
sakhiMorning everyone.03:42
Kilosguten morgen meine herren peeps04:49
Kilosoh my, early fly04:55
Kilosrather misty here this morning, visibilty under 100 metres im sure05:02
Kilostoo cold to go pace it off05:02
Kilosmaybe even 50 metres05:03
Kiloswb  inetpro_ SubOracle 05:15
mazalMôre oom05:19
mazalRaai waarmee is ek besig05:19
Kiloshi mazal 05:19
Kilosse my man , raai is werk05:19
mazalOndersoek Win 10 privacy settings05:19
mazalMoet my 1 laptop by die werk upgrade05:19
mazalGeen keuse nie05:19
Kiloshet jy ooit gedoen wat ek gese het lank terug05:20
Kiloswag ek soek of ek dit nog het05:20
mazalWat gedoen ?05:21
mazalOh nee , het mos nog nie Win 10 gebruik nie05:21
mazalGaan nou vir die eerste keer05:21
Kiloslees wat se daai ou 05:21
mazalEk het 'n goeie berig gekry http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/the-windows-10-privacy-settings-you-need-to-change-right-now-130125705:21
mazalRedelike volledige berig vir dit05:22
mazal11 bladsye lank lol05:22
paddatrapperMôre mazal Kilos, almal 05:27
Kiloshi paddatrapper i have all the info on that browser05:28
paddatrapperCool. I like the vim keybindings 05:30
Kilosi am going to try memorise what keys to use for what i need and use it05:32
paddatrapperThough it doesn't look like it can sync my settings, history, etc across devices 05:32
Kiloswhen you not stufying and bored play with it05:33
Kiloseven my eyes are getting cold05:33
paddatrapperMay give it a try, even if only to find bugs, etc and contribute to it. Been looking for a solid C language project to get my hands dirty with 05:33
paddatrapperIt's raining here, but berg wind, so not too cold 05:34
Kiloscold here, and misty, pro will be wet when he gets to work on the motor bike05:34
paddatrapperNot too much so. Very light drizzle05:38
paddatrapperIsn't one of the xombrero devs on here occasionally? 05:39
Kilospaddatrapper he is DalekSec 05:42
Kilosbut very busy most of the time and many hours behind us05:42
Kiloshi Cryterion 05:42
Kiloshi nlsthzn hows things there?05:51
Kilossend heat man05:51
nlsthznwill do :p05:51
nlsthznand all well thanks... and there?05:51
Kilosok ty05:51
* Cryterion packages some excess heat05:57
Kilossjoe, send sendd05:57
Kilosfreezing here05:57
Kiloshi anton_may urbanslug 06:02
Kiloskoud inetpro_ ?06:03
Kilosdooi die stert06:03
nlsthznthe > 30 degC nights have started here >.<06:06
Kilosill rather sweat the shiver06:07
nlsthzncan't strip to more than your skin06:07
nlsthznor less than your skin I mean Lo06:07
Kilosyou fogot how to make the ° sign06:07
CryterionI should be on the beach fishing right now, sun's out, nice 25degC, no wind :)06:07
Kiloscopy mine and save it06:07
Kilosyou cant wear lotsa clothes on your nose and eyes06:08
Kilosi have a knitted kinda beanie thing to help with head and ears06:09
inetpro_good mornings06:12
inetpro_oh my...06:13
=== inetpro_ is now known as inetpro
anton_maynee droog06:13
Kilosbiking in this mist sucks06:13
anton_maygorillas in the mist?06:16
paddatrapperKilos: Only issue I have with xombrero is that it is GTK based, so so many dependencies to install!06:26
Kilosi didnt even worry, just installed06:27
Kilosmost of them are tiny dependancies iirc06:28
Kilosinstalling was fast06:28
Kilosthe big thing is the security control you have06:28
paddatrapperHow did you install? Can't find it in the archives06:30
Kilosfrom the ppa06:30
paddatrapperAnd no install docs on in the wiki06:30
Kiloslemme see if i saved the link06:30
paddatrapperFound it I think: https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/xombrero06:31
paddatrapperGot it working :)06:35
Kilosyou have to study paddatrapper 06:42
paddatrapperSitting in a lecture at the moment and we're going over stuff, so I'm good for the moment06:42
paddatrapperI use for the moment way too much...06:43
Kilosconcentrate on lectures06:44
paddatrapperKilos-: And the next lecture has only about a third of the class here... The joys of the final week07:00
Kilos-other peeps are too clever07:03
paddatrapperI'd say! Some of the stuff here goes right over my head07:05
Kilos-concentrate 07:06
paddatrapperhere being this channel07:06
Kilos-dont concentrate here man , concentrate on the lecture07:07
paddatrapperI'll be back in a bit07:08
mazalI'm hungry07:28
mazalMaaz make a plan07:28
Maazmazal: Huh?07:28
LangjanHi Kilos- I see youve grown a tail again...lmga07:56
LangjanI just logged in again last night to check on the command you wrote07:58
Kilos-hi Langjan 08:23
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
LangjanHi there Kilos, been chasing sheep or just losing your tail?08:24
Kiloswhat tail?08:24
Langjanok, you ok otherwise?08:24
Kilosyes ty and you?08:24
Langjanalso thks, no tail08:25
Kiloswas very cold this mornin08:25
Langjaneish! mild here08:25
Kilosno just thick mist08:25
Kiloswhats news with susans pc08:26
Langjanwe had mist on Monday after the rain, seldom happens here08:26
Kilossolid here this morning, couldnt see 50 metres about ahead08:26
LangjanI have not been to run those commands but there seems to be another complication 08:27
Kilosbetween 50 and 100, was too cold to go measure08:27
Kilosai! what now08:27
Langjannot on Ubuntu08:27
Langjanher husband runs on win xp08:28
Langjansince I installed the cable he cannot send e-mails08:28
Langjansays access denied08:28
Langjanhe can receive but not send08:28
anton_maysmtp authentication required08:29
Kilosthrough your router?08:29
Kilosmust be settings in router then08:29
Langjansusan can send and receive08:29
Kilosanton_may will help with that08:29
Langjanhi anton_may 08:30
Kilosconvert the old man to u buntu as well08:30
anton_mayLo Langjan, what is the email client/08:30
Langjantried but hes more stubborn than me08:30
Langjananton_may, its vodamail08:30
anton_mayok, but how do you read the mail, via an email program or web?08:31
Langjanoh sorry, outlook08:31
anton_mayOk, need to dust the cobweb of my brain with Outlook08:31
Kilosthese young peeps talk about cobwebs already, what have we got08:32
Kilosheavy duty shade cloth08:32
anton_mayeish I dont use Outlook anymore for the last 5 years08:33
Langjanek ook08:33
anton_mayTo turn this setting on:08:33
anton_mayFrom the Tools menu, choose "Accounts."08:33
anton_maySelect click the Network Solutions' Mail account (e.g. mail.example.com) and click "Properties."08:33
anton_maySelect the "Servers" tab.08:33
anton_mayCheck the box next to "My Server Requires Authentication."08:33
anton_mayClick "OK."08:34
Kilostell the old man that will cost him a large melktert08:35
Kilosonly ubuntu help is free08:35
Langjanmany thks will give it a go anton_may 08:35
Kilosof dit ja08:35
anton_maygeen probleem08:35
Kiloswaar is jy anton_may ?08:35
Langjansouttert kan my vroutjie maak, waar is jou afleweringsadres?08:35
Langjanwaar in gauteng08:36
anton_mayWerk JHB, bly in PTA08:36
Langjanwaar in Pta?08:36
Kilosnee man die ou toppie moet dit maak08:36
anton_mayPTA Noord08:36
anton_mayJa ek ry die trein somtyds08:36
anton_maysoos vandag08:36
Langjanok kan iets reel my skoonsen se besigheid is daar 08:37
anton_mayPTA Noord?08:37
LangjanJa Rachel de Beer str, groot nuwe JMC vertoonlokaal en dienssentrum08:38
LangjanRainbow Motors08:38
anton_mayOohhhh okay08:38
anton_mayJa ek bly in Dorandia08:38
Kilosty for the help anton_may 08:38
Langjanek sal eers moet kyk of jou oplossing werk...lmga!08:38
Kilosjust the mention of xp started my head thumping08:38
anton_maylol np08:39
anton_mayJa just go to the sttings08:39
Langjanlet me go try and see what happpens08:39
anton_maytesting testing08:42
Kiloshi tahaan 08:42
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za08:44
anton_maylo tahaan08:44
tahaanThank you kindly08:44
tahaanelo anton_may08:44
Kilosif you need help just state your problem08:45
Kilosif you dont need help hang around and help us08:45
tahaankilos: sounds good.08:46
=== thatgraemeguy_ is now known as thatgraemeguy
tahaanI just did a channel search on ubuntu and thought why not join.08:46
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy or wb08:46
anton_mayyes we need some serious help here08:46
Kiloshaha this is the za help channel08:46
Kiloswhere are you tahaan 08:47
tahaanCape Town08:47
Kiloswe have many guys there08:47
Kiloshttps://ubuntu-za.org check our site08:47
paddatrapperHey tahaan 08:53
tahaanHello paddatrapper08:53
paddatrapperI'm also from CT. Where about are you?08:53
paddatrapperNice. The far side of town from me (Muizenberg)08:54
theblazehenMorning 08:57
Kiloshi theblazehen 08:57
Kilosyou catching up?08:58
theblazehenStill waiting for backup to copy. Rsync.net isn't that fast :/08:58
theblazehenThen gonna restore backup and hope it works 08:58
paddatrapperKilos: Talking of XP - I have to laugh at everyone running windows around me knowing they will all have to run (at least in a VM) Ubunut next year if they continue with CS08:58
theblazehenThen also going my proper work08:59
Kiloswow theblazehen thats a long time08:59
Kiloswhat size was it08:59
theblazehenYeah. So far copied 38 GB since last night only 08:59
Kilosthats a large backup09:00
paddatrapperWhat speed are you getting? Doesn't sound too bad09:00
theblazehenLots of images on the sites. Not 100% sure, rsync only shows file by file basis. Lots of small files09:01
LangjanHi anton_may and Kilos the mails are running, many thks - it was also not set to connect via LAN which I corrected09:08
LangjanKilos, Susan's machin also seems to be restarting fine now, baie dankie09:08
Langjannou skuld ek 'n souttert09:10
anton_maynee wat dit is regtig nie nodig nie09:11
Langjanbaie dankie waardeer jou hulp09:12
Langjansouttert Kilos ?09:13
Kilosyay Langjan 09:13
Kilosna im ok09:13
Langjanany visa news?09:14
Kilossigh, dont even ask09:14
anton_mayu moving?09:14
Langjanvisiting his folks in Melbourne09:14
Kilosim sure they have someone puttin me at the bottom of the pile everyday09:14
Langjanor trying to...09:15
anton_mayah ok, the percs of beingh married to an Ita09:15
Kilosand i find no contact info for the vaccu peeps09:15
Langjaneish, they say 30 days09:15
Kilosvisa peeps waiting for vaccu only09:16
Kilosim a security risk for them09:16
anton_mayreally? So what they are scared you are going to run away with theri sheep?09:17
Kilosim glad everything is working Langjan 09:17
LangjanYes many thks Kilos 09:17
Kilosi have no idea what they are scared of09:17
anton_mayja sometimes I'm also scarfed of kde09:18
Kilosai! kde rocks09:18
Langjansee Kilos not only me...09:18
Kilosno need to fix things all the time09:18
Kilosjulle bangbroeke09:18
anton_maythinking of rocking arch a bit09:18
Langjanbut then I will never be contacting you09:19
Kiloshaha you will09:19
Kilosyou have too many peeps on unity to have a restful life09:19
Kilostoday im gonna plow some kweek out09:20
Langjanno wonder theres nokde probls, only you using it09:20
Kilosif i get the energy09:20
Kiloshaha nono09:20
Langjanoh one more?09:20
Kilosfly and pro and paddatrapper 09:20
Langjanactually three, wow09:21
Kilosand mazal but het likes breaking things09:21
Kilossome people can break an anvil09:21
Langjanand even unity09:21
Kiloslol yes09:21
paddatrapperI'm yet to have it break badly on me. Crashes ocasionally, but never really affects my work09:22
Kiloswhat crashes09:22
Kilos14.04 kde doesnt crash09:22
Langjanneither does Jacob Zuma09:23
Kilosmoenie krap waar dit nie jik nie09:23
Langjanjust keeps going09:23
LangjanOK Kilos and anton_may I am leaving, chat later and thks again09:25
Kilosty for the visit sir09:25
Kiloshave a good day09:25
Langjanyou too thks09:25
paddatrapperKilos: It does crash occasionally, but recovers just fine and I can never really reproduce it09:32
nlsthznLinux linux-l2sv 4.5.4-1-default #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed May 11 15:23:21 UTC 2016 (db90c25) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:49
nlsthznfresh and toasty09:49
mazalthis freenode irc server's addy is irc.freenode.net yes ?09:50
theblazehenmazal: irc.. Is a pool of servers09:50
theblazehenCheck the messages the server sent for specific address09:50
mazalBut when you first set it up09:51
mazalThe client09:51
nlsthzncould be irc.ubuntu.com09:58
nlsthznall depends on what you used :p09:58
* nlsthzn suspects his is set up for irc.opensuse.org or something like that09:59
mazalSet it up long ago on a Winbloze pc and can't remember what server I used10:06
mazalOn ubuntu it's always setup up already10:06
Kilosmazal yjays what i use10:25
mazalThis one also connected to that this morning10:26
nlsthznyou can connect to any freenode server and have access to all channels10:27
anton_may0/ melodie11:09
melodiehi anton_may 11:09
Kiloshi melodie 11:10
melodiehello Kilos !11:10
Kilosyou well girl?11:10
melodieI have a very important message for the African GNU/Linux users, all countries interested, and I need you to bring it further in all your circles and networks. It's about a free software that is unique, and endangered as rare species11:11
melodieone that can be used in cyber cafés : the server and the client 11:11
melodieand therefore useful for all places where the time is counted while the clients browse the internet! 11:11
melodieok? 11:11
melodieready to look? :)11:12
Kilosok spread the word here and in the afica channel please11:12
melodieyes, of course11:12
melodie the point is, it's been developped for linux, windows, is the only free software meant for this purpose and needs to be taken care of, adopted forked, and tested in the latest Ubuntu lts available, trusty and xenial11:14
melodienow the links:11:14
melodieand here are the latest discussions, see my post below11:15
melodieKilos so I count on you to send a mail about it and ask people to grab it and help make it work on the latest versions of Ubuntu : can you do that?11:18
Kilosill spread it yes11:19
kulelu88Kilos: how do you do secure nickserv login on hexchat?11:31
Kilosoh my11:32
kulelu88what irc server do you join?11:32
Kilosmust be where you chose server11:32
Kiloschat.freenode.net port 707011:32
Kilosand tick the ssl block11:33
kulelu88chat.freenode.net/7070 ?11:36
kulelu88can I leave the irc.freenode.net/8001 under it?11:36
Kilosyes i spose so11:43
Kilosi always just delete what i dont use11:43
Kilosi have actually left it before, and used when the server went down i switched and was online again11:44
kulelu88alright I added yours as the first one11:49
kulelu88I can only do nickserv verification by using the /msg option11:49
kulelu88login method being /NICKSERV11:49
Kiloswhat happens if you restart hexchat11:51
kulelu88i'm scared to11:51
Kilosno man why11:52
mazalMine always authenticate with /msg method11:52
mazalDidn't even know there is another method11:52
Kilosmine authenticate automatically when opening app11:52
mazalMine happens automatic also. But it's set in the nickserv options11:53
mazalThere's a part "nickserv" password11:53
Kilosi havent had to go that route yet11:53
mazalJust add it there and it does automatic11:53
Kilosyes you must have your freenode number in there11:53
Kilos2 places for password11:54
Kilosi think11:54
Kilosforget hexchats setup11:54
Kilosxchat had 2 places11:54
kulelu88wait, which part are you guys talking about? I previously did what you said, but only the /NICKSERV option worked for me11:54
mazalkonversatiion just the one place11:54
Kiloskonversation has one only11:55
mazalkulelu88, I'm not on xchat so can't tell you where , I am on Konversation11:55
kulelu88do you guys have your nickname specified? I said, use global info. maybe thats the issue11:55
mazalIn the identity setting yes11:55
Kilosdont tick anything else on the setup part11:55
mazalYou set your main nick plus 2 alternates and nickserv password , well that's on this one anyway11:56
Kilosjust enter your nick and alternatives  and passwords11:56
Kiloslet me look at hexchat, installed it last night11:57
mazal*sigh* Now dukto suddenly doesn't want to work11:58
kulelu88heh, I use dukto. how can I assist there?11:58
Kilosone place for password11:58
kulelu88send me a screenshot of your settings Kilos . first remove your password11:59
Kiloslogin method sasl11:59
Kilosusername and password11:59
mazalkulelu88, keeps freezing up , this 16.04 is driving me nuts with all the struggles11:59
mazalGonna try update dukto itself and see11:59
kulelu88oh fekk, 16.04 comes with systemd, which is probably the cause11:59
kulelu88check your firewall and allow the dukto port12:00
Kilosill have to go off here to get hexchat working on ssl12:00
* theblazehen is falling asleep here :(12:00
kulelu88theblazehen: how do you build your LXC containers by themselves? 12:01
theblazehenkulelu88: Check out https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/tutorials/lxc.html#initializing-a-new-container-as-a-salt-minion12:02
kulelu88so you run Salt on your host? theblazehen 12:03
theblazehenWas the plan, yeah12:03
* theblazehen still hasn't rebuilt it12:04
theblazehenSpeaking of which12:04
theblazehenmazal: Coffee on12:04
Kilosi can even change port to 7070 on hexchat12:04
theblazehenMaaz: *12:04
Maaztheblazehen: Sorry...12:04
kulelu88it looks like you're building for remote containers. is that what you're doing? theblazehen 12:04
kulelu88did it work? Kilos 12:04
Kilosi cant change the port from 6697 to 707012:05
theblazehenkulelu88: Yeah, I want remote, with remote = pc in my room. Want to have remote access, spin up container on laptop and run on desktop at home basically12:05
Kilosuse konversation it easier12:05
theblazehenBut not 100% sure how exactly everything will work yet12:05
theblazehenWill let you know when everything's sorted kulelu8812:05
kulelu88maybe I should just write my own python-automator/automater12:06
theblazehenSalt is in python btw12:07
theblazehenAnd check out ansible12:07
theblazehenIIRC python too12:07
mazaldukto repo doesn't work so can't update it :(12:08
Kilosah kulelu88 12:08
kulelu88aren't they too bloated? theblazehen 12:08
kulelu88not: chat.freenode.net/7070 ? Kilos 12:09
Kiloswhen i use the / it reverts to /669712:10
theblazehenkulelu88: You can also use salt-ssh if you don't want a minion12:10
KilosConnecting to chat.freenode.net (
kulelu88so which are you using? Kilos 12:11
Kiloslemme do a screenshot12:11
kulelu88seems to change it to /7070 by itself12:13
Kilosys but you need to use :7070 to make it work12:17
kulelu88I see it now. you also used global info12:18
kulelu88I'll test it out later12:18
mazalWow ok the day is over already12:25
mazalHave a nice afternoon everyone12:25
kulelu88chesedo: you around? 12:46
theblazehenMaaz: COffe on please. 5 cusp14:11
Maaztheblazehen: *blink*14:11
theblazehenMaaz: coffee on14:11
* Maaz flips the salt-timer14:11
superflyMaaz: coffee please 14:15
Maazsuperfly: Done14:15
MaazCoffee's ready for theblazehen and superfly!14:15
theblazehenhey superfly. How's things going?14:16
theblazehenty Maaz14:16
theblazehen5 irl coffees, still faaling asleep. What do?14:27
superflytheblazehen: meh. Car died on the way to work this morning 14:33
superflyHad to be towed home. Now sitting at home trying to work while the children scream blue murder and attempt to dismantle the house 14:34
theblazehensuperfly: Damn, that sucks :(14:46
theblazehenAny idea what's wrong with car?14:46
Kilosoh my superfly 14:47
Kilosit just died or spluttered first or what14:47
superflytheblazehen: not really. Will check a few things later this evening 15:04
melodiesuperfly hi, sorry to hear that. I suggest : put the children at work! make them busy!15:05
superflymelodie: they're still small 15:05
melodiethey can run and shout then not too small to do a small job15:06
melodieie: fold clothe, store them... 15:06
melodieor else15:06
melodiesuch as creating decorations with folded papers (origami)15:07
melodielet them be creative!15:07
melodie(not noisy ^^)15:07
Kilosmelodie so you need someone to compile that package? is that what you want me to help with?15:20
melodieKilos nope!15:20
Kilosok explain what i must ask for or advertise please15:21
melodieI want you to advertise this application on your mailing lists, in order to find developers who will take on the project, and make it live15:21
Kilosim slow again today15:21
melodiebecause it's always half dying and it's a real pity15:21
Kilosah ok15:21
melodieit is also a known fact that sourceforge has been acting evil with some Free software projects and that it's a place where it's not good to have FLOSS projects now. So when some decide to form a community around it, there are better places (such as gitlab, a real free libre open source project) and bitbucket15:23
melodieKilos while advertising you might also want to point to the screenshots and sources and so one15:23
melodieso on15:24
melodiethe last compiling I did 3 years ago was working fine in Bento Precise15:24
melodieall here, if someone wants to unpack them into a Bento Precise: phillw.net/isos/bento-ubuntu-remix/misc/BentoVillageProject/Mkahawa/15:24
melodieit's very easy. As root, it just needs to be unpacked under /15:25
Kilosok ill add that link too15:31
Kiloswhy did you stop working on it15:31
Kilosgoing to be hard to find devs with time, everyone all over the world seems to be snowed under15:32
Kilosand making aa living comes first15:33
Kilosmelodie check your mail16:13
Kilosis that right?16:13
melodienot quite16:15
melodiegive me time and I'll send a text (later tonight) ok?16:15
Kiloscan you fix it and mail back to me please16:15
Kilossupper time17:00
melodiesee you some time later!17:05
superflymelodie clearly doesn't have children17:32
Kilosshe has a son thats in his teens i think17:33
theblazehenUgh. Since I upgraded to firefox aurora the other day it keeps bugging me about a security update18:01
Kilossjoe 101m upgrade18:39
mazalJust had one also , and finally fixed the network manager aplet18:43
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:45
mazalNag oom , lekker slaap18:45
Kilosdankie seun, jy ook18:45

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