
Unit193bluesabre: So, thunar.00:05
Unit193https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12264 contains no new patches, the PPA thunar crashes less though reports that it still crashes come from QA.  Is it useful enough to push it to yakkety, or should we drop from the PPA?00:08
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12264 in core "Crash when renaming single file in folder" [Major,New]00:08
bluesabreI think it sounds like something we should include00:09
bluesabrelet's get a +1 to push to yakkety from flocculant and then go for it00:09
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flocculantbluesabre Unit193 - well it appears to be *better* than thunar without the patches, bit devil and the deep blue sea though06:08
flocculantdavmor2: bug 158300906:26
ubottubug 1583009 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "Error starting domain since update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158300906:26
flocculantso now I have no virt manager working \o/ (though the kvm from command works still :p)06:26
flocculantbluesabre Unit193 - which is +1ish :)06:49
davmor2flocculant: it's almost like you are running an in development in flux OS with bug reports like that ;)08:21
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flocculantdavmor2: \o/10:45
davmor2flocculant: yet another reason to use kvm or quem direct no additional libraries that might be broken :)10:48
flocculantafaik the idea with -proposed was so things didn't break :)10:49
davmor2flocculant: ha ;)10:51
flocculanton the other hand - I've not passed one of our images for weeks - so no real need for anything to test them with :D10:52
davmor2flocculant: to be honest until a month in there tends to be too much imported at will to have something break from a fresh install it tends to be upgrades that don't break10:54
flocculantthough ubiquity issues tend to be just that :)11:09
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flocculantUnit193: core installs (have to continue past the ubi-console bug that the normal images for everyone are seeing)11:21
flocculantso if you saw that ubi-console thing and thought it just the core iso - it isn't - it's all iso's 11:22
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* knome burps promptly as a response17:40
flocculantthat'll be IRC prompt then :p17:43
flocculantdavmor2: so even if I *am* running the ridiculously in flux dev os - arges is still looking at it :p18:15
flocculantdavmor2: and .... "I can reproduce this bug." :p18:58
davmor2flocculant: I didn't say it wasn't a bug I just said if you will insist on using bleeding edge unstable stuff ;)19:00
flocculantdavmor2: somewhere round about 8.10 for bleeding edge unstable stuff19:05
davmor2flocculant: well it's 8:06 now so that is abour right :P19:06
davmor2about even :D19:06
flocculantbuying lotto ticket19:06
ochosievening all20:07
flocculanthi ochosi 20:08
ochosihey flocculant 20:09
ochosiwhat's new?20:09
ochosii don't get to read a lot of what's going on here during the day, so i'm always hoping for someone to give me a brief summary20:09
* ochosi is lazy20:09
flocculantnot much - you? 20:09
ochositrying to finalize my port of xfce4-clipman20:09
ochosito gtk320:09
ochosinot too much missing20:09
ochositried to do that as a project to get me back to development a bit20:09
flocculantabout the only new thing is bluesabre/unit193 putting the ppa thunar in yak20:10
ochosiok, read about that20:14
flocculantochosi: don't know about anything else20:15
flocculantother than you keep not "ACTION: ochosi to schedule next meeting" 20:15
flocculantochosi: not sure what we can do with thunar tbh - while the patches make it better, I can still crash it20:17
ochosithunar is a bit problematic20:29
ochosioh crap, sry about the meeting20:29
ochosii'll schedule one tonight20:29
ochosi(not: for tonight)20:29
flocculantha ha ha 20:30
bluesabreevening all21:51
knomella gnineve21:52
ochosihey bluesabre 21:54
knomerebaseulb yeh!21:55
knomeer- too21:55
* ochosi just finished porting xfce4-clipman to gtk321:55
knomethunar next!21:55
ochosiso now i have time for more mundane tasks again, like scheduling meetings21:55
knomele sigh21:55
bluesabrehey ochosi22:00
bluesabreemonk yeh!22:00
* ochosi missed all the new trends22:00
bluesabreochosi: well done!22:00
ochosibluesabre: well test before you praise ;)22:01
ochosiit builds and it seems to work as far as i can tell22:01
ochosithat's about it :D22:01
bluesabreI'll try to check it out tonight22:02
ochosigreat, thanks!22:04
bluesabredinner time, bbl22:07
ochosibon appetit!22:09
ochosi(that's french for... eh, nothing?)22:09
knomethat's french for bon appetit22:09
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