
akisI faced some issues during 16.04 installation. Anyone has already installed 16.04?04:51
elkyexplain the issues and someone will answer if they can04:53
n-iCeakis: a lot of people04:54
akisn-iCe: hi. The 'unsafe-swap-space' bug since 12.04 is still here. i try to override it following this http://askubuntu.com/questions/393418/unsafe-swap-space-detected but i cannot open any terminal to give the command sudo swapoff -all. There is a GUI option to open a LXterminal but there is no prompt line to enter the command. Any help?04:58
n-iCechange tty04:59
n-iCeand use the console04:59
akisn-iCe: how can i do that?05:06
akisn-iCe: do you mean change desktop?05:07
akisn-iCe: i tried this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/167386/how-to-switch-between-tty-and-xorg-session but doesnt accepti alt+ctrl+F1 , F2 etc05:08
akisn-iCe: i tried this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/167386/how-to-switch-between-tty-and-xorg-session but doesnt accepti alt+ctrl+F1 , F2 etc05:11
n-iCe's back05:27
akisn-iCe: i tried this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/167386/how-to-switch-between-tty-and-xorg-session but doesnt accepti alt+ctrl+F1 , F2 etc05:30
n-iCeit should05:32
n-iCeI think mine does.05:32
n-iCeAny way, why are you gettnig that error?05:33
n-iCeDid not read, power went off.05:33
akisfirst the 16.04 cannot be tried without installation. Hungs. So i tried the installation option. But if i choose the fully disk encryption i am getting the 'unsafe-swap-space' message (old bug). And i cannot override it following user's instructions.05:38
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
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mohsen_1Does lubuntu have a  composite manager by default16:58
=== Ischwitz is now known as Ingvix
krytarikmohsen_1: Nope.17:03
mohsen_1And the pause in video play back is because of that?17:03
mohsen_1I have a fresh install of lubuntu.17:04
krytarikmohsen_1: No, it's actually the other way around - using a compositing manager *increases* the chance of something like that.17:06
mohsen_1But I the exact problem on another distro(that didn't have a composite manager by default), and the problem disappeared when I installed a composite manager.17:07
krytarikWell, you can try of course.17:08
krytarikn-iCe: Why pasting this here?17:35
n-iCeso you to watch17:36
syntax_Hi. I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with a problem that I have encountered trying to install wine which, after googling, I have not been able to resolve.18:12
syntax_I've followed the install instructions on the Wine website but got this output: https://pastee.org/whqs4 after running: "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel"18:13
syntax_Wine webpage for reference: https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu18:14
NitrigaurI have installed Lubuntu 16.04 and it feels much slower than it's predecessor 15.10 on the same system: Mac 2.1 @2.2GHz Core 2 Duo, using 4GB of RAM. Any idea what might cause this?18:28
wxlNitrigaur: nothing stands out. how did you measure the difference?18:29
Nitrigaurwxl, well,  I mainly use Firefox on it, starting that one up (the same version!) on both 15.10 took almost 1.5 times as long on 16.04, while it felt snappy on 15.10. I can't see any major memory leaks or detect increased swap usage though.18:31
wxlNitrigaur: could be a change in firefox, perhaps.18:32
wxloh wait you said same version18:32
wxldo you have any problems with any other apps?18:33
Nitrigaurwxl, yes indeed, I did.18:33
wxlNitrigaur: such as? all of them?18:33
Nitrigaurwxl, lightweight apps like Gnumeric and Abiword also felt much slower and the right mouse button emulation using two fingers on the touchpad hardly works at all.18:35
wxlNitrigaur: i'm asking for a measurable difference, not necessarily feeling18:35
Nitrigaurwxl, yes, that is a problem, as I have "upgraded" my old 15.10 install to 16.04, so I can't compare them side-by-side anymore.18:36
wxlNitrigaur: then it will certainly be difficult to make any sort of comparison. i certainly have noticed anything similar. the kernel is a different version. perhaps some kernel driver has changed? you might want to check your syslog/dmesg/Xorg logs for anything telling18:37
Nitrigaurwxl, Thanks for the correction there but I understood it from the rest of your statement18:38
wxlNitrigaur: i'm thinking given that you have an intel mac, driver changes are most likely the case. we have a relatively small number of mac users and i'd say an even smaller proportion of them are intel users. that being said, that may be why i have not heard of a similar problem.18:39
wxlNitrigaur: i've never tried to run an old kernel on a supported install, but that might be something to try first.18:40
NitrigaurThat could be it. A regression in a hardware driver, perhaps tied to the harddisk control. I'll browse the dmesg  for any errors/ warnings.18:41
wxlNitrigaur: if you need help diagnosing, feel free to stop on by. also with it not necessarily being a lubuntu-specific issue, #ubuntu may be able to help, too18:42
wxlNitrigaur: you also might try the #ubuntu-kernel channel but afaik that's mostly for development rather than support18:43
wxlstill i'm sure there are friendly folks there :)18:43
Nitrigaurwxl, thank you for all the useful hints. I am well known on the #ubuntu channel and I had quite few friendly chats there.18:44
Nitrigaurquite >a< few friendly chats ...18:44
wxli gathered that, too XD18:44
NitrigaurOne very postive thing about the new version would be the IME support, straight after upgrading I could type Japanese in my favourite input predictor Anthy :-)18:48
wxlah yes, anthy is good :)18:48
NitrigaurThere are a few kanji missing from the set available to me while on MacOSX, but generally it's impressive.18:49
wxlbeing a native english speaker, i'm a little unaware of the processes involved in fixing it, but feel free to file a bug18:50
Nitrigaurwxl, my native language is Dutch, but I'm learning Japanese. That's why I run into these things.18:51
circ-user-i2ztYhi there, I'm having troubles starting or stopping or restarting smbd service19:15
circ-user-i2ztYit's says unknown instance and my shares aren't showing19:15
circ-user-i2ztYhelp is much appreciated :(19:16
circ-user-i2ztYgoogle doesn't serve any solutions atm19:16
wxlcirc-user-i2ztY: if it's a registered service, it should be listed among 'service --status-all'19:17
wxlcirc-user-i2ztY: my guess is it would be listed as samba19:17
circ-user-i2ztY[ + ]  smbd19:17
circ-user-i2ztYand samba19:17
circ-user-i2ztYit was working fine before i did my updates and rebooted19:18
wxlwell if smbd fails, try samba :)19:18
wxlactually looking at this a little deeper, samba should start both smbd and nmbd19:18
wxlso yeah use samba19:18
circ-user-i2ztYi just did19:19
circ-user-i2ztYand it says "stop: Unknown instance:"19:20
circ-user-i2ztYwhen i try to restart it19:20
wxlcirc-user-i2ztY: so why don't you 'start' it?19:20
circ-user-i2ztYroot@boxcenter:~# service samba status nmbd start/running smbd stop/waiting19:21
wxlstop both of them then start samba19:21
circ-user-i2ztYroot@boxcenter:~# service smbd stop stop: Unknown instance:19:22
wxlwell yeah it's already stopped as you have shown19:22
wxlunknown instance" means "i can't find the process id"19:23
wxland if it's stopped (not running), it doesn't have a process id19:23
circ-user-i2ztYI can't understand why it would fail to start again after a reboot19:23
circ-user-i2ztYwhen all i did was apt-get update / upgrade19:24
wxlyou'd need to check the logs for that19:24
circ-user-i2ztYwhat log should i check? /var/log/samba/smbd.log doesn't show much19:25
wxli'd probably start with syslog or dmesg19:25
wxlbefore i did that, though, i'd make sure that:19:25
wxl 1. i can start it manually19:25
wxl 2. it fails upon subsequent reboots19:25
circ-user-i2ztYi can't start it manually :(µ19:26
wxlso you should be doing this:19:27
circ-user-i2ztYMay 18 21:20:48 boxcenter kernel: [ 2772.805517] init: smbd respawning too fast, stopped19:27
wxlsudo service samba stop19:27
wxlsudo service smbd stop19:27
wxlsudo service nmbd stop19:27
wxlsudo service samba start19:27
wxlif that fails, then follow the first three steps and then:19:27
wxlsudo service smbd start19:27
wxlsudo service nmbd start19:27
wxland see if that doesn't work19:27
circ-user-i2ztYhttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5533166#post5533166 i found someone with the same prob19:33
circ-user-i2ztYhaven't found a solution yet though19:33
wxldid you do the above?19:33
circ-user-i2ztYi did19:33
circ-user-i2ztYbut it doesn't stop19:33
circ-user-i2ztYkeeps saying unkown instance19:33
wxlit will say unknown instance every single time you say stop19:34
circ-user-i2ztYand it says it starts, but when i look at the processes, it doesn't show19:34
circ-user-i2ztYit didn't before the update though19:34
wxlwhat do you mean look at the process?19:34
circ-user-i2ztYi've commented out the security line in my smb.conf and how it's working again :)19:35
circ-user-i2ztYlike they said on the forum19:35
wxlat the end of those sets of commands you should be able to do sudo service {smbd,nmbd} status and it should tell you a pid19:35
wxlwell there ya go19:35
circ-user-i2ztYthanks for the help man19:36
wxlyep, fwiw :/ :)19:36
circ-user-i2ztY(l)ubuntu always provides for random surprises when you upgrade stuff :p19:36
wxleveryone provides random surprises19:37
wxleven freebsd19:37
wxlpackage maintainers have to rely on certain assumptions and criteria, some of which don't apply to every situation19:37
circ-user-i2ztYah, don't have experience with bsd19:41
circ-user-i2ztYi only know a little linux19:41
circ-user-i2ztYvery basic19:41
circ-user-i2ztYjust enough to set up what i need , network shares and such19:41
wxlbsd is pretty rock solid for servers. it's the core of a lot of embedded devices as well19:42
wxlit tends to be stable to a fault19:42
wxlbut still there are surprises19:42
circ-user-i2ztYmight give freebsd a try when i rebuilt or change my setup at home20:37
wxlit's a whole different ball of wax. it is CERTAINLY not very user friendly. i would not recommend it for a desktop.20:37
circ-user-i2ztYi wouldn't use it for a desktop20:37
circ-user-i2ztYbut more like a bit of powerful machine to run different server's under vm's20:38
circ-user-i2ztYi usually use debian , but getting the latest kodi to work under debian is a bit of a pain20:39
circ-user-i2ztYmy  server is also my mediacenter , for now20:40
wxlyeah well usually freebsd is terrible when it comes to the latest and greatest20:40
circ-user-i2ztYtill i have some more money to blow i suppose :)20:40
wxlit's also, in general, terrible for support for newer hardware20:40
wxllike i said, stable to a fault20:40
circ-user-i2ztYprobably runs good enough in a virtual machine20:40
circ-user-i2ztYwas thinking of going for proxmox with all kind of vm servers20:41
wxlprobably, as long as you aren't trying to maximize graphics too much on newer hardware20:41
wxllike i'm not sure what 3D acceleration is like20:41
circ-user-i2ztYmeh, i still use windows for my desktop ;)20:42

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