpecialKaysomeone mentioned it earlier, can't remember it although14:33
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.14:33
SpecialKayokay thank you14:33
SymbolicDeathwshworth a try.14:34
Pici!offtopic | SymbolicDeathwsh14:34
ubottuSymbolicDeathwsh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:34
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Afdal-xubuntuDo you see anything in that log that might help, ikonia?14:37
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hexafluoridehey, how do I mount a VHDX image?14:41
SymbolicDeathwshdoes everyone here use HexChat? or is mIRC still the irc client of choice?14:41
brunch875I use pidgin as IRC now14:42
Afdal-xubuntuHexChat on GNU, Icechat on Windows here14:42
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OerHeksthis join/part block page, gives a lot of clients http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages14:43
intenser4hul: Hey14:43
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Brainboxis there any magic tricks to getting godaddy SSL certs to work w/ apache on ubuntu ?14:45
tgm4883Brainbox: I would imagine you use them like every other SSL cert14:46
de-factoBrainbox you might want to take a look at https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/ and https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/14:46
OerHekshexafluoride, not sure vhdx is the same >> https://nathan.vertile.com/blog/2015/02/27/mounting-a-vhd-ntfs-image-on-ubuntu/14:47
hexafluoridetried that, Oatmeal14:47
Brainboxyeah ive looked at tons of tutorials etc and its the same way ive always done em... getting ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in chrome...14:47
hexafluoridethe tool doesn't support VHDX14:47
OerHekshexafluoride, then i have no clue, maybe someone else in this channel knows??14:48
hexafluorideit's a shame if there's no actual VHDX support14:48
hexafluorideit's even native in Windows14:48
de-factoBrainbox usually you always need your cert and all intermediate certs up to (but not including) the trust anchor root cert which the clients use to verify your cert chain14:50
OerHekshexafluoride, errr it is a hyper-v windows format, logically it will read under windows yes .. but maybe this page is any help https://rwmj.wordpress.com/2013/05/10/using-libguestfs-to-read-hyper-v-vhdx-disk-images/14:50
mikeymopi'll have to check out mirc I've been using weechat14:50
hexafluorideOerHeks, I'll check it out14:51
OerHeks!find libguestfs14:51
ubottuFound: libguestfs-dev, libguestfs-gfs2, libguestfs-gobject-1.0-0, libguestfs-gobject-dev, libguestfs-hfsplus, libguestfs-java, libguestfs-jfs, libguestfs-nilfs, libguestfs-ocaml, libguestfs-ocaml-dev (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libguestfs&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all14:51
OerHeksi think you want libguestfs-tools14:52
hexafluorideinstalling that14:52
de-factohexafluoride i think virtual box can read (and maybe convert) those, but not entirely sure, could be worth a check though14:52
tgm4883Brainbox: any errors in apache?14:53
Brainboxdoesn't look like errors14:53
Brainboxill throw in pastebin14:53
tgm4883Brainbox: is the server publically accessible?14:53
tgm4883Brainbox: if it's publically accessible, digicert has a tool that can check the certs14:54
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Brainboxyeah no errors that i can see cause an issue14:59
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de-factoBrainbox there is def something wrong with your ssl. you can test with "openssl s_client -connect example.com:443" from command line too15:00
cod23Brasileiros aqui?15:01
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:01
de-factoBrainbox also, if you want, you can use the test of this tool, its very helpfull https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/15:01
de-factoBrainbox if you dont want your results listed in public make sure you check "Do not show the results on the boards"15:03
tgm4883Brainbox: can you pastebin your apache config15:05
tgm4883for the vhost15:05
stacy-can some body here guide me step by step on how to turn my ubuntu laptop into a AP or a hotspot?15:05
brymafternoon all15:06
mikeymopstacy-: you need a special card that supports broadcast mode15:06
mikeymopstacy-: run an iwconfig and find out your wireless card chipset and see if it can do broadcast mode15:06
stacy-nikeymop.. i had my laptop working as Access point 2 months ago using nmtui15:07
stacy-but i have forgotten the process15:07
de-factostacy- very simple you go to settings > network > wireless and click "use as hotspot" :)15:07
snckrshow come that when I add a PPA from launchpad.net its packages wont be found?15:07
stacy-defacto.. ubuntu 15.10 did not let me select the WPA..only nmtui was able to do that15:08
tgm4883snckrs: did you do an 'apt update' after adding it?15:08
snckrstgm4883, i did sudo apt-get update15:08
snckrs yes15:08
tgm4883snckrs: what ppa?15:09
tgm4883snckrs: how did you add it?15:09
snckrssudo add-apt-repository ppa:flexiondotorg/slingscold15:10
de-factostacy- hmm in xenial it seems to use WPA as default there, but it may depend on your wireless card15:10
Faizhey ppl15:10
stacy-defacto..i got my laptop working as a hotspot before15:10
stacy-but i forgot the steps i took to do it15:10
Seveassnckrs: which Ubuntu version are you on?15:10
snckrsSeveas, 16.0415:11
stacy-defacto please guide me in 4 steps to click through to make the laptop a AP15:11
Seveassnckrs: that ppa has no packages for 16.0415:11
Faizis there to way to restore each nd every setting nd driver ?15:11
snckrsSeveas, so I cant install that app?15:11
Seveasyou could try the 15.10 packages15:11
tgm4883snckrs: nope15:12
OerHeksstacy-, "in 4 steps"???15:12
Faizcan someone tell me how to restore internet drivers ?15:12
ikoniarestore internet drivers ?15:13
stacy-oerkeks.. 4 or five steps i remembered that it was the steps using nmtui15:13
Brainboxit was an issue with the virtual host15:13
Faiznetwork drivers15:13
Brainboxneeded * wildcard or ip15:13
Brainboxand works15:13
ikoniaFaiz: you're best explaining what you've actually done15:13
Faizwhen i turn on my laptop , the wifi says im connected15:14
stacy-my devices arent able to connect .. its been down for 3 days now15:14
Faizthen after using the net for , like 3 mins , the neet stops15:14
Faizbut it shows im connected15:14
ikoniaFaiz: ok - so what have you done that requires the drivers to be re-installed /15:14
de-factostacy- you go into settings, then click on network, then on wireless network and click on "use as hotspot", then enable with the switch in wireless network15:14
Faizi didnt do anything15:15
Faizi was just asking how to re install them15:15
ikoniaFaiz: then why do you need to reinstall them ?15:15
ikoniaFaiz: why do you want to re-install them ?15:15
de-factostacy- but you need another internet connection then (like wired LAN cable), so your laptop provides an access point and shares that internet connection15:15
stacy-defacto... please guide me on using nmtui to get the AP working again..because for some reason hotspot button and unity gui network does not work on my ubuntu 15.1015:15
ikoniaFaiz: why ?15:16
Faiza window comes saying tht failed to connect to error15:16
Faizfailed to connect *15:16
Faizerror 45 or something like tht15:16
stacy-defacto.. yes my laptop is wired LAN cable15:16
ikoniaFaiz: again - why do you want to reinstall them15:16
de-factostacy- what do you mean by "does not work"? what happens if you click on "use as hotspot"?15:16
Faizso they might solve my problems ?15:16
ikoniaFaiz: ok, so no reason15:16
Faizi thnk they r damaged or something15:16
ikoniaFaiz: in future, state your problem, rather than what you think the solution is15:17
stacy-defacto... there isnt a configeration option15:17
ikoniaFaiz: your problem is "after surfing the net for a few minutes, my connection stays active but I can't reach the internet"15:17
ikoniaFaiz: not "I need to reinstall my drivers"15:17
de-factostacy- but what happens if you "use  as hotspot"?15:17
transhuman_hi have a question: The concept of root window is no longer relavant to Ubuntu is that correct ( I would like to run a video on my desktop(for desktop) is that any longer possible?15:18
stacy-defacto.. my devices cant detect the SSID15:18
Faizso do u know wht happens ? or wht is the reason behind it ?15:18
de-factostacy- the SSID is your computer's name15:19
ikoniaFaiz: not without debugging it - if you ask the channel your real problem, someone will help if they can15:19
stacy-defacto..there is not a WPA inside the gui for unity network15:19
stacy-defacto.. please assist me in using nmtui15:19
stacy-i remember it only too a few steps to get nmtui working15:20
Faizbtw if tht helps , but i ran fsck thing15:20
stacy-for the wifi AP15:20
ikoniaFaiz: why ?15:20
ikoniaFaiz: why did you run that15:20
de-factostacy- so what does happen if you click on "use as hotspot"? does it show you a summary of network name, encryption and password?15:20
Faizcause someone told me here to15:20
Faizi asked15:21
Faiztht is there some kind of software tht can detect problems nd then repair them automaticlly15:21
stacy-defacto.. can you login to my system and take a look15:21
de-factostacy- also make sure you enabled that hotspot with the slider on that summary screen (switch it to "on"), then your client devices shoudl be able to connect15:22
Faiznd someone said to use tht command15:22
de-factostacy- no15:22
stacy-defacto... i see the bottom it says use as hotspot15:22
de-factothen click that15:22
stacy-after i click on it .. the wifi of the laptop says its connected but its using WEP15:23
ikoniaFaiz: you'll do better, just clearly stating your problem and waiting for someone to help15:23
stacy-the laptop is connected to a LAN cable also15:23
lotuspsychjeFaiz: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall?15:23
ikoniahe doesn't need drivers15:24
de-factostacy- yes you either use your wifi as hotspot or as wifi client15:24
Faizi was gonna ask tht15:24
lotuspsychjeFaiz: what do you need then exactly?15:24
Faizi hve many problems15:24
Faizbut the first one is15:24
Faizto get my internet working back15:24
stacy-defacto.. i need mmy laptop as a hotspot for WPA15:25
Faizi cant use it without using my TP-link15:25
lotuspsychje!details | Faiz15:25
ubottuFaiz: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:25
Faizk i will give details15:26
RandomUser1234Hi all, I'm trying to use a subtitle that i found online but the formatting for some characters is all weird15:26
Faizis ubottu15:26
Faiza user or a program ?15:26
RandomUser1234is there a way to fix the formatting of some characters in a text file?15:26
somsip!bot | Faiz15:26
ubottuFaiz: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone15:26
de-factostacy- so can you please tell me, what happens if you click on "use as hotspot"?15:26
stacy-defacto.. the wirelss hotspot is using WEP.. and my devices are still not picking up the wifi signal15:26
de-factois the switch above that in "on " position?15:27
stacy-defaccto.. yes15:27
Faizthen i will give the error info15:27
Faizi will hve to remove my TP-link for tht15:27
lotuspsychjeFaiz: can you tell us whats going on first?15:27
somsipFaiz: concisely...15:27
stacy-defacto.. a few months ago i made the laptop an AP with WPA ..it was wroking..but now it does not work.. i made it work using nmtui15:28
lotuspsychjeFaiz: ubuntu version? wifi? cable? chipset details?15:28
de-factostacy- sorry i dont know how to use nmtui15:28
stacy-if i use gui it says i am connected to wireless on the laptop..but my laptop is connected using a LAN CABLE ALEADY!!!15:29
naccstacy-: you can be multiply connected to a network (or multiple networks) in network-manager, fwiw15:30
stacy-NACC... i have a laptop ubuntu 15.10 .. i need it to have the Access point working again .. it is not working and my tablet and phones are not able to see the laptop15:31
naccstacy-: i'm pretty sure everyone in the channel knows your issue -- you've been asking for help for a few days now, I believe15:32
stacy-nacc.. what step did i miss.. why is my laptop unable to work like a AP like beofe15:33
OerHeksi haven't seen you part this channel when you setup wifi adhoc, so i guess you need to restart networkmanager to complete, stacy-15:33
de-factostacy- maybe editing your hotspot with "nm-connection-editor" could help?15:33
naccstacy-: I have no idea, I've never setup a hotspot, sorry15:33
stacy-oerheks.. it worked befoe with AP ..not adhoc15:34
OerHeksap/adhoc whatever, basicly the same, restart networking15:34
stacy-defacto.. i am unfamilar with the shell editing method15:34
SpecialKayOerHeks: kudos to you, you're still here helping people out ;]15:35
OerHeksSpecialKay, just because we know ubuntu can be fun15:35
stacy-oerheks.. restart after nmtui .. you mean?15:35
de-factostacy- its not shell: press Alt + F2 then enter      nm-connection-editor        and press enter15:35
stacy-defacto.. do  you mean open shell prompt?15:36
de-factobut you can start that from a terminal too of course if you like15:37
stacy-nothing happens to my laptop if i click on alt F215:37
de-factoyou press the ALT key hold and press F2 key then release both15:37
stacy-when i click on alt on top it says hexchat15:38
de-factonot with the mouse, with your keyboard15:38
stacy-defacto..i did what you said.. with a keyboard..does the alt F2 open up the command proompt?15:39
k1l_stacy-: on ubuntu with unity it should open a "dash"  labeled "run a command"15:40
stacy-the shortcuts metothos are not all univeral on ubuntu15:40
de-factostacy- it opens an input dialogue where you can enter a programs name, in that box type    nm-connection-editor      and hit your ENTER key then15:40
k1l_stacy-: they are. what ubuntu do you run exactly? what version number, what desktop?15:40
de-factoim pretty sure that works on all GUIs15:40
stacy-i am using ubuntu 15.1015:41
ReddyTeddyHi guys. I'm getting an error 'Unable to contact settings server' Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-2q3XWaZNaE: Connection refused'15:41
ReddyTeddyWhen I fire up VNC15:41
ReddyTeddyWhen I close out of that one, I get 'Unable to load a failsafe session'15:41
stacy-kil.. can you please guide me to getting my laptop to work as AP for my tablet and phone?15:41
ReddyTeddyUnable to determine failsafe session name. Possible causes: xfconfd isn't running (D-Bus setup problem); environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set incorrect (must include "/etc"), or xfce4-session is installed incorrectly15:42
stacy-it worked before but soemthing inside broke ubuntu ..its not working15:42
ReddyTeddyHow could I check which of those the issue is?15:42
compdocReddyTeddy, which OS?15:42
ReddyTeddyUbuntu 16.04, sorry.15:42
k1l_stacy-: there are several users trying to help you. but you cant run easiest commands. maybe you should get someone to support you in real life because people in here need you to run commands and provide feedback.15:42
ReddyTeddyI do see that xfconfd isn't running, actually; I followed this guide for installing VNC : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-0415:43
compdocReddyTeddy, with Unity? doesnt work with vnc15:43
k1l_stacy-: i have not seen a linux desktop not working with alt+f2 so far.15:43
ReddyTeddyNah, no Unity. I just got a new Dedicated Server and am trying to set it up.15:43
ReddyTeddyI think I have a Dbus setup problem, since xfconfd isn't running15:43
stacy-kil... all afternoon i had been typing cat grep feed backs onto websites so they could find out..nobody seems to know15:43
techknight_I have a centralized log management server (graylog) and I want to be able to see the installed/updated/removed packages from a couple of ubuntu serveres there is running.15:44
stacy-kil... alt F2 only brings up the hexchat menu on top of the screen15:44
techknight_But is there anyway to redirect the apt history logs to syslog so rsyslog can push them to the graylog server? I know CentOS yum's package manager does this by default but i haven't been able to fina a solution for Ubuntus apt.15:44
compdocReddyTeddy, I have 16.04 server with a minimal Mate desktop working with x2go, but other software I use (bacula) doesnt run on 16.04 yet. Or at least I cant get it working15:45
ReddyTeddyAh, OK15:45
stacy-kil.. can you please help me the nmtui?15:45
nacctechknight_: i don't believe there is, at least not easily. you can use the syslog imfile stuff, but it's sort of a hack15:47
curlyearsI have a new laptop coming, a,8Ghz quad core i5 processors, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, should I just install 16.04 on it from the getgo, or install 14.04.4 on it, and upgrade it in July?15:47
=== Cursed_God is now known as r4hul
k1l_stacy-: there was de-facto trying to help you. but you could not even run the easy task he asked you to run.15:47
stacy-ubuntu is not user friendly many of the interfaces are difficult to find15:47
techknight_nacc damn that was not what i was hoping :S15:47
nacctechknight_: i guess you might be able to hook into dpkg, though?15:47
nacctechknight_: if you're ok being a layer lower than apt15:47
k1l_curlyears: if you want to upgraade anyway you can install the 16.04 from the start15:47
stacy-kil.. defacto does not how to use nmtui15:48
OerHeksanyway, restarting networking is more than nmtui, all networks should restrt to do dhcp bring life to all adapters15:48
nacctechknight_: https://wiki.debian.org/AptConf15:48
nacctechknight_: you could make 'Dpkg:Pre-Install-Pkgs' be any command, afaict15:48
stacy-this requires nmtui.. because unity gui network manager does not show the WPA for AP15:48
OerHeksstacy-, anytime we ask you to do something, you come up with another unrelated question, i noticed that.15:49
curlyearsk1l:  OK.  The laptop ought to be here tommorrow or Thursday, I have a USBthumb just waiting for it.  (I finally  have my system stable enough to d/l and copy to USB 16.04. n Befroe that, every time I d/led it, I ran into one of those weird problems I have been having, and lost the foile before backing it up )-:15:49
stacy-oerheks.. i have done what everybody told me to do.. switch on the hotspot.. but it goes into WEP and does not broadcash the ssid !15:49
techknight_nacc thanks! i will look into that!15:50
nacctechknight_: np, gl!15:51
Faizhey ppl im back15:51
curlyearsI sure hope the notebook will boot fromn USBthumb.  My desktop doesn't seem to15:51
stacy-nacc.please help me one last time.. if things doesnt work..i'll have to install windows and try to get it working again15:52
curlyearsfleopixel:  hi15:52
FaizThe problem of my wifi still presists but his time it did show any nd istead it showed my nd but i wasnt able to connect to it15:53
stacy-ubuntu has too many ways to do 1 thing and not all the menthods are in uniform and difficult to understand15:53
naccstacy-: stop pinging random people. I have already said that I don't know how to setup a hotspot.15:53
stacy-any channel i can go to on setting up ubuntu to work as a AP ?15:54
curlyearsfle histacy-  the fact that there is ALWYS more than one way to do virtually anything under linux *Unix) is considered one of its strongest features15:55
stacy-i had my ubuntu laptop working as an AP but it does not work now foor some reason15:55
curlyearsstacy-:  this is probably your best bet15:55
curlyearsstacy-:  OK.  How did you originally get your laptop ato work as an AP?15:59
curlyearsstacey-:  also, is English your native language?15:59
stacy-curlyears.. i used nmtui15:59
stacy-yes english is my native language16:00
curlyearsstacy-:  and why can you not use nmtui again?16:00
hypermistenglush stacy- * ;D16:00
stacy-culryears..when i tried to make a AP connection this time ..it does not work16:00
curlyearsrhinos are cute and cuddly16:01
stacy-the tablet and phones both dont detect the SSID16:01
curlyearsstacy-:  be more specific:  what, excatly happens?16:01
curlyearsthis is under ubuntu, right?  Which version?16:02
stacy-curlyears.. first step i would create a connection enter the ssid name16:02
stacy-ubuntu 15.1016:02
stacy-culryears.. i then setup th WPA16:02
stacy-inside nmtui16:02
curlyearsOK, WPA16:03
stacy-WPA2 personal inside nmtui is easy to find.. but inside unity network gui ..sometimes its there sometimes its not16:03
stacy-curlyears.. if i use nmtui ..do i need to reboot the computer for the configerations to take effect?16:04
curlyearsstacy-:   ahhh, and that is your question?16:04
=== MacroMan is now known as MacroMan_away
leftistafternoon. i run dual boot and i was wondering if updating to windows 10 is going to cause me any issues with my dual boot?16:05
curlyearsstacy-:   to be honest, I don't know, but that is entirely possible, yes.  Try rebooting16:05
stacy-curlyears.. i am unable to get nmtui to create a AP on my laptop using WPA again.. i must be missiing a step16:05
curlyearsstacy-: and yyou-ve looked at the available documentation?16:06
lotuspsychjeleftist: normally not, but if you cant enter windows anymore you might try an update-grub16:06
stacy-curlyears.. everybody here keeps refering to use the built in hotspot button to turn my laptop into a hotspot..but that method is buggy and does not work16:06
curlyearswhat, exactly, *IS* nmtui?  I understand it iss a user interfaxce, but for what package?16:06
leftistlotuspsychje ok thanks16:07
tertiaryi need to raise my ulimit values for my HPC configuration. is there a proper way to find my real upper limits instead of guessing?16:07
curlyearshow is it "buggy?"16:07
nacccurlyears: network manager (hence nm prefix)16:08
leftistbtw i don't need to keep anything in /tmp do i?16:08
curlyearsright.  Have you checvked all the docs available at ubuntu.com for netwrok manager?16:09
curlyearsleftist:  nope16:09
stacy-curlyears.. the WPA isnt there in the gui network manager of unity16:09
curlyearsanswer my question, stacey.16:09
curlyears!bug report16:10
stacy-curlyears..yes and the documentation are not in uniform .. all are different with each ubuntu version16:10
stacy-i was shown a 14.04 documentiation but i have an ubuntu 15.1016:11
curlyearsstacy-:  Of course they are.  You need to use the correct version of nmtui for you ubuntu version.  Perhaps you ouught to upgrade to 16.04/16:11
stacy-curlyears.. try and find the WPA inside the unity netowrk manager gui16:11
stacy-curlyears.. the nmtui is working fine16:12
curlyearsstacy-:  To be honest, I have never used the unity netwirk manager nnor nmtui explicitly, so I am just going through some basic debuggiing exercise wit you16:13
curlyearsso use nmtui16:13
stacy-curlyear..nmtui is able to configuer the wpa settings .. but unity network manager gui can not have the WPA settings16:13
stacy-curlyears.. how would you turn a laptop into a AP using uubuntu..16:14
buntunoobAnyone knows of a terminal app that allows you to create shortcuts in its menus? eg. I'd like to create a shortcut to ping, say.16:14
stacy-curlyears.. both nmtui and unity network manager in ubuntu work differently ..16:15
curlyearsstacy-  I have no clue.  I'd start by collecting and reading the available pertinent documentation16:15
dddshroomAnyone familiar with UFW and prerouting traffic from one interface/port to another IP/port? I've followed the basic setup docs but the rules don't seem to be doing anything.16:15
zincrokxhow to play with ssh16:15
naccbuntunoob: 'terminal app' ? do you mean a terminal emulator? what menus are you referring to?16:15
zincrokxi am new to it16:15
stacy-curlyears.. are you using ubuntu ?16:16
OerHeksi just read this, stacy- >>>>16:16
OerHeksAt time of writing, nmtui does not support all types of connections. In particular, you cannot edit VPNs, Wi-Fi connections using WPA Enterprise, or Ethernet connections using 802.1X16:16
OerHeksso no wpa then16:16
curlyearsof course they work differently.  One pre-existed the other, and the second was probably written because someone, somewhere, decided the first didn't do everything they wanted, or didn't do things the way they thought they should be done16:16
OerHeksnow i wonder, did you really ever did this before with WPA?16:17
curlyearsyes, thius particular machine iscurrently live botted form the DVD into 14,04.4 LTS Desktop16:17
stacy-oerheks.. nmtui can edit WPA .. unity networkmanager CAN NOT EDIT WPA16:17
buntunoobnacc, correct, a terminal emulator. Do you know of any that allows you to create custom command shortcuts? Preferably with the shortcut adding itself to the application's menu for clicking easiness.16:18
stacy-curlyears.. do you see the differences btween nmtui and unity networkmanager?16:18
naccbuntunoob: if you're using a terminal, why do you need to click?16:19
naccbuntunoob: those seem contradictory and highly inefficient :)16:19
buntunoobnacc, because some commands can be long and painful to write, whereas clicking is easier. To each his own.16:19
naccbuntunoob: but you can create command shortcuts in the shell (`man bash`, search for alias)16:19
naccbuntunoob: but you're making a shortcut for the command ... so it's almost guaranteed to be faster to tab-complete?16:20
buntunoobnacc, the command and its arguments, which can be multiple.16:20
naccbuntunoob: are the command and arguments static (like you always want to ping or you wan to spawn a dialog box and ping the inputted address?16:21
stacy-any experts in ubuntu AP confiueration in here using nmtui?16:21
stacy-please help16:21
curlyearsstacy-    no, but then, I am not looking16:22
buntunoobnacc, static16:22
=== ijens is now known as iJens
naccbuntunoob: ok, then alias is what you want16:22
naccbuntunoob: or satisfies your needs16:22
buntunoobnacc, thanks buddy, I'll look into that!16:22
naccbuntunoob: but i don't know how to setup any UI stuff in a terminal, sorry :)16:23
curlyearsstacy-:  if you don't get a response after this long, either no one here knows, or for whatever reason, someone who knows chooses not to interact with you16:23
curlyearsnacc:   you're strictly a windowing freak?16:24
nacccurlyears: no, i mean i don't use my terminal's menus or anything16:25
stacy-how is it possible nobody know how to setup ubuntu AP using nmtui16:25
stacy-i feel so depressed16:25
naccstacy-: what was the version you had it working on?16:25
stacy-nacc.. 15.10 ubuntu16:26
naccstacy-: i thought you were on 15.10 now and it's not working?16:26
stacy-nacc..my laptop was on 15.10 and it worked before as a AP16:26
naccstacy-: ok, so maybe it's more useful to figure out what changed?16:27
stacy-but now i dont know why when i configuer the settings it doesnt work any more16:27
naccstacy-: as in, did you update, etc16:27
=== marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505
stacy-nacc.. i deleted everything in the network connection..16:27
naccstacy-: that seems like a bad decision.16:28
naccstacy-: why would you delete a working configuration?16:28
stacy-nacc.. because it was not working16:28
naccstacy-: i think you are simply withholding information at this point. You just said it was working in 15.10. I asked what changed, you said you deleted everything in the network connection. Now you say it was not working.16:29
stacy-nacc.. it worked 2 months ago.. then i unpugged the laptop for 1 week and turned it back on.. from theere it did not work16:30
Cursed_Godstacy-: nmtui > edit a connection > add > wifi > set device name to: wireless interface mac ; security: WPA & WPA2 Personal ; Mode: Access Point: ipv4 config: shared ; ipv6 config: auto; tick "available of all users"16:31
stacy-cursed god ...do i need to reboot after that?16:32
Cursed_Godstacy-: no and use ifconfig for wifi interface mac address16:33
stacy-cursed god..what do you mean use ifconfig for wifi interface16:34
nacc!tab | stacy-16:35
ubottustacy-: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:35
carrotcornHi! I'm currently on a Lenovo Yoga 2, dual booting Ubuntu 15.10 and Windows 10 (of which I am currently using the latter). The laptop has a Realtek RTL8723BE Wi-Fi adapter which works perfectly on Windows, but doesn't on the installation of Ubuntu (it used to, but stopped abruptly). I followed the guide at http://askubuntu.com/questions/590414/wifi-problems-with-rtl8723be-in-ubuntu-14-04 with absolutely no success.16:35
stacy-nacc.. i have hexchat the tab key does not autocomplete the nicks16:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:36
squintystacy-,  yes it does16:36
stacy-squnity...it must be the sequice i been trying to do this.. for some reason it does not work16:37
=== tinocoff is now known as tinoco
Cursed_Godstacy-: run ifconfig, copy and paste 'HWaddr' of wifi interface(wlp2s0) to 'device name' in nmtui config16:38
squintystacy-,  case sensitive    so if nick starts with capital letter then the first character you type must be a capital letter16:38
OerHekssquinty, not true, i can type oer<tab> and OerHeks appears16:39
OerHeksin hexchat16:39
squintyOerHeks, oh you are correct. mea culpa16:39
OerHeksbut if there is an other oer<name> before me in the list, it won't work indeed16:39
OerHeksi have to tab twice or more16:40
carrotcornSorry, I got disconnected :[16:40
carrotcornHi! I'm currently on a Lenovo Yoga 2, dual booting Ubuntu 15.10 and Windows 10 (of which I am currently using the latter). The laptop has a Realtek RTL8723BE Wi-Fi adapter which works perfectly on Windows, but doesn't on the installation of Ubuntu (it used to, but stopped abruptly). I followed the guide at http://askubuntu.com/questions/590414/wifi-problems-with-rtl8723be-in-ubuntu-14-04 with absolutely no success.16:40
Archeus_hey ppl16:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:41
carrotcornubottu: Thanks, my bad16:41
ubottucarrotcorn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:41
curlyearsmy newe, larger cursor under gnome is nice, I can see it quite well16:41
OerHekscarrotcorn, al the steps, also the answer below the page >echo "options rtl8723be fwlps=N ips=N" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf ( especially the ips=N might be important16:41
carrotcornOMG i was just about to ask XD16:41
tearsAguys how can i make a clone of my ubuntu? i mean a disk image. and can i create this packup image when iam logged on?16:42
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate16:42
carrotcornWhy doesn't Ubuntu detect the WiFi adapter though?16:42
carrotcornWindows does :/16:42
carrotcornAnd Ubuntu used to :/16:42
tearsAty ubottu16:43
OerHekscarrotcorn, did you see my answer?16:43
curlyears\/whoia oerheks16:43
stacy-cursed god.. the device name is in red16:43
carrotcornOerHeks: Oops. Was on a seperate tab. I shall boot into Ubuntu, and attempt to resolve it that way, and return with my findings :)16:44
carrotcornOerHeks: Thanks, BTW16:44
MandalordI need help. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.1. Ethernet (eth0) does not work (does not get IP, DNS, gateway etc). Ifconfig still show it eth0. Windows 7 dualboot works without any problem.16:47
lotuspsychjeMandalord: update to latest 14.04.4 asap please16:48
lotuspsychjeMandalord: perhaps with a wifi dongle?16:49
=== Stephen is now known as Guest19368
Mandalordlotuspsychje: I don't know about 14.04.4. dist-upgrade does not show it. do-release-upgrade still wait for 16.04.116:49
Cursed_Godstacy-: device name should look like this xx:x:xx:xx:xx:xx (wlp2s0) ; where wlp2s0 is wifi interface16:50
Mandalordlotuspsychje: I'm connecting using my wifi. But I want to play game and wifi makes connection unstable16:50
Guest19368any hacker are there?16:50
lotuspsychjeMandalord: did you sudo apt-get update first?16:50
stacy-cursed god.. my wifi is wlp3s016:51
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy16:51
lotuspsychjeGuest19368: this is the official ubuntu support channel16:51
Mandalordlotuspsychje: yes, certainly. I almost update and dist-upgrade everyday. Is 14.04.4 a new thing?16:51
Cursed_Godstacy-: and pls use my full nick16:51
OerHeksGuest19368, this channel is not for hackers16:51
lotuspsychjeMandalord: check lsb_release -a please?16:52
nacclotuspsychje: i don't think the hwe stacks are offered automatically? that is, you specifically request the appropriate hwe stack? e.g., utopic-lts vs. wily-lts?16:52
Guest19368ada poga da16:52
stacy-cursed god.. its working!!!!!!16:52
Cursed_Godstacy-: then use wlp3s016:52
stacy-you are the greatest!!!!!!!16:52
stacy-i am on my knees now!!!!!!!!!!!16:52
lotuspsychjenacc: normal dist-upgrade should move to latest .4 no?16:53
Mandalordlotuspsychje: oh lsb_release shows 14.04.4. uname -a still shows 14.04.1 tho16:53
ikoniano it doesn't16:53
ikoniauname -a doesn't show a release number16:53
lotuspsychjeMandalord: ok looks good16:53
nacclotuspsychje: i can't recall, tbh :) maybe once you've enabled the hwe stacks, it will16:53
lotuspsychjenacc: seems like he's having .4 so :p16:54
nacclotuspsychje: yep :)16:54
lotuspsychjeMandalord: did you try a sudo service network-manager restart?16:54
carrotcornOerHeks: Hi again :)16:54
carrotcornIt didn't work16:55
Mandalordlotuspsychje: I did. Not working. Here is ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/16478015/16:55
carrotcornOerHeks: The `lspci` command doesn't list the WiFi adapter :/16:55
OerHeksusb adapter?16:55
lotuspsychjeMandalord: sudo lshw -C network showing network card driver?16:56
OerHekscarrotcorn, then use lsusb16:56
argon__ip link does16:56
Mandalordlotuspsychje: yes. It shows Ethernet Connection I217-V16:56
carrotcornOerHeks: Oh look it's theme16:56
lotuspsychjeMandalord: and behind driver= ?16:57
carrotcornHow might I get it working again?16:57
Mandalordlotuspsychje: Oh I have to mention I'm using a laptop, and change mainboard (with the ethernet chip) recently16:57
lotuspsychjeMandalord: ethernet isnt disabled in bios or so right?16:58
Mandalordlotuspsychje: I don't understand behind driver, so i just post the result here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16478083/ . I did not check the Bios, but it works in Windows 7 dual boot, so I guess Bios is ok16:59
argon__Mandalord: Can you post the output of "ip link"?16:59
lotuspsychjeMandalord: driver=e1000e driverversion=2.3.2-k looks good17:00
romaresomeone updated from 14.04 to 16.04 lts and he's having a black screen on the opening. what might be the reason?17:00
Mandalordargon__: here is "ip link" http://paste.ubuntu.com/16478136/17:00
nacc!ltsupgrade | romare17:01
ubotturomare: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.17:01
naccromare: they probably shouldn't have updated yet? :)17:01
romarenacc, yeah I also thought so but there's also this link that tells you can do it? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-to-ubuntu-16-04-lts17:01
naccromare: you *can* doesn't mean you should :)17:02
romarenacc, thanks17:03
lotuspsychjeromare: wich graphics card does your friend have17:03
romarelotuspsychje, let me ask17:03
naccromare: specifically in that article, i'd focus on "If stability matters more than shiny new features, you can always wait a few months for the (inevitable) early kinks to get worked out and upgrade then."17:03
Mandalordlotuspsychje: I guess my NIC is not something special, the thing is somehow it does not work, even when system recognize it well17:03
naccromare: but it's probably something that can be fixed anyways17:03
lotuspsychjeMandalord: take a look at your syslog and see whats happening with your network card17:04
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
argon__Mandalord: Are you having problem with ethernet or your wireless card?17:07
Mandalordargon__: ethernet card17:07
naccMandalord: are you using network manager?17:07
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
naccMandalord: has it not worked since you updated your mainboard?17:07
Mandalordnacc: yes. It worked unreliably before I changed my mainboard also17:09
=== deb is now known as leprechuanese
naccMandalord: static networking or dhcp?17:09
Mandalordnacc: dhcp. dhcpclient not work. when I tried sudo dhcpclient eth0 it result into No DHCPOFFERS received and No working leases in persistent database - sleeping17:13
naccMandalord: hrm, that's not great -- so maybe things are working right, but no dhcp offers are actually coming in? do you control your dhcp server? do you use mac filtering? did you already paste the output of `ip link` ?17:16
Mandalordnacc: argon__ lotuspsychje: this is the last part of syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16478483/17:16
pixxelAny ubuntu guru that wouldn't mind helping me? My computer freezes for about 1-2 seconds eachtime i move my mouse over a open application window and try to move my mouse between screens. Using the X.org X server, if i use the Nvidia proprietery drivers it works better but then my computer crasches when playing dota.17:17
naccMandalord: yeah it seems to just not be getting an IP from the dhcp server?17:17
Mandalordyeah it seems so. I'm not in control of dhcp server. I live in a dorm in Korea. It seems my network hook directly into Korea internet :D. This is the Gateway IP I get in Windows 7 using the same NIC
naccMandalord: you didn't have to register your laptop or anything with your dorm before? just wondering if possibly the infrastructure is doing mac-based filtering. You put a new ethernet device in and it has a different mac so the dhcp server is ignoring it17:20
Mandalordnacc: here is ip link http://paste.ubuntu.com/16478136/17:20
naccMandalord: right so you have link and such. It's just dhcp that's failing. My above guess is my best one right now17:21
Mandalordnacc: No my dorm does not require any MAC registering. I've never done that before. I moved here from Vietnam17:21
naccMandalord: hrm, and it worked in this dorm before with the older mainboard?17:21
Mandalordnacc: yes it did before. and it works now in windows 7. It just does not work in ubuntu17:22
nb_ffI'm having sound issues... Everything sounds muffled, echo-y, and far away17:25
nb_ffI don't know where the problem lies, except that it isn't the hardware17:25
nb_ffI've been changing settings in pavu and alsa for the last hour trying to get this to work - no dice :(17:26
naccMandalord: i am not sure, sorry -- nothing in the logs indicates (to me) an Ubuntu issue. It's doing what it's been told to, request a DHCP address and just not getting a response from the server.17:27
henry__What is the aplications for conections an Ubuntu machine by remote desktop to windows?17:28
Mandalordnacc: yes. I also dont see any problem with my laptop in the log. I just cannot understand why there is no dhcp response for me17:28
Mandalordhenry__: try vnc17:28
passivepiggyCheck out my new cash blog @ http://passivepiggy.blogspot.com/17:29
passivepiggyCheck out my new cash blog @ http://passivepiggy.blogspot.com/17:29
passivepiggyCheck out my new cash blog @ http://passivepiggy.blogspot.com/17:29
passivepiggyCheck out mCheck out my new cash blog @ http://passivepiggy.blogspot.com/y new cash blog @ http://passivepiggy.blogspot.com/17:29
passivepiggyCheck out my new cash blog @ http://passivepiggy.blogspot.com/17:29
DArqueBishophenry__: use Remmina. https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/saucy/remmina/17:30
henry__Another, please!17:30
nacchenry__: you mean you want to connect to a windows desktop from ubuntu?17:30
nacchenry__: rdesktop also may work, it uses RDP17:31
nacchenry__: but i think it needs more windows-side help than others17:31
henry__yes, Thanks! it is!17:31
argon__Mandalord: Might be a little farfetched, but have you tried a different port?17:32
Mandalordargon__: not yet. I did not think about that. I will find another one tomorrow. However, my room has only 1 line plugged into the wall. So if the neighbor's room's line works, then my cable has problem17:34
argon__Mandalord: Alright, good luck :) I found a very detailed answer over at http://askubuntu.com/questions/46518/wired-internet-eth0-suddenly-stopped-working-dhcpv4-timed-out which I think might be related to your issue!17:36
henry__Rdesktop: only it allows me to connect to servers 2000 but I run 201217:37
Mandalordok thank you very much, nacc, lotuspsychje and argon__ i will just try everything until something works :D17:37
henry__Autoselected keyboard map es17:38
henry__ERROR: unable to connect17:38
tgm4883henry__: I've not looked too hard for a solution to this, but on the windows servers there is a checkbox that you can uncheck "Allow connections only from computerse running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication"17:40
tgm4883henry__: that should allow you to connect17:40
DArqueBishophenry__: use Remmina with xfreerdp.17:41
DArqueBishopI'm using Remmina now to connect to a Windows 10 Professional desktop.17:41
henry__Ok. Thanks!17:41
henry__renmina it's Ok. Good17:44
henry__I am connected to windows server 201217:44
user121212Can I sync a remote and local folder always using scp?17:44
ipatrolOk, I know sysadmins at least use to do this quite often, but, in this day and age of unified DEs and fancy GUIs, is there any danger in sharing the same /home partition between different flavors of Ubuntu?17:45
ipatrolMost people have asked about completely different distros, I'm just talking about different flavors of the same17:46
MonkeyDustipatrol  no, it's the normal way to do it17:46
MonkeyDustipatrol  or do you mean two different installations?17:47
ipatrolMonkeyDust: and assuming I use the same username?17:47
k1l_ipatrol: you can do that easily on ubuntu. just install another desktop meta-package and choose the other desktop in the login screen17:47
MonkeyDustipatrol  you can then logout, switch DE, login17:47
ipatrolk1l_: problem with that idea is that my flavor does some non-standard messing around with the xdg menus, and uses a different kernel17:48
pocimacigood bye17:48
k1l_ipatrol: so its not a flavor then17:48
k1l_ipatrol: if you mean mint, you will have to ask the mint support.17:48
ipatrolk1l_: it's Ubuntu Studio, which I've been told is a "special case"17:48
Rex_Sum_EgoI know deb Linux shud i learn arch?17:48
PiciRex_Sum_Ego: not if you intend to use Ubuntu.17:49
k1l_ipatrol: ah. that still should work with ubuntu studio17:49
ipatrolk1l_: so far my attempts to even do something as straightforward as edit my menu have ended in repeated disaster17:49
ipatrolapparently Xfce lacks a good menu editor17:50
curlyearsdamn.   I just installed 14.04.4  fresh to my HDD, the ionstall went without  hitch, ended with no errors, and asked me to reboot.  When I tried, the BIOS got as far as "Verifying dmi..." abd then hung,.  On several attempts to boot to the HDD17:50
ipatrolcurlyears: how old is the HDD?17:51
curlyearsipatrol:  brand new as of November17:51
Rex_Sum_EgoPici: i just wonder if i should learn arch because it's more customizable, I have heard.17:52
ipatrolRex_Sum_Ego: no idea, go ask ##linux17:52
k1l_Rex_Sum_Ego: we focus on ubuntu support in here. if you want to talk about different linux distributions better ask in ##linux17:52
Rex_Sum_EgoI did, didn't get an answer. They are taking about running Linux on an xbox36017:53
curlyearsis this the only distro that has its own support channel?17:53
ipatrolRex_Sum_Ego: not our problem, keep asking17:53
HabbieRex_Sum_Ego, arch also has a channel17:53
ipatrolcurlyears: no, most of them do17:53
HabbieRex_Sum_Ego, or, just try arch!17:53
Rex_Sum_EgoHabbie: oo17:53
HabbieRex_Sum_Ego, in the end nobody can judge for you17:53
k1l_Rex_Sum_Ego: you could ask the arch guys in #archlinux then17:53
curlyearsipatrol:  any thoughts on my issue?17:53
Rex_Sum_EgoWill probably just try arch17:53
ipatrolcurlyears: I would usually in your place take a Knoppix CD and see if there are any problems with the bootloader or the kernel image17:54
curlyearsnote:  I haave a new PSU on order, it has been determined that my PSU is flakeym, which, theoretically, has been causiong all sort of weird problems17:54
nb_ffcurlyears: I've had hdd issues go away with a new psu17:55
BluesKajcurlyears:  could be another uefi boot problem. i don't suggest you this ,m but got fed up with the gpt and uefi/bios and wiped my drive clean and crqated anew msdos partition table formatted to ext4 and installed ubuntu the old fashioned way. disabled secure boot and used legacy mode o=in the bios.17:55
curlyearsKNoppix?  Why not ubuntu LiveDVD?17:55
argon__Rex_Sum_Ego: try it in vm and see if you like it.17:55
ipatrolcurlyears: Because it's small and can boot on just about anything17:55
ipatrolbut like I said, that's just me17:55
curlyearsipatrol:  this machine is an 8 core AMD64 FCm with 24GB RAM and 3,5TB hadd17:56
nb_ffcurlyears: also I've used freezing successfully, but I don't think that would help your problem, nor would it actually be useful (it being a fresh install with no user data)17:56
Rex_Sum_Egoaragon_:Will try it in VM box17:56
ipatrolcurlyears: it probably won't work right until you get that new PSU installed17:56
curlyearsI suppose.   Running under Live-DVD is so limiting.    *sigh*17:57
marcinlawnikHello, I have broken my php7 to apache bridge. I have both installed, but doing sudo a2enmod php7.0 says no module found. I have libapache2-php7.0 installed. Does anyone have any ideas? I also found a thread on a german forum, posted yesterday, no solutioon yet.17:58
marcinlawnikAnyone any ideas?17:58
ipatrolcurlyears: in the mean time you might be able to set up some kind of UnionFS scheme, that's the other reason I said Knoppix, because you can do that, with the OS on the CD and the other data on a USB stick17:58
symbolicDeathwshHey guys im using Ubuntu Mate with a Raspberry pi 2 and Im having resolution problems. My problems are that at first it doesnt allow me to change the resolution within the display settings section. When i try to run tvservice i get an error and when i manually configuture the resolution myself in boot/config.txt the resolution changes however its the text etc is really pixualated like im using an non17:58
symbolicDeathwshnative resolution form my monitor (which im not)17:58
lotuspsychje!arm | symbolicDeathwsh17:59
ubottusymbolicDeathwsh: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.17:59
curlyearscan't do that with ubuntu, eh?17:59
symbolicDeathwshDoes anyone have any ideas haha17:59
lotuspsychjemarcinlawnik: wich ubuntu version are you on mate?17:59
ipatrolcurlyears: you can, just not easily. Knoppix can do it fresh out of the box17:59
marcinlawnik16.04 server17:59
lotuspsychjemarcinlawnik: the #ubuntu-server channel might perhaps know more about this also?17:59
curlyearsor go to #raspberrypi18:00
marcinlawnikI'll try there then,, thanks for directions ;)18:00
symbolicDeathwshDanke :)18:00
ipatrolwhereas for UbuntuLiveDVD you'd probably have to make a customized ISO18:00
lotuspsychjeesiodos: welcome, how can we help you?18:01
OerHeksknoppix, really wonder why someone suggest that, in #ubuntu18:02
ipatrolOerHeks: different distros serve different purposes. Ubuntu is a distro for you to live and work in, day in, day out. Knoppix is a swiss army knife to get you out of a jam.18:03
compdocI dont like jam18:03
ipatrolcompdoc: what about jelly? :-P18:03
moldohello i have trouble login in ubuntu can somebody help me please ? i put the correct password but it makes a sound, a black screen; and loop me back to login screen18:05
argon__moldo: try to boot in recovery mode18:06
moldook lets try argon__18:07
OerHeksmoldo, after an update?18:07
moldoyes after update18:07
moldoand upgrade18:07
ipatrolmoldo: *sigh* figures18:08
ipatrolprobably something wrong with the DE, but at least your session manager works18:08
x220_I am installing U16.04 on a blade server and when I went to reboot after install and I see a Shim UEFI key management prompt, what is it and how do i get rid of it?18:08
OerHeksmoldo, if you are on 14.04, known issue, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/462272/cant-login-to-ubuntu-14-0418:08
moldoDE ?18:08
OerHeksremove or rename .xauthority and restart18:09
argon__moldo: desktop enivronment18:09
moldook let s try this18:09
ipatrolif you know bash you can fix it by Ctrl-Alt-F1 into the terminal18:09
OerHeksipatrol, that is what is suggested in the answer18:10
moldono i dont have bash skills18:10
nb_ffThat's making the brash assumption that you need bash skills to enter a few commands18:11
ipatrolmoldo: the instructions are fairly straightforward18:11
argon__moldo: Have you ever been able to login?18:12
nb_ff I know some laptops can be tough to actually press ctrl+alt+f118:12
ipatrolnb_ff: you might need two hands to do it, but it's always doable18:12
nb_ffSpeaking of doable, has audio always been this f'd up?18:13
nb_ffWell, not-doable, i should say18:13
argon__It's CTRL-Alt-F2 to terminal, CTRL-ALt-F1 to go back18:13
k1l_F7 is the xserver18:13
ipatrolnb_ff: Linux audio has historically had a lot of problems, including competing standards18:14
reisiohas it? :p18:14
nb_ffwhy is it so hard just to listen to youtube...18:14
nb_ffI should say that I am getting sounds18:15
reisioit isn't :)18:15
moldoargon__, i have the login screen and the password field. when i put the right password it make a sound and roll back to login screen18:15
nb_ffit's just really bad sounds...18:15
reisionb_ff: "bad"?18:15
k1l_moldo:  what ubuntu version? what video card?18:15
moldonb_ff, i can enter commands if you tell me what to run18:15
ipatrolnb_ff: for some sound cards you need to install pavucontrol and manually adjust some things18:15
argon__moldo: press CTRL-Alt-F1 and run this: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p and post the output here18:15
moldo14.04 ati 7000 series18:15
argon__moldo: CTRl-Alt-F2 to go back18:16
nb_ffI've been messing around with pavu and ALSA for the last hour18:16
nb_ffeverything sounds like it's muffled and echo-y18:16
nb_ffand vocals in the music I'm listening to sounds like it's being whispered 20 feet away...18:17
ipatrolcould be a bad audio driver18:17
nb_ffIt's worked in the past18:17
DJVGHey all, are there some known issues with the new ubuntu 16.04 installer at the moment? I just downloaded the iso but I can't get it to install on any machine. All installs faill with the message that kernel-generic is unable to install.18:17
nb_ffthat's the annoying thing :/18:17
lotuspsychjeDJVG: did you md5?18:17
k1l_DJVG: what machines are that?18:17
DJVGI'm a bit worried that i'm doing something wrong. I start the install in expert mode but not doing anything else fancy18:17
moldoit says no such file or directry  should i run that in root ?18:17
=== Fetch_ is now known as Fetch
ipatrolnb_ff: did you check which version of the drivers are being used?18:18
nb_ffNo, how would I go about that?18:18
DJVGlotuspsychje: yes, md5 sums passed.18:18
antoroHi, do you recommend Scheneier's Cryptography Engineering book for beginners?18:18
antorosorry :D18:19
antorowrong channel18:19
DJVGk1l_: One Supermicro machine with an X8 bord in it, my Sabertooth P67 moterboard and my Lenovo T420 laptop18:19
ipatrolnb_ff: Ubuntu Software Center -> Edit -> Software Sources -> Additional Drivers18:19
DJVGk1l_: No fancy hardware at all, and a upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 worked on my laptop but not using a regular install18:19
argon__moldo: Try to run it as root yes.18:20
lotuspsychjeDJVG: you could try to load safe defaults on bios to test18:20
k1l_DJVG: ok, are you sure the iso is ok? and that the usb is made correctly?18:20
nb_ffI'm only using a proprietary wifi driver18:20
argon__moldo: another possibility is to try out a differenct DE, like gnome or mate18:20
DJVGk1l_: md5sum matched and I've tried PXE booting and now trying to use IPMI virtual drive to install18:21
SYNAhey where can i find the software center in debian gnome interface?18:21
tableshow can i supply a password to 'sudo su' ?18:21
lotuspsychjeDJVG: on wich ubuntu version did you create the usb with wich program?18:21
tablesthrough the terminal18:21
k1l_SYNA: #debian for debian issues18:21
ipatrolSYNA: you'd have to install it with Synaptic first18:21
SYNAi am kind a new in linux18:21
ipatrolbut yeah, -> #debian18:22
lotuspsychje!sudo | tables18:22
ubottutables: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:22
k1l_DJVG: so no regular usb install?18:22
SYNAsorry ,  thanks18:22
DJVGlotuspsychje: I did not use any usb drive yet, but PXE or IPMI install should work18:22
TJ-DJVG: if "kernel-generic" is what you see then something is wrong, the packages are "linux-generic" which depends on "linux-image-generic" and "linux-headers-generic"18:22
DJVGk1l_: No, not yet. And I don't really want to because that means I need to drive to DC to plug-in a usb drive haha18:23
DJVGI'm trying to get some log from the installer but my console won't let me scroll18:23
moldoit says unable to open display18:23
TJ-DJVG: how about Shift+PgUp ?18:23
DJVGTried that ;)18:23
TJ-DJVG: is it the IPMI console you're referring to?18:24
moldoargon nb_ff  i m going to try with gnome18:24
romarelotuspsychje, Nvidia Geforce 920M18:24
k1l_moldo: 7000series of what?18:24
moldoati radeon18:24
k1l_moldo: what video card driver did you install? how did you install it?18:24
DJVGTJ-: Yes, direct VGA output. I'll try to scp syslog outside this machine18:24
lotuspsychjeromare: optimus?18:24
moldoi installed the one given during the update upgrade18:25
DJVGYes, nc is present18:25
romarelotuspsychje, I don't know18:25
romarelotuspsychje, is it important?18:25
lotuspsychjeromare: wich driver do you have in use?18:26
romarelotuspsychje, I don't know, it's not my pc18:26
MIJhi all18:26
moldowhen i try to install gnomme with apt  it says unable to fetch some achives maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missiong18:26
romarelotuspsychje, he's a guy from internet18:26
RandomUser1234I have a 2.3 Ghz quadcore cpu and 6 GB DDR3 RAM. Why does firefox freeze up when loading heavy pages?18:26
lotuspsychjeromare: cant he come to here?18:26
TJ-DJVG: you're using the ubuntu-server installer, so you can use its menu to access a root shell at any time, so you should be able to bring up networking, and redirect files/fds with "... | nc termbin.com 9999" (assuming 'nc' is in the installer :p18:26
romarelotuspsychje, he doesn't speak english18:27
romarelotuspsychje, plus he's on mobile18:27
RandomUser1234I have a 2.3 Ghz quadcore cpu and 6 GB DDR3 RAM and a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04. Why does firefox freeze up when loading heavy pages?18:27
lotuspsychjeromare: tell him he can try sudo apt purge nvidia* to go back to nouveau to login18:27
TJ-RandomUser1234: because something in those pages is hammering the single-threaded Javascript engine most likely. Try loading the pages with JS disabled18:28
RandomUser1234TJ: the pages run off javascript18:28
romarelotuspsychje, he cannot reach the OS, how can he type a command?18:28
moldoi think i should just reinstall it from a 14.04 dvd18:28
RandomUser1234TJ: It's all AJAX18:28
OerHeksRandomUser1234, any plugins like adblocker?18:28
RandomUser1234OerHeks, I'm usng ublock18:28
OerHeksRandomUser1234, lots of traffic then, up and down18:28
lotuspsychjeromare: ctrl alt F1 to tty18:28
TJ-RandomUser1234: sounds like the code has a bottle-neck. Use firefox dev-tools to analyse18:29
MonkeyDustromare  how can you, can he be helped if you cannot follow instructions18:29
k1l_moldo: you say "update" all the time. which ubunut version was that before?18:29
RandomUser1234TJ-: It's not my website or addon.18:29
TJ-RandomUser1234: so? that doesn't stop you using firefox dev-tools to analyse the loading behaviour18:29
moldok1l_, it was ubuntu 10.02 i think18:29
MIJCan you tell me which is better  CFS or Deadline sched for desktop use, coz i think yesterday my desktop chocked18:29
DJVGTJ-: NC is there. Was able to copy syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16479981/18:29
moldoromare, i can reach command from recovery mode18:30
romaremoldo, ok, gonna let him try18:30
pryordaIs there a way to do a memory device like freebsd does with mdconfig??18:30
RandomUser1234TJ-: But how would I fix it if it's not my website or addon?18:30
DJVGTJ-: I'm always using a 512MB partition for /boot, which should be enough afaik18:31
k1l_moldo: maybe remove the driver?18:31
moldok1l_,  yes lets remove the driver18:31
pryordaDJVG: I usually do 2G at a min. That way you can store multiple versions of the kernel.18:31
k1l_moldo: "sudo apt purge fglrx*"18:32
gustav___Quick question for you people. Is there an open source search engine?18:32
gustav___That's online.18:32
pryordagustav___: duckduckgo?18:32
gustav___pryorda: Is the software open source?18:32
OerHeksbest search engine would be ddg indeed18:32
k1l_!ot | gustav___18:32
ubottugustav___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:32
MonkeyDustgustav___  how is that ubuntu related?18:32
pryordagustav___: oh you mean like your own?18:32
pryordaI unno18:32
gustav___MonkeyDust: I'm using Ubuntu.18:32
rohanhi.. how does Ubuntu 16.04 do on hidpi screens these days? Is cinnamon still my best bet for hidpi screens, or is unity good enough?18:32
gustav___Fine. I'll find some open source channel.18:33
TJ-DJVG: that looks very revealing; give me a few minutes to analyse it more carefully. It does seem to have captured the problem. Whilst I do that check if there are also installer logs under /var/log/apt/ and maybe /var/log/install (use ls -latr /var/log/ to identify which files/dirs were touched last)18:33
moldoit remove all the stuff18:33
geniigustav___: https://www.gigablast.com/18:33
OerHeksrohan, depends on the videocard i guess18:33
DJVGTJ-: Sec, i'll copy those too18:33
TJ-DJVG: the crux seems to start with "mkinitramfs: failed to determine device for /"18:34
rohanOerHeks: I meant scaling of the font and the UI elements18:34
moldok1l_,  ok done18:34
k1l_moldo: reboot18:34
OerHeksrohan, yes, that is supported without extra tools18:34
DJVGTJ-: This machine does use a 3ware raidcontroller configured in raid 1018:34
jnxdhello, I just installed xenial on my laptop, and somehow it's not detecting wifi at all18:35
gustav___genii: Thanks. Looks awesome.18:35
MonkeyDustjnxd  in a terminal, type   nmtui18:35
moldohey k1l_ it woooooorkkss !!!18:35
TJ-DJVG: that's likely it, since the mkinitramfs will run within the chroot /target/ its building18:36
RandomUser1234TJ-: But how would I fix it if it's not my website or addon?18:36
moldo:-) thanks guys18:36
MonkeyDustk1l_  +118:36
jnxdI can't even start a hotspot if I connect through wired18:36
jnxdMonkeyDust: next?18:36
TJ-RandomUser1234: first thing is to identify if there is problem, enough to be able to report it to the web-site owners at least.18:36
MonkeyDustjnxd  do you see your hotspot, wifi etc in the list?18:37
TJ-DJVG: does the 3ware device present as a regular SCSI Device (/dev/sd*) or use some other naming scheme?18:37
TJ-DJVG: this rings a vague bell from 2007ish with a Dell PowerEdge for me18:37
DJVGTJ-: It's not a software raid but an exisiting hardware raid. There's not apt dir or installer log file, the only other log is called partman: http://termbin.com/gbb218:37
jnxdMonkeyDust: edit a conn, activate a conn, set system hostname18:37
DJVGTJ-: The device shows up as sda.18:37
DJVGTJ-: I never had this issue before with any ubuntu release on this machine I must admint18:38
MonkeyDustjnxd  'activate'18:38
lotuspsychjeDJVG: wich ubuntu version worked?18:38
DJVGlotuspsychje: I've used 10.04, 12.04 and 14.04 on this machine18:38
TJ-DJVG: Right, so no apparent reason it'd barf on looking for /dev/sda. In the terminal run "blkid /dev/sda*" and check it identifies the device and any partitions on it correctly18:38
jnxdMonkeyDust: just the wired connection18:38
jnxdand I can nly deactivate it18:39
lotuspsychjeDJVG: clean installs?18:39
DJVGTJ-: Here you go: http://termbin.com/38frm18:39
DJVGlotuspsychje: Yes, always full clean installs18:39
DJVGTJ-: Looks good to me18:39
TJ-DJVG: partman log looks correct. Are you using a separate /boot/ file-system partition?18:40
jnxdMonkeyDust: hello?18:40
DJVGTJ-: Yes, sda1 is used as /boot with a size of 512MB18:40
DJVGTJ-: sda3 is root18:40
MonkeyDust!wifi | jnxd read this18:40
ubottujnxd read this: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:40
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.18:40
TJ-DJVG: right, do you have a root shell in the installer right now on that machine?18:41
DJVGTJ-: Yes!18:41
TJ-DJVG: great, lets get to work! first confirm if /target/ contains the new root file-system being created18:41
TJ-DJVG: if it doesn't you'll need to "mount /dev/sda3 /target" and "mount /dev/sda1 /target/boot"18:42
DJVGTJ-: sda3 is mounted to /target and sda1 is mounted to /target/boot18:42
curlyearsTJ-:  why do you suppose I get 0 output when running blkid /dev/sd* and replacing * with 1, 2, or 3?18:42
TJ-DJVG: it's ahead of me :) Right, "chroot /target update-initramfs -uv -k all |& tee /tmp/initrd.log"18:43
EriC^^curlyears: try sudo blkid18:43
TJ-curlyears: because /dev/sd1 is not a valid device.18:43
TJ-curlyears: "blkid /dev/sda*" would report the device and all its partitions18:43
curlyearssudo /dev/sdc yields no ooutput18:44
TJ-curlyears: how about "blkid /dev/sdc*"18:44
EriC^^sudo blkid /dev/sdc18:44
DJVGTJ-: No much: http://termbin.com/sae618:44
curlyearsjust tried that under sudo, TJ-, and it stilll only outputs nothing, then returns to the prompt18:45
DJVGTJ-: There's no initrd image in /boot at the moment.18:45
curlyearsthat would be a very usefil command for me18:45
TJ-DJVG: OK! great, so "chroot /target dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic |& tee /tmp/dpkg.log"18:46
TJ-DJVG: we'll work backwards to the point of the failure, then work forwards once its fixed18:46
patcablehi there. i've got a bug fix into xenial. I was wondering what the process was to backport something into, say, trusty? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/157587718:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1575877 in apt (Ubuntu) "no_proxy ignored if https_proxy set" [Medium,Fix released]18:46
TJ-curlyears: maybe there's nothing on /dev/sdc ?18:46
TJ-patcable: see the docs on SRUs (Stable Release Updates)18:47
patcableTJ-: thanks18:47
naccpatcable: SRU is roughly the same for any older release18:47
DJVGTJ-: linux-image- is broken or not fully installed18:47
k1l_patcable: file a bug and talk to the maintainer18:47
naccpatcable: i think you can request LP: #1580952 (the xenial sru) also be tracked to trusty18:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1580952 in apt (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Update apt/xenial to 1.2.12" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158095218:47
patcablek1l_: I did, and i patched upstream and it's been accepted into Xenial18:47
naccpatcable: but they're unlikely to take a whole new version in trusty18:48
TJ-patcable: nice work, and thanks, it nice to see others fixing things :)18:48
naccpatcable: so you'll need to provide a debdiff to the version in trusty18:48
patcabledebdiff, okay18:48
k1l_patcable: ah sorry, didnt properly understand your first question.18:48
curlyearsmaybe because I am live-DVD booted, but the drives show up on my launch bar18:49
naccpatcable: as to requesting the above fix for trusty i believe that is covered in the sru page18:49
TJ-DJVG: so, the reconfigure didn't work, let's try forcing a complete reinstall "chroot /target apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic"18:49
patcablenacc: ok, i'll give that a read. first time going through this process so its a bit confusing18:49
naccpatcable: sure, feel free to ask questions, #ubuntu-devel may be a more appropriate place18:49
TJ-DJVG: I'll let you tack on the pipe through tee for logging if you want it from now on :)18:49
patcableah ok. I'll go there.18:50
patcablethanks for the help nacc and TJ-!18:50
MIJi ask again can some one advise if its better to use CFS or Deadline sched for desktop use?18:51
TJ-DJVG: I just noticed "Failed to process /etc/kernel/postinst.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic.postinst line 1052"18:51
DJVGTJ-: Internal error, NO file name for linux-image-
TJ-DJVG: can you "cat /target/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic.postinst | nc termbin.com 9999"18:52
TJ-DJVG: I don't have the -21 here, only -2218:52
hypercube32how can i get guest additions to work for proper resizing of screen resolution when its a mac as a host?18:53
DJVGTJ-: I've tried to use "linux-image" too which referes too 4.4.0-21-generic18:53
DJVGTJ-: My system only shows -2118:53
TJ-DJVG: yes, the others all depend on linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic so it needs fixing first18:53
MIJi ask again can some one advise if its better to use CFS or Deadline sched for desktop use?18:54
TJ-DJVG: yes, -21 is what the installer has, but since that ISO was released there's been a kernel update to running systems18:54
TJ-MIJ:  I generally use the lowlatency kernels for desktop18:54
DJVGTJ-: http://termbin.com/lo1e18:54
angel1604ltsexcuse me I have a little problem with ubuntu 16.04does not see me the bluetooth card on my laptop and an hp 4540s18:54
TJ-DJVG: reading it now18:55
MIJtell me more about it TJ18:55
gde33lol, I just dropped a bunch of files from my desktop onto a folder. They vanished alright, but they are not in the folder?18:55
DJVGTJ-: /etc/kernel/postinst.d contains apt-auto-removal and initramfs-tools18:56
TJ-DJVG: that confirms the issue is earlier, in "/target/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools" I have that here, let me read it18:56
MonkeyDustgde33  in a terminal, cd to the folder, then: ls -a18:56
TJ-DJVG: what does "ls -latr /target/boot/" show ?18:57
MIJTJ-: hi can you tell me more about it your low latency kernel?18:57
gde33MonkeyDust: which folder? the Desktop or the target?18:58
DJVGTJ-: http://termbin.com/v4jz18:58
MonkeyDustgde33  where you dropped the files18:58
TJ-MIJ: ubuntu ships -generic and -lowlatency kernel packages, the difference being basically cooperative multitasking versus pre-emptive multitasking18:58
gde33MonkeyDust: do I just type ls -a or do I have to add something else?18:58
MonkeyDustgde33  ls -a18:59
MIJTJ-: so where can i the instruction and place to install these kernels?18:59
gde33MonkeyDust: i c, dir does show them there, will ls -a make them visible in the file browser?18:59
turboooooohi, I'm running an ubuntu 14.04 on a webserver (on a vserver) - i keep getting these errors: http://pastebin.com/gdvg3gWd19:00
MonkeyDustgde33  do you see the files in the terminal? do they have a dot?19:00
TJ-MIJ: "sudo apt install linux-lowlatency"19:00
gde33MonkeyDust: no, they look normal there19:00
MonkeyDustgde33  odd19:00
gde33MonkeyDust: what exactly happened here?19:00
TJ-DJVG: I think we should try directly calling that script with the correct arguments and confirm the script is good but the update-initramfs but fails19:01
MonkeyDustgde33  not sure ... and they are invisible in the file manager?19:01
DJVGTJ-: You mean "19:01
gde33yeah -.-19:01
DJVGTJ-: "/target/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools" right19:01
DJVGTJ-: Got my new tobo today with a different return key size to I keep pressing return by accident >.<19:02
sabzeta /msg NickServ identify pisica19:02
gde33MonkeyDust: o lmao, I have a different folder with the same name but an underscore in stead of a space19:02
MonkeyDustgde33  ok, put what you just did in one line and repeat it every 15 minutes or so, until someone can help19:02
TJ-DJVG: "chroot /target sh -x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools 4.4.0-21-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-21-generic"19:02
gde33MonkeyDust: thanks for the help anyway, ill be quite now :P19:02
sabzeta /msg NickServ identify pisica19:03
DJonessabzeta: New password time19:03
OerHekssabzeta, time to change password19:03
TJ-DJVG: the "-x" ought to make the script debug itself by showing each line before executing it19:03
DJVGTJ-: Think i need /sys mounted19:04
sobersabrehi. I'm on 14.04.4 and I'm trying to run rsyslogd as a user "user1" with specific config, so that it listens on a port 10514.19:04
TJ-DJVG: ahhh maybe: "for n in proc sys dev dev/pts; do mount -B /$n /target/$n; done"19:05
angel1604ltsexcuse me I have a little problem with ubuntu 16.04does not see me the bluetooth card on my laptop  hp 4540s19:05
sobersabreI think my config is ok, but still logger did not make any impression on that instance of rsyslog. I'm suspecting I am missing something in apparmor area.19:05
MIJok let me reboot19:05
TJ-angel1604lts: what does "hcitool dev" report?19:05
lfitzi have three partitions for my OSes: win7, ubuntu 16.04, and another distribution, if i install the distribution to the third partition and run update-grub from ubuntu (2nd partition) will it detect the third distro?19:05
sobersabrecan somebody throw some hints on how to validate the problem indeed is apparmor?19:06
lfitzgrub already detected win719:06
TJ-lfitz: it ought to, grub has a script /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober that does that stuff19:06
lfitz...im dual booting, looking to triplbe boot btw19:06
OerHeksangel1604lts, internal BT? is there a special FN key to activate ?19:06
angel1604ltsTJ-, I do not give me anything19:07
=== Ecliptica is now known as Ecliptica[W]
DJVGTJ-: Finished without errors19:07
TJ-angel1604lts: OK, then it may need firmware to operate. try "dmesg | grep firmware" and see if there are any messages reporting missing firmware files19:07
TJ-DJVG: And "ls -latr /target/boot/" shows an initrd.img-4.4.0-21-generic ?19:07
DJVGTJ-: Yes19:08
MIJTJ-:  hey running on low latency kernel now19:08
angel1604ltsTJ-, ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt3290.bin'19:08
TJ-DJVG: so, the problem is that when that script is called arguments are missing19:08
MIJTJ-: will this kernel get updated everytime?19:09
TJ-angel1604lts: OK, that'll be for the Wifi network. maybe something else went wrong. Can you do "pastebinit <( dmesg )" ?19:09
TJ-MIJ: yes19:09
nickfontanayou guys heard about demonsaw ? i got it a few weeks ago but not many populate it, great open source project, we get to share files between us anonymously and with added encryption for private grouping on top of standard one.... maybe check it out join the community ? Im on debian, it works great....19:09
lfitzis there a setting for font configs? most of the displayed fonts are fairly bold.. is there a way to make them *thin*19:09
MIJTJ-:  thanks mate19:10
DJVGTJ-: Do you have any clue why? If 16.04 finishes smoke testing in our env. we'll want to reinstall to 16.04 soon, the question is if this is device specific or some kind of b ug19:10
vitorstureHi guys, i'am new on linux and need a little help here. I want to scroll down pages on google chrome but it dont work. How can i fix it?19:10
TJ-DJVG: I'd seriously hold off if I were you; 16.04 is seeing a lot of serious bugs, wait for the .1 release in July19:10
TJ-DJVG: as to this, now we know what's wrong we an try to figure out why and how to fix19:10
TJ-DJVG: we know the kernel package postinst script calls the initrd script, so the problem is likely there19:11
DJVGTJ-: Understood. I was just installing this machine because we always want to stay on top of the latest updates and security patches.19:11
nb_ffvitorsture: make sure you're on the newest version of chrome19:11
angel1604ltsTJ-,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16480709/19:11
vitorstureThanks nb_ff i will check it19:12
TJ-DJVG: hold on let me see if I can get a kernel dev's attention on this whilst you've got the system in front of you19:13
DJVGTJ-:  can try to start a SSH deamon if you want so you guys can login?19:13
Caleb--has anyone been experiencing what seem to be random reboots with the recent 16.04 with intel igpus?19:14
Caleb--i'm not even sure how to troubleshoot this19:15
nb_ffCaleb--: temps?19:15
TJ-angel1604lts: I don't see any sign of a Bluetooth device there; has that PC ever used bluetooth with another operating system, such as Windows?19:15
Caleb--nb_ff, i'm on a desktop19:15
nb_ffStill - check that the fan is on and working19:15
nb_ffand not set to run at 1% or something silly19:16
angel1604ltsTJ-,  ye  in windows19:16
nb_ffstep 1 for me is always to eliminate the possibility of hardware errors/faults19:16
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
TJ-DJVG: drop into #ubuntu-kernel. No-one has reacted yet but its quieter there too19:17
Caleb--nb_ff, can i check that from ubuntu itself?19:17
Caleb--nb_ff, or do i have to drop to BIOS for this?19:17
TJ-angel1604lts: OK, I'm going to take a wild stab and suggest this is caused by the motherboard's ACPI DSDT not enabling all devices for Linux19:18
nb_ffI would assume there's something for it. I'm mainly a windows guy, sorry :p19:18
vitorstureAnother thing i am trying to make work is the headphone connector on my keyboard (logitech g110). I plug my earphone in but it dont work. The only way to make it work is to use it directly on the cpu jack but the problem is that my cpu is way to far from me so i want to use the earphone connected in the keyboard. Can i make it work? Sorry for my english (ubuntu mate 16.04)19:18
DJVGTJ-: Done19:18
nb_ffCaleb--: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15832/how-do-i-get-the-cpu-temperature19:18
nb_ffvitorsture: pulseaudio probably has the options you're looking for19:19
angel1604ltsTJ-, and then there are no solutions?19:19
hydrajumpis `ipmitool` no longer available in apt on 16.04?19:19
Caleb--nb_ff, or do i have to drop to BIOS for this?19:20
Caleb--nb_ff, temps are ok.  ~ 40c19:20
TJ-angel1604lts: it is possible that making Linux pretend to be Windows might help19:20
=== RandomUser1234 is now known as TikityTik
nb_ffDo you have auto-updating enabled?19:21
TJ-angel1604lts: do "pastebinit <( sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep -i windows ) "19:21
nb_ffit's possible that it's automatically rebooting after installing updates, Caleb--19:21
OerHekshydrajump, yes it is, from universe repo, make sure you enabled that >> http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ipmitool19:22
squintyhydrajump,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=ipmitool&mode=exactfilename&suite=xenial&arch=any19:22
angel1604ltssorry TJ-  inside of wiki http://askubuntu.com/questions/300964/hp-probook-4540s-wifi-and-bluetooth-not-working-in-ubuntu-12-04lts is the same o no ?19:22
TikityTikI have a 2.3 Ghz quadcore cpu and 6 GB DDR3 RAM and a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04. Why does firefox freeze up when loading heavy pages?19:23
TikityTikI hear it might be because of javascript19:23
hydrajumpthanks d0lph1n98 squinty19:23
TJ-angel1604lts: I don't think so, that reports the wifi doesn't work, your dmesg log shows the wifi is working19:23
vitorstureThank you so much nb_ff it worked!!!19:24
nb_ffTikityTik: does it completely freeze or what?19:24
chandwerI have an external display connected to my laptop, my laptop's screen resolution is 2880x1800 and my external display is 1920x1080. The problem is that windows on my primary display look normal but on the external display everything is ridiculously gigantic. When I am in OSX things scale properly between the displays so it should be possible. Any ideas?19:24
TikityTiknb_ff: When I use firefox to load a page, the cpu usage goes over 100%. And I don't have the same thing happening with chrome19:24
TikityTiki have no idea why chrome is working fine but firefox isn't.19:24
nb_ffThey use different implementations of javascript, iirc19:24
naccchandwer: it's not an easily fixed thing in linux, unfortunately19:25
squintyTikityTik,  might want to start firefox in safe mode (which will disable al add-ons) and see if the problem persists19:25
TikityTiksquinty: same thing happens in safemode19:25
angel1604ltsTJ-, is the wifi is fine but does not see me any bluetooth adapter19:25
chandwernacc: it should just work out of the box... is there a bug report somewhere for this?19:25
romareis it true that you can change the location of launcher on unity now?19:25
nb_ffTikityTik: what page are you loading? is it a public page or something you are working on?19:26
TJ-angel1604lts: run the command I gave you and give us the URL of the pastebin it generates19:26
TikityTiksquinty: It's still freezing hard even in safemode19:26
TikityTiknb_ff: A public page.19:26
xanguaromare: you can change it to the bottom in xenial19:26
naccchandwer: dunno, it's not a trivial problem to solve (iirc has to do with the basic nature of the x windowing system and where dpi is stored). Supposedly yyou can use xrandr to try set the dpi scaling per-monitor, but i didn't have much success with it.19:26
squintyTikityTik, there is #firefox channel here on freenode19:26
dbz2kdoes somebody know where I can get pf-kernel for ubuntu 16.04?19:26
angel1604ltsTJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16480921/19:27
nb_ffTikityTik: this may help: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-uses-too-many-cpu-resources-how-fix19:27
naccdbz2k: what is it?19:27
w00tburgeranyone here use a webcam for home security?19:28
chandwernacc: Yeah, I tried messing around with xrandr without much luck. I mean OSX is able to figure it out so... like it must be possible. I was wondering if there is a bug report or a place I can file a bug report.19:28
chandwerlike... it's pretty broken19:28
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dbz2knacc, https://pf.natalenko.name/19:28
naccdbz2k: i see, an unofficial fork of the linux kernel? they provide the source, just build it from there? ubuntu does not support said kernel19:28
TJ-angel1604lts: so the latest Windows version the ACPI DSDT recognises looks to be "Windows 2013", which is what Linux needs to pretend to be19:28
nb_ffchandwer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/393400/is-it-possible-to-have-two-different-dpi-configurations-for-two-different-screen maybe helpful?19:28
chandwernb_ff: yeah, i tried that with no luck19:29
geniiw00tburger: Better to just ask your actual question about webcams and Ubuntu19:29
nb_ffDang :/19:29
nb_ffI've met a few people who do, but they all use windows19:29
w00tburgerI did. I am curious to know what other peoples setups are like19:30
naccchandwer: you can of course file a bug in launchpad, but honestly, i don't think this is an ubuntu-only thing19:30
MIJTJ-: hi19:31
geniiw00tburger: For that, #ubuntu-offtopic is a better channel. This one is for helping users who have actual support issues19:31
naccchandwer: i think it's a basic OOB experience in any Linux distribution, mixing dpi (quite common with hidpi) is not perfect19:31
w00tburgerrodger that. thanks19:31
nacc!bug | chandwer19:31
ubottuchandwer: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:31
chandwerit at least needs to be discussed, I'll do that thanks19:32
chandwerkinda embarrassing when OSX and Windows does it just fine XD19:32
TJ-angel1604lts: "sudo sed -i 's/^\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".*\)"/\1 acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=\\"Windows 2013\\" "/' /etc/default/grub "  then do "sudo update-grub" then try a reboot19:32
naccchandwer: however, note that it's not really validly a bug that "OSX figures it out, so Ubuntu should too" :)19:32
naccchandwer: i don't think that logically follows or is embarassing19:32
naccchandwer: both companies (and their customers) pay for that privilege...19:33
naccchandwer: and probably the hw vendors make it easy for them :)19:33
nb_ffwindows does NOT do it fine19:33
chandwerI mean, I take pride in being a Linux user so to me it's embarrassing and would like to do whatever I can to help fix it lol19:33
nb_ffwell, windows 7 does it ok. win10 is shit at it19:34
chandwerbecause I want linux to be the best19:34
nick_name_123451How do I sell software on Ubuntu; using the software center?19:34
angel1604ltsTJ-, I'm sorry you can write the commands that I have to give?19:35
chandwernacc: this is what it ends up looking like lol, http://i.imgur.com/TaaNoCX.jpg19:36
naccchandwer: i don't really need to see it, i have a similar setup at home19:36
TikityTiknb_ff: I already tried that page. I tried deleting the default firefox profile and creating a new one. Still pretty bad cpu usage.19:37
nb_ffTikityTik: one thing I've found to be true of browsers: chrome eats RAM, firefox eats CPU19:37
TikityTiknb_ff: I would use chrome, but chrome has issues with some videos. Not sure why19:38
nb_ffwhichever I have excess of is the browser I use on that machine19:38
argon__we should all go with lynx, doesen't do either :p19:38
TikityTikargon__: :|19:38
nb_ffchandwer: I'd say your best bet for now is to set it per-app. Chrome, terminal, and probably most will respond to ctrl and +/-19:40
sobersabrechandwer: this is my subjective opinioin, but currently graphical area in linux sux. the wayland is still not too useful, but xorg is already undermaintained and new chipsets are not supported very well.19:40
sobersabrechandwer: I moved to windows on my laptop due to that.19:41
sobersabreziscqo: moin moin19:41
nb_ffTikityTik: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6138475?hl=en19:42
nb_ffmaybe helpful, maybe not19:42
k1l_chandwer: make sure you got the right driver for your video card running.19:43
chandweryup, nvidia drivers19:44
nb_ffnot the best solution - change the resolution of the higher-dpi one19:45
nb_ffor force a higher resolution to the lower-dpi one19:45
nb_ffeither one will give you 'blurry' but at least you can get the text to be the same size across screens19:45
TikityTiknb_ff: Chrome seems to have the videos crash or the browser crash itself. I forgot which.19:46
angel1604ltsTJ-, Thanks now I see19:47
nb_ffWhat CPU do you have (do you know the exact model?)19:48
daniele_Hi everyone19:48
Codfectionguys my chrome screen flashes sometimes while browsing (ubuntu 16.04)19:48
Codfectionany fixes?19:49
TikityTiknb_ff: I'm on a laptop. AMD Quad-Core Porcessor A6-3400M.19:49
daniele_Can anyone help me with a problem with Gnome themes?19:49
sanguisdexhow do I turn off auto package updating. its breaking my config managment19:49
Nixen_hi, is the port guide for porting ubuntu touch still validate?19:49
sanguisdex^ xenial19:49
setrei have an old version of ubuntu and i can't update/upgrade via apt. what to do?19:50
OerHeksNixen_, join #ubuntu-touch for that19:50
vitorstureI am trying to press & hold the middle mouse button and move my mouse to scroll but it actually dont work anywhere. It seems that In Linux, the default behavior for this action (pressing middle mouse button) is generally used for pasting text. How can i change it? Its very annoying to me19:50
Nixen_ok, sry19:50
nb_ffsetre: have you tried using sudo :p19:50
OerHekssanguisdex, go into updates and choose manual?19:50
k1l_setre: "lsb_release -d" gives you what output?19:50
sanguisdexOerHeks: on the command line, no gui access19:51
setreubuntu 13.0419:51
nb_ffTikityTik: sorry man, I've nothing. Best of luck in figuring it out, though.19:52
nb_ffhm.. actually, going back to my first step19:52
nb_ffis it thermal throttling?19:52
k1l_setre: uh. you missed to upgrade a long time ago. you would need to do 2 eolupgrades to get to 14.04 which still is supported.19:52
k1l_!eolupgrade | setre19:52
ubottusetre: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:52
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vitorstureWhat should i do?19:54
OerHekssanguisdex, see this manual, set 1 to 0 in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic > https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/automatic-updates.html19:54
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k1l_vitorsture: middle mouse click is only used on windows for scrolling.19:55
vitorstureThere is no way to change it? I cant use it even in chrome19:56
angel1604ltsTJ-, ok I restarted and after restart I do not see more19:57
OerHeksvitorsture, there is no option in unity tweak too, so i guess the answer is no19:57
R13oseSome programs include files y19:59
CodfectionGuys why I cant use this command on terminal?20:00
Codfection"--disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds" --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers"20:00
R13oseSome programs including files the only certain letters are showing the rest have disappeared, how do I get them back?20:00
OerHeksR13ose, sounds like a driver issue, what videocard?20:00
R13oseOerHeks: how do I check?20:01
vitorsturelol, I cant get used to this. The ONLY way to use this simple feature is use Windows? wtf I am new on linux but it seems very strange to me, I just want to scroll down things hahahaha20:01
k1l_vitorsture: use the mousewheel :)20:02
OerHeksvitorsture, use the scrollwheel hahaha20:02
OerHeksR13ose, look in systemsettings - details20:02
vitorstureI am using it at the moment but it to slow/strange to me. I am used to scroll up/down20:03
OerHeksthat is why linux is special,... maybe there is an stupid patent on it20:03
vitorstureIs that seriously that i would have to back to Windows to use this? WTF20:04
nb_ffI'm actually pretty annoyed with the click/scroll thing in windows so...20:04
OerHeksvitorsture, keep calm, that language is not appreciated here, thanks20:04
R13oseOerHeks: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)20:04
k1l_OerHeks: yes. nice spot. could be the reason.20:04
OerHeksR13ose, any scaling set in systemsettings - monitors?20:05
R13oseOerHeks: I can't really navigate with hardly any labels in there20:06
vitorstureThank you again nb_ff, this solves my problem at least with google chrome!!20:07
OerHeksR13ose, no clue then :-(20:09
OerHeksR13ose, you might want to play with fonts and settings, to see if all fonts and sizes behave like this20:09
R13oseOerHeks: this is not happening all the time.20:10
TJ-angel1604lts: use "cat /proc/cmdline" to ensure the acpi_osi= ... values are in use20:12
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angel1604ltsTJ-, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16481557/20:16
R13oseAny other thoughts on my question?20:16
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krabadoroh angel1604lts ma quanti ne hai messi di acpi ...20:17
brymis it a good idea to dd a drive while it's being used?20:18
angel1604ltskrabador,  salve maestro  dammi una mano20:18
krabador!english | angel1604lts20:18
ubottuangel1604lts: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:18
OerHeksbrym, try it, you cannot.20:18
k1l_brym: no its a bad idea20:18
brymnice one, cheers guys20:18
brymi'm in a bind then. can't mount my nas from a live cd to dd it.20:19
OerHeksbrym, NAS running ubuntu?20:20
k1l_brym: get that hdd out and use that on another machine. or ask that NAS support20:20
Yxhuvudhmm. my usb network adapter shows up as enx9cebe804ab9c instead of eth0, and isn't able to get any network going.20:23
brymOerHeks, k1l_: not running ubuntu on the nas, and i'd rather not start pulling drives... but if it comes to it, guess i'll have no choice.20:24
imrhi, I'm trying to find xrandr 1.2 in a xenial package20:26
OerHeksinfo xrandr20:27
OerHeks!info xrandr20:27
ubottuPackage xrandr does not exist in xenial20:27
imractually, I found it20:28
imrIt was x11-xserver-utils20:28
TJ-angel1604lts: it looks like you ran the command to add those entries a few times, there should only be one set of "acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2013"  " :)20:29
imrbut it says 'newest version' when apt-getting the package20:29
OerHeks!info x11-xserver-utils20:30
ubottux11-xserver-utils (source: x11-xserver-utils): X server utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 7.7+7 (xenial), package size 150 kB, installed size 437 kB20:30
devheroHello everyone , I need hlep with my ubuntu 14 please20:31
MonkeyDustdevhero  14.04 or 14.10?20:32
Bashing-om!details | devhero20:32
ubottudevhero: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:32
angel1604ltsTJ-, solutions? please20:32
imrdon't ask to ask, just ask. ;p20:32
devheroalright ..just wanted to make sure there is someone listening :)20:32
devherohere is the problem, I have dual OS on my laptop , I have Windows and Ubuntu .20:33
OerHeksimr, so no newer xrandr, why do you need that version20:33
Ben64devhero: you'll get better results if you just ask your actual question, nobody really responds to the "i need hlep" kind of stuff usually20:33
devheroafter a Windows update, both systems failed to boot20:33
imrOerHeks, xfce display settings says that20:33
imr'you have xrandr 1.1, you need 1.2'20:34
devheroI got the grub resuce screen, I tried to fix the grub without any luck , I ended up using the Windows CD to repiar the boot and my laptop boot directly now to Windows20:34
devherowhen I try to view the partitions , the ubuntu partion appears as free space !20:35
imrprobably because windows reformatted? maybe?20:35
devheroand maybe this is why I couldnt fix it via the grub rescue tools20:35
devheroI don't think windows is stupid enough to do that20:35
TJ-angel1604lts: firstly, use a text editor to clean up the line in /etc/default/grub so it only has one set of options . something like "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub" and goto the line starting GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= and edit it to have only one set of "acpi_osi=! acpi_osi=\"Windows 2013\"  "20:35
TJ-angel1604lts: then save the file and do "sudo update-grub"20:36
minimecdevhero: Windows cannot read ext4 partitions. So the partition might show as something as unknown...20:36
devheroit was a major windows update that started all this20:36
OerHeksimr, hmm you might want to reask in #xubuntu20:36
imrOerHeks, okay, I'll try.20:36
devherowhat is #xubuntu ?20:36
imrsupport channel for xubuntu20:37
Ben64devhero: pop in an ubuntu dvd/usb and come back here20:37
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE20:37
devherook , I just noticed it is an answer for someone else :)20:37
OerHeksxubuntu is a DE20:37
devhero@minimec, you are right, the patition format should appear as unknow or anything else but not as free space20:38
OerHeksdevhero, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2320440 maybe it applies to you too20:38
devheroin the grub resuce , when i tried to run : ls (hd0,msdosx)/20:39
OerHeksThread: Windows 10 update wiped grub and ubuntu 12.04 dual boot.20:39
devheroI get nothing20:39
Ben64devhero: pop in an ubuntu dvd/usb and come back here20:39
devherothanks @OerHeks, I will check it out now20:40
devheroI read many articles , none of them was quite solving the same exact problem20:40
OerHeksto solve it, follow Ben64 advice, boot the live iso20:41
Ben64don't even know what the problem actually is yet, just speculating so far20:41
OerHekssee #1020:43
devheroyes , I will follow the last post (#10) and I hope this will fix the problem , thanks so much guys !20:46
anopsWhich Ubuntu Version should I pick? I mainly do research and have to run complex environments in VMs for machine-learning or web-development20:51
thebluesquirelHow can I take music off an apple device in ubuntu?20:52
Ben64anops: version? 16.0420:52
anopsI also really want to have zfs snapshots for my real important tasks20:52
anopsBen64: I only have a 5y old legacy notebook with switchable AMD Radeon HD4500 graphics, would that run?20:53
imrserver 16.04 would help, probably.20:53
anopsimr: server 16.04?20:54
imrif you need gui though, you'll have to manually apt-get it20:54
imranops, yes, server 16.0420:54
anopsimr: that really sounds like a good idea, but is it possible to run VMs int tty1-7?20:58
anopsI really would love to have something like this https://www.qubes-os.org/attachment/wiki/GettingStarted/r2b1-dom0-konsole.png20:59
Ben64not sure you can run a bunch of vms on a laptop you're not sure can even run ubuntu20:59
anopsOh I runs Ubuntu, but I don't know if 16.04 dropped some compatibility for legacy laptops and graphics cards21:00
OerHeksati 4xxx is supported by the open driver21:01
ubottuFor AMD/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:01
anopsOerHeks: oh that's greatnews!21:01
OerHekslimited 3d, maybe youtube can run ..21:01
Codfectionhow to update to new kernal?21:01
Ben64Codfection: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade21:02
OerHeksCodfection, wait for an update, else you can use a kernel from mainline, but then you are on your own21:02
imrCodfection, you can usually upgrade through this command21:02
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:02
k1l_Codfection: what new kernel?21:02
imrsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade21:02
Codfectionsudo apt-get dist-upgrade is same as full upgrade?21:02
Codfectionk1l_, 4.621:03
OerHekswhy do you need a newer kernel ?21:03
imryes, I believe so21:03
k1l_Codfection: no ubuntu ships 4.6. you will need the mainline for that21:03
CodfectionOerHeks, perhaps improvement21:03
Codfectionin security21:03
Codfectionand existing kernal21:03
Ben64perhaps is not a good reason to do that21:03
OerHeks4.6 is just released, i wouldn't try ..21:03
OerHekssecurity .. really?21:03
anopsMost of my research projects would require lots of compilation and installation of stuff I wouldn't need after it's completed. Is there a comfortable way to manage lightweight Containers for this task?21:04
k1l_Codfection: ubuntu includes the security stuff into the old kernels.21:04
Codfectionk1l_, oh I see.. thanks. didnt know about that21:04
k1l_!usn  | Codfection21:04
ubottuCodfection: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.21:04
Codfectionso the kernal we use in ubuntu is different than original kernal for linux?21:04
Codfectionmodified version?21:04
k1l_yes. its called security backports.21:05
OerHeksthere are more than 1 stable kernels that get security updates21:05
Codfectionk1l_, thanks. didnt know about that.21:05
CodfectionOerHeks, alright21:05
Codfectionso I guess I should wait21:05
Bomber4ChatsI would highly appreciate it if someone could help me with my issue with make-ing opencv on my machine: http://pastebin.com/VDtcC4Yz21:06
Codfectionfor ubuntu to officially release the latest kernal21:06
k1l_Codfection: ubuntu versions stay on one major kernel version.21:06
Codfectionso k1l_ .21:07
anopsIs there a way to create a lightweight containers for work which only isolates the application and environment for me, but shares the kernel?21:07
Codfectionsecurity backports are done by debian team right?21:07
anopsin Server 16.0421:07
Codfectionas ubuntu is based on debian21:07
k1l_Codfection: so 15.10 was released with kernel 4.2 and stays on 4.2. but it gets security and heavy bug updates all the time, as long as 15.10 is supported.21:07
OerHeksanops, that is the key of containers <> vm, it shares kernel21:07
k1l_Codfection: no. ubuntu got an own security team dealing with that.21:07
Codfectionk1l_, wow. good to know that. thanks :)21:08
k1l_but it will stay on 4.2 just the number after that will change. so like 4.2.13 to 4.2.19 etc21:08
Codfectionso it wont ever get updated to latest kernals?21:09
Codfectionhow about 16.0421:09
anopsOerHeks: oh and how should I manage such containers in server 16.04, so that I can start one isolated graphical desktop on tty1 and a research project on tty2?21:09
OerHeks<Codfection> so it wont ever get updated to latest kernals? wrong, eventually it will21:09
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k1l_Codfection: only difference is for the LTS versions. they get an additional kernel version 3 month after that kernel was released in a new ubuntu21:09
sebsebsebOk I have just upgraded 15.10 to 16.04 and installed the Unity8 package from the repos which bought in quite a few other packages as well, as expected from a meta package.  Howevever Unity 8 is not an option on the log in screen after install, which I was hoping it would be. So how do I launch it?21:10
OerHeksCodfection, somehow this is not a support question, just chit-chat21:10
CodfectionOerHeks, its ubuntu related I guess. we should know about kernals if we are actually using the system21:10
k1l_sebsebseb: look at mhall119 s website posting to see what you need to install and do.21:10
sebsebsebk1l_: got a link ?21:10
tgm4883which is what #ubuntu-discuss is for21:11
k1l_Codfection: that is basically true for all ubuntu packages. you dont get version udpates. just security fixes ported back to the old version (except webbrowsers).21:11
k1l_sebsebseb: http://mhall119.com/2016/05/dogfooding-unity-8/21:12
Codfectionthat should be changed. shouldnt it? what do you think k1l_21:12
k1l_Codfection: no21:12
k1l_Codfection: please read about stable-relase-system (what debian and ubuntu is) and a rolling-release-system what you say you want.21:12
Codfectionalright k1l_. thanks :)21:13
Codfectionregarding sebsebseb. unity 8 will come to ubuntu 16.04?21:13
sebsebsebk1l_: hmm his package starts mentiong a ppa,  so the actsual Unity8 package in the 16.04 repos is pretty much useless maybe then?21:14
k1l_Codfection: read the link. its already in 16.04. its not the default desktop.21:14
k1l_sebsebseb: no. but there is a lot of development now and the packages in the repos dont get updated.21:14
sebsebsebk1l_: his guide I meant21:14
sebsebsebk1l_: ok but I guess I Got a older Unty 8 installed then, it's just showing on the log in screen for some reason,  so can't just load it up,  any idea how to get that one loading up?  editing the log in screen or whatever21:15
k1l_sebsebseb: read his blockpost please. he talks about common issues and stuff.21:15
sebsebsebk1l_: yeah didn't finnish reading, bbut it started menting a ppa like straight away so21:16
sebsebsebso not the one from repos21:16
sebsebsebk1l_: maybe this will work for the one from repos: sudo apt install unity8-desktop-session-mir21:17
alexmhanops, if you're trying to run graphical apps from docker, check out these resources https://blog.jessfraz.com/post/docker-containers-on-the-desktop/ http://fabiorehm.com/blog/2014/09/11/running-gui-apps-with-docker/21:17
sebsebsebk1l_: if I got a older version installed I would want to try the older version, before doing a later one, but well that's me :D21:18
k1l_sebsebseb: yes. that package is what is needed and its in the official repos.21:18
sebsebsebk1l_: ok I'll try that I guess :)21:18
sebsebsebk1l_: can run a ppa later on for an update anyway as well so21:18
k1l_sebsebseb: but i will stop answering until you read that blogpost so i dont have to write the blogpost complete in here again ;p21:18
k1l_hi paolo__21:20
paolo__somebody expert abou xfce here ???21:20
paolo__somebody expert abou xfce here ???21:21
paolo__somebody expert abou xfce here ???21:21
OerHekspaolo__, try #xubuntu21:22
k1l_paolo__: we dont know until you ask a real technical question21:22
paolo__yes, I am using xfce since years...  I changed the default file managers with nautilus21:22
anopsalexmh: That really sounds like what I want. Wish it would be a little more easy though, sometimes you just want to get work done, hope you don't missundersand. It's not about being lazy, but having just too much work to do other than learning docker or lxc21:23
safari_hi everyone! I"ve tried sending udp through bash and python and keep getting UDPsock.sendto errors and "operation not permitted" when trying to echo udp commands, both   even when sudo.  Anyone know about this?21:23
paolo__I changed the default file managers with nautilus but desktop and volumes mounting still use thunar, which gives problems...  how can I change desktop and volumes mounting settings in order to purge thunar ?21:24
sebsebsebk1l_: ok  read it mostly  and word for wordd or mostly21:24
alexmhanops, oh, well you said containers, so docker and lxc came to mind immediately :)21:24
paolo__thanks if you can answer21:24
sebsebsebk1l_: yes may bump into a few issues then21:24
OerHekspaolo__, remove thunar then,  sudo apt-get purge thunar*21:24
sebsebsebk1l_: trying the repos one or the ppa21:24
k1l_unity8-desktop-session-mir is the right pacakge, sebsebseb21:24
sebsebsebk1l_: and then it depends if something comes up or not I guess21:25
sebsebsebk1l_: but yes I'll try that first21:25
k1l_because unity8 is running on MIR only. so you need that wrapper to be able to run that at all. but that is in the repos, in the ppa its just a newer version.21:25
anopsalexmh: no, you're absolutely right, I think I need to setup Server 16.04 and learn how I can use zfs to snapshot important work in these containers21:25
k1l_you will need to enable the service as explained in the blogpost.21:26
sebsebsebk1l_: yes I understand that ppa is for newer version, so  will probably do that later on,  first do repos stuff21:26
alexmhanops, Why not just use duplicity to back things up?21:26
anopsalexmh: I usually do two remote copies of important files onto seperate disks and zfs send is very fast21:27
paolo__changing the file xfce4-session.xml the voice 'thunar'  with 'nautilus'  should solve the problem ?21:27
anopsalexmh: I'm just very new to zfs, so I've learned howto backups snapshots via zfs send, but have no clue how I reliably rollback without destroying newer snapshots21:27
sebsebsebk1l_: ok thanks for your help :)21:28
OerHekspaolo__, you might want to reask in #xubuntu21:30
sebsebsebk1l_: whats silo in his brackets?21:30
alexmhanops, well good luck, duplicity is pretty great for backup though, so you could consider it, I backup my home directory and /etc/ and it only takes about 2.5 minutes to do so incrementally21:31
alexmhIt also supports a variety of storage solutions21:31
MaynardHeello All.  I installed AMD64 14.04 through transmission and sent it upon download directlly to the USB I wanted to use for a bootable flash.  I can see the files on there but it will not boot from the drive.  Any suggestions?21:32
OerHeksanops, see snapshots, all of them get an unique name https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/ZFS21:32
k1l_sebsebseb: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg08977.html21:32
sean_wait how would i add another server on xchat-gnome21:33
sean_it sent me here by default21:33
OerHeksMaynard, that is not how it is done, you have the .iso on usb now, use usb creator to make a bootable usb21:33
Ben64Maynard: "installed through transmission" ???21:33
sean_wait how would i add another server on xchat-gnome21:34
OerHekssean_, logout, and choose another server?21:34
sean_not working21:34
Ben64it does work21:34
k1l_sean_: better use "hexchat" instead of xchat-gnome21:34
sean_ok i'll try that21:34
daxugh xchat-gnome21:35
kamild1996Hello, anyone here using oibaf's or padoka's mesa driver for AMD? I would like to know if there are any tweaks that can be applied to make them work better21:36
OerHekskamild1996, ppa's are not supported here21:37
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge21:37
kamild1996Sorry, didn't know that. Where can I ask then?21:37
MaynardOerHeks_OK........I thought that would be easier but will do.  Thanks.  Ben64_installed through Ubuntu' program called Transmission. It's for torents.21:38
OerHeksnot sure there are valid tweaks.21:38
OerHeksMaynard, now you have the iso, insert a 2nd usb and use usb-creator?21:39
anopsOerHeks: Isn't it much safer to install from PPAs solely in Containers?21:39
OerHeksanops, maybe, depends on what purpose that ppa has, if it is a videodriver, container is of no use then, even vm is no use21:40
OerHeksjust an example21:41
Maynardrunning my other usb flash as my hard drive atm.... I assume I need to move the ISO to the big flash and make my 4G the bootable?21:41
anopsah, no I think I'd only use PPAs for more recent applications or compiling my custom stuff on launchpad for research or fun21:41
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Ben64you don't move an iso anywhere, you need to write it in a certain way for it to be bootable21:42
Bashing-omkamild1996: Release 16.04; ATI, what you have is what is . ATI is throwing full support to open sourcing the driver , included in the kernel .21:42
OerHeksMaynard, did you create a persistance on your bootable? then yes21:42
Ben64anops: why even bother with vm stuff21:42
OerHeksanops, that can be, just a program. then you can use containers or a vm21:42
kamild1996Bashing-om, what do you mean? There's a better driver for 16.04 that's been recently released?21:42
kamild1996I've actually heard about AMDGPU but I'm not sure what is it exactly21:43
k1l_kamild1996: there is no fglrx since 16.04 anymore21:43
OerHekskamild1996, for ati, we are waiting for the ati driver and xorg become friends again, maybe with 16.04.121:43
k1l_kamild1996: and that is because amd doesnt make that anymore. so your choice is a) radeon or b) amd_gpu. both are in the kernel21:44
anopsBen64: when I work on a project, it usually requires compilation/installation of a lot of dependencies which I would never ever need on my "personal desktop"21:44
OerHeksX.Org Server 1.8 to be exact http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-recommends-open-source-amdgpu-and-radeon-drivers-for-ubuntu-16-04-lts-501556.shtml21:44
Ben64anops: just seems kind of excessive for what  you describe as a "legacy" notebook21:45
MaynardOerHeks_I faintly remember it asking about something something persistence and I just did the recommended.  I don't even know what that persistence business means.21:45
kamild1996So I should choose amdgpu instead of mesa?21:45
Bashing-omkamild1996: Talking 16.04 , Rather than devoting efforts to FGLRX. ATI is conforming to demand for supporting their hardware in open source . ( same as Intel does ) .21:45
OerHeksMaynard, just a space to store stuff in the live session21:45
safari_hi everyone! I"ve tried sending udp through bash and python and keep getting UDPsock.sendto errors and "operation not permitted" when trying to echo udp commands, both   even when sudo.  Anyone know about this?21:45
kamild1996Bashing-om, ohh, so it means no proprietary drivers anymore? And increased performance for open-sourced ones?21:46
anopsBen64: And I hope to make sharing/resuse of containers more easy this way. Because some of this stuff takes a lot of hard work and I can't fine tune code/config and the application parameters the next time I want to run an old project21:47
MaynardSOooooooooo.... write the iso to the main FD then create bootable in UNetbootin or the like and send it back in that format?21:47
anopsreproducibility is quite important :)21:47
k1l_kamild1996: that is the theory. in real life users are left alone from amd because the amd_gpu doesnt work with all cards.21:47
kamild1996k1l_, I've just read this driver is for GCN cards, right?21:48
anopsk1l_: in real life amd's drivers don't work with my old radeon 4500, except the opensource driver which doesn't come with all the neat improvements21:48
k1l_that depends on the kernel version iirc. amd is just adding cards support to amd_gpu but its far away form replacing fglrx.21:48
Bashing-omkamild1996: Correct .. we look forward to what will be in 16.04 .1 . A work in progress .21:49
k1l_anops: tell that to amd.21:49
Bashing-omanops: its an HD 2x/3x/4x then you are out of luck as AMD announced <last> summer that it is relegating these chipsets to legacy status and will not be developing new drivers for them.21:50
anopsI guess they won't even listen and would want me to spew $500 towards a new GPU which will be legacy in 2years and probably get doomed to be compatibly to only old kernel versions21:51
anopsyes I one of those poor guys with these cards :/21:51
safari_Now even as root account, I get "operation not permitted" when trying to echo udp commands21:52
django_anyone know about enabling virtualization in amd A4-5000 if its not in the bios settings21:56
kamild1996Thanks for all the information! I'm browsing more about those drivers, from what I see, amdgpu performs better than mesa (in games) but is still a litte bit behind the fglrx. I think I'll give it a try. Thanks!21:57
anopsBen64: Oh .. hmm just found about juju, isn't that what would fit my workflow requiring "changing environments per project"?21:58
anopsI'm not sure if I understand Ubuntu juju and maas...21:58
OerHeksdjango_, see if lscpu lists VT, else ask in ##hardware please22:00
kamild1996Also, from what I understand, the new driver is provided in Ubuntu 16.04 by default. If I do "ppa-purge" to remove these repos, should Ubuntu switch to amdgpu automatically?22:00
anopsI'm not sure, but it looks like the wrong tool for just a single laptop and eventual deployment to a server22:00
Bashing-omkamild1996: Be awar the amdgpu is for the later generation cards .22:01
anopsoh and deployment of app-images or containers to other researchers..22:01
kamild1996Bashing-om, does R9 280X count as one? It's a GCN card if I recall correctly22:01
tgm4883anops: sounds like docker or lxc is a better fit22:01
Bashing-omkamild1996: depends on the chip set . http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2321234 for discussion .22:05
anopshmmm juju looks more and more really like the right thing. I can graphically show other researchers my application architecture and share it easily22:05
anopsOne big question though, How do I create my own juju app solutions??22:05
anopsor however you call it22:06
OerHeksanops, ask in #juju22:06
imralso, #ubuntu-server for ubuntu related questions22:06
anopsthank you very much OerHeks didn't know there is a channel for that22:07
anops=) *thumbs up* guys22:07
imrs/ubuntu/ubuntu server22:07
imranops, np22:07
enonIs anybody good with configuring sound cards today?22:20
OerHeksenon, you better ask your real question, nobody will answer 'anybody'questions22:23
BUSYwhat is the correct formatting if i wish to use grep to find a string in a directory of logs?22:25
bpromptBUSY:    what are you looking for exactly?22:26
OerHeksBUSY, i do: grep -r "text" .22:26
OerHeksmind the . at the end22:26
enonsimple question I have the proper modules for my sound (snd-cs46xx) installed aplay and alsamixer do not see them I need advice how to configur the old module.conf entry portion in the alsa-base.conf22:26
OerHeksenon, open terminal: alsamixer # and select with F6 the correct sound device22:31
OerHeksmight help22:31
MonkeyDustenon  if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntustudio22:32
enonOerHeks cannot open mixer: No such file or directory22:35
OerHeksenon, are you on ubuntu?22:36
enonLubuntu 16.0422:36
OerHeksalsamixer should be there, no?22:37
enonOerHeks aplay -l  list no playback devices22:40
enonwhen I remove and reinstall module I get a click from sound22:41
OerHeksenon, i read about kubuntu having same problem with that cs46xx .. maybe building the driver helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226033922:43
OerHeksinstall build essentials first,22:45
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)22:45
ubottuPlease don't spam22:52
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu22:52
daxsigh silly people22:53
enonOerHeks I got to reloading alsa and force-reload bit - I don't have PA at present I was hoping putting the "alsa matrix lines in alsa-base.conf would work but I seem to be missing some info22:53
OerHeksenon, i don't know what you have changed22:54
OerHeksenon, maybe reinstall lubuntu-desktop gives you a fresh start..22:55
enon OerHeks when I first installed 14.04 I got soung to work but when I upgraded to 15.10 then 16.04 I lost it. I did today reinstall lubuntu desktop22:57
xanguaenon: how exactly did you upgrade from 14.04 to 15.10 in first place?22:58
enonit's an old thinkpad t22 but it's all I can afford22:59
xanguaenon: if you indeed upgraded from 14.04 to 15.10 directly, it's an unsupported upgrade path, I suggest you to backup and reinstall23:00
enonxangua if it is an unsupported path why was it suggested ? by (L)ubuntu in the first place23:02
Bernard-Dpour chatter bien antier23:03
enonIve tried installing 16.04 direct but I need a cdrom to do so and had trouble with the server iso23:05
CodfectionI deleted mysql config file and now cant re install23:05
Codfectionmysql on ubunt23:05
Codfectionany one please23:05
naccCodfection: which config file did you delete?23:06
bekksCodfection: Why cant you reinstall?23:06
Codfectionit gives me error dpkg23:06
Codfectiondpkg: error processing package mysql-server-5.7 (--configure):23:06
Codfection subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 223:06
CodfectionErrors were encountered while processing:23:06
Codfection mysql-server-5.723:06
CodfectionE: Sub-process /usr/b^C/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:06
bekksUSe a pastebin.23:06
nacc!paste | Codfection23:06
ubottuCodfection: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:06
Codfectiongot any fixes?23:07
Codfectionplease help23:07
CodfectionDont know how to use pastebin for the error commands23:07
naccCodfection: you c&p the output23:08
naccdon't just put it in the channel23:08
Codfectioncan I give u imgur?23:08
naccBernard-D: stop it.23:08
naccBernard-D: this is a support channel23:08
Codfectionnacc I deleted /etc/mysql23:09
CatalinChi, can someone tell me a tool that allows me to see "power supply / ram slot / fans" faliures from linux on an IBM server? Like hp ASM on HP servers?23:09
naccCodfection: my guess is you broke your mysql installation (deleted a critical conf file -- hint, don't do that!) and then didn't fully uninstall mysql. So now things are in a confused state. Try following: http://askubuntu.com/questions/640899/uninstall-mysql-completely to remove MySQL completely and then reinstall it23:09
naccCatalinC: x86 or power?23:10
Codfectionnacc, thanks I will try and let u know23:10
CatalinCCatalinC it's a x5 series 360023:10
CatalinCnacc:  it's a x5 series 360023:10
CatalinCnacc hp has a good tool where I can see everything like CPU status, temperatures etc23:11
OerHeksCatalinC, dmesg gives failures.23:11
johntittor2000So reading a bit (not too much), ubuntu’s firewall is disabled by default?23:11
CatalinCOerHeks: yes but if a powersupply has failed or a hard drive is in predictive failure mode, how can i get this info?23:11
CatalinCthere must be a tool23:11
OerHeksjohntittor2000, no, just without rules, install gufw *gui) and enable it in systemsettings23:12
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo23:12
Codfectionnacc, and Corebird also keeps crashing23:12
naccCatalinC: is the hp tool you are referring to open source? provided by hp?23:12
CatalinCnacc it's provided by hp, it's called hpasmcli23:13
johntittor2000OerHeks: thanks23:13
naccCodfection:  i don't know what that is23:13
naccCatalinC: ok, so hp provided it (meaning it's not in the ubuntu archives)?23:13
naccCatalinC: so wouldn't you ask ibm for the corresponding tool?23:13
Codfectionnacc, unfortunately it is still giving me error23:13
Codfectionafter I did all those23:13
Codfectionand tried installing again23:13
CatalinCnacc: i've tried contacting IBM but the server it's out of warranty and they give me tons of bullshit23:14
OerHeksCatalinC, disks should tell ? see s.m.a.r.t.23:14
OerHeksCatalinC, you might better ask in #ubuntu-server23:14
naccCatalinC: i doubt there is an all-in-one tool like you are looking for, you'll have to collate the information available from the normal sources23:14
Codfectionguys this is the error23:15
Codfectionany help?23:15
Codfectionnacc, I deleted the mysql in /etc/ only23:16
Codfectionsince then I keep getting this error23:16
naccCodfection: that's the system-wide mysql configuration directory23:16
naccwhy would you *ever* do that?23:16
OerHekstime to reinstall, hard lesson to stop such silly removal actions, Codfection :-D23:16
CatalinCnacc, OerHeks thanks a lot23:16
CodfectionI wanted to re install23:16
Codfectionso remove all files before that23:16
Codfectionisnt it?23:16
OerHeksput in your iso and boot23:16
CodfectionOerHeks, seriously!!? I need to re install ubuntu? :O23:17
CatalinCCodfection try apt-get autoremove23:17
naccCodfection: it looks like it's choking on /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld  ... so do the purge steps but add that path to the rm23:17
CodfectionCatalinC, tried that.. even -f install with no lucky23:17
Codfectionnacc, I didnt get it :(23:17
CodfectionI followed all steps u have given me in the website23:18
CatalinCCodfection: have you tried apt-get remove --purge mysql*23:18
CodfectionCatalinC, http://askubuntu.com/questions/640899/uninstall-mysql-completely23:18
CodfectionI tried all these23:18
naccCodfection: if you followed the link i gave you, it told you to `rm` a set of directories23:18
naccadd the above path to that rm23:18
naccbut do all the purge steps23:19
naccCodfection: from that link23:19
Codfectionso I just have to add23:19
Codfectionthis right /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld23:19
Codfectionin rm step only. not purge step23:20
OerHeksCatalinC, hp has got tools for trusty, not sure these managment tools are what you want http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/project/mcp/23:21
naccCodfection: right23:22
Codfectionnacc, done23:23
Codfectionnow I do install mysql-server again right?23:23
Codfectionto install23:24
POGtasticGot a quick question about xorg.conf. i'm trying to get rid of flicker in my AMD card with the radeon drivers, and one solution that was suggested was to change DRI from 2 to 3. currently, i don't have a xorg.conf. i tried to make one, but it's not working with my dual-monitor setup. is there an easy way to generate a good xorg.conf and then set DRI equal to 3, or is there something that I can do with the23:25
POGtasticradeon driver itself?23:25
Codfectionnacc, sadly the error is still showing up after installing :(23:25
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naccCodfection: same error? or different one?23:27
Codfectionany pro here?23:31
naccCodfection: can you pastebin the output of running all the steps suggested above, and then the attempt to install?23:33
Codfectionevery step the website u suggested worked perfectly23:33
Codfectionwithout any errors23:33
Codfectionbut after that. Installing mysql gives error23:34
Codfectionthe same error :(23:34
naccCodfection: please pastebin, at least, the attempt to install,23:34
naccnot a picture, the full output23:34
Codfectionwhen I try pastebinit | Ctrl + V23:35
Codfectionit doesnt do anything23:35
nacc!pastebinit | Codfection23:36
ubottuCodfection: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:36
naccCodfection: because that's not how you use the command?23:36
naccor pipes, for that matter23:36
Codfectionsorry. quite newbie in linux23:36
Codfectionwhat commands u want23:37
CodfectionI did apt-get install mysql-server23:37
Codfectionand the rest were from website23:37
naccCodfection: yes, pastebin the output from `apt-get install mysql-server`23:38
naccCodfection: as a newbie, i will say one more time, you should never just delete something under /etc23:39
naccCodfection: because it means you did it as root, which is not something you should haphazardly do23:39
Codfectionisnt it supposed to be reinstalled by resinstalling mysql23:39
Codfectionbecause its basically the config files in /etc/23:39
usb_problemproblems with usb drives: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16483318/23:40
usb_problem(rsync, usb drives are not working intermentinently)23:40
usb_problemI tried plugging it into different slots.23:40
naccCodfection: ok, i'll ask one more time. Please pastebin the exact steps you did for purge (i know what the website said, I want to see what they do on your computer). And then pastebin the install step23:41
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Codfectionok let me learn pastebin first23:42
naccCodfection: or just c&p the output on the terminal to pastebin23:44
usb_problemTrieste: you there?23:45
Codfectionpastebin cant work23:45
Codfectionit always bring to new terminal23:45
usb_problemCodfection: pastebinit?23:45
usb_problemCodfection: how are you using it23:45
Codfectionpastebinit (output commands)23:46
usb_problemCodfection: You need to have some text and then "cat SOMETEXT.txt | pastebinit"23:46
Codfectionso I need to save the output commands to txt file first?23:46
Codfectionthen pastebin it?23:46
usb_problemI would.23:46
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usb_problemCodfection: So: some_command &> ERRORS.txt23:47
Codfectionthe problem is23:47
Codfectionwhenever I paste the command23:48
Codfectionterminal starts working23:48
Codfectionso have to manually paste on gedit new file23:48
usb_problemCodfection: Let it finish.23:48
usb_problemWhat is the cmd?23:48
naccmy guess is you're c&p a command with the newline23:49
naccso it's hitting enter for you and running the command23:49
Codfectionnacc, exactly23:49
naccso don't c&p the command!23:49
naccjust type it23:49
Codfectionu want the output right23:49
usb_problemAnyone know what this rubbish is?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16483362/23:49
bekksusb_problem: you have a bad disk.23:50
usb_problembekks: Serious23:50
naccCodfection: yes so type "<whatever command> | pastebinit" then hit enter.23:50
bekksusb_problem: Serious.23:50
usb_problembekks: How are you sure?23:50
bekksusb_problem: Look at the error messages, I/O errors on sector 0.23:50
usb_problemCodfection: Did you apt-get update?23:51
CodfectionI did23:51
Codfectionusb_problem, I deleted /etc/mysql folder23:51
Codfectionand since then keep getting this error23:51
naccCodfection: thank you, let me look23:51
CodfectionI tried uninstalling and clean23:52
naccCodfection: ok, so let's start from the beginning23:52
Codfectionnone of them works23:52
naccCodfection: go back and do the purge steps as mentioned in the article I sent23:52
usb_problemCodfection: Someone else who knows more will have to tell you.23:52
usb_problembekks: So error on sector zero always means it's dead?23:52
naccCodfection: and pastebinit to each command23:52
Codfectionnacc, I did bro23:52
bekksusb_problem: No. I/O errors mean it is dead. Errors on sector 0 are just even more severe.23:53
knobHello everyone.  I just did a fresh 16.04 install with a new hdd.  After installation, I shutdown down the machine, and plugged into the second SATA port the old hdd (the one from yesterday).    I would like to mount this old hdd on this machine, to copy the data over.  Yet the hdd is encrypted with LUKS (I believe?).23:54
knobI followed some comments here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63594/mount-encrypted-volumes-from-command-line23:54
knobYet on this line: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 my_encrypted_volume        when they say  my_encrypted_volume...   where does that name come from?23:55
knobIt's not the mount point...23:55
knobI ran this: sudo lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL         and under   sdb, I have sdb1, sdb2 and sdb5.   And sdb5 has a long name luks-00a35f26-6fae-4977-a169-a523941435da          Is THAT the   "my_encrypted_volume"?23:56
usb_problembekks: But I can read from it.23:56
bekksusb_problem: And yet that disk can be considered to be dead and needs to be replaced.23:57
Codfectionnacc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16483444/23:57
Codfectionnacc, any idea bro?23:59

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