
karstensrageif i add a ppa as a dependency to another ppa then will adding just the 2nd one, pull the 1st one?02:50
karstensragelike it does for the build?02:50
wgrantkarstensrage: PPA dependencies only affect builds.03:06
karstensragebackporters are pissing me off03:07
karstensragethey arent backporting java803:07
karstensrageor tomcat803:07
karstensragethose are big packages03:07
karstensrageso what chance does my puny package have03:08
wgrantBig packages are much harder to backport, particularly things with very complex reverse dependencies like Java.03:08
karstensragewhat is a reverse dependency?03:09
karstensragei saw that but didnt understand it03:09
wgrantIf A depends on B, A is a reverse dependency of B.03:10
karstensrageso just a dependency?03:10
wgrantThe same relation, just from the opposite direction.03:11
lifelessbut in reverse to the way that the system declares them03:11
wgranteg. if I backport libc6, the reverse dependency tree includes just about everything, so it's very very risky03:11
karstensragewell i have a library and a pam_module that uses it03:12
karstensragei dont think there are any reverse dependencies are there?03:12
wgrantRight, a package with few reverse dependencies is much lower risk, as it's unlikely to break other things. So it's easier to backport.03:13
wgrantBackporting something like Java is very high risk, as it could easily break anything that used Java.03:13
wgrantWhich is why things like Java don't get backported so readily.03:13
karstensragei guess i dont understand03:14
karstensragethey are talking about java803:14
karstensragewhich is separate from java7 or 603:14
karstensragefrom the backport request it seemed like the issue was finding "testers" for all the security updates java has03:18
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chrisccoulsonI keep seeing build failures like this: https://launchpad.net/~oxide-builds/+archive/ubuntu/oxide-trunk/+build/976137007:45
chrisccoulsoncollect2: fatal error: ld terminated with signal 9 [Killed]07:45
chrisccoulsonAny idea why?07:45
wgrantchrisccoulson: Knowing WebKit, it'll probably be running out of RAM.07:49
chrisccoulsonwell, blink. But yeah, probably07:49
wgrantchrisccoulson: Can you reduce the concurrency of the link stage?07:49
chrisccoulsonwgrant, not really. Chromium has a build configuration that splits it up in to dozens of components (our chromium-browser package uses that), but it incurs an unacceptable startup time penalty on the phone and is an unsupported, developer-only option07:50
chrisccoulsonI guess this ties in with another problem - we're regularly hitting the 32-bit address-space limit again on i386/armhf07:51
chrisccoulsonWe've already turned off debug symbols for blink, and we pass some options to gold to make it use a bit less memory07:51
chrisccoulsonbut we're close to having an unbuildable webengine on 32-bit architectures :(07:51
chrisccoulsoneg, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/260075153/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-armhf.oxide-qt_1.15.2-0ubuntu0.16.04.1~overlay1_BUILDING.txt.gz07:53
wgrantchrisccoulson: Right, you can't split the link, but I wonder if you're running multiple concurrent links.07:53
wgrantIt seems unlikely that you're exhausting both RAM and swap with a single ld invocation.07:53
chrisccoulsonwgrant, in this case, we're not07:53
wgrantUnless KHTML's latest incarnation has become seriously more over-impressive than it was a year ago.07:54
wgrantIf you need more than 8GiB for a single linker process I really don't know what to suggest.07:54
wgrantThat's sorta crazy.07:54
wgrantThat can't come close to linking on i386.07:55
chrisccoulsonwgrant, the x86-64 link uses just over 10GB ;)07:57
wgrantI miss the old days when software lived within its means.07:58
chrisccoulsonwgrant, at some point, the only way we're going to be able to produce builds for 32-bit targets is to cross-compile it07:59
chrisccoulson(which I already do locally anyway)07:59
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morphiscjwatson: any idea what is going on with the snap builds on launchpad today? getting failures while fetching running packages from the archive: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/260185417/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_arm64_modem-manager_BUILDING.txt.gz13:36
morphisthis time its gcc-default but another time it was perl13:36
cjwatsonmorphis: can you save me some time and give me a link to the build on launchpad.net?13:46
morphiscjwatson: sure13:46
cjwatsonshould end with /+build/978 or similar13:47
morphiscjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-hwe-team/+snap/modem-manager13:47
cjwatsonthat's the one, thanks13:47
cjwatsonok, so it's not the timeout class of bugs that I fixed a while back13:47
cjwatsonmorphis: I'm afraid this is probably going to be somewhat involved (logs don't indicate anything obvious, we'll need to set up a reproducer on dogfood and crank up debugging levels) and I don't have time to dig into it at the moment.  Best file a bug with what details you have so far.15:01
morphiscjwatson: can do that, against which project?15:01
cjwatsonmorphis: launchpad-buildd will do15:02
cjwatsonit's probably technically rutabaga but whatever15:03
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cjwatsons390x builders will be going down in about 25 minutes for maintenance; expected downtime about an hour23:15

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