
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
ubottuIn #ubuntu, ROldan said: ubottu: But not is the same that i run the aplicarion with "Playonlinux"?05:54
wyoungelky: sorry, I had to goto work06:06
wyoungdax: Yes I was being offtopic then getting into an argument with an op about himself being offtopic, or something like that.  I just dislike one of the ops and he likes to egg me on06:07
wyoungbesides that all is good06:08
bazhangwyoung, hi08:41
bazhangwyoung, please respond09:23
Myrttiyou lag, I don't lag13:33
k1l_Myrtti please turn off that script! ;p13:34
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag13:56
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
geniiThis new network interface naming thing is driving everyone up the wall23:36

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