
cmaloneyyo yo02:43
cmaloneyHow's the day?12:12
mrgoodcatits ok i guess12:13
mrgoodcatnot much to report so far12:13
jrwrengreg-g: you back to work yet or are you on pat leave?15:53
cmaloney(also hoping the surgery went well)15:54
jrwreni saw on FB that it did!  YAY!15:55
cmaloneyYay (damn FB)15:57
shakes808What kind of surgery?  Glad it went well.16:02
cmaloneynewborn surgery for ...16:03
* cmaloney looks at the logs16:03
cmaloney"Terran is out of surgery and recovering. 'Twas this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyloric_stenosis He's still there, should be having his first feeding since the surgery right now. I'm home with Rowan (another lovely 1 hour drive home). Tomorrow he and I'll be down there again until Terran is released. ostriches still delegate :)"16:03
shakes808After a quick read of the link, that sounds beautiful.   Glad that things are looking up now :)16:12
jrwreni never knew he was such a starcraft fan.16:14

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