
=== inaddy is now known as tinoco
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:28
Bashing-omWB lotuspsychje .... Just like you left it .05:29
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om bumpy night?05:30
Bashing-omNawww ,,, not to rough ..05:30
Bashing-omthink'n bout time to hang out the 'done' sign . Think'n getting forced .05:32
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: make sure tomorrow the sign 'alive' is back on your door :p05:33
lotuspsychjedone sounds real final hehe05:34
daftykinsjust for today i hope!05:35
lotuspsychjehey daftykins05:35
daftykinsmornin' o/05:35
lotuspsychjeyeah 8 hours pauze, we can 'live' with :p05:36
Bashing-omyeah .. I do think I done done it .. time to retire it for this session . Read yall later .05:36
daftykinsphew :)05:43
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje daftykins05:48
daftykinsmy eyes are like @_@05:48
lotuspsychjehey morning EriC^^05:48
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: watched triple 9 yet?05:48
EriC^^it was good05:48
daftykinswussat o005:49
EriC^^volunteer down05:49
lotuspsychjedaftykins: new cool movie05:49
daftykinso rry05:49
daftykinswho's the volunteer down? that was me! ;)05:49
lotuspsychjedaftykins: kinda like heat05:50
daftykinsis that a film?05:50
lotuspsychjedaftykins: dont tell me you didnt see heat :p05:51
daftykinsthen i cannot type a response :D05:51
lotuspsychjewith deniro & al paccino05:51
lotuspsychjegotta see it mate, best movie ever05:52
l0k1ola algum brazuca?05:52
lotuspsychjeif you like action that is05:52
lotuspsychje!english | l0k105:52
ubot5l0k1: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:52
lotuspsychjedaftykins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xbBLJ1WGwQ05:53
EriC^^i think i'm going to go to a place nearby and buy dvd's05:55
EriC^^my friend used to get them from there, they have like everything before it even comes in the theaters almost, movie for like $1 or $205:55
EriC^^i saw like a ton of trailers on youtube last time and nothing on the torrent or other sites :/05:56
lotuspsychjeregular or bluray?05:56
EriC^^regular :p05:56
daftykinsdat 80s trailer05:57
daftykinser 90s i suppose :P05:58
daftykinsEriC^^: how is that allowed to keep going?05:58
daftykinsor do you have to say a code word then go into a back room ;)05:58
EriC^^lotuspsychje: did you learn clutch very good yet?05:58
lotuspsychjedaftykins: movie is much better then the 'old' trailer :p05:59
daftykinsi'm just teasing :>05:59
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: yes, its starting to come05:59
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: but i will never be a real fan of it05:59
lotuspsychjewhen this car dead, i want automatic06:00
lotuspsychjei know its lame but..06:00
EriC^^to each their own06:00
EriC^^i was going to tell you to get that ticket to leb and come to drive my car and buy me stuff06:01
EriC^^fuck my laziness06:01
lotuspsychjea trunk full of blurays06:01
daftykinsnext you'll invite OerHeks and try to keep his dog Drabber to fetch you food from the kitchen06:01
EriC^^i had it under control for a couple of days, i cleaned the car a bit, changed the fan clutch, fixed the tires and also tried to install the strut brace06:02
lotuspsychjewe all need to win the lottery06:02
EriC^^the weather was too hot later, it reached 34'c O.o so i called it quits til it gets better06:02
EriC^^it usually barely reaches 34'c in the summer here06:02
lotuspsychjewe had 27 last week and its only may...06:03
lotuspsychjelet the heat summer come :p06:03
EriC^^yeah it's odd06:03
daftykinshey waiddaminute there are TWO Tripolis!06:03
lotuspsychjetrip what?06:05
EriC^^where is the second one? :o06:05
daftykinsit's a city06:06
daftykinsone in north Lebanon, one in north-west Libya06:06
EriC^^tripoli is a city in lebanon, it's pretty remote from the main city beirut though06:06
EriC^^oh, not that remote really06:06
EriC^^i dunno why i was thinking saida06:07
daftykinsEriC^^: you do all that funky right to left writing down there then? :>06:07
EriC^^haha yeah06:07
daftykinsactually i don't know why i think it's right to left06:07
EriC^^i've not written in arabic in like ages probably06:07
daftykinshmm you can get away without?06:08
EriC^^yeah most everything is in english or french here too06:08
EriC^^i basically only used in arabic in arabic classes06:08
lotuspsychjecool so you speak french also?06:08
EriC^^lol no i was in an english educated school, i speak a little though06:08
lotuspsychjeah oui!06:08
daftykinsEriC^^: does the country have many folks coming over from Syria?06:09
EriC^^yeah i think so06:09
EriC^^it's becoming a problem i think06:09
EriC^^i'm not much into politics, they all suck basically06:09
EriC^^everybody's a crook here in politics06:09
daftykins*nod* yeah i don't follow any06:09
EriC^^i have a sick idea for a youtube channel06:10
EriC^^it's kind of funny or silly i guess06:10
lotuspsychjeyoutube is gonna start paying services06:11
EriC^^paying what?06:11
lotuspsychjelike netflix and such06:11
EriC^^it's really silly i think, i just typed it out and felt even more silly06:11
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: what would it be about?06:12
EriC^^basically i put a camera inside the car, and maybe a drone that can follow the car06:12
EriC^^well basically just going about lebanon driving and taking pics06:12
lotuspsychjesounds cool06:12
EriC^^and doing some sideway action and going up hill and stuff mountain roads06:12
EriC^^also i was thinking at night i could film races with people06:13
lotuspsychjea lebanon sightseeing channel06:13
EriC^^yeah and at night i just drive around06:13
EriC^^and when somebody wants to have fun i can also film it06:14
lotuspsychjethen afterwards they all sue you for copyrights :p06:14
EriC^^i get a lot of people who want to have fun and stuff cause the car is pretty much a classic06:15
EriC^^and it has an engine swap, so it's pretty fast too, it can walk over the nissan 350z and stuff and give other cars a run for their money06:15
EriC^^it used to be twin turbo'd though before, and it was pretty sick, i wanted 600-ish hp from it and i only got to make it like 380bhp or so ( from 320bhp) so it was really low boost from the turbos06:16
EriC^^but it was pretty sick with the turbo's, the torque was insane06:16
lotuspsychjethe streets are good to drive fast?06:17
EriC^^yeah the highways are pretty good06:17
EriC^^other streets as well06:17
EriC^^beirut is all good06:17
lotuspsychjemountains little rougher?06:17
EriC^^the main roads are pretty good they get tarmac'd every year or so06:18
EriC^^the old mountain stuff are rough though06:18
EriC^^like village stuff or places far that aren't main06:18
EriC^^those drones are pretty sick06:20
daftykinsooh it's raining just like the weather app predicted!06:21
EriC^^they shoot 4k and they can go for 4km and they can follow you around perfectly filming06:21
EriC^^obstacle avoidance and auto come back and land and stuff06:21
lotuspsychjedaftykins: yeah gonna rain here aswell later06:21
EriC^^costs $1400 though O.o06:21
daftykinslotuspsychje: i'll send it over with a note! :D06:21
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: if one day a drone reaches my face, ill smack it down06:22
EriC^^would be so funny if it fell into some mountain side, no way06:22
lotuspsychjeand take the hardware apart :p06:22
daftykinsi think you'd be too busy getting chewed up by rotor blades ;)06:22
lotuspsychjeprivacy man06:22
EriC^^yeah lol06:22
EriC^^you'll shoot arial shots and stuff06:22
lotuspsychjenext drones will film us while naked baking in your own yard?06:22
EriC^^you bake naked in your yard?06:23
lotuspsychjeno, but i could :p06:23
* EriC^^ note to never eat doughnuts at lotus's house06:23
lotuspsychjehow about a hotdog?06:24
daftykinsif you're offering06:24
daftykinsbbq \o/06:24
lotuspsychjesure, or some tasty durum06:25
lotuspsychjenice we have google streeview to watch stuff around the world06:25
daftykinshehe except for over here ;)06:26
daftykinsi think they came over and filmed, then our government said NEWP!06:26
lotuspsychjewhere is that again?06:26
daftykinsChannel Islands :)06:27
lotuspsychjelol a part of a street oO06:29
lotuspsychjei wanna walk!06:30
daftykinsnah wrong one06:30
lotuspsychjeah its aus?06:30
daftykinsthat's the only bigger one, look for the triangle :>06:30
daftykinsnah correct area06:30
lotuspsychjejersey ok06:31
daftykinsi live on Guernsey06:31
daftykinshey there's the cycle lane i ride :>06:33
lotuspsychjeah nice06:34
lotuspsychjestreeview is so complicated grrr06:34
lotuspsychjewow the sea looks so nice06:35
daftykinsit's a trap, even when it does it's cold as ice06:39
lotuspsychjeeven is summer?06:39
daftykinshehe yeah last time i went to a nice bay it was06:40
daftykinslike electric running up my leg!06:40
EriC^^there's a lot of nice pics of leb in google06:43
EriC^^this ones pretty awesome https://www.google.com.lb/maps/place/Beirut/@33.8886289,35.4954794,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s-IHqMgnvFq3A%2FVqdsTYB79UI%2FAAAAAAAAAIE%2Fi8MoLl8MrFEFJHwU69Mui5nO8-k9uj8sQ!2e4!3e12!6s%2F%2Flh6.googleusercontent.com%2F-IHqMgnvFq3A%2FVqdsTYB79UI%2FAAAAAAAAAIE%2Fi8MoLl8MrFEFJHwU69Mui5nO8-k9uj8sQ%2Fs218-k-no%2F!7i1920!8i880!4m5!3m4!1s0x151f17215880a78f:0x729182bae99836b4!8m2!3d33.8886575!4d35.4954529!6m1!1e1?hl=en06:45
EriC^^i always feel like taking a camera and taking pics when i go out driving06:45
daftykinstwo tall buildings on the left look unfinished at the top :>06:45
daftykinsdo it :D be neat to see you guys areas06:45
EriC^^then i think it's kind of stupid cause you wont enjoy the view as much06:45
daftykinsthat's why you take a tonne of pics and stitch 'em together :D06:46
lotuspsychjethis is where i live06:47
EriC^^you live in a souvenirs store? O.o06:50
EriC^^good morning06:51
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i sell donuts :p06:52
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks06:52
EriC^^at first i was scared it was a doughnuts shop06:52
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: we are showing off street views of our city06:52
lotuspsychjegiaqor: morning06:52
OerHeksnice site lotus, http://street360.net/#52.35605;4.65729;57.15;11.42;0.34;12;1;h;0 this is where i live06:54
OerHeksfaster than google mups06:54
daftykinsi choose to believe vlamingstraat is Flaming Street06:55
OerHeksEriC^^ is living in Beirut??06:55
daftykinslotus lives on flaming street, rawr06:55
EriC^^wow that's really cool06:55
EriC^^yeah OerHeks06:55
OerHeksvlamingstraat with childrenheads06:55
daftykinsOerHeks: is the pedestrian crossing pole still leaning over drunk like that? :>06:56
OerHeksi would swear you live in England, nm06:56
lotuspsychjeyeah better then google maps that site06:57
OerHeksstill leaning over indeed06:57
lotuspsychjebbl guys breakfast :p06:59
lotuspsychjedonuts :p06:59
OerHeksvlamingstraat, that will be 1.5 day bicycling for donuts..07:00
daftykinsmaybe we should all turn up uninvited on the same day so lotus can order in 50 for us ;D07:01
OerHeksodd, 2 guys in #kubuntu, both cannot type the letter K in konsole..07:01
OerHeksyeah, surprice visit07:02
daftykinsmaybe they wore out the K from speaking about all the programs that start with K?07:02
daftykinsonsole from the eyboard07:04
OerHekshe is still thinking about my advise: soap & water07:04
EriC^^i have a sticky "," key07:09
EriC^^the "l" was sticky i poured some "easy" window cleaner on it and it seems to have fixed it07:09
EriC^^that stuff is brutal, if you pour it on some plastic it it heats it up, but it cleans really well07:10
daftykinssuddenly you were running windows ;D07:10
daftykinsa 'clean' install :>07:10
EriC^^wow the weather is perfect here today07:23
OerHekshere too, and someone sended me money, so i am singing07:23
EriC^^sun isn't hot, and the air feels clean and a light breeze and some white clouds07:24
OerHekslittle cloudy, but nice temp07:24
daftykinsthen the doughnuts are on OerHeks! :D07:39
OerHeks!find donuts08:22
ubot5Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=donuts&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all08:22
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
=== KeithIMyers_ is now known as KeithIMyers
lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all10:38
* lotuspsychje sending his network-manager bug10:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1583114 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Dhcpdiscover loops on interval until network-manager restart" [Undecided,New]10:53
lotuspsychjethere we go10:53
lotuspsychjeanyone find a clue here, let me know :p10:53
BluesKajHiyas all10:58
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj10:58
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje, what's up today?10:59
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: just arrived, trying to solve my recent bug 158311410:59
ubot5bug 1583114 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Dhcpdiscover loops on interval until network-manager restart" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158311410:59
lotuspsychjehi there rilleh :p11:03
lotuspsychjeand TJ-11:03
BluesKajlotuspsychje:  this is on your laptop, right?  I have the dame BCM4313 on my lenovo, I just opened the network manager "edit connections" and deleted the ethernet connection. It reappears after a reboot but at leasr the annoyance is gone for the session11:03
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: yep my netbook here11:04
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: but i also wanna use the ethernet at some times aswell11:05
TJ-lotuspsychje: did you notice that the wifi connection is called "Wired connection 2" ?11:05
BluesKajyeah, it reappears after a reboot , not a fix but it's a workaround11:05
lotuspsychjeTJ-: weird, in network connections/edit its named belkin7 111:06
TJ-<warn>  [1463567736.9384] device (wlp7s0): Activation: failed for connection 'Wired connection 2'11:07
TJ-i'd suggest deleting all the connections and recreating the Wifi connection first11:07
lotuspsychjeok lemme try that first11:07
lotuspsychjeand reboot11:07
BluesKajI think an upgrade eventually fixed it here, I haven't seen that problem since , actually11:10
lotuspsychjeTJ-: lol wifi shows as cable arrows now11:12
TJ-that's the unity issue with NM and network-manager-gnome I guess11:12
TJ-but is it working correctly now? any more sign of the DHCP failing?11:13
lotuspsychjeTJ-: well its hard to say, as this issue doesnt arise every boot11:13
lotuspsychjeTJ-: ill keep an eye on it next few boots11:13
lotuspsychjeok, changed to ignore ipv6 and all users can connect to it11:18
lotuspsychjelets see what it does on reboot11:18
lotuspsychjewifi icon is back now11:20
TJ-it went out to lunch :)11:22
lotuspsychjeill update the bug so far11:22
lotuspsychjeand see what it does next reboots11:22
lotuspsychjeTJ-: howto check if network names are good now?11:23
TJ-lotuspsychje: read syslog11:25
lotuspsychjenot seeing connection2 anymore11:29
lotuspsychjebelink7 111:30
lotuspsychjerilleh: http://mixing.dj/2016/livesets/adam-beyer-drumcode-302-13-05-2016/11:51
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
pauljwHi everyone12:11
lotuspsychjehey pauljw12:12
brushdemonelky: We need to talk12:26
ubot5GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:47
OerHeksnom nom nom http://www.geforce.com/hardware/10series/geforce-gtx-107014:20
OerHeksdaftykins ^^14:20
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
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lotuspsychjehi de-facto15:17
de-factoHey guys :)15:46
lotuspsychjehi there15:51
lotuspsychjehggdh: good morning15:56
hggdhlotuspsychje: a very good morning to you15:57
lotuspsychjeman that curlyears found another trolling way again oO16:14
nacclotuspsychje: :)16:14
lotuspsychjecant believe that guy is doing support also16:14
TJ-is that what you call it?16:15
lotuspsychjeok 'trying' to do support16:15
TJ-pink noise?16:16
lotuspsychjehe helped users for hours the other day16:16
lotuspsychjegod help em :16:16
TJ-You know... 16.04's sheer number of bugs is exhausting me mentally16:17
TJ-Every day I aim to do something, I'm sidetracked dealing with yet more regressions that require diagnosing, isolating, and reporting.16:17
lotuspsychjeTJ-: i know its crazy16:17
TJ-this has to be the worst LTS ever16:17
TJ-and its not just in the fluffy stuff (GUI) its core stuff16:18
lotuspsychjeTJ-: most tiring is the returning bugs, that actually should be solved and not return at all16:18
TJ-yes, regressions all over16:18
naccare you seeing patterns at all? we could create rules for them, aiui, in launchpad16:18
TJ-the QA fell down on this one for sure. Dev's need to be tied to the unit-test chassis for all new code!16:19
TJ-nacc: no, it's literally across the entire code base. I think I reported/diagnosed (fixed a few) about 25 in the 1st week or so16:19
naccTJ-: :/16:19
TJ-the common thread is the causes mostly feel "sloppy"16:20
naccTJ-: yeah, i've fixed several,b ut mostly stuff i introduced because of the php7 transition :)16:20
lotuspsychjewell i wouldnt call it the worst, as there is also good news really16:20
lotuspsychjebut returning bugs on lts is not very pleasant16:20
naccare they bugs with corresponding tests? that seems to be the biggest gap i've seen16:21
naccthings get fixed, but no autopkgtest for it gets written, so it can regress and no one will notice16:21
lotuspsychjekernel 4.6 also fixxes alot of xenial stuff16:21
nacclotuspsychje: ack, esp. skylake stuff16:21
TJ-I was on a remote server support overnight, in a DC, 16.04 ubuntu-server ISO in 'expert' mode fails to install (configure) the kernel... why... because devtmpfs isn't mounted into /target/ so the root file-system's device cannot be located... why ... live-installer's postinst script comments out the step that mounts proc dev etc into the /target/ ... and no commit history, no changelog, as to why or16:21
naccintel found tons of bugs lately16:21
lotuspsychjenacc: yeah16:21
TJ-these 'little' things suck the time out of life16:22
lotuspsychjei agree, we should be able to focus on newer things then older bugs16:22
TJ-whilst doing that I also noticed the installer fails to reset the /dev/disk/by-uuid/ link names if installing to existing partitions but reformatting them, so UUID matching fails16:23
TJ-I think when we get to the 'Z' release we should suspend the next release for 12 months and have everyone focus on fixing the bugs16:23
lotuspsychjeTJ-: ive been on xenial on the start fixing bugs16:24
TJ-we've got terrible documentation bitrot, we've lost the UDD so there's no fine-grained commit history for most packages, and its impossible to know where the source code for the package is being managed16:24
naccTJ-: that's a kernel bug, no?16:24
lotuspsychjei wanna stick lts16:24
nacc  /dev/disk is managed by the kernel16:24
TJ-nacc: no, it's base-installer/debian-installer, failing to tell udev to redo the links16:24
naccTJ-: ah16:24
naccTJ-: for server side, we're working on it :)16:25
TJ-nacc: installer does a mkfs.XXXX /dev/sdaY but there's no event add/change event for udev to redo the links16:25
naccTJ-: the "release" part of the server side is getting some more dedicated folks, it's a konwn issue16:25
TJ-nacc: it sure needs it, I'm getting tired!16:25
naccTJ-: i'm one of those folks, if it matters :)16:26
TJ-there was a period when i actually felt proud of the new releases, but now I feel more like "uh-oh, brown stuff is about to hit the fan!"16:26
naccTJ-: so while we may not have a perfect source solution going forward (ack on that sometimes being tricky), we are going to be introducing some git tracking for merges and fixes in the server-maintained pacakges16:26
TJ-nacc: well, if you need any more bodies that can fix stuff, shout me! anything to get these bugs cleared and a stable viable quality back16:27
lotuspsychjealso ubuntu going the mobile way, its prudent not getting old bugs on new OTA's and stuff16:27
TJ-I've been working on Ubuntu since 2005 and its getting not to be fun16:27
lotuspsychjebut so many things are changing here16:27
naccTJ-: i think up to my joining the team, there was just 1 person on server for years just doing the maintenance, and it was going unnoticed :/16:28
naccTJ-: i think the other issue is the 'ubuntu server' community (in my experience so far) is quite small and not very active in the fixing of bugs (beyond filing them :). We're now actively triaging again which will help16:29
* TJ- shakes head ... too much chasing dreams instead of delivering quality16:29
naccTJ-: 100%16:29
naccTJ-: for better or worse, they've realized it's a mistake now, at least16:30
TJ-nacc: it is pretty hard to miss :D16:30
naccTJ-: you'd be surprisded (without going into the politics of it all)16:30
TJ-the 'pull things inside Canonical' approach that started back in about 2007 was the first sign I noticed when the creep started16:31
TJ-Let's hope that by the next 'A' release sanity has been restored16:32
naccTJ-: i'm unfortunately ignorant of that stuff beyond being a user at the time (and not having any issues I couldn't solve myself)16:32
naccTJ-: but i will work on continuing to champion for community interaction and involvement -- it seems a bit difficult to get htat going again at this point16:33
TJ-it was subtle, I only noticed it early because I was a member of the Ubuntu kernel team. without warning it suddenly became the "Canonical kernel team' with no notice or explanation; mailing-list content dropped off, visibility for the community was lost, and then I noticed it elsewhere16:34
naccTJ-: sad.16:34
TJ-indeed, it's how to lose the dev community16:34
nacctbh, it's a control issue -- and i think canonical still doesn't fully know (not meant as a pejorative) how to manage both sides (still learning)16:35
naccthat's at least how it seems to me16:36
nacci was at ibm before this and they had similar issues at the levels outside the linux division in terms of understanding the community 'cost' of doing enterprise work. you don't get it for free, in other words16:36
TJ-Yes, and I can understand it with IBM, but Canonical started from the community, employing the core Debian devs and so on, so it doesn't really have a great excuse... except the out-in-plain-sight joke-but-not-a-joke nickname of SADFL16:39
naccTJ-: yeah, that part is sad16:39
naccTJ-: if you have any great ideas on how to revitalize (in particular) the server community, i'd love to hear them :)16:40
TJ-I've worked full time on Ubuntu since 2005, but outside of Canonical's sphere, just to invest into the F/OSS community, so I guess I've got more exposure to it than most16:41
TJ-nacc: ship fantastic code and documentation - simple16:41
naccTJ-: :)16:41
TJ-nacc: I used to run/own a group of IT businesses but sold out back in 2004, so I can pick and chose what I do now, and F/OSS is my 'work' I guess16:42
TJ-I prefer the tech to the C* roles16:43
naccTJ-: it's a fair point, though -- i think i view it as a bit of chicken & egg. There aren't enough cnaonical folks to make "fantastic code and documentation" and add new features. And I doubt that there will ever be a release freeze (just my opinion) just to fix bugs. So the best way to improve code and documentation is to get more eyes and hands on it ... how to do that effectively is the question16:44
TJ-nacc: but there is an artificial 6 month 'sprint', rather than setting a quality deadline, its a calendar dealine regardless of quality16:46
naccTJ-: ack i've noticed that too16:46
TJ-customers will forgive slipped deadlines; they won't long forgive shoddy buggy incomplete regressing code16:47
naccthat's what i would think too16:48
nacci'm not privy to that level of discussion yet :)16:48
TJ-there's a reason RedHat turns over US$2bn16:48
naccTJ-: yep16:49
naccand why people are ok running RHEL5 still :)16:49
TJ-precisely :)16:49
naccRHEL4 probably too (even if not really supported)16:50
TJ-nacc: 1 step on the road to improving server (shameless plug!) is to see bug 1582899 gets attention and the ISO images respun to contain the fix16:51
ubot5bug 1582899 in live-installer (Ubuntu) "in-target: mkinitramfs: failed to determine device for /" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158289916:51
TJ-i pinged cyphermox about it earlier but didn't see a reply; cjwatson no longer deals with that; not sure who else other than those two (who have changelog entries)16:51
naccTJ-: i'll do what i can to at least make it a release bug16:52
naccTJ-: as presumably it's still borken in yakkety and then i'll help sru it16:52
TJ-nacc: the problem is because we have no reliable commit history I've no way of knowing who, or why, the bug was introduced ... so frustrating16:52
naccTJ-: yep16:54
TJ-Another area that could do with attention is the Secure Boot + OS verification chain. Currently the Ubuntu specific GRUB patches adding certificate verification of kernel images will still load an unsigned vmlinuz image16:55
naccyeah, i'm glad i've never touched secure boot16:55
TJ-I've an interest in the crypto side, am writing code for GRUB mainline to add LUKS keyfile, detached header support, and working on U2F or challenge/response for Yubikey-like devices16:56
TJ-it would be nice to be able to secure the entire chain, starting from Secure Boot through kernel loading, and in addition have PID 1 provide hashes of all packaged executables (from /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums/shasums) to a (new) kernel module (which I'm designing and wull write) so the kernel can prevent any non-signed code being executed16:57
naccthat feels like it would have been the goal all along :)16:58
TJ-there's a big valuable market in secured systems now, both server and laptop16:58
TJ-if someone would stop introducing bugs faster than I can fix them I might get time to write that code before 2020 :D16:59
naccTJ-: well, i thank you for all the assistance i've seen you provide on IRC and in bugs already16:59
TJ-that's my choice, a way to keep close to the fundamentals, no thanks required. Although, you could lock some of the Canonical decision makers in the ubuntu support channels for a week until they understand how much quality is suffering17:01
TJ-I used to make my directors spend 1 week every 4 months doing front line support; has a wonderful effect on quality and customer satisfaction17:02
TJ-(especially the Sales Director, to ensure he didn't oversell the promises, or undersell our capabilities)17:04
naccheh, wish I had that kind of power17:05
naccI'll just try to be noisier in meetings :)17:05
TJ-it's one of the perks of being the 'dictator' :D17:12
naccTJ-: yeah :)17:12
TJ-oh, one thing about the online UDS format... make everything that is used F/OSS, drop the reliance on proprietary stuff that excludes anyone that doesn't use, for example, Google Hangouts17:21
naccTJ-: yeah, i've wondered about that17:21
TJ-that was the stupidest decision ever for a F/OSS dev community17:21
TJ-gave me the same feeling as the kernel-team event17:22
TJ-a F/OSS distro company should be boasting and showcasing the open alternatives and dog-fooding them17:22
Bashing-omWell, close to that time ( Howdy Doody time ) and here I am. Let's see what we can learn this day .19:03
Bashing-omdaftykins: Is alive and well ? Keeping all systems in the island ironed out .19:18
daftykinsyes sir-ee, today i have glorious news for my subjections to windows 7 reinstalls19:24
daftykinsright now they take a day to update, but yay! https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/windowsitpro/2016/05/17/simplifying-updates-for-windows-7-and-8-1/19:24
Bashing-omdaftykins: Not looked but my solution to updating Windows a lot of years past ....... install ubuntu .19:29
OerHeksfear of startbuttons, i suffer19:45
Bashing-omAcutely so when that buttton supposed to do Windows :)19:48
daftykinsfun to be sat in cmd for the first time in ages19:49
EriC^^evening everyone20:05
Bashing-om wb EriC^^ . Looks like a 'testy' time on the channel .20:09
EriC^^Bashing-om: thank you20:09
Bashing-omEriC^^: Now that Spring is here . gainful employment opportunity arose ?20:11
EriC^^not looking much my man20:11
pauljwhi EriC^^20:13
Bashing-omPeehaps for the best ? I happen to like not puncing someone else's clock :)20:13
EriC^^hi pauljw :)20:13
EriC^^yeah i dont like to work20:13
EriC^^i mean to have a 9-5 schedule and also a "boss"20:13
EriC^^maybe make money on my own somehow or a freelancing job20:15
Bashing-omAh but the downside .. no ficial recompense. no can buy that new SSD that is so desired .20:15
Bashing-omDaughters 37 and 41 think I should continue to support them .. go back to a J O B ... My Heels are scooting !20:18
EriC^^37 and 41 O.o20:19
OerHeks78 together20:20
EriC^^wb daftykins20:21
Bashing-omRe-adjust their priorities .. They are raised and resposible for their own . huh ? Daddy not buying that new car .. when I want a 8 core Athlon system .20:21
daftykinsty sir!20:22
daftykinsnote to self, never experiment from your own server20:22
Bashing-omdaftykins: One of those times when " I think I can " ?20:23
EriC^^37 and 41 ages20:23
EriC^^i thought numbers 37 and 4120:23
Bashing-omNow I would be prolific .. I do not evsn wish !  .. I do infer ages .... ages !20:24
OerHeksoh, not shoesize?20:24
EriC^^lol i thought it was a joke or something20:24
daftykinsnah i'm just integrating this update rollup into a windows 7 install image file, but to do so you have to mount the image first... then i got file locks trying to unmount it, so had to reboot my server20:26
daftykinsand since this IRC client runs on a VM on that host, i had to come back ;)20:26
daftykinsnothing but a learning experience! :)20:26
Bashing-omwharever does not kill the server .. just makes it stonger .,. yes ?20:27
daftykinsvery true! lives to die another day20:27
daftykinscue James Bond theme ;)20:29
daftykinsthis is quite cringe, my win7 ISO contains all 4 flavours of win7, i have to apply the updates to _all 4_ to make this image install for each flavour20:29
daftykinsquite a lot of work if i don't ever do any win7 installs again ;)20:29
daftykinsa better person would have scripted this...20:30
Bashing-omdaftykins: 3rd time around .. you will .20:33
daftykinsactually i have begun immediately! buahahaha!20:36
daftykins"if not today, when?"20:36
Bashing-omAxiom ; Never do today, what you can put off 'til tomorrow - leaves more time for IRC .20:37
daftykinsthis is actually my idea of fun20:38
Bashing-omI relate to what is fun . I have begun the preliminaries to have 16.04 on a SSD .. planning the partitioning I will do this time around .20:43
daftykinsexcellent :D20:45
daftykinsthen it shall be welcome to the fast lane!20:45
Bashing-omAnd on the wish list is that nicer Nvidia Graphic's card .20:47
daftykinsi'm itching for these new ones too so i can upgrade20:49

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