
zequenceOvenWerks: Call me slow, but it seems mixdowns don't work on ardour if the PA bridge is active15:36
zequenceHaven't yet updated to latest, so maybe it was fixed - but that is pretty serious. We need to make that problem go away somehow15:37
OvenWerkszequence: possible15:37
OvenWerksThere are a few possible reasons for this:15:38
OvenWerks1) PA is also connected to another audio interface.15:38
OvenWerks2) PA is connected to the audio device.15:38
OvenWerks3) there is a newer version of jackdbus that allows freewheel to disconnect all outputs (I don't think so)15:39
zequencePA is only connected to the sink and source of the jack module15:39
zequenceBut, it's still PA causing the problem through the bridge15:40
OvenWerksdesktop audio should not be able to be heard while doing mixdown15:40
zequenceIf I disable PA, ardour mixdowns work fine15:40
OvenWerks if it is, then see 2)15:40
zequencePA is connected to the jack module sink and source. Nothing else15:41
OvenWerkseven internal to jack?15:41
zequenceYes, that is what I'm saying15:42
zequenceI'm not saying the module is connected to various jack apps15:42
zequenceThough, it is that too15:42
OvenWerksThen we need a button to disable the bridge in _controls.15:43
zequenceHOw about we fix the problem in the first place instead?15:43
OvenWerkszequence: that would require changing pa_jacksource/sink15:43
zequenceEither it is a design flaw in jack, or each client needs to be versitaile somehow15:43
OvenWerksI think the PA jack module is not honering the freewheel signal properly.15:44
zequenceYeah, this probably only occurs with PA being connected as a jack client 15:44
zequenceWell, let's make sure it is known and try to find a way to fix it15:44
zequenceThe bridge is just an example utility really, so it could use more work anyway15:45
OvenWerkszequence: yes. including double buffering so increase latency as needed.15:46
OvenWerks(actually, I think it just needs buffering at all)15:46
zequenceMaybe that would take some load off the CPU as well? (just guessing)15:47
OvenWerkszequence: yes. Right now latency forces time constrants on any sample rate conversion.15:48
OvenWerksSo far as I know PA already does sliding latency with the audio devices (ALSA)15:49
zequenceOnly someone from the jack side of things will be interesting in working out a fix, and even in that bunch, the sum of people that includes becomes quite small15:56
OvenWerksThe sum of people who are both interested and also have the time is even smaller.16:06
OvenWerksThe origianl auther of the bridge has been responsive to change requests in the past... but those have been mostly passing paramerters from the jackdbus detector to the source/sink16:07
zequenceYeah, I remember David expressed he would have liked to do more, almost as if he was feeling guilty because he wasn't16:19
zequenceHe doesn't seem to be on IRC anymore16:43
zequence..not as much, anyway16:44
OvenWerksIRC can waste a lot of time if we let it :)17:54

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