
Kiloshelloooo africa05:03
Kiloselacheche ping05:03
Kilostunisians like sleeping late05:04
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kiloselacheche Na3iL hi10:48
Na3iLHello Kilos10:49
Na3iLHello Africa10:49
Kiloscan one of you reaprove philipballew please10:49
Kiloshis membership expired this morning10:49
Kiloshe runs our facebook page10:49
Kilosi think he is too  busy to even get to his mails10:50
Kilosi have forgotten how to do it10:50
Na3iLSure Kilos11:08
Na3iLI don't have enough permissions to reaprove him11:08
melodiehello everyone, bonjour11:09
Kilosoh my11:09
Kiloshi melodie11:09
melodiehello Kilos !11:10
melodieI have a very important message for the African GNU/Linux users, all countries interested, and I need you to bring it further in all your circles and networks. It's about a free software that is unique, and endangered as rare species11:12
melodieone that can be used in cyber cafés : the server and the client11:12
melodieand therefore useful for all places where the time is counted while the clients browse the internet!11:12
melodiethe point is, it's been developped for linux, windows, is the only free software meant for this purpose and needs to be taken care of, adopted forked, and tested in the latest Ubuntu lts available, trusty and xenial11:13
melodienow the links:11:15
melodieand the latest discussions: https://sourceforge.net/p/mkahawa/discussion/955736/thread/981abb29/11:16
melodieKilos please forward this to the mailing lists! this soft needs developers, testers, people making packages and from there we can build a new Ubuntu Mkahawa, so all can get it easily and have it working in no time11:17
melodieI had done one myself with Precise (Bento precise) and tested, it was working fine!11:17
Kiloswill do melodie11:18
Kilosty for that11:18
Na3iLHey again13:04
Na3iLmelodie, You were talking about something for African GNU/Linux users groups?13:04
Na3iLKilos, did you re-aproved philipballew?13:06
melodiehi Na3iL yes13:06
melodieabout the free software Mkahawa, for the cyber cafes using Ubuntu and other Linux boxes13:06
Na3iLWhat was the message? :P13:06
Na3iLAh! I was thinking bout another thing13:07
Na3iLping MarwenDo13:07
melodieNa3iL http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/05/18/%23ubuntu-africa.html13:08
melodieNa3iL will that do?13:09
Na3iLThat's cool melodie I will share this with other ML surely :)13:10
melodiegreat! that's a good boy! :D13:11
Na3iLJust our of curiosity, why the name is Mkahawa13:11
Na3iLCause, here in Tunisia, we call coffee "Kahwa" :D13:12
melodieI think it's because it was forked from CCL : "cafe con leche", which refers to cyber cafes13:12
Na3iLah I see13:12
melodiewell "kawa" in parisian slang is also coffee :)13:12
Na3iLhahaha :D13:13
melodieprobably comes from Tunisia too, as there used to be many Tunisians having restaurants in the popular places in Paris13:13
Na3iLAw, really :D13:14
melodieand sometimes also even owners playing Cithar!13:14
Na3iLBTW, comment vas-tu13:15
Na3iLIt was a long time from we talked last time!13:15
melodiebien merci, et toi ? :)13:15
melodieet tu peux aussi voir des captures d'écrans avec Mkahawa ici : http://phillw.net/isos/bento-ubuntu-remix/misc/BentoVillageProject/Mkahawa/13:16
Na3iLça roule aussi13:16
Na3iLsuper, je crois que je peux aider! :D13:17
melodiece serait génial13:17
melodietiens-moi au courant ?13:17
melodieet je tiendrai au courant Cyrille qui est aussi intéressé13:18
melodie(un contributeur du wiki ubuntu-fr.org)13:19
Na3iLoh, c'est génial ça13:19
melodieNa3iL si tu as besoin de me trouver, quand je ne viens pas sur irc depuis un moment, tu peux poster un mot sur le forum linuxvillage.org13:20
Na3iLok, bookmarked13:20
Kilosno Na3iL i cant find a place to do it14:45
Kiloszofrry i was outside ploughing lands14:45
KilosNa3iL do you see where to approve that guy15:57
Kilosill do it if you can point me to the right link ad where to approve15:57
Na3iLokay Kilos 1 sec15:59
Na3iLCheck for his name here Kilos : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa/+members16:00
Kilosok ty16:02
Na3iLyw :D16:02
Kilosit says he is approved16:03
Kilosyay now i remember how to do it16:04
Kilosi think its his ubuntu membership that has expired16:05
Kilosnot on ubuntu-africa16:05
Na3iLKilos, I think so too16:26
Kilosi have reapproved one guy but forgot how now16:27
Kiloselacheche had to help me that time16:27
Na3iLelacheche, is busy with his wedding :D16:28
Na3iLKilos, you think other LoCo teams will be present?16:58
Na3iL(African LoCo teams)16:58
Kilosi dont know Na3iL , you can only mail the list and see if anyone can find the time to travel there16:59
Kilosand ping everyone here16:59
Kilosi go eat16:59
Na3iLOtherwise, we can held it in South Africa?17:00
Kiloswill be tough here, noone has much time17:01
Na3iLtake your time , good apetit17:01
melodieoh also for all to see, good website and info here! www.ouagalab.org and I'm going to meet the man this saturday, while we will have our first LUG grand opening!17:04
melodiehe will be made aware about them missing in the Ubuntu Africa list!17:04
asghaierHello Africa!17:23
asghaierHello vanishing Na3iL !17:23
Na3iLasghaier, \o/ \o/17:24
Na3iLI miss you :')17:24
asghaieru have my phone number Na3iL17:24
Na3iLI know :/ but I don't have a mobile phone for 2 or 3 months I thnik17:25
Na3iLhow are you? and hows the work17:25
* Na3iL pings asghaier 17:32
asghaieras usual Na3iL17:39
KilosQA coffee on18:27
* QA starts grinding coffee18:27
KilosQA large18:27
QAIn a beer mug just for you Kilos18:27
QACoffee's ready for Kilos!18:31
KilosQA ty18:31
QAOnly a pleasure Kilos18:31
KilosQA botsnack18:31
QAKilos: thankyou!18:31

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