
mupBug #1582944 opened: maasserver.rpc.tests.test_regionservice:TestRegionService.test_start_up_logs_failure_if_all_endpoint_options_fail fails ~15-20% of the time <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1582944>00:09
mpjettaI’m trying to debug some network issues while bootstrapping juju 2.0 to my new MAAS 2.0. The node comes up but hangs for a 5 minute timeout on bringup up network. The node finally loads and I can ping it and SSH is up on port 22 but I can’t SSH in and immediately get a “Connection reset by xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 22” . any ideas?00:52
dmicklooking at http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/os-support.html#generated-images-vs-custom-images02:16
dmickhow does one generate a custom Ubuntu image (say, with preinstalled packages)?02:16
dmickmaas-image-builder claims only CentOS/RHEL02:17
dmick(and the ppa has apparently moved from that documented locatino)02:20
jwitkoHey All,  I have some servers getting stuck at the "comissioning" stage.  Does anyone know how I can trouble shoot?03:00
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shantanuNeed help05:41
shantanuGetting this error while deploying05:42
shantanuSpecify a storage device to be able to deploy this node.", "Mount the root '/' filesystem to be able to deploy this node MAAS Deployment05:42
KwootAtWorknewbie question: if on maas 1.9.2 I select "subnets" and I never get past the "loading" stage. How can I find out what is going wrong?07:26
KwootAtWorkOk,other question. If during system image download to maas the filesystem is full, the download halts. After adding more lvm space to the filesystem it is possible to start a new download. But maas keeps telling me "Cannot add machine until boot images have been imported. To fix, visit the images page.". Where can I find the marker that says that download failed?08:39
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jeffbmy MAAS won't autoboot my nodes. comes back very quickly with 1 node cannot be powered on. wakeonlan and etherwake both installed & work from CLI09:10
jeffbhave added etherwake into sudoers file already09:10
jeffbany ideas what to check would be appreciated09:11
mupBug #1583093 opened: Fail to deploy if VLAN are configured <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583093>10:38
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mupBug #1560830 changed: maas power check won't work with ipmi hosts with the string 'on' in them <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560830>13:45
mupBug #1578713 changed: maas cli help message shows API 1.0 after upgrade to 2.0 <oil> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1578713>14:51
FLU__Does anyone have a recommendation where to find someone that will setup maas on ubuntu 15.0415:23
LoRezFLU__: on a non-LTS release?16:01
mupBug #1560830 opened: maas power check won't work with ipmi hosts with the string 'on' in them <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560830>16:19
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=== arturt_ is now known as arturt______
dmickhow does one generate a custom Ubuntu image (say, with preinstalled packages)?17:00
dmickmaas-image-builder claims only CentOS/RHEL17:00
mupBug #1560830 changed: maas power check won't work with ipmi hosts with the string 'on' in them <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560830>17:10
mupBug #1560830 opened: maas power check won't work with ipmi hosts with the string 'on' in them <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560830>17:22
mupBug #1560830 changed: maas power check won't work with ipmi hosts with the string 'on' in them <canonical-bootstack> <MAAS:In Progress by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1560830>17:31
kikodmick, that's a great question for smoser or blake_r_ :)18:07
dmickthanks for the tip kiko18:08
kikoI've been looking for some docs on that for a long time18:08
dmickI'm even having trouble finding anything about what teh format of the image is expected to be18:09
kikodmick, the only other hint I can give you is that the image is installed using curtin18:10
kikothat's the installer18:10
dmickyeah, I found that, and so perhaps "some sort of tarball" is my clue so far18:10
dmickhaven't actually tried to read curtin source yet18:10
kikodmick, you'd have gotten an answer by now except the guys are sprinting in vancouver this week18:13
kikodmick, maybe write to the list or ask on askubuntu if you get bored18:13
pacavacais there an easy way to create a custom ubuntu image for maas? by custom I mean ubuntu + some additional packages installed and config changes made. The number of changes is quite big, so it's not wise to do them every time through preseed scripts and I'm looking for some way to create an fs snapshot and feed it to maas.18:51
mupBug #1583317 opened: No visible warning when ipmipower fails or raises an error <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583317>19:13
kikopacavaca, are you in league with dmick?19:22
kikopacavaca, I'm asking because he just asked the same thing a few hours ago :)19:22
kikopacavaca, could you post a question on askubuntu.com?19:22
kikoI'll get it answered19:22
kikothe team is sprinting in vancouver so slow to answer IRC this week19:22
pacavacakiko: no, I came up with this question independently, don't know who is dmick :) Ok, will post it there, thank you!19:29
pacavacaactually, there're similar quistions with no answer already. This one for example http://askubuntu.com/questions/725017/how-to-generate-a-custom-image-of-ubuntu-for-maas19:30
dmickpacavaca: I've just been asking it in here yesterday and today19:32
kikopacavaca, okay, subscribe to that one (dmick too he likes) and I'll get an answer put in19:33
dmickyeah, I found that one last night.  I'll glom on.19:33
pacavacakiko: thank you!19:33
kikos/he likes/if he likes/19:33
dmickkiko: is my launchpad login good for that, or is it separate?19:33
kikodmick, I think it's the same SSO yes19:34
dmickah yeah, UI FTW19:34
pacavacastackoverflow login works too19:34
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mupBug #1583333 opened: [2.0b5] duplicate key on startup: Key (vid, fabric_id)=(2, 0) already exists. <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583333>20:29
mupBug #1583349 opened: Minimum kernel set on node breaks commissioning : no image ubuntu/amd64/hwe-x/trusty/no-such-image/boot-kernel <oil> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1583349>21:29

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