
=== Bray90820_ is now known as bray90820
=== bray90820 is now known as Bray90820
OsakaFoohey, seems to be stuck on the loading dots on my nexus 4 - I could adb shell in and most things seem to have started okay - ideas?08:12
mcphailOsakaFoo: what channel are you using?08:40
OsakaFoostable, just tried dev now08:48
OsakaFoowith dev I can't get adb shell :/08:48
mcphailI think dev is generally "known broken". I was wondering if you were running that in the first place08:50
OsakaFoobefore I flashed it with stable, I got a similar issue booking to android stock - stuck on the orbs08:51
OsakaFooBut once I was able to boot into stable play around, then I reboted the device andit getss stuck08:51
mcphailThat sounds very odd08:52
OsakaFooI also left it overnight on the loading screen hah08:53
OsakaFooshall give stable another shot08:54
OsakaFoowhich is the best log file09:09
OsakaFoore my isssue :P09:09
OsakaFoois it possible to see what it is waiting on?09:11
lesamourai buntu sdk and emulator were running in previous ubuntu 15.10(upgraded from 15.04) . Did clean install of 16.04 and touch emulator gets stuck at 'Choose passcode' screen on first time boot.  Next did clean install ubuntu 15.10 , still same issue. anyone has clues on how to get it working?09:41
nganuhello people10:08
nganuhow is actually QML licensing used by Ubuntu Touch?10:09
nganuI mean, does Canonical pay for the license to Digia?10:09
OsakaFoomcphail: its working now10:33
OsakaFooafter I tried to install stable twice and it fained10:33
OsakaFooI went to give CM a go, installed twm, failed to boot CM, but used twm to clear lots of things - installed stable again woo10:34
brunch875What's utouch perspective on IM? Are we going to get something running atop telepathy?11:04
lotuspsychjebrunch875: telegram is nice11:04
brunch875I get the impression messaging protocols are slowly decaying in favor of closed, proprietary stuff such as whatsapp or facebook chat11:04
brunch875Yeah, it's very nice indeed. But I'm curious if we'll have a central hub using the system "accounts"11:06
brunch875Same program to send SMS, telegrams and gtalks11:06
lotuspsychjeota 12 will be nice, but not sure of the plans for this11:06
brunch875yeah... priorities :D11:07
brunch875what's coming with ota12?11:07
lotuspsychjebrunch875: think there was an article about it on omgubuntu.com11:08
lotuspsychjeoh ota11 sorry11:09
brunch875I'm only finding up to ota1011:09
brunch875if I recall correctly it was about snappy things, but my information is very limited11:11
lotuspsychjebrunch875: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/ubuntu-touch-scopes-even-better-dash-browser11:11
brunch875aaaah yes I've read this one!11:13
brunch875Really looking forward to it11:14
lotuspsychje: )11:15
lotuspsychjesame here11:15
lotuspsychjei would love ubuntu-touch to be more customizable aswell11:15
lotuspsychjeleave the user the choice more11:15
brunch875I've never been a big fan of widgets/scopes11:16
lotuspsychjewell some scopes are handy11:17
brunch875but if the team pulls it out well, we might see the desktop get replaced11:17
brunch875so instead of the desktop pointing to a folder, you'll have your scopes there11:17
lotuspsychjebrunch875: i hope things get customizable :p11:27
brunch875Watching the video I've come to realize just how polished utouch is11:29
brunch875it looks very very good11:29
lotuspsychjei love my bq 4.5 :p11:29
brunch875I love mine too!11:29
lotuspsychjebrunch875: what kind of scopes do you use?11:30
brunch875Mostly the news and nearby ones11:31
lotuspsychjei got softpedia linux,500p wallpapers,lxer,alternate appstore,weather app11:31
brunch875For I prefer launching the weather app itself11:32
brunch875or the music program to listen to music11:32
brunch875but I've got to admit it's amazing to get results from soundcould11:32
brunch875but to be honest I prefer the unity dash in the desktop11:33
brunch875hit super+M and it shows music results11:33
brunch875if soundcloud results showed up, it'd be just perfect11:34
brunch875For me, the ideal behaviour of scopes/unity dash would be to have a very accesible shortcut in which to search for content from different configurable sources (ala small plugins) which then launches the default program on that content11:45
brunch875Like separating two different layers: "searcher" and "runner"11:46
brunch875From this perspective, I believe the gallery application should become a scope instead. And on the other hand have a program which limits itself to opening pictures11:49
brunch875but I guess it's very complicated to draw a line between where one thing begins and the other ends11:50
lotuspsychjeisnt there a photo's scope?11:50
brunch875yes, but what I mean is the photo scope overlaps a bit with what the app does11:51
brunch875it's like some superset (kind of)11:51
Acou_Bassthose new scope designs look great... i really dont like the solid white for desktop thoug, much preferred the transparency of unity 7 dash :P13:05
Acou_Bassi really cant see how the desktop version of the unity 8 dash will, y'know, make for a good desktop thing so far, im hoping thatll improve13:06
JanCbrunch875: AFAIK they are working on an API for adding IM protocols, but I'm not sure when it will be ready  :)13:51
brunch875is it based on telepathy or something new?13:52
JanCthey said the API would be simpler than telepathy, but it can't be plain telepathy because they need to protect IM protocols from each other IIRC13:55
brunch875that's fantastic news13:57
brunch875hopefully it's something somewhat compatible with existing plugins13:57
JanCI assume that is so that e.g. Skype can't read your Jabber messages, etc.13:57
allizomI'd like to buy a phone to use with Ubuntu Phone but every model I checked out is currently out of stock. Which ones are currently available?14:04
brunch875apparently this "outlet" thing has them available14:05
brunch875but I don't know if it means second-hand or what14:06
JanCthey are very new 2nd hand I guess14:07
allizombrunch875: link?14:07
brunch875apparently it 'could come' with some minor issues14:08
JanCe.g. returned by customers because they don't like it or such14:08
brunch875on the bright side it's much cheaper14:09
allizomit seems like that's only for the spanish shop... checking out14:09
brunch875but if it helps you know, I took little care of my device (dropped to ground, put in pocket with coins...) and it is good as new14:10
allizomas soon as I enter my country it becomes unavailable14:10
brunch875so I'd say it's very unlikely to receive a scratched one14:10
JanCallizom: did you try ordering on the outlet store without changing the language?14:11
allizomJanC: no, because it says about shipping in spain14:11
allizomI don't know whether they ship outside of it14:12
JanCah yes, they now only allow Spain for shipping from the outlet store14:14
JanCI'm pretty sure they gave other choices in the past14:14
allizomJanC: is there any other model available?14:15
allizomor I could buy the android version of, for instance, the meizu pro 5 and flash it with ubuntu phone14:17
brunch875you can even buy the android version of the aquaris14:17
brunch875but as I've heard, you have to repartition the device to do that14:18
brunch875and I haven't seen any guides laying around nor how to get the repartitioning software from bq14:18
allizomI'm currently reading the guide for flashing ubuntu, I'd like to make sure I can follow it before committing to the purchase14:19
JanCallizom: the bq Ubuntu phones will probably be back in stock at some time14:20
JanCyou could try to contact bq and/or subscribe for notification in the store14:21
allizomJanC: I'd rather not wait for an indefinite time as this would be a gift14:22
JanCright, so then maybe try to contact them14:22
allizomare there differences between the android and ubuntu editions of the meizu pro 5? such as locked bootloader or else?14:23
brunch875the meizu has more locks, doesn't it?14:23
brunch875the bq phone is pretty open14:23
brunch875hasn't given me any trouble14:23
allizombrunch875: which kind of locks?14:24
brunch875the bootloader, I think14:24
brunch875but don't trust my word fully14:24
brunch875I'm only repeating rumours :P14:24
JanCallizom: if this is a present, you are aware that Ubuntu Touch is still in development, right?  :)14:26
allizomJanC: of course, thanks for the reminder :)14:26
brunch875as in: no whatsapp :D14:26
allizomBut I think I'm going to tinker more with it than the giftee14:27
JanCand a lot of other stuff missing or a bit rough on the edges really14:27
allizomyes I know14:27
allizomso I could 1) contact bq for informations about restocking and/or buy an android edition device and flash it. Is 2) feasible? Have any of you tried it?14:30
allizomI mean with a device with a corresponding ubuntu edition14:30
allizomwhich is as of now unavailable14:31
mcphailallizom: I know some people flashed the bq 4.5 from stock android to Ubuntu. Don't know if the device is still on sale14:31
hasanI reset my phone, in the new set up wizard, what is preferred name!?14:32
hasanI reset my phone, in the new set up wizard, what is preferred name!?14:35
brunch875hasan: I don't understand the question14:36
hasanSorry, in the new set up wizard on my Aquaris E4.5, I see new field, Preferred Name for personalized device14:39
hasanit is host-name!?14:39
brunch875I think so14:39
GprinceSup peps....anyone here?14:43
brunch875!ask | Gprince14:44
ubot5Gprince: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:44
GprinceI want to install ubuntu on my samsumg tablet, how can i do that.14:45
GprinceIt currently runs andriod 5.1.114:45
brunch875That's going to be a bit complicated, since ubuntu isn't ready for all devices out of the box14:46
GprinceComplicated but not impossible right.?14:47
brunch875!devices | Gprince14:47
ubot5Gprince: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices14:47
GprinceAm all about complications....an will to give it a try, i just need the right steps to follow.14:48
brunch875You'll have more info over there; I'm not really experienced in that14:48
GprinceBut actually..thats where i was before i got here.14:49
GprinceAnd the steps there didnt work out for me.14:49
GprinceBut thanks for your help.14:49
brunch875Which device is your tablet?14:50
GprinceIts samsung galaxy note 10.1 exynos 3g 201414:50
GprinceLattest flagship.😄14:51
brunch875oh! It seems that there's a working port for that14:51
GprincePlease how?14:52
brunch875well, apparently you have to use the command phablet-flash community --device <vendor>14:54
GprinceOk <brunch>. So how do i do that.14:55
GprinceYou have and guide or steps?14:56
brunch875do you have ubuntu on your desktop/laptop?14:56
brunch875sounds like it's going to be easier if you do that14:56
brunch875link after link I found this video14:57
brunch875But it's as old as 2013...14:57
GprinceYes i do on my laptop, but its on a virtual box.14:57
brunch875three years have passed... I'm not sure I'd recommend it14:58
GprinceYou think it will work.?14:58
brunch875it probably will... but it's very old and there's probably broken stuff14:59
brunch875it's a bit of a gamble14:59
brunch875And from what I've heard, ubuntu touch uses android 4 drivers so I'm not really sure how good it'll get along with android 5+15:01
GprinceYhh...i read that also, but since its been updated, so i thought the drivers too must have been also updated.15:02
brunch875it's not really supported by ubuntu15:03
brunch875some random guy spent his free time to make it work, but it isn't something official15:03
GprinceOhh great.15:04
GprinceAnd this random guy did he share his ideas on how he did it.15:04
brunch875well, it's like making cyanogenmod work on devices15:05
brunch875you ever been around xda-developers?15:05
GprinceAnd hope installing it wont alter my bootloader, so incase things to south i can easily restore my previous backup.15:06
GprinceYhh...am a senior member on xda.15:06
brunch875Probably, but here are no warranties!15:06
brunch875the thread for this device is here15:06
brunch875of course you can always start porting yourself :D15:08
GprinceHmmm...here comes my homework.15:09
GprinceThis will definately delay the release of my new rom port...😅15:09
GprinceThanks brunch...15:13
brunch875heh, I wish I knew more to be more helpful :P15:14
GprinceBRUNCH.......sounds like u love pizza.😜15:14
brunch875My real name is Bruno!15:14
brunch875It is saturday so the ubuntu crew is hibernating15:14
GprinceNice name.15:14
GprinceBruno am Gabriel....nice to meet you.15:15
GprinceAre u on xda.?15:16
brunch875No, I'm not really a dev...15:16
brunch875the hardest I ever did was change bootloader and flash cyanogen on my old galaxy S15:16
brunch875(and I soft bricked it on the process)15:16
GprinceLol....that was cool.15:17
GprinceBut u should try it sometime...its fun though a bit frustrating.15:18
brunch875I wish I had more time15:18
brunch875I'd create a decent game for utouch15:19
GprinceWhat about programming languages?15:19
GprinceU know any?15:19
GprinceSeems u are also a lover a linux also.15:19
brunch875born in C and grown in java15:20
brunch875but only recently finished my studies15:20
brunch875once you know these, higher level languages like python are easy15:20
GprinceOhh....i think today is my day.15:20
GprinceAre u on telegram or whats app. I can learn more from u..am actuall a java playboy but c...am just new in that.15:23
brunch875I'd rather talk on irc. Feel free to message me around here and I'll lend you a hand if I'm available!15:25
GprinceOhh....no p.15:26
GprinceDo u have a device currently running U.T15:27
brunch875Yeah, I bought the utouch aquaris e4.515:27
GprinceOnce again thanks...hope to meet u again.15:29
brunch875See you around! I always use this nick :Þ15:29
GprinceOk. As i too.15:30
GprinceBrunch...u there?15:53
kristoferI've gone through the installation process for the nexus 7, now I'm at a screen that says "this phone needs restoring from a pc or service center"16:49
kristofershould I just wait?16:50
s`how do you save file in nano using terminal app? i mean, how do you trigger ^X18:11
Acou_Bassif you click the thing on the far left on the options button in the termnal app above your keyboard18:14
Acou_Basshold your thumb on it18:14
Acou_Bassa popup should come up - move thumb to 'nano'18:14
Acou_Bassthen nano keybindings come up18:14
Acou_Bassone of them is ctrl-x18:14
Acou_Bassi think theres also a ctrl-x on the default one though i could be wrong18:14
s`sorry i can't find this "thing" lol18:16
s`there is ctrl-x in the default18:16
s`i mean, there isnt*18:16
s`far left on the options button above ur keyboard....18:17
Acou_Bassyeah, its like an orange square with a black numpad logo in it18:18
Acou_Basspress and hold it, a little popup comes up18:18
s`oh ok i have SCR, FNS, CTRL and CMD18:18
s`no nano options18:19
Acou_Bassthe very top theres no nano? :(18:19
Acou_Bassweird... what OTA you on?18:19
s`how can i see that? sorry i just got my phone18:19
s`meizu pro518:19
Acou_Basshmm i dunno about neizu18:19
Acou_Bassmeizu even18:19
s`lemme google18:19
Acou_Bassin those SCR, FNS, CTRL, CMD options, mine also has 'nano'18:20
s`Acou_Bass: OTA 10-218:21
s`ubuntu 15.0418:21
s`im just trying to ssh into the phone, but i need to edit sshd_config lol18:22
s`or maybe it's easier to wget my public key from somewhere18:22
Acou_Basstheres probably a way to add custom keysets to it18:22
Acou_Bass+ yeah i just did that, no need to edit sshd18:22
Acou_Bassi ws sure ther was a way to edit the keysets on the terminal.... cant remember how and cant find it18:29
s`Acou_Bass: u think it's safe to install packages from xenial? cause i can't find many packages in vivid :\18:43
Acou_Bassyou mean packages with apt-get? id so no to begin with there before even doing cross-release installing :P18:43
ahayzenHi, anyone know where the logs for pulseaudio should be? or how i can find out why it hasn't started ?18:43
s`syslog i'd say18:44
s`mine is started with --log-target=syslog option18:44
ahayzenall i have in there is "ubuntu-phablet pulseaudio[2347]: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed."18:45
s`tried to start it in foreground and see if it crashes?18:46
s`my cmdline is:  pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog18:46
ahayzenit'll be fine if i reboot my phone, i'm just trying to figure out why randomly pulse+media-hub+indicator-sound don't start on my device18:47
s`it'll be fine even if you start manually after failing?18:48
s`Acou_Bass: what OTA are you?18:49
ahayzenyeah starting it manually it seems to have worked i get "[pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting." and then something about bluez but the process has stayed running18:50
s`peraphs you had a stale pid file and it didnt overwrote it at boot18:51
s`but i really dont know sorry18:51
ahayzenyeah idk, i'll have a talk with the media guys in the week, thanks for the pointers :-)18:51
=== xiinotulp is now known as plutoniix
brunch875I see the utouch system settings on the desktop is getting progress19:58
MacBookI reset my Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition, in the all new set up wizard I have a field that I don't know how to fill it? Preferred name (at last step: Personalized your device)20:03
MacBookI check it, it is not related to host-name20:03
MacBookhost name is default as ubuntu-phablet20:03
MacBookI reset my Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition, in the all new set up wizard I have a field that I don't know how to fill it? Preferred name (at last step: Personalized your device)20:07
dobeyi presume it's the device name used in bluetooth perhaps20:15
MacBookbut bluetooth not changed yet!20:17
Acou_Basss`: im using stable OTA on nexus 422:24
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
MVPPlease how can i use prxt on the ubuntu touch.23:28
Acou_Bassprxt? whatsthat23:30
kristoferI'm still stuck with this message "This phone needs restoring from a PC or a service center"23:49
kristoferI'm installing it on a nexus 7 that has stock android 6.0.1; do I need to go back to 4.4 in order to make this work?23:50
podbayI'm going through the CurrencyConverter tutorial, but the uris for the xml feed and namespace seem to have changed.  Is this updated anywhere?23:55

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