
halvorsIs the linux kernel doing any reverse path filtering for Ipv6?00:37
halvorsI have an issue where a TCP stream routed out one interface on the router but comming in another interface is dropped...00:37
AndyWojodoes 16.04 cloud image not have cloud-init?01:15
=== lynornian is now known as lynorian
zoskyhi yall. my ubuntu server is hanging during boot, the last line i see is 'starting nfs-kernel-server'... but if i drop to a shell, i can start it manually without error. so is it the next init script after thats hanging ? how can i tell04:56
zoskyi looked at the files in /etc/rc3.d/ ... the one after S20nfs-kernel-server is S20smartmontools... disabling that (from /etc/default/smartmontools) and it boots... starting it manually (sudo service smartmontools start)... no errors. why does it hang the system during boot ?05:29
=== Bray90820_ is now known as bray90820
=== bray90820 is now known as Bray90820
shekharhello guys can i get some regarding the apache2 server08:40
shekharhey anyone here08:40
sarnoldshekhar: irc works best if you ask specific questions08:41
shekhar i followed instruction https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-apache-virtual-hosts-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts everything is fine but it is showing "the site cant be reached " when i type the url in addr bar08:43
shekharwhere can i find the error log specific to the above problem08:44
shekharsarnold:  ^^ could you please look into the above issue08:44
sarnoldshekhar: probably /var/log/apache/08:45
sarnoldshekhar: is "the site can't be reached" coming from your browser? or is a server-generated error?08:46
shekharfrom my browser  sarnold08:46
sarnoldshekhar: then the request is probably not getting to your server at all -- use 'host' to see if your server name resolves to the correct ip address08:48
sarnoldshekhar: if the IP address is good, then use telnet or nc to connect to that IP address, port 80, and see if there's a webserver listening on the port08:48
ShekharReddy i removed apache2 using sudo apt-get purge apache2* and reinstalled. Now i get a different default pages on localhost and IP addr12:56
ShekharReddyhttps://snag.gy/ZpHTjn.jpg  it is different from  https://snag.gy/PEJxef.jpg  https://snag.gy/0fx2GT.jpg12:56
ShekharReddyany help is appreciated12:56
ShekharReddy i removed apache2 using sudo apt-get purge apache2* and reinstalled. Now i get a different default pages on localhost and IP addr13:45
ShekharReddyhttps://snag.gy/ZpHTjn.jpg  it is different from  https://snag.gy/PEJxef.jpg  https://snag.gy/0fx2GT.jpg13:46
ShekharReddyany help is appreciated13:46
Baedo ubuntu-server installations have spyware software ?15:50
AndyWojoBae: like what?15:51
Baelike amazon?15:51
AndyWojouh no....15:51
Baesome kid was spewing such nonsense earlier15:53
Baethat ubuntu is spyware and should not be messed with15:53
Baeidk if the minimal installation comes with such things by default15:53
tewardBae: I think Amazon used to be something included in Unity, but I don't think that's included anymore?15:54
tewardBae: Server never had the Amazon stuff - that was part of the shopping search scope on Unity I believe15:55
Baeooooh. so the desktop one had it ?15:55
tewardBae: 16.04 doesn't have that last I checked, but that was a Unity thing, not Server or "Ubuntu Standard Feature"15:57
tewardand only applied to the Unity search barl15:57
tewardI have a script I Used to yank that stuff out but eh15:57
Baeteward, i'm going to be using ubuntu server 15.10 though. is it there? if it is, i want to remove all spyware out there. can u remember what spywares are in there so i can take the steps to remove em?15:58
tewardBae: so you don't listen to what I said15:58
teward[2016-05-21 11:55:09] <teward> Bae: Server never had the Amazon stuff - that was part of the shopping search scope on Unity I believe15:58
tewardUnity != "Ubuntu" overall15:58
Baeyeah i read that. i was talking about other spywares that may exist on the server15:59
Baenot just unity or what not15:59
teward***why*** would oyu assume Ubuntu comes with spyware15:59
Baeok so there is no spyware. i understand now lol15:59
teward**why** would you make the equivalency that just because Unity Desktop had an Amazon Shopping scope, *everything* in Ubuntu comes with some spyware16:00
AndyWojoIt's just ubuntu haters saying this stuff16:00
Baei did not say ubuntu *must* come with spyware. i asked if there was. and i said if there may be some i would like to remove them. and that if you remember any, do tell me. no accusation was made16:01
Baeand i dont even hate ubuntu i am going to use it in a production environment anyway16:01
Baeand the reason why i asked such things was because some kid was talking about it eaerlier in a different channel16:01
tewardBae: the context after I said that Server never used the Amazon stuff, and the 'spyware' reference was to Amazon and searches in the Dash being sent automatically, it came across as such an accusation16:01
tewardalso, I haveni't had coffee16:01
tewardso i'm not 100% 'awake' yet ;)16:01
teward(take my attitude with a grain of salt, i'm not normally this way)16:02
Baeok no worries :}16:02
Basketballi would like to make a printer server any guides17:13
ashdBasketball: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/cups.html17:16
DatzHi, I'm having a problem getting phpmyadmin to work on 16.04. started out complaining that mbstring was missing, after I installed that, I started getting 500 error. I can't find anything in the apache2 logs. What should my next step be?17:31
=== Edgan_ is now known as Edgan
ballerhow can i setup a google cloud print server19:59
RoyKballer: https://support.google.com/a/answer/2906017?hl=en perhaps_20:00
balleri tried that20:01
balleris there a better os to use for thisz?20:01
RoyKgoogle cloud printing sounds like a really good idea if you want google to index everything you're printing20:01
balleri have a chromebook20:02
ballerand idc i am a student and don't print anything classified20:02
RoyKyour personal letters should be classified ;)20:03
ballergot any thing else?20:07
OerHeksobvious, you don't need anything else.20:09
ballerOerHeks: that doesnt work20:11
ballerwill this work? https://www.niftiestsoftware.com/cups-cloud-print/20:11
balleror is that only for normal ubuntu20:11
OerHeksballer, try it if you can find a newer package than 12.04 on that site.20:14
ballerOerHeks: for what i want to do would you recomend normal or ubuntu server20:15
OerHeksoh that ppa gives xenial too.. but why not the google tool, as suggested?20:15
ballerOerHeks:  A) I don't remember how to install it B) i tried it a couple of months ago and it didnt work20:17
ballerOerHeks: the link i found is the opposite of what i want to do20:19
ballerOerHeks: how do i install the given on ubuntu server20:19
OerHeksmaybe you are better off with a regular desktop, as you need to build stuff from git20:23
ballerOerHeks: ok and once i install ubuntu what are the steps of getting this set up20:24
OerHeksi have no cloudprinter anyway.20:24
ballerbut how do i do it?20:24
OerHeksoh that answer you find in the wiki20:24
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas1
=== markthomas1 is now known as markthomas
aroonianyone know how to make fish shell work with syntax highlighting for less ?  i tried setting the LESS and LESSOPEN env variables and installing the syntax highlighting package... still not working :\20:52
=== Bae is now known as bae
DatzOk, looks like two dependencies: php-mbstring as well as php-gettext are missing from phpmyadmin package. Looks like it's already in the system too.. so just fyi I suppose.21:10
RoyKDatz: who really uses phpmyadmin?21:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== wk-work is now known as whitekidney

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