
=== redir is now known as redir_afk
jcastrohow do I get to the gui in the latest beta? I see it's deployed a unit in the admin environment12:09
jcastrobut going to the ip in my browser doesn't work12:10
jrwrenjcastro: `juju gui` will launch browser with url or display url.12:36
jcastrojrwren: can I destroy models from the gui?12:56
jrwrenjcastro: i don't know. I do not think that you can, yet.12:58
hatchjcastro: you can using the latest develop (but it's broken right now, hopefully will be fixed today)14:03
jcastrohatch: how do I use bleeding edge gui in 2.0 land?14:06
hatchjcastro: `make dist && juju upgrade-gui /path/to/dist` :)14:08
hatchbut if you try that now it will break14:09
jcastroman dude, next time just kick me in the knee14:09
jcastroit would be sweet to have a config option to always deploy trunk gui though14:09
hatchI don't think so, we want people to use the latest stable release14:10
* jcastro nods14:10
hatchjcastro: I think having the two steps makes it easy enough while providing enough of a roadblock to indicate that "maybe you should know what you're doing" to continue14:12
hatchjcastro: but we will make the gui easier to build in the future to lower that barrier 14:13
jrwrenjcastro: but you can build a trunk tarball yourself and juju upgrade-gui like hatch said ;]14:16
jrwrenhatch: how could it be any easier?  make sysdeps deps tarball wait and hour for it to break, clean-all try again, pray? :]14:16
hatchby simplifying the deps required to build 14:17
=== redir_afk is now known as redir
=== redir is now known as redir_lunch
=== redir_lunch is now known as redir

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