
DclRulesI'm trying to figure out what is wrong with Kontact. The Kaddress book runs, kmail works but kontact fails when I start it up. If I launch it from a terminal it tells me it took a segfault. Any ideas?00:36
dmattDclRules: are you fully updated? what happened when is started to fail?00:44
DclRulesYes. This was a fresh install of Kubuntu 16.04.  and I just checked for updates and it claims there are none at the moment.00:47
DclRulesAdditional background information is that it gives me the following two lines in the console before crashing.00:48
DclRulescannot find .rc file "kontactsummary_part.rc" for component "kontact"00:49
DclRulesNo such XML file "/home/beatty/.local/share/kontact/default-.rc"00:49
dmattDclRules: how did you install kontact?00:50
dmattdmatt: ah, it is preinstalled i suppose00:51
DclRulesI installed it either through the normal kubuntu installer when they installed the OS or I did it with synaptic can't be sure which. Its been a few days before I got to try to set up Kontact.00:53
dmattDclRules: did you turn off any services?00:54
DclRulesNot that I'm aware of. How would I do that?00:54
dmattDclRules: System Settings/Startup and Shutdown/Background Services00:56
DclRulesI can get the list of services. Which one need to be running for Kontact to work?00:56
dmattDclRules: services - that was just guess, if you did not mess with it it should be set OK00:59
DclRulesdmatt thank found the panel. But no I didn't turn any services off nor did start any.01:00
dmattwhat files do you have in /home/beatty/.local/share/kontact/ ?01:00
DclRulesThe only file there is default-kmail2.rc01:01
dmattDclRules: try to run akregator from internet menu01:04
DclRulesI was able to  run Akregator. The panel is up now.01:06
dmattend akregaor from menu. do you have new file default-akregator.rc in direcotry /home/beatty/.local/share/kontact/?01:10
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DclRulesNo I don't. The only file starting with "default-  under  /home/beatty/.local/share is default-kmail.rc01:14
dmattpost output of command   ls -la /home/beatty/.local/share/kontact/01:19
dmattinto !pastebin01:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:19
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dmatti am asking that to check if you have correct writing rights to that folder01:20
dmattthings sometimes mess up if you run some programs with sudo rights and they stop working afterwards01:21
DclRulesYes I do have writing rights to the folder.01:21
DclRulesYour on to something. I did run sudo kontact and it came up.01:23
dmattDclRules: stop it and chown that folder to your user beatty01:25
valorienever use sudo on gui applications01:27
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:27
DclRulesYes I know that  but I wanted to see if it would run or was it broken.01:28
DclRuleschown beatty to all folders in .local01:28
DclRulesStill the same problem01:29
dmattDclRules: try: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kontact01:35
dmattdmatt: see if there is any error while it executes01:35
DclRulesReinstalled kontact. Still has the same symptoms.01:38
dmatthave you configured kmail for mail already? try to rename default-kmail2.rc to default-kmail2.rc.old and try to start kontact again, maybe it will be recreated correctly01:47
DclRulesRenamed the file as you suggested. ran kontact from the terminal and it still segfaults. There is no new default-kmail2.rc file just the .old (renamed file). When kontact starts up it also starts kmail which comes up correctly even though the default-kmail2.rc file was moved.01:53
dmattDclRules: how exactly is Kontact failing? It segfaults but at the same time also starts kmail?01:58
DclRulesYes when it starts up kmail panel opens and operates normally. There is no kontact panel and the console messages complains about several things the last being it can find  the default-.rc file.02:01
DclRulesI used pastte.kde.org to paste my console messages in case the would help. The title is "Kontact console messages"02:04
dmattDclRules: pls paste also image of started contact02:06
valorieDclRules: we need the link02:12
valorieone cannot search the paste site for titles02:13
dmattvalorie: i suppose it was the last one https://paste.kde.org/pugid7s8h02:14
DclRulesI uploaded a screen shot  at http://imgur.com/JTjYCmq where the konsole in light blue and the kmail that's open was launched by the kontact command from the console.02:15
dmattDclRules: you have fresh install of 16.04 or update drom previous release?02:16
dmattDclRules: and did you use existing home or created new one?02:16
valorieDclRules: you might chmod your entire $HOME02:16
valorielooks like ~/.config is unreachable too02:16
DclRulesFresh install of 16.0402:17
valoriebut you ran sudo kontact, did you not?02:18
valoriethat immediately messes with your permissions02:18
DclRulesYes I can run sudo Kontact. I did that after I couldn't get kontact to run as from the start menu02:20
dmattDclRules: do as valorie suggested <valorie> DclRules: you might chmod your entire $HOME02:21
valoriethat never hurts, and might help02:22
DclRulesWorking on that now. I have some nas connections I have to work around.02:23
valoriejust as a reminder,  permissions = chown -R username folder/02:24
dmattDclRules: set both owner and group on your user02:24
valorieso chown -R /home/beatty/02:25
dmatti think it should be: chown -R username:username folder/02:27
DclRulesI did the chown plus chgrp  with sudo to catch anything that super user owned. Still fails with a segfault. The files that were changed from root were .config/kontact_summaryrc , .config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc , .config/QtProject.conf , and .config/katemetainfos02:28
dmattDclRules: long time ago i had weird crashes when i had  session automatically restored on start, because it restored some processess in wrong state02:32
dmattDclRules: try to set "Start with an empty session" in System Settings/Startup and Shutdown/Desktop Session  and reboot. Reboot could also help with stuck Akonadi.02:34
DclRulesvalorie and dmatt I want thank you for all your help. I will try to start with an empty desktop session and I'll reboot. But its getting late and work starts very early for me tomorrow. Thanks again for all the help its greatly appreciated!!!02:36
dmattDclRules: you're welcome. hopefully you manage to fix it02:37
valoriedmatt: is there any reason to think that the user changed the group too?02:37
valorieusername:username is for both as I understand it02:38
valoriejust was reading man chown02:38
dmattvalorie: he did not answer if it was new /home or reused /home partition02:38
valorieyou're right then, that would have been safer02:39
Irish_canonHello all... Installing a Xerox 7665 Workstation PPD file and not able to get it to except the pin02:44
Irish_canonAnyone have any luch with doing this02:46
dmattIrish_canon: printing without pin works?02:47
dmattIrish_canon: you might have to define user and pin on xerox first and then match it in printing dialog. But I never tested it on linux.02:50
goddardif i try and remove imagemagik it wants to install foomatic-filters and paps02:52
goddardi don't need printer software02:52
goddardany help?02:53
dmattgoddard: lots of programs have imagemagick as dependency, not only printing02:56
goddarddmatt: i dont use those apps02:57
dmattgoddard: if it could not be removed then you have something installed which needs it03:00
goddarddmatt: it can be installed but during the removal process it installs foomatic-filters like I said about03:01
dmattdmatt: i could imagine exporting to pdf from libreoffice might use it03:01
goddardi dont use libreoffice i use calligra03:01
goddardit doesn't have a ton of stupid dependencies like java03:03
goddardcalligra is pure Qt03:04
dmattcalligra also uses imagemagick, but I do not know if it is optional or hard dependency03:04
goddarddmatt: for printing?03:04
Irish_canonI added the pin in the PPD file03:06
dmattgoddard: I do not know code of calligra suite, but for example krita could use imagemagick for whatever manipulation or input/output filtering03:08
goddarddmatt: know how to check dependency tree?03:16
dmattgoddard: apt-cache rdepends imagemagick03:19
goddarddmatt: no useful information with that command03:22
goddardjust lists itself03:22
dmattok try this one: apt-cache rdepends --installed --recurse imagemagick03:26
dmattgoddard: anyway, for normal desktop use i would not remove any supporting library/program, especially if you do not know where and how it is used, which seems to be the case here03:33
dmattdmatt: thise few megabytes are not worth the hassle and potential breakage03:34
dmattgoddard: ^^^^03:34
dmattgoddard: I need to leave, maybe somebody else could assist you more03:38
r_riosI'm trying to fix a broken update. The apt-get install -f process stops with the text "usermod : no changes". The console just stays there and nothing else happens until I stop the process. Why? Please help.04:32
valorier_rios: don't know why, but please try `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`04:35
r_riosvalorie: Just a sec04:41
r_riosvalorie: apt update updates the sources, but then asks me to run dpkg --configure -a04:45
r_riosapt full-upgrade asks me to run dpkg --configure -a04:45
r_riosI run dpkg --configure -a, but now it fails in the sa-compile step04:46
r_rios /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o: unknown relocation (0x2a) in section `.init'04:47
r_riosBut apt full-upgrade now runs anyway04:48
r_riosBut there are broken dependencies, and it asks me to run apt install -f04:49
r_riosLooks like it is working now...?04:49
valoriepossibly the internet burped during your first upgrade04:52
valorieit's happened to me like that.....04:52
valoriethere was a gcc upgrade, but that was a few weeks back04:53
r_riosvalorie: Yeah, but the sa-compile process now keeps failing. It seems the broken dependencies have been fixed, but this issue remains04:54
r_riosI'll see if rebooting helps04:54
r_rios|desktopvalorie: Same problem. I can now successfully boot to the desktop, though05:03
r_rios|desktopvalorie: https://paste.kde.org/pdvj1s45k05:04
r_rios|desktopAh, yes, that should be because I didn't really finish the installation05:06
valoriehmm, I wouldn't have rebooted before trying it one more time05:08
valoriedon't forget your up-arrow05:08
valorieit's my constant friend05:08
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nawarhi guys06:20
nawari'm having weird bug06:20
nawarI can't type the letter "k" in konsole06:21
nawarI can't type the letter "k" in konsole any ideas?06:25
habitsHi guys, any ideas on how I can turn off the flash plugin notification available for the browser?06:30
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nawarI can't type the letter "k" in konsole any ideas?06:32
valorienawar: does this letter work elsewhere?06:35
valorieobviously it worked here06:35
valoriebut I was thinking more about something like kate and perhaps opening the konsolepart in kate, and checking there06:36
nawarand i can type k in capital letter06:41
nawarjust k in small letter i can't type06:41
nawaryep i can't type it in kate too :(06:42
valorieok, so that gives you more information06:58
valorieis there anything else you can't type in kate and/or konsole?06:58
valorieI guess I would go through your keyboard and check06:58
nawari can type everything except for k07:02
OerHekssoap & water ?07:03
nawarits ok now07:05
nawarit seems by mistake i put k as shortcut for changing application language07:07
valorieglad you got that fixed07:30
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konradosmorning :)08:24
konradosI need to mount a remote directory to my local PC. I installed sshfs and my coworker have me this: sshfs -p 24 ${remote_addr}${remote_path} /home/user/mount/$mount_dir - the coworker has left and I have no idea what are thos ${} for - I mean why a dollar and those brackets? I thought this is how we use variables in a terminal?08:26
valorieperhaps in the mount link08:28
ubottuPartitioning programs !PartitionManager or !GParted (see also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mount partitions from System Settings -> (Advanced tab) Removable Devices. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter08:28
valoriekonrados: are you going to be doing this regularly?08:28
Quetzalcoatlkonrados: did you tried replace ${remote_addr} and ${remote_path} with the ip of the machine and the path ?08:29
valoriethis might help for background: http://askubuntu.com/questions/412477/mount-remote-directory-using-ssh08:30
konradosvalorie I hoped I'll this this once and it will be there forever...08:30
konradosQuetzalcoatl, almost... I entered the data inside the brackets and it didn't work08:30
Quetzalcoatlfor example: remote_addr: 192.168.xxx.xxx and remote_path with: \\folder1\folder208:30
Quetzalcoatlwithout $ sign and brackets08:31
Quetzalcoatlsshfs -p 24 192.168.xxx.xxx08:32
valorieplease look at the example I linked to for some background, so you understand what you are doing08:32
* valorie goes afk08:32
Quetzalcoatllook at the link provided by valorie08:32
Quetzalcoatlsshfs maythux@192.168.xx.xx:/home/maythuxServ/Mounted ~/remoteDir08:33
Quetzalcoatlthis is from the link08:33
konradosQuetzalcoatl valorie I'm on it08:34
Quetzalcoatlkonrados: hope that will help and solve your problem08:35
konradosQuetzalcoatl, valorie thank you! After a few more problems I did it. But I forgot to add -ro param (readonly), can I mount it once again, or I have to unmount it and mount again?08:41
Quetzalcoatlkonrados: great ! you have to unmount and mount again08:42
konradosQuetzalcoatl, thanks, will do that.08:42
Quetzalcoatlkonrados: you welcome :)08:43
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tahaanUgh.  I've just had my 2nd hard hang in 3 days.09:28
tahaanKubuntu 16.04 doesn't seem stable to me.09:29
tahaanI'm going to try to get along without my external monitor for a few days because my gut-feeling tells me it is related to plugging/unplugging the external monitor.09:30
tahaanI think Driver manager is also borked.  It doesn't appear to do anything?09:32
hateballtahaan: driver manager is broken yes, you can use ubuntu-drivers from a terminal tho09:32
hateballand as for multiple monitors... yes, that is not working very great, at all09:32
hateballI'm having to rearrange panels etc when I login. Sometimes. Even if I don't ever change my setup.09:33
tahaanhateball: Yes I've once had to put my main panel back on the main display.  I have other issues which are more consistent though.09:35
tahaanI want to open a bug / enhancement request entitle "Put the freaking volume sliders back the way they were"09:37
hateballtahaan: that's being worked on, fwiw09:43
hateballtahaan: http://davidrosca.blogspot.se/2016/04/audio-volume-improvements-in-plasma-57.html09:43
konradosHi again. I mounted a remote dir by sshfs as "normal" user (konrad) and I can access it as "konrad" but cannot as root? How come?09:46
konradosBeing a root I can't chown the directory I mounted to o_O09:49
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tahaanhateball: Awesome.  Maybe setting the sliders to vertical orientation can be a user preference option.10:08
januszhi i install kubuntu 16.04 select polish language in installation but now have part text in polish part in english10:51
januszhow i can install rest of language10:51
januszexample in dolphini have few text in polish few in english10:52
januszin 14.04 i have everything in polish10:52
hateballjanusz: did you have internet connection during install?10:57
BluesKajHiyas all10:58
hateballjanusz: anyhow, if you have a working connection now, try "sudo apt update && sudo apt install language-pack-pl && sudo apt full-upgrade"10:58
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januszhateball: thanks11:00
cyberr_can anybody guide me about multi seat-x in kubuntu11:04
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tahaanThe Crash Report Assistance have TWO help buttons.  One doesn't work though.11:20
Quetzalcoatldoes anyone know why after updating magnatune and jamendo databases amarok doesnt display anything?11:44
Quetzalcoatli tried several times, but without success11:45
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ykamchiHI all13:13
ykamchiI am trying to change the "Look And Feel" of my freshed installed Kubuntu. There are only 2 "Breeze" options with no way to install more  ...13:14
ykamchiany idea why?13:14
hateballykamchi: because more havent been made, I am guessing :)13:17
ykamchimmm .... I think that in older versions there were more....13:17
ykamchiMaybe I need to install them before they are available throw the system settings GUI ?13:18
marco-parilloFor Desktop Theme, there is the Get New Themes button. For Cursor Themes, I sudo apt update && sudo apt install oxygen-cursor-theme  -y13:18
ykamchithat is right, for the Theme there is an option to add ... but not the look and feel13:19
ykamchiI want a different login screen13:19
ykamchiin System/login settings there are no options for that as well13:21
ykamchiso, acctualy, there is no way to control the login and the splash screen ....13:21
hateballykamchi: you can manually add sddm themes, there's no builtin function to do so tho13:23
ykamchiok ... That is what I am looking for ... can you point me to good instructions and a place to download  ?13:24
ykamchihateball: ok ... That is what I am looking for ... can you point me to good instructions and a place to download ?13:24
hateballykamchi: there are a couple of sddm-theme-* packaged, other than that it's just google13:25
hateballI dont really bother with it myself, sorry13:25
ykamchiso, apt-get install sddm-theme-*  ?13:25
hateballno that would install all of them :D13:25
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:25
hateballykamchi: apt search sddm-theme13:26
ykamchi:) thx ... let me check13:26
hateballbut if you *want* all themes, by all means use *13:26
hateballotherwise just install one at a time13:26
ykamchihateball ... thanks for the assistance ... It asks me first to run dpkg --configure -a .... did it and continue with * ... now I shall be able to choose them from the GUI ?13:29
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ykamchihateball: reboot needed?  I do not see them in the system settings GUI13:30
ykamchiI did the apt-get install as root (after sudo su -) ... is that a problem ?13:32
hateballykamchi: I don't think a reboot should needed, altho I suppose it doesnt hurt13:41
hateballMight be a reload of sddm is needed, and that effectively reboots you13:41
ykamchihow do I reload sddm ?13:42
BluesKajykamchi:  no need for sudo su , sudo will suffice13:42
ykamchireboot did not do the work :(13:42
ykamchiThe apt-get install pass ok ... but nothing in the GUI .13:43
ykamchiid there any sddm reload that reboot does not include ?>13:43
Quetzalcoatli just noticed that the network applet from system tray doesnt display any information (e.g.: speed). also i noticed that wheni'm using iptraf it doesnt display any informations regarding speed on ether013:43
hateballykamchi: I can see the new sddm theme right away. Where are you looking?13:44
Quetzalcoatlis that bcz canonical changed the name from eth0 into something like enp0s3xxx?13:44
hateballykamchi: press alt+space to bring upp krunner, type "sddm" and you should get an entry13:45
Quetzalcoatli dont understand why you have to change something that works for years into something that broke or can broke things in theOS13:46
ykamchinice :)13:46
hateballQuetzalcoatl: blame systemd. also you can get the old behavior back if you so desire13:46
Quetzalcoatlhateball: how can i return to the old behavior ?13:47
ykamchiso it is not on the system settings gui, or it is a bug that system settings gui doesnt show it ?13:47
hateballQuetzalcoatl: add "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" to your grub bootline13:47
Quetzalcoatlwithout breaking my installation :-D13:47
hateballbeware of breakage13:47
hateballQuetzalcoatl: some reading https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/13:48
ykamchithanks hateball .... I will manage from here :)13:50
Quetzalcoatlthanks hatebal13:50
r_rios|phoneHello. After uninstalling the fglrx driver from my 16.04 installation, I no longer have video. I tried reconfiguring the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver, but it didn't change anything. How do I enable the free drivers?13:52
hateballykamchi: :)13:54
hateballr_rios|phone: You'll need to purge fglrx13:55
r_rios|phoneAnd I keep getting a "ring 3 stalled for more than xmsec" message13:55
r_rios|phoneWhen I switch to a tty13:55
r_rios|phonehateball: I've already uninstalled it without purging. What should I do? Reinstall/uninstall?13:56
hateballr_rios|phone: run "sudo sh /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh" then "sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*"13:56
hateballr_rios|phone: see this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/VideoDriverDetection#Problem:_Need_to_purge_-fglrx13:59
r_rios|phoneI'm trying, but I'm getting flooded by these ring stalled messages14:00
r_rios|phoneReally hard to type in anything14:00
hateballr_rios|phone: is this a regular boot, where you've switched to a tty? if so, try rebooting to just a recovery console14:01
r_rios|phoneGood idea14:01
r_rios|phonehateball: the script doesn't exist. I've already removed fglrx.14:09
r_rios|phoneI think I should install it then purge14:09
hateballr_rios|phone: then follow the other steps14:10
hateballr_rios|phone: It should be noted, I have avoided ATI/AMD for a decade+ since I switched to Linux... so my knowledge is limited to searching wikis14:10
ykamchihateball ... sorry, but one more question ... the change fixed the login screen, but not the splash ... any way I can change the splash ?14:11
hateballykamchi: Which splash is this? The one displayed after you login?14:12
ykamchiyep ...14:12
ykamchithere was time ago a nice one that icons were changed ....14:12
OerHekssudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth will give you a list of screens you can choose from14:12
ykamchithe setting and otheres14:12
hateballplymouth doesnt have much to do with the plasma login14:13
BluesKajr_rios|phone:  do you have xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu driver installed, if so that should work on 16.0414:15
r_rios|phoneBluesKaj: I do14:15
hateballykamchi: well it's under system settings - workspace theme - splash screen14:16
hateballykamchi: but I dont know quite how to add any... I have it disabled14:16
r_rios|phoneI think I messed up when I didn't purge fglrx, and now I can't reinstall it to try and purge it14:16
BluesKajr_rios|phone:  you may need to rinstall amdgpu14:17
r_rios|phoneI tried uninstalling the amdgpu, radeon and ati xserver drivers, then reinstalling the ati driver14:17
r_rios|phoneI'm not sure what to do if this doesn't work14:18
BluesKajno reinatall the amdgpu14:18
r_rios|phoneBluesKaj: apt install --reinstall xserver-video-video-amdgpu?14:26
BluesKajr_rios|phone:  yes, with sudo14:27
SmurphyThat didn't work for me - on the Inspiron 15. Had to go onto the AMD Download site, and download the Closed-source driver...14:28
r_rios|phoneI'll now reboot to see if it worked14:28
r_rios|phoneIt seems it worked14:28
BluesKajclosed source, aka proprietary14:29
r_rios|phoneLogo appears normally now, wasn't before14:29
BluesKajSmurphy:  it'll work until your next kernel module/kernel upgrade14:30
r_rios|phoneI have accelerated video :D14:31
r_rios|phoneThanks BluesKaj14:31
r_rios|phoneAlso, thanks hateball :)14:31
BluesKajr_rios|phone:  glad to help14:32
ykamchihateball ... sorry ... I was offline ...14:37
ykamchihateball: so, I guess you cannot assist ;(14:37
BluesKajykamchi:  afaik there are no splash options other than the default14:41
SmurphyBluesKaj: Na - it updates these drivers all the time using dkms.14:54
dbaccanyone got breeze-dark working with kubuntu 16.04?14:56
yossarianukdbacc: what do you mean ? What isn't working ?15:01
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dbaccyossarianuk: go to system settings ---> workspace theme --> change to breeze dark . go to color , double check that breeze dark is selected. Then apply. However, even after a reboot the color scheme of the windows did not change, whereas most of  the "outer" appearance like the panel the launcher, etc. changed to the dark scheme. Can you reproduce the problem?15:07
SmurphyWorks here.15:11
yossarianuknope - i'm using breeze dark  and it works ok15:12
yossarianukIs it GTK apps that look wrong ?15:12
yossarianukOr QT/KDE ones also ?15:13
BluesKajSmurphy:  as long your driver registers with dkms the kernel module will rebuild the closed source driver, unless you instalkled the driver from a ppa ,if not a manual re-install is needed15:14
dbacchmm. OK. Is there any way I could start tracking down the? No, its basically all the apps. I can go back to "Colors" and  under preview it shows me the expected ouput, but it actually still looks like the standard Breeze theme (except for the frame of the window, which is "correctly" displayed in dark.15:15
dbaccbtw I had Ubuntu installed on this machine installed kde afterwards and then upgraded form 15.10 to 16.04 if this makes any difference15:22
acheron88dbacc: I had something that sounds fairly similar on one machine that had been upgraded through several versions15:48
acheron88think perhaps it was some packages/libraries/config left over from previous version, as a fresh install solved it15:50
dbacchmm, okay. actually the problem was already there on 15.10, so it's at most the "upgrading" to KDE part. That doesn't sound very promising though.15:52
dbaccI just posted on askubuntu. Maybe someone finally knows the answer :)15:53
yossarianukdbacc: maybe an idea to test by adding a new user - logging in with that and changing to breeze-dark to see if a fresh profile works15:58
SmurphyBluesKaj: Yes. That's what I noticed.15:58
acheron88yossarianuk: worth a try. didn't work on my case, so had to actually be some system cruft somewhere and not userprofile.16:01
yossarianukacheron88: dbacc: try - changing to breeze-dark - restart - change back to breeze, then change to breeze-dark again...16:25
yossarianukworth a go.16:35
yossarianukIf I remember the first time I choose breeze-dark it wasn't correct until I toggled...16:36
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dbaccSo I tried creating a new user and the restarting + toggle , nothing seems to work :\17:29
dbaccy/j #ubuntu18:11
dbacc"/j' (join)18:12
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dbacche seems to have the same problem after installing kde on ubuntu18:20
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BluesKajdbacc:  install kubuntu, not kde on ubuntu18:30
acheron88dbac: can see from their screenshot that they are using a widget style other than the default breeze18:36
acheron88gtk+ and qtcurve styles don't always take colour schemes well18:39
qdataI am using the dark-breeze on a new install of kubuntu, and it works with some anomalies. What I can't remember is if I did the Workspace-Theme meta choice, or not. If the meta-theme approach is not working you might try to use the Application Style, Color, and Workspace Theme -> Desktop Theme and set all three to dark-breeze and reboot18:39
qdataI forgot to add the Icon theme; there is a breeze-dark icon set as well18:46
dbaccBluesKaj: that' actually not my choice. But also should work this way. acheron88: The problems look quite similar to mine, and I double, no triple checked that every theme is pointing to breeze-dark18:52
dbaccnothing ever changed, even with a newly created user. that"s really strange.18:53
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markslawI'm having trouble locating data files for korganizer. when I googled the question, one answer was to look in .local/share/korganizer. Nope. Not there. Any ideas?19:14
andy123markslaw: I have the folder .local/share/korganizer/designer19:18
andy123whats your version of ubuntu and korganizer?19:20
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markslawandy123: it's
markslawas for kubuntu version, it's 16.0419:35
DynaMykhi all19:42
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Guest84221I like KDE =)20:36

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