
like2omgI apologize if this has been asked numerous times before by other people, but does Xubuntu allow upgrading from 14.04 to the new 16.04? I seemed to have reached the latest packages and I don't know if I set it to ignore the update/00:39
ubottuUsers of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.00:40
like2omgOkay, thank you Unit193 :)00:41
like2omgAlso, is it knownhow reliable an iffy connection to the internet will be able to allow it to upgrade? I USB tether with my phone and don't want an incomming call to soft-brick my laptop.00:43
like2omg... I'll just hope for the best. Thank you again. :)00:44
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RayneIs there a specific reason that thunar doesn't support opening a terminal in a gvfs mounted directory? I don't like to cdir to /var/run/…/gvfs every time when I am using thunar to open a terminal in a specific directory. Opening terminals is possible with sshfs.08:51
RayneIt also hides user defined right-click actions in gvfs mounts (when not accessing them directly by /var/run/…)08:53
=== vidplace7_ is now known as vidplace7
akishi all. i installed yesterday xubuntu 16.04. thunar could work with archive plug in normally as did also under 14.04 but today when i tried to archive some files i got the message: Failed to create archive. No suitable archive manager found. Any help? i read some documantation but i didnt find a solution. any idea?10:36
knobHello everyone.  Last night I installed 16.04 in a new ssd in my workstation.  After installation, I installed (SATA) the old SSD which was encrypted via LUKS.11:30
knobI tried to uncrypted, and was successful.  Yet when I tried to mount it, it failed.  I *think*  it is because the old ssd and the new ssd have the same LVM "VG" (Volume Group) name.11:31
knobIf this sounds plausible, can I change the VG Name of a drive, without loosing the data?11:31
=== knome_ is now known as knome
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akishi all. i installed yesterday xubuntu 16.04. thunar could work with archive plug in normally as did also under 14.04 but today when i tried to archive some files i got the message: Failed to create archive. No suitable archive manager found. Any help? i read some documantation but i didnt find a solution. any idea?12:35
=== JeZxLee_ is now known as JeZxLee
dkesselakis: what kind of archive did you want to create - what file format?13:11
dkesselknob: sounds like a general ubuntu question. you might find help in #ubuntu13:12
akisdkessel: zip. the bug is described here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10826 and https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=9572. any idea?13:14
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10826 in General ""Create Archive..." fails with file-roller v3.12.1" [Normal,New]13:14
knobdkessel, thanks!  Just posted the question there13:15
dkesselakis: so, did you try the described workaround? like... renaming/copying the .tap/.desktop (as i understand it) file to the new name?13:16
dkesselakis: just out of interest - did you do an upgrade from an installed 14.04 to 16.04?13:17
akisdkessel: sorry i rebooted to check if i fix it, but i didnt. did you write anything the time i was disconnected?13:24
dkesseloh yes i wrote this:13:32
dkesselakis: so, did you try the described workaround? like... renaming/copying the .tap/.desktop (as i understand it) file to the new name?13:32
dkesselakis: just out of interest - did you do an upgrade from an installed 14.04 to 16.04?13:32
akisdkessel: fresh installation. i tried but nothing changed.13:32
dkesselakis: so you have a file /usr/lib/xfce4/thunar-archive-plugin/org.gnome.FileRoller.tap now?13:35
akisdkessel: i will post a screen shot13:36
akisdkessel: http://pasteboard.co/110tMb8P.png13:41
dkesselakis: looks good. although i am unsure if you needed that workaround at all. maybe you have another bug. but i don't know how to help any further.13:43
akisok, thanks for your time today.13:44
dkesselmaybe asking the xfce people in #xfce helps13:45
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akishi all. i faced this issue https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1006838-start-0.html on my freshly 16.04 installation. My system has already (by default) the symbolic link mentioned on this thread (http://pasteboard.co/11gfPQvc.png). Any idea to override this issue?17:42
flocculantakis: odd - just checking, you mean the Extract to ... and Extract here ... options in the thunar right click menu?18:03
flocculantjust booted with the iso - works ok there18:03
knomeflocculant, i think he was trying to *reate* an archive18:04
knomecreate too18:04
flocculantthat worked too18:07
Orioaddoes anyone know if i can use /quote ns on weechat instaead of /msg18:17
knomeOrioa, #weechat ?18:18
Duderis_guys, im a linux noob and just installed xubuntu, having issues, is this the right place to search for help x.x ?21:53
Duderis_so um ye :D my newly machine doesnt want to turn off :D21:54
Duderis_newly installed machine*21:55
Duderis_newly installed operating system** x.x21:55
Duderis_it reboots on shut down21:55
Duderis_any ideas anyone ?21:56
knomewhich xubuntu version are you using and how are you shutting down?21:56
Duderis_im using the 16.04 x6421:57
Duderis_and im shutting down bu using the shutdown button on the toolbar21:57
Duderis_well also the button on the login screen21:57
Duderis_when force shut-downing (holding the button for 10s~) it stays down >.>21:58
Duderis_but thats not a solution i think21:58
Duderis_also i tried the general things that came up in google, as in changing the bios settings for awake on wlan and editing the /etc/default/grub file, none of which solved my issue22:00
Duderis_no ideas :( ?22:03
squintyDuderis_,  there has been a couple of users reporting this in #ubuntu.  Might want to try the following to see if it resolves your problem.  It was suggested by one of the more knowledgeable participants in that channel.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16501127/22:12
geniiYes, TJ is a trusted and knowledgeable helper22:14
Duderis_ill report back as soon as i can test this out, running out of time currently22:15
Duderis_cya later, and thanks again22:16
hasanxubuntu mount mtp drive failed!!22:28
hasanmy device is listed in mtp rules but wont mount22:29
hasanmount mtp failed22:30
Azelphurhasan: is your phone unlocked22:31
Azelphuras in, lock screen, pin code22:31
hasanI also enable dev-mode but still wont mount 😄22:32
geniiProbably a Samsung. Still can't get my S2 to play nice with linux.22:38

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