
tiwakeWoodyPC: hey23:46
Ardonelhey WoodyPC and tiwake23:47
tiwakeand Ardonel23:47
WoodyPChey yall23:48
WoodyPCyall ever use a program called "mono complete"23:48
ArdonelHow is/was your day tiwake ? and WoodyPC ?23:48
tiwakeheh, alright23:49
WoodyPCuneventful....rained all day here.23:49
tiwakeWoodyPC: hey, that guy never did call me :P23:49
WoodyPCwhatchall up too?23:49
WoodyPChang in there...I'll find out what's up with that.23:50
Ardonelauditing mod code for minetest... and trying to find info on a nick who has been bouncing all over freenode...23:51
WoodyPCardonel: maybe I can help. what is the nick:?23:52
Ardonelxenthree3 (~xenthree3@h42-57.pool95-168.dyn.tolna.net)23:54
tiwakeam at work still... almost 5pm23:54
Ardoneltolna is in Hungary23:55
Ardonelaccount is fairly new <-- from a friend23:55
WoodyPCwhat is this person doing? bad things?23:55
Ardonelnot sure how many channels were joined and parted, but wondering if someone is trying to hack freenode23:56
WoodyPCah, ok... I'll what I can dig up.23:59
Ardonel-NickServ- Information on xenthree3 (account xenthree3):23:59
Ardonel-NickServ- Registered : May 19 14:50:30 2016 (9h 8m 28s ago)23:59
Ardonel-NickServ- Last addr  : ~xenthree3@h42-57.pool95-168.dyn.tolna.net23:59
Ardonel-NickServ- Last seen  : May 19 20:59:39 2016 (2h 59m 19s ago)23:59
Ardonel-NickServ- Flags      : HideMail23:59
Ardonel-NickServ- *** End of Info ***23:59

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