
TheMariusfifty-sevenC, however....... it might not be the indicator applet but the volume control program the indicator applet points to00:08
TheMariuswhich is that? i cant see it now00:08
TheMariusit only happens to that one00:08
TheMariusskype diodon etc runs flawless in the indicator applet00:08
fifty-sevenCSkype doesnt run after you exit it right?00:38
mate|7624hello is anyone available , I have a problem with ubuntu mate 16.04 detecting my monitor dpi wrong , I have super tiny fonts  , I have searched and the help i have found is for other distros , any advice other than changing the font sizes manually which looks ugly ?03:47
mate|7624i found this , but i dont see options in with the fonts to change the dpi  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts#Problem:__Looks_ugly_without_96_dpi03:50
mate|7624also thats just for ubuntu03:50
mate|7624i did that command as it said in the link to see what X thinks my dpi should be and i got xdpyinfo | egrep 'dimensions|resolution'04:21
mate|7624  dimensions:    1920x1080 pixels (508x286 millimeters)04:21
mate|7624  resolution:    96x96 dots per inch04:21
=== huhlig_ is now known as huhlig
maxspiceif i install python-pip and install a package via pip, then will "apt-get upgrade update that package in future?07:55
maxspiceoh okay07:58
ubuntu-matejoin #madrid08:04
=== rw is now known as Guest11400
matteo__Hi :)11:47
matteo__Can I ask for some information?12:03
ouroumov_hi matteo__12:04
ouroumov_ask away12:04
matteo__I'm running for the first time Ubuntu Mate in a VM Machine trying to understand how is it. Until now I'm loving it. I've changed window manager to compiz, I like the animation but everything runs very slow and laggy. It depends only on VM?12:08
fifty-sevenCCompiz requires 3d acceleration12:09
fifty-sevenCWhich means you need it in your host, your virtual machine must support it, it has to be enabled and guest additions/tools have to be installed in the guest.12:09
fifty-sevenCWhat is your host OS?12:10
fifty-sevenCAnd do you have 3d acceleration in it?12:10
matteo__Maybe I forgot 3d acceleration12:10
matteo__My host OS is Debian, and I've installed the guest addictions12:11
fifty-sevenCWhat VM product are you using?12:11
fifty-sevenCShutdown the VM. Change the settings -> video -> enable 3d checkbox12:12
fifty-sevenCturn the VM back on12:12
fifty-sevenCYou have to enable it on a per VM basis. It is not on by default I believe12:12
fifty-sevenCSo if you make another you have to turn it back on again.12:13
ouroumov_Also there's Compton as a WM option12:13
ouroumov_Less flashy than Compiz12:13
ouroumov_But still does the useful stuff, such as Vsync for tear-free video playback12:13
fifty-sevenCouroumov_, any 3d will be laggy if 3d support is not enabled.12:13
ouroumov_57c, I get it, just mentioning it because he's trying out Ubuntu MATE. :)12:14
matteo__Thank you :)12:14
fifty-sevenCI need to get around to filing a bug report for that mate-indicator-applet crash12:14
fifty-sevenCI should install VB on my laptop.12:15
fifty-sevenCDocker seems to be a very popular and suitable replacement though12:16
fifty-sevenCcgroup ++12:16
fifty-sevenCouroumov_, I have an interview tomorrow for a Linux Help Desk position. :) I can't wait.12:17
ouroumov_You're gonna ace it :o12:18
ouroumov_57c: what company?12:18
fifty-sevenCNot sure, it is a direct hire through Robert Half.12:19
fifty-sevenCBut I was able to narrow it down considerably. "new" US startup section of a swedish company in a specific city not known for tech making open source network monitoring products.12:20
dirtynapkinhow is everyone today?14:44
fifty-sevenCPretty good14:50
fifty-sevenCMy unemployement is at an end. lol14:50
mate|11794Just curious. Does anyone know how to donate to the project as a business to claim taxes? Is Mate Team an NGO?15:04
mate|11794On Patreon it says that the company needs to be a not-for-profit, but I can't find this information on MATE website.15:10
fifty-sevenCI'm looking for some email info15:10
fifty-sevenCDo you have twitter?15:13
mate|11794Ok, that was kind of obvious:) I don't use social media much. You think they will reply on facebook?15:17
fifty-sevenCI think so15:17
mate|11794Alright! Thanks:)15:17
ouroumov_he could have also waited for a while for flexiondotorg to respond.15:28
ouroumov_Must have been the end of their workday.15:29
ouroumov_I hate XML.15:29
fifty-sevenCXML is fun!15:29
fifty-sevenCHa ha15:29
ouroumov_Death to XML.15:29
ouroumov_All hail Json.15:30
fifty-sevenCInvalid XML character detected15:30
TheMariushrmf ... i should have installed linux on all my fam business computers except one program there wont run under linux .. axiafrakt ... just sent them a semi-grumpy email and asked when they will get a solution for linux :/16:48
TheMariusits to print out labels and send packages .. this one lousy program16:49
fifty-sevenCDoes it work through Wine?16:49
TheMariusno... .net app ..16:49
TheMariusseveral have tried16:49
fifty-sevenC.net should work with mono then16:49
TheMariuswell ive googled treads about it.. it doesnt work16:49
fifty-sevenC.net for Linux16:50
gordonjcpTheMarius: ah, we have a problem with our parcel courier service like that16:50
gordonjcpTheMarius: their website requires a java applet to print labels16:50
gordonjcpit doesn't work in anything newer than IE716:51
TheMariuswell ... still lousy they dont make it avaliable for linux .. it would simplify running these machines alot since compaly is full of computer n00bs installing toolbars and crap by accident16:51
gordonjcpTheMarius: apparently you can lock all that stuff down in Windows16:51
TheMariusi have to aid them all the time with irrelevant stuff16:51
fifty-sevenCJava applet requires IE? Waaaah? Java a[[;et using ActiveX? What kind of abomination?16:51
TheMariuslinux would simplify it for me16:51
gordonjcpfifty-sevenC: <shrug>16:52
TheMariushave it on 2 irrelevant computers my dad use, he likes it16:52
TheMariusand i made sure they just use open source software in win16:52
TheMariusand it works fine16:52
TheMariusso its just about changing platform16:53
gordonjcpfifty-sevenC: firefox no longer supports the website and chromium works with the website but doesn't do java any more16:53
fifty-sevenCYou can whitelist the java applet for the website16:53
TheMariusim honestly getting sick of nagdows16:53
fifty-sevenCHuh, appears the chrome devs might have gotten rid of the enterprise workaround for the java applet16:54
fifty-sevenCThat is hardcore. Wow16:55
TheMariusplease update flash and yes we'll install crapafee antivirus with it without asking you, welcome to ask toolbar, your computer needs to be upgraded, offer: free 1 year subscription to office 365 .... idk how much of this junk i have to sort out on windows .. i spend hours each week with this16:55
fifty-sevenCGoogle is getting rid of flash soon too16:55
TheMariusthis is why id like linux ... except for a bug here i bet is related to my weird hardware (the business computers are all laptop of common brands) its hazzle free16:57
TheMariusthe business computers are all sluggish now with weird problems16:58
TheMariuslibreoffice is whats used mostly + axia freight + replying on emails + printing17:02
TheMariusand axia is the key to get this changed over.. so im hoping they listen17:03
TheMariuswould ease things alot for several businesses in this country17:03
TheMariusreg. migrating to linux17:03
TheMariussmall windows programs like this is whats stopping it17:03
TheMariusbet im not the only one17:04
TheMariusmono-4.0-service .. is that the package for mono btw?17:07
TheMariusor mono-complete ?17:08
fifty-sevenCmono-complete is everything17:09
TheMariusdo i need it?17:09
fifty-sevenCYou need to figure out which .net version the program runs on17:09
ouroumov_hi kiik17:09
fifty-sevenCHi kiik17:09
TheMariusaxia use net 4.017:09
fifty-sevenCIt should be supported in mono then17:10
=== lars_ is now known as Guest54239
ouroumov_I hate mono too17:13
fifty-sevenCLooks like mono-complete is what you will need17:13
ouroumov_Almost as much as XML17:14
TheMariusmono-runtime ... mono-complete ... ?17:16
fifty-sevenCmono complete17:16
TheMariusnot sure if the labelprinters are supported either17:16
ouroumov_Enjoy your 170+ new root-certificates17:16
fifty-sevenCDon't hate mono. Hate .net with its 50 billion versions that have to be supported17:17
ouroumov_Does it makes you install a boatload of root certs too?17:17
TheMariushttp://www.hsprinter.com/Uploads/55a0c5a2209bf.jpg <-- need to know if this works too .. have then connected together with a regular printer17:17
TheMariussoftware will have to know which goes where17:18
TheMariusand this aint connected to it17:18
lhzI have sound issues on a clean install of 16.04, any ideas? More details here: https://gist.github.com/lhz/51e6e5da6cd1922e9129e250839785ee17:18
fifty-sevenCIf it connects via USB you could probably find a driver for it somewhere or maybe the .net app will interface it directly and it not need one.17:18
TheMariusthink i'll wait and betatest this on my dads dedicated bank linux laptop17:19
fifty-sevenClhz, I'm not familiar with coax sound.17:20
fifty-sevenClhz, I think it is using the wrong driver. Can you check?17:20
fifty-sevenCThe gigabyte page says it uses Realtek but your gist says Intel17:21
lhzfifty-sevenC: strange that it works except for the occasional dropout?17:22
gordonjcplhz: does it work when you're not using optical out?17:23
TheMariuswell thanks guys17:23
TheMarius*switching to surface pro and win* :/17:23
fifty-sevenCSorry TheMarius. Hopefully your vendors will catch up and stop holding you to windows one day.17:24
lhzgordonjcp: don't think I have any other kind of cable to check here at the moment, but will try.17:25
fifty-sevenClhz, cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 | grep Codec17:26
fifty-sevenCrun that17:26
fifty-sevenCWhat does it spit out?17:26
lhzfifty-sevenC: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/fe3711ba3792968cc15be81767bd031e17:28
ouroumovTheMarius, can't you reserve one lousy machine for the label-printing task?17:29
ouroumovAnd have UM on the others?17:29
fifty-sevenCOk, your card0 is your HDMI? Weird.17:31
lhzfifty-sevenC: coax is just spdif with rca connector btw17:31
fifty-sevenClhz, cat /proc/asound/cards17:31
lhzfifty-sevenC: added as comment to https://gist.github.com/lhz/51e6e5da6cd1922e9129e250839785ee17:33
fifty-sevenCOk, you're plugging into the PCH?17:34
lhzif that is the s/pdif then yes17:34
fifty-sevenClhz, cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#1 | grep Codec17:35
fifty-sevenCWoops I did that wrong17:35
fifty-sevenClhz, cat /proc/asound/card1/codec#0 | grep Codec17:35
lhzcat /proc/asound/card1/codec#2 | grep Codec   =>   Codec: Realtek ALC89217:36
fifty-sevenCLooks like you have the correct codecs.17:36
lhzWhen not playing any sound, I hear a slight pop in my speakers every time the pulseaudio process is being supervised17:38
fifty-sevenCkill rkit17:40
lhzfifty-sevenC: tried that, but it just respawns and resumes doing its supervising17:42
fifty-sevenCsudo service rtkit-daemon stop17:42
lhzthat's what I did. it stopped, but was started again automatically after a few seconds17:43
lhzi can try renaming the executable :)17:44
fifty-sevenCwell it seems rtkit is changing the process priority of your pupleaudio processes and causing pops when it does. ?17:44
fifty-sevenCDon't rename it.17:45
fifty-sevenCI don't know if anything other than pulseaudio uses it17:45
lhzrenaming the exe and then stopping the rtkit daemon caused my chrome to segfault when I went to youtube to play a video17:47
fifty-sevenCYeah if it needed audio17:48
fifty-sevenCrtkit is an on demand service17:48
lhzguess I need to find some way to stop it from changing priority of pulseaudio all the time then17:49
fifty-sevenCWell, thing is it is supposed to change the priority of pulseaudio17:50
fifty-sevenCBut if you're saying everytime it does you get a pop then there is a problem17:51
fifty-sevenCTry those17:52
lhzfifty-sevenC: will have a look, thanks.17:56
fifty-sevenClhz, it has instructions to turn off the rtkit and on17:57
lhzfifty-sevenC: tried all of those now, but no change.18:09
fifty-sevenCbattery charge estimates are hilarious sometimes18:09
fifty-sevenCso with rtkill disabled it still popped?18:13
lhzfifty-sevenC: didn't try that bit since there is no pulse-rt group existing18:16
lhzfifty-sevenC: for now I think I will try connecting my monitor audio output to my receiver and see how that goes. just need to find the right cable.18:18
fifty-sevenCCould it be a bad connection or wire?18:26
lhzdoubtful, it works without a hitch in Windows 10 on the same computer18:27
lhzstrange that it worked fine in beta but this started to happen immediately after I updated to release18:28
Akuliwired ethernet?18:28
Akulior wired something else?18:28
lhzcan't get any sound through the monitor either. think I'll try to install 15.10 just to confirm it works there.18:40
fifty-sevenCthrough hdmi?18:40
lhzthe monitor is connected through mini displayport18:41
fifty-sevenCno sound at all now?18:41
lhznope, I suspect a hdmi connection to the monitor is needed for sound, even though it does say hdmi/displayport in the sound hw settings dropdown./18:42
lhzi'd prefer to get spdif to work though so I can keep it digital all the way to the receiver.18:43
lhzwill check if spdif works without glitches in 15.10 like it did in 16.04-beta.18:43
lhzyup, just booted 15.10 from usb and no sound issues18:54
fifty-sevenCcat /proc/asound/cards18:55
lhzlooks identical (just different irq number)18:56
fifty-sevenCCheck the codecs?18:59
lhzdumping to file now and copying off to a different pc so I can compare with 16.0418:59
fifty-sevenCtake your pulse audio config file too19:00
lhztoo late, but can do some more diffing later19:07
lhzhere's the codec diff: https://gist.github.com/lhz/06d808c34a96b590c52cf051f139a7fb19:08
fifty-sevenCand the pa config diff?19:13
lhz/etc/pulse/default.pa only?19:13
lhzno difference, except for the tsched=0 that I tried to add in 16.04 but that didn't make a difference19:18
fifty-sevenCwell, the codec amp values are the only different things19:19
fifty-sevenCcheck alsamixer ?19:19
lhzDigital category was also different19:21
lhzand some GenLevel added in 16.0419:22
fifty-sevenCI can't find the difference between Enabled and Enabled GenLevel19:22
fifty-sevenCalso try right click the volume and selecting sound preferences19:25
fifty-sevenCTry different profiles19:25
lhzthere are only two for digital audio (with and without analog input), and they both have the issue.19:27
fifty-sevenCI don't know what to do then19:27
RobLoachWimpy is live on https://www.twitch.tv/linuxgamecast .19:28
fifty-sevenCLets check something19:30
ouroumovRobLoach, thanks19:30
fifty-sevenCwell nevermind, no old version available in the repo19:31
lhzok, I will stick to 15.10 for now on this pc. thanks for your help anyway, much appreciated.19:36
fifty-sevenCHi ouroumov_19:50
fifty-sevenCNet trouble?19:50
ouroumov_That can't be20:00
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as leminsc8
leminsc8hello iam rely new on ubuntu mane20:02
ouroumov_So OK, I just lost my internet connexion20:02
ouroumov_Hi leminsc820:02
fifty-sevenCHi leminsc820:03
leminsc8i need help:20:05
leminsc8Rhythmbox fordert die Installation von Erweiterungen, um Dateien des folgenden Typs zu erstellen: ID3 tag muxer20:05
leminsc8hi tifty20:06
fifty-sevenCI don't know German and the google translate seems a bit off.20:07
ouroumov_The ISP who manages my wifi has the portal in HSTS20:07
ouroumov_And, those dumbasses have an invalid cert20:08
fifty-sevenCall captive portals will have an invalid cert20:08
fifty-sevenCYou can't pretend to be another domain and the cert be valid20:08
ouroumov_But they're not supposed to be HSTS, or did I miss something?20:08
leminsc8i wanna add mp3 my musicdatabase from "Rhythmbox" the answer is i need "ID3 tag muxer" but i cant downloading with autoupade20:09
fifty-sevenCIt works in IE and 'it's secure' so companies impliment it without thinking20:09
ouroumov_I can't believe this20:09
ouroumov_Please tell me I don't need a machine with IE so I can get the access back20:09
ouroumov_I'm gonna murder someone20:09
ouroumov_Installing Google Chrome now, maybe there will be an option to disregard HSTS, firefox won't let me do it20:10
fifty-sevenCleminsc8, sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly20:10
fifty-sevenCYou will need to run that in a terminal20:12
leminsc8sry my english ar sad. you mean i need gstramer1.0?20:12
fifty-sevenCouroumov_, chrome won't let you do it20:12
leminsc8th plugin20:12
fifty-sevenCleminsc8, press ctrl+alt+t20:12
fifty-sevenCleminsc8, in the terminal type sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly20:13
ouroumov_And I can't use Lynx because portal needs freaking Javascript20:13
fifty-sevenCWell try Chrome anyways20:13
fifty-sevenCyou might get a "Do it anyways" prompt20:13
ouroumov_I'll try, but it takes a while to download over my phone20:13
fifty-sevenCOuch data fees20:13
ouroumov_I'm in France so I don't have to worry about that20:14
fifty-sevenCI have Google Fi, so I pay $10 per GB but I get refunded everything I don't use.20:14
fifty-sevenCSo on an average month it is cheaper than ATT or TMobile20:14
ouroumov_Worse they can do is cap my bandwidth but It's slow anyway20:14
leminsc8done :-)20:14
leminsc8okay i will test it20:15
ouroumov_Well damn, I'm sure I've missed all of Winpy's live by now20:15
ouroumov_Wimpy's *20:16
fifty-sevenCHey ouroumov_20:16
leminsc8ubuntu-mate@ubuntu-mate:~$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly20:17
leminsc8Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig20:17
leminsc8Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.20:17
leminsc8Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig20:17
leminsc8The following additional packages will be installed:20:17
leminsc8  gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr libmpg123-0 libopencore-amrnb020:17
leminsc8  libopencore-amrwb0 libsidplay1v520:17
leminsc8Vorgeschlagene Pakete:20:17
leminsc8  sidplay-base20:17
leminsc8Die folgenden NEUEN Pakete werden installiert:20:17
leminsc8  gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr libmpg123-020:17
leminsc8  libopencore-amrnb0 libopencore-amrwb0 libsidplay1v520:17
leminsc80 aktualisiert, 6 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 103 nicht aktualisiert.20:17
leminsc8Es müssen 574 kB an Archiven heruntergeladen werden.20:17
leminsc8Nach dieser Operation werden 1.954 kB Plattenplatz zusätzlich benutzt.20:17
leminsc8Möchten Sie fortfahren? [J/n] j20:17
leminsc8Holen:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 libopencore-amrnb0 amd64 0.1.3-2.1 [92,0 kB]20:17
leminsc8Holen:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 libopencore-amrwb0 amd64 0.1.3-2.1 [45,8 kB]20:17
fifty-sevenCleminsc8, use pastebin20:17
leminsc8Holen:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr amd64 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 [33,7 kB]20:18
leminsc8Holen:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 libmpg123-0 amd64 1.22.4-1 [124 kB]20:18
leminsc8Holen:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 libsidplay1v5 amd64 1.36.59-8 [63,6 kB]20:18
leminsc8Holen:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/universe amd64 gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly amd64 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 [215 kB]20:18
leminsc8Es wurden 574 kB in 0 s geholt (629 kB/s).20:18
leminsc8Vormals nicht ausgewähltes Paket libopencore-amrnb0:amd64 wird gewählt.20:18
leminsc8(Lese Datenbank ... 191211 Dateien und Verzeichnisse sind derzeit installiert.)20:18
leminsc8Vorbereitung zum Entpacken von .../libopencore-amrnb0_0.1.3-2.1_amd64.deb ...20:18
leminsc8Entpacken von libopencore-amrnb0:amd64 (0.1.3-2.1) ...20:18
leminsc8Vormals nicht ausgewähltes Paket libopencore-amrwb0:amd64 wird gewählt.20:18
leminsc8Vorbereitung zum Entpacken von .../libopencore-amrwb0_0.1.3-2.1_amd64.deb ...20:18
leminsc8Entpacken von libopencore-amrwb0:amd64 (0.1.3-2.1) ...20:18
leminsc8Vormals nicht ausgewähltes Paket gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr:amd64 wird gewählt.20:18
leminsc8Vorbereitung zum Entpacken von .../gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr_1.8.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...20:18
leminsc8Entpacken von gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr:amd64 (1.8.0-1ubuntu1) ...20:18
leminsc8Vormals nicht ausgewähltes Paket libmpg123-0:amd64 wird gewählt.20:18
fifty-sevenCFunnily enough if I get that job I'm interviewing for tomorrow I'll have to learn Swedish and German. lol20:18
leminsc8Vorbereitung zum Entpacken von .../libmpg123-0_1.22.4-1_amd64.deb ...20:18
leminsc8Entpacken von libmpg123-0:amd64 (1.22.4-1) ...20:18
leminsc8Vormals nicht ausgewähltes Paket libsidplay1v5 wird gewählt.20:18
leminsc8Vorbereitung zum Entpacken von .../libsidplay1v5_1.36.59-8_amd64.deb ...20:18
leminsc8Entpacken von libsidplay1v5 (1.36.59-8) ...20:18
leminsc8Vormals nicht ausgewähltes Paket gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly:amd64 wird gewählt.20:18
leminsc8Vorbereitung zum Entpacken von .../gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly_1.8.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...20:18
leminsc8Entpacken von gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly:amd64 (1.8.0-1ubuntu1) ...20:18
leminsc8Trigger für libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu3) werden verarbeitet ...20:18
leminsc8libopencore-amrnb0:amd64 (0.1.3-2.1) wird eingerichtet ...20:18
leminsc8libopencore-amrwb0:amd64 (0.1.3-2.1) wird eingerichtet ...20:18
leminsc8gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-amr:amd64 (1.8.0-1ubuntu1) wird eingerichtet ...20:19
leminsc8libmpg123-0:amd64 (1.22.4-1) wird eingerichtet ...20:19
leminsc8libsidplay1v5 (1.36.59-8) wird eingerichtet ...20:19
leminsc8gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly:amd64 (1.8.0-1ubuntu1) wird eingerichtet ...20:19
leminsc8Trigger für libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu3) werden verarbeitet ...20:19
leminsc8sry dudes...20:19
leminsc8this are only the code.20:19
leminsc8yes sry20:19
leminsc8okay fity but it's done? must i reboot system? or restart software?20:19
ouroumov_How come ubottu did not quiet&ban him?20:19
fifty-sevenCRestart program20:19
leminsc8done <3 okay i see i must learn work with terminal ;-)20:21
ouroumov_Ok so that wasn't the problem20:21
nomicwhat was all that?20:23
leminsc8thanks - see you20:23
fifty-sevenCAppears he posted the german version of apt-get install into chat20:23
fifty-sevenCleminsc8, you're welcome20:23
leminsc8i will test mate to upgrade form windows. dodayi start fromusb20:24
leminsc8windows10 lol20:24
fifty-sevenCI hope you like it20:25
leminsc8i love it20:27
leminsc8but i must learn..20:27
leminsc8<desktop user...20:27
ouroumovI understand now.20:28
fifty-sevenCWhat was it?20:28
ouroumovWell, form action="https://wireless.wifirst.net:8090/goform/HtmlLoginRequest"20:29
ouroumovThe Port.20:29
ouroumovBlocked by firewall.20:30
ouroumovI guess that's one problem with Linux. When something hits the firewall there's no popup saying "That application wants to access the internet. Allow / Deny"20:31
fifty-sevenCCould make one20:31
ouroumovIt'd be cool, I'm not sure the amount of work involved though.20:32
fifty-sevenCActually it looks pretty trivial looking at it20:35
fifty-sevenCThe worst part is the iptables logs are stuffed in with kernel logs20:35
ouroumovfifty-sevenC, how do you link a packet with an application?20:36
fifty-sevenCJust make a python script check the log file one a second. If something was blocked generate one of those indicator notifications saying it was blocked20:36
ouroumovfifty-sevenC, I guess that could be useful enough to detect something was blocked20:37
ouroumovAnd indeed, that would be easy to code20:37
fifty-sevenCouroumov, yeah just check for blocked outbound packets20:37
ouroumovBut i'd be cooler if the application responsible for the traffic could be identified20:38
fifty-sevenCI don't see a way immediately to tie the packet to the application20:38
fifty-sevenCBut I am sure there is a way somehow20:38
fifty-sevenCBut that would be more work. The 90% is just identifying and telling the user it was blocked20:38
fifty-sevenCWhat was blocked could come later20:38
ouroumovFor TCP streams that can be done using lsof, not on a per-packed basis but on a per-connection basis I think20:39
fifty-sevenCMVP = base needed to be functional and used20:39
fifty-sevenCouroumov, if a packet was blocked would lsof be able to detect that?20:39
fifty-sevenCi mean, there is no connection in that case right?20:39
ouroumovfifty-sevenC, hmm, I'm not sure at what point in the connection process it starts being considered as an open file20:40
fifty-sevenCHi voron12120:40
ouroumovhi voron12120:40
voron121who from Russia or ukraine ?20:41
ouroumovfifty-sevenC, lsof ouput | TCP shows "(ESTABLISHED)" so I guess it'll show up before connection is established too20:41
fifty-sevenCthere is fuser20:41
fifty-sevenCso fuser port/protocol will give you the pid20:46
fifty-sevenCthen you can check what the program is in /proc/pid20:46
fifty-sevenCYour connection still not working?20:47
ouroumovfifty-sevenC, oh it is now20:50
ouroumovI dropped my firewall the necessary time to log in20:51
fifty-sevenCHi maxflax20:55
maxflaxWas wondering about how to set scale in Mate, upgraded to 16.04 and my windows title fonts are very big. got a 1440x900 screen20:57
maxflaxAll other texts are fine..20:57
ouroumovI don't know about that one. Some other users have posted similar questions on the forum I think, maxflax20:58
fifty-sevenCGo to appearance20:59
fifty-sevenCClick Fonts20:59
fifty-sevenCChange the Window Title Font20:59
ouroumovfifty-sevenC to the rescue. :o21:00
fifty-sevenCouroumov, I'm going to make that thing we talked about into a project for myself21:00
fifty-sevenCThink python would be a good language to do it in?21:00
ouroumovfifty-sevenC, I was thinking about it myself. I'm not sure Python would have all the Linux-API access needed to avoid subprocessing fuser & such.21:01
fifty-sevenCI'm thinking fuser won't work because it will *only* show currently used ports21:02
fifty-sevenCand lsof is slooooow21:02
maxflaxfifty-sevenC, Did that before but had some strange behaviou. The font size isn't big in setting so I suspect there is some kind of scaling depending on my screen size or something. In Unity there is a scaling option but havn't found that in mate.21:03
fifty-sevenCmaxflax, change the font and font size. Save it. Then change it back and save it.21:04
fifty-sevenCmaxflax, if it was a scaling problem, then it would affect everything. Right?21:05
maxflaxfifty-sevenC, Well, saw somewhere that there is diff scaling setting on diff ui elements as titles etc. But I will try and see what happens.21:06
fifty-sevenCmaxflax, I won't say that is impossible but I never heard of that before21:07
fifty-sevenCmaxflax, I don't see an option to vary scaling by UI element but it could be hiddden in a config file somewhere21:10
fifty-sevenCmaxflax, did changing it and back again do anything?21:10
maxflaxnot really, I have to go down to 4 to make the title texts sane21:11
fifty-sevenCDid you change the style to Regular?21:11
maxflaxSo there must be a scaling in work21:11
fifty-sevenCI dislike it when I'm searching for a solution and they leave :(21:18
fifty-sevenCOh you're back21:19
maxflaxfifty-sevenC, Jepp, did a restart on lightdm to reload my xorg.conf. Found a fix21:20
fifty-sevenCWhat was that?21:21
maxflaxOption         "UseEdidDpi" "False"21:21
fifty-sevenCWhere is that?21:21
maxflaxUnder Section Screen21:22
fifty-sevenCIn Displays?21:22
fifty-sevenCOh Nvidia control panel?21:23
fifty-sevenCWell that is hwy I couldn't find iyt21:23
maxflaxfifty-sevenC, In my xorg.conf file under /etc/X11 .. manual edit. realized Ive fixed this before and after the update my xorg.conf was renamed to old, so my old settings wasnt in work21:24
TheMariusi might have an explenation for whats causing this breakage in mate-indicator-app22:15
TheMariuscause i have spotify installed on several computers, you can choose in spotify what device that plays the music.. i can sit here on the linux desktop and the current playing machine is this, then send it from this linux machine over to the laptop with windows 10 and the music will play on that one.. this mate indicator thing controls sound on this machine22:16
TheMariusi have noticed i can actually adjust volume on the windows machine from here22:17
TheMariussorry... i mean, skip back and forth in songs.. but if i change sound volume and this is linked to the windows machine... you should get an error of some sort22:17
TheMariusi doubt the mate indicator app takes that into account22:18
TheMariusand it basically tilts.. stops working... anyone here with spotify that could test out this theory?22:18
maxflax TheMarius, What stops working?22:20
TheMariusvolume control in the mate indicator app22:21
TheMariusbasically equal to system tray in windows ... where volume, wifi, clipboard, minimized skype, steam etc is listed22:22
TheMariusim 99% sure thats it22:24
TheMariusit would be an "issue" for any software22:24
TheMariusanyone here testing out my theory?22:27
fifty-sevenCI don't have spotify and believe it is not it since it crashed when I tested it before22:29
TheMariusyou need 2 computers with spotify installed on both ... when you play spotify in ubuntu mate, test volume control.. works? ok ... then go to the other computer... play spotify on that one.. or change device in ubuntu mate to the other.. then adjust volume when the other machine plays, and see if it breaks22:29
TheMariusyou had the same bug i had, fifty?22:29
fifty-sevenCYes it crashed when I used it22:29
TheMariusany alternative for volume control other than having to adjust each single app?22:31
fifty-sevenCthe stock volume control or alsamixer ?22:32
maxflaxusing the indicator to control spotify doesn't work at all for me..22:34
fifty-sevenCHi hasan22:34
fifty-sevenCmaxflax, apps have to support it22:34
TheMariusmate-volume-control-applet <-- add this to startup and in the system tools menu, and start it from there22:35
maxflaxfifty-sevenC, there are only one spotify apps as I know of for linux thou or what do you mean22:36
TheMariustemp fix to they sort it out.. worked fine22:36
fifty-sevenCnow that I think of it, a script to check if it is dead and relaunch would be trivial22:37
ubuntu-matehey iam new can you help me to change language to german by firstrun on ubuntu mate22:46
fifty-sevenCPersonal -> Language support22:48
TheMariuswell now im happy, my ubuntu mate runs allmost perfect when i got rid of the mate indicator thingy... except for steam, but nothing else to do there than wait for new drivers from amd22:49
TheMariusgot a ton of software installed aswell22:50
fifty-sevenCCool :)22:50
TheObviousChicohow to log into freenode? :(22:50
TheMariusfound a couple ive never heard of before.. natron is going to be cool for video editing22:50
TheMariuscant picture myself doing a lightsaber video though22:51
fifty-sevenCSounds fun. Be sure to save often22:52
fifty-sevenCTheObviousChico, there should be instructions in the freenode server message I think22:53
fifty-sevenCTheMarius, are you running 64bit?22:59
fifty-sevenCTheMarius, does it tell you the applet ended unexpectedly?23:10
fifty-sevenCOr does it just dissapear?23:11
TheMariusno it doesnt tell me anything at all, it just stops working23:11
TheMariusits still there, looking nice23:11
TheMariuslike nothing is wrong with it23:11
TheMariusbut click anything in the little window that go down when you click the sound volume, and try pausing, playing, rewind or adjust volume, nothing works at all23:12
gordonjcphahaha, dicks23:12
gordonjcpworks even better than Unity23:13
TheMariusyou have a long list there of programs its supposed to be able to change tracks in, pause or play etc, none of that works.. neither does the volume control.. so i have to adjust volume in each individual application.. kind of annoying when i have this pretty loud bass speaker23:13
TheMariusif i fire up a program and its frozen at max volume entire room starts shaking23:13
TheMariusluckily the temp fix i posted here earlier did it for me23:14
TheMariussimply using an alternative more simple mate volume control app23:14
TheMariusi just need volume control that works over the entire computer .. on all parts of software23:16
TheMariusso i dont wake up the neigbours23:16
TheMariusand give myself a heart attack23:16
gordonjcpTheMarius: that's what the pulseaudio volume control ought to do23:16
TheMariusits what im running now trough mate-volume-control-applet23:17
gordonjcpTheMarius: although I guess if you felt inclined you could make something to poke the alsa mixer device more directly23:17
TheMariusand it works fine, so the problem isnt there..its the indicator applet23:17
TheMariusnope.. i think i have established its not a driver fault now.. and nothing wrong with pulseaudio23:18
TheMariusits in the mate applet23:18
TheMariusindicator miniprogram23:19
TheMariusmine is translated to norwegian.. could that be an issue?23:19
TheMariusif so, odd it only affects sound.. not much there thats translated23:20
fifty-sevenCTheMarius, and you said relaunching the mate-indicator-applet and it works fine then?23:28
TheMariusno i have to reboot23:28
TheMariusif i relaunch it, i get a dead square23:28
TheMariuswhere the volume control is supposed to be23:28
TheMariusjust a gray [] symbol23:29
TheMariusand nothing happens if i click it23:29
fifty-sevenCNext time it does that, can you run a command in your terminal and tell me what it says?23:29
TheMariusi can do it now since it has crashed23:29
fifty-sevenCpgrep -cf 'mate-indicator-applet'23:29
fifty-sevenCshould be 0 or 123:29
TheMariusit says 023:30
TheMariushowever im not running the indicator applet now23:30
TheMariusshould i?23:30
fifty-sevenCI thought you said it crashed?23:30
TheMariusthats why i closed the app23:30
fifty-sevenCok run this23:30
fifty-sevenCthis /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/./mate-indicator-applet23:31
fifty-sevenCdoes it work now?23:31
TheMariusumm.. no... it didnt start23:31
TheMariusi re-added it to the taskbar23:32
TheMariusthe mini indicator applet23:32
TheMariusi had removed it23:32
TheMariusits like before23:32
TheMariusdead square23:32
fifty-sevenCrun the pgrep23:32
fifty-sevenCis it still 0?23:32
TheMariusit says 1 now23:33
TheMariusmaybe since i run it now :P23:33
fifty-sevenCand the indicator still doesn't work?23:33
TheMariusthat is, the volume control part of it23:33
TheMariusthe rest of the icons works fine23:33
fifty-sevenCAre you using the complete version or the regular applet?23:34
TheMarius"completed" it says23:35
TheMariusin norwegian23:35
fifty-sevenCI see23:35
TheMariusindikator miniprogram complete 1.12.123:35
TheMarius"a miniprogram that keeps order in the systemindicators"23:36
fifty-sevenCrun /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/./mate-indicator-applet-complete23:36
fifty-sevenCdoes the indicator work now?23:36
fifty-sevenCOk so simply restarting the process isn't going to fix it23:37
fifty-sevenCHave you ever gotten it to work again without rebooting?23:38
TheMariusi have to reboot23:41
fifty-sevenCis it still crashed?23:42
TheMariushowever its not a big deal since i figured out the alternative way of getting volume control to work23:42
TheMariusnah.. told you.. it just freeze and wont un-freeze until ive removed the app from the taskbar, rebooted and re-added it23:42
TheMarius<-- is (fairly) well known with troubleshooting OS'es since my windows days23:43
TheMariusbut i have my experience mainly there, not in linux23:43
fifty-sevenCok try this23:45
fifty-sevenCpkill mate-notification-daemon23:46
fifty-sevenC then /usr/lib/mate-notification-daemon/./mate-notification-daemon23:46
fifty-sevenCpkill -f mate-notification-daemon23:46
TheMariushold on23:48
fifty-sevenCIf that doesn't fix it then I give up23:48
TheMariusdoesnt work.. it didnt do anything at all23:49
TheMariusdoesnt seem to be connected to that package23:49
TheMariusfifty-sevenC, sending you a screenshot23:57
TheMariuswithout the app running.. and then i can send one with23:57
TheMariuso.k ... guess i cant send here..23:58
fifty-sevenCDidn't work. Probably blocked by my firewall23:59
fifty-sevenCBut like I said. I give up23:59

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