
sumarsonohi all00:16
sumarsononew comer here00:16
sumarsonoi need your help, i can not setting up static ip for my kubuntu 16.04 via network manager.00:17
sumarsonothe system give me popup message: can not set property: value "158681256" of type guint is invalid or out of range for property 'gateway-ping-timeout' of type 'guint'00:21
OerHeks158.68.12.56 or or .. oh, skip the last one, that one is invalid00:34
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=== YuxKukMo is now known as Quetzalcoatl
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Quetzalcoatlhi guys! can someonte tell me step by step how can i go back to the old naming network interface ?06:38
Quetzalcoatli have freshly installed k1604lts and for some reason network manager applet is not displaying anything(speed), and in iptraf i can only see the lo interface06:41
Quetzalcoatli cant see the network interface06:41
hateballQuetzalcoatl: Pretty sure I told you yesterday06:42
hateball[15:47:50] <hateball> Quetzalcoatl: add "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" to your grub bootline06:43
Quetzalcoatlhi hatebal! yes you did but didnt succedded :-D06:43
hateballThat's strange06:43
Quetzalcoatlthat's why i need a little guidance06:43
hateballWell, to test it just boot computer, hold/hammer left shift to get into grub menu, edit the bootline and add the stuff between "" after "quiet splash"06:44
acheron882nd from last section https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/06:46
Quetzalcoatlok.. i will try that and i will let you know06:48
Quetzalcoatland for making this change permanent ? i guess i will have to change the default/grub file06:48
hateballQuetzalcoatl: Edit /etc/default/grub yes06:49
hateballand then you'll need to sudo update-grub06:50
Quetzalcoatlto sumarize: i will have a line with this parameters: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0". correct ?06:51
hateballmhm, they left06:53
=== YuxKukMo is now known as Quetzalcoatl
Quetzalcoatlthanks hateball. worked like a charm06:56
hateballQuetzalcoatl: :)06:56
Quetzalcoatlnow, i have to figure out why the network applet doesnt work properly06:57
Quetzalcoatlwell, i see that is a bug in network manager applet that is known by devs07:12
QuantosI just reinstalled 15.10 after trying out 16.04 and I can't get my USB headset to work07:17
QuantosI'm not sure if I should ask that here or in #kde07:19
hateballQuantos: define "to work"07:26
hateballQuantos: is it visible in volume settings?07:26
QuantosYes, it is07:27
QuantosNo sound comes out07:27
QuantosIt's also correctly identified in lsusb07:28
hateballQuantos: is it set as your primary channel/device ?07:31
hateballQuantos: Also, why did you install 15.10? It will be EOL in not too long, while 16.04 is LTS07:32
Quantos16.04 isn't quite ripe yet07:33
QuantosStill a few too many issues for me07:33
QuantosYes, I believe it is set as a primary, it shows the speakers and then it shows the headset07:34
johnfluxI just upgraded, and the now the font in the taskbar thing at the bottom of the screen is tiny07:34
johnfluxmaybe font 6 or less07:34
QuantosOne thing I should mention is the volume control on the headset adjusts the speaker volume07:35
johnfluxokay changing to the 'breeze' theme fixed the tiny text07:41
johnfluxbut now my alt-tab window is on the side :-/07:41
hateballjohnflux: well that is configurable07:42
johnfluxokay sorted :-)  compact style looks nice07:44
=== soul is now known as Guest282
six86Hello... I am unable to create a 16.04 stick under Kubuntu. I tried mkusb, unetbootin, usb-creator-kde and usb-creator-gtk... The error is always: Boot error, please insert boot device...08:06
six86Creating the stick under 14.04 results in the known error of not beeing bootable08:06
six86Creating under windows works like a charm... what a shame08:07
six86Is there a solid way to create a bootable stick from 16.04? Best would be to use easy command line tools like dd...08:07
maxg@six86 dd should work. I prefer >>cp <image> <device> <<, though. Both should work.08:20
maxgI created my 16.04-alpha stick using cp08:20
six86simply cp?08:21
maxgcp <image> <device>08:22
maxgdd if=<image> of=<device>08:22
maxgdd has the advantage that you can monitor the progress08:22
maxgcp works silently 'till the end08:22
six86I'll try the cp. Had no luck with dd yesterday...08:22
maxgyou need rood privileges for that.08:22
maxgdid you check the checksum of the image?08:23
six86yep. I'm preseeding and my Script checks the checksum08:23
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
yossarianukmorning ! Having a brain fart and cannot see where to enable/disable desktop effects - after switching GPU I seems to have lost them08:58
yossarianukwhere in system settings is it ? And what is the shortcut to enable/disable desktop effects09:00
yossarianukah - its alt+shift+f1209:02
BluesKajHey folks11:29
six86still not able to create a bootable ubuntu stick from Kubuntu 16.04. Whatever I try, the stick is not bootable and has no partition table after creating the stick12:26
BluesKajsix86:  formatted to fat32?12:27
BluesKajsix86:  recommend disk creator or dd , unetbootin fails a lot12:28
six86tried everything: unetbootin, disk-creator-kde, disk-creator-gtk, mkusb, dd, cp12:31
six86so far, it only worked under windows *yay*12:31
six86And tried it on different machines, two with 16.04, one with 14.0412:31
six86I preseeded my installation and now have my own iso. And I simply can't manage to get it on a bootable stick.12:32
six86And I also tried different USB flash drives12:34
BluesKajsix86:  then you don't have the proper settings in the iso to make it bootable...obviously, however I don't know how to do so.12:40
BluesKajsix86:  use an official kubuntu iso, that's my advice12:41
six86BluesKaj: It is an official Ubuntu iso. With some additions for preseeding, but nothing changed, just some custom initrd added and soem menu points to load them. Nothing changed with the rest of the structure. And apparently it works, because some crappy first google hit Windows tool can create a bootable stick...12:44
BluesKajjust because windows says it's bootable by using their software doesn't make it so, six8612:46
six86BluesKaj: We installed 3 systems from that stick, that pretty much proofs it's working12:46
BluesKajon what kind of machines?  UEFI or BIOS ? that may be the problem12:49
six86I think the ones we installed successfully on are BIOS12:50
Smurphyand does it work on EFI/UEFI setups ?12:51
* BluesKaj thinks perhaps not12:52
six86so your assumption is, the windows created stickonly works on bios, and the ubuntu created only works on uefi?12:53
BluesKajbut UEFI stuff not my strong suit , since I wiped my laptop clean of W8.1 and set up a dos pt and formatted my partitions to ext4  then installed kubuntu12:54
BluesKajsix86:  I'm not assuming , I'm guessing12:55
six86Ok. I will got to the lab in a few minutes and try with different systems12:55
six86Sticks created under 14.04 worked on both systems. But they had a partition table...13:03
six86So, the stick created under windows boots on UEFI and BIOS systems. The several sticks created under ubuntu boot on none of the same systems13:06
SmurphyThen something else is wrong.13:10
six86Smurphy: but what?13:10
six86On different systems with different sticks, and none is bootable. :-)13:11
six86In the old days of 12.04 and 14.04 it justed worked with the usb-creator tool. Used it for years13:11
six86But comparing the windows stick to the linux stick, the file structure is somewhat different. As if it is writing its own boot structure13:14
SmurphyI just installed my systems using the USB Creator Tool on a 16.04 ?13:44
SmurphyHad to create a 32Bit bootable USB stick for my old coreDuo mac-mini. WOrked fine.13:45
habitsHi guys! Any idea why I cannot play mp3 files with Dragon player?14:59
BluesKajhabits, it's video player , not a music player, try amarok or vlc15:00
BluesKaja video player15:01
habitsok, VLC worked! I did not know that Dragon Player is for video files. I kind of feel stupid now :D15:02
habitsanywas, thanks for the quick response15:02
BluesKajno need to feel stupis ,. we all make mistakes now and then , habits15:03
BluesKajsee, i can't spell :-)15:03
habitshahah, you are right! :)15:04
dbaccfor those of you, who read this yesterday, my breeze-dark problem got fixed by using plasma 5.6 from backports-landing15:22
yossarianukGetting frequent baloo crashes on 16.0415:25
yossarianukApplication: Baloo File Indexing Daemon (baloo_file), signal: Aborted - Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".15:25
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dbaccis there a konsole theme for breeze dark?15:43
BluesKajyossarianuk, does baloo use the akonadi server ?15:49
yofelbaloo doesn't use akonadi15:51
=== salami_ is now known as salami
MrokiiHello. I've tried to install Kubuntu on a laptop, was able to boot from a Live-CD of 16.04, but in the installer on the second screen (where it asks about installing third party software for graphics and WiFi), I can't click the "Continue Button". Any thoughts?17:50
lethuMrokii: is your connection enabled?17:51
Mrokiilethu: If you mean Internet, then no.17:52
lethuMrokii: then you have to enable it first17:52
MrokiiOkay, I'll look into that. Thanks.17:53
lethuMrokii: np :)17:53
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matt__Hi all19:20
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=== morgan is now known as Guest1689
Guest1689is apt broken for anyone else.22:48
Guest1689on 2 machines (kubuntu 16.04) apt-get update is not completing22:49
Guest1689(since this evening)22:49
Guest1689i.e - I see 'Fetched 265 kB in 0s (737 kB/s)     ' at the end of the apt-get update command but it doesn't return back to cli prompt22:50
Guest1689anyone else having this issue tonight (im in the UK if its a mirror issue)22:51
geniiIt's working fine here with Canadian repos22:51
geniiGuest1689: Looks like another user or two in #ubuntu is having the exact problem right now.22:52
Guest1689odd - i'm assuming its a mirror issue as both machines have been able to update apt-get about 4 hrs ago..22:53
Guest1689genii: cheers22:53
soee_it stopped for me jew minutes ago22:53
soee_working now again but i had problems like: ** (appstreamcli:10695): WARNING **: Exception: Unable to get write lock on /var/cache/app-info/xapian/default: already locked22:54
soee_i removed all /var/cache content22:54
Guest1689soee_: cheers - I had done a 'apt-get clean' when it stopped working.22:54
Guest1689still broken here22:54
Guest1689will ask in the other room also22:55
hydrogenHi friends.  For some new and exciting reason Xorg has decided to mirror my displays23:16
hydrogenIt worked just fine last night23:16
hydrogenit works just fine in sddm23:16
hydrogenbut as soon as i log into plasma my displays are mirrored instead of extended23:16
hydrogen"Display configuration" doesn't seem to have anything useful23:16
hydrogenwell that's special23:19
hydrogenapparently it decided to place DVI-0 right on top of DISPLAYPORT-0 in the screen configuration23:19
hydrogenwhich has the undocumented feature of mirroring the display?23:19
DarthShader2Hey guys. I just upgraded to kubuntu 16.04. I got two problems, my terminal is "screwedup" (cursor is shifted to the right of where it's typing), and "sudo apt update" hangs after "Fetched ..."23:39
soeeDarthShader2: there is some problem with apt atm23:42
soeethere is a discussion on #ubuntu23:42
DarthShader2Ah I see, so I guess that should fix itself eventually. What about the terminal?23:43

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