
mparillovalorie: Now that you mention it, Dropbox was not running. Not sure how long it has not been running.00:18
mparilloI just stated Dropbox from my shell script, and it looks like it has not run since sometime between 4/13 and 4/28.00:22
mparilloSo nothing to do with the plasma upgrade.00:23
clivejosgclark: fixed a few apps, but need sleep.  I don’t understand PIM or marble so I might have to leave them to someone more knowledgeable00:25
sgclarkclivejo: sleep well. I will look at those tomorrow for you.00:29
sgclarkand of course tel, you how to fix :)00:29
clivejothere are a few oranges I can fix00:29
clivejolooks like symbols00:30
sgclarkyeah there were tons of symbols updates00:30
sgclarkpim I think has more split out packages tbh00:30
sgclarkI am giving another attempt at fixing stable CI since we don't use namespaces it is really breaking things.00:31
stepantesting landing on xenial for a day, everything works well, thank you :)00:38
valoriefinished the YY upgrade (staging-plasma, frameworks) and then removed them, and did auto-clean & auto-remove, then the shutdown choice wouldn't work04:54
valorienot sure it's important04:55
valoriehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/q07h2ic8ga0ja8a/error%20upgrade%20with%20staging-plasma%20%26%20frameworks?dl=0 - one error message04:59
valoriewarnings after removing the PPAs, etc.: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttmxczgg8716mbq/warnings%20after%20removing%20staging%20%26%20cleaning?dl=004:59
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Good morning.06:00
* clivejo yawns09:30
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Morning clivejo09:30
clivejoo/ Rick09:30
=== greyback is now known as greyback|bbiab
clivejoRiddell: my membership of kubuntu-ninjas-yellow-belts expires in 7 days, do I need to get that renewed?  LP email says to contact you :P10:23
Riddellclivejo: hmm probably not, I just used that team to keep track of people I'd given training to10:25
Riddellyofel: got any use for that team or shall I kill it?10:26
clivejowe should probably keep it10:26
clivejoits like handing out coloured stars to children :P10:27
clivejosense of achievement10:27
soeeweee :)10:31
soeei have my PC + 2 screens at home now10:31
soeetomorrow SSD + Kubutnu 16.04 on it10:32
clivejosgclark: any idea why krdc is missing from apps PPA? 10:41
* clivejo sees why, cant apply the patch!10:52
yofelRiddell: I agree with clive that we should keep it, even if I'm not really using it either right now11:11
yofelRiddell: btw. could you make a snapshot of weegie sometime in the near future so we can attempt to upgrade that thing onto a non-EOL release?11:12
Riddellyofel: voila, I made kubuntu-council owner of team11:14
Riddellyofel: yes making it get set up with chef and moving to a new release is on my todo11:14
yofelok thanks11:14
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Re Yellow belts11:15
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I have the Dojo starting next week11:15
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Would Yellow Belts be useful for that ?11:16
soeewho had this problem with windows going underpanel ?11:17
ahoneybunmparillo I think soee11:17
soeemparillo: ping11:18
BluesKajHey folks11:29
acheron88I could replicate that panel bug in VBox11:29
yofel@Sick_Rimmit: Well, it's currently just a badge-collection team with not practical purpose. If you can think of one feel free to suggest it11:36
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I think it could be very useful for that very purpose11:36
clivejoyofel: give people a sense of achievement11:37
yofelwell yes, that's why I said badge-collecting and why I said to keep the team :P11:37
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Really I am picking up on the work done by Riddell: and Sitter: the Dojo is based on their original Wiki posting11:37
yofelwell, KC is owner now, so any KC member can add people11:37
clivejoie the first step at becoming a might ninja11:37
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> It would be good if I had some access to add LP users,11:38
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Part of Dojo is getting em setup on LP, and I could put them into Yellow belts11:38
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> We can sort the details later, just hang on to it 😃11:38
Riddellyofel: it's not just badge collecting, it was to help my memory on who had started package training too11:38
yofelah, well, that too11:39
yofel@Sick_Rimmit: now you can11:39
clivejoRiddell: do you have a link to that KDE components chart, ie how all the packages fit together?11:39
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> Awesome !! Cool I will take a look later11:39
clivejowhats the min level for LP git access?11:40
yofelor member11:40
clivejois there a way to allow for limited access?11:40
ahoneybunLP tells me I can dput to the ppas11:41
clivejoie the yellow belts could do an actual commit, but it would have to be reviewed before going in?11:41
Riddellclivejo: only ones I know are at https://gitlab.com/siduction-tools/pkg-kde-graphs/tree/master11:41
yofelno. But we could use the team for forked repositories that the students would be able to commit to (as a team), and then file merge requests against the real ones11:41
yofelwhich is essenitally what you just said just worded in LP terminology11:42
clivejoI think KCI is great tool for learning11:42
clivejoie fixing minor packaging issues11:42
clivejoand you get to see the results pretty soon11:42
yofelI would still prefer a manual review *somewhere*11:42
yofelif we make a cronjob that would auto-merge into kubuntu_unstable (would be possible), then we would need to change staging-upload to include a manual review of each merge11:43
yofelor we make the script add some kind of needs-review marker, that makes the package appear read on the QA page11:44
yofeluntil someone reviewed the merge and removed the marker11:44
yofelthat would take the load off of the intial uploader11:44
yofel*appear red11:45
ahoneybunI still think the CI bot should have it's own channel11:45
clivejoahoneybun: it does11:45
yofelproblem was that nobody payed attention to it there11:46
ahoneybunbut it does not put it's output there11:46
yofelsure it does11:46
clivejoit does11:46
clivejobut its gets more attention here :)11:46
ahoneybunkinda bad to have all the red here11:46
clivejowe want to know about the red11:47
ahoneybunpeople might be thrown off11:47
ahoneybunby the red11:47
yofelwell that's kind of the point. Show it here so that people feel like they need to fix it11:47
yofeluhm, this is a CI, that's how a CI works...11:47
clivejoif Im not doing much, or notice a package in the red that I know about, it reminds me to go fix it11:48
clivejocan take a few days to see the results11:48
clivejocause KCI seems to be constantly busy11:48
clivejosoee_: you need to become a yellow belt11:50
clivejoand acheron88 and I few others who my brain wont remember right now11:51
* clivejo needs help with PIM11:51
ahoneybunI have no idea about that11:52
clivejoyofel: would you give me a quick how-to regarding copying a git repo from Debian to LP?12:05
shadeslayerGit clone --mirror 12:06
shadeslayerGit push --mirror12:06
BluesKajwell, got the 4.6 kernel and plasma 5.6.4 installed and all is well so far on both Xenial and Yakkety12:06
shadeslayerclivejo: I heard you need packages sponsored ?12:06
yofelthat, + edit the remote in between12:06
acheron88clivejo: yellow belt? this? http://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-dojo-ninja-developer-training/12:06
clivejorm origin and set it up to LP?12:06
clivejoyes, its like the first step12:07
clivejoand you get a little team icon on your LP page :)12:07
clivejoI expire soon12:08
clivejoshadeslayer: yes, Scarlett put a shout out on the ML12:09
shadeslayerLink to tars plz12:09
acheron88clivejo: ah. would need to set up another LP ID for that if I did. 12:12
clivejoshadeslayer: Im not sure how that all works12:13
clivejosgclark can upload existing packages, but new ones need sponsorship12:13
shadeslayerAnd I'm asking for a link to what needs uploading :P12:13
clivejoso I dont know if they are in some pending queue somehwere12:14
shadeslayerI doubt it12:14
shadeslayerYou need to be MOTU to upload to approval queue last I checked12:14
clivejoand I dont know how it works with our workflow12:14
yofelclivejo: you clone git, checkout the tag she crated, build a package, upload that to people.ubuntu.com or wherever so that he can dget it12:15
shadeslayerUhm OK, will wait for sgclark then12:15
clivejothere are four packages need sponsorship - plasma-integration, kactivitymanagerd, breeze-plymouth, breeze-grub12:16
acheron88clivejo: is LP done under Ubuntu One account still?12:16
clivejoacheron88: I believe so12:16
clivejohence why I was stuck with my aol email address12:16
shadeslayerclivejo: yeah but I have no clue where they are packaged xD12:17
shadeslayerOr how to get them :P12:17
shadeslayerSo if you give me dsc's that's the best12:17
acheron88clivejo: have one, but under a random name, so would probably need to set up a fresh one.12:17
clivejoacheron88: maybe best to get a fresh one12:18
yofelyou can change the ID as long as you don't have any PPA's IIRC12:18
clivejoacheron88: Rick should be explaining all that in the Dojo session 12:18
* clivejo cant even remember doing it12:19
acheron88a fresh one sounds better all round in long run, but I'll have a look12:20
clivejoyofel: when Scarlett run the upload script doesnt it mod git and do what it needs to do?12:20
yofelclivejo: that's why I said check out the tags that the script created12:23
yofelthen you'll get the same packages she generated12:23
yofel(that's what the tag is for...)12:23
clivejoI have to go for a bit, but I need to learn this, never done it before12:24
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marco-parillosoee_: Were you asking about https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36210513:34
ubottuKDE bug 362105 in Panel "Taskbar options 'autohide'/'windows can cover' not functional" [Major,Reopened]13:34
yofelovidiuflorin: could you maybe wire the telegram<>trello integration to the dev channel? I don't think it makes much sense to keep it in offtopic14:54
yofel(probably just got forgotten?)14:54
clivejoyofel: Theres a new package called kdepim-apps-libs available from download.kde.org, but it builds package called kf5-kdepim-apps-libs15:04
clivejohow do I tell KA about it15:04
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Yofel, I tried15:04
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> I shall try again15:05
IrcsomeBotintegram was added by: ovidiuflorin15:06
yofelclivejo: is that a renamed source or just the binary name?15:09
clivejoseems to be just binary15:10
clivejothe end package15:10
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> @integram info15:10
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> It's dead here15:11
yofelclivejo: then just add the source name to the application list (the list update script should've already done that?!?)15:12
clivejoyofel: I dont know, Im working on apps15:13
clivejoI assumed Scarlett would do that?15:13
yofeldid she upload apps?15:13
clivejonot ready yet15:14
clivejoin staging15:14
yofelyes, I meant to staging15:14
clivejoIm been trying to fix that I can15:14
yofelok, so I don't understand what your original question was about?15:15
clivejokdepim has been divided out into new packages15:16
clivejoIm copying those from debian git to LP15:16
clivejoand want to monitor build issues on qa15:16
clivejobut they need added to the package lists15:17
yofelok, but this should've been done before staging-upload was run15:17
yofelso you know what packages are new15:17
yofeland to update the list15:17
clivejoI know, but obviously wasnt15:17
yofelok, then run the list updater now15:18
clivejobut this package kdepim-apps-libs available from download.kde.org, will be built and monitored on the build page as kf5-kdepim-apps-libs15:18
clivejoso run ./package-name-list -d yakkety -r applications -v 16.04.1?15:20
yofelprobably, readme should say how15:23
clivejobut how do I point kdepim-apps-libs ==> kf5-kdepim-apps-libs so the build page can see it?15:25
yofelthe build page cares about source names?15:28
clivejoI thought it did15:28
clivejothats waht we had to map discover to plasma-discover?15:29
* clivejo is confused15:30
yofelwell what's the source name? and what's the upstream tarball name?15:32
yofel(I did not look at the ppa)15:32
clivejothe upstream tarball is kdepim-apps-libs15:33
clivejoamd64 build of kf5-kdepim-apps-libs 4:16.04.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa115:34
clivejohow the hell has it an epoch15:34
clivejomy head hurts too much, need a break15:38
soee_yofel: where are we with backports ?16:38
yofelDone from a technical POV I believe, now it depends on what people say about how well it runs16:38
soee_all testers say its fine :)16:39
soee_i would say .. release the kraken16:40
darwin_plasma 5.6.4 coming out?????????????16:49
soee_hiho darwin_16:50
soee_darwin_: soon16:50
darwin_thx 16:52
clivejo!info kf5-kdepim-apps-libs17:43
ubottuPackage kf5-kdepim-apps-libs does not exist in yakkety17:43
soee_Scarlett said this pim is pretty hard :/17:43
clivejo!info libkf5kaddressbookgrantlee517:46
ubottuPackage libkf5kaddressbookgrantlee5 does not exist in yakkety17:46
sgclarkclivejo: sorry internet was down. looks like PIM needs a new package for libgravatar18:07
clivejohi sgclark18:07
clivejoneed to update you on what Ive done18:07
clivejoso I run the package updater script18:07
clivejoand there are lot of new packages by the looks of it18:08
clivejoIve been mirror cloning from debian and bringing them over to LP18:08
clivejobut Ive run into a few problems18:09
clivejovery end of that page are the "missing" packages18:10
clivejohowever some of them arent missing, just got different names18:10
clivejofor example kdepim-apps-libs ==> kf5-kdepim-apps-libs18:11
sgclarkmirror cloning?18:11
clivejobaloo-widgets ==> baloo-widgets5 etc18:12
clivejodo you know how to fix that mapping in KA?18:12
clivejogit clone --mirror18:12
sgclarkwhat did you do, why are so many apps missing now?18:12
clivejorun the package-name-list script18:13
clivejoit grabs all the tarball package names and compares them18:14
sgclarkon your own, I do not know what that is sorry18:14
clivejoits part of the KA scripts18:14
clivejowe supposed to run that before staging18:15
clivejoso we can see removed or new packages18:15
sgclarkwell that has never been told to me. 18:16
sgclarkIn short I cannot help you with itl.18:17
sgclarkall the apps were there and now they gone missing18:17
clivejodont think its mattered much in the past, it only cause there has so much code moved about to new packages18:17
clivejogone missing?18:18
sgclarkoh all those are new?18:18
clivejowell kinda18:19
clivejosome are actually in the PPA18:19
clivejobut I cant figure out how to map them18:19
clivejoI also dont understand how brand new packages have epochs18:20
sgclarkmap them? I think they just need to be added to package list somewhere?18:20
clivejothey are in the package list18:20
sgclarkdunno then18:20
clivejobut there is a way to map them18:20
clivejofor example KDE call the source tar discover, but we call it plasma-discover18:21
sgclarkin folder build-status-conf those files are updated?18:21
clivejothats to do with the status page?18:22
sgclarkwell I assume so with the build-status in the folder name18:22
clivejoIm thinking its something to do with https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/kubuntu-automation/tree/upstream-names.json18:23
sgclarkmy guess with the epochs is the package was copied from another package that had an epoch18:23
sgclarksorry in several conversations, what to do with what??18:24
clivejocause thats where the discover thing is mapped18:24
clivejo"plasma-discover": "discover",18:24
clivejoIm thinking if I added 18:25
clivejo"kf5-kdepim-apps-libs":"kdepim-apps-libs" to that file it might work?18:25
sgclarksounds reasonable18:25
sgclarktry it :)18:25
clivejoI dont wanna break it!18:26
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> I'm having an issue with apt-get build-dep18:26
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> sudo apt-get build-dep qtbase5-dev18:26
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Reading package lists... Done18:26
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Picking 'qtbase-opensource-src' as source package instead of 'qtbase5-dev'18:26
sgclarkwell it is already broken, can't get worse haha18:26
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> E: Unable to find a source package for qtbase5-dev18:26
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> on xenial18:26
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> with apt search I can find the package qtbase5-dev18:26
clivejo!info qtbase5-dev18:26
clivejoI think its a virtual package18:27
ubottuqtbase5-dev (source: qtbase-opensource-src): Qt 5 base development files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu10 (yakkety), package size 911 kB, installed size 12339 kB18:27
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> sudo apt-get build-dep qtbase-opensource-src18:28
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Reading package lists... Done18:28
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> E: Unable to find a source package for qtbase-opensource-src18:28
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> am I missing something?18:28
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> so, do I just install that?18:29
clivejowhat are you looking for?18:30
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> doing this: http://kfunk.org/2016/02/16/building-kdevelop-5-from-source-on-ubuntu-15-10/18:30
clivejoI think qtbase5-dev is a virtual package that installs all of the base dev packages18:31
sgclarkapt-get -y build-dep qtbase5-dev is what I use in my dockerfile for kde-ci18:32
sgclarkbut it is still wily, maybe something changed? let me try in my chroot18:32
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> I'm on xenial18:33
sgclarkworked fine for me in xenial chroot18:33
sgclarkovidiuflorin: you know you can build kdevelop from source using kdebuild-src right?18:34
sgclarkoh that is whaht it is doing nm18:35
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> that does not bring in all dependencies18:39
sgclarksorry I don't know. wfm18:40
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> I might me missing some ppas18:40
sgclarkmaybe missing something in sources18:41
acheron88'apt-get build-dep qtbase5-dev' work here on xenial as well18:41
sgclarkno no ppas in my chroot18:41
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> https://paste.kde.org/ptwe8t6ln18:42
clivejoeakk "libkf5.*-dev"18:45
clivejojust install whats listed in the build dep list for the main package18:45
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> fixed it18:46
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> source code wasn't checked in software manager18:47
clivejoyofel: ping18:55
kfunk<clivejo> just install whats listed in the build dep list for the main package19:23
kfunkthere's no kdevelop 5 package yet19:23
clivejokfunk: was ovidiuflorin was asking19:23
clivejohe didnt have sources enabled19:24
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> kfunk add clang to the list of dependencies19:46
sgclarkand I recall it was a specific clang before I could get it to work20:01
sgclarkdon't recall which though :(20:01
clivejowell I added two to the upstream-names.json file and they wont appear on the build status page20:13
clivejodoes anyone here understand kubuntu-automatic?20:40
shadeslayerclivejo: ssup20:43
shadeslayerI haven't looked at it in a while20:43
clivejohi shadeslayer20:43
shadeslayerbut I might be able to help20:43
clivejoIve added a few new packages but the upstream (KDE) name and package names are different20:44
clivejofor example KDE tarball is discover which maps to plasma-discover20:45
clivejoI have KDE tar called kdepim-apps-libs which maps to kf5-kdepim-apps-libs20:46
shadeslayeruh huh? and?20:46
clivejoI need it to appear here http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_16.04.1_yakkety.html20:46
shadeslayerwhere's the code for this?20:46
shadeslayermight make sense to normalize the names btw20:47
clivejoused to be in bzr20:47
clivejoyes, I added the bottom two20:48
clivejobut still wont work20:48
clivejobaloo-widgets5 is here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/+build/976818520:49
clivejobut the page wont pick it up20:49
shadeslayerthere is no https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/+packages?field.name_filter=kdepim-apps-libs&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=yakkety20:49
shadeslayerthere is no kdepim-apps-libs20:49
clivejoupstream call it that20:50
shadeslayerthen why is it looking for that20:50
shadeslayer(see end of the qa link )20:50
clivejoand git is same name20:50
clivejobut the source package is called kf5-kdepim-apps-libs20:51
clivejothere is some way to map it20:52
clivejofor example KDE source is called discover20:52
clivejobut source-package is plasma-discover20:52
clivejoand I thought upstream-names.json was the file that did the mapping20:52
shadeslayerwhen in doubt grep is your friend20:53
clivejohes not being very friendly20:53
shadeslayerlooks important20:54
clivejoit is20:54
shadeslayerok, give me a moment to read how this works20:55
clivejoit holds the list of all the app packages in yakkety20:55
=== aaron is now known as Guest50006
clivejoactually, I think Ive just found something20:55
=== Guest50006 is now known as ahoneybun
clivejoin package-name-list20:55
clivejopackagesRenamedFromUpstram =20:56
shadeslayerah indeed20:56
shadeslayerwhy isn't that json parsed from that list20:56
clivejothat looks like a more logical mapping20:56
shadeslayerwhy are there 2 lists :P20:56
shadeslayerthere's also a type20:56
clivejoshadeslayer: your guess is as good as mine!20:56
shadeslayerto the blame machine!20:57
shadeslayer45c86cb5 (Jonathan Riddell 2015-06-29 13:29:58 +0200  13) packagesRenamedFromUpstram = {"kwallet": "kwallet-kf5",20:57
shadeslayer*backs away slowly*20:57
clivejoits Scottish!20:57
clivejoStream translates to Stram20:57
shadeslayernot only is the script in python, var names are in Scottish :D20:58
clivejogreat fun this packaging lark21:00
clivejoright, lets see if that works!21:01
clivejoI cant seem to get the logical in these scripts21:02
clivejoand when it says upstream is the debian or KDE21:02
clivejowell debian is now LP21:03
clivejonow have to wait for the cron job on weegie21:03
clivejomore scotish slag!21:04
clivejosoee: hows the testing going?21:07
soeeclivejo: testing what?21:07
clivejoplasma 5.6.421:07
soeeclivejo: it is tested pretty solid. all fine21:07
soeeimo. we could push it to backports21:08
clivejohow many testers are using it?21:08
soeesome on severl machines21:08
soeei have it on 2 also (laptop and PC)21:08
clivejoany install issues?21:08
soeei did today upgrade on my PC from 5.5.521:09
clivejoand can you see everything in Polish?21:09
clivejoare you actually in Poland?21:10
soeeis it safe to install kernel 4.5 in Xenial?21:11
clivejono idea21:11
* clivejo is on Yakkety21:11
acheron884.5 from where?21:13
acheron8824hrs on plasma 5.6.4, and not crashed it yet :)21:14
* clivejo high-fives shadeslayer21:17
clivejothey are appearing http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_16.04.1_yakkety.html21:18
soeegosh ... ** (appstreamcli:15884): WARNING **: Exception: Unable to get write lock on /var/cache/app-info/xapian/default: already locked21:18
shadeslayerclivejo: would recommend perhaps making it so that it loads that json fole21:18
clivejoI wonder do we also have to map it back again in upstream-names21:18
soeebrb reboot21:19
clivejoin maps "spectacle": "kde-spectacle" in package-name-list, then "kde-spectacle": "spectacle" in upstream-names21:20
clivejoso weird21:20
shadeslayerclivejo: clearly key/values are switched21:22
shadeslayerso it needs changing in the code logic too21:22
shadeslayerto make it all consistent21:22
clivejoso I need both?21:22
clivejooh I can kinda see the logic now21:25
clivejothat script is querying depot21:26
clivejofor all the packages listed in application 16.04.121:26
clivejoso when it finds spectacle, thats mapped to our package name kde-spectacle21:27
clivejoand the upstream-names.json file maps it back again!21:27
shadeslayerok, I'm off for the day21:38
shadeslayersgclark: clivejo if you email me a link with the tars to upload, I can sponsor them21:38
* clivejo yawns22:36
clivejothis is soee bored!22:37
soee_Kubuntu does not like me22:37
clivejoboring even22:37
clivejowhy you think that?22:37
soee_i can update packages list22:37
soee_if freezes and doing nothing :<22:37
clivejocome help me package apps :)22:39
clivejothen it will love you22:39
soee_and again ** (appstreamcli:10695): WARNING **: Exception: Unable to get write lock on /var/cache/app-info/xapian/default: already locked22:39
soee_fuuu xapian22:39
clivejonever seen that before22:40
soee_clivejo: the only one who knows it enough is yofel or sgclark (the apps package stuff) :(22:40
clivejosoee_: you can learn how to do some of the more routine stuff 22:41
clivejotakes the pressure off them to deal with other stuff22:41
clivejosoee_: you coming to the party tomorrow22:42
geniisoee_: Does lsof show whats using it?22:43
soee_i killed whole /var/cache content 22:45
soee_is tarted to work now22:45
clivejosgclark: ping22:54
sgclarkclivejo: whats up?22:58
clivejodid you see shadeslayer offer to sponsor those new packages?22:58
* sgclark scrolls22:58
sgclarkah ok22:58
clivejoare you ok with me tottering away at these apps?22:59
ahoneybunbtw soee autohide and cover work in 5.6.4 with intel23:00
sgclarkplease do. I have no time 23:00
ahoneybunhave not tried nvidia yet23:00
clivejoif you ever got a chance, would you add the new packages into KCI?23:01
soeeim on new 367  driver23:01
ahoneybuncan't reboot atm trying to work on my app in QML23:01
ahoneybunapt update is stopping 23:01
ahoneybunnever finishing23:01
sgclarkScottK: you around?23:01
ahoneybuneven apt-get23:01
geniiLooks like some appstream issue, they are discussing it in #ubuntu right npw23:01
soeeyea on #kubuntu user already reported it23:02
ahoneybunoh the apt issue?23:02
sgclarkclivejo: can you email me a list of what needs to be added I am sgclark at kubuntu23:02
ScottKsgclark: Sort of.23:03
ahoneybunin an LTS thats23:03
ahoneybunthat's bad23:03
sgclarkah the apps are in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-plasma would that work?23:03
sgclarkScottK: ^23:03
ahoneybunno staging-apps?23:03
ScottKsgclark: Which packages and you've reviewed them?23:04
sgclarkthey have been in testing and no I have not personally reviewed them23:04
sgclarkI am going into  retirement23:04
ScottKI'll upload them if some Kubuntu dev says they are OK but I don't have time to review them.23:05
sgclarkok shadeslayer said he would. thank though for the offer :)23:05
acheron88Have an error in 5.6.4 when clicking on an recent document/item in kicker/kickoff recent docs/history23:29
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Some upstream bug?23:30
acheron88"Could not find any application or handler" for the document path, plasma error message popup23:31
acheron88in VM and real machine23:31
acheron88marcinsago: could not find bugs.kde23:32
acheron88just going to check in another distro VM for 5.6.423:32
acheron88OK. bug not present in chakra plasma 5.6.4 VM23:34
acheron88reproducible in a yakkety VM with plasma 5.6.4 as well23:38
clivejoacheron88: same here23:41
clivejoany ideas what might be wrong?23:41
* soee has to uninstall mainline kernel23:41
acheron88actually I fibbed about chakra. it's on 5.6.3. I'll see if I can update that to double check against their 5.6.423:42
sgclarkI can confirm acheron88. Can you create a bug? and link it so I can confirm23:43
acheron88error is generated by this I think? http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kio/html/krun_8cpp_source.html23:44
acheron88sgclarke: can someone else? Not got around to making new LP ID yet23:44
sgclarkI see. I do not have time I am afraid.23:45
acheron88at moment trying to work out if it's kde bug, or a packaging one, anyway23:47
soeefor those that use chromium/vivaldi + intel gpu: there is some  bug that makes screen blinking/flickering. As a workaround add to chromium/browser startup command: --disable-gpu-driver-bug-workarounds --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers23:49
clivejoacheron88: on chakra what frameworks are installed?23:49
clivejo!info kio-dev23:50
ubottukio-dev (source: kio): Resource and network access abstraction.. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.18.0-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 153 kB, installed size 1035 kB23:50
clivejobut plasma 5.6.4 was built against 5.2223:51
acheron88chakra package naming is not very familiar to me, but - http://i.imgur.com/eBPify8.png23:53
clivejolooks like a mix of 5.19 and 5.2123:54
clivejowhich is odd23:54
acheron88with as I said, plasma 5.6.3. thought they had 5.6.4, but clearly not yet23:55
clivejoacheron88: would you ask in #kde-neon23:55
acheron88OK. I did have a kde-neo VM, but wiped it. annoyingly 23:56
clivejoId be interested to know if its there23:57
clivejothey are using FW5.22 and Plasma 5.6.423:57
clivejoNeon folks are EU based so might be a while before someone answers23:59
clivejounless a user tries it23:59

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