YankDownUnder | There does exist that possibility...but ya know, I like being impatient...as we all do... | 00:02 |
fifty-sevenC | Well, if it takes to long kill it and try later | 00:21 |
mate|65150 | how to autorun a program | 00:23 |
fifty-sevenC | Autorun as in? | 00:24 |
mate|65150 | new to this... autorun a program from python? | 00:25 |
mate|65150 | at boot | 00:25 |
fifty-sevenC | What program? | 00:25 |
mate|65150 | just one that I write. I know I can do it on raspbian rpi2. havent tried any other gui or os on it and making sure that I can do that with this gui | 00:26 |
fifty-sevenC | Ok so it is a desktop application | 00:27 |
fifty-sevenC | ? | 00:27 |
fifty-sevenC | System -> Preferences -> Personal -> Startup applications | 00:28 |
mate|65150 | well, yes it is a python script so on raspbian i have to configure it like /blah/blah/python myfile.py, then it will autorun at boot | 00:28 |
fifty-sevenC | You can add a script to /etc/init.d/ | 00:30 |
mate|65150 | Ok, thanks for your help! | 00:30 |
fifty-sevenC | after you add the daemon script you need to update-rc.d | 00:31 |
HetroErectus | Odroid-C2 > raspberry pi | 01:00 |
HetroErectus | im getting that one.. 2gb ram, able to play 4k video | 01:01 |
HetroErectus | $40 | 01:01 |
HetroErectus | lacks wifi and bluetooth but who cares.. all i have to do is plug in one of both bought on ebay for $1 each | 01:01 |
HetroErectus | theres 4 usb ports on it | 01:01 |
HetroErectus | not able to run win but will run ubuntu just fine, which is perfect ! <3 | 01:02 |
HetroErectus | its going to be my camper computer glued to the back of a TV | 01:02 |
HetroErectus | aka the hacker shack | 01:03 |
HetroErectus | hacker on wheelz | 01:04 |
HetroErectus | mostly for streaming netflix and spotify though | 01:05 |
HetroErectus | $40 for a computer doing that is pretty damn amazing | 01:09 |
nomic | i like the pi3s | 01:15 |
nomic | in that they have replaced my pcs | 01:15 |
nomic | http://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2016/review-odroid-c2-compared-raspberry-pi-3-and-orange-pi-plus | 01:16 |
HetroErectus | you run pi3 now? | 01:21 |
nomic | yes | 01:32 |
=== johannes__ is now known as Just1Number | ||
fifty-sevenC | The big thing pi has going for it is the support it has and how cheap it is | 01:45 |
HetroErectus | nice | 01:47 |
HetroErectus | just watched a vid of pi running kodi | 01:48 |
HetroErectus | flawlessly! | 01:48 |
HetroErectus | 1080p .. even software decoding | 01:48 |
HetroErectus | 1080p is my default format.. a while yet to i upgrade to 4k | 01:49 |
HetroErectus | however.. how well does it do say streaming netflix while running hexchat? | 01:50 |
HetroErectus | you need chrome under linux for netflix | 01:51 |
HetroErectus | doesnt to with some tiny light weight firefox hack | 01:51 |
HetroErectus | doesnt do | 01:51 |
fifty-sevenC | You have to have flash | 01:51 |
HetroErectus | flash? reason it will only play in chrome is DMR | 01:52 |
HetroErectus | chrome is propietary so it ships with it | 01:52 |
HetroErectus | flash is out.. its DMR thats the issue | 01:52 |
HetroErectus | i can live just fine without flash | 01:52 |
prime_ | Hey anyone know how to set it so that bluetooth does not turn on on start up on a laptop (not thinkpad) with mate? | 01:53 |
HetroErectus | chromium wont play netflix since its open source.. neither will firefox.. etc | 01:54 |
HetroErectus | allmost so i wish it would run chrome os | 01:55 |
HetroErectus | will it? hmmm... | 01:55 |
HetroErectus | ...yes it will!!!! | 01:55 |
fifty-sevenC | prime | 02:06 |
fifty-sevenC | hkjhkjghjkgf so annoying | 02:06 |
HetroErectus | chromium-widevine is the package for playing it in chromium ... avaliable only on arch | 02:16 |
HetroErectus | then netflix would run in open source browsers | 02:17 |
=== apessoa is now known as Guest93893 | ||
fifty-sevenC | hmm | 02:18 |
fifty-sevenC | If there was a way to make netflix not use html5 on a browser it detects capable it would fallback to flash and work fine in chromium | 02:19 |
HetroErectus | thats not whats stopping netflix from playing, fifty.. its DRM | 02:20 |
HetroErectus | digital rights management | 02:20 |
HetroErectus | it just wont run on open source things | 02:21 |
=== james is now known as Guest33081 | ||
HetroErectus | firefox has flash but it still wont run netflix cause its tied to this spec package | 02:22 |
=== Guest33081 is now known as Kalvin_Clein | ||
fifty-sevenC | firefox will use the default html5 as well | 02:23 |
HetroErectus | should be of high pri for the ubuntu developers to get this working | 02:23 |
fifty-sevenC | the widevine drm scheme is for html5 | 02:23 |
HetroErectus | its irrelevant if its html5 or flash | 02:23 |
fifty-sevenC | I don't think so | 02:23 |
HetroErectus | i do | 02:23 |
fifty-sevenC | Widevine is specific to html5 | 02:24 |
fifty-sevenC | Wait does netflix use silverlight or flash? | 02:26 |
fifty-sevenC | If it is silverlight I don't know anything about it' | 02:26 |
Nullifi3d | it used to use silverlight | 02:26 |
Nullifi3d | not sure about now | 02:26 |
fifty-sevenC | Ok | 02:26 |
HetroErectus | now its html5 | 02:26 |
HetroErectus | but yes it used to be silverlight | 02:26 |
fifty-sevenC | Ok so no flash fallback so it wouldn't work in chrome unless it is html5 widevine | 02:27 |
HetroErectus | nods | 02:27 |
emily_ | test test | 03:36 |
rafgas | Hello all, a little bit of panic! My mate install won't boot into gui! | 08:12 |
rafgas | All I have is a cli in front of me | 08:12 |
mhran | any one from support > | 08:26 |
mhran | ? | 08:26 |
mhran | I am running Ubuntu mate on raspberry pi 2 | 08:27 |
olegb | ubottu: question | 08:28 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:28 |
rafgas | It says on my screen "no ACPI video bus found" before throwing me to "emergency mode" please help | 08:30 |
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potbelly | Not sure if this might be ubuntu-mate, but followed the instructions for irssi-ssl found here: | 09:47 |
potbelly | http://www.andrews-corner.org/ubuntu/irssi.html | 09:47 |
potbelly | and didn't see the SASL messages in connection dialogue | 09:48 |
srir4m | hello | 11:41 |
Akuli | Hi srir4m | 11:44 |
srir4m | how u doin mate | 11:45 |
ouroumov | hi srir4m | 11:46 |
srir4m | hello!!! ouroumov | 11:49 |
srir4m | damn u guys are super nice | 11:49 |
ouroumov | If we don't say hi people tend to leave. | 11:50 |
srir4m | lol | 11:50 |
ouroumov | You're a new Ubuntu MATE user srir4m ? | 11:51 |
srir4m | sooo u guys using ubuntu mate as a daily driver? | 11:51 |
srir4m | yes....i was using lm 17.3 before this | 11:51 |
ouroumov | <srir4m> sooo u guys using ubuntu mate as a daily driver? -> yes | 11:52 |
ouroumov | Since 16.04 Beta 2 ^^ | 11:52 |
srir4m | nice.... | 11:52 |
ouroumov | Before that I was using gnome-session-fallback ontop vanilla ubuntu | 11:52 |
srir4m | is gnome 3 nice? | 11:52 |
srir4m | or is it buggy? | 11:53 |
ouroumov | I wouldn't know. | 11:53 |
ouroumov | I only glanced at it and I found it was not for me :o | 11:53 |
ouroumov | Not enough options ~ u_u | 11:54 |
Akuli | I started with mint, but walked away when i realized how buggy the code for all the mint applications is, i can't believe my mint system worked as well as it did with such poor programming. | 11:54 |
srir4m | really? | 11:55 |
srir4m | i didnt encounter much bugs either | 11:55 |
srir4m | how is mate?? | 11:55 |
srir4m | ubuntu | 11:55 |
ouroumov | I was looking at the code for netcat the other day. It's fun to read. ^^ | 11:55 |
srir4m | is it stable now? | 11:55 |
srir4m | cause ive heard users complain | 11:55 |
ouroumov | srir4m, people have different experiences with it | 11:56 |
ouroumov | There's a bunch of bugs. | 11:56 |
srir4m | 16.04.1 might fix it | 11:56 |
ouroumov | I hope most of them will get fixed when 14.04.1 will be released this summer | 11:56 |
ouroumov | yup | 11:56 |
ouroumov | 16* | 11:56 |
srir4m | ill probably switch again | 11:57 |
srir4m | maybe arch next time or antergos | 11:57 |
srir4m | idk for now | 11:57 |
srir4m | but soo far i do like this.. | 11:57 |
srir4m | i like the dark theme....lookin nice | 11:58 |
ouroumov | I'm using Dark MATE + Icons and Window Borders from Ambiant MATE. | 11:59 |
srir4m | whats the window manager are u using? | 12:00 |
ouroumov | Marco + Compton | 12:00 |
ouroumov | Compiz is buggy | 12:00 |
srir4m | i was jus typin that | 12:00 |
srir4m | nice | 12:00 |
srir4m | does compton get rid of the vsync problem? | 12:00 |
ouroumov | Yes | 12:00 |
ouroumov | ^^ | 12:01 |
srir4m | good | 12:01 |
srir4m | also......ubuntu mate's grub aint nice imo | 12:01 |
srir4m | any way to replace that? | 12:01 |
Akuli | srir4m, sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-mate-grub-theme | 12:02 |
Akuli | i might remember the package name wrong, type first 10 characters or so and hit tab twice | 12:02 |
ouroumov | You can also fallback to console mode using the GRUB_CONSOLE line in /etc/default/grub iirc | 12:03 |
srir4m | ill try that | 12:03 |
ouroumov | GRUB_TERMINAL * | 12:03 |
srir4m | but now right now.....cause im updating s/w...soo terminal wont work | 12:03 |
srir4m | u guys have ever tried debian? | 12:05 |
Akuli | srir4m, i run devuan on my laptop, it's a fork of debian without systemd | 12:11 |
Akuli | crazy fast | 12:11 |
srir4m | nice... | 12:12 |
srir4m | i was abt to try debian myself....but then i saw a joe collins video on youtube....and he was recommending this distro....sooo...i just went ahead and downloaded this instead | 12:12 |
srir4m | what panel layout are u guys using? | 12:13 |
Akuli | srir4m, none of the default ones, just start right-clicking them and do whatever you want | 12:16 |
srir4m | lol | 12:16 |
Akuli | srir4m, well, debian and ubuntu mate are basically opposites of each other :D debian is a traditional distro, ubuntu-mate is trying to be as modern as possible | 12:16 |
srir4m | u guys have tried different DE's ?? | 12:17 |
srir4m | in this distro? | 12:17 |
ouroumov | Yes | 12:17 |
ouroumov | Oh | 12:17 |
ouroumov | No | 12:17 |
srir4m | in general? | 12:17 |
ouroumov | Xubuntu, Lubuntu | 12:17 |
srir4m | lxde or lxqt? | 12:17 |
srir4m | idk....what lubuntu uses these days | 12:17 |
srir4m | still lxde? | 12:17 |
ouroumov | Don't remember :o | 12:17 |
srir4m | xfce is nice tho | 12:17 |
ouroumov | I like XFCE better | 12:17 |
ouroumov | And I like how I can compile XFCE on the school's workstations | 12:18 |
srir4m | yeah | 12:18 |
srir4m | can i install gnome on this? | 12:18 |
Akuli | whyyyyyyy?? | 12:18 |
srir4m | i want to try gnome 3.20 | 12:18 |
Akuli | i'm sure you can... but i don't know why you would do that | 12:18 |
srir4m | i just want to try.... | 12:19 |
srir4m | many people like gnome | 12:19 |
srir4m | and i wanna know why | 12:19 |
Akuli | umm not any more | 12:19 |
srir4m | soo what....kde? | 12:19 |
srir4m | oh im sorry "plasma" | 12:20 |
Akuli | gnome 2 was popular because it was the only really good desktop, but many people think gnome 3 is ugly and not user-friendly | 12:20 |
Akuli | mate is a fork of gnome 2, for people who want to keep using something much like gnome 2 | 12:20 |
gordonjcp | srir4m: you can install anything that's packaged for Ubuntu on it | 12:20 |
srir4m | i think they made mate look lot sexier now | 12:21 |
srir4m | it looks gorgeous | 12:21 |
ouroumov | There's a screenshot category on the forum if you wanna see the extent of possible customizations srir4m | 12:24 |
Akuli | srir4m, no, that's ubuntu mate with all their fancy default settings. | 12:24 |
srir4m | nice | 12:25 |
srir4m | ummm how do i bring back update window | 12:30 |
srir4m | it was updating...and i must have done something....now it closed | 12:31 |
Akuli | don't use the gui to update if you have issues | 12:33 |
Akuli | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:34 |
srir4m | no no...i know but it was already running | 12:34 |
gordonjcp | srir4m: won't make any different | 12:34 |
gordonjcp | *difference | 12:34 |
gordonjcp | just run the update like Akuli says | 12:34 |
gordonjcp | it'll either work fine or give one of a selection of errors | 12:35 |
Akuli | like "dpkg is being locked by another process", i.e. its already running | 12:36 |
srir4m | yeah its not | 12:36 |
srir4m | i should also do dist-upgrade right? | 12:37 |
luigi_ | hi | 12:41 |
Akuli | srir4m, i don't know, i've never used it | 12:42 |
luigi_ | im need lebnet6-1.3-dev | 12:42 |
luigi_ | and not found souces | 12:42 |
Akuli | luigi_, what is that and why do you need it? | 12:42 |
luigi_ | is but use enttercap for linux | 12:43 |
luigi_ | need a libriries | 12:43 |
luigi_ | I found the repository | 12:45 |
luigi_ | cuando es el momento de instalarlo, me dice que tiene dependecias, y los paquetes estan rotos | 12:46 |
gordonjcp | okay | 12:47 |
gordonjcp | but ettercap *is* available? | 12:47 |
luigi_ | yes | 12:48 |
luigi_ | http://installion.co.uk/ubuntu/vivid/universe/l/libnet6-1.3-0/install/index.html | 12:50 |
luigi_ | is a page, how install libnet | 12:51 |
srir4m | sorry there | 12:57 |
srir4m | i accidentally closed this window | 12:58 |
=== atlanticd is now known as atlantic | ||
Canopus | Good morning | 14:52 |
Canopus | I'm using: | 14:52 |
Canopus | Linux rpi2 4.1.19-v7+ #858 SMP Tue Mar 15 15:56:00 GMT 2016 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux | 14:52 |
Canopus | When I try to install this driver: https://github.com/chunkeey/rtl8192su (that worked for my wifi usb adapter in a previous version of ubuntu mate), I get this error: | 14:53 |
Canopus | make[1]: *** /lib/modules/4.1.19-v7+/build: No such file or directory. Stop. | 14:53 |
Canopus | Looking at this thread: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=103989&start=25 | 14:54 |
Canopus | I seems that a possible solution is: | 14:54 |
Canopus | sudo ln -s /home/pi/src/linux /lib/modules/4.1.13+/build | 14:54 |
Canopus | where /home/pi/src/linux is my path to the linux source code | 14:55 |
Canopus | my problem is that I'm not suere where my linux source code is | 14:55 |
Canopus | * sure | 14:55 |
ubuntu-mate | test | 15:07 |
Canopus | I installed it. How can I open the network manager tray ? | 15:52 |
Canopus | I got it working :) | 16:13 |
mate|77930 | Hello | 17:13 |
mate|77930 | is anyone around to maybe help me out with a touch screen on a lap top? | 17:14 |
nomic | doesn't it work mate|77930 | 17:17 |
nomic | never have used touch pad | 17:17 |
nomic | screen | 17:17 |
nomic | you may get a sooner reply by posting a message a message on forums mate|77930 | 17:18 |
nomic | https://ubuntu-mate.community/ | 17:18 |
nomic | have you researched your hardware in relation to mate | 17:19 |
ouroumov | hi mate|77930 | 17:19 |
ouroumov | mate|77930, have you installed the driver & firmware packages yet? | 17:20 |
ouroumov | (in Welcome -> Getting Started) | 17:20 |
mate|77930 | nomic, never have used it before. it works but I dont know how to calibrate it.. it registers about an inch off of where I touch | 17:27 |
mate|77930 | ouroumov I have done that. just cannot figure calibration.. it work but not properly | 17:27 |
nomic | must be calibrator | 17:28 |
nomic | that works | 17:28 |
mate|77930 | how do I find calibrator? | 17:29 |
mate|77930 | sorry I'm a newbie trying to figure this out. no problems on my desktop and this is my only issue right now | 17:30 |
mate|77930 | wb ouroumov | 17:49 |
ouroumov__ | I think you're gonna have a hard time solving this problem mate|77930 | 17:50 |
ouroumov__ | driver support in Linux for things like that... I'm not optimistic :/ | 17:50 |
mate|77930 | well it works, but there has to be a way to calibrate sensitivity like calibrating a mouse or other peripheral | 17:51 |
ouroumov__ | If there is, I've no idea where. Have you looked in the mouse options? (Technically the screen is a pointing device, I guess) | 17:52 |
ouroumov__ | mate|77930, maybe I spoke too soon. Check this out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touchscreen | 17:53 |
mate|77930 | give me a few moments going to work through the directions.. much appreciated | 17:55 |
jsowden | problem signing up to the forum | 20:10 |
jsowden | let's try something different. How do I set my own coloe, etc. para,eters in the editor vs. selecting one of someone elses? | 20:15 |
nomic | the editor? | 20:18 |
nomic | what color | 20:18 |
jsowden | I installed um last night and it comes with an editor. I can select themes, but not my own colors. Color? blue background, white characters | 20:20 |
nomic | you installed what? | 20:20 |
jsowden | um = ubuntu mate (I am a lazy typist) | 20:21 |
nomic | i think you can download more themes | 20:23 |
jsowden | is there a theme editor? | 20:24 |
jsowden | I/m back-hit the wrong button. Re: theme editor, although i think that is a long way arround to solve the problem. | 20:30 |
jsowden | maybe its back to mousepad | 20:32 |
jsowden | 2nd Q: I changed the font on a LO SS to freesans 10. All the drop down menus went blank in LO. Never had this in xubuntu (10ish years) | 20:33 |
El_Capitano | ola | 20:37 |
jsowden | I just got the forum to work. I'll try there, au revoir | 20:46 |
nomic | cool | 20:46 |
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